Liable sentence with the word

Sentences with the word Liable?



  • «he is apt to lose»; «she is liable to forget»
  • «a hotheaded decision»; «liable to such impulsive acts as hugging strangers»; «an impetuous display of spending and gambling»; «madcap escapades»; (`brainish’ is archaic)
  • «liable to criminal charges»
  • «men between the ages of 18 and 35 were liable for military service»
  • «liable to diabetes»
  • «unlabeled luggage is liable to be lost»

1, Offenders may be liable to a heavy fine.

2, Is a wife liable for her husband’s debts?

3, You will be liable for any damage caused.

4, He is liable to get angry.

5, The car is liable to overheat on long trips.

6, Failure to provide insurance rendered him liable to prosecution.

7, This area is liable to flooding.

8, Top salaries are liable for a higher rate of tax.

9, The chemical is liable to explode on contact with water.

10, The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school.

11, Failureto pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution.

12, They could be found liable for the entire amount.

13, The bridge is liable to collapse at any moment.

14, Concrete is liable to crack in very cold weather.

15, All adult males will be liable for conscription.

16, Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine .

17, At 60, he was no longer liable for conscription.

18, Doctors guilty of neglect are liable to prosecution.

19, The houses in this area are liable to subsidence.

20, Tenants remain liable if they pass on their lease.

21, Children are liable to catch cold.

22, Offenders will be liable to a seven-year prison term.

23, It is liable to rain.

24, He was liable to just show up without warning.

25, Offenders are liable to fines of up to £400.

26, Not a single officer has been found criminally liable.

27, Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them—we «bear a charmed life», which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey,( we strain our eager gaze forward.

28, The court ruled he could not be held personally liable for his wife’s debts.

29, Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others.

30, The Act states that anyone committing the offence is liable to imprisonment.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The consignor shall remain liable even if the multimodal transport document has been transferred by him.

Грузоотправитель остается ответственным, даже если документ смешанной перевозки был им передан.

The limited partners are passive investors liable only for the value of their investment.

Как и в корпорации, партнеры с ограниченной ответственностью являются пассивными инвесторами и ответственны только за стоимость их инвестиций.

Because that would mean you’d liable in this case, too, if your work was shoddy.

Потому, это бы значило, что вы тоже ответственны в этом деле, если вы некачественно работаете.

As of 2018 annual turnover threshold for mandatory registration as VAT liable person is 40000 euros.

По состоянию на 2012 год годовой порог для регистрации ответственного лица по НДС составляет 16 тысяч евро.

Hence the persons concerned are not always held criminally liable.

Следовательно, не всегда возникает вопрос о привлечении указанных лиц к уголовной ответственности.

The whole hospital is liable if she sues us.

Industrial safety experts can be held criminally liable.

Эксперты в области промышленной безопасности могут быть привлечены к уголовной ответственности.

Legal persons were liable among others also for corruption criminal offences.

Юридические лица, среди прочего, несут ответственность также за уголовные преступления, связанные с коррупцией.

The carrier is therefore generally liable in cases of unexplained losses.

Таким образом, перевозчик, как правило, несет ответственность в случаях необъяснимой утраты груза.

In some jurisdictions, directors may also be found criminally liable.

В некоторых правовых системах предусматривается, что руководство может быть также привлечено к уголовной ответственности.

Both companies and individuals are liable.

These people have names, and they are liable.

Neither shareholders nor directors are personally liable.

Individuals violating regulations on personal data protection may also be held criminally liable.

Кроме того, виновные в нарушении требований законодательства о защите персональных данных могут нести уголовную ответственность.

Making manufacturers and sellers liable makes no sense.

В противном же случае обращаться к производителям и продавцам устройств нет смысла.

Decommissioning: who’s liable? …

Увольнение по сокращению штатов: кто имеет приоритет? …

Defendant was found 100% liable.

Один из подсудимых был на 100% оправдан.

Who is liable when a car with no…

Multiple clients awarding engagements are jointly and severally liable.

В случае более чем одного клиента клиенты несут солидарную и долевую ответственность.

Bashkortostan repeatedly proved to be honest and liable borrower.

Республика Башкортостан не раз доказывала, что она честный и обязательный заемщик.

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Definition of Liable


Examples of Liable in a sentence

If you poke a bear, you are liable to get hurt.


By signing the contract, you are agreeing not to hold the company liable for any injury you might sustain.


Though he was not directly responsible for the worker’s injury, the lawyer explained how the business owner was still liable for damages.


If he doesn’t drink his coffee, he is liable to get angry at the littlest things.


When you cause a car accident, you are liable for the damages.


Since he was not even there during the incident, the owner refused to be held liable for any damages.


If you stick your hand in a garbage disposal, you are liable to get seriously injured.


Even if you would not normally be at fault, getting in an accident after drinking alcohol will most likely cause you to be held liable.


A bar tender can be held liable for giving his patron too much to drink.


A parent can be held liable for the actions of their underage children.


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I would probably be advised by the local “boys in blue” that I was providing information liable to promote discrimination

Otherwise you’d have been liable to pay for a

Even though that demand, therefore, should continue always the same, their market price will be liable to great fluctuations, will sometimes fall a good deal below, and sometimes rise a good deal above, their natural price

That the price of linen and woollen cloth is liable neither to such frequent, nor to such great variations, as the price of corn, every man’s experience will inform him

The produce of almost all other labour is liable to the like deduction of profit

The one, in his separate independent state, is less liable to the temptations of bad company, which, in large manufactories, so frequently ruin the morals of the other

It is affected, not only by every variation of price in the commodities which he deals in, but by the good or bad fortune both of his rivals and of his customers, and by a thousand other accidents, to which goods, when carried either by sea or by land, or even when stored in a warehouse, are liable

In a country, too, where, though the rich, or the owners of large capitals, enjoy a good deal of security, the poor, or the owners of small capitals, enjoy scarce any, but are liable, under the pretence of justice, to be pillaged and plundered at any time by the inferior mandarins, the quantity of stock employed in all the different branches of business transacted within it, can never be equal to what the nature and extent of that business might admit

He is liable, in consequence, to be frequently without any

of his customers; and it is not liable to be interrupted by the weather

All commodities are more or less liable to variations of price, but

It saves the labour of guarding the cattle, which feed better, too, when they are not liable to be disturbed by their keeper or his dog

Gold, too, is much more liable to be smuggled than even silver; not only on account of the superior value of the metal in proportion to its bulk, but on account of the peculiar way in which nature produces it

As they are less liable to rust and impurity, they can more easily be kept clean; and the utensils, either of the table or the kitchen, are often, upon that account, more agreeable when made of them

The price of corn, though at all times liable to variation varies most in those turbulent and disorderly societies, in which the interruption of all commerce and communication hinders the plenty of one part of the country from relieving the scarcity of another

The precious metals, however, are not necessarily immortal any more than they, but are liable, too, to be lost, wasted, and consumed, in a great variety of ways

The price of all metals, though liable to slow and gradual variations, varies less from year to year than that of almost any other part of the rude produce of land: and the price of the precious metals is even less liable to sudden variations than that of the coarse ones

Some will even claim that the society must be held fully accountable for not having fulfilled its obligation towards the accused, and will hold it financially and socially liable for all actions committed by their client

If, before it came to the person who presents it to the acceptor for payment, it had passed through the hands of several other persons, who had successively advanced to one another the contents of it, either in money or goods, and who, to express that each of them had in his turn received those contents, had all of them in their order indorsed, that is, written their names upon the back of the bill; each indorser becomes in his turn liable to the owner of the bill for those contents, and, if he fails to pay, he becomes too, from that moment, a bankrupt

Over and above the accidents to which they are exposed from the unskilfulness of the conductors of this paper money, they are liable to several others, from which no prudence or skill of those conductors can guard them

Their freight is much less, and their insurance not greater ; and no goods, besides, are less liable to suffer by the carriage

The man who employs his capital in land, has it more under his view and command ; and his fortune is much less liable to accidents than that of the trader, who is obliged frequently to commit it, not only to the winds and the waves, but to the more uncertain elements of human folly and injustice, by giving great credits, in distant countries, to men with whose character and situation he can seldom be thoroughly acquainted

If he maimed or murdered any of them, he was liable to some penalty, though generally but to a small one

The rent never pays the interest of the purchase-money, and is, besides, burdened with repairs and other occasional charges, to which the interest of money is not liable

Money, on the contrary, is a steady friend, which, though it may travel about from hand to hand, yet if it can be kept from going out of the country, is not very liable to be wasted and consumed

The price of those metals, indeed, is not altogether exempted from variation ; but the changes to which it is liable are generally slow, gradual, and uniform

When his goods are upon hand, too, he is more liable to such demands for money as he may not be able to answer, than when he has got their price in his coffers

But though a particular merchant, with abundance of goods in his warehouse, may sometimes be ruined by not being able to sell them in time, a nation or country is not liable to the same accident, The whole capital of a merchant frequently consists in perishable goods destined for purchasing money

may be considered as the lowest duty to which the greater part of the goods of the growth, produce, or manufacture of France, were liable

repositories all the money or bullion for which there are receipts in force for which it is at all times liable to be

In its own nature it is just as advantageous as any other, though, perhaps, somewhat more liable to be abused

This general rule, however, is liable to a great number of exceptions; and the doctrine of drawbacks has become a much less simple matter than it was at their first institution

Bounties upon the exportation of any homemade commodity are liable, first, to that general objection which may be made to all the different expedients of the mercantile system ; the objection of forcing some part of the industry of the country into a channel less advantageous than that in which it would run of its own accord ; and, secondly, to the particular objection of forcing it not only into a channel that is less advantageous, but into one that is actually disadvantageous ; the trade which cannot be carried on but by means of a bounty being necessarily a losing trade

The bounty upon the exportation of corn is liable to this further objection, that it can in no respect promote the raising of that particular commodity of which it was meant to encourage the production

Bounties upon production, it has been said too, have been found by experience more liable to frauds than those upon exportation

Premiums given by the public to artists and manufacturers, who excel in their particular occupations, are not liable to the same objections as bounties

In case of any of those accidents to which no trade is more liable than theirs, they would find in their ordinary customer, the wealthy corn merchant, a person who had both an interest to support them, and the ability to do it ; and they would not, as at present, be entirely dependent upon the forbearance of their landlord, or the mercy of his steward

In her present condition, Great Britain resembles one of those unwholesome bodies in which some of the vital parts are overgrown, and which, upon that account, are liable to many dangerous disorders, scarce incident to those in which all the parts are more properly proportioned

These causes seem to be, the general liberty of trade, which, notwithstanding some restraints, is at least equal, perhaps superior, to what it is in any other country ; the liberty of exporting, duty free, almost all sorts of goods which are the produce of domestic industry, to almost any foreign country; and what, perhaps, is of still greater importance, the unbounded liberty of transporting them from one part of our own country to any other, without being obliged to give any account to any public office, without being liable to question or examination of any kind; but, above all, that equal and impartial administration of justice, which renders the rights of the meanest British subject respectable to the greatest, and which, by securing to every man the fruits of his own industry, gives the greatest and most effectual encouragement to every sort of industry

Had our American colonies really been a part of Great Britain, those bounties might have been considered as bounties upon production, and would still have been liable to all the objections to which such bounties are liable, but to no other

If the person convicted of this offence is not able to pay the penalties within three months after judgment, he is to be transported for seven years; and if he returns before the expiration of that term, he is liable to the pains of felony, without benefit of clergy

The judge should not be liable to be removed from his office according to the caprice of that power

The plan itself, however, seems liable to several very important objections

Removal from an office, which can he enjoyed only for the term of three years, and of which the lawful emoluments, even during that term, are so very small, seems to be the utmost punishment to which any committee-man is liable, for any fault, except direct

Once the Romans have a name, that person is always liable for taxes

It augmented, however, their trading stock, it being equally liable with the other three millions two hundred thousand pounds, to the losses sustained, and debts contracted by the company in prosecution of their mercantile projects

An extraneous jurisdiction of this kind, besides, is liable to be exercised both ignorantly and capriciously

The more they are instructed, the less liable they are to the delusions of enthusiasm and superstition, which, among ignorant nations frequently occasion the most dreadful disorders

precarious tenure, and were liable to be turned out upon every slight disobligation either of the sovereign or of his ministers, it would perhaps be impossible for them to maintain their authority with the people, who would then consider them as mercenary dependents upon the court, in the sincerity of whose instructions they could no longer have any confidence

The tenants of the clergy were, like those of the great barons, almost all tenants at will, entirely dependent upon their immediate lords, and, therefore, liable to be called out at pleasure, in order to fight in any quarrel in which the clergy might think proper to engage them

ready with a plate of sandwiches when it’s a drink you really need, and liable to faint in a crisis

The mandarins and other tax-gatherers will, no doubt, find their advantage in continuing the practice of a payment, which is so much more liable to abuse than any payment in money

It is liable, besides, to almost continual variations

of all that he possesses, but without declaring what it amounts to, or being liable to any examination upon that subject

Whatever part of his succession might come to such children, would be a real addition to their fortune, and might, therefore, perhaps, without more inconveniency than what attends all duties of this kind, be liable to some tax

Their wages are computed according to the common rate of the district in which they reside ; and, that they may be as little liable as possible to any overcharge, their yearly gains are estimated at no more than two hundred working days in the year

The object of his scheme was to promote all the different branches of foreign trade, particularly the carrying trade, by taking away all duties upon importation and exportation, and thereby enabling the merchant to employ his whole capital and credit in the purchase of goods and the freight of ships, no part of either being diverted towards the advancing of taxes, The project, however, of taxing, in this manner, goods of immediate or speedy consumption, seems liable to the four following very important objections

All goods imported, unless particularly exempted, and such exemptions are not very numerous, are liable to some duties of customs

The importer of commodities liable to any duties of customs, it has been said, might, at his option, be allowed either to carry them to his own private warehouse ; or to lodge them in a warehouse, provided either at his own expense or at that of the public, but under the key of the custom-house officer, and never to be opened but in his presence

Fermented liquors brewed, and spiritous liquors distilled, not for sale, but for private use, are not in Great Britain liable to any duties of excise

Malt, in the same manner, that is made for the use of a private family, is not liable to the visit or examination of the tax-gatherer but, in this case the family must compound at seven shillings and sixpence a-head for the tax

When a merchant has imported goods subject to certain duties of customs; when he has paid those duties, and lodged the goods in his warehouse ; he is not, in most cases, liable to any further trouble or vexation from the custom-house officer

I‘m not sure where I‘m going with this so try and follow my line of reasoning inasmuch as I am liable to form an uncertain analogy as it relates to the childlike treatment of the (subject) people involved: undermining freedom, initiative, self-reliance, (human) potential and an individual‘s moral and intellectual authority; that is to say, contrary to an individual‘s inherent right to naturally evolve into a productive human being; to learn, think and act independently in his or her (own) inestimable manner

mean…holding the collective liable for the transgressions of the few…individuals considered abstractly…society at fault!

hardship on its people? Should its people, (they cannot properly be called citizens), be held liable for the criminal designs of its ruler(s)? (they cannot properly be called leaders) Should its people be subject to international reprisals by otherwise peaceful nations threatened by its existence? Should its people be perceived as innocent bystanders caught up in the whirlwinds of determined causes or willing accomplices drawn to ―dynamic‖ currents exceeding their moral and physical endurance? Should its people be subject to (economic) sanctions imposed against that nation whose objectionable conduct at home and abroad poses a viable threat to its peaceful neighbors? Is ignorance an excuse, or complacency or cowardliness for that matter? The present situation in Iraq recalls Hitler‘s Germany

masterminding the crime should not be held liable as an accessory before the fact constitutes a gross miscarriage of justice

Of greater importance, however, is the extent an individual, with very few exceptions, should be held legally (or morally) liable for his or her decided actions however uncertain their underlying motives

In any case, since the cardholder is not liable for fraud, the ShopSafe program is useful only to the card issuer

But it means that we wouldn’t have time enough left to make it to Bluefields before it is liable to be noticed that El Tiburón Limon is gone

And—and here is the kicker—if it spends more than that amount, it is liable for the difference

“And the party first agreeing to be liable for their spending would almost certainly win a close election, which creates a powerful incentive to commit to a spending limit

“Well, I can certainly see why the political parties would not like to commit to their spending, since they would be liable for excesses above that, but wouldn’t the politicians themselves and special interest groups be hurt, too?” Michelle asked

system and implemented it properly then it’s liable to be better than whatever the

golf club argued that TEPCO was liable for the cost of decontaminating the property

«You shouldn’t do that,» commented the officer, «you are liable to hurt the wheel

«A policy is a temporary creed liable to be changed, but while it holds good it has got to be pursued with apostolic zeal

As between YTP as lessee and Meggitt Defense Systems of LA, the lessor, the lease made the lessor liable for hazardous waste spills

“Airman Carmell’s testimony upon what he overheard is liable to serious question in so far as he was closer to the diesel engines and farther away from the conversation between Colonel Geist and the accused, “I submit that when Lieutenant James told Airman Carmell that the colonel wanted the pressure raised, he was merely making a statement to cover himself in case something happened

’Whatever you say is liable to be misconstrued

As wars continued to multiply, the requirement for some wealth on the part of a would-be soldier was abolished, and all citizens, even the poorest, were liable for military service

Government are liable to it, as well as that

The concept that a person might not be liable to civil penalties for such offenses as violating the Sabbath would have appeared alien and dangerous to them

nobility and clergy was abolished: Frederick held that, since the state extended its protection to all subjects, all should contribute to its expenses; even the royal domains were liable to tax

He is liable

Her brain was liable to overload with everything that she was taking in

obtained, or an accreditation is not adequate, the author shall be liable in

In memorized speeches you are liable to speak the words, and then think what they mean—and many speakers seem to trouble very little even about that

Midweek would be the best time as he is more liable to be at home then

The publishers disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy of such information and opinions and are not to be held responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by anyone using this information

body in a condition of perpetual inflammation, and the inflammation is liable

Our ideas are liable to be too inelastic

It would not be true to say that he is always in sorrow, but he is often in anxiety, and he is always liable at any moment to fall into great sorrow or anxiety

They declared parents are liable for the support of their children who are unemancipated and 18 years or younger

In some cases, a person is not liable for solicitation if he or she recants their intention to commit the subsequent crime, and notifies the other person that their request is off the table

cense (or any other license that has been, LIABLE TO YOU ON ANY LEGAL THEORY

liable to fine unless the woman raped is his own wife and

years, and the assailant is also liable to whipping if he

termed gang rape and is liable upon conviction to

then he committed rape and is liable to sixteen years

liable — перевод на русский


Now that’s liable to be worth a fortune.

Может дорого стоить.

— Well, he’s liable to do that every once in a while for a couple of months.

— Это может происходить с ним иногда, в течении нескольких месяцев.

«Foxy Gent, who stops in the stretch…» — hasn’t a chance to win, but he’s liable to come in first in case he forgets to quit.

Фокси Джент, который замедляется на финише, не имеет шансов на победу, но он может прийти первым, если избавится от этого.

Yeah, but we’re liable to be four any minute.

Да, но в любую минуту нас может стать четверо.

But that wheel’s liable to get out of hand.

Но рулетка может выйти из под контроля.

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You and the firm are liable if he does it again.

Ты и фирма понесете ответственность, если он сделает это снова.

Taylor, it already says that if Aunt Tilly’s Taffy delivers even two hours late, they forfeit all payment for that particular shipment and are liable for any loss of income that may result from that late delivery.

Тейлор, здесь уже говорится, что Aunt Tilly’s Taffy освобождается на 2 часа позже они платят всю цену за отдельную партию товара и вся ответственность за любые потери прибыли может быть результатом этого позднего ухода.

Why should the United States be held liable?

Почему ответственность должна падать на США?

If someone found out, I’d be held liable

Если кто-то об этом узнает, мне придётся нести ответственность.

Therefore they can’t be held liable for not acting.

Следовательно, они не могут нести ответственность за недействие.

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Quaking in my Florsheims. Celeste Wood claims that Vicksburg Firearms is liable for her husband’s death and seeks damages for loss of future earnings as well as general damages, including pain and suffering.

Селеста Вуд утверждает, что фирма «Виксберг» несет ответственность за преждевременную смерть ее мужа и требует возмещения ущерба за потерю кормильца а также морального ущерба, включая боль и страдания.

If a government begins a rescue operation which… in effect, stops other countries from pursuing that rescue… that government can be held liable for failing to complete that rescue.

Если государство начинает спасательную операцию, в результате которой другие страны отказываются от подобных идей, государство несёт ответственность за свою способность довести операцию до конца.

The hospital is still liable even though dr. Burke isn’t here.

Госпиталь по-прежнему несет ответственность, даже если Берка нет.

Just be sure to be clear that the CBI is not liable.

Только убедитесь, что осведомлены в том, что CBI не несет ответственность.

Clay isn’t liable for unforeseeable acts of his employees.

Клэй не несет ответственность за непредсказуемые действия своих подчиненных.

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We’re both equally liable for everything, so please take the brownstone.

Мы оба одинаково ответственны за все, так что пожалуйста возьми себе особняк.

They’re liable because their religion wouldn’t let them act.

Они ответственны, потому что их религия не позволила бы им действовать.

Because that would mean you’d liable in this case, too, if your work was shoddy.

Потому, это бы значило, что вы тоже ответственны в этом деле, если вы некачественно работаете.

The park knew they were liable for the accident.

Парк знал, что они ответственны за аварию.

Besides, we aren’t liable for the whistling.

К тому же, за этот шум мы не ответственны.

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Otherwise, you would be liable to creditors for his debts.

В противном случае, приняв наследство, вам пришлось бы отвечать по его долгам перед кредиторами.

The company may be liable for actual damages, but we can shift the blame for the fraud to Lisa.

Хотя компания, возможно, и будет отвечать за принесенный вред, вину за мошенничество мы можем переложить на Лизу.

As the mayor, I have to tell you, if those swans bite someone, the city’s liable.

Как мэр, я должен сказать тебе, если эти лебеди укусят кого-то, отвечать городу.

Will I be liable for the loss?

Я буду отвечать за утрату?


Проход запрещен. Родители отвечают за своих детей.

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Component, therefore, unstable and liable to deteriorate.

Однако, компонент нестабилен и склонен разрушаться со временем.

Was I just fleeing’ reality, like I know I’m liable to do?

Я просто убегал от реальности, как я склонен был делать?

I’m liable to catch a cold like that.

Я склонен к простуде при такой…

He goes in there, he’s liable to blow the whole place up, just like he wanted to in the first place.

Он идёт туда, он склонен взорвать это место, как он и хотел с самого начала.

I’m not the sort of doctor who is liable to say…

Я не из тех докторов, что склонны говорить

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It’s liable to interfere with my aim.

Моя рука, скорее всего, может дрогнуть.

If your friends stay out in the damp they’re liable to catch a cold, aren’t they?

Если твои друзья будут держаться в тумане они ведь, скорее всего, подхватят простуду, да?

You’re really liable to get fucked with this kid, watch out.

Скорее, тебя трахнут.

Next breath you draw, the smell of sulfur’s Liable to be strong in your nose.

Со следующим вдохом, тебе в нос скорее всего ударит сильный запах серы.

Neil, if she sees you, she’s liable to drive away with our stuff.

Нил, если она тебя увидит, она, скорее, уедет с нашими вещами.

I didn’t start it, councilman but I’m liable to finish it.

Не я это начал, советник, но я обязан это закончить.

I’m liable to sleep for quite some time.

Я обязан поспать в течении долгого времени.

Owner is guilty of negligence and liable for a summons…

Владелец виновен в халатности и обязан явиться в суд…

In a malpractice case, the partners can vote to hold only the negligent partner liable for the entirety of damages.

В случае халатности партнеры могут проголосовать за то, чтобы только партнер допустивший халатность был обязан возместить все убытки.

Large-Mart is going to open a store outside of bluebell, and they are liable to throw a lot of money at Earl to be able to build a road on his land.

Огромный супермаркет должен открытся магазин вне Блубелл, и они обязаны предоставить много денег Эрлу чтобы иметь возможность построить дорогу на его земле

It was an accident. You’re not liable.

Ты попал в аварию, ты не виноват.

It was an accident. I’m not liable.

Я попал в аварию, я не виноват.

The only person liable here is you For keeping me from my surgery.

И единственный, кто виноват, это вы, потому что мне не удалось попасть на операцию.

Someone’s son is liable to be out on his stoop holding a cell phone and catch bullets.

Чей-то сын виноват лишь в том, что вышел на улицу в свой перерыв, с телефоном в руке, и словил пулю.

I’m making you liable.

Я тебя сделаю виноватым.

Отправить комментарий

ответственный, подлежащий, подверженный, обязанный, доступный, возможный


- обязанный, связанный обязательством

liable for (military) service — военнообязанный

- ответственный

to be liable for smh.’s debts — нести ответственность, за чьи-л. долги
is a man liable for his wife’s debts? — отвечает ли муж за долги жены?

- подлежащий (чему-л.)

liable to income-tax — облагаемый подоходным налогом

- подверженный, склонный, расположенный

liable to catch cold — склонный к простуде
liable to be seasick — подверженный морской болезни
to make oneself liable to smth. — подвергать себя чему-л. (опасности и т. п.)
all men are liable to make mistakes — всем людям свойственно ошибаться
he is not liable to fear — ≅ он не робкого десятка

- могущий подвергнуться (чему-л.)

liable to dispute — спорный
to be liable to misconstruction — допускать /давать/ возможность неправильного /превратного/ истолкования (о формулировке, статье и т. п.)
if you drive a car too fast, you make yourself liable to a fine — если вы ведёте машину с превышением скорости, вам грозит штраф

- амер. вероятный, возможный

difficulties are liable to occur — вероятно /весьма возможно, что/ возникнут трудности
it’s liable to rain today — сегодня, вероятно, пойдёт дождь
watch out or you are liable to fall — осторожнее, а то можете упасть /упадёте/

Мои примеры


to be liable for one’s children — нести ответственность за своих детей  
liable to ague-fit — подверженный приступам лихорадки  
liable to taxes — подлежащий налогообложению  
liable to attack — подверженный разрушению  
to hold liable — считать ответственным  
hold liable — обязывать  
liable for military service — военнообязанный  
liable at [in] law — ответственный по закону  
secondarily liable — ответственный во вторую очередь  
become liable to punishment — подлежать наказанию  

Примеры с переводом

He is liable to refuse.

Очень возможно, что он откажется.

The areas near the river are liable to flooding.

Места около реки часто затопляются.

He was liable to just show up without warning.

Он имел обыкновение просто появляться без предупреждения.

If someone gets hurt on your property, you could be liable.

Если кто-то получит травму на принадлежащей вам собственности, вас могут привлечь к ответственности.

Because of his frail constitution, he’s liable to diseases.

Из-за своего хилого телосложения он подвержен болезням.

They are liable to sack you if you start complaining about your salary.

Они могут тебя уволить, если ты начнёшь выражать недовольство по поводу зарплаты.

Men between the ages of 18 and 35 were liable for military service.

Мужчины в возрасте от восемнадцати до тридцати пяти лет были военнообязанными.

The car is liable to overheat on long trips.

Данный автомобиль перегревается при длительных поездках.

You’re more liable to injury when you don’t get regular exercise.

Вы более подвержены травмам, когда не получаете регулярных физических нагрузок.

Concrete is liable to crack in very cold weather.

В очень холодную погоду бетон может потрескаться.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

As sureties, they will be liable in his place.

Anyone found trespassing is liable to a maximum fine of $100.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

reliable  — надежный, достоверный, прочный, заслуживающий доверия, благонадежный

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Liable | Liable Sentence

  • Two of us are liable to mess them all up.
  • All human securities are liable to uncertainty.
  • She don’t know what they’re liable to do.
  • There was some mistake, always liable to excited men.
  • One of the intuitions to which Joan was liable came to her.
  • All of us indeed are liable to lapses into the same condition.
  • I suppose any one is liable to commit murder all of a sudden.
  • No popularity does, or can exist which is not liable to collapses.
  • But she’s liable to make mistakes like the rest of us.
  • It’s an ugly mess, and liable to be worse before it’s cleaned up.
  • Hence I take to be the following; but a word very liable to intermix is Gael.

How To Use Liable In A Sentence?

  • Fiber is ordinarily to be preferred because it is tougher and less liable to breakage.
  • In this way the truth becomes liable to the terms and conditions of finitude in general.
  • But he is only a man like the rest of us and therefore liable to err in judgment sometimes.
  • About what was liable to happen sometimes, and did happen here once, a good many years ago?
  • From it she learned that he had suffered greatly and had known that he was liable to die at any time.
  • Any of the three were liable to be attacked and overpowered, before the others could come to its assistance.
  • The apparatus has to be adjusted with mathematical nicety, and if not so arranged failures are liable to occur.
  • She would always listen to the men, but when her own sex ventured on thinking for themselves she was liable to become restive.
  • The foot-passenger is also liable at any moment to be ridden down by horsemen, or squeezed into a jelly by the passage of caravans.
  • The baskets, being of vegetable material, are liable to be attacked by various diseases while in the nursery or after planting.
  • It was the more direct way, besides being, for obvious reasons, less liable to interruption than the other.
  • It has not been noticed in this country, but is liable to be imported on the bodies of Italian bees.
  • You never know when nor where your trail is liable to fork and lead you to new countries and new faces, or maybe plumb over the big divide.
  • The subject is, therefore, equally liable to receive impressions from the minds of others, and from their passions and lusts.
  • The evidence against him is in many respects conflicting, and rests upon mere judgment, in which the best of us are liable to err.
  • Pilots are detailed as required to any particular unit, and liable to transfer from one to another, though in practice such transfers are rare.
  • I guessed if any feller got around to Meeting with liquor under his belt, there was liable to be a lynching right away.
  • Still, it may be said, the order followed by Hegel seems on the whole liable to fewer objections than others.
  • Without this visible witness and reminder, it would seem that Jehovah was liable to forget the contract, and drown the world again.
  • At the same time many actions of hers indicate that she was occasionally liable to ungovernable impulses, and that her temper was fitful and wayward.
  • Rubber prepared under these conditions is always liable to be below the high standard which should be attained, and the general tone of the factory is depressing.
  • I told her that if the people of Rocky Springs tried ringing their way to glory, it would be liable to alarm folks there.
  • This line is liable to be extended to some store at the village or settlement, thus affording communication between these farmers and the center of their community.
  • Naples has an old, inveterate disposition to republicanism, and (however for some time past quiet) is as liable to explosion as its own Vesuvius.
  • The following is an example of the diseases of this class, and it will show the influence which they are liable to exert in the development of certain forms of superstition.
  • What is to hinder them from speaking at times and in places where the senses of men are fully awake and alert, rather than when they are liable to be the dupes of the imagination?
  • As all magic phenomena are liable to be mixed up with delusion and imposture, so divination of this kind also has been frequently imitated for personal or political purposes.
  • The Spaniard who does not arm himself with patience and forbearance, is liable to become, I do not say insane, but desperate.

Definition of Liable

bound or obliged in law or equity; responsible; answerable. | subject; susceptible. | exposed to a certain contingency or causality, more or less probable.

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence

On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Liable in a sentence

Liable sentence

sentence with Liable

Liable used in a sentence

Liable make sentence

make sentence with Liable

make sentence of Liable

Liable sentence in english

Which sentence uses the word liable correctly?

The team felt that they were liable to win the championship tournament. She made a liable attempt to repair the broken lamp before her sister saw it. The girl was liable to grease the pan, so her mother reminded her to do so. A liable wave of guilt washed over him when he realized what he had done.

How do you use liable?

Liable sentence example

  1. The species most liable to be struck are oaks, poplars and pear trees; beech trees are exceptionally safe.
  2. If there are, they are liable to be glass oats!
  3. Such partial competition, with the discrimination it involves, is liable to be worse for the public than no competition at all.

What does the word liable mean?

1a : obligated according to law or equity (see equity sense 3) : responsible liable for the debts incurred by his wife. b : subject to appropriation or attachment All his property is liable to pay his debts.

How do you use libel in a sentence?

Libel in a Sentence ?

  1. As a writer of celebrity biographies, you need to be extremely careful to get your facts straight before you publish so that you can’t be sued for libel.
  2. Although no one really believes them, the things she wrote about me in her book are pure libel.

What is an example of a libel?

An example of libel is when someone publishes in the newspaper that you are a thief, even though this is false. To libel is defined as to make and publish a false and malicious statement about someone in writing that damages the person’s reputation.

What are the 5 basic elements of libel?

Under United States law, libel generally requires five key elements: the plaintiff must prove that the information was published, the plaintiff was directly or indirectly identified, the remarks were defamatory towards the plaintiff’s reputation, the published information is false, and that the defendant is at fault.

What are the 2 types of defamation?

The two kinds of defamation (slander and libel) are discussed below. The essential elements of either kind typically include 1) a defamatory statement 2) that is “published” to a third party (someone other than the plaintiff and the defendant).

What is needed to prove libel?

To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.

What kind of case is libel?

Any accusation that a member of society has violated common standards of ethical behavior can lead to a libel suit. In short, libel is publication of false information about a person that causes injury to that person’s reputation. Libel defense: TRUTH is one libel defense.

What are libelous statements?

Libelous statements refer to words that can be seen (typically written and published), while slander occurs when a defamatory statement is spoken or otherwise audible (such as a radio broadcast).

Is it libel if it’s true?

The Statement – A “statement” needs to be spoken (slander), written (libel), or otherwise expressed in some manner. Falsity – Defamation law will only consider statements defamatory if they are, in fact, false. A true statement is not considered defamation.

Is it libel if no names are mentioned?

In order to be actionable, a defamatory statement must be “of and concerning” the plaintiff. The plaintiff need not be specifically named, however, if there are enough identifying facts that any (but not necessarily every) person reading or hearing it would reasonably understand it to refer to the plaintiff.

What is the best defense against libel?

Truth is an absolute defense to libel claims, because one of the elements that must be proven in a defamation suit is falsity of the statement. If a statement is true, it cannot be false, and therefore, there is no prima facie case of defamation.

Can I sue someone for libel on Facebook?

One cause of action that may arise from posting information on Facebook is a defamation of character claim. To prove defamation of character, the victim has to show that you made a statement that was published, it caused the victim injury and it was false and was not a privileged statement.

Can you sue for libel on social media?

For example, if you accused a person on social media of abusing his or her spouse or children, such a statement would likely be considered defamatory if it were not true. Even if an individual posts information that is partially true and partially false, he or she can be found liable for defamation.

What is the penalty for cyber libel?

Instead of Act No. 3326 applied by prosecutors and the Manila court in the Rappler case, the SC used the RPC itself. The maximum penalty for cyberlibel is prision mayor in its minimum period (or eight years’ imprisonment). This is called an “afflictive” penalty under Article 25 of the RPC.

How long do you go to jail for cyber libel?

Libel under RPC is punishable by up to 6 years, but the cybercrime law imposed a penalty one degree higher, which raised cyber libel’s penalty to up to 12 years.

What are the grounds for cyber libel?

Proceeding from the definition of libel under Article 353 of the Revised Penal Code, cyber libel is defined as a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a …

What Republic Act is cyber libel?

In response to developments in technology and the ever-growing use of multiple forms of social media in the Philippines, Congress enacted Republic Act No. 10175, also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.

What are 3 examples of cybercrime?

Here are some specific examples of the different types of cybercrime:

  • Email and internet fraud.
  • Identity fraud (where personal information is stolen and used).
  • Theft of financial or card payment data.
  • Theft and sale of corporate data.
  • Cyberextortion (demanding money to prevent a threatened attack).

What is the biggest cyber crime?

Top 10 cyber crime stories of 2020

  1. Cyber gangsters demand payment from Travelex after Sodinokibi attack.
  2. List of Blackbaud breach victims tops 120.
  3. IT services company Cognizant warns customers after Maze ransomware attack.
  4. Phishing scam targets Lloyds Bank customers.
  5. Coronavirus now possibly largest-ever cyber security threat.

What type of cyber crime works through lies?

Social Engineering. Social engineering is a tactic used by cyber criminals that uses lies and manipulation to trick people into revealing their personal information. Social engineering attacks frequently involve very convincing fake stories to lure victims into their trap.

How many types of cybercrime are there?


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