Learning word for free

Расскажем о бесплатных ресурсах, благодаря которым можно легко запоминать незнакомые слова.

5 бесплатных сайтов для запоминания английских слов

Как учить английские слова без зубрежки и скучных упражнений? Для запоминания новой лексики мы предлагаем несколько интересных сайтов, на которых вы можете бесплатно расширять свой лексический запас и даже помогать нуждающимся, не тратя ни копейки из личных средств. Как это сделать? Читайте ниже.

1. Quizlet

Начнем с нашего фаворита — сайта quizlet.com. Мы выбираем его за эффективные методы запоминания слов, а также современный и лаконичный дизайн. А еще Quizlet подойдет как новичкам, так и тем, кто владеет английским на уровне Advanced.

В Quizlet вы можете не только выбирать готовые обучающие модули, но и создавать свои. Для этого вам необходимо составить список незнакомых слов и подобрать к ним перевод. Ресурс автоматически предложит вам варианты перевода, а если они вас не устроят, вы можете ввести свой. Сохранив обучающий модуль, переходите в раздел «Карточки» — здесь вы можете просмотреть слова и прослушать произношение. В следующем разделе — «Заучивание» — вы будете подбирать перевод к словам. Если вы допускаете ошибку, то слово встретится вам еще раз, а потом еще раз, и так до тех пор, пока вы его не запомните. В разделах «Письмо» и «Правописание» вы запомните, как пишется слово. А в конце вы можете пройти тест, который проверит знание всей лексики обучающего модуля.

Если вы хотите изучать слова в игровой форме, вам подойдут разделы «Подбор» — нужно соединить слово с переводом и «Гравитация» — необходимо ввести слово, пока астероид не упал на Землю.

2. Learn English

Загляните на сайт learnenglish.de, здесь вы найдете электронные флеш-карточки. Создатели сайта предлагают три этапа изучения новых слов:

  1. Сначала вы просматриваете слова и стараетесь запомнить их при помощи ассоциации с картинкой.
  2. Потом вам на некоторое время показывают картинку, а вы пытаетесь вспомнить слово.
  3. На третьем этапе вы тестируете свои знания: пишите рядом с картинкой слово на английском языке.

Упражнение довольно простое, но для начинающих это именно то, что надо.

На этом же сайте в разделе Mistakes можно поработать над упражнениями с английскими словами, которые часто путают, например, any и some, borrow и lend и т. п. На странице Word Games вы найдете разнообразные игры на расширение и отработку словарного запаса: кроссворды, необычный морской бой и т. п.

Несмотря на несколько устаревший дизайн, ресурс остается полезным для тех, кто только начинает изучать английский.

3. Freerice

Freerice.com — самый необычный из всех ресурсов. Сразу скажем, новичкам он не подойдет, а вот с уровня Pre-Intermediate можно пробовать заниматься на нем. Здесь необходимо подбирать значения к английским словам.

В чем «фишка» этой игры? Вся соль заключается в так называемой «награде». За каждый правильный ответ вы «зарабатываете» 10 зерен риса. По окончании игры спонсоры сайта пересчитывают количество заработанных зерен в денежный эквивалент и переводят эту сумму средств на счет Всемирной продовольственной программы — крупнейшей организации, оказывающей гуманитарную помощь голодающим. Девиз сайта — Play and feed hungry people (Играй и корми голодных людей).

Раскроем сразу все карты: по подсчетам зарубежных экспертов за 10 минут игры вы можете «заработать» всего 3 цента. Да, немного. А что если будут играть миллионы людей?

4. Memrise

Сервис Memrise основан нейробиологом Принстонского университета Грегом Детре и выдающимся мнемотехником Эдом Куком. Ресурс невероятно популярен — на сайте зарегистрировано порядка 40 миллионов пользователей из 189 стран мира.

Memrise — современная платформа, где в качестве обучающего инструмента использованы интерактивные карточки. Благодаря продуманному дизайну сайтом легко пользоваться на интуитивном уровне. Сервис делает основной упор на визуализацию, которая может быть представлена в виде картинки, мема или короткого видео, записанного носителем языка. Однако русскоязычным пользователям Memorise может показаться неудобным, ведь перевод ко многим словам придется вносить самостоятельно. Кроме того, произношение слов можно прослушать только в готовых курсах, если же вы создаете свой список слов, вам придется озвучивать их самостоятельно.

Сайт предлагает платную подписку, но для большинства пользователей достаточно и бесплатной версии.

5. Vocabulary.com

Vocabulary.com — прекрасный сервис для тех, кто знает английский на более продвинутом уровне. Здесь вы будете подбирать к словам их значения на английском.

В разделе Dictionary вы найдете определения незнакомой лексики, сможете создать собственный мини-словарь и учить только нужные вам слова. Кроме того, Vocabulary.com предлагает готовые списки слов.

Этот ресурс может показаться простым, но он основан на сложных алгоритмах, которые помогут эффективно выучить более 15 000 слов. В разделе Play the Challenge можно тестировать свой словарный запас: по мере того, как вы играете, сервис запоминает, какие слова вы пока не запомнили, и делает на них акцент.

Расширить словарный запас вы можете на ежедневных занятиях с преподавателем в клубе Skills ― в разговорной практике быстрее запоминается новая лексика.

В следующих статьях мы продолжим делиться с вами полезными ресурсами. Однако слова можно учить не только онлайн, но и оффлайн. В статье «15 полезных советов, которые помогут вам увеличить словарный запас» мы подробно рассказали о том, как учить новые английские слова. А о том, как эффективно запоминать иностранные слова, смотрите выпуск на YouTube-канале «Инглекс». Занимайтесь и оттачивайте свои знания.

© 2023 englex.ru, копирование материалов возможно только при указании прямой активной ссылки на первоисточник.

learn a new word everydayIf you are learning a new language, it is essential to new words each day. Gaining a powerful vocabulary will guarantee that you will be able to express yourself effectively and sophisticatedly. Designating a “word of the day” for yourself will also ensure that you understand grammar to a greater extent and the lengths to which the language you are studying is developed. In this article, I will be discussing websites that are great for learning new English words. Each website has its benefits and disadvantages, so it is better to use several websites at a time to gain the most out of your learning process. Many of these websites have a word of the day app that you can download on your smartphone or tablet for easy usage. It is best to be connected to new words in any way you can!

1. A.Word.A.Day (AWAD)

You can see the word of the day, and yesterday’s word of the day, on the website or through an email subscription. The website is strikingly simple, but highly useful. It provides the pronunciation, meaning, etymology, and usage of the selected word. Below the entry, the owner, Anu Garg, also presents a thought of the day. The New York Times commented that this website is “The most welcomed, most enduring piece of daily mass e-mail in cyberspace.” In fact, it has over a million subscribers from over 170 countries.

2. Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day

One of the most respected dictionaries in the world, Merriam-Webster has a sophisticated layout for its word-of-the-day page. It provides a definition (with sound of the word spoken included), a “Did you know” section, examples of its usage, a “Name that synonym” section, podcasts, and a word of the day calendar at the bottom. Those who are truly interested in words and their histories, this dictionary will be a treat. Its “Did you know” section is expansive, and allows readers to understand the nuances of each selected word. On the left of the presentation is an easy way to share the word of the day through Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. You can even get the word of the day emailed to you through a subscription. It even has a section for learners called a learner’s dictionary. This dictionary also has a word-of-the-day category.

3. Wordnik

This website is all about words, with a word community, word of the day, and random word pages. On its word-of-the-day page, it has concise definitions of words with ample example sentences with the chosen word being used, extra notes on nuances, and also stats on its usage and even its Scrabble score. The fantastic thing about this page is that each word is accompanied with real examples from literature, not just sentences made up on the spot that sound unnatural. So, not only will you learn a new word each day, but also become knowledgeable in literature through this website. It also has an easy-to-access archive, and a convenient way of sharing words via social media.

4. Duolingo

This is perhaps the best language learning app and website out there. In turn, it is a great tool for learning new words. You can compete with your friends and family through the app, so you can gain that motivation needed to learn new words. It has a simple but pleasant layout, with many different exercises for learning: speaking, listening, writing, multiple choice questions, matching word exercises, and more. You can either strengthen what you already know, or venture into the world of new words each day. Duolingo focuses on obtaining a streak, so you know how many days in a row you have been learning a certain language (in our case, it is most likely English). There are many other language learning apps on the market, but it seems Duolingo takes the cake in terms of efficiency, user-friendliness, and motivation. It even has a cute owl mascot that cheers you on as you go through the exercises. I think that most people use the app rather than the website; however, both can be useful. It is important to download the necessary keyboards for the languages you are learning, though.

5. Dictionary.com’s Word of the Day

This is another popular option for learning new words easily. It shows the definitions in the form of a meme or picture you can conveniently share on social media (including showing the pronunciation and what kind of word it is). Below the definitions are citations of the word of the day’s usage from literature. Lastly, there is a section that discusses the origin of the word. You can sign up for an email subscription to the page, and seeing the visual archive of the word of the day for the previous day is just a scroll away.

6. Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Day

Maybe the most trusted dictionary in the world, the Oxford Dictionary website also has a webpage that features a word of the day. For each entry, you have an audio pronunciation guide, a definition, the word’s origin, and an easy-to-share picture of the word with a pronunciation guide across social media. I like that the Oxford Dictionary focuses on archaic usages of words as well, as for wordaholics, these archaic definitions can be useful to know and interesting to understand. Like most sites of this nature, it also has an email subscription option. Another section of this website to check out if you have time is “Explore the English Language,” which has wordlists and word origin features.

7. New York Times’ Word of the Day

A standard in the news industry, it is also a fantastic tool for learning. The New York Times presents a word of the day daily, attached with a quiz. What is also useful is that it shows words in context of The New York Times itself. So, they will show how the word was used in news articles from the Times. Each entry has sections for definitions, examples of its usage in news articles, and a quiz at the bottom. After you finish the quiz, you will see a more detailed look into the chosen word, discussing its nuances. A great tool for learning more words, and more about them.

8. WordReference.com’s Word of the Day

The special thing about this website is that it offers two categories: basic word of the day, and intermediate word of the day. The basic word of the day is aimed at beginners and the intermediate word of the day is focused on people who have been learning English for some time. Though each category has entries that are filled with detail, there is a clear difference between basic and intermediate entries. In the basic section, entries have sections dedicated definitions, common uses, usage within pop culture, and a button that reads “see full definition,” which leads a user to an elaborated entry. For the intermediate entries, there are sections devoted to expanded definitions, example sentences, words most often used with the chosen entry, usage within pop culture, “did you know,” origins, and once again a “see full definition” button. This seems like the most comprehensive website for learning words and their background stories, so to say. You can get these definitions sent to you by email, and can also share them easily via Facebook and Twitter. You can scroll through entries as if you were on a common blogging site.

9. Vocabulary.com

This website tries its best to make learning new words enjoyable. It has word games to play, you can look up words, and it has word lists. They say if you start playing with language, you will learn it quickly. This website seems to take this approach. When learning is fun and flexible, words will be retained at a better rate. A great thing about its quizzes is that when you answer a question, it will describe the word in detail. The search option has examples sentences written by humans, not computers (it happens often it seems), examples sentences that are in touch with the real world of how English is being used, and claims to be the fastest-working dictionary. Its layout is user-friendly and intuitive. In the lists section, there are myriad lists focused on different subjects, ranging from baseball to movies. It is a highly enjoyable and engaging website for learning new words, and for studying English in general.

10. Word of the Day! App

For people who are crazy about checking other dictionaries for varying definitions, this is the app for them. This app features the following sources:

  • Merriam-Webster
  • Dictionary.com
  • Oxford English Dictionary
  • The Free Dictionary
  • The Learning Network
  • WordSpy
  • Latin Word of the Day
  • MedTerms
  • Yahoo! Education

You can conveniently compare definitions, and discover the nuances of words you want to delve into. In addition, you can “star” and “favorite” certain definitions and words. These starred and favorited words can be shared with friends, and the app will also alert you when new words have been entered into its system. It’s a free app, so it is a catch for those who don’t want to spend to learn. The entries for the words have audio recordings of pronunciation, root meanings, examples sentences, and connotations of chosen words.

How should I learn English words? It’s a neverending question. A lot of people have come up with different solutions and ideas but everybody seems to forget about one very important thing: THE JOY OF PLAYING GAMES.

You don’t have to be a genius to see how quickly and effectively children can memorise things. They play all day long. This is the source of their motivation, the key to their rapid progress. Unfortunately, play is the one thing that is usually limited in an average school setup.

Several experiments have proven that our learning process is more effective when we support it with games. So here are 5 websites that may help you to really acquire English words. And I doubt you’ll ever get bored.

1. Infographics for improving your vocabulary

Learn English Words with MyEnglishTeacher.eu

A few months ago, I started to create my own infographics for improving vocabulary. Thousands of people have shared and published them on their own blogs. This is an example of true success. And this is what you can use to learn new English words for free any time.

2. MyEnglishTeacher.eu on Facebook

If something hasn’t been mentioned here on the blog, I share it on Facebook. 🙂 And for sure, there are plenty of pictures and games that you can see and use only on Facebook. In case you haven’t liked my page already, now is the time to do so.

3. Babbel

This is one of my favourite websites for improving English vocabulary. At first, it helps you to remember new words. Then, you learn the spelling and your understanding of the word’s meaning is checked with the help of gap-filling exercises.

Although this is purely for learning vocabulary, you’ll enjoy learning words and have entertainment to last you as long as you like! You should definitely try it! You can learn a wide selection of words for free; however, if you want more you have to subscribe ($12.95/month).

4. EnglishCentral

Again, one of the best learning programmes currently in existence. It is supported by the almighty Google itself.

Not only can you learn countless new words, you can check their pronunciation too. Moreover (and this is why it’s really invaluable), the resources are current pieces of news and articles from all over the world – today’s happenings.

5. English Vocabulary Dictionary created by MyEnglishTeacher.eu itself

Always keep your mind active with our new videos and explanations.

More for you:
9 Most Popular iOS and Android Apps to Learn English Language
6 Excellent English Grammar Apps for Android

10000+ результатов для ‘learn words’



от Mariadodina13



от Abcstudioenglish1


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Halloween «to be»

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от Abcstudioenglish1


ordinal numbers

ordinal numbers

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Words to learn

Words to learn

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8 класс
Среднее образование

Victoria learn words!!!!廊

Victoria learn words!!!!廊

от Lilit24

The words to learn

The words to learn

от Beesmartyar

Learn the words

Learn the words
Перевернуть плитки

от Knowenglang

Words to learn

Words to learn

от Alex55

Grammar one

Let's learn new words

Let’s learn new words
Откройте поле

от Elizavetapo

words to learn

words to learn

от Gooddonut37

words to learn 2

words to learn 2
Случайное колесо

от Mvmelko

words to learn Vereschagina

words to learn Vereschagina

от Zolotuk

words to learn

words to learn
Случайное колесо

от Mvmelko

Learn new words

Learn new words

от Svpanfil

Начальная школа / начальная

Words to learn 1

Words to learn 1
Угадай буквы

от Alex55

Grammar one

Learn the words!

Learn the words!
Случайные карты

от Elenaserebrennikova

2-й класс

Learn the words

Learn the words

от Rockmasha

Antarctica - learn the words

Antarctica — learn the words
Пропущенное слово

от Juliettrushina

11 класс

learn words 2

learn words 2
Правда или ложь

от Noname2207

Kris. learn words

Kris. learn words
Случайные карты

от Oksana47


Случайные карты

от Zosiaivanova

Words for learn

Words for learn

от Foxisgirl

Victoria learn words!!!!廊

Victoria learn words!!!!廊
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Lilit24

some words to learn

some words to learn

от Alevelclub


ai words to learn

ai words to learn

от Wishtree2012

Learn the words

Learn the words
Поиск слов

от Tsukanovama

Learn the words 2

Learn the words 2

от Tsukanovama

Victoria learn words!!!!廊

Victoria learn words!!!!廊
Найди пару

от Lilit24

words to learn

words to learn
Случайное колесо

от Speakyboom

Protectionism. Learn the words.

Protectionism. Learn the words.
Откройте поле

от Helen100lyarova

learn words 1

learn words 1
Откройте поле

от Noname2207

Words to learn

Words to learn

от Thqpresentx

8 класс

11A learn words

11A learn words

от Ylashka99



от Abcstudioenglish1


School Subjects

School Subjects

от Abcstudioenglish1


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FH2 Lesson 13 Learn words

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Совпадающие пары

от Yeugenia

FF 4 unit 3

FF 4 unit 3
Найди пару

от Abcstudioenglish1


FF 5 Unit1

FF 5 Unit1
Найди пару

от Abcstudioenglish1



Найди пару

от Abcstudioenglish1


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FF 3 unit 3
Сбить воздушный шар

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Body parts (learn the words)

от Kseniamolotoren

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Learn to write these words

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Day 1 Learn new words

Day 1 Learn new words
Совпадающие пары

от Missgsk

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irregular 3 words to learn

от Lesssssson

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Words to learn (EN-RU)

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FH2 Lesson 15 Learn words

от Imaverylazybear

Day 1 Learn new words

Day 1 Learn new words
Случайные карты

от Missgsk

 ROOMS Anagram

ROOMS Anagram

от Abcstudioenglish1


Words and phrases to learn

Words and phrases to learn

от Msksenia1998

Jolly o words to learn

Jolly o words to learn
Случайные карты

от Wishtree2012

 FT 1C learn new words

FT 1C learn new words

от Sonifi2010

6.2 Learn the words. Protectionism.

6.2 Learn the words. Protectionism.

от Helen100lyarova


Случайные карты

от Abcstudioenglish1


Words and phrases to learn

Words and phrases to learn

от Beesmartyar

Let's learn some Christmas words!

Let’s learn some Christmas words!
Диаграмма с метками

от Katerinaprudche

FH2. Lesson 19. Learn words

FH2. Lesson 19. Learn words

от Imaverylazybear

irregular 4 words to learn

irregular 4 words to learn

от Lesssssson

Last updated:

December 22, 2022

English vocabulary is arguably the most important aspect of learning English. 

Nowadays, just looking up “English vocabulary” in the App Store or on Google Play will give you infinite results. So how do you choose the best one for you?

Thankfully, we have combed through tons of great apps to learn English and picked out the very best that help with word acquisition. 

In this article, we’ll help you find the resources to study English words for each unique type of learner.


  • 1. Best for Busy Learners: Word of the Day
  • 2. Best for Learning in Context: FluentU
  • 3. Best for Serious Learners: Voxy
  • 4. Best for Conversational Phrases: Memrise
  • 5. Best for Visual Learners: English Vocabulary by Picture
  • 6. Best All-in-one App: Busuu
  • 7. Best for Flashcards: VocApp English Flashcards
  • 8. Best for Beginners: English Vocabulary Builder
  • 9. Best for Intermediate Vocabulary: Galvanize Test Prep Ultimate Vocabulary Builder
  • 10. Best for Offline Practice: Fortitude Vocabulary Builder
  • 11. Best for TOEFL Takers: TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards
  • 12. Best for Proficiency Tests: Test Your English Vocabulary
  • 13. Best for Spelling Practice: Catena
  • 14. Best for Word Picture Association: 4 Pics 1 Word
  • 15. Best for Advanced Learners: Words with Friends
  • 16. Best for Puzzle Lovers: Alphabear
  • 17. Best for Casual Learners: Words of Wonders
  • How Do Vocabulary Apps Help You Learn English Words Faster?

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

1. Best for Busy Learners: Word of the Day

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free


The best way to learn new words is to make them a daily habit. Learning one or two new words each day will help you in the long run. If you’re already busy with jobs and other work and therefore can’t devote much time to learning, there’s a very simple app to help you out.

With Word of the Day, you’ll learn a new word each day, remember your favorite words and even browse and find out what other people like. They also have a number of pronunciation options, so you’ll know exactly where to put the accents and the stresses!


2. Best for Learning in Context: FluentU

Available on: iOS | Android 

Price: Monthly subscription, Free trial available

FluentU uses authentic videos such as music, news, politics and more to can grow your English vocabulary and build your English cultural knowledge at the same time. The videos are targeted toward native speakers, so you will be learning with authentic and relevant content. 

You can start by watching any video in the extensive library that interests you—they’re easily organized by topic and difficulty (beginner to advanced). As you watch, you can click on the interactive subtitles for an instant definition of any word, as well as its pronunciation and example sentences.

FluentU also works as a video dictionary, letting you look up any word and discover all clips in the library that feature your search.

After you finish a video, you can review new vocabulary through quizzes and multimedia flashcards to make sure you remember all the new words.

3. Best for Serious Learners: Voxy

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Monthly subscription, Free trial available

Voxy is focused on providing English training for employees of companies and corporations.

Voxy adapts to your needs and gives you personalized lessons. So whether you need English words to ace an exam or meet a client, Voxy ensures that you pick up the relevant vocabulary.

It does so by analyzing your learning needs and providing audio and visual content. You can take your lessons anywhere with the app and even get fun practice options, like karaoke-style music lessons.

You can schedule a one-on-one live tutoring session and receive feedback. If you’re learning with others—for example, a team of employees—Voxy is specially designed to help with that. 


4. Best for Conversational Phrases: Memrise

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free, Premium subscription available

free-english-learning-appsMemrise is essentially a flashcard app. But don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s simple. The app uses SRS, or a Spaced Repetition System, which is a unique algorithm proven to help you remember words and phrases faster. 

The app uses video examples of language being used in real life, so you will be listening to real native speakers use their language in a natural way while you learn. The gamified method of learning will also keep you entertained and motivated to continue learning. 

Memrise also has courses created by the company and other users, which gives you tons of options to choose from while you learn. If you want a more methodical approach, you can go through their courses that start from beginner and move on to advanced. 


See our full review of Memrise here. 

5. Best for Visual Learners: English Vocabulary by Picture


Available on: iOS

Price: Free

Are you a visual learner? Lots of people are! You can definitely learn English vocabulary words through pictures and this app from oCoder proves it.

With this app, you can access thousands of vocabulary words divided into 100 topics. Each word is accompanied by a clear image and audio clip. You can browse different words and use the test function to quiz yourself.

This app also has a translation feature that allows you to look up and translate English words into your mother language. If you’re not used to Latin lettering, you can also test your typing skills for different vocabulary words. This app really is packed with a lot of features that all levels of learners can enjoy.

6. Best All-in-one App: Busuu

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free, Premium subscription available

Icon imageBusuu is a great app for connecting with one of the largest online learning communities. According to its website, tens of millions of language lovers are part of its worldwide network. The features are focused on community-based learning including its own video chat platform.

The app boasts that it covers all areas of language acquisition, which means it can be used as a comprehensive learning approach. Not only will you pick up English vocabulary in their lessons, but you will also be able to practice writing, speaking and reading every word you learn. 

And once you have the basics down, you can connect with native speakers and learners from all over the world to help you with tricky vocab. 


See our full review of Busuu here.

7. Best for Flashcards: VocApp English Flashcards


Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free

Flashcards are still popular for a reason—they really do work at teaching vocabulary words!

This little flashcard tool from VocApp is perfect for English learners at any level. You can select your preferred difficulty within the app.

This flashcard vocabulary app is unique in that it uses more complex elements to teach you every aspect of a vocabulary word, from the pronunciation to example sentences to definitions.

You can even create your own flashcards in the app for a more customized experience.

8. Best for Beginners: English Vocabulary Builder


Available on: Android

Price: Free

This vocabulary builder app is a must-have for English learners of any level.

The interface is simple and it’s very user-friendly. Select a word theme (such as “Important Words” or “Antonyms”) and take the test to see how well you know that particular word set. Afterward, you can review the words that you incorrectly defined and save them to a custom list to study later.

It’s really a simple app, but sometimes simple is good! All levels of learners can use this handy vocabulary builder, but beginners will benefit the most from the vocabulary words provided.

9. Best for Intermediate Vocabulary: Galvanize Test Prep Ultimate Vocabulary Builder


Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free

This app is one of the most popular English vocabulary apps in the Google Play store, and for good reason. Not only is it great for learning English words, but the design and game-like functions also make it a bit addictive.

For every word you correctly define, you earn points. With these points you can unlock more words as you improve your fluency. The challenge aspect is really fun!

If you’re studying for the GRE—the test that graduate school candidates take in North America—you’re also in luck. This app teaches you the small nuances and details of different English words, which is necessary to pass the GRE.

This app would best suit intermediate and advanced learners, but beginners who want a challenge can certainly try it out.

10. Best for Offline Practice: Fortitude Vocabulary Builder


Available on: Android

Price: Free

Don’t want to use up your data plan? Don’t worry, this vocabulary app from Fortitude works offline.

This app boasts a vocabulary bank of over 1,400 words, complete with accurate and simple definitions, plenty of real-world examples and crystal-clear audio pronunciation. There are pictures to help you understand and remember the words, so even absolute beginners can use this app to power through vocabulary words in English.

You can select beginner, intermediate or advanced and get live updates on how well you’re doing at each level.

If you love a simple and clean design and also want something that can teach you vocabulary offline, this app is for you.

11. Best for TOEFL Takers: TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards


Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free

While this is yet another English flashcard vocabulary app, it’s perfect for any English learner who’s currently cramming for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) in order to enroll in an English-speaking university.

The TOEFL is a big deal for students who want to study abroad in English-speaking countries and this app can be a real lifesaver during the study process. You can access hundreds of vocabulary words that’ve been selected by a professional TOEFL tutor and quiz yourself on their meaning through digital flashcards.

It’s simple, accurate and perfect for intermediate and advanced learners.

12. Best for Proficiency Tests: Test Your English Vocabulary


Available on: Android

Price: Free

If you’re preparing for an English proficiency test and want to get caught up on more complex English vocabulary words, this is the perfect app to use.

Search through thousands of words that you’ll need for English proficiency exams that are popular around the globe. Test your knowledge of these words by matching them with their definitions or vice-versa. You can also play word games for a little bit of entertainment.

This app is also handy because it allows you to define English words in your mother tongue, so beginners can really benefit from this one.

13. Best for Spelling Practice: Catena

Available on: iOS

Price: Free


Catena is a very unique word game that’s especially suited for those who make frequent spelling mistakes or are exceptionally eager to learn moderate or difficult words.

The game is rather simple—you have to use the last or last few letters of the opponent’s word to form a new word. In this way, you’ll build a word chain. So if your opponent had spelled “mostly” you can begin a new word with “lying.”

There are a number of difficulty modes, and you can even challenge other players to a battle of words! With online opponents, both of you will take turns forming new words, building a word chain and earning points accordingly.

This vocabulary app will force you to think on your feet, come up with the right word at the right time and help you pick up words you wouldn’t have encountered in an average class.

14. Best for Word Picture Association: 4 Pics 1 Word

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free


If you love riddles and prefer a visual learning approach, then 4 Pics 1 Word is the app for you. It’ll not only help you sharpen your mental skills, but also help you build a vocabulary for everyday objects and other commonly-used words.

The premise is simple. You’ll be provided with four pictures that share a common quality or element. You must guess the word that connects them together.

New puzzles are always being added and there are many levels to explore, so you’re not likely to run out of material anytime soon.


15. Best for Advanced Learners: Words with Friends

Available on:  iOS | Android

Price: Free


Many of us loved the board game Scrabble as kids. We have fond memories of just how much fun it was putting random letters together to create the highest-scoring words.

Well, Words with Friends provides a similar experience and much more.

Even if you haven’t played Scrabble, it’s pretty easy to learn. There’s a grid and certain areas offer a certain number of points. You have to select letters and form words in the right parts of the grid to earn maximum points. Your opponent may use some of your letters to form new words and score points.


Not only can you challenge your Facebook friends to a match, but you can also match up with other opponents with similar skills. There’s also a “hindsight” option that shows you the best word you could’ve played in the previous turn, an offline mode and weekly challenges to make you play more often.

By playing regularly, you’ll better remember the new words you encounter and expand your vocabulary further.

16. Best for Puzzle Lovers: Alphabear

Available on:  iOS | Android

Price: Free, VIP subscription available


For those who love puzzle games, Alphabear is an extremely fun game to kick-start your vocabulary learning. You have to spell new words and when you select letters that are adjacent to each other, cartoon bears will appear. These bears may increase the points, extend the timer or help you out in some other way.

The game’s design is cute and fun to ensure that you have a good time while you play. There’s even a built-in dictionary for English learners. If you’re bored of memorizing new words, this game will help you pick up where you left off.


17. Best for Casual Learners: Words of Wonders

Available on: iOS | Android

Price: Free


Solving crosswords is an enjoyable way to pass the time in transit or while you’re waiting for something. If you like crosswords and you’re keen to improve your general knowledge about this world, then Words of Wonders is the game that will test your English vocabulary to its limits.

You’ll be provided with a few letters as clues. You’ll use them to create new words and connect them to figure out the final solution to a crossword. With every right answer, you’ll virtually travel to different cities and visit new wonders.

Not only will you be learning new words, but you’ll also discover new and interesting things about this planet. At the same time, you’ll sharpen problem-solving skills that will benefit you in real life.


How Do Vocabulary Apps Help You Learn English Words Faster?

Many vocabulary apps are designed to help you learn words faster and remember them better, compared to traditional teaching methods. Here are some of the reasons why.

  • They usually have the relevant vocabulary to suit your needs: English learners have diverse needs. A student of business English won’t benefit much from studying engineering or medical vocabulary—while a general English learner doesn’t need to know academic terms.

Therefore choosing resources to cater to your needs is very important.

  • They’re often in the form of interesting and engaging games that make it more fun: You’re not likely to remember much if you memorize a bunch of words from a list. But if you encounter those same words in a game, you’re bound to remember them and their meanings.
  • They encourage you to use them daily: Practice makes perfect and unless you devote time every day to learning something, you won’t get very far. These apps come with daily reminders and motivational messages so that you become enthusiastic about learning and getting your English vocabulary exercises on the regular.
  • They constantly give you new words to learn. Many of these apps have enormous dictionary banks of vocabulary words. Whether you’re a beginner learner, an intermediate learner or an advanced learner, most of these apps are worth having on hand for their vocabulary banks alone.
  • They often have multiplayer options, so you can learn and compete in a study group: Learning on your own isn’t as fun as being part of a study circle. Many of these apps allow you to compete with your friends or have a scoreboard where you can compete with other players. This will make you more invested in the game and help you learn faster.
  • They let you practice English on the go and on your own time since you can take apps anywhere on your device.  When you’re on the bus or on a work break, you can easily learn a couple of new words with these apps on hand.

If you’re serious about improving your English vocabulary, using apps such as the ones mentioned above is a must. Try to pick up English phrases and words that are relevant to you and review them periodically.

Look for opportunities to use these newly-learned words often, and even if you make mistakes, learn from them and keep at it.

As long as you remain passionate and disciplined about your learning, you’re sure to be successful in growing a beautiful English word garden!

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