Lexical exercises find the english equivalents for the words and word combinations given below

Exercise 1. Find the English equivalents for the words and word — combinations

given below. Use them in the sentences of your own.

большое количество железа и стали; импортировать из; источник железной руды; высоко цениться; преобразовывать; обработанное железо; древесный уголь; постоянно расти; запрещать; опись; ценные вещи; обжигать (коксовать); решетка (сетка); скоба; диаметр; непосредственные проблемы, стоящие перед.

Exercise 2. Match the English words and word-combinations given

below with their Russian equivalents.

1. long before 1. большое количество

2. to continue steadily up to the 2. во время правления

present day 3. растущая важность

3. in the reign of 4. преуспеть в ч-л

4. to displace gradually by 5. доменная печь

5. the growing importance 6. задолго до

6. to succeed in 7. продолжаться без изменений

7. the great quantaties of до настоящего времени

8. blast furnace 8. постепенно заменить ч-л

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions

1. When did iron first come to Britain? 2. Was it imported from Germany? 3. What shows that iron was of great value in Medieval Britain? 4. What displaced the direct extraction of wrought iron? 5. Why did the owners of metal industry get a political influence? 6. Did Parliament play an important role in the development of metal industry?

Exercise 4. Complete the following statements by choosing the answer

which you think fits best. Why are the other answers unsuitable?

1. That iron was of great importance is shown by an inventory of king’s

possessions because:

a) things made of iron were classed as jewels and valuables.

b) King Edward III wrote about their value himself.

c) things made of iron could be used only by the king.

2. The owners of metal industry got a political influence because:

a) they had much money.

b) the industry grew in importance.

c) people wanted so.

3. The importation into England of any iron or steel goods was prohibited

by Parliament because:

a) it was necessary to develop native industry.

b) the native production stopped.

c) England didn’t need them.

4. The immediate problem confronting the iron manufacturer was:

a) the lack of skills in steel-making.

b) the growing shortage of wood.

c) the establishment of the blast furnaces.

Exercise 5. Give a written Russian translation of the following passages.

1. The chemical process for extracting a metal from its ore is called smelting. Iron ore is heated with limestone and coke, which is mostly made up of carbon. Coke and limestone remove the unwanted parts of the iron ore to leave almost pure iron, which still contains some carbon. Steel is made by removing more carbon and adding other metals.

2. Gold is much softer than copper, so it is easier to hammer into shape. It is not very strong. A gold knife might look very fine but would not have been much use for skinning a bear, so from early times gold became the metal for ornaments. Copper is much harder; it would have been much more difficult for early man to shape; but the finished article was more durable.

3. These metal-workers were masters of the ancient craft of gold-beating, a process by which gold is beaten between skins until it is reduced to a very thin sheet. The Egyptians could produce sheets only one five-thousandth of an inch thick, and used them for gilding wooden statues and for other decorative purposes.

Найдите английские эквиваленты приведенных ниже выражений в тексте.

 Герб дома Ланкастеров — the arms of the House of Lancaster.
Война за престол между Ланкастерами и Йорками — the war for the throne between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists.
Война Алой и Белой розы — the War of the Red and White Roses.
Дикое растение — чертополох — a wild plant — a thistle.
Скандинавы решили напасть на шотландскую деревню — the Scandinavians intended to attack a Scottish village.
Скандинавы босиком прокрались в шотландскую деревню — the Scandinavians in their bare feet came quietly to the Scottish village.
Шотландские воины — the Scottish warriors.
Колючки чертополоха вонзались в босые ступни — the thorns of the thistle hurt their bare feet.
Вопли пронзили тишину — howls of pain pierced the silence.
Эмблема Уэльса — лук (или иногда нарцисс) — the Welsh emblem is the leek (or, on occasion, the flower, the daffodil).
Эмблема Ирландии — клевер — the Irish emblem is the shamrock.

 Святая Троица (Бог Отец, Бог Сын и Святой Дух) — the Holy Trinity (of God the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit).


1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

the course of studies — курс обучения;

primary school — начальная школа;

secondary school — средняя школа;

previously — ранее;

creche — ясли;

lyceum — лицей;

gymnasium — гимназия;

free of charge — бесплатно;

curriculum — программа обучения;

demand — спрос, востребованность;

to adapt — адапировать(ся);

to extend — продлевать;

to conduct — проводить;

transition — переход;

vocational school — профессионально-техническое училище;

higher school — высшая школа;

competitive — конкурентоспособный;

ability — способность;

to be involved in — участвовать в;

postgraduate courses — курсы повышения квалификации/послевузовское образование

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