Life and word combinations

Пайвина Ольга Петровна, преподаватель английского
языка, Шадринский политехнический колледж, машиностроительное отделение

Блок дидактических материалов по теме «Спорт и здоровый образ жизни»

Reading Practice

Sport and a Healthy Mode of Life.

A Visit to
a Doctor.

Grammar Presentation

Времена группы Indefinite.

Additional Texts


Sports in Great Britain.

in Russia.

Reading Practice

Sport and a Healthy Mode of Life

            Sport is very important in our life. It is popular
among young and old people.

Many people do morning exercises, jog
in the morning, train themselves in clubs, in different sections and
take part in sport competitions.

Other people like sports too, but they
only watch sports games, listen to sports news. They prefer reading interesting
stories about sportsmen. But they don’t go in for sports.

Physical training is one of the
important subject at our college. Students have got physical training lessons
twice a week. Boys and girls play volley-ball and basket-ball at the lessons.
There is no sports ground near our college. In autumn and in spring the
students go in for sports in the open air.

A lot of different competitions are held
at college, a great number of students take part in them. All participants
try to get good results and become winners. Sport helps people to keep in good
health. If you go in for sports, you have good health and don’t catch cold.

Children and grown-ups must take care
of their health and do morning exercises regularly.

There are some popular kinds of sports
in our country: football, volley-ball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating.
Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports. It includes such
kinds of sports as running, jumping and others. Everybody may choose the sport
he (or she) is interested in.

There are summer and winter sports.

My favourite sport is swimming. I go to
the swimming-pool twice a week. But I prefer to rest by the lake or the
river and swim there.

My friend Kostya goes in for boxing. He
is a good boxer and he is a brave and courageous boy. His hobby helps
him in his everyday life.

Active Words
and Word Combinations




go in for sports — заниматься спортом

in the open air — на свежем воздухе

participant – участник

catch cold – простужаться

take care – заботиться

include — включать

swimming-pool – бассейн

courageous – смелый


the following words and word combinations into English using the text
Sport and a Healthy Mode of Life”.

Среди молодых и пожилых; популярные
виды спорта; дважды в неделю; предпочитаю отдыхать; повседневная жизнь; такие
виды спорта как; взрослые; у озера; сохранить свое здоровье; заниматься
спортом; бегать по утрам; принимать участие в спортивных соревнованиях; она
включает; храбрый и смелый.

Answer the following questions.

1.  Do you do your morning exercises
every day?

2.  Is it important for children and
grown-ups to take care of their health?

3.  Are a lot of different competitions
held at college?

4.  Do you go in for sports?

5. Are there any popular kinds of sports
in our country? What are they?

6.  What is your favourite sport?

7.  Where do you prefer to rest?

8.  Do your friends go in for sports?

9.  Do you like winter or summer sports?

10. Your   hobbies   are   connected  
with sports, aren’t they?

3. Make up 5
questions of your own on the text.

4. Combine
words into sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. Physical; is; training; one;
important; of; the; at; subject; our; college.

2. Sport; very; is; important; our; in;

3. My; favourite; is; sport; boxing.

4. His; helps; hobby; him; everyday; his;
in; life.

5. A; of; lot; different; are; competitions;
at; held; college.

6. Many; take; in; sport; part; competitions;

5. Make the sentences interrogative.

1. I go to the swimming-pool twice a

2. Many people jog in the morning.

3. Sport helps people to keep in good

4. Grown-ups must take care of their

5. Athletics includes such kinds of
sports as running and jumping.

6. In
autumn and in spring the students go in for sports in the open air.

7. My friend Kostya goes in for boxing.

6. Read the text once more and get
ready to tell your partner about the main facts of healthy mode of life.

A Visit to a Doctor

     On Monday Vlad felt unwell. He had a
sore throat
, a running nose and a bad cough. He went to
college, but after the first period his teacher told him to go and see the
doctor, because he had the symptoms of the flu, and it was a very catching
. So Vlad left the college and went to a polyclinic. There were
several people in the queue in front of the cabinet, but in less
than half an hour Vlad’s turn came and he entered.

Vlad: Good morning. May I come in?

Doctor: Yes, please. What is the matter with you?

Vlad: I think I have got a slight cold,
doctor. I have a sore throat and a running nose.

Doctor: Do you cough?

Vlad: Yes, I do occasionally.

Doctor: Have you taken your temperature?

Vlad: As a matter of fact, I haven’t, doctor.

Doctor: Then take a seat. Here is a thermometer.
Well, young man, your temperature is rather high — it is 38.4°. Let me examine
your throat. Now strip to the waist, please. I must sound your chest.
All right, you may dress yourself.

Vlad: Well, doctor, is there anything serious
the matter with me?

Doctor: Don’t worry; there is nothing really
serious. You have got flu. It is spring now, and many people suffer from flu.
But you shouldn’t treat your disease lightly. It often leads to complica­tions,
if a patient doesn’t follow the doctor’s advice.

Vlad: What am I to do, doctor?

Doctor: Here is the recipe, take these pills three
times a day. Gargle your throat with this mixture every two hours. Don’t
go to the chemist’s yourself. Ask your relatives to go and fetch the med­icine
for you. Drink hot tea or milk. And stay in bed for at least three days.
Do you need a sick leave?

Vlad: Yes, I do.

Doctor: Then I’ll give you a leave for three days,
and then you will come to see me again.

Vlad: Thank you very much, doctor. Goodbye. Having left the
polyclinic, Vlad went straight home. He asked Alexei to go to the chemist’s for
the medicine and went to bed. He followed the doctor’s advice and did
everything he had prescribed. His friends called him and asked how he felt.
They wanted to come and see him, but Vlad’s mother didn’t allow them to. So
they sent him some books to read. By the end of the third day Vlad
stopped sneezing and coughing and his temperature was normal again. He was glad
that he recovered.

Words and Word Combinations

be illболеть

be unwellплохо
себя чувствовать

cold —  

(shop) —

(of something) —
жаловаться (на


cough — кашель

cure —  лечить

зубной врач

(a catching disease) —
болезнь (заразная болезнь)

examineосматривать, обследовать

fall ill
withзаболеть чем-л.

feel sickчувствовать
себя больным

feverжар, лихорадочное состояние


headache —  головная боль




nurseмедицина, медсестра

patient —  пациент

prescribeвыписывать (лекарство)



run a temperatureиметь высокую температуру

running nose —  насморк

see/consult a doctorприходить на прием к врачу, больничный

sick leaveотпуск
по болезни


sore throatбольное

symptom симптом


1. Find the sentences with the words
given in bold type and translate them into Russian.

2. Translate the following words and word combinations into
Russian using the text “A Visit to a Doctor”.

A running nose; the symptoms of the flu;
in the queue; catching disease; Vlad’s turn came; a slight cold; occasionally; a
sore throat; a slight cold; three times a day; as a matter of fact; gargle your
throat with this mixture; by the end of the third day; he recovered; to go to
the chemist’s for the medicine; fetch the med­icine; his temperature was normal;
a leave for three days; strip to the waist.

2. Answer the following questions on the text:

1. What is the title of the text?

2. What is this text about?

3. When did Vlad feel unwell?

4. What were the symptoms of his

5. He went to college that day, didn’t

6. Who sent him to see a doctor?

7. Did the doctor take his temperature?

8. Did Vlad have fever?

9. What was the matter with Vlad?

10. What did the doctor prescribe?

11. Did the doctor give Vlad a sick

12. Vlad followed the doctor’s
recommendations, didn’t he?

13. How long did it take Vlad to

3. Make up 7
questions of your own on the text.

4. Combine words into sentences and
translate them into Russian.

1. The, he, symptoms, had, of, flu, the.

2. A,
it, very, catching, was, disease.

3. What, the, with, matter, you, is?

4. I, have, slight, a, cold, got.

5. Vlad, running,
a, has, nose.

6. Take, a,
pills, times, three, day, these.

5. Put the sentences in the right
order to make a dialogue.


— Yes, I will prescribe you this medicine, but don’t
take it for more than a week. Remember that a lot of fresh air and a long rest
will help you more than any pills in the world.

      — What is the matter with you?

      — Do you sleep well?

      — Do you keep late hours?

Let me sound you. Do you smoke?

You must take a vacation. You should go to some quiet place and stay there for
at least half a month. Try to stop smoking. Walk at least an hour a day.

       — This is the only way to recover.

— Have you been working a lot?


— I have had some urgent work to do and I was very nervous about it.

          — Doctor? Will you prescribe me any sleeping

          — No, I don’t. I have been sleeping very
badly lately.

— Occasionally. About a pack a week.

          — I don’t go to bed till midnight, sometimes

— Thank you, doc. I’ll try to follow your advice.

          — Well, I don’t know, but I have a terrible

6. Answer the doctor’s questions.

1. What’s
the trouble?

2. Do you
ever have headaches?

3. Do you

4. Did you
take these pills before?

5. Do you
need a sick leave?

6. When did
you catch cold?

7. When did
you take the temperature?

8. Do you
often sneeze?

9. When did
you see the doctor last?

7. Read
and memorize the

1. — How
are you today?

    —  Not
very well, I am afraid.

    —  What
is the matter?

    —  I
think I have caught a cold.

You’d better go home then.

2. —  What
is the matter with you? You look ill.

   —  I’ve
got a terrible toothache.

   —  Then
you should go to see the dentist immediately.

   —  I am
afraid I’ll have to.

8. Make
up dialogues on the following situations:

1. You go
to see the doctor and complain of high temperature and headaches. The doctor
examines you and prescribe some medicine.

2. You are
in bed because you have caught a cold. A friend from college comes to see you.

3. You wake
up in the morning and feel that you have a running nose and a sore throat. You
complain of this to your mother. She advises to stay in bed and decides to call
a doctor.

9. Think
of the beginning of the sentences.

1. … she
was given a sick leave.

2. … he
must go to see the doctor.

3. … he
recovered quickly.

4. … this
helped him to avoid the complications after the flu.

5. … if you
want to be healthy.

6. … Vlad
asked the nurse to take his temperature.

Grammar Presentation

Времена группы Indefinite / Простое неопределенное время

Present Indefinite

Past Indefinite

Future Indefinite

He often goes …

He often went …

He will often go …

Does he often go to the


Did he often go to the

last summer?

Will he often go to the

cinema next summer?

Yes, he does.

He often goes to the cinema.

Yes, he did.

He often went to the cinema last summer.

Yes, he will.

He will often go to the cinema next summer.

No, he doesn’t.

He doesn’t often go to the cinema.

No, he didn’t.

He didn’t often go to the cinema last summer.

No, he won’t.

He won’t often go to the cinema next summer.

!  В
прошедшей, настоящей и будущей формах времен группы
Indefinite    в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях меняются только вспомогательные
do(does), did, will(shall).


       ? Does he often go to …?



       + He  often goes
to …

                                will go


            He doesn’t often go to …


Grammar Exercises

Transform the
given sentences into the Past and Future Simple tenses. Use the necessary

               Present Simple: I go to school.   

               Past Simple:       I went to school last year.

               Future Simple:   I shall go to school next year.

1. Vlad goes to college.

2. She swims very well.

2. They speak English during the lessons.

4. He asks me a difficult question.

5. We jog in the morning.

6. Lena looks through the notes before the

7. Father gives him a lift to college
every day.

2. Transform the sentences into the Past
Indefinite Tense.

Model: Our teacher is at the conference in
Moscow (last month).

            Our teacher was at the
conference in Moscow last month.

1. The students are in the reading hall
(before the lessons).

2. I am glad to meet my friend (yesterday).

3. He is eighteen (in 1990).

4. My friend wants to enter the University
(last year).

5. I am going to the Crimea (when I met my
old friend).

6. Such problems are discussed at our
meeting (yesterday).

7. The train is to arrive at 10 (but it
was late).

3. Transform the sentences into the Future
Indefinite Tense.

Model: My parents are in Brest now. (in

            My parents will be in Brest
in summer.

1. My friend is a doctor (in 5 years).

2. They are in Moscow (during winter

3. On Monday our first lesson is English
(next Monday).

4. She is working at the library now (at 5

5. The book is translated into English

6. The lesson is over (in 5 minutes).

4. Make the sentences interrogative.

Model: The students are at the English
lesson now.

             Are the students at the
English lesson now?

1. My father is an engineer.

2. Pete is a student.

3. This book is the most interesting of

4. He goes to school every day.

5. Our students were in London last year.

6.  We made friends a few years ago.

7. We shall be in Moscow in summer.

5.  Give three forms of the following
verbs and translate them into Russian.

To ask, to brush, to cook, to discuss, to
be, to give, to have, to jog, to knock, to read, to see, to come, to want, to

6. (a) Memorize the words and word
combinations given below; (b) translate them into Russian; (c) make up examples
with these words.

Present Simple

every day

every month

in the morning

in the evening


as a rule




a year ago

in 1994

last year

last month

yesterday morning

last summer

on March, 14                                       



next month

next year

in 2011


7. Define the tense of the predicates in
the sentences of the text “My Working Day”. Explain the use of the tenses.

8. Transform the given sentences into the
Past and Future Simple tenses. Use the necessary adverbs.

             Model:  Present Simple: I go to school.

                            Past Simple:      I went to school last year.

                            Future Simple:   I shall go to school next year.

1. Vlad goes to college.

2. She swims very well.

3. They speak English during the lessons.

4. He asks me a difficult question.

5. We jog in the morning.

6. Lena looks through the notes before the

7. Father gives him a lift to college
every day.

Additional Texts

Olympic Games

      The Olympic Games have a
very long history. They began in 777
ВС in Greece and took place every four years for
nearly twelve centuries at Olimpia. They included many different kinds of
sports: running, boxing, wrestling, etc. All the cities in Greece
sent their best athletes to Olimpia to compete in the Games. For the
of the Games all the wars stopped. So the Olympic Games became the
symbol of peace and friendship

In 394 AD the Games were
and were not renewed until many centuries later. In 1894,
a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, addressed all the sports governing
bodies and pointed out the significance of sports and its educational

Two years later the first
modern Olympic Games took place. Of course, the competi­tions were held in Greece
to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old tradition.

In 1896 the International
Olympic Committee was set up. It is the central policy­making body of the
Olympic movement. It is formed by the representatives of all coun­tries which
take part in the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee decides
upon the programme of the games, the number of the participants and the
city-host for the Games. Over one hundred and fifty countries are represented
in the International Olympic Committee now. Besides, each country has its National
Olympic Committee.

Summer and Winter Games are
held separately
. There are always several cities wishing to host the
Games. The most suitable is selected by the International Committee. After that
the city of the Games starts preparations for the competitions, constructs new
sports facilities, stadiums, hotels, press centres. Thousands of athletes,
journalists and guests come to the Games, and it takes great efforts to
arrange everything
. There is always an in­teresting cultural programme of
concerts, exhibitions, festivals,
etc., for each

Russia joined the Olympic movement
in 1952. Since then it has won a lot of gold, sil­ver, and bronze medals. In
1980 Moscow hosted the Twenty-Second Olympic Games.

The latest Olympic Games were
held in Barcelona. Russian sportsmen got medals for their records in
many sports events.

ВС —  до нашей эры


wrestling борьба

athlete  — атлет

to compete  — соревноваться

AD —  нашей эры (сокр.от лат.)

to abolish  — отменять,

to renew

governing  —
административный, руко­водящий

body  —
орган, комитет

to point out указывать

significance  —
значимость, важность

value  ценность, важность, значение

to be held проводиться

to symbolize  — символизировать

to set up организовать,

policymaking  body орган, определяю­щий политику, цели (олимпийского движе­ния)



город-хозяин Олимпийских игр

национальный, государ­ственный


to host
принимать гостей, быть хозяи­ном


to select
отбирать, выбирать

sports facilities
спортивные сооруже­ния


it takes great efforts нужны большие усилия

to arrange устраивать, организовы­вать

gold, silver
 and bronze  medals золотые, серебряные и бронзовые медали record рекорд

sports event спортивное соревнование


Find the sentences with the
words given in bold type and translate them into Russian.

2. Translate the following words and word combinations into

Took place every
four years; to compete in the Games; for the period
all the wars stopped; the symbol of peace and friendship; were abolished; the
significance of sports; its educational value; the centuries-old tradition;
Summer and Winter Games are held separately; it takes great efforts to arrange
everything; got medals for their records

3. Answer the
following questions on the text:

   1. When and where did the Olympic Games begin?

   2. Why did the Olympic Games become the symbol of peace
and friendship?

   3. When did the Games in Greece stop?

   4. Who renewed the Olympic movement?

   5. When and where did the first modern Games take place?

   6. When was the International Olympic Committee set up?
What is its function?

   7. Are Summer and Winter Games held separately?

   8. How does the city-host prepare for the Olympic Games?

  9. When did Russia join the Olympic movement?
       10. Where were the latest Olympic Games held?

Sports in Great Britain

The British are known to be great sports-lovers, so when they are
neither playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Many of the
games we play now have come from Britain.

One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges,
universities and by club teams all over the country. Summer isn’t summer without
cricket. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behavior.
When they consider anything unfair, they sometimes say «That isn’t

But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which attracts the
greatest attention
is Association football, or soccer. Every Saturday from
late August till the beginning of May, large crowds of people support their
favourite sides in football grounds. True fans will travel from one end
of the country to the other to see their team play. There are plenty of professional
and amateur
soccer clubs all over Britain. International football matches
and the Cup Finals take place at Wembley.

Rugby football is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs.

to football, the chief spectator sport in British life is horse-racing.
A lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse
which they think will win
. The Derby is perhaps the most famous single
sporting event in the whole world.

Britain is also famous for motor-car racing, dog-racing, boat-racing, and even
races for donkeys. The famous boat-race between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge
attracts large crowds of people.

A great number of people play and watch tennis. Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon are known all over the world. The innumerable tennis courts of Britain
are occupied by people between the ages of 16 and 60 who show every degree of
skill — from practically helpless to the extremely able.

The British also like to play golf, baseball, hockey, grass-hockey. Various
forms of athletics, such as running, jumping, swimming, boxing are also
popular. You can sometimes hear that there are no winter sports in England.
Of course the English weather is not always cold enough to ski, skate, or
toboggan, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing.

sport in one form or another is an essential part of daily life in Britain.


Read these word combinations.

a matter of great importance

a matter of life and death

a matter of time

to deserve a reward

to deserve better

to deserve success

to punish the agressor

to punish the children

to punish the dark powers

to imagine the near future

to imagine the distant future

gifted children

gifted kids

gifted students

his latest novel

a novel about growing up

a historical novel

to visit the library

to give books back to the library

to borrow books from the library

to imagine the film’s ending

to imagine the world without love

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 8. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Прочитайте эти словосочетания.
дело большой важности
вопрос жизни и смерти
вопрос времени
заслужить награду
заслуживать лучшего
заслужить успех
наказать агрессора
наказать детей
наказать темные силы
представить ближайшее будущее
представить далекое будущее
одаренные дети
одаренные дети
одаренные студенты
его последний роман
роман о взрослении
исторический роман
посетить библиотеку
вернуть книги в библиотеку
брать книги в библиотеке
представить концовку фильма
представить мир без любви

—   Hello, dear friends! My name is Martin

—   And my name is James Wilson. We are glad
to welcome you on our lesson!

—   Listen to the story about one boy whose
name was Christopher.

—   Christopher had lots of friends, because
he was a very sociable person.

—   The boy was the leader of his class,
because he was self-confident and good-natured.

—   Every day after school, he went to the
shop to buy bread and feed the ducks. They lived in the lake near his house.
This made him feel content.

—   He fed them even in winter. Christopher
felt self-satisfied every time he did it.

—   He made his mom to be over the moon all
the time.

—   She was busy at work. At that time,
Christopher helped her about the house.

—   He cooked the dinner,

—   washed the dishes

—   and vacuumed the floor every day.

—   He was such a good boy!

—   All his life the boy always looked only on
the bright side.

—   Nowadays Christopher is an old man and he
is so happy, that he lived a wonderful life.

Now, when you know
the whole story, answer my questions:

•      Can we say that Christopher lived his life
in harmony with himself?


•      Why do you think so?

Let me help you
with the answers!

One. Can we say
that Christopher lived his life in harmony with himself?

The answer is:
Yes, we can!

Two. Why do you
think so?

The answer is:

We can say so,
because the author of the story used the following phrases:

“… he was a very
sociable person.”

“… he was
self-confident and good-natured.”

“…made him feel

“… felt
self-satisfied. “

“… made his mom to
be over the moon…”

“… always looked
only on the bright side.”

Now you see that
in the lesson today we will:

•      learn the words and word combinations to
speak about people in harmony with themselves;

•      talk about how to be in harmony with

Let’s look closely
at these words and word combinations.

To be over the

It means to be absolutely happy. You can use this phrase when you want to
tell about your feelings when something wonderful had happened to you.

Let’s look at the

—   Hey, Cody! I miss you since you moved to
the USA. How do you like studying abroad?

—   Oh, Bobby, I’m over the moon. It has
always been my dream to move abroad. Now I’m here. This is one of the most
beneficial experiences for me. By studying here, I have the
opportunity to meet new people and to learn more about a foreign

To be good-natured

It means to be
very friendly. We can say that about a person who has desire to be helpful to
other people. It’s so easy for them to deal with such person, because he or she
is always nice and gentle.

Look at the

—   Mr. Jones, look at you! You look so tired. Let me be
on the stick today, please! I really worry about you.

—   Oh, how sweet of you! You are such a
good-natured boy, but don’t worry. I’m fine. At this moment, you are too young
to control the ship, but I’m sure that in the future you’ll be the captain of
your own ship.

To be or to feel

It means to be
satisfied with your situation. We say that about a person who lives a happy
life and makes other people happy. Contented people don’t need any changes in
their lives. They appreciate everything they have and live every moment of
their lives with a great pleasure.

Look at the

—   Benjamin, look at this house! It’s so huge
and beautiful. Would you like to have such house?

—   No, of course not, Oswald. I have already
bought a wonderful house. Yes, it’s small, but so comfortable. I would rather
have my small house than this huge one.

—    Oh, Benjamin, you are such a content
person. You always appreciate what you have. I want to be like you!

To be sociable

It means to have a
desire to talk to different people, to share your opinion and emotions with
them. Sociable people are usually very friendly. They enjoy meeting other
people and spending time with them.

Look at the

—   Dad, could you give me your car for a
week, please?

—   Robert, why do you need my car for such a
long time?

—   Well… Today I’m going to the soccer game
with Bobby. Tomorrow Larry and I are going to the cinema to watch “Jurassic World:
Fallen Kingdom”. On Wednesday, Jillian and I are visiting our
friends in Liverpool. On Thursday, Jennifer and I are going to the swimming
pool. And on Friday, Monika and I are going for a picnic together.

—   Robert, since when did you become such a
sociable person?

To be or to feel

It means to be
certain in yourself. Such people never doubt anything. Their behavior is calm.
They are sure in their own abilities and knowledge. The synonym of this word
combination is self-assured.

Look at the

—   Arthur, did you draw these portraits?

—   Yes, I did, Dennis! I’m really
proud of these paintings. I will take them to the art exhibition. I’m
sure I’ll win the prize for the best portraits of this year.

—   Look at you! You are so self-confident.

—   Of course! I just know that I’m a great

To be or to feel

It means to be
pleased with yourself. Such people are proud of themselves. They have no desire
to criticize themselves at all. Self-satisfied people love themselves and happy
about their life situation. They think that they achieved everything they

Look at the

—   Hello, Mr. Smith! We would like to
interview you for our newspaper “The Guardian”. We have only one question.

—   Sure. Go ahead, ask your question!

—   Okay, Mr. Smith, you are already a very
rich man. What are your future plans?

—   Well, I don’t have any plans. I achieved
everything I wanted in my life. I have a wonderful family and a beautiful
daughter. I also have my own business, comfortable house and two cars. I feel

—   This is a great answer! Thank you for the

To be in high

It means to be
extremely happy and very excited. We can use this phrase when we want to say
that everything is just great! People say “I am in high spirits” when they have
desire to live and enjoy their lives.

Look at the

Amy was in a very
high spirit. It was St. Valentine’s Day. She was waiting for her husband
Frederick. He was about to come home. The woman bought him a present. It was
his favourite gold watch, which he wanted for a very long time. Amy was so
excited that she couldn’t wait to see Frederick’s reaction to her present.

To look on the
bright side

It means to see
only the best in people or different situations. We can say that people always
look on the bright side if they stay calm and optimistic even in the worst life
situations. They try to notice only good things.

Look at the

It was a rainy
day. Felix wanted to go to work, but he forgot to take his umbrella.

When he decided to
return home, he slipped and fell into a puddle.

Felix always
looked on the bright side of things!

That’s why his
first thought was: “Well, I didn’t want to wear these trousers anyway!”

Remember! When we use these phrases, we must put
the verb “to be” into the necessary form. This form depends on the time of

If we
talk about the present, we use the following forms:
am, is, are.

Am is used with
the pronoun: I.

Is with the
pronouns: he, she, it.

And are with the
pronouns: you, we, they.

For example: I am
over the moon. He is good-natured. They are content.

If we
talk about the past, we use the following forms: was,

Was is used with
the pronouns: I, he, she, it.

And were with the
pronouns: you, we, they.

For example: She
was sociable. You were self-confident.

If we
talk about the future, we use the form: will be.

Will be is used
with all the types of pronouns.

For example: She
will be self-satisfied. They will be in high spirits.

Now let’s discuss
how to be in harmony with yourself.

You should follow
these rules:

1. Fill your life
with love and kindness.

It means that you
need to forget about being angry or judging somebody. Keep in mind that no one
in this world is perfect. Stop regretting about the past or about something
that you didn’t do in the past. You don’t need negative emotions!

2. Love yourself.

It means that you
must understand what you’re worth. Treat yourself with self-respect and as if
you are a rare diamond or a chest of gold. Never listen to other
people’s opinion of you. Remember about the English proverb “so many men, so
many minds”. You will never be perfect for everyone, so just be perfect for

3. Accept the
people you love just the way they are.

You loved them for
who they are. So, please, stop trying to change them. The only person you can
change is yourself.

4. Get rid of
people who make you feel guilty, insecure and pathetic.

Such people are so
unhappy that they make everyone around them unhappy by humiliating these

5. Always find the
time for the books, education and learning something new.

When you are
learning something, your mind is staying young, active and sharp. Read
different books. Don’t be lazy and spend time on education whether you are ten
or ninety years old.

6. Appreciate your
life and people in your life.

Many people very
often try to find something much better. In the end, they usually lose
everything. This happens, because they don’t appreciate what they have. These
people often start thinking about what they have just after they have already
lost it. Appreciate everyone in your life. Be grateful that these people were
sent to your life. Treasure every moment of your life.

7. Stop wasting
time on your external beauty.

Think more about
your inner beauty. This is the most important thing in a person. No one likes
beautiful people with ugly souls.

8. Forgive people.

It doesn’t mean
that if someone hurts you so awfully, you will pretend that it never happened.
Just forgive these people, and then never let them appear in your life again.
This way you won’t keep negative emotions and anger in your heart. This will
also help you to open your heart to other wonderful people.

—   These simple rules will help you to be in
harmony with yourself!

—   In addition, this is very important,
because if you are in harmony with yourself, your life will be filled with love
and joy.

—   We were glad to see you on our lesson. See
you soon!


be busy


exam (examination)

prepare for an exam (examination)

take an exam (examination)

pass an exam (examination)




be free


have a holiday

be (away) on holiday

go to some place for a


month’s holiday

months’ holiday


holiday home


have a rest


have a good time



swim (swam, swum)







in …

order (not) to

as (not) to

lie (lay, lain)



lie in the sun







birthday party


the end of


the beginning of

hear (heard, heard)


предложения на английский язык, используя
актив­ную лексику урока.

Вы будете очень заняты в понедельник?
Я хочу показать вам нашу новую работу
по русской истории.— Приходите,
пожалуйста. Я буду свободен. 2. Когда он
будет в министерстве?—Возможно, он
будет после трех. 3. Когда вы, наконец,
ответите на мой вопрос? 4. Я поеду к морю,
как только мой сын сдаст последний
экзамен. 5. Вы должны полежать сегодня
в постели, чтобы хорошо себя чувствовать
завтра. 6. Боюсь, что я совсем не знаю
этого предмета. —Я советую вам прочитать
все эти статьи. Они помогут вам подготовить
ваше сообщение. 7. У меня, наверно, будет
в этом году двухмесячный отпуск. Я поеду
в то место, где вы отдыхали в прошлом
году. 8. Его последняя статья мне тоже
не совсем понравилась. 9. Не могу
вспомнить, куда я положил письмо, которое
я по­лучил вчера от моего товарища.
Он пишет, что ужасно проводит отпуск.
Я обязательно отвечу ему, как только
освобожусь. 10. «Я надеюсь, что ваш муж
уедет (go
в отпуск, как только закончит работу
над книгой,—ска­зал врач.—Ему нельзя
столько работать». 11. Там есть хороший
лес и река, и, если погода будет хорошая,
мы будем плавать и загорать. 12. Если вы
намереваетесь сделать эту работу в
начале года, вам придется пойти в отпуск
сейчас. Вам следует хорошо отдохнуть,
прежде чем вы ее начнете.



Smith is an old man. He’s recently retired and so he’s got a lot of
time for travelling. He’s come to Moscow as a tourist.

he’s sitting in the hotel hall and talking to Leonid Petrov, his

Is this your first visit to Moscow, Mr. Smith?

Yes. But I’ve heard a lot about Moscow from my father. He was here
before the Revolution. Moscow wasn’t the capital then, was it?

Quite right. It only became the capital in 1918.

The city has changed very much. You can hardly recognize many of the
streets and squares. I don’t think young people like you remember
the dirty, narrow streets my father saw in the suburbs, and in the
centre, too, during his visit.

I’m afraid I don’t. I wonder what you will say after you’ve seen our
new district in the South-West.

0h, I’ve heard
about it from a friend. He told me it was a beautiful place with
wide, straight streets and many gardens. We are going there, aren’t

Yes, we’ll see it on the way to the new building of Moscow
University. Mr. Smith also said that he had heard a lot about the
Tretyakov Picture Gallery and would like to see it. Leonid told him
that they were planning to see the Gallery in a few days. They were
also going to see towns and villages, hospitals, collective farms,
museums, exhibitions and many other interesting things. Mr. Smith
hoped he would see several other important industrial and
agricultural centres in the Soviet Union, in addition to Moscow.

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Word combinations in Modern English Lexicology of the English language

Word combinations in Modern English Lexicology of the English language

�A Word combination (phrase ) is a non-predicative unit of speech which is, semantically,

�A Word combination (phrase ) is a non-predicative unit of speech which is, semantically, both global and articulated. 1. Word combination

�In grammar, it is seen as a group of words that functions as a

�In grammar, it is seen as a group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. It is an intermediate unit between a word and a sentence. �The main function of a word combination is polinomination (it describes an object, phenomenon or action and its attributes and properties at the same time). 2.

� There are two types of word combinations (also known as set-expressions, set-phrases, fixed

� There are two types of word combinations (also known as set-expressions, set-phrases, fixed word-groups, etc): � Free word combinations in which each component may enter different combinations � Set (phraseological) combinations consist of elements which are used only in combination with one another 3.

�Differences between free and set word combinations: SEMANTIC CRITERION �The meaning in phraseological units

�Differences between free and set word combinations: SEMANTIC CRITERION �The meaning in phraseological units has partially or fully shifted. The words have a transferred (metaphorical or metonymical) meaning. �cf: a wolf in sheep’s clothing – a man in cheap clothing 4.

STRUCTURAL CRITERION. � Phraseological units are characterized by stability of components: � It is

STRUCTURAL CRITERION. � Phraseological units are characterized by stability of components: � It is impossible to change the components of a phraseological unit; e. g. to have a bee in the bonnet (hat) � It is impossible to add new components; � It is impossible to change grammatical form of components, even if their form violates grammar rules: e. g. at (the) first sight, from head to foot (feet), to find faults with � However the degree of stability varies: a skeleton/skeletons in the cupboard, a (big) white elephant. � Other features ensuring stability are rhythm, alliteration, contrast, repetition, simile etc. � e. g. on and on, safe and sound, as busy as a bee � Free 5. word combinations allow any changes.

Classifications of phraseological units � According to thematic (etymological) classification, idioms are classified according

Classifications of phraseological units � According to thematic (etymological) classification, idioms are classified according to their sources of origin. ◦ E. g. Word-groups associated with the sea and the life of seamen are especially numerous in English vocabulary. Thus there may be singled out a group of “marine” phraseological units. � To be all at sea — to be unable to understand; to be in a state of ignorance or bewilderment about something (e. g. How can I be a judge in a situation in which I am all at sea? I’m afraid I’m all at sea in this problem � To sink or swim — to fail or succeed (e. g. It is a case of sink or swim. All depends on his own effort. ) � In deep water — in trouble or danger. � In low water, on the rocks — in strained financial circumstances. 6.

Semantic classification � describes word combinations from the viewpoint of the shift in meaning

Semantic classification � describes word combinations from the viewpoint of the shift in meaning of words: � Phraseological fusions (idioms) are most idiomatic, the meaning of both words is fully transferred. � e. g. tit for tat, to skate on thin ice � Phraseological unities are motivated semantically, based on imagination. Usually one of the components has retained its meaning. � e. g. to fall ill, to fall in love, small talk � Phraseological combinations are less idiomatic, most motivated � e. g. as dead as mutton 7.

Structural classification takes into consideration the fact that phraseologisms are, in fact, equivalents of

Structural classification takes into consideration the fact that phraseologisms are, in fact, equivalents of words. Phraseological units can perform the same functions as words. So, set expressions are classified according to their function. � Verbal : to run for one’s life, to get the upper hand � Substantive: dog’s life, red tape � Adjectival: high and mighty, safe and sound � Adverbial: high and low � Equivalents of auxiliary parts of speech: by way of, as long as, Good God! � Stereotyped sentences: take your time! 8.

Stylistic classification �Set expressions, as well as words, may be stylistically neutral and stylistically

Stylistic classification �Set expressions, as well as words, may be stylistically neutral and stylistically marked. �e. g. it’s raining cats and dogs (bookish) �to do smb. brown (colloquial) 9.

Notions related to set expressions �A simile is a figure of speech that directly

Notions related to set expressions �A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words «like» , «as» , or «than» . �Even though both similes and metaphors are forms of comparison, similes indirectly compare the two ideas and allow them to remain distinct in spite of their similarities, whereas metaphors compare two things directly. �e. g. as alike as two peas in a pod (identical or nearly so) �as blind as a bat (completely blind) 10.

�A cliché is a stereotyped expression mechanically reproduced in speech, very often overused to

�A cliché is a stereotyped expression mechanically reproduced in speech, very often overused to the point of losing its intended force or novelty. �e. g. Love is blind. ◦ Put two and two together. 11.

�A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses

�A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of mankind. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be known as a maxim. �If a proverb is distinguished by particularly good phrasing, it may be known as an aphorism. 12.

�A collocation is sequence of words or terms which co-occur more often than would

�A collocation is sequence of words or terms which co-occur more often than would be expected by chance. e. g. �time flies �Times passes �the appointed time �Present time �Right time �Wrong time �Opening time �Closing time 13.

�A phrasal verb is a phrase (as take off or look down on) that

�A phrasal verb is a phrase (as take off or look down on) that combines a verb with a preposition or adverb or both and that functions as a verb whose meaning is different from the combined meanings of the individual words. 14.

Translation Tips � Free word combinations and collocations are usually translated by calque (word-for-word).

Translation Tips � Free word combinations and collocations are usually translated by calque (word-for-word). However, translating attributive word groups is challenging, because one and the same attributive word may be translated differently depending on the meaning of the defined head word. � E. g. public opinion – общественное мнение, jamoatchilik fikri � Public debt – государственный долг, davlat qarzlari � Public scandal – публичный скандал, ommaviy janajal � Sometimes more complicated transformations are needed: � E. g. working expectancy – ожидаемая продолжительность трудовой деятельности, ishchini kutilayotgan ishlash muddati 15.

� Phraseological unities are usually translated by one word or equivalent combinations: � e.

� Phraseological unities are usually translated by one word or equivalent combinations: � e. g. to take a chance – рисковать, imkoniyat berish � To take offence – обидеться, arazlamoq � To put an end to – положить конец, преодолеть, tugatish � To take into account – принимать во внимание, e’tiborga olish � Phraseological fusions (idioms) are translated by their equivalents or analogues or description. e. g. � whip-and-carrot policy – политика кнута и пряника, qamchi va sabzi siyosati (equivalent) � To beat about the bush – ходить вокруг да около, butani o’rab olish (analogue) � Carbon footprint — негативные экологические последствия какой-либо деятельности, faoliyatni salbiy ekologik natijalari (decription) 16.

Origin of set expressions � One of the words becomes archaic: kith and kin

Origin of set expressions � One of the words becomes archaic: kith and kin of the meanings of a word becomes archaic: to be in two minds � An expression may pass from professional use into common use: to hit below the belt (from boxing) � Part of a proverb may become isolated: the last straw (that was the last straw which broke the camel’s neck) � Literary sources: a Troyan horse; to be or not to be � Translation borrowings: to kill two birds with one stone (calque translation from French) � 17.

� � � � � What do we call word combinations in which the

� � � � � What do we call word combinations in which the components retain their main meaning, and can freely enter different combinations? What do we call word combinations in which the components typically have shifted meaning and are not freely chosen? What do we call a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words «like» , «as» , or «than» ? What do we call a trite or overused phrase or expression? What is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of mankind? What do we call a familiar grouping of words that habitually appear together and thereby convey meaning by association? Which of the following underlined word combinations with the word “stand” is free and which one is fixed? a) The British government would not stand in the way of such a proposal. b) She was standing beside my bed staring down at me. 18. CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING

� Which of the following word combinations in bold are set phrases? 1) Where

� Which of the following word combinations in bold are set phrases? 1) Where do you think you lost your purse? 2) Don’t lose your temper when you talk to her. 3) Have a look at the reverse side of the coat. 4) The reverse side of the medal is that we’ll have to do it ourselves. 5) Keep the butter in the refrigerator. 6) Keep an eye on the child. 19. Case study

� � � 1) lost your purse — it is a free word combination,

� � � 1) lost your purse — it is a free word combination, as it allows any combinations without change of the basic (denotative) meaning of words, e. g. lost you bag, found your purse etc. 2) lose your temper – it is a set (phraseological) word combination, as the meaning of the word ‘lose’ in this combination is not direct but figurative (= to become angry). 3) reverse side of the coat — it is a free word combination, as it allows any combinations without change of the basic (denotative) meaning of words, e. g. reverse side of the dress 4) reverse side of the medal — it is a set (phraseological) word combination, as the meaning of the words in this combination is not direct but figurative (= other side of the matter) 5) Keep the butter — it is a free word combination, as it allows any combinations without change of the basic (denotative) meaning of words, e. g. keep the cheese in the refrigerator etc. 6) Keep an eye — it is a set (phraseological) word combination, as the meaning of the words in this combination is not direct but figurative (= to watch closely or carefully) 20. Key


ONE NINE TWO THREE FOUR(S) FIVE SIX(ES)S EVEN(S) TEN 1) 2) She crawled on all _____ to the window = on her knees, feet and hands. He is at _____ and _____ = He is confused and doesn’t know what to do. 3) He puts _____ and _____ together. = He begins to draw conclusions about something 4) He looks out for number _____ = He only thinks about his interests. 5) «the _____ R’s. » = The basics of education 6) He has a _____ o’clock shadow. = A man hasn’t shaved for a day or two 7) Things that are very cheap and common are _____ a penny. 8) This four bedroom home, located in Country Club Estates, is completed and ready to move in. This home has «the whole _____ yards» in convenience. ’ (=all of it) 21. Fill in the blanks with proper numerals to make an idiom with the specified meaning.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) fours sixes and sevens two and

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) fours sixes and sevens two and two one three five ten nine 22. Key

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