Lexical test choose the correct word

Олимпиада по английскому языку 9 класс с ответами

Lexical-grammar test

I. Choose the correct linking word or phrase in the sentences.

0. I can’t come to your party so/because/for I have a bad cold.
1. My favourite subjects at school are French as well as/and/plus history.
2. If/When/Unless you are interested in Egyptian mummies, you should visit the Turin Museum.
3. I was thinking about my holiday when at once/immediately/suddenly I heard a strange noise.
4. Please give her the letter until/as soon as/eventually you see her.
5. Why did you bring such/so/some many wine glasses?
6. He has such/very/so a lovely voice that he sang a solo with the choir.
7. He can either/neither/nor read nor write.
8. If the weather’s good we’ll neither/or/either go to the beach or the mountains.
9. I need a cloth so that/in case/to clean the table.
10. All trains will be late so that/in case of/due to the terrible weather.

II. Complete the idioms with one appropriate word.

0. She was as sick as a ________dog_____________________ .

1. It’s a pity he let the cat out of the ______________________ .
2. Margaret has always been the black ______ of the family.
3. I’m not going to join the rat ___________________________ .
4. She has a bee in her _____________________ about dancing.
5. Jane, who only speaks English, feels like a fish out of __________ when she goes abroad.
6. I wish I could be a fly on the ____________________ during their meeting.

III. Use the prefixes un-, in-, im-, ir— or il— to make the adjectives negative.

0. usual unusual
1. popular _______________
2. human _______________
3. credible _______________
4. regular _______________
5. kind _______________
6. accurate _______________
7. polite _______________
8. competent _______________
9. logical _______________
10. practical _____________

IV. Complete the multi-part verbs in the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

0. If you go to Haymarket, will you call on your sister?
1. If you arrive at 2 o’clock the party will __________ over and nobody will be here.
2. They used the dynamite to __________ up the bridge.
3. As soon as the programme had finished, they _____ out more about the museum by visiting the website.
4. George was looking for his razor when he __________ across his wife’s wedding ring.
5. Though she was exhausted and wanted to sleep she found it was very difficult to _______ off.
6. I’ve __________ up an appointment with the dentist next Thursday afternoon.
7. As it is my last day today, let’s all __________ together at 12 o’clock and go to the pub.
8. __________ on a minute, I can’t find my address book.
9. Despite her ugly dress at last night’s concert her talent as a singer __________ out.
10. Listen to the telephone number and __________ it down in your address book.

V.Complete the following sentences with the correct multi-part verb formed from one of the verbs given in the box.

0. I’d like you to ____write______ ____down_______ every single word the lecturer says.
1. Never _______ __________ until tomorrow what you can do today!
2. The pilot allowed the little boy to _________ ________ the controls of the plane for a few minutes.
3. My ex-boyfriend was the last person to _________ ________ about my wedding plans.
4. I’m sorry I haven’t booked a ticket for you. I’ll ______ it _______ to you next time.
5. We must _______ ________ these two chapters again. I don’t remember anything.
6. The speaker did her best but she didn’t manage to _____ her message ________ .
7. Don’t tell me everything. If you _____ _____the ending of the story, I’ll be bored in the cinema.
8. Why didn’t you _____ _____ your previous job experience while they were considering you for this position?

VI. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the text.

Good cooking is always a strange (1 mix) of science and art and you certainly have to be fairly (2 create) if you want to come with your own recipes. All cooking also demands a fair amount of (3 prepare), and this is doubly true when you’re producing (4 origin) dishes. You also have to be thick-skinned. You’ll be (5 surprise) by how honest people can be when it comes to food. I’ve had people tell me my latest dish is (6 disgust) and (7 thorough) inedible! Sometimes, they were right! But don’t get upset. Just smile (8 sweet) and thank them for their valuable opinion. And never forget that you’re waiting (9 anxious) to hear whether or not your ‘masterpiece’ is a success and they suddenly show their (10 appreciate) you’ll realize it was all worth it. My tips: home-(11 grow) vegetables are always the tastiest. Every good cook needs a top-quality (12 mix) . It’s essential piece of kitchen equipment, not a luxury. Make sure you’ve got lots of good-quality food storage (13 contain). And finally, remember that designing a new dish is not about (14 safe). It’s about taking risks, and learning from your mistakes. Have fun in the kitchen!

VII. Use the word in brackets to rewrite each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before.

0. I’m sure my mum has serious doubts about my girlfriend. (must)

My mum must have serious doubts about my girlfriend .

1. I regret that I told my parents about our wedding plans. (wish)

2. You failed your university entrance exams because you didn’t study hard. (if)

3. ‘Have you done anything so stupid before?’ (asked me)

4. Maybe she doesn’t want to apologise for her unacceptable behaviour the other day. (might)

5. Sue is going to arrange for someone to water her plants while she is away. (get)

6. When I was a student I often got up at10 a.m. (used)

VIII.Choose the right word.

These days, many parents find it difficult to assist/support a large family.

  • My grandma doesn’t have any close/near family her own age left.
  • Who was to blame/fault for the argument?
  • Don’t you know it’s kind/polite to close your mouth when you are eating?
  • Dave’s parents were very enjoyed/pleased when they saw him in the school play.
  • I have a very good connection/relationship with my mother.
  • Keys:

    Lexical-grammar test

    I. 1 and 2 If 3 suddenly 4 as soon as 5 so 6 such 7 neither 8 either 9 to 10 due to[10 marks]

    II. 1 bag / 2 sheep / 3 race / 4 bonnet / 5 water / 6 wall (6)

    III. 1 unpopular 2 inhuman 3 incredible 4 irregular 5 unkind 6 inaccurate 7 impolite 8 incompetent 9 illogical 10 impractical [10 marks]

    IV. 1 be 2 blow 3 found 4 came 5 drop 6 fixed 7 get 8 Hang 9 stood 10 write [10 marks]

    V. 1 put off; / 2 take over; / 3 find out; / 4 make … up; / 5 go over/through; / 6 get … across; / 7 give away; / 8 bring

    VI. 1 mixture 2 creative 3 preparation 4 original 5 surprised 6 disgusting 7 thoroughly 8 sweetly 9 anxiously 10 appreciation 11 grown 12 mixer 13 containers 14 safet


    1. I wish I hadn’t told my parents about our wedding plans;

    2. If you had studied hard/harder, you wouldn’t have failed your entrance exams;

    3. She/He asked me if I had done anything so stupid before;

    4. She might not want to apologise for her unacceptable behaviour the other day;

    5. Sue is going to get her plants watered while she is away;

    6. When I was a student I used to get up at 10 a.m.


    1. support

    2. close

    3. blame

    4. polite

    5. pleased

    6. relationship

    Олимпиада по английскому языку 9 класс

    Form 9

    Grammar and Lexical Test

    1. Choose the right word.

    1. When did the new law come into ( force, strength, power )?

    2. Be careful! Playing with matches may ( destroy, cause, make ) a great fire.

    3. We must be patient for the ( sake, safe, save ) of peace.

    4. They all appreciate a holiday after a year of ( hard, hardly, hardest ) work.

    5. ( Carelessness, carefulness, careful ) may lead to misfortune.

    6. At night the lady ( lied, laid, lay ) awake.

    7. Walter Scott’s novels are called ( history, historic, historical ), because they deal with real

    events of the past.

    8. You are treating me ( as, like, alike ) a child.

    9. My father ( taught, learned, studied ) me how to drive.

    10. We ( did, made, performed ) such a big mess preparing for our journey.

    2. Fill in the correct article.

    1. I consider … management as … career.

    2. … Titanic was built in Belfast in 1912.

    3. … violence on … TV is … well-established fact.

    4. My uncle is … great specialist in … biology.

    5. … cotton is grown in … Ukraine now.

    3. Fill in the correct preposition.

    1. School education in our country is free … charge.

    2. What did you have … lunch … school … Monday?

    3. My mother was born … May, 10th.

    4. You can’t be tired … sightseeing in London.

    5. They fell … love and soon became engaged … each other.

    6. Our people are anxious … the future of their children after the Chernobyl catastrophe.

    7. The sweater goes well … jeans.

    4. Open the brackets using the proper tense-forms.

    1. In 1901 the first dramatic film “The Story of a Crime” ( to produce ).

    2. We are sure that by 2010 the festival ( to attract ) a lot of celebrities and really talented people.

    3. Sugar ( to melt ) in tea.

    4. My friend thought that if he ( to visit ) England he would see Morris dancers first of all.

    5. James just ( to order ) a bottle of apple juice.

    6. –What did he do?

    — He ( to leave ) the hotel, ( to take ) a taxi and ( to drive ) to the theatre.

    7. He ( to fix ) his car the whole day yesterday.

    5. Correct one mistake in each sentence.

    1. I don’t know nothing about your town.

    2.Your hair are long, boy, you should have your hair cut.

    3. The weather during the last few days has been perfectly.

    4. The English is thought to be great individualists.

    5. It’s important to be sensitive to other peoples’ feelings.

    6. The journey was twice so long as we had expected.

    7. Nancy’s broken finger has become more worse.

    8. Unfortunately, we found only a little mushrooms in the wood.

    9. Here’s my car. Where’s their?

    10. Would you mind to wait a moment?


    Task 1. Choose the correct word. (ВЫБРАТЬ ВЕРНОЕ СЛОВО)

    Everything was closed. It was like a ghost / busy town.

    My parents buy the daily / weekly newspapers every Sunday.

    There were many new / ruined buildings in that ghost town.

    I was really puzzled / worried. I didn’t understand it.

    His parents were very excited / worried because he didn’t come home.

    We heard / said a strange noise.

    Tom gave / saw a ghost in the hall.

    He fell asleep because he was very tired / naughty.

    They are puzzled / bored because they have nothing to do.

    The street is deserted / crowded. Look at all these people.

    Task 2. Match the adjectives to their opposites.(СОЕДИНИТЬ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРОТИВОПОЛОЖНЫЕ ПО СМЫСЛУ)

    beautiful A. polluted

    busy B. ugly

    crowded C. stressed

    clean D. quiet

    relaxed E. deserted

    Task 3. Write the Past form of the verbs. (НАПИСАТЬ ГЛАГОЛЫ В ПРОШЕДШЕМ ВРЕМЕНИ)

    have — ……….

    try — ………….

    read — ………..

    be — …………..

    stole — ………..

    make — ………

    go — …………..

    stay — ……….

    write — ………

    find — ………

    Task 4. Choose the correct response.( СОЕДИНИТЬ ВОПРОС И ОТВЕТ)

    Do any of these look familiar? A. Some money and a camera.

    What was in it? B. You’re welcome.

    What does it look like? C. Yes, what can I do for you?

    Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s office? D. Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

    Here you are. E. It’s black with a silver handle.

    Thank you very much. F. Thank you.​

    Lexical-Grammar Test Form 11

    I. Use the correct tense-form of the verbs in brackets.

    Three people (1)— (to injure) in a crash involving two lorries and a van on the A-45 near Brighton on Saturday. The accident (2) – (to happen) in heavy rain when a lorry which (3) – ( to carry) grain (4) – (to skid) on the wet road spilling its load across both lanes. A police spokesperson said that the driver of the lorry (5) – (to brake) to avoid hitting a dog which (6) – (to run) out into the road in front of him. The drivers of the two other vehicles involved (7) – (to drive) too close behind to be able to stop in time. The injured (8)—(to take) to the nearby hospital. The van driver has three broken ribs and (9) – (to be) still under observation. The drivers of the lorries (10) – (to treat) for minor injuries and sent home.

    II. Put in the articles where necessary.

    1. We have got some important visitors to meet at ___ Birmingham Airport. They are flying in from ___ West Indies _____ next week.
    2. _____ young people these days like ____ camping holidays. _____ holidays they have decided on is _______ winter holidays and _______ place they are going to is _______ winter camp in _____ Alps.

    III. Put in the prepositions where necessary.

    1. He waited excitedly ____ the platform ______ his friend’s train to pull ________.
    2. In contrast _____ the others David was indifferent ________ the criticism and just carried ________ with the experiment as before.
    3. Most people feel shy ______ some time or another and shyness usually comes ___ being unsure ________ yourself.

    IV. Choose the correct word

    The heavy rains that have affected the north of the country have (1)____ serious flooding. The Minister of Agriculture said in a statement that the situation was now under (2) ____. Emergency food (3)____ have been dropped by helicopter to families who were (4)____ to get to distribution centres. Local charities have also (5) ________ clothes and temporary shelter for victims of the disaster.
    1. a) presented b) produced c) arranged d) introduced
    2. a) form b) check c) control d) review
    3. a) store b) supplies c) staff d) shops
    4. a) impossible b) inconvenient c) uncertain d) unable
    5. a) provided b) handed out c) sent d) preserved

    V. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Don’t change the words given

    1. “Well done, Mike, you have passed the exam,” said Nick. Congratulated
    Nick ___________________________________ .
    2. Strawberries should be washed before you eat them. Washing
    Strawberries _____________________ .
    3. Excuse me, is somebody serving you, sir? Being
    Excuse me, _______________________________________ .

    VI. Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence

    1. We’d better leave things like they are until the police arrive.
    2. Nick was late for five minutes yesterday.
    3. Friendship is a plant what we must often water.

    VII. Translate into English the words in the brackets

    1. No parking is allowed, but an exception is (делают) _____________ for disabled drivers.
    2. (Ни один) of the public phones were working.

    VIII. Form the appropriate derivatives of the words given in the brackets

    1. Your _________ (to propose) will be taken into consideration.
    2. He is an ________ (to know) singer, few people have heard his songs.
    3. The _____________ (to compare) of the two things showed their difference.
    4. TV _______ (to advertise) are sometimes very silly.

    IX. Choose the right variant

    1. My _______ progress at school advanced with such speed that all her teachers were amazed.
    a) sister’s – in –law b) sister – in –law’s c) sister – in –law
    2. The long walk in the autumn countryside has given ______ faces a healthy pink glow.
    a) Zoe’s and Ann b) Zoe’s and Ann’s c) Zoe and Ann’s
    3. He needed money, but had no idea how to earn _______.
    a) its b) their c) it
    4. I’m afraid your ___________ good for me.
    a) advices aren’t b) advise isn’t c) advice isn’t

    About Author


    It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

    Lexical-Grammar test№19 Form 9

    I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

    Dear Jo,

    Well, I_______________1.(arrive) safely two weeks ago. The flight

    ________________ 2. (be) fine, but a bit long. I________________3. (watch) two

    films and________________4.(eat) two breakfasts! Thank you for everything.

    I_______________5.(have) a really good time with you in London. I hope

    you________________6.(enjoy) it too. Everything here is very different from

    London. I ________________ 7.(write) this letter outside in the garden sitting

    under a big umbrella. The sun _______________8. (be) very hot today. They say

    hot weather ________________9.(last) here for nearly a month already. I know we

    ________________10.(have) some sunny days in London but I also remember

    it_______________11.(rain) there quite a lot too! It was difficult for me to start

    work after my wonderful holiday, but it’s OK now. You know, I

    _______________12. (work) in a new department since

    I_______________13.(arrive) home and it’s interesting. I_______________

    14.(have) a new manager now, and that’s good because the old

    one_______________15.(be) horrible. You _______________16. (like) rock

    music? My brother who ________________17.(be) a drummer

    ________________ 18.(join) a new group lately. He ______________19.(practise)

    in his bedroom at the moment and it’s quite loud! I_______________20.(send) just

    you some of his cassettes. I hope you like them. By the way, you

    _______________21.(find) a black leather photo album? I think

    I_______________22.(leave) it in the bedroom. Could you send it to me

    sometime? No hurry. Please write soon and thank you again for a wonderful time.

    Love Chris.

    II. Put in articles and prepositions where necessary.

    (1)_____construction (2)_____(3)_____Channel Tunnel was perhaps

    (4)_____most incredible engineering project (5)_____(6)_____20th century.

    (7)_____fact its completion was called (8)_____»technical triumph». However,

    (9)_____first proposal to build (10)_____channel tunnel appeared (11)_____ 1802

    when Albert Mathieu (12)_____French engineer, presented (13)_______plan

    (14)_______two tunnels to cross «La Manche». (15)_______historians say that

    Napoleon was interested (16)_______this plan. There were many

    (17)_______other plans to build (18)_______tunnel but unfortunately all

    (19)_______ them failed.

    III. Rewrite the sentences using the word in bold.

    1. How fantastic the view is! what


    2. Beth was fond of rock’n’roll when she was younger. used


    3. What is your weight? much


    4. Did you enjoy the party? time


    5. Don’t touch any of the papers on the table! not


    6. Jane doesn’t look as sad as Mary. looks


    7. What’s the price of your new watch? does


    8. There aren’t many pears in the basket. only


    9. Tim is as tall as Brian. the same

    The boys____________________________________________

    IV. Choose the correct word in the sentences.

    1. The kids have done/made a terrible mess!

    2. I’m becoming increasingly worrying/worried about the quality of TV


    3. It’s very unpolite/impolite to make rude gestures at people.

    4. When he is nervous, his hands shiver/shake.

    5. The teacher asked the students to read the text loud/aloud in class.

    6. It took us almost four hours to reach/get to London.

    7. The cinema is right on the corner. You can’t lose/miss it.

    8. I grew up in a small town on the south bank/coast of England.

    9. He’s a very alive/lively child who doesn’t sit still for one minute.

    V. Translate the Russian words into English.

    1. Don’t________________(лежи) in the sun so long.

    2. Mary wrote a note to_______________(сказать) me she couldn’t come.

    3. Do you feel as________________(плохо) as yesterday?

    4. I’ll _______________ (сделаю) my best but I can’t promise


    5. Before you buy a boat, you ought to______________________ (научиться)


    6. I think there is________________(нет) enough food for all of us.

    7. Do you happen to know who _______________(сделал) those marks on the


    8. I’m sorry to say but Haydn did very_______________(плохо) in his History


    9. I had___________(едва) closed my eyes when the phone rang.

    10. Actually, his absence doesn’t___________(делать) much difference.

    11. These gloves don’t_______________ (подходят) me well. Have you got a

    larger size?

    12. It doesn’t_______________(подходит) you to wear your hair in a knot.

    13. You don’t_______________(ожидаешь) me to do this work in a day, do you?

    14. He is not used to_______________(говорить) in public.

    15. I’ll_______________(отвезу) you home in my car.

    VI. Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence.

    1. The test is enough easy to be done in half an hour.

    2. Who did assist him in completing the experiment?

    3. He was a little disappointing when he didn’t get the job.

    4. He asked why hadn’t Tom come to the party.

    5. The water in the river wasn’t enough clean to swim in.

    6. I look forward to hear from you as soon as possible.

    7. Neither Fred or Paul is good at playing chess.

    8. His parents let him doing what he liked.

    9. He doesn’t approve of the whole thing, and so do I.

    VII. Word formation. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word

    given at the end.

    1. He left me with no … but to disqualify him.CHOOSE

    2. She gave me a very … look when she saw that I wasn’t wearing the correct


    3. She became more and more … as time went by.ANXIETY

    4. One of the … sat down in front of the lorry and refused to move.


    5. The telephone service was very … and we spent hours trying to make a single


    6. There’s a … of highly-skilled engineers so we might have difficulty getting the

    work done.SHORT

    7. As her only … relative, he expects to inherit all her money.SURVIVE

    8. I consider him to be one of our greatest … poets.LIFE

    9. The sea defenses need to be … before the winter to reduce the risk of


    10. It is an … fact that children watch too much TV.DENY


    1)1.Arrived, 2.was, 3. watched, 4.ate, 5.had, 6. enjoyed, 7.am writing, 8. is, 9.has

    lasted, 10. have, 11. rains, 12. have been working, 13.arrived, 14.am having,

    15.was, 16.Do you like…? 17.is, 18. has joined, 19.is practising, 20. have just sent,

    21.Did you find…? 22.left.

    2)1.the 2. Of 3. The 4. The 5. Of 6.the 7.in 8. — 9.the 10.a 11.in 12.a 13.a

    14. Of 15. 16.in 17.- 18.a 19.of

    3)1.What fantastic view! 2.Beth used to be fond of rock’n’roll when she was

    younger. 3.How much do you weigh? 4.Did you have a good time? 5.You

    mustn’t touch any of the papers on the table. It’s forbidden. 6.Mary looks less sad

    than Jane. 7.How much does your new watch cost? 8.There are only a few pears

    in the basket. 9.The boys are of the same height

    4)1.made 2.worried 3.impolite 4.shake 5.aloud 6.get 7.miss 8.coast 9.lively

    5)1.lie 2.tell 3.bad 4.do, anything. 5.learn 6.not 7.has done 8.badly 9.hardly

    10.make 11.fit 12.suit 13.expect 14.speak 15.take

    6)1. The test is easy enough to be done in half an hour.

    2. Who assisted him in completing the experiment?

    3. He was a little disappointed when he didn’t get the job.

    4. He asked why Tom hadn’t come to the party.

    5. The water in the river wasn’t clean enough to swim in.

    6. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

    7. Neither Fred nor Paul is good at playing chess.

    8. His parents let him do what he liked.

    9. He doesn’t approve of the whole thing, and neither do I.

    7) 1. choice 2. Disapproving 3. anxious 4. demonstrators 5. unreliable

    6. shortage 7. Surviving 8. Living 9. Strengthened 10. undeniable

    The Interregional Olympiad on polylingual

    Lexical-grammar test

    Variant 1

    Задания с выбором одного правильного ответа

    1. Choose the correct English equivalent to the given proverb meaning:

    «Everything comes on its time”

    1. Nothing venture, nothing have

    2. East or West, home is best

    3. Little strokes fell great oaks

    4. It’s never too late to learn

    5. Everything is good in its season

    2) Complete the proverb: Men learn while they …

    A) …live

    B) …speak

    C) … work

    D) … sleep

    E) … study

    3) The synonym of the word ‘’defile” is:

    A) raise

    B) degrade

    C) cut

    D) pollute

    E) entitle

    4) The verb of the word “Black”

    A) to blacket

    B) to blackise

    C) to blacken

    D) to blackish

    E) to blacked

    5) The meaning of “stop or keep a person from doing something”

    A) survey

    B) improve

    C) measure

    D) concentrate

    E) prevent

    6) Find the equivalent to “to turn or spin around a central point”:

    A) revolve

    B) remove

    C) preserve

    D) circle

    E) improvise

    7) A large area of land with few plants and little water and where the weather is always dry.

    A) lonely

    B) Dessert

    C) desert

    D) wilderness

    E) waste

    8) The correct use of article.

    Hope is …good breakfast, but …bad supper.

    1. a/ the

    2. the/ the

    3. a /an

    4. — / the

    5. a/a

    9) Correct use of the articles

    It is ___ nice morning. Let’s go for ___walk.

    1. -,a

    2. a, a

    3. a,-

    4. a, the

    5. the, a

    10) Find an adverb of time:

    A) badly

    B) always

    C) abroad

    D) for long time

    E) a bit

    11) Adjectives of material :

    A) awful

    B) green

    C) steel

    D) splendid

    E) bath

    12) Present Perfect Passive form:

    A) will be told

    B) has been told

    C) were done

    D) had been done

    E) are told

    13) The correct answer:

    His illness got worse and worse. In the end he…go to hospital for an operation.

    1. ought to have

    2. must

    3. will have to

    4. had to

    5. need

    14) Complete the sentence : I hope …you this weekend.

    A) will see

    B) saw

    C) to saw

    D) to see

    E) to seeing

    15) Define the underlined word: My elder sister enjoys travelling.

    A) Gerund

    B) Participle

    C) Modal verb

    D) Adverb

    E) Infinitive

    16) Choose the right sentences:

    A) November is the eighth month of the year

    B) December is the eighth month of the year

    C) August is the ninth month of the year

    D) August is the seventh month of the year

    E) August is the eighth month of the year

    17) Choose the correct preposition:

    The farmer was pleased ____ the gift.

    1. Of

    2. On

    3. In

    4. About

    5. With

    18) Complete the sentences: _______she can’t drive, she has bought a car.

    A) while

    B) even though

    C) as

    D) when

    E) whither

    19) Complex Object.

    A) He heard he open the door

    B) He heard me open the door

    C) He heard we open the door

    D) He heard they open the door

    E) He heard our open the door.

    20) Sentences with Perfect Infinitive

    A) We hope to finished the job soon

    B) I noticed that he seemed to be smoking a lot

    C) You should written the composition

    D) I’m glad to have seen her

    E) I want to see a manager

    The Interregional Olympiad on polylingual

    Lexical-grammar test

    Variant 2

    Задания с выбором одного правильного ответа

    1) Underlined word is: Here is some advice for those preparing to go on holiday.

    A) Negative pronoun

    B) Adverb

    C) An Adjective

    D) Preposition

    E) Pronoun

    2) Incorrect written number

    A) fifth

    B) five

    C) fifty

    D) fifteen

    E) fiveteenth

    3) Find the adjective which is formed from a noun:

    A) Decision

    B) Painless

    C) Different

    D) Smoker

    E) Treatment

    4) An appropriate preposition: Where do you usually get…?

    A) on

    B) away

    C) over

    D) off

    E) together

    5) Change into indirect speech: “What’s the time”? She asked.

    A) She asked what time.

    B) She asked what time it was.

    C) She asked what was the time.

    D) She asked what is it.

    E) She asked what’s the time.

    6) Fill in a suitable form of the verb: She … they would finish the work soon.

    A) promising

    B) Promised

    C) should promise

    D) Promise

    E) Promises

    7) Appropriate answer: Our teacher wishes he ___ another profession.

    A) had chosen

    B) chose

    C) has chosen

    D) will choose

    E) would choose

    8) Second conditional form:

    A) present perfect, would +infinitive

    B) present simple, future simple

    C) present simple, would +infinitive

    D) past simple, would +infinitive

    E) past simple, future simple

    9) Choose the unreal conditional sentences :

    A) If I save money, I’ll buy a car.

    B) If I find time, I’ll help you.

    C) I’ll ring the bell, if I had it.

    D) If I had a bell, I’d ring it in the morning.

    E) If I found time, I’ll help you.

    10) Choose a sentence with Participle II:

    A) Mary is knitting at the moment

    B) She had looks through the fashion magazine

    C) I realize that my clothes are out of date

    D) She remembered a forgotten song

    E) He left the room without saying a word

    11) The synonym of the word ‘’Remain” is:

    A) Leave.

    B) Become.

    C) Repeat.

    D) Stay.

    E) Go away.

    12) Appropriate answer: “A red dragon is the symbol of …”

    A) Scotland.

    B) Northern Ireland.

    C) Wales.

    D) Southern Ireland.

    E) England.

    13) The antonym of the word ‘’Truth” is:

    A) Dream

    B) Mark

    C) Power

    D) Shock

    E) Lie

    14) Choose the correct translation into Russian: Во дворе много деревьев.

    A) There are many trees in the yard.

    B) There were no trees in the yard.

    C) There many trees in the yard.

    D) There are no trees in the yard.

    E) Many trees were in the yard.

    15) Choose the right verb: President … elected for four years.

    A) is B) are C) am D) will be E) has

    16) Find the right question:

    1. He always comes in time, doesn’t he?

    2. He always comes in time, does he?

    3. He always comes in time, is he?

    4. He always comes in time doesn’t she?

    5. He always comes in time, comes he?

    17) Choose the correct expression.

    A) an pear
    B) some cereal
    C) an apples
    D) a water

    E) a bread

    18) Fill in a suitable form of the adjective: Which is ___ country in the UK?

    A) Industrial
    B) the most industrial
    C) more industrial
    D) most industrial
    E) industrial

    19) Appropriate answer: We … fond … reading fairy-tales when we were children.
    A) are / at;
    B) are / of;
    C) were / with;
    D) was / by;
    E) were / of.

    20) Fill the necessary phraseological unit: Like a … to water.

    A)      duck

    B)      fish

    C)       goose

    D)      swan

    E)      carp


    Lexical-grammar test. Variant 1

    1. E

    2. A

    3. D

    4. C

    5. E

    6. A

    7. C

    8. E

    9. B

    10. D

    11. C

    12. B

    13. D

    14. D

    15. A

    16. E

    17. E

    18. B

    19. B

    20. D


    Lexical-grammar test. Variant 2

    1. E

    2. E

    3. B

    4. A

    5. B

    6. B

    7. B

    8. D

    9. D

    10. D

    11. D

    12. C

    13. E

    14. A

    15. A

    16. А

    17. B

    18. B

    19. E

    20. B

    МВД России




    (Елабужское суворовское военное училище МВД России)

    Цикл гуманитарных и

    математических дисциплин

    Учебный предмет:

    Иностранный язык


    для проведения проверочной работы по итогам изучения лексико-грамматического материала Раздела 5 (Модуля 5)

    по теме «Отдых и путешествие»

    с обучающимися (суворовцами) 2 курса (X класс)

    по иностранному (английскому) языку

    Время: 1 час


    Преподаватель иностранного зыка

    цикла гуманитарных и математических

    дисциплин Т.Л. Тихонова


    Задания для проведения проверочной работы по иностранному языку с обучающимися (суворовцами) 2 курса (X классов) итогам изучения Раздела 5 (Модуля 5) «Отдых. Путешествие», составлены в соответствии с программой учебного предмета и содержат задания, решение которых покажет уровень усвоения лексического и грамматического материала, окажет необходимую помощь суворовцам в более детальном изучении программного материала.

    Задания разработаны и составлены в форме теста по ранее пройденному учебному материалу. Тест состоит из 6 заданий (2 варианта), при выполнении которых обучающийся должен проявить знание лексики по темам Модуля 5 «Путешествие», «Отпуск, проблемы. Пути их решения средствами языка», «Разговор о погоде» и грамматического материала по теме «Прошедшие времена».

    Задания выполняются в тетрадях для контрольных работ, на их выполнение отводится 40 минут.

    1. Учебно-воспитательные цели контрольной работы:

    1. Совершенствование навыков и умений работы с учебной литературой;

    2. Проверка усвоения лексического материала и углубление знаний по теме «Путешествие», «Отпуск, проблемы. Пути их решения средствами языка», «Разговор о погоде»;

    3. Проверка усвоения грамматического материала и углубление знаний по теме «Прошедшие времена»;

    4. Совершенствование навыков аудирования;

    5. Совершенствование навыков выполнений заданий в форме теста.

    1. Подготовка к занятию:

    Заблаговременно определить для каждой группы место проведения занятия (кабинет иностранных языков).

    Подготовить раздаточный материал для проведения контрольной работы.

    1. Методика проведения контрольной работы и выставление оценок:

    Контрольная работа проводится методом самостоятельного выполнения заданий.

    Задание 1 предполагает проверку навыков аудирования по теме (задание на установление соответствия) нацелены на проверку умения обучающихся (суворовцев) понимать основное содержание прослушанных текстов. В задании обучающимся необходимо прослушать 6 коротких текстов, и соотнести высказывания говорящего (1-6) с утверждениями (A-G).

    Задание 2-3 предполагает контроль знаний лексического материала по темам «Отдых. Путешествие».

    Задание 4 предполагает знание лексических единиц, фраз для ведения диалогов по теме «Отпуск, проблемы. Пути их решения средствами языка»

    Задание 5 по грамматике позволяет оценить сформированность

    грамматических умений и навыков обучающихся (суворовцев) по теме «Прошедшие времена».

    Задание 6 требуют проявления навыков и умений перевода предложений без словаря. При этом обучающийся должен показать знание и понимание прочитанных ранее текстов по изученным темам.

    После проверки выставляются оценки следующим образом:

    Задание 1а оценивается в 2 балла.

    Каждый правильный ответ следующих заданий оценивается в — 1 балл.

    Затем подсчитывается итоговое суммарное количество набранных баллов. Максимальное количество баллов равно 37.

    После проверки выставляются оценки следующим образом:

    Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в — 1 балл.

    Оценка «5» ставится за работу, в которой от 33 до 37 баллов.

    Оценка «4» ставится за работу, в которой от 27 до 32 баллов.

    Оценка «3» ставится за работу, в которой от 19 до 26 баллов.

    Оценка «2» ставится за работу, в которой от 0 до 18 баллов

    По результатам контрольной работы, полученные оценки выставляются в классный журнал отдельной колонкой.

    1. Распределение времени при проведении контрольной работы:

    — проверка готовности учащихся к занятию – 2 минуты,

    — вступительное слово преподавателя — 3 минуты;

    — самостоятельная работа учащихся — 40 минут;

    1. План вступительного слова:

    1. О целях и особенностях проведения контрольной работы;

    2. О порядке проведения занятия.

    1. Методические рекомендации:

    1. Особое внимание уделить заблаговременному материально-техническому обеспечению занятия;

    2. Осуществлять руководство контрольной работой, соблюдая принцип индивидуализации обучения в зависимости от уровня учебных возможностей суворовцев;

    3. Формировать у суворовцев навыки самостоятельной работы с заданиями в тестовой форме.

    The 10th Form

    Module 5.

    Lexical-Grammar Test.

    Variant 1.

    1. Match the Speakers 1-6 with the statements A-G. Use the statements only once; there is ONE you do not need to use.

    1. The speaker had difficulty finding accommodation.

    2. The speaker was lucky with the weather.

    3. The speaker lost something valuable.

    4. The speaker had to charge travel plans.

    5. The speaker was unhappy with the food in the hotel.

    6. The speaker got ill.

    7. The speaker did a lot of sightseeing.

    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3

    Speaker 4

    Speaker 5

    Speaker 6

    1. Match the words. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences.


    1. annual a. brochure

    2. delayed b. a guide

    3. hired c. festival

    4. local d. flight

    5. travel e. dishes

    b). Use the phrases in Ex. 1a to complete the sentences below.

    1. You have to taste some of the … when you travel to different places.

    2. The town celebrates spring with a (an) ….

    3. Would you get a (an) … that explains the details of the holiday?

    4. My friend and I … and went hiking in the Swiss Alps last summer.

    5. We arrived home hours late due to a ….

    1. Choose the correct word.

    1. She was very upset because she had left/ forgot her handbag on the bus.

    2. Our weekend tour/trip to Paris was great.

    3. Our package holiday contained/included guided tours of all the major sites.

    4. We had to trek/step a rock mountain to reach our camp.

    5. There are regular announcements in the metro stations reminding tourists to be aware of pickpocketing/robbing.

    1. Put the dialogue in the right order.

    1. Don’t ask! It was the worst holiday I’ve ever had.

    2. Yes. So many things went wrong!

    3. Like what?

    4. Welcome back, John! How was your holiday?

    5. In the Himalayas?

    6. I wish! The meals in the hotel were appalling. Besides that, the staff was unfriendly and rude.

    7. Well, for a start our flight was delayed by six hours.

    8. Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope you’ll have better luck next time!

    9. How disappointing! Surely the things were a bit better when you got there.

    1. _d__ 2.___ 3.___ 4.___ 5.___ 6.___ 7.___ 8.___ 9.___

    1. Use the correct forms of Past Tenses.

    1). I (talk) over the phone when they (bring) me a letter.

    a) talked, brought b) had talked, were bringing

    c) was talking, were bringing d) was talking, brought

    2). They (sit) in the room when the taxi (arrive).

    a) sat, arrived b) was sitting, had arrived

    c) had been sitting, arrived d) were sitting, arrived

    3). I (visit) Italy last April. I (stay) at a nice hotel.

    a) visited, stayed b) visited, had stayed

    c) was visiting, had been staying d) visited was staying

    4). We (work) on the computer for two hours before it (break) down.

    5). What you (do) at 3 o’clock yesterday morning?

    6). Mary (work) as a nurse for five years before she (become) a doctor.

    1. Translate the sentences from Task 1b into Russian.

    The 10th Form

    Module 5.

    Lexical-Grammar Test.

    Variant 2.

    1. Match the Speakers 1-6 with the statements A-G. Use the statements only once; there is ONE you do not need to use.

    1. The speaker had difficulty finding accommodation.

    2. The speaker was lucky with the weather.

    3. The speaker lost something valuable.

    4. The speaker had to charge travel plans.

    5. The speaker was unhappy with the food in the hotel.

    6. The speaker got ill.

    7. The speaker did a lot of sightseeing.

    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3

    Speaker 4

    Speaker 5

    Speaker 6

    1. Match the words. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences.


    1. spectacular a. vendors

    2. street b. ruins

    3. guided c. comfort

    4. ancient d. tour

    5. home e. scenery

    b). Use the phrases in Ex. 1a to complete the sentences below.

    1. There are thousands of … in Marrakech offering a variety of exotic goods.

    2. I was dying for some … after my two weeks in the jungle.

    3. We went for a walk in a beautiful area and saw ….

    4. They went on a … of Bhaktapur and discovered its many interesting sites.

    5. The highlight of our visit to Peru was the … of Machu Picchu.

    1. Choose the correct word.

    1. My parents always hire/rent a tour guide when they go abroad.

    2. I’m never flying with that airline again. The flight attendants were so rude/friendly.

    3. It was too hot in the sun, so we found a place to sit in the shadow/shade.

    4. The room had a great scenery/view of the sea.

    5. You can prolong/extend your stay in the hotel and stay one more week if you like.

    1. Put the dialogue in the right order.

    1. Oh, dear! What went wrong?

    2. How disappointing!

    3. Hi, Jane! How was your weekend?

    4. To make matters worse my favourite beach was closed. Besides the hotel was overcrowded .I feel really angry.

    5. Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope you’ll have better luck next time.

    6. Practically everything. For a start, the bus was delayed and I had to wait at the station.

    7. Don’t ask! My trip to the sea was an absolute nightmare.

    1. c 2.___ 3.___4.___ 5.___ 6.___7.___

    1. Use the correct forms of Past Tenses.

    1 Yesterday evening while my granny and mum (watch) the film, I (wash) the dishes.

    a) watched, was washing b) were watching, was washing

    c) was watching, was washing d) was watching, were washing

    2). When my sister (finish) her homework, she (go) out to play with her friends.

    a)) finished, had gone b) had finished, had gone

    c) had finished, went d) finished, went

    3). They (clean) the room by the time mum (come) from work.

    a) cleaned, came b) were cleaning, came

    c) had cleaned, came d) had been cleaning, had come

    4). The weather (be) rainy yesterday and the children (not/go) for a walk.

    5). The secretary (not/send) all letters by the time her boss (come) to work.

    6). you (go) to the disco last night? No, I (sleep).

    1. Translate the sentences from Task 1b into Russian.

    Тест для 7 класса по УМК Spotlight, модуль 2.


    Spotlight-7 TEST-2 (Module-2) Variant-1

    Fill in the correct word. Cosy, solve, famous, hide, intelligent,imagination, explore, glance.

    Miss Marple can … the hardest of mysteries.

    Hercule Poirot is a … detective.

    Jules Verne had a great … .

    At first … she was an ordinary lady, but she wasn’t.

    Ann is the most … student in our class.

    We spent a … evening chatting together in the living room.

    What’s that noise? Let’s … behind some bushes.

    They decided to … the area around the camp.

    Choose the correct words.

    An exciting story about a hero who does dangerous things. A) drama; B) humorous story; C) adventure.

    A story about a crime or a strange event. A) biography; B) drama; C) mystery.

    A story about someone’s life written by another person. A) comedy; B) myth; C) biography.

    A story that takes place in the future or in space. A) mystery; B) Suspense story; c) science fiction story.

    A funny story with the happy ending. A) fairy tale; B) humorous story; C) legend.

    Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

    14. Miss Marple ________ (catch) many criminals.

    15. The professor and Alex _______(find) a mysterious message.

    16. When I was ten, my family ________(leave) the countryside.

    17. Dr. Frankenstein _______(meet) Captain Walton on the ice.

    18. It ________(be) Sunday yesterday. I _________(not/go) to school.

    19. When ___________(you/ come) back from Italy?

    Rewrite the sentences with USED TO.

    20. My best friend isn’t Olivia now.

    21. She’s got long, red hair and green eyes.

    22. We go everywhere together now.

    23. I don’t tidy my room very often now.

    24. Do you go to school on foot or by bus?

    Choose the correct item:

    25. The children played in the garden until / then it got dark.

    26. Henry used to go / went to the Ireland last week.

    27. Lyn got a job after / until she finished school.

    28. First she made dinner, then / when she watched TV.

    29. The mouse ran away until / as soon as it saw the cat.

    Read A. Christie’s biography and say, what the following dates are for.

    Agatha Christie was born in Devon on 15 September 1890, the daughter of Frederick and Clarissa Miller. Like many children of the times, her early education took place at home and at the age of 16 she went to a school in Paris and completed her education. Amongst other subjects, she studied singing and the piano. She enjoyed writing, from an early age her mother encouraged her in the use of her unusual imagination. At the age of 24, Agatha married Archibald Christie, an aviator in the Royal Flying Corps. Five years later in 1919, a daughter Rosalind was born and nine years later, in 1928 the couple divorced. By this time Agatha had become a writer of murder, mystery and suspense. Her first novel The Mysterious Affair at Styles’ was published in 1920.

    Agatha Christie married for a second time and in 1938 the family moved to Greenway House, a handsome residence on the River Dart in the West Country.

    In her lifetime, she wrote 66 detective stories. Seventeen Miss Marple, over 40 Hercule Poirot. Agatha also wrote plays. Over two billion copies of her books have been sold and her work has been translated into more languages than Shakespeare’s.

    Agatha Christie was invested as a Dame Commander of the British Empire in 1971. She died on 12 January, 1976.

    30. 1890 –

    31. 16 –

    32. 24 –

    33. 1919 –

    34. 1928 –

    35. 66 –

    36. 1976 –

    ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!! Пожалуйста помогите

    Lexical test Fill in the correct words or word combinations. 3.2. Прочитайте текст. Выберите ответ (a, b, c) по смыслу. Занесите свой ответ в таблицу.
    People like (1) ___. They travel on business or for pleasure. There are many (2) ___ of travelling: plane, train,ship or boat, car and bicycle. Some people travel on (3) ____. They go hiking. Plane is the (4) ____ means of transport. Train is not very fast, but it’s (5) ____. When people go on excursions they travel by(6) _____. Car is the most popular method of travelling. It is convenient and comfortable. You (7) _____ travel by car everywhere you like. Many people travel by car to many places. Ships(8) _____seas and oceans. People travel by ship for pleasure. (9) ____ people are fond of travelling by bicycle. It’s not (10) _____, but it’s safe.
    1 a) travelling b) watching c) riding
    2 a) maps b) means c) beans
    3 a) bike b) plane c) foot
    4 a) slowest b) fastest c) cheapest
    5 a) comfortable b) convenient c) different
    6 a) bike b) bus c) plane
    7 a)can b) must c) would
    8 a) cross b) open c) find
    9 a) any b) no c) some
    10 a) cheap b) different c) fast

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