Leave on a good word

leave a good

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Remember, you want to do your best to leave on good terms because future employers may contact your current company.

Помните, что вы хотите сделать все возможное, чтобы остаться в хороших отношениях, потому что будущие работодатели могут обратиться в текущую компанию.

You know, she wanted to leave on good terms.

think) leave on good terms.

And I didn’t exactly leave on good terms.

You leave on good terms and stay friends with her.

Next articleKnown journalist threatened with prison and I advise you to leave on good terms.

Известной журналистке угрожают тюрьмой и советуют уйти по-хорошему.

It made me very happy to leave on good terms, because my whole life changed at Seville.

Мне было приятно уехать на хороших условиях, потому что вся моя жизнь изменилась именно в Севилье.

If I ever leave Bayern, I would like to leave on good terms with the club.

Если же однажды покину Баварию , то хотел сохранить хорошие отношения с клубом.

[They] did not leave on good terms.

It made me very happy to leave on good terms, because my whole life changed at Seville.

Well, she didn’t tell me much, but I know you didn’t leave on good terms.

Она мне не особо много рассказывает, но я в курсе, что вы расстались не на хорошей ноте.

Ask yourself this, did they leave on good terms and would you consider them friends to your business?

Спросите, хорошо ли вы выполнили свою работу, и будут ли они называть вас своими друзьями.

«I wanted to leave on good terms.»

Leave on good terms if you can.

Did you and Sir Sugar leave on good terms following his separation from your business?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 15. Точных совпадений: 15. Затраченное время: 553 мс


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put in a good word

Общая лексика: замолвить словечко

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «put in a good word» в других словарях:

  • put in a good word — (for (someone)) to say positive things about someone. I m applying for a job in your department, so please put in a good word for me. Usage notes: often you put in a good word with someone who has a position of authority …   New idioms dictionary

  • put in a good word —    If you put in a good word for someone, you say positive things in support of that person in order to help them.     If you apply for the job, I ll put in a good word for you …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • put in a good word for someone — put in a good word (for (someone)) to say positive things about someone. I m applying for a job in your department, so please put in a good word for me. Usage notes: often you put in a good word with someone who has a position of authority …   New idioms dictionary

  • put in a good word for — put in a good word (for (someone)) to say positive things about someone. I m applying for a job in your department, so please put in a good word for me. Usage notes: often you put in a good word with someone who has a position of authority …   New idioms dictionary

  • put in a good word for someone — put in a good word for (someone) informal to try to help someone achieve something by saying good things about them to someone with influence. I m applying for a job in your office. Could you put in a good word for me with your boss? (sometimes + …   New idioms dictionary

  • put in a good word for — (someone) informal to try to help someone achieve something by saying good things about them to someone with influence. I m applying for a job in your office. Could you put in a good word for me with your boss? (sometimes + with) …   New idioms dictionary

  • put in a (good) word for someone — phrase to tell someone about the good qualities that a particular person has, usually in order to get an advantage for that person He promised to put in a word for me with the boss. Thesaurus: to praise someone or somethingsynonym Main entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • put in a good word for — To make commendatory mention of (someone) in a quarter where it will do him or her good • • • Main Entry: ↑word …   Useful english dictionary

  • put in a (good) word for somebody — put in a (good) ˈword for sb idiom to praise sb to sb else in order to help them get a job, etc. Main entry: ↑wordidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • put in a good word for — tell the employer that you are a good applicant    If you apply for a job with us, I ll put in a good word for you …   English idioms

  • put in a (good) word for, — idi put in a (good) word for, to speak favorably on behalf of; commend …   From formal English to slang

  • #1

Hola, me pueden decir como se dice eso bien ?
= it bothers me that we didn’t leave each other on good terms
/ it bothers me that we didn’t leave things on good terms (with each other
mi intento
me molesta que no hayamos dejado las cosas bien entre nosotos


  • Adolfo Afogutu

    • #2

    Me molesta que no hayamos terminado en buenos términos / que no hayamos terminado bien (nuestra relación) /que hayamos terminado mal. Teminaron como perro y gato. Suele suceder.

    • #3

    I agree with Adolfo, and I would add: «…que no hayamos quedado a buenas» or «…que no hayamos quedado como amigos», both of them very idiomatic here.

    • #4

    gracias .. Ustedes son los mejores !!

    Идиома: put in a good word for someone разг.

    Перевод: замолвить за кого-либо словечко, заступиться за кого-либо


    I put in a good word for my friend when I was meeting with my boss and supervisor.
    Я замолвил словечко за своего друга, когда встречался со своим начальником и менеджером.

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