Life in the word radio

Выпусков: 79

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Топ подкастов в категории «Религия и мистика»

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Ron Blue — Dependence on God’s Love


​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages Ron Blue presented at Moody Week 1988 on vision, trust and dependence on God. Ronald Blue was Coordinator of the Spanish Doctor of Ministry Program and Adjunct Professor in World Missions and Intercultural Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.
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Ron Blue — Dependence on God’s Leadership


​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages Ron Blue presented at Moody Week 1988 on vision, trust and dependence on God. Ronald Blue was Coordinator of the Spanish Doctor of Ministry Program and Adjunct Professor in World Missions and Intercultural Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.
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Ron Blue — Dependence on God’s Labor


​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages Ron Blue presented at Moody Week 1988 on vision, trust and dependence on God. Ronald Blue was Coordinator of the Spanish Doctor of Ministry Program and Adjunct Professor in World Missions and Intercultural Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.
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Ron Blue — How Is Your Trust?


​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages Ron Blue presented at Moody Week 1988 on vision, trust and dependence on God. Ronald Blue was Coordinator of the Spanish Doctor of Ministry Program and Adjunct Professor in World Missions and Intercultural Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.
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Ron Blue — How Is Your Vision?


​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages Ron Blue presented at Moody Week 1988 on vision, trust and dependence on God. Ronald Blue was Coordinator of the Spanish Doctor of Ministry Program and Adjunct Professor in World Missions and Intercultural Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.
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Paul Nyquist — A Family Resemblance


​The remainder of this week, we bring you four messages former MBI President Paul Nyquist delivered at MBI Founder’s Week from 2011 through 2014. Paul Nyquist is a pastor, author, former president of the Moody Bible Institute and currently Dean of Graduate Programs and professor at The Bible Seminary in Katy, Texas.
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Paul Nyquist — How Loss Equals Gain


​The remainder of this week, we bring you four messages former MBI President Paul Nyquist delivered at MBI Founder’s Week from 2011 through 2014. Paul Nyquist is a pastor, author, former president of the Moody Bible Institute and currently Dean of Graduate Programs and professor at The Bible Seminary in Katy, Texas.
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Paul Nyquist — How to Face Hostility


​The remainder of this week, we bring you four messages former MBI President Paul Nyquist delivered at MBI Founder’s Week from 2011 through 2014. Paul Nyquist is a pastor, author, former president of the Moody Bible Institute and currently Dean of Graduate Programs and professor at The Bible Seminary in Katy, Texas.
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Paul Nyquist — Shout Out Grace


​The remainder of this week, we bring you four messages former MBI President Paul Nyquist delivered at MBI Founder’s Week from 2011 through 2014. Paul Nyquist is a pastor, author, former president of the Moody Bible Institute and currently Dean of Graduate Programs and professor at The Bible Seminary in Katy, Texas.
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William McRae — A God Who is an All-Present God


​Today we bring you a bonus 6th message carried over from last week’s featured speaker William McRae, titled, “A God Who is an All Present God.” Dr. William McRae was a school teacher, pastor, seminary professor and president of what is now known as Tyndale University and Theological Seminary.
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William McRae — A God Who is All-Knowing


​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages William McRae presented answering the question, “Who is God” at Moody Keswick Bible Conference 1980. Dr. William McRae was a teacher, pastor, seminary professor and president of what is now known as Tyndale University and Theological Seminary.
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William McRae — A God Who is a Holy God


​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages William McRae presented answering the question, “Who is God” at Moody Keswick Bible Conference 1980. Dr. William McRae was a teacher, pastor, seminary professor and president of what is now known as Tyndale University and Theological Seminary.
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William McRae — A God Who is a Wise God


​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages William McRae presented answering the question, “Who is God” at Moody Keswick Bible Conference 1980. Dr. William McRae was a teacher, pastor, seminary professor and president of what is now known as Tyndale University and Theological Seminary.
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William McRae — A God Who is a Loving God


​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages William McRae presented answering the question, “Who is God” at Moody Keswick Bible Conference 1980. Dr. William McRae was a teacher, pastor, seminary professor and president of what is now known as Tyndale University and Theological Seminary.
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William McRae — A God Who is God


​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages William McRae presented answering the question, “Who is God” at Moody Keswick Bible Conference 1980. Dr. William McRae was a teacher, pastor, seminary professor and president of what is now known as Tyndale University and Theological Seminary.
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Alistair Begg — Revival’s Soil


This week, we bring you a four-part series of messages Alistair Begg presented at MBI Spiritual Emphasis Week 1991. Then we’ll close the week Friday with a message from Alistair titled, “Revival’s Soil.” Alistair Begg is the Senior Pastor of Cleveland’s Parkside Church. He’s an author, conference speaker and host of the daily Truth for Life radio program.
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Alistair Begg — Discovering Security


​This week, we bring you a four-part series of messages Alistair Begg presented at MBI Spiritual Emphasis Week 1991. Then we’ll close the week Friday with a message from Alistair titled, “Revival’s Soil.” Alistair Begg is the Senior Pastor of Cleveland’s Parkside Church. He’s an author, conference speaker and host of the daily Truth for Life radio program.
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Alistair Begg — Discarding Anxiety


​This week, we bring you a four-part series of messages Alistair Begg presented at MBI Spiritual Emphasis Week 1991. Then we’ll close the week Friday with a message from Alistair titled, “Revival’s Soil.” Alistair Begg is the Senior Pastor of Cleveland’s Parkside Church. He’s an author, conference speaker and host of the daily Truth for Life radio program.
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Alistair Begg — Developing Humility


​This week, we bring you a four-part series of messages Alistair Begg presented at MBI Spiritual Emphasis Week 1991. Then we’ll close the week Friday with a message from Alistair titled, “Revival’s Soil.” Alistair Begg is the Senior Pastor of Cleveland’s Parkside Church. He’s an author, conference speaker and host of the daily Truth for Life radio program.
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Alistair Begg — Developing Humility


​This week, we bring you a four-part series of messages Alistair Begg presented at MBI Spiritual Emphasis Week 1991. Then we’ll close the week Friday with a message from Alistair titled, “Revival’s Soil.” Alistair Begg is the Senior Pastor of Cleveland’s Parkside Church. He’s an author, conference speaker and host of the daily Truth for Life radio program.


I think it is impossible to imagine our life without radio and TV. Radio and TV are widely used in today’s world. It is the quickest means of spreading news and the information. Radio plays an important role in reflecting the life of society and building opinions. It performs the service of information well enough but on TV everything is much more real. Radio and TV keep us informed about current events, extend the education, provide the cultural recreation, allow us to follow the latest developments in science and politics and offer an endless number of programmers which are both instructive and entertaining. So they give us a lot of useful information and are exciting.

When I come home from school I turn on the radio, leave it on and go about my household duties. So I am actually doing two things at one and the same time. The best radio station for me is Europa Plus and Radio Maximum. I watch TV at the evening when all the lessons I have done. I prefer to see news programs such as: ”Vesty” and ” The Time”. Sometimes we can watch rather interesting films at TV. There are different kinds of films, for instance: a nature film, a war film, a crime film, a travelogue, an adventure film, a musical film and comic film. As for me I prefer to see comic and crime films.

My favorite channel is the “6th channel”. There are many interesting programs for me like “The wold of computer”, “Farcop”, “News” “Show-Business” and others. I like this program because there are not so many advertisement. Also every weekend there are three films which are popular all over the world. So the “6th Channel” program is my favorite one because it satisfy my different interests in the best way. As for me my favourit radio station is “Europa plus”. It broadcasts many programs , for instance: “Press-Digest”, “Prezent”, “Garage”, “News” and others. Also there are a lot of programs where everyone can win something. It satisfies my interests in the best way. Sometimes when I came home from school I turn on the radio and leave it on and go about my household duties. So the best radio for me is “Europa Plus” and I like to listen to it.

That’s why I think that we can’t live without TV and radio nowadays.

Я думаю, что невозможно вообразить нашу жизнь без радио и ТВ. Радио и ТВ широко используются в современном мире. Это — самые быстрые средства распространяющихся новостей и информации. Радио играет важную роль в отражении жизни общества и строительства мнений. Это выполняет обслуживание информации достаточно хорошо, но по телевизору все намного более реально. Радио и ТВ информируют нас о текущих событиях, расширяют образование, обеспечивают культурный отдых, позволяют нам следовать за последними достижениями в науке и политике и предлагать бесконечное число программистов, которые и поучительны и интересны. Таким образом, они дают нам много полезной информации и захватывающие.

Когда я прихожу домой из школы, я включаю радио, оставляю его на и иду о моих домашних обязанностях. Таким образом, я фактически делаю две вещи в одно и то же время. Лучшая радиостанция для меня — Европа Плюс и Радио-Максимум. Я смотрю телевизор вечером, когда все уроки я сделал. Я предпочитаю видеть программы новостей, такие как”: Vesty” и” Время”. Иногда мы можем посмотреть довольно интересные фильмы в ТВ. Есть различные виды фильмов, например: фильм природы, военный фильм, фильм преступления, фильм о путешествиях, фильм приключения, музыкальный фильм и комический фильм. Что касается меня я предпочитаю видеть фильмы преступления и комик.

Мой любимый канал — “6-й канал”. Есть много интересных программ для меня как “Пустошь компьютера”, “Farcop”, “Новости” “Шоу-бизнес” и другие. Мне нравится эта программа, потому что нет так многих рекламы. Также каждые выходные есть три фильма, которые популярны во всем мире. Таким образом, “6-й Канал” программа является моим любимым, потому что это удовлетворяет мои различные интересы лучшим способом. Что касается меня моя любимая радиостанция — “Европа плюс”. Это передает много программ, например: “Обзор прессы”, “Prezent”, “Гараж”, “Новости” и другие. Также есть много программ, где все могут выиграть что-то. Это удовлетворяет мои интересы лучшим способом. Иногда, когда я приходил домой из школы, я включаю радио и оставляю его на и иду о моих домашних обязанностях. Таким образом, лучшее радио для меня — “Европа Плюс”, и мне нравится слушать его.

Вот почему я думаю, что мы не можем жить без ТВ и радио в наше время. Перевод с переводчикаа:DDD

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Today in the Word Radio

Moody Radio

Today in the Word Radio showcases biblical analysis, commentaries, Bible questions and answers, teaching segments from Moody classrooms and special features on God at work through Moody students, faculty and alumni.

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​This week, we bring you a five-part series of messages Ron Blue presented at Moody Week 1988 on vision, trust and dependence on God. Ronald Blue was Coordinator of the Spanish Doctor of Ministry Program and Adjunct Professor in World Missions and Intercultural Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.

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Previous episodes

  • 1620 — Ron Blue — Dependence on God’s Love 

    Fri, 11 Jun 2021

  • 1619 — Ron Blue — Dependence on God’s Leadership 

    Thu, 10 Jun 2021

  • 1618 — Ron Blue — Dependence on God’s Labor 

    Wed, 09 Jun 2021

  • 1617 — Ron Blue — How Is Your Trust? 

    Tue, 08 Jun 2021

  • 1616 — Ron Blue — How Is Your Vision? 

    Mon, 07 Jun 2021

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