Likes to fight word

like to fight

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любит драться

нравится сражаться

нравится драться

Pat’s a feller who likes to fight.

He likes to fight, period.

I like to fight; he likes to fight.

He likes to fight and win.

He likes to fight and has always come out the winner.

She likes to fight and she’s not afraid of fighting.

He likes to fight at a distance.

If a girl likes to fight, why not become a professional boxer?

Если девочке нравится драться, почему бы ей не стать профессиональным боксером?

He likes to fight a good fight with the other players and technically he’s very good.

Ему нравится драться с другими игроками, и технически он очень хорош.

In addition there is a strong will to save people, Saitama also likes to fight.

Помимо желания спасать людей, Сайтама так же любит подраться.

Uranium silver bullet: why no one likes to fight with the American tanks

Урановые «серебряные пули»: почему никто не любит сражаться с американскими танками

As I thought, he’s someone who likes to fight too, I thought, smiling.

So I’m starting to think that she just likes to fight because of the making up.

But he, like every child, «likes to fight

И, конечно, как каждому мальчику, хотелось «порулить».

Voroshilov stated the following, verbatim: «The Soviet people not only knows how but also likes to fight

Клим Ворошилов: «Советский народ не только умеет, но и любит воевать

New guy here likes to fight other dudes.

I think she just likes to fight.

He likes to fight and win.

Every kid likes to fight.

He likes to fight and win.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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What do you call someone who’s always looking for a fight? The only adjective I’m familiar with is «shit-stirrer» (I apologize for the inappropriate language).

Are there any other terms I could use that would be less slangy?

asked Mar 9, 2019 at 1:34

Kaique's user avatar


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The first word that jumped to my mind is the adjective belligerent.

Some published definitions include:

  • inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive.

  • Aggressively hostile, eager to fight; acting violently towards others.

  • hostile and aggressive: a bull-necked, belligerent old man.

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 3:34

J.R.'s user avatar


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Such a person is a hothead or a bruiser, or has a chip on his/her shoulder.

According to,

A hothead is someone who’s suddenly and easily angered or agitated.
It’s usually a hothead who starts a riot or turns a peaceful protest


According to,

A bruiser is someone who is tough, strong, and aggressive, and enjoys
a fight or argument.


answered Mar 9, 2019 at 6:08

nanoman's user avatar


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Pugnacious fits:

Eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight.
Oxford Dictionaries

You can also check its synonyms. Merriam Webster has a good comparison of them.

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 2:15

Laurel's user avatar


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The adjective quarrelsome is a good word to describe someone who likes to argue with other people. Many times, they do that just for the heck of it. A quarrel is a fight, but not one that’s physical. The following is the definition of quarrelsome as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary:

A quarrelsome person repeatedly argues with other people.

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 9:07

Michael Rybkin's user avatar

Michael RybkinMichael Rybkin

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Another possible answer, though more general, is «instigator

Definition: «a person who brings about or initiates something.» (Google)

You will still have to use the word «fight» (or a synonym of it):

He really likes instigating fights.

I still think belligerent is a better answer, but using «instigator» specifically focuses on the fact that the person in question likes to initiate the fights, as opposed to someone who has a high temper and reacts to instigations violently.

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 13:44

Aryaman's user avatar


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You may want to use the word troublemaker.

A person who consciously or unconsciously causes trouble (merriam-webster).

It’s flexible enough to be used for physical or verbal situations. The word is also free from profanities and is often used in professional settings.

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 20:19

Shafiq al-Shaar's user avatar


Consider the words below:

  • Scrapper (informal) — a fighter or aggressive competitor, especially one always ready or eager for a fight, argument, or
    contest (source).
  • Fighter — a person who physically fights another person (note that the word is often used to talk about professional boxers and just strong people who don’t give up easily, but in the right context the word may be what you are looking for).

By the way, a shit stirrer is a person who takes pleasure in causing trouble or discord. It’s not specifically someone who loves picking fights. They may like that too, though.

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 1:47

Enguroo's user avatar


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belligerent, contentious, aggressive, truculent, combative, pugnacious, etc. depending on the exact context. I agree with Laurel that M-W has good guides for choosing the right word — you can see one such guide here under “choose the right synonym”.

J.R.'s user avatar


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answered Mar 9, 2019 at 3:35

Mixolydian's user avatar


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If you’re talking about a non-physical fight, «rabble-rouser» is a clean alternative to «shit-stirrer».

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 13:31

stacknik's user avatar

Instead of saying

  • He’s a shit-stirrer.

You can say

  • He’s a fire-eater. (synonym of belligerent in this case)

From the American Heritage Dictionary:


  1. A belligerent person or a militant partisan.

Other synonyms: bellicose, pugnacious, combative, belligerent.

These adjectives mean having or showing an eagerness to fight.

More referring to willingness/tending to get into an argument: antagonistic, contentious, quarrelsome, argumentative

Regarding idioms, you can simply say

  • He’s always looking to pick a fight / quarrel. (in itself an idiom, for both arguments and physical fights)
  • He’s always asking for a fight / trouble.
  • He’s always crusing for a bruising. (slang)
  • He’s always spoiling for a fight.
  • He’s always arguing for the sake of arguing / the argument.

Slightly more specific, but appliable to general cases:

  • He’s always arguing the toss. (chiefly British, arguing over something already decided)
  • He has a chip on his shoulder. (showing resentfulness)
  • He always ends up cutting up rough. (chiefly British, suddenly becomes angry and violent)

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 9:01

calm-tedesco's user avatar


Another option which no one else seems to have mentioned: Combative, defined as:

ready or eager to fight; pugnacious

answered Mar 11, 2019 at 14:18

Rob K's user avatar

Rob KRob K

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I like fractious — it originally referred one inclined to make “fraction” (discord), now it means “irritable; argumentative; quarrelsome”.

“…in his present fractious mood, she dared whisper no observations, nor ask of him any information.”
— Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

answered Mar 12, 2019 at 0:06

Michael Lorton's user avatar

If it’s someone who picks fights they know they’ll win, they’re a bully. This still works when the fights are purely verbal.

Someone who simply likes to fight, and may not necessarily bear any ill will towards their opponent, is a brawler. This only applies to physical violence.

If they’re prone to picking verbal fights, you might describe them as argumentative (adjective).

Someone who is prone to sudden and unpredictable violence may colloquially be described as a psycho, nutter, or variations on the theme of mental instability.

answered Mar 12, 2019 at 1:13

Graham's user avatar


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like to

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Сражения в сети Многие


сражения, но не любят сражаться наедине с самими собой.


Of course, I would like to fight with Cosmo in August, but the circumstances were otherwise.


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Конечно, я бы с удовольствием подрался с Космо и в августе, но обстоятельства сложились иным образом.


Exciting game»Forgotten Dungeon 2″ attracts players who like to fight zombies and monsters


destroy bugs and skeletons.


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Увлекательная игра« Забытая темница 2» привлекает игроков, которым нравится сражаться с зомби и монстрами, уничтожать жуков и скелетов.


You know, Jess, what Cece and I

like to

do is we like to fight with our bodies.

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Джесс, ты знаешь, чем любим заниматься мы с Сиси мы как бы боремся нашими телами.

I would like to fight and on the average, and in light-middleweight scales, but it depends on UFC.


You like to fight a lot of very tough and talented opponents and Teo is no exception.


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Вы любите состязаться со многими серьезными и талантливыми противниками, и Тео- не исключение.


Principality on earth at that time extended


the sea and few people would like to fight with Theodoro.

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Земли княжества на ту пору простирались до самого моря и мало кто хотел бы воевать с Феодоро.

Or maybe you will like to fight as an ancient warrior with ancient enemies,

or take part in horse racing in the desert?


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А может вы хотите сразиться в качестве древнего воина с не менее древними врагами,

или поучаствовать в конных скачках в пустыне?


About return in oktagon after tomorrow’s tournament:»If there are no injuries, I would like to fight in Berlin on May 31- an editor’s note.


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She Just Likes To Fight - Four Tet

Информация о песне На данной странице вы можете ознакомиться с текстом песни She Just Likes To Fight, исполнителя — Four Tet. Песня из альбома There Is Love in You, в жанре
Дата выпуска: 24.01.2010
Лейбл звукозаписи: Text
Язык песни: Английский

Выберите на какой язык перевести:

She Just Likes To Fight


Can you stop the time?
I’m tired of being right here
Can i walk a mile?
Just to see your face
Tell em’ what i think
About the happy endings
how i hate the coffee
And prefer the green tea

Она Просто Любит Драться


Ты можешь остановить время?
Я устал быть здесь
Могу ли я пройти милю?
Просто чтобы увидеть твое лицо
Скажи им, что я думаю
О счастливых концах
как я ненавижу кофе
И предпочитаю зеленый чай

Рейтинг перевода: 5

/5 |
Голосов: 1

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Sentence examples for likes to fight from inspiring English sources

Besides, he likes to fight.

No commander likes to fight on several fronts at once.

The United States likes to fight at night.

«Maybe you’re a person who just likes to fight,» someone says, as she recites her woes.

Like many DC Comics superheroes, Green Arrow likes to fight crime with sidekicks.

«He likes to fight it,» Cashman said, referring to Jeter’s aversion to missing any playing time, anywhere, because of injury.

«Joel likes to fight, but he’s also incredibly politically astute,» said a person close to Mr. Klein.

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