Letters to the editor word

A Letter to the Editor is a formal comprehensive letter, addressed to the Editor of a certain publication/magazine/newspaper with the intent of complementing, critiquing, informing, or communicating a certain piece of information. These letters are a part of the standard curriculum of written English, taught to middle and high school students. This is a particularly useful short composition in the form of written letters and emails that are always appreciated in an organisation. It reflects the writer’s personality and mannerisms, as well as written vocabulary. This letter is generally short, with a citizen raising some concern in front of the Editor of a big organization, hoping it gets highlighted in the papers. 

This Blog Includes:
  1. How to Write a Letter to Editor?
  2. Editorial Letter Format
  3. Letter to the Editor Samples
    1. Letter to the Editor Sample #1
    2. Letter to the Editor Sample #2
    3. Letter to the Editor Sample #3
    4. Letter to the Editor Sample #4
    5. Letter to the Editor Sample #5
    6. Letter to the Editor Sample #6
    7. Letter to the Editor Sample #7
    8. Letter to the Editor Sample #8 
    9. Letter to the Editor Sample #9 
    10. Letter to the Editor Sample #10
  4. Sample Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper
  5. Useful Tips for Writing a Letter to the Editor
  6. Letter to the Editor PDFs
  7. Letter to the Editor Practice Questions
  8. FAQs

Know everything about Letter Writing: Stepwise Guide, Format & Examples

How to Write a Letter to Editor?

Here are all the elements of the Letter to Editor format:

  • Address of the Sender: This segment includes the address of the person sending the letter addressed to the Editor. It can be an office or residential address, as the question specifies.
  • Date of Letter: The date on which the letter was addressed to the Editor. This data must be accurate as it serves as a point of reference at many points.
  • Designation: The designation of the person receiving the letter. In the case of a Letter to the Editor, this is generally filled in as “The Editor”.
  • Address of the Receiving Editor: This must include the office address of the Editor, as well as the name of the organization to which he or she belongs.
  • Letter Subject: The letter subject must reflect the objective of writing the letter in very few words. It must be concise, as written in a way as to cover everything the sender deems necessary.
  • Salutation: This part reflects the courtesy of an individual, hence is extremely important. The writer should use words like Madam, Sir, Miss, or a salutation of both sexes in case of information ambiguity.
  • Body: The body of a letter is the main point of all its contents. It is generally divided into three sub-sections, namely- Introduction, Content and Conclusion.
  • Introduction: Gives a brief abstract of the content to follow.
    Content- Includes the main details and subject matter of the letter.
    Conclusion- This part concludes the information to provide a summary and give fluidity to the whole content.
    A letter appears better structured if the writer adheres to this sequence of writing. 
  • Complimentary Conclusion: This part should add a kind reminder for the Editor to take the appropriate action if any needs to be taken or give an appropriate conclusion to the main content.
  • Name of the Sender: The name or signature of the person who addressed the letter is required to add reliability to the letter and the information provided.
  • Sender’s Designation: If the sender belongs to any organization, he or she may choose to add their designation right below their name or signature.

Know the Format of a Formal Letter as well!

Editorial Letter Format

Formal letters format do not vary much in general, be it a Letter to the Editor, Principal or Internship request letter. Here is the format of the Letter to the Editor for Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12.

Sender’s Address


Receiver’s Designation 

Subject: ______________________________________________

Respected Ma’am/ Sir

Body of the Letter

Introduction- Gives a brief abstract of the content to follow.
Content- Includes the main details and subject matter of the letter.
Conclusion- This part concludes the information to provide a summary and give fluidity to the whole content.
A letter appears better structured if the writer adheres to this sequence of writing. 

Yours Sincerely, 
Sender’s Name
Sender’s Designation (Optional)
Sender’s Signature

Here are some samples of the Letter to the Editor.

Letter to the Editor Sample #1

Sample Letter to the Editor
J.P Road
Andheri (West)

23rd January 2022

The Editor
India Today

Subject: Why was India Ranked 139 out of 149 countries in the World Happiness Report?

Respected Editor,
According to the  World Happiness Report 2022 released by UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network on Friday, India stood at the 139th position among 149 countries. These respondents were assessed based on three indicators: life evaluations, positive emotions, and negative emotions. 
What made India rank so low? The following points could be potential factors responsible for lesser happiness scores among Indian citizens.
Deteriorating Health Facilities
Lower Public Trust
Through your reliable and trusted media coverage, I would like to request you to highlight the above-mentioned concerns for the benefit of the people.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely

Letter to the Editor Sample #2

Write a letter to the Editor of The Times Newspaper, highlighting increasing technological addiction among the youth.

24D, Block 4
Defence Society
New Delhi

24th June 20xx

The Editor
The Times
New Delhi

Subject: An appeal against rising tech addiction among the youth


With great admiration and belief in the columns of your newspaper, I seek to bring to your kind notice the fast-growing menace of tech addiction and resultant health scares among the youth of our country. 

Today, we are able to enjoy some of the most convenient gadgets to have ever existed, which offer far more information and sources of entertainment than any other. As a result, the upcoming generation has been becoming increasingly information-heavy. The number of hours an average person spends in gaining new information, whether wanted or unwanted, is fast increasing, with a screen in front of our eyes showing us new wonders every minute. And on top of that, the wonders are as per choice and preferences. All this temptation often leads young children to spend much more time on these gadgets than what’s healthy. And even though we may not realise it instantly, it levies a huge load of tiredness on our brains and eyes, often leading to inexplicable stress and irritability. 

Hence, through the pages of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to appeal to the youth worldwide to maintain a balance of all spheres of life to fully enjoy it.

Thanking you in anticipation
Yours Sincerely

Learn how to write a resignation letter for higher studies with our exclusive blog!

Letter to the Editor Sample #3

Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper to aware people of how stray animals can be COVID-19 carriers and hence they must avoid direct contact.

D.L. Roy Street
8th September 2020

The Editor
The Times
New Delhi

Subject: An appeal to not neglect stray animals during the Covid19 pandemic

With great admiration and belief in the columns of your newspaper, I seek to bring to your kind notice that in the current pandemic situation in the country and the world, stray animals, especially dogs and cats which stay in the streets around us are suffering due to lack of people who feed them.

Today, we are amidst a terrible pandemic, where many of us are without jobs or working from home and going out seems like a taboo. Due to this, many of us who would usually feed stray animals in our neighbourhood have stopped doing so, especially due to the spread of fake news that covid can spread through animals. As a result, many of these strays are dying from a lack of food, and the continuing pandemic may witness more such deaths if we do not do anything about it.

Hence, through the pages of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to appeal to the people of our country and the world, to help these animals survive this unfavourable situation by stepping up to make sure that they are fed.

Thanking you in anticipation
Yours Sincerely

Letter to the Editor Sample #4

Given the recent increase in road accidents and miss happenings, you are concerned about road safety. Write a letter to the editor of a popular magazine to showcase the same.

New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi

11th September 2020

The Editor
The Times
New Delhi

Subject: An appeal to raise a concern about reckless driving

With great admiration and belief in the columns of your newspaper, I seek to bring to your kind notice that road accidents have become an everyday occurrence in our city, as also in cities all over the country.

Reckless driving is a serious issue, which takes away many innocent lives in the country every year. A large number of accidents are caused by people driving recklessly after being drunk, as also by people who fail to follow traffic rules, either deliberately or otherwise. I was a witness to one such accident a few weeks ago, where a lady crossing the road was hit by a car. Although she survived the accident, she was grievously injured. Unfortunately, such episodes happen every day.

Hence, through the pages of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to appeal to the people of our country to refrain from engaging in reckless driving and urge them to diligently follow traffic rules. This can help save a lot of innocent lives.

Thanking you in anticipation!

Yours Sincerely

Letter to the Editor Sample #5

People have adapted to wearing face masks as a ‘new normal. But most of them do not know how to dispose of them properly. Spread awareness regarding the disposal of protective masks by writing a letter to an editor of a popular newspaper.

New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi

26th September 2020

The Editor
The Times
New Delhi

Subject: An appeal to raise a concern about the improper disposal of protective masks


With great admiration and belief in the columns of your newspaper, I seek to bring to your kind notice that face masks, which are used extensively for individual protection against Covid-19, are being disposed of in improper places by a section of people.

With the concerns surrounding the spread of Covid-19 along with the extensive efforts of the government to create awareness about the necessity of protective measures, face masks are being used by more and more people to protect themselves from the disease. While this is a good thing, the problem arises with the careless throwing of these masks in places such as roadsides, water bodies etc. by people ignorant of the harm it can cause.

Hence, through the pages of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to appeal to the people of our country to refrain from carelessly throwing their used masks since it increases the chances of people being infected by unintentionally coming into contact with it. Instead, masks should be disposed of in designated places with proper safety measures.

Thanking You
Yours Sincerely

How to Write an Email?

Letter to the Editor Sample #6

As a responsible citizen, you are concerned about the condition of Marine Lines. People have littered the entire place with plastic, masks and garbage. Write a letter to the editor of a leading daily to spread awareness on the matter.

New Link Road

23rd January 2022

The Editor
The Times of India

Subject: An appeal to raise a concern about the litter at Marine Lines

I’m XYZ, a resident of Mumbai, and have seen the unfortunate condition of Marine Lines. People have littered the place with plastic and masks which has caused waves of garbage scattered on the shore. 

It would be beneficial if you lent a column to highlight this issue and ask people to join campaigns that work towards cleaning the sea. People must also be appealed to refrain from throwing any waste on the benches and use the bins provided at several intervals. 

Hope you will inscribe the above.

Thank you, 
Yours Sincerely

Letter to the Editor Sample #7

Your university is not providing proper curriculum and guidance to the students because of which students are unable to learn. Write a letter to the editor of a student magazine to highlight this issue.

S.V. Road

23rd January 2022

The Editor
India Today

Subject: To highlight the problems faced by students at XYZ university

I’m a resident of Mumbai, studying at XYZ university. The past few months have caused a lot of ruckus between the department and students due to a lack of clarity about our curriculum.  Students aren’t informed about various important dates which increase pressure on them.

It would be great if you acknowledged this issue in one of your columns to increase efficiency in the staff and the department. It would also help students in the future who want to study at XYZ university.

Hope you will inscribe the above.

Thank you, 
Yours Sincerely

Letter to the Editor Sample #8 

You are Kritika. Your school’s Yoga Club hosted a workshop called “Art of Living for Students.” Write a letter to the editor of the local daily newspaper in roughly 100-120 words giving your thoughts on the matter. 

82 Civil Lines

New Delhi

9th November 20xx

The Editor 

The Times of India

New Delhi

Subject: Art of Living for Students


I’d want to share my thoughts on the benefits of “Art of Living for Students” in your prestigious newspaper’s columns. Students will benefit greatly from this programme. I was able to attend one of the yoga club’s programmes, which was organized by the school. I realized that it teaches time management strategies. Additionally, learners were taught how to cope with academic pressure.

In a nutshell, every student, in my opinion, should attend this course. Students should be informed about such programmes, and the authorities should offer information. I trust you will act in the best interests of the children. 

Thanking you

Yours Truly


Letter to the Editor Sample #9 

You are Bharat/Bharti of Safdarjung Development Area, New Delhi. You are deeply saddened by the attacks on elderly persons who live alone. Write a letter to the editor of ‘The New India News’ with 100-120 words making people aware of the authorities to guarantee that such attacks do not occur.

13, Safdarjung Development Area

New Delhi 

2 April, 20xx

The Editor

New India News 

New Delhi

Subject: Attacks on Old People


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I’d like to raise awareness regarding attacks on the elderly. Physically, the elderly are often frail. As a result, they can’t defeat the rogues in the muscle battle, who usually come to pillage them.

Any pushback from the elderly can be dangerous to their health. Many incidences of theft, snatching, and horrific attacks on the elderly have already occurred in the Safdarganj Area.

It is the government’s responsibility to safeguard the lives of senior persons. As a result, all safety measures should be taken to save the elderly. Despite numerous inquiries to the appropriate authorities, no progress has been made. Perhaps the phrases in your illustrious publication will awaken the authorities from their slumber. 

Thanking you 

Yours Truly 


Letter to the Editor Sample #10

While riding the Metro, you may have seen that, despite increased surveillance, people attempt to deface Metro trains and stations. Write a letter to the editor of an evening newspaper urging DMRC, Delhi, to begin school-based awareness programmes in collaboration with the Directorate of Education, describing how such programmes could assist to improve people’s attitudes. You are Sudhir/Sweety of 3-B DDA Flats, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi.

3-B DDA Flats, 

Punjabi Bagh, 

New Delhi 

29 November 20xx

The Editor



Subject: Awareness to Keep Metro Clean


First and foremost, I would want to express my gratitude to the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) for making commuting so convenient for Delhi residents. I use the Metro frequently and find it to be quite convenient. During my travels, I’ve noted that despite increased surveillance, people continue to deface Metro trains and stations. I believe that if the Delhi DMRC partners with the Directorate of Education and performs awareness programmes in schools, we will be able to reach a wider audience and propagate the message. This has worked in the past, such as with the pollution-free Diwali campaign. If you handle this issue on a routine basis, you may do a great service to the city. 

Thanking you

Yours Truly


Sample Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper

You are Rishi, the president of the Aakash society, Pitampura. As the Covid-19 lockdown is announced in Delhi, you want to convey to your local newspaper about people still roaming around, especially without masks or social distancing in your locality. Write a letter to the editor raising concerns about the same and asking to bring more strict rules about lockdown by highlighting this issue in their column.

New Delhi
2nd February 2022

The Editor
The Hindu
New Delhi

Subject: An appeal to raise awareness around the lack of rules during lockdown

Respected Editor,

Over the past few months, the cases of the novel coronavirus have increased dramatically. This is a direct result of the lack of strict rules regarding the pandemic. A set of people in my own locality have consistently failed to adhere to the rules and instructions to curtail the spread of this deadly disease in our city and country. I am writing this letter to you in hopes that you can help spread awareness about the lack of rules and restrictions in heavily populated localities like Pitampura.  

Hopefully, you will address this grave issue in your next column and people will understand how important it is to wear masks and follow the rules set by the government to combat this ongoing virus.

Thank you
Yours Sincerely

Useful Tips for Writing a Letter to the Editor

Here are a bunch of tips that would be useful in writing a formal letter, more specifically a letter to the Editor:

  • Try to keep formal compositions precise and to the point.
  • Be respectful in the language and salutation you choose to use.
  • Do not make extremely polarised, discriminant or biased personal comments.
  • Giving recognition to the organisation is a feature of a good formal letter.
  • Never write very long sentences while composing a letter. It may get confusing and increases the chances of errors.

Letter to the Editor PDFs

Now that you know the format of the Letter to the Editor, you may also want to learn how to write a joining letter!

Letter to the Editor Practice Questions

Letter writing is an integral part of written English papers. This skill is taught in schools, clearing up many aspects of letter writing like informal and formal letter format, their structure and intent of use. It is also crucial when students brush up their English for Competitive Exams like IELTS and TOEFL. Among various topics that are a part of formal letter writing, a letter to the Editor is one of the most important and popular topics of all time. Here are some of the most common Letter to the Editor topics you must practice:

MUST READ: How to Become an Editor in India

  1. You are Radhika, a member of NGO Rahat which mainly works in spreading environmental awareness about conservation and clean water resources. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper raising awareness about cleaning the Yamuna river.
  2. Write a letter to the editor about the open garbage area situated in your locality and how it’s harmful to everyone including stray animals, the greener parks as well as schools and residential societies situated around it.
  3. You are Harry, the president of Samaj Society, Rishi Nagar. There is a shortage of water and infrequent availability of water for the last three weeks which is causing issues for the residents. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper voicing the problems and issues faced by the residents of your society.
  4. You are Christy, a resident of Palm Hill Society. Due to the breakdown of a mobile tower in your area, the internet connection has been impacted. Most of the residents in your society are working from home and children are studying online due to the lockdown in Delhi the infrequent internet connection is causing many issues. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper asking him/her to raise this issue in their daily newspaper.
  5. You are Lakshmi, a student of P.D Public School, Delhi. You are concerned about the red-listing of India by popular countries and how this could affect your study-abroad plans. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the need to enforce a comprehensive plan for Indian students aspiring to go abroad for higher studies.
  6. You are Amit, a student of Modern Public School, Mumbai. You are concerned about the lack of awareness around animal rights. Write a letter to the editor about the need to raise awareness about animal rights in schools and colleges in India. 
  7. You are Rahul, a student from Kendriya Vidyalaya. You are concerned about the large political rallies carried by popular parties for elections. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper raising concern about the grave impact of large gatherings amidst the pandemic.  
  8. Every day you are late for school by fifteen minutes. Your school bus is stuck in a traffic jam near the Chintpumi Temple crossing. Along with your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting this problem and suggesting some remedy for it.
  9. You recently visited a significant historical site. You were astounded to discover it in such a condition of disrepair. Using the clues from the unit ‘Travel and Tourism,’ as well as your own thoughts, compose a letter to the editor of a major newspaper noting the terrible condition of significant archaeological and historical sites. Highlight the lack of vital services, the poor condition of upkeep, and people’s abuse of it. Make suggestions about how to improve the issue.
  10. You are Rishi/Rishita of C–105, Janak Puri, New Delhi. You are extremely disturbed by reading about attacks on old people living alone. Write a letter to the Editor of “The New Indian Express” sensitizing people and drawing attention to this problem.


How do you write a letter to the editor?

A letter to the editor is a basic letter addressing core issues that the sender wishes to highlight. It contains some basic details such as the address of the sender, date of the letter, designation, address of the receiving editor, subject line, body, conclusion, name and designation of the sender.

What is a formal letter to the editor?

A Letter to the Editor is a formal comprehensive letter, addressed to the Editor of a certain publication/magazine/newspaper with the intent of complementing, critiquing, informing, or communicating a certain piece of information

What are the reasons for writing a letter to the editor?

The letter to the editor is a way to connect with the audience and allow them to express their opinions, concerns and issues with respect to the published column or general happenings in the city or country.

Hope this covers all your requirements regarding how to compose a Letter to the Editor. In case you have any more queries and doubts, regarding the topics covered in language proficiency tests, get in touch with Leverage Edu experts. You can also sign in for test prep at our exclusive online platform Leverage Live!

Letter to Editor for class 10 and 12 students is an essential aspect of effective communication and public expression. This format allows students to voice their opinions, provide feedback, and offer criticism on various topics. A well-written letter to the editor can be published in newspapers or magazines, giving students a platform to share their thoughts with a wider audience. Examples of letter to the editor topics can range from current events to personal experiences. To make your letter stand out, it’s important to use a clear, concise, and persuasive writing style, while providing relevant examples and data to support your arguments. Follow these tips to write an effective letter to the editor for Class 10 students.

Letter to Editor Format Topics Samples Class 10, 12

What is letter to editor?

A letter to editor is a letter written to a newspaper or magazine, usually in response to an article or editorial that has been published. The letter to the editor is typically written by a reader and offers feedback, criticism, or additional information related to the article or editorial. These letters are often published in the “letters to the editor” section of a publication. They are also a way for the general public to express their opinions, concerns or compliments about a specific issue or topic.

Letter to Editor Format | Letter to the Editor Topics,  Examples

How to write a Letter to the Editor?
Letter to the Editor Format
10 Tips to write a Letter to Editor for Class 10, 12
Topics for Writing Letter to the Editor
Sentence Beginners and helpful phrases while writing a Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor Examples
Letter to the Editor Extra Questions

How to write a Letter to Editor?

Letter to the Editor Class 10 and 12 – A Letter to Editor may be written to the editor of a newspaper or a magazine. It is written to highlight a social issue or problem. It can also be written in order to get it published in the said medium. As it is a formal letter, the format has to be followed strictly. Only formal language can be used i.e. abbreviations and slang language should be avoided.

A letter to editor is a formal letter and in the examination, students are asked to write a letter to the editor. Here, we have discussed  Letter to the Editor with Samples for the convenience of the students.

Letter to the Editor Format for Class 10 and 12  

Let us discuss the Letter to the Editor Format.

The format of a letter to editor of a Newspaper is as follows –

1. Sender’s address: The address and contact details of the sender are written here. Include an email and phone number, if required or if mentioned in the question.

2. Date: The date is written below the sender’s address after Leaving one space or line.

3. Receiving Editor’s address: The address of the recipient of the mail i.e. the editor is written here.

4. Subject of the letter: The main purpose of the letterforms the subject. It must be written in one line. It must convey the matter for which the letter is written.

5. Salutation (Sir / Respected sir / Madam)

6. Body: The matter of the letter is written here. It is divided into 3 paragraphs as follows –

Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself and the purpose of writing the letter in brief.

Paragraph 2: Give detail of the matter.

Paragraph 3: Conclude by mentioning what you expect from the editor. (For example, you may want him to highlight the issue in his newspaper/magazine).

7. Complimentary Closing

8. Sender’s name, signature, and designation (if any)

letter to the Editor Examples

leter to editor of a newspaper

If you want to see a solved example of a Letter to the Editor, please watch the video at the given link

10 Tips to write a Letter to Editor for Class 10, 12

1.Identify the purpose of your letter and the specific topic you want to address.
2. Research the publication you plan to submit your letter to and understand their guidelines and policies.
3. Use a clear and concise writing style that is easy to understand.
4. Use a formal tone and language.
5. Start with a strong and attention-grabbing opening sentence.
6. Include facts and statistics to support your argument.
7. Use examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points.
8. Address the counter-arguments and provide a logical refutation.
9. End with a strong closing sentence that reiterates your main point and calls for action.
10. Proofread and edit your letter for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Topics for Writing Letter to Editor

  1. Letter highlighting the increasing number of road mishaps in your city.
  2. Letter requesting the spread of awareness regarding the proper disposal of protective masks.
  3. Your university is not providing proper curriculum and guidance to the students because of which students are unable to learn. Write a letter to the editor to highlight this issue.
  4. Letter to raise the issue of attacks on elderly persons who live alone.
  5. Letter to raise awareness around animal rights.
  6. Letter to show concern about the terrible condition of significant archaeological and historical sites.
  7. Letter to raise concern and suggest measures to prevent the outbreak of the Monkey virus in your area.
  8. Letter to create awareness about a course in “Art of Living for Students.”
  9. Highlight the importance of proper garbage disposal with an aim to create awareness among the city residents.
  10. Letter to raise awareness about the rising incidences of cyber crimes.

10 Letter to Editor Samples

  1. You are a resident of Shivaji Nagar Pune. You are concerned about the increasing number of road mishaps in your city. Write a letter to the editor of a local magazine “Jan Chetna” highlighting the problem and suggesting measures to check the problem.


Shivaji Nagar
12th June 2022

The Editor
Jan Chetna

Subject: concern about the increase in number of road mishaps


I, XYZ, a responsible citizen of Pune, would like to bring your attention to the rising number of road mishaps in my neighbourhood. The roads are becoming a death trap in recent years.

The root-cause of these collisions appears to be irresponsible and hasty driving. People nowadays live in a mechanised world and are usually in a rush. The speed-barriers and accident-prone-area-warnings are ignored. They are not concerned regarding their wellbeing or the regulations of the road. Another factor contributing to these collisions is the growth in the number of automobiles on the road. Today’s youth yearn for their own automobile. The majority of risky driving is done by young people who are also reckless drivers.

I would like to request the authorities, through the prestigious columns of your publication, to take appropriate stern action against lawbreakers. Through public awareness programmes, make people aware about traffic rules, the significance of speed-barriers, and speed restrictions, so that roads become a safe place for everyone who uses them.

Thanking you

  1. People have adapted to wearing face masks as a ‘new normal’. But most of them do not know how to dispose of them properly. Spread awareness regarding the disposal of protective masks by writing a letter to an editor of a popular newspaper.


Airport Road
New Delhi
12th June 2022

The Editor

The Times

New Delhi

Subject: An appeal to raise concern about the improper disposal of protective masks


With great respect and faith in the columns of your newspaper, I, ABC, a resident of Airport Road am writing to you. I want to inform you that face masks, which are widely used for safety against Covid-19, are being discarded in inappropriate locations by a segment of the population.

Face masks are being worn by a growing number of individuals to be safe from the disease, but disposing them away anywhere is not acceptable as it can cause many health related as well as environmental issues. People dump these masks carelessly in places like roadsides, pavements, gardens, etc. The elastic bands on these can pose death threat for the animals who mindlessly chew them. Also, these are a hub of germs and microbes and can spread infections. Proper disposal of face masks is crucial for prevention of spread of diseases. 

I would like to request the residents, through the columns of your prestigious publication to stop careless discarding of their used masks. The government agencies should sensitize people regarding this issue.

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours sincerely

  1. You are a student of Mahaan University, Indore. The university is not providing proper curriculum and guidance to the students because of which students are unable to learn. Write a letter to the editor of a student magazine, Yuva Chetna to highlight this issue.


Silicon City Indore

12th June 2022

The Editor
Yuva Chetna

Subject: To highlight the problems faced by students at Mahaan University, Indore


I live in Indore and am a student at Mahaan University. I would like to bring to light a few problems faced by the students at the University.

There is a lack of clarity regarding our curriculum because of which there have been frequent differences between the students and the faculty in recent months. Students are not notified about critical dates, which puts them under more stress. The teachers are not discussing all the topics and so students are facing difficulties while attempting the exams.

It would be good if you address this concern in one of your columns in order to improve departmental efficiency. It would also benefit future students who wish to attend Mahaan University.

I hope you will engrave the preceding.

Thank you

Yours Sincerely


  1. You are Naresh / Nandini of Safdarjung, New Delhi. You are deeply saddened by the attacks on elderly persons who live alone. Write a letter to the editor of ‘The New India News’ making people aware of the authorities to guarantee that such attacks do not occur.



New Delhi

12th June 2022

The Editor
The New India News
New Delhi

Subject: Issue of lack of security and attacks on old people


I am a resident of Safdarjung and through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I’d like to bring attention to the issue of elderly abuse. Physically, the elderly are often frail. As a result, they can’t face the rogues who usually come to rob them.

Any opposition from the elderly can be dangerous to their wellbeing. Many incidences of robbery, pickpocketing, and severe attacks on the elderly have occurred in the Safdarjung Area. Recently, an old aged couple was hacked to death in broad daylight. This has created fear among the seniors.

It is the government’s responsibility to safeguard the lives of senior residents. I suggest that the resident welfare associations should form small groups which visit the lonely couples a few times a day and keep a check on their wellbeing.

Unfortunately, there has been no action despite many inquiries and requests to the authorities.

Perhaps the words in your prestigious publication will do the needful.

Thank you
Yours truly
Naresh / Nandini

  1. You are Neena / Navin, a student of Max Public School, Mumbai. You are concerned about the lack of awareness around animal rights. Write a letter to the editor about the need to raise awareness about animal rights among the public.


Max Public School

12th June 2022

The Editor
The Hindustan Times

Subject: Awareness around Animal Rights


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to raise awareness about animal rights and the importance of preserving them.

Deforestation, thirst for adventures, greed for money, and other factors are all contributing to the extinction of wild animals today. Because of man’s avarice, many wild animal species are on the verge of extinction. Animals, like humans, have the right to live and also contribute to ecological balance. Despite the fact that the government has launched numerous programmes aimed at protecting wild animals, no positive results have been achieved. Some people keep pet animals but do not take proper care of them. This is not called for and government agencies should create laws to check and prevent such incidents. Many private organizations are making efforts but legal intervention will make strict implementation of rules.

Kindly publish this letter so that we can create awareness among the masses. 

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Neena / Navin

  1. You are Jasveen / Jasbir, you recently visited a significant historical site. You were astounded to discover it in such a condition of disrepair. Using the clues from the unit ‘Travel and Tourism,’ as well as your own thoughts, compose a letter to the editor of a major newspaper noting the terrible condition of significant archaeological and historical sites. Highlight the lack of vital services, the poor condition of upkeep, and people’s abuse of it. Make suggestions about how to improve the issue.


New Delhi

12th June 2022

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Poor Condition of Heritage Sites


I’m writing to express my concern about the egregious damage that is done to our country’s priceless and irreplaceable historical sites. What astounds me the most is the city authorities’ attitude to the provision and protection of these monuments.

These monuments are not only priceless icons of our civilization’s past, but also a very lucrative source of revenue for both the local and national economies. These historic structures contribute to the development of dynamic, cultural downtowns that encourage tourism, art, events, and other activities that encourage businesses, income, and economic growth. These structures’ damaged areas must be refurbished and restored. Tourists should be able to observe these buildings from a slight distance and so these should be surrounded by fencing. Installing CCTV cameras, keeping guards on duty, maintaining cleanliness, and giving some tourist amenities are all things that should be considered. The immediate surroundings of these establishments have become quite unsanitary due to the lack of washrooms.

I request to the appropriate Ministry and local authorities to investigate the situation and take appropriate action. This can be achieved if you highlight the problem through the columns of your renowned newspaper. 

Thanking you
Yours truly
Jasveen / Jasbir.

  1. You are Christy, a resident of Modi Society, Kolkata. There is an outbreak of the Monkey virus in your area with a report of 50 new cases. Write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper India times, highlighting the problem and suggesting measures.


Modi Society

12th June 2022

The Editor
India Times

Subject: Concern about the rising cases of Monkey Virus.


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to present my concern about the spread of diseases like Monkey Virus in our locality.

Now a days many people are suffering from monkey virus because of people coming into physical contact with an infected animal. This is a highly contagious infectious disease and if timely action is not taken, it will spread magnanimously.

Seeing the situation of the people in our locality, I request the government to take action. Animals should be treated with proper medication and those infected should be quarantined.

I hope you will share my request in your reputable newspaper as soon as possible, alerting the government about the situation in the area.

Thanking You
Yours Faithfully

  1. You are Kanika / Karan. Your school’s Fitness Club hosted a workshop called “Art of Living for Students.” Write a letter to the editor of the local daily newspaper, giving your thoughts on the matter.


New Delhi

12th June 2022

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Art of Living for Students


In your respected newspaper’s columns, I would like to give my opinion on the advantages of Art of Living for Students.

I attended the programme that was organised by the Fitness club of my school. This programme would be extremely beneficial for all students. It offers health management methods. Learners were also taught how to deal with academic pressure. We were made aware of the importance of nature, mental well being,  real life social interaction, harms of social media and and ill effects of device use.

In a word, I believe that every student should sign up for such courses. Such programmes should be made known to students, and the administration, in association with all schools should organize such workshops.

Thanking you
Yours Truly
Kanika / Karan

  1. Highlight the importance of proper garbage disposal with an aim to create awareness among the city residents. Write a letter regarding the same to the editor of a local daily Hindustan Times. You are Rubal of Shakti Nagar, Delhi.


Shakti Nagar

12th June 2022

The Editor
Hindustan Times

Subject: Importance of Proper Garbage Disposal


I am a resident of Shakti Nagar and want to draw your attention towards the problem of improper garbage disposal in the area.

Our neighbourhood is largely plagued with filthy and messy conditions. The streets are unswept and the roads are wet. Garbage cans are frequently overloaded, and many people appear to be lacking in civic awareness. It causes a slew of illnesses. Despite posters and placards reminding people of their social duties, they continue to pollute the area.

It is our responsibility to address the issue of garbage disposal in a sensible manner. Because cleanliness is a fundamental requirement, we shall make this appeal to the general population. Citizens in our community have started a campaign to raise awareness about safe waste disposal. Everyone is welcome to join in on our effort to make it a tremendous success.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

  1. You are Chahat / Chetan, an IT Professional. You want to raise awareness about the rising incidences of cyber crimes. Write a letter to the editor of Cyber magazine “Info news”, highlighting the issue and suggesting measures to prevent such happenings.



12th June 2022

The Editor 
Info News

Subject: Awareness about cybercrimes


With this letter, I want to draw attention to an important aspect of cybercrime, which is a big source of concern in our world. If you could give my views a tiny room in your esteemed daily, I would be grateful.

Cybercrime has become a major menace to the digital society, and the victims are none other than ourselves. The internet is the sole source of information in today’s world. Everything is digital nowadays, from the work-from-home or attending courses and seminars online. This online form, however, has also provided a new opportunity for hackers. They’re lurking at every corner, waiting to pounce on someone’s email or bank account. Cybercrime has now gotten out of hand. We urgently want stringent cyber regulations and public knowledge of the numerous sorts of cybercrime.

There are several options for keeping our sensitive information private on the internet, including tailored privacy settings and encryption. If individuals are aware of their actions, the chances of being hacked are reduced. In addition, robust cyber law and enforcement are required to ensure that such offenders are punished and that victims receive justice.

I genuinely hope that my concerns will cause people to consider the potential hazards of cybercrime and that they will take further measures when using the internet in the future.

Yours sincerely

Sentence Beginners and helpful phrases while writing a Letter to the Editor

It is important to be professional and respectful in tone while writing a letter to the editor.

  • “I am writing to express my concern/opinion/viewpoint regarding…”
  • “In response to the article/editorial titled…”
  • “I couldn’t agree more/less with the author’s perspective on…”
  • “I was disappointed/displeased to read about…”
  • “I feel that the issue/topic of [insert topic] deserves more attention and discussion.”
  • “I would like to offer a different perspective on the matter.”
  • “I was pleased/impressed to read about…”
  • “I would like to offer some additional information/facts on the subject.”
  • “I strongly believe that…”
  • “I hope that this letter will inspire further discussion on the matter.”
  • “In conclusion, I would like to stress the importance of…”
  • “Thank you for taking the time to consider my thoughts.”

Letter to Editor Examples

Letter to Editor Example 1. You are Radha G, a member of NGO AWAAZ. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily for a public movement to clean the Yamuna river. (You must introduce yourself, describe how the people are to be blamed for polluting the river and suggest the need for installing water treatment plant to clean the river).

33, Jal Vihar
Wazirabad, New Delhi – 33
Dated: 17 February 2021
The Editor
Hindustan Times
New Delhi.
Subject: Need for people’s movement for the clean Yamuna
Dear Editor
I am Radha G, member of NGO AWAAZ. I am writing to you in order to highlight the deteriorating condition of the river Yamuna.
The city of Delhi is getting contaminated water from the river Yamuna. The residents are to be blamed for this. They pollute the river with garbage, sewage, and filth. The river water is full of bacteria, plastic, chemicals, and other waste materials. It is unfit for consumption.
The people have been demanding a Water Treatment Plant. The authorities have not yet responded to the repeated requests.
I request you to highlight the problem in your newspaper and arouse public interest. We all need to get together in order to get the plant set up in the area.
Thank You
Yours sincerely
Radha G
Member AWAAZ.

Related – Informal Letter, Format, Tips, Examples

            Free Online English Test – MCQ Test Series

Letter to Editor Example 2. Gandhinagar is a thickly populated locality inhabited mainly by working-class people. Unfortunately, there is no Amul milk booth in the locality. Write a letter in 100 – 120 words to the editor of a local daily drawing the attention of the authorities to the problem faced by the people, requesting them to open a milk booth. You are Sham / Shobha, 4, Gandhinagar, Mumbai.

4, Gandhinagar
Dated: 15th March 2021
The Editor
Hindustan News
Subject: Absence of Amul milk booth in Gandhinagar
Respected Sir / Madam
I am Shobha, a resident of Gandhinagar. I am writing to you in order to raise the issue of the absence of an Amul milk booth in my locality.
Gandhinagar has a huge population that comprises daily wagers. Still, the area does not have an Amul milk booth. The residents face many problems as they have to walk upto 10 kilometers every morning to get their daily stock of milk and milk products. This has also led to black marketing. The people of the area are getting harassed.
As the situation is serious, I request you to highlight it through your newspaper so that the Amul authorities are sensitized towards it and do the needful.
Thanking You
Yours sincerely

Letter to the Editor Extra Questions

Q. What is the word limit for questions on letters to the editor in class 12?

A. The question of letter writing is under long writing task section. It carries weightage of 5 marks. The word limit for the letter to the editor is 100-120.

Q. List down the reasons for which letter to the editor can be written.

A. Letters to editors can be written for any of the following reasons-

  1. Express an opinion or share one’s views with the public on a subject of interest to all.
  2. Create awareness regarding certain social issues.
  3. Disagree with some information or point given and offer another version.
  4. Draw the attention of the concerned authorities to a problem of public interest.

Q. Is it compulsory to draw a box around a letter to the editor?

A. No, there is no such rule. Drawing a box around a letter to the editor isn’t needed.

Q. What is written on the top left side of the letter to the editor?

A. Sender’s address is written on the top left side of the letter to the editor. It should be written in two or three lines.

Q. What should be written in the subject line of the letter to the editor?

A. The subject line should consist of the main purpose of writing the letter. It should be limited to 10 words approximately. No unnecessary information should be included in it.

Q. Letter to the editor should be written in how many paragraphs?

A. It should be written in as many paragraphs as it demands but not less than three. 

The first paragraph should contain the introduction of the writer as well as the problem.

The second paragraph explains the issue in detail and includes all the important points needed.

The third paragraph gives the probable solutions and measures that can be taken to solve the aforementioned problem; by the writer.

Q. List down the suitable complimentary closings for a letter to the editor.

A. Suitable complimentary closings in a letter to the editor can be as follows-

  1. Yours sincerely
  2. Yours truly

1. Letter to the editor

2. Letter to the Government

3. Letter to the police

4. Application for School/College leaving Certificate

5. Order letter

6. Complaint letter

7. Enquiry letter

8. Business letter

9. Application letter for job

10. Letter to the Bank manager

11. Invitation letter

12. Resignation letter

13. Leave application for school, College, Office Samples

14. Leave Application for marriage

15. Leave Application for maternity

16.Informal Letter

17.Letter to the Principal, Format, Samples

Recommended Read

  • Learn English Writing Skills
  • Essay writing in English, Topics, Examples, and Format
  • Ten tips on writing a good essay
  • Notice Writing for Class 12, Notice Format, Topics, Examples, Samples
  • Class 10 English Lessons – Explanation
  • Class 12 English Lessons Explanation

Related Web Stories

A letter to the editor is a formal letter that expresses one’s concern over particular issues or to highlight core issues in society. These letters are usually written to the editors of newspapers or magazines.

Table of Contents

  • Writing a Letter to the Editor
  • Examples of Letter to the Editor
    • Sample Letter to the Editor to Highlight the Effects of Air Pollution
    • Sample Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper to Highlight the Issue of Open Manholes
    • Letter to the Editor Example for Students on Conduction of Offline Examinations amidst the Increasing COVID Rates
    • Sample Letter to the Editor Regarding Frequent Breakdown of Electricity
  • FAQs on Letter to Editor Format

Writing a Letter to the Editor

A letter to the editor is written in the format of a formal letter.

Sender’s address: Give the complete address of the sender.

Date: The date on which the letter is written comes next, immediately after the sender’s address.

Receiver’s address: The address of the recipient (the editor of the newspaper or magazine you intend to send your letter) should be written.

Subject line: The main purpose of the letter is mentioned in the subject line.

Salutation/Greeting: The salutation can be Sir, Ma’am, Respected Sir, Respected Ma’am, etc.

Body of the letter: The body of the letter should explain the purpose of the letter. Introduce yourself and provide all the details of the matter being discussed.

Complimentary closing: Thank you very much, Thank you or Thanking you can be the complimentary closing that you can use.

Ending the letter: End the letter with your signature, name in block letters and designation, if there is any.

Examples of Letter to the Editor

A letter to the editor should be short. It is important to stick to the subject matter of the letter. Below are a few sample letters to the editor that you can go through to gain a better insight of the format of writing a letter to the editor.

Sample Letter to the Editor to Highlight the Effects of Air Pollution

56 C, Uppal

East Hyderabad

Hyderabad – 500095

3rd January, 2022

The Editor

The Indian Express


Hyderabad – 500003

Subject: Increase of air pollution in East Hyderabad

Respected Sir/Ma’am,

I am Drishya, a member of NGO Prada. I am writing to you to bring to your notice the increasing effect of air pollution in our neighbourhood and in the surrounding areas.

East Hyderabad has seen a rapid increase in the use of private transportation and the number of industrial sectors that have come up in recent years. This has increased the risks of serious health hazards, including breathing difficulties, chronic diseases, lung damage, nausea, fatigue, etc. The hospitals around the area have already seen an unexpected rise in the number of patients showing symptoms of chronic illness, and it is important that people and government authorities are made aware of this dangerous situation at the earliest.

Owing to the seriousness of this situation, I request you to kindly highlight the issue so that some action can be taken to curb the effect of air pollution and decrease the risk of people being affected by it.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,



Member of NGO Prada

Sample Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper to Highlight the Issue of Open Manholes

25, VKL Avenue

R S Road

Anna Nagar

Chennai – 600089


The Editor

The Times of India


Chennai – 600023

Subject: Open manholes on R S Road

Respected Sir/Ma’am,

I am Rathina Sabapathy, a resident of VKL Avenue. I am writing to throw some light on the issue of open manholes in our area.

It has been more than a period of 6 months now since these manholes were opened, and there have been multiple accidents due to this. We have approached the local authorities and associations in this regard, but no action has been taken so far, and it is becoming a matter of great worry. There are children who walk to school every day, and there are a lot of working people taking this route as it is a road that connects the main road to the Electronic City area where most of the IT companies are located.

Kindly consider this issue and highlight it in your newspaper so that the authorities are alerted about the need to look into this situation as soon as possible in order to reduce the number of casualties.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,



Resident of VKL Avenue

Letter to the Editor Example for Students on Conduction of Offline Examinations amidst the Increasing COVID Rates

23/89, Derby Lane

N G G O Colony

Haryana – 121002

10th January, 2022

The Editor

The Indian Express


Haryana – 121065

Subject: Conduction of offline examinations amidst the increasing COVID rates

Respected Sir/Ma’am,

I am Dhivya Dharshini, a member of the Parent-Teacher Association. I am writing in order to emphasize the decision to conduct offline examinations in schools and colleges when there is a huge increase in the number of COVID cases.

It is a matter of great concern that the disease is spreading sooner than ever in the past two years of the pandemic, and it is not safe for us to let our children travel to their respective schools and colleges to take up examinations in this situation. We have tried to discuss the issue with the authorities of the academic institutions, but no action or decision has been taken so far. It is the need of the hour to take utmost care and abstain from making any sort of physical contact with anyone in order to keep ourselves safe and healthy.

I request you to kindly understand the seriousness of this issue and highlight it in your newspaper so that the academic institutions consider conducting online examinations so that everyone stays safe.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,



Member of the Parent-Teacher Association

Sample Letter to the Editor Regarding Frequent Breakdown of Electricity

102 F, DMC Street

S G Palaya

Bangalore – 560029

January 2, 2022

The Editor

The Times of India

Indira Nagar

Bangalore – 560036

Subject: Frequent breakdown of electricity

Respected Sir/Ma’am,

I am Dakshith Bala, a resident of S G Palaya. I have been living along with my family in S G Palaya for more than ten years now, and we have not faced much problems with electric supply in our area. Recently, we have been experiencing frequent breakdown of electricity for more than eight to nine hours.

These frequent breakdowns of electricity are affecting the day-to-day activities to a great extent. The residents of the area have been undergoing a lot of inconveniences due to this. No work goes as planned because we are not aware when we would have power supply and when we would not. There are continuous fluctuations in voltage which is also causing trouble by ruining the working condition of the electronic devices that are of regular use. School going children, working individuals, women and old people are affected by this situation.

It is necessary that the authorities of the Electricity Board take some responsibility to install powerful transformers and streamline the power supply. It would be of great help and relief to all the residents if you could highlight the situation in a column of your esteemed newspaper. We believe that this will get the attention of the authorities and some action would be taken at the earliest to relieve us of the difficulties we are facing due to the frequent breakdown of electricity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,



Resident of S G Palaya


What is a letter to the editor?

A letter to the editor is a formal letter written to the editor of a leading newspaper by an individual (representing a group) who wishes to highlight some core issues that a group of people are facing for a period of time in order to see some rectification of the addressed problem


How do you write a letter to the editor?

A letter to the editor follows the format of a formal letter, and so it should start with the sender’s complete address followed by the date, receiving editor’s address, subject, salutation, body of the letter, complimentary closing, signature, name and designation if any.


Is the letter to the editor a formal letter?

A letter to the editor is considered as a formal letter as it addresses issues that are to be taken into serious regard. It is written to throw light on something that requires professional support and immediate action.

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Writing a letter to  the editor making suggestionsStarlight 7

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Writing a letter to  the editor making suggestionsStarlight 7

    1 слайд

    Writing a letter to the editor making suggestions
    Starlight 7

  • Writing tip A letter to the editor is a form al piece of writing  about a mat...

    2 слайд

    Writing tip
    A letter to the editor is a form al piece of writing about a matter of public interest often written in
    response to a report in a newspaper.
    • We start the letter with Dear Sir/Madam and end
    with Yours Faithfully followed by our full name.
    The first paragraph contains our reason for writing as well as our opinion.
    The second and third paragraphs contain our suggestions and the possible results/consequences.
    The fourth paragraph includes a summary of our opinion or a restatement o f it in different words.

  • Linkers in the letter We use appropriate linkers to join ideas:
To state our...

    3 слайд

    Linkers in the letter
    We use appropriate linkers to join ideas:
    To state our opinion: In my opinion, . .. ; I (strongly) believe that/agree/disagree with … ; I am (totally) opposed to/in favour of … ; I think this is a marvellous/terrible idea …
    To list points: To start with, First o f all/Firstly, What is more, In addition, Furthermore
    To express consequences/results: In this way, As a result, Consequently
    To conclude: In summary, To sum up, In conclusion, All in All

  • Main characteristics of the letter to editor Letters to the editor making sug...

    4 слайд

    Main characteristics of the letter to editor
    Letters to the editor making suggestions are pieces of writing which appear in newspapers or magazines. They express the writer’s ideas
    concerning issues of public interest at local, national and even international levels, e.g. improving community facilities, health issues,
    Letters to the editor are often written in direct response to a published article or news item and are usually formal in style

  • Structure of the letter  1) a formal greeting (Dear S it/Madam , Dear Editor,...

    5 слайд

    Structure of the letter
    1) a formal greeting (Dear S it/Madam , Dear Editor, Sir,),
    2) an introduction in which we refer to the article/news item we are responding to (when applicable), say when and where
    we read it. state our reason for writing (to make suggestions on a given topic), and briefly give our opinion.
    3) at least two main body paragraphs, one for each suggestion and the possible results/consequences.
    4) a conclusion which summarises our opinion/restates the topic,
    5) a formal ending (Yours faithfully, + your full name).

  • Structure of the letter to editor Letters to the editor making suggestions ar...

    6 слайд

    Structure of the letter to editor
    Letters to the editor making suggestions are characterised by:
    • formal vocabulary & some longer sentences (In view o f the widespread extent of
    the problem , security systems should be up graded frequently as a precaution .)
    • formal linking words to join ideas (Furthermore, Nevertheless, For this reason etc)
    • the use of full verb forms (It is important that we raise public awareness o f this issue.)
    • a mild impersonal style that avoids colloquial expressions or strong personal
    feelings (Another point to keep in m in d is that security systems need regular updating .)

  • Structure of the letter to editor Letters to the editor making suggestions ar...

    7 слайд

    Structure of the letter to editor
    Letters to the editor making suggestions are characterised by:
    • formal vocabulary & some longer sentences (In view o f the widespread extent of
    the problem , security systems should be up graded frequently as a precaution .)
    • formal linking words to join ideas (Furthermore, Nevertheless, For this reason etc)
    • the use of full verb forms (It is important that we raise public awareness o f this issue.)
    • a mild impersonal style that avoids colloquial expressions or strong personal
    feelings (Another point to keep in m in d is that security systems need regular updating .)

  • Useful language Listing points
• Firstly/In the first place • To begin with,...

    8 слайд

    Useful language

    Listing points
    • Firstly/In the first place • To begin with,
    • Secondly, • Additionally, • Finally/Lastly,
    Making suggestions
    • One good idea is to … .
    • We/You/People should/could … .
    • Another helpful suggestion would be to … .
    Presenting results
    • By doing this, • In this way, • Therefore,
    • If (people)…, the (situation) will/would ….
    Expressing opinion
    • I believe/think/feel (that)….
    • It seems to me/lt is clear (that)….
    • To sum up, • All things considered,

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The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are famous for their letters columns

Op-ed articles carry more prestige than letters to the editor. In effect, publication implies that the opinion expressed deserves attention because it shows insight into a matter of public concern. You should be familiar with the expertise of people in your organization. It is your role to encourage and assist them in writing op-ed articles when news events call for an informed view-point.

The next best thing to an op-ed article is a published letter. Letters are generally shorter than op-ed pieces. They focus primarily on rebutting an editorial or clarifying information mentioned in an investigative story or a column.

The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are famous for their letters columns. In addition to letters from ordinary citizens, they also run letters from former presidents, ambassadors, corporate leaders, and heads of major labor unions.

On the local level, the titles may not be as exotic. However, you should be on the alert for opportunities to have letters written by the head of your organization. A letter can clarify an earlier story in the newspaper or add information that was not covered.

There is limited space for letters, so you should closely follow any guidelines that the publication has established. It is important to keep letters short and to the point. In general, letters should be under 250 words. It’s also wise to keep letters temperate and factual.

A letter to the editor follows a basic format. The opening paragraph should identify the subject of the letter. The second paragraph states the author’s agreement or disagreement. This is followed by one or two paragraphs that explain the writer’s reasoning, using facts and other pieces of information. A final paragraph can include information about the company or product that relates to the subject being discussed. You should sign the letter, giving your title and company or organization name.


ambassador посол
corporate leader руководитель организации
deserve attention заслуживать внимание
factual фактический
former бывший
guidelines инструкции
identify определить
imply подразумевать; предполагать
keep to the point придерживаться темы
labor union профсоюз
opening paragraph начальный абзац
reasoning рассуждения, доводы
relate to smth. иметь отношение к ч.-л.
subject тема
temperate выдержанный
view-point точка зрения


1)    Find the English equivalents in the text

  1. обычные граждане
  2. престиж
  3. поощрять к.-л.
  4. помогать к.-л.
  5. концентрироваться на ч.-л.
  6. опровержение
  7. славиться ч.-л.
  8. публиковать письма
  9. на местном уровне
  10. быть начеку
  11. определить содержание.

2)    Find in the text the words which describe or mean the following

  1. to suggest that something is true without saying or showing it directly
  2. the process of thinking carefully about something in order to make a judgement
  3. to be concerned with or directly connected to a particular subject
  4. what is being talked about in speech or writing, or represented in art
  5. calm and sensible —

3) Match the words. Use them in the sentences of your own

informed concern
letters citizens
public columns
opening view-point
ordinary paragraph

4) Match the words which are close in their meaning

factual ascribe
former mean
identify actual
imply preceding
relate recognize

5) Match the words having the opposite meaning

former hinder
identify imprecise
relate ensuing
factual dissociate
assist mistake

6) Complete the sentences

subject; identify; relates; opening; clarifying; focus; rebutting

  1. The____________paragraph should____________the subject of the letter.
  2. A final paragraph can include information about the company or product that___________to the__________being discussed.
  3. They____________primarily on____________an editorial or____________information mentioned in an investigative story or a column.

7) Insert prepositions where necessary

in; for; into; to; with; on

  1. to be_____the alert_____smth.
  2. to call_____smth.
  3. ddition_____smth.
  4. to mention_____smth.
  5. to be famous_____smth.
  6. to focus_____smth.
  7. nsight_____smth.
  8. to follow_____smth.
  9. to be familiar_____smth.
  10. to relate_____smth.

8) Write down 6 questions covering the contents of the text.

9)Can you explain the following statements?

  1. Op-ed articles carry more prestige than letters to the editor.
  2. On the local level, the titles may not be as exotic.

10)    Render the following item in English

Центральные газеты публикуют только очень малую долю получаемых писем. Однако большинство провинциальных газет напечатают любое письмо, представляющее общий либо региональный интерес. Если в газете или другом периодическом издании появляется заявление, задевающее интересы организации, лучше всего немедленно позвонить по телефону редактору либо его заместителю и в резких выражениях выразить свое недовольство обидной темой. В большинстве случаев подобного характера редактор предложит напечатать письмо, выражающее противоположную точку зрения, что гарантирует его публикацию сразу после получения. Газеты редко публикуют поправки, но большинство редакторов согласится на публикацию письма-объяснения, даже если оно велико по объему и содержит технический текст.

Как правило, конечно, письма редактору должны составляться в краткой форме и не отклоняться от темы. Если письмо длинное, то есть риск, что оно подвергнется редактированию, влекущему искажение его основных положе-ний. Если тема достаточно важная, разумно попросить, чтобы все изменения или сокращения производились только с согласия автора.

Возможно обеспечить национальный интерес к общим проблемам, представляющим общественную значимость, благодаря письмам к редактору, при условии, что в каждой публикации учитываются особенности соответствующих изданий.

Письмо к редактору, опубликованное в центральной газете, с большой степенью вероятности вызовет его широкую огласку и широкий отклик на само письмо. Учитывая это, следует обеспечить абсолютную достоверность всех изложенных в письме фактов. Это так лее важно, как и подлинность подписи в конце пиьма. Подписывать письма, предназначенные для публикации, присвоенным именем неэтично.

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Writing letters to the editor is a great way to engage with a topic you’re passionate about and to influence public opinion. Although having your letter selected is never easy, you can greatly improve your chances of catching an editor’s eye by following a few basic guidelines. If you want to know how to write a letter to the editor, just follow these steps.

  1. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 1


    Decide on the topic and paper. Your letter to the editor can be a response to a number of things. Most likely, it will be a response to a specific article, but your letter could also be a response to an event or issue in your community.

    • It’s best to respond to a particular article that was published by the newspaper. Then, your letter will be more likely to be chosen for publication, and always be ready for rejection.
    • If you are responding to a community event or issue, your local newspaper is likely to be the most appropriate venue for your letter to the editor.
  2. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 2


    Read other letters to the editor from the paper you’ve chosen. Before you start writing your own letter, you should read through other letters to the editor of the paper you’ve chosen to get inspiration. Each paper’s letters will differ slightly in form, style, tone, and even in length. Read these letters to get a better idea of how to phrase your letters and to see what appeals to the editors of that paper.[1]


  3. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 3


    Check out the guidelines of the paper you’ve chosen. Most papers will have guidelines for the types of letters they will publish.[2]
    Most papers have rules regarding the letter’s length. They also typically ask that you include your name and contact information for verification. There may be additional guidelines. A number of papers won’t allow political endorsement and limit how often individuals can submit. Make sure to read these guidelines before you send off your work.

    • If you can’t find the guidelines for submitting letters, call the publication to ask.
  4. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 4


    Determine your reason for writing the letter. There are a number of approaches to writing these types of letters. Your approach is dependent upon why you are writing the letter. Determine what you hope to accomplish by writing the letter. Some reasons might include:[3]

    • You are angry about an issue and you want the readers to know about it.
    • You want to publicly congratulate or support something or someone in your community.
    • You want to correct information in an article.
    • You want to suggest an idea to others.
    • You want to influence public opinion or persuade others to take action.
    • You want to influence policymakers or elected officials.
    • You want to publicize a certain organization’s work in connection with a current news issue.
  5. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 5


    Write your letter within two to three days of the article. Make sure your letter is timely by sending in your letter shortly after the article in question was published. This will improve your chances of getting published, since the issue will still be fresh in the editor’s mind (and the readers’ minds).[4]

    • If you’re responding to an article in a weekly newspaper, send in your letter in time for it to be published in the next issue. See the newspaper’s guidelines for the publication deadline.
  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 6


    Include your return address and contact information. Make sure to include your full contact information at the top of your letter. This will include not only your address, but also your email address, and daytime phone number.

    • If your letter is chosen, the editors will use this information to get in touch with you.
    • If the newspaper has an online submission system, it will likely have a space for you to include this information.
  2. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 7


    Include the date. After your contact information, leave a blank line and then add the date. Write it formally, as you would in a business letter, such as: “Feb 25, 2016.”

  3. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 8


    Include the recipient’s name and address. If you are writing an email or sending in a physical letter, address the letter as you would a business letter.[5]
    Include the recipient’s name, position, company, and address. If you don’t know the editor’s name, you can either find it in the newspaper, or you can just write “Editor.”

  4. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 9


    State if you want your letter published anonymously. It’s usually a good idea to attach your name to your letter, and some newspapers won’t publish letters anonymously anyway. But sometimes, there may be a circumstance where you want to state your opinion but you don’t want people to know who you are. Add a note to the editor that your letter needs to be published anonymously.

    • Unless you’ve written about a provocative issue, it’s unlikely that your letter will be published if you’ve also requested anonymity.
    • You will still need to provide your name and contact information, so that the newspaper can verify your letter. The newspaper won’t publish your information if you’ve asked it not to.
  5. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 10


    Write a simple salutation. There’s no need to be fancy here. Just write «To the editor,” «To the editor of The Herald,» or “Dear Editor.” Follow this salutation with a comma or a colon.

  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 11


    State the article you’re responding to. Orient your readers as quickly as possibly by stating the name and date of the article that you’re responding to. Also, include the article’s argument. You can do this in just one or two sentences.[6]

    • For example: «As a literature professor, I must take issue with your editorial («Why Novels no Longer Matter in the Classroom,» March 18th).»
  2. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 12


    State your position. After you’ve stated the argument you’re responding to, you should clearly state the position you’re taking on the issue and why you feel a certain way. If your authority relates to the issue in some way, then state your occupation as well. Take this time to show why the issue is relevant and important, but remember to be brief.

    • For example: «While the article states that college students no longer take pleasure in reading, everything I’ve seen in my classroom is evidence to the contrary. The article is not only inaccurate, but provides a very cursory explanation of the many reasons why students may be challenged by reading fiction in a college setting. Students aren’t getting «bored» with fiction because the novel is no longer relevant; rather, their enthusiasm is waning because of professors who are losing interest in their own subject matter.»
  3. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 13


    Focus on one major point. Your letter is too short to cover much ground. Give your letter more force by focusing on one issue and providing evidence for that issue.[7]

  4. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 14


    Make your most important point up front. This helps your reader identify exactly what you’re arguing from the get-go. If your letter is edited, it will be cut from the bottom up. If your most important point is at the beginning, it won’t get lost in the editing.

  5. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 15


    Provide evidence. Now that you’ve stated your position on an issue, you need to back it up with some facts. If you want your letter to be chosen, then you need to show that you’ve put some thought and research into formulating your letter. Though you don’t have a lot of space, just providing a few key facts can make a big difference. Here are some great ways to provide evidence:[8]

    • Use recent events in your state or community as evidence.
    • Use statistics, data, or survey results.
    • Tell a personal story that tells a larger point.
    • Use current events in politics for support.
  6. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 16


    Use a personal example. To make your point relevant, use a personal story. Readers can more easily recognize the impact that news can have on a person when that person shares a personal story.[9]

  7. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 17


    Say what should be done. Once you’ve provided evidence for your point of view, end the letter by saying what can be done to address the issue. Perhaps just raising awareness of the issue in the community is enough, but there may be other things that people can do to address the issue and get involved.

    • Point the readers to actions they can take to be more involved in the issue in their local communities.
    • Direct the readers to a website or organization that can further their goals.
    • Give the readers a way to find more information on the subject.
    • Instruct the readers directly. Tell them to do something, whether it’s to call their local congressperson, vote, recycle, or volunteer in their communities.
  8. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 18


    Name names in your letter. If your letter is intended to influence a legislator or a corporation to take a specific action, name that person or corporation. The staff working for the legislator is collecting news mentions of the legislator. Corporations are doing the same. These people will be more likely to read your letter if you name them specifically.[10]

  9. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 19


    Have a simple closing. Have one sentence that summarizes your point of view on the issue so your readers have a clear reminder of your main message.

  10. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 20


    Include a closing phrase along with your name and city. At the very end of your letter, include a simple “Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” to finish your letter. Then include your name and city. Include your state if the newspaper is not your local publication.

  11. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 21


    Include your affiliation if you are writing in your professional capacity. If your professional expertise is relevant to your article, then include this information between your name and residence. If you are attaching your company’s name to your letter, you are implicitly stating that you are speaking on behalf of the organization. If you are writing on your own, then omit your company name. You can still use your professional title if it is relevant to the issue addressed in your letter. The following is an example that uses an organizational affiliation:

    • Dr. Barbara Smith
      Professor of Literature
      Humanities Department
      Sparrow University
      Springfield, N.Y.
  12. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 22


    Be original. If you say exactly what everyone else is saying, then your letter won’t get chosen. Find a way to put a new spin on an old issue. Your letter may also have a higher chance of getting printed if you have summarized many other letters in an eloquent and provocative way.

  2. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 23


    Trim down your letter to avoid wordiness. Most letters to the editor are between 150 and 300 words long. Remember to be as concise as possible.

    • Cut out extraneous phrases or flowery language. Be straight and to the point. This will help you cut down on your word count.
    • Eliminate phrases like “I think.” It’s apparent that the content of your letter is what you think, so you don’t need to waste the words.[11]
  3. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 24


    Be respectful and professional in tone. Even if you disagree with an issue, maintain a respectful tone instead of being angry or accusatory. Keep your tone formal and avoid slang or overly casual phrasing.

    • Don’t insult your readers, the article’s author, or your opponents. Keep an even keel when writing your letter.[12]
  4. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 25


    Write to the level of the readers. Make sure your letter is written at an appropriate reading level for the newspaper’s audience.

    • Avoid jargon, acronyms and abbreviations. The readers might not know certain industry jargon or abbreviations that are common in your field. Spell out acronyms and abbreviations. Use more common language in place of jargon.[13]
  5. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 26


    Proofread your work. Once you’re happy with the wording of your letter, proofread your paper to check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Remember that you’re competing against many other letter writers, sometimes numbering in the thousands for a national paper. If you have a stray comma or a grammatical hiccup, you risk looking less professional than your competition.

    • Read your letter aloud to make sure that the flow of punctuation is natural.
    • Ask someone to read your letter. Another set of eyes on your letter will help improve clarity. He may also catch errors that you missed.
  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 27


    Send in your letter. Once you’ve finished your letter, send it to the paper you’ve chosen. The paper’s guidelines should say which form of submission is best. Most papers ask for an electronic submission, either via email or through an online submission system. Some traditional newspapers may still prefer a physical copy of your letter.

  2. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 28


    Know that your letter may be edited. The newspaper reserves the right to edit a letter. The paper will primarily edit for length, or to slightly alter an unclear passage. [14]
    The paper won’t change the overall tone or argument of your letter.

    • If your letter contains libelous or inflammatory language, this may be edited out. Or, your letter may not be published at all.
  3. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 29


    Follow up with your letter. If your letter is printed and you have requested particular action on the part of a legislator or corporation, follow up with that individual or company. Clip out your letter and send it to the legislator or corporation. Include a note that addresses the action you’ve requested.[15]

  4. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 30


    Don’t be disappointed if your letter doesn’t get chosen. No matter how perfect your letter might have been, there is always a chance that other letters will catch the editor’s eye and that yours will not be published. That’s okay. Now that you know how to write a letter to the editor, you’ll be a pro at writing future letters. Be proud of yourself for stating your opinion and advocating for something you believe in.

  5. Image titled Write Letters to the Editor Step 31


    Try sending your letter elsewhere. If your letter was not published but you still feel strongly about the topic letter, try sending a similar letter addressing a similar topic in a different paper.

  6. Advertisement

Sample Letter

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  • Question

    I want to publish my school advertisement. How do I write a request to the editor of a newspaper?

    Community Answer

    Most local papers have the editor’s contact information in the newspaper. If information isn’t listed, go online and search the editor’s name and/or the name of the paper. In terms of spreading awareness, if you are passionate about the issue at hand, it will be easy to move somebody on the matter. If you can get the editor concerned about it, he/she will help spread the word.

  • Question

    How can I write a letter to a paper editor to get him/her to spread awareness?

    Community Answer

    Most local papers have the editor’s contact information in the newspaper. If information isn’t listed, go online and search the editor’s name and/or the name of the paper. In terms spreading awareness, if you are passionate about the issue at hand, it will be easy to move somebody on the matter. If you can get the editor concerned about it, he/she will spread the word.

  • Question

    What is the best way to write a conclusion to an editorial letter?

    Community Answer

    Almost as though you are restating your thesis. In one short sentence, repeat the main point of your entire letter.

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  • If you are trying to publicize the work of an organization, you should start with a press release. If you are not getting any traction with the press release, and you feel your organization connects perfectly with a current news issue, then you might try a letter to the editor.[16]

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About This Article

Article SummaryX

To write letters to the editor, format the letter with the date, your name and address, and the recipient’s name and address. Start with a simple salutation, then identify the article you’re responding to. Next, state your position on the matter, focusing on one major point you want to make. Provide evidence or personal experiences to support your position and include a probable solution. Don’t forget to proofread your letter carefully before sending it in! For tips on tone and etiquette, read on!

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    May 11, 2016

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 Write a Letter to the Editor Format – Writing a letter to the Editor is one of the most prevalent topics of English writing skills. Every year questions come from this topic in CBSE/ICSE/State Board exams for class 10th, 11th and 12th.

Every student wants to score full marks in this subject but, they are not able to because it requires more attention to grammar section and understanding how to write letter to Editor correctly.

You don’t worry, in this notification you will learn completely for format of letter to Editor, the best example and how many marks will be awarded after writing a proper letter to the Editor.

Write a Letter to the Editor Format

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What is a letter to the Editor?

The letter written to the Editor of the newspaper/magazine to highlight any social issue or problems is called letter to the editor, with the help of which the problem can be solved quickly.

Why is it significant to write a letter to the Editor format?

It plays an important role in our life, through newspapers people express their views/concerns/current issues etc. among all.

Letter to the editor is mainly asked in CBSE/ICSE/State board examinations of class 10, 11 and 12th. Otherwise, learning a proper letter writing is very important for future correspondence.

How to write a letter to the Editor?

A proper format of  letter to editor is written by following the eight elements.

1. Sender’s address

This dash covers the address of the editor in which you are writing the letter. It is very important to write the address of the residence/office.

Start writing all the elements with your left-hand side.

2. Date

Write the date on which the letter is being submitted to the editor. This date should be precise as it focuses on several important points as a reference.

3. Receiver’s address

It should cover the office address of the editor along with the name of the organization to which it involves. Mostly it is given in the question, otherwise write according to you.

4. Subject

It addresses in short words for what purpose the letter has been written. So that the important points can be covered by the Editor. A suitable subject should be written in four to five words.

5. Salutation

A salutation is a greeting used in a letter to the editor; usually, we use Sir/Madam/Mam or respected Sir/Madam.

6. Body

It is the main part of writing a letter to the editor format and divided into three paragraphs.

  • Introduction – In this paragraph, introduce yourself and briefly mention the purpose of writing the letter.
  • Main content – Mention all the necessary information and important details for the reason you are writing the letter to the editor.
  • Conclusion – Try to write the last paragraph a little differently and mention what you expect from the Editor.
7. Complimentary closing

It is written on the left-hand side of the letter to express good wishes. It contains Thanking you, Your sincerely/truly  in general terms.

8. Sender’s name

This is the last line of your letter, it has written after the complimentary close, which mentions the name of the sender.

Letter to the editor example for students of CBSE Class 10 & 12

Question: Write a letter to the editor of Times of India regarding creating awareness about health and hygiene among rural people. You are Rohan / Radhika of Jamshed Nagar, Sikkim.

D.B.K Road
Kupwara (East)

15th December 20XX

The Editor
The Times of India

Subject: Creating awareness about health and hygiene


Through your newspaper column, I would like to draw attention to the negligence of the people towards basic health and sanitation in our villages. Rural people are mostly illiterate and do not pay any attention to personal hygiene. As a result of this, the health of most of our rural people suffers from time to time. Due to which the people here are living on swinging from a lot of troubles.

The government should organize health camps where villagers can be made aware about the importance of cleanliness and how to avoid infection. Health check-up by experts can give them information about chronic diseases like heart attack, diabetes, cholera, jaundice etc. A small dispensary should be established in each village for their regular check-up. Villagers should be told about the importance of cleanliness.

Emphasis should be laid on the construction of individual toilets in each household and by the state agencies to help prevent open infection, which causes many diseases.

During summer and winter vacations, school volunteers visit different villages and tell them about the importance of personal hygiene and awareness about the many vaccinations.

I hope that through these efforts we can prove the health issues among our rural people.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely

Important Tips of Write a Letter to Editor Format

  • Stick to the main point.
  • A valuable letter should be concise, clear and do not make spelling mistakes.
  • Try to write a subject – short and relevant topics as per the questions.
  • Do not mention unnecessary details in the letter;  This allows the audience to ignore the letter.
  • The tone of a letter to the editor should greatly, from personal and amusing to formal and serious.

Practice Questions of Write a Letter to the Editor Format

Q1. You are Aman/Aarti of 14A, Darya Ghat, Punjab. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the poor water supply in your locality.

Q2. Children are becoming increasingly ill due to the abundance of garbage and plastic around you, due to which people have to face a lot of problems. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the importance of cleanliness. You are Deepak/Deepti from B-78, Arya Colony, Maharashtra.

Q3. You are Danish/Divya of 14A, Darya Ghat, Punjab. Write a letter to the editor of “Hindustan Times” drawing attention to the consumption and sale of alcohol to the underage people even during prohibition in Bihar.

Q4. You are Anjali, a resident of 69-A, kautilya, Arunachal Pradesh. Write a letter to the editor of English daily newspaper requesting common people to adopt solar energy to save electricity and limit the electricity bill.

Q5. Write a letter in 150 to 200 words to the editor of New York times highlighting that people are becoming increasingly ill due to polluted water supply in your area, children are facing difficulty in leaving the house.

Letter to the Editor Topics for Class 10 & 12

  • Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper on how to stop crime in the city.
  • Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the importance of cleanliness.
  • Write a letter to the editor about the electricity problem in your locality.
  • Write a letter to the editor on the topic bad roads in your locality.
  • Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about a road accident.
  • Write a letter to the editor about evoking awareness for the use of solar energy.
  • Write a short letter to the editor of a newspaper on reckless driving.
  • Write a letter to the editor about the spreading of dengue in your locality.
  • Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the way in which women’s issues are presented.
  • Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper complaining about the bad condition of roads.

FAQs: Write a Letter to the Editor Format

Q1. How do you write a letter to the editor?

Focus on these important guidelines for writing a letter to the editor:

  • Choose a suitable topic about which the letter is being written.
  • The letter was to be written in the correct way according to the editor’s format.
  • Be sure to mention what you expect from the editor.
  • The editor’s letter should pay attention to the length, tone and precise grammar of the letter.
  • Your opening and closing sentences are very important. This will give the reader the value of the letter.

Q2. What is the format of writing a letter to the editor?

The format for writing a letter to the editor is given below –

Q3. What is the correct format of date in the letter to editor?

In order to write the correct format of the date, the letter to the editor will be written in this format.

  • 15th December 20XX

Q4. In which part of the formal letter is the main point written?

There are 8 most important parts to writing a formal letter –

  1. Sender’s address
  2. Date
  3. Receiver’s address
  4. Subject
  5. Salutation
  6. Body (main content of the letter)
  7. Complimentary closing
  8. Sender’s name

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