Link excel with sql server

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Microsoft SQL Server supports connections to other OLE DB data sources on a persistent or an ad hoc basis. The persistent connection is known as a linked server; an ad hoc connection that is made for the sake of a single query is known as a distributed query.

Microsoft Excel workbooks are one type of OLE DB data source that you can query through SQL Server in this manner. This article describes the syntax that is necessary to configure an Excel data source as a linked server, as well as the syntax that is necessary to use a distributed query that queries an Excel data source.

More Information

Querying an Excel data source on a linked server

You can use SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager, a system stored procedure, SQL-DMO (Distributed Management Objects), or SMO (SQL Server Management Objects) to configure an Excel data source as a SQL Server linked server. (SMO are only available for Microsoft SQL Server 2005.) In all of these cases, you must always set the following four properties:

  • The name that you want to use for the linked server.

  • The OLE DB Provider that is to be used for the connection.

  • The data source or complete path and file name for the Excel workbook.

  • The provider string, which identifies the target as an Excel workbook. By default, the Jet Provider expects an Access database.

The system stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver also expects the @srvproduct property, which can be any string value.

Note If you are using SQL Server 2005, you must specify a value that is not empty for the Product name property in SQL Server Management Studio or for the @srvproduct property in the stored procedure for an Excel data source.

Using SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager to configure an Excel data source as a linked server

SQL Server Management Studio (SQL Server 2005)
  1. In SQL Server Management Studio, expand Server Objects in Object Explorer.

  2. Right-click Linked Servers, and then click New linked server.

  3. In the left pane, select the General page, and then follow these steps:

    1. In the first text box, type any name for the linked server.

    2. Select the Other data source option.

    3. In the Provider list, click Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.

    4. In the Product name box, type Excel for the name of the OLE DB data source.

    5. In the Data source box, type the full path and file name of the Excel file.

    6. In the Provider string box, type Excel 8.0 for an Excel 2002, Excel 2000, or Excel 97 workbook.

    7. Click OK to create the new linked server.

Note In SQL Server Management Studio, you cannot expand the new linked server name to view the list of objects that the server contains.

Enterprise Manager (SQL Server 2000)
  1. In Enterprise Manager, click to expand the Security folder.

  2. Right-click Linked Servers, and then click New linked server.

  3. On the General tab, follow these steps:

    1. In the first text box, type any name for the linked server.

    2. In the Server type box, click Other data source.

    3. In the Provider name list, click Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.

    4. In the Data source box, type the full path and file name of the Excel file.

    5. In the Provider string box, type Excel 8.0 for an Excel 2002, Excel 2000, or Excel 97 workbook.

    6. Click OK to create the new linked server.

  4. Click to expand the new linked server name to expand the list of objects that it contains.

  5. Under the new linked server name, click Tables. Notice that your worksheets and named ranges appear in the right pane.

Using a stored procedure to configure an Excel data source as a linked server

You can also use the system stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to configure an Excel data source as a linked server:

DECLARE @server nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @srvproduct nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @provider nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @datasrc nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @location nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @provstr nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @catalog nvarchar(128)
-- Set parameter values
SET @server = 'XLTEST_SP'
SET @srvproduct = 'Excel'
SET @provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'
SET @datasrc = 'c:book1.xls'
SET @provstr = 'Excel 8.0'
EXEC @RC = [master].[dbo].[sp_addlinkedserver] @server, @srvproduct, @provider,
@datasrc, @location, @provstr, @catalog

As noted above, this stored procedure requires an additional, arbitrary string value for the @srvproduct argument, which appears as «Product name» in the Enterprise Manager and SQL Server Management Studio configuration. The @location and @catalog arguments are not used.

Using SQL-DMO to configure an Excel data source as a linked server

You can use SQL Distributed Management Objects to configure an Excel data source as a linked server programmatically from Microsoft Visual Basic or another programming language. You must supply the same four arguments that are required in the Enterprise Manager and SQL Server Management Studio configuration.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim s As SQLDMO.SQLServer
Dim ls As SQLDMO.LinkedServer
Set s = New SQLDMO.SQLServer
s.Connect "(local)", "sa", "password"
Set ls = New SQLDMO.LinkedServer
With ls
.Name = "XLTEST_DMO"
.ProviderName = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.DataSource = "c:book1.xls"
.ProviderString = "Excel 8.0"
End With
s.LinkedServers.Add ls
End Sub

Using SMO to configure an Excel data source as a linked server

In SQL Server 2005, you can use SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) to configure an Excel data source as a linked server programmatically. To do this, you can use Microsoft Visual Basic .NET or another programming language. You must supply the arguments that are required in the SQL Server Management Studio configuration. The SMO object model extends and supersedes the Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) object model. Because SMO is compatible with SQL Server version 7.0, SQL Server 2000, and SQL Server 2005, you can also use SMO for configuration of SQL Server 2000.

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim s As Server
Dim conn As ServerConnection
Dim ls As LinkedServer

conn = New ServerConnection("ServerNameInstanceName", "YourUesrName", "YourPassword")
s = New Server(conn)
ls = New LinkedServer(s, "XLTEST_DMO")
With ls
.ProviderName = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ProductName = "Excel"
.DataSource = "c:book1.xls"
.ProviderString = "Excel 8.0"
End With
MessageBox.Show("New linked Server has been created.")
Catch ex As SmoException
ls = Nothing
If s.ConnectionContext.IsOpen = True Then
End If
End Try

End Sub
End Class

Querying an Excel data source on a linked server

After you configure an Excel data source as a linked server, you can easily query its data from Query Analyzer or another client application. For example, to retrieve the rows of data that are stored in Sheet1 of your Excel file, the following code uses the linked server that you configured by using SQL-DMO:


You can also use OPENQUERY to query the Excel linked server in a «passthrough» manner, as follows:


The first argument that OPENQUERY expects is the linked server name. Delimiters are required for worksheet names, as shown above.

You can also obtain a list of all the tables that are available on the Excel linked server by using the following query:


Querying an Excel data source by using distributed queries

You can use SQL Server distributed queries and the OPENDATASOURCE or OPENROWSET function to query infrequently accessed Excel data sources on an ad hoc basis.

Note If you are using SQL Server 2005, make sure that you have enabled the Ad Hoc Distributed Queries option by using SQL Server Surface Area Configuration, as in the following example:

'Data Source=c:book1.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0')...Sheet1$

Note that OPENROWSET uses an uncommon syntax for the second («Provider String») argument:

'Excel 8.0;Database=c:book1.xls', Sheet1$)

The syntax that an ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) developer may expect to use for the second («Provider String») argument with OPENROWSET:

'Data Source=c:book1.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0', Sheet1$)

This syntax raises the following error from the Jet Provider:

Could not find installable ISAM.

Note This error also occurs if you enter DataSource instead of Data Source. For example, the following argument is incorrect:

SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'DataSource=c:book1.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0', Sheet1$) 


Because SQL Server linked servers and distributed queries use the OLE DB Provider, the general guidelines and cautions about using ADO with Excel apply here.
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

257819 How to use ADO with Excel data from Visual Basic or VBA

For more information about SQL Server Management Objects, visit the following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site: more information about how to enable the Ad Hoc Distributed Queries option, visit the following MSDN Web site:

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This article describes the complete steps for Microsoft Excel data import to SQL Server using linked servers technique.

The article describes the steps for all modern platforms:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005-2016 on the x86/x64 platform.
  • Microsoft Excel 2003-2016 files like *.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb.


You can develop amazing Microsoft Excel applications for working with Microsoft SQL Server using database development skills only!

Visit, download and install SaveToDB Add-In for Microsoft Excel.

That’s all!

Connect to tables, views, and stored procedures, edit the data and save it back to a database.

Add features to your Microsoft Excel applications step by step configuring apps via SQL.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The basics of Excel data import to SQL Server using linked servers
  • Configuration steps for Excel data import to SQL Server using linked servers
    • Install Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 driver
    • Grant rights to TEMP directory
    • Configure ACE OLE DB properties
    • Configure linked servers
  • How-To: Import Excel 2003 to SQL Server x86
  • How-To: Import Excel 2007 to SQL Server x86
  • How-To: Import Excel 2003/2007 to SQL Server x64
  • Conclusion
  • See Also

The Basics of Excel Data Import to SQL Server Using Linked Servers

To import data from Microsoft Excel 2003 files to 32-bit SQL Server the Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider can be used. Use the T-SQL code like this to add a linked server to Excel 2003 workbook:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
    @server = 'ExcelServer1',
    @srvproduct = 'Excel',
    @provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
    @datasrc = 'C:Testexcel-sql-server.xls',
    @provstr = 'Excel 8.0;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;'

To import data from Microsoft Excel 2007 to 32-bit SQL Server or from any Microsoft Excel files to 64-bit SQL Server the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider should be used. Use the T-SQL code like this:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
    @server = 'ExcelServer2',
    @srvproduct = 'Excel',
    @provider = 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
    @datasrc = 'C:Testexcel-sql-server.xlsx',
    @provstr = 'Excel 12.0;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;'

IMEX=1 defines to import all Excel column data including data of mixed types.

HDR=YES defines that Excel data contain column headers.

The way to modify a linked server is to drop and create it again. Use the T-SQL code like this:

EXEC sp_dropserver
    @server = N'ExcelServer1',

There are two ways to use linked server data. The first way is like this:

SELECT * FROM ExcelServer1...[Sheet1$]

and the second one is the use of the OPENQUERY function:

SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(ExcelServer1, 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')

The use of the OPENQUERY function is more flexible because queries can contain Excel ranges unlike the entire sheet in the first case.

Configuration Steps for Excel Data Import to SQL Server Using Linked Servers

Install Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 driver

To import Excel 2007-2016 files to SQL Server the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 driver should be installed.

To download the driver use the following link:

Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

Don’t worry about «Access» in the name.

Warning! x64 driver cannot be installed if Microsoft Office 2007-2016 x86 is already installed!

So, there is no way to import Excel data to SQL Server x64 using Linked Servers technique on a machine with Microsoft Office x86!

The SQL Server Error Message if Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not installed

OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "ExcelServer2" returned message "The Microsoft Access database engine cannot open or write to the file ''.
It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data.".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "ExcelServer2".

Grant rights to TEMP directory

This step is required only for 32-bit SQL Server with any OLE DB provider.

The main problem is that an OLE DB provider creates a temporary file during the query in the SQL Server temp directory using credentials of a user who run the query.

The default directory for SQL Server is a default directory for SQL Server service account.

If SQL Server is run under the Network Service account the temp directory is like:


If SQL Server is run under the Local Service account the temp directory is like:


Microsoft recommends two ways for the solution:

  1. A change of SQL Server TEMP directory and a grant of full rights for all users to this directory.
  2. Grant of read/write rights to the current SQL Server TEMP directory.

See details: PRB: «Unspecified error» Error 7399 Using OPENROWSET Against Jet Database

Usually, only a few accounts are used for import operations. So, we can just add the rights for these accounts.

For example, icacls utility can be used for the rights setup:

icacls C:WindowsServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataLocalTemp /grant vs:(R,W)

if SQL Server is started under Network Service and login «vs» is used to run the queries.

The SQL Server Error Message if a user has no rights for SQL Server TEMP directory

OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "ExcelServer1" returned message "Unspecified error".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "ExcelServer1".

or the message for Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider:

OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "ExcelServer2" returned message "Unspecified error".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "ExcelServer2".

Configure ACE OLE DB properties

This step is required only if the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is used.

Use the following T-SQL code:

EXEC sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'AllowInProcess', 1
EXEC sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'DynamicParameters', 1

The SQL Server Error Messages if OLE DB properties are not configured

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "ExcelServer2" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "ExcelServer2".

Configure linked servers

The configuring of linked servers is discussed in the Basics topic.

Use the T-SQL code like this for Excel 2003 linked servers:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
    @server = 'ExcelServer1',
    @srvproduct = 'Excel',
    @provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
    @datasrc = 'C:Testexcel-sql-server.xls',
    @provstr = 'Excel 8.0;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;'

Use the T-SQL code like this for Excel 2007 linked servers or on SQL Server x64:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
    @server = 'ExcelServer2',
    @srvproduct = 'Excel',
    @provider = 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
    @datasrc = 'C:Testexcel-sql-server.xlsx',
    @provstr = 'Excel 12.0;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;'

How-To: Import Excel 2003 to SQL Server x86

Step 1. Grant rights to TEMP directory

icacls C:WindowsServiceProfiles<SQL Server Account>AppDataLocalTemp /grant <User>:(R,W)

The most commonly used paths:



Step 2. Configure linked server using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
    @server = 'ExcelServer1',
    @srvproduct = 'Excel',
    @provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
    @datasrc = 'C:Testexcel-sql-server.xls',
    @provstr = 'Excel 8.0;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;'

How-To: Import Excel 2007 to SQL Server x86

Step 1. Install the 32-bit Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 driver

Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

Step 2. Grant rights to TEMP directory

icacls C:WindowsServiceProfiles<SQL Server Account>AppDataLocalTemp /grant <User>:(R,W)

The most commonly used paths:



Step 3. Configure ACE OLE DB properties

EXEC sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'AllowInProcess', 1
EXEC sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'DynamicParameters', 1

Step 4. Configure linked server using Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
    @server = 'ExcelServer2',
    @srvproduct = 'Excel',
    @provider = 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
    @datasrc = 'C:Testexcel-sql-server.xlsx',
    @provstr = 'Excel 12.0;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;'

How-To: Import Excel 2003/2007 to SQL Server x64

Step 1. Install 64-bit Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 driver

Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

Step 2. Configure ACE OLE DB properties

EXEC sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'AllowInProcess', 1
EXEC sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'DynamicParameters', 1

Step 3. Configure linked server using Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
    @server = 'ExcelServer2',
    @srvproduct = 'Excel',
    @provider = 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
    @datasrc = 'C:Testexcel-sql-server.xlsx',
    @provstr = 'Excel 12.0;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;'


Using the described techniques you can import data from Microsof Excel 2003-2016 to SQL Server 2005-2016 on the 32-bit or 64-bit platform.

See Also

  • References
  • OPENQUERY (Transact-SQL)
  • How-To
  • How to use Excel with SQL Server linked servers and distributed queries
  • Downloads
  • Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable
  • Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable
title description author ms.service ms.subservice ms.topic monikerRange

Import data from Excel to SQL Server or Azure SQL Database

This article describes methods to import data from Excel to SQL Server or Azure SQL Database. Some use a single step, others require an intermediate text file.








Import data from Excel to SQL Server or Azure SQL Database

[!INCLUDE SQL Server Azure SQL Database]

There are several ways to import data from Excel files to [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] or to Azure SQL Database. Some methods let you import data in a single step directly from Excel files; other methods require you to export your Excel data as text (CSV file) before you can import it.

This article summarizes the frequently used methods and provides links for more detailed information. A complete description of complex tools and services like SSIS or Azure Data Factory is beyond the scope of this article. To learn more about the solution that interests you, follow the provided links.

List of methods

There are several ways to import data from Excel. You may need to install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to use some of these tools.

You can use the following tools to import data from Excel:

Export to text first ([!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] and SQL Database) Directly from Excel ([!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] on-premises only)
Import Flat File Wizard SQL Server Import and Export Wizard
BULK INSERT statement SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
Copy Wizard (Azure Data Factory)
Azure Data Factory

If you want to import multiple worksheets from an Excel workbook, you typically have to run any of these tools once for each sheet.

To learn more, see limitations and known issues for loading data to or from Excel files.

Import and Export Wizard

Import data directly from Excel files by using the [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] Import and Export Wizard. You also can save the settings as a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package that you can customize and reuse later.

  1. In [!INCLUDEssManStudioFull], connect to an instance of the [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] [!INCLUDEssDE].

  2. Expand Databases.

  3. Right-click a database.

  4. Select Tasks.

  5. Choose to Import Data or Export Data:

    :::image type=»content» source=»../../integration-services/import-export-data/media/start-wizard-ssms.jpg» alt-text=»Start wizard SSMS»:::

This launches the wizard:

:::image type=»content» source=»media/excel-connection.png» alt-text=»Connect to an Excel data source»:::

To learn more, review:

  • Start the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard
  • Get started with this simple example of the Import and Export Wizard

Integration Services (SSIS)

If you’re familiar with SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and don’t want to run the [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] Import and Export Wizard, create an SSIS package that uses the Excel Source and the [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] Destination in the data flow.

To learn more, review:

  • Excel Source
  • SQL Server Destination

To start learning how to build SSIS packages, see the tutorial How to Create an ETL Package.

:::image type=»content» source=»media/excel-to-sql-data-flow.png» alt-text=»Components in the data flow»:::

OPENROWSET and linked servers

In Azure SQL Database, you cannot import directly from Excel. You must first export the data to a text (CSV) file.

The ACE provider (formerly the Jet provider) that connects to Excel data sources is intended for interactive client-side use. If you use the ACE provider on [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md], especially in automated processes or processes running in parallel, you may see unexpected results.

Distributed queries

Import data directly into [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] from Excel files by using the Transact-SQL OPENROWSET or OPENDATASOURCE function. This usage is called a distributed query.

In Azure SQL Database, you cannot import directly from Excel. You must first export the data to a text (CSV) file.

Before you can run a distributed query, you have to enable the ad hoc distributed queries server configuration option, as shown in the following example. For more info, see ad hoc distributed queries Server Configuration Option.

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 1;

The following code sample uses OPENROWSET to import the data from the Excel Sheet1 worksheet into a new database table.

USE ImportFromExcel;
    'Excel 12.0; Database=C:TempData.xlsx', [Sheet1$]);

Here’s the same example with OPENDATASOURCE.

USE ImportFromExcel;
    'Data Source=C:TempData.xlsx;Extended Properties=Excel 12.0')...[Sheet1$];

To append the imported data to an existing table instead of creating a new table, use the INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM ... syntax instead of the SELECT ... INTO ... FROM ... syntax used in the preceding examples.

To query the Excel data without importing it, just use the standard SELECT ... FROM ... syntax.

For more info about distributed queries, see the following articles:

  • Distributed Queries (Distributed queries are still supported in [!INCLUDE sssql19-md], but the documentation for this feature hasn’t been updated.)

Linked servers

You can also configure a persistent connection from [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] to the Excel file as a linked server. The following example imports the data from the Data worksheet on the existing Excel linked server EXCELLINK into a new [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] database table named Data_ls.

USE ImportFromExcel;

You can create a linked server from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), or by running the system stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver, as shown in the following example.

DECLARE @server NVARCHAR(128);
DECLARE @srvproduct NVARCHAR(128);
DECLARE @provider NVARCHAR(128);
DECLARE @datasrc NVARCHAR(4000);
DECLARE @location NVARCHAR(4000);
DECLARE @provstr NVARCHAR(4000);
DECLARE @catalog NVARCHAR(128);

-- Set parameter values
SET @server = 'EXCELLINK';
SET @srvproduct = 'Excel';
SET @provider = 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0';
SET @datasrc = 'C:TempData.xlsx';
SET @provstr = 'Excel 12.0';

EXEC @RC = [master].[dbo].[sp_addlinkedserver] @server,

For more info about linked servers, see the following articles:

  • Create Linked Servers

For more examples and info about both linked servers and distributed queries, see the following article:

  • How to use Excel with SQL Server linked servers and distributed queries

Prerequisite — Save Excel data as text

To use the rest of the methods described on this page — the BULK INSERT statement, the BCP tool, or Azure Data Factory — first you have to export your Excel data to a text file.

In Excel, select File | Save As and then select Text (Tab-delimited) (*.txt) or CSV (Comma-delimited) (*.csv) as the destination file type.

If you want to export multiple worksheets from the workbook, select each sheet, and then repeat this procedure. The Save as command exports only the active sheet.

For best results with data importing tools, save sheets that contain only the column headers and the rows of data. If the saved data contains page titles, blank lines, notes, and so forth, you may see unexpected results later when you import the data.

The Import Flat File Wizard

Import data saved as text files by stepping through the pages of the Import Flat File Wizard.

As described previously in the Prerequisite section, you have to export your Excel data as text before you can use the Import Flat File Wizard to import it.

For more info about the Import Flat File Wizard, see Import Flat File to SQL Wizard.


BULK INSERT is a Transact-SQL command that you can run from SQL Server Management Studio. The following example loads the data from the Data.csv comma-delimited file into an existing database table.

As described previously in the Prerequisite section, you have to export your Excel data as text before you can use BULK INSERT to import it. BULK INSERT can’t read Excel files directly. With the BULK INSERT command, you can import a CSV file that is stored locally or in Azure Blob storage.

USE ImportFromExcel;
BULK INSERT Data_bi FROM 'C:Tempdata.csv'
   WITH (

For more info and examples for [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] and SQL Database, see the following articles:

  • Import Bulk Data by Using BULK INSERT or OPENROWSET(BULK…)

BCP tool

BCP is a program that you run from the command prompt. The following example loads the data from the Data.csv comma-delimited file into the existing Data_bcp database table.

As described previously in the Prerequisite section, you have to export your Excel data as text before you can use BCP to import it. BCP can’t read Excel files directly. Use to import into [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] or SQL Database from a test (CSV) file saved to local storage.

For a text (CSV) file stored in Azure Blob storage, use BULK INSERT or OPENROWSET. For an examples, see Example.

bcp.exe ImportFromExcel..Data_bcp in "C:Tempdata.csv" -T -c -t ,

For more info about BCP, see the following articles:

  • Import and Export Bulk Data by Using the bcp Utility
  • bcp Utility
  • Prepare Data for Bulk Export or Import

Copy Wizard (ADF)

Import data saved as text files by stepping through the pages of the Azure Data Factory (ADF) Copy Wizard.

As described previously in the Prerequisite section, you have to export your Excel data as text before you can use Azure Data Factory to import it. Data Factory can’t read Excel files directly.

For more info about the Copy Wizard, see the following articles:

  • Data Factory Copy Wizard
  • Tutorial: Create a pipeline with Copy Activity using Data Factory Copy Wizard.

Azure Data Factory

If you’re familiar with Azure Data Factory and don’t want to run the Copy Wizard, create a pipeline with a Copy activity that copies from the text file to [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] or to Azure SQL Database.

As described previously in the Prerequisite section, you have to export your Excel data as text before you can use Azure Data Factory to import it. Data Factory can’t read Excel files directly.

For more info about using these Data Factory sources and sinks, see the following articles:

  • File system
  • SQL Server
  • Azure SQL Database

To start learning how to copy data with Azure data factory, see the following articles:

  • Move data by using Copy Activity
  • Tutorial: Create a pipeline with Copy Activity using Azure portal

Common errors

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0″ hasn’t been registered

This error occurs because the OLEDB provider isn’t installed. Install it from Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable. Be sure to install the 64-bit version if Windows and [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] are both 64-bit.

The full error is:

Msg 7403, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" has not been registered.

Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider «Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0» for linked server «(null)»

This indicates that the Microsoft OLEDB hasn’t been configured properly. Run the following Transact-SQL code to resolve this:

EXEC sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'AllowInProcess', 1;
EXEC sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'DynamicParameters', 1;

The full error is:

Msg 7302, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".

The 32-bit OLE DB provider «Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0» cannot be loaded in-process on a 64-bit SQL Server

This occurs when a 32-bit version of the OLD DB provider is installed with a 64-bit [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md]. To resolve this issue, uninstall the 32-bit version and install the 64-bit version of the OLE DB provider instead.

The full error is:

Msg 7438, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
The 32-bit OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" cannot be loaded in-process on a 64-bit SQL Server.

The OLE DB provider «Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0» for linked server «(null)» reported an error.

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider «Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0» for linked server «(null)»

Both of these errors typically indicate a permissions issue between the [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] process and the file. Ensure that the account that is running the [!INCLUDE ssnoversion-md] service has full access permission to the file. We recommend against trying to import files from the desktop.

The full errors are:

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".

Next steps

  • Get started with this simple example of the Import and Export Wizard
  • Import data from Excel or export data to Excel with SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
  • bcp Utility
  • Move data by using Copy Activity

For those who are using SQL SERVER 2012+ you can use the Microsoft OLEDB 12.0 Provider that comes with SQL Server 2012+ and which allows you to use Excel 2007-2013 xlsx files for adhoc distributed queries or as a linked server. Examples below.

The Excel workbook ‘Application.xlsx’ has 3 worksheets Application,Device,User
First Activate Ad Hoc Queries on the Server.

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1

EXEC master . dbo. sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' , N'AllowInProcess' , 1

EXEC master . dbo. sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' , N'DynamicParameters' , 1

For Ad Hoc Queries use the OPENROWSET Function.

OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', 'Excel   8.0;Database=C:UsersAdministratorDesktopApplication.xlsx;HDR=YES', 'SELECT * FROM [Application$]');

OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', 'Excel   8.0;Database=C:UsersAdministratorDesktopApplication.xlsx;HDR=YES', 'SELECT * FROM [Device$]');

OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', 'Excel  8.0;Database=C:UsersAdministratorDesktopApplication.xlsx;HDR=YES', 'SELECT * FROM [User$]');

For Creating a Linked Server for Excel 2007-2013 format:

EXEC sp_addLinkedServer
@server= 'XLSX_MATRIX',
@srvproduct = 'ACE 12.0',
@provider = 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
@datasrc = 'C:UsersAdministratorDesktopApplication.xlsx',
@provstr = 'Excel 12.0; HDR=Yes'

Now, query your excel file in two ways:

SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (XLSX_MATRIX, 'Select * from [Application$]')
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (XLSX_MATRIX, 'Select * from [Device$]')
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (XLSX_MATRIX, 'Select * from [User$]')

SELECT * FROM XLSX_MATRIX...[Application$]

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