Learning new english word every day

In terms of vocabulary development, we were all little geniuses in childhood, learning hundreds of new words every year. By the time we entered first grade, most of us had active vocabularies of several thousand words.

Unfortunately, we weren’t geniuses for very long. By age 11 or 12, equipped with a sizable survival vocabulary, most of us lost some of our early enthusiasm for language, and the rate at which we picked up new words began to decline significantly. As adults, if we don’t make deliberate efforts to increase our vocabularies, we’re lucky to pick up even 50 or 60 new words a year.

The English language has so much to offer (between 500,000 and 1 million words, by most accounts) that it would be a shame to let our vocabulary-building talents go to waste. So here’s one way that we can regain some of our youthful brilliance: learn a new word each day.

Whether you’re a student preparing for the SAT, ACT, or GRE, or simply an unabashed logophile (or lover of words), starting each day with a fresh word can be intellectually nourishing—and more enjoyable than a bowl of All-Bran.

Here are three of our favorite daily word sites: all are free and available through e-mail subscriptions.

A.Word.A.Day (AWAD)

Founded in 1994, A.Word.A.Day at Wordsmith.org is the creation of Anu Garg, an India-born computer engineer who clearly enjoys sharing his pleasure in words. Simply designed, this popular site (nearly 400,000 subscribers from 170 countries) offers concise definitions and examples of words that relate to a different theme every week. The New York Times has called this «the most welcomed, most enduring piece of daily mass e-mail in cyberspace.» Recommended for all word lovers.

Oxford English Dictionary Word of the Day

For many of us, the Oxford English Dictionary is the ultimate reference work, and the OED Word of the Day provides a complete entry (including a wealth of illustrative sentences) from the 20-volume dictionary. You can sign up to have the OED’s Word of the Day delivered by e-mail or RSS web feed. Recommended for scholars, English majors, and logophiles.

Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day

Less expansive than the OED site, the daily word page hosted by this U.S. dictionary-maker offers an audio pronunciation guide along with basic definitions and etymologies. The Merriam-Webster Word of the Day is also available as a podcast, which you can listen to on your computer or MP3 player. Recommended for high school and college students as well as advanced ESL students.

Other Daily Word Sites

These sites should also be useful to high school and college students.

  • Dictionary.com Word of the Day
  • The Learning Network (The New York Times)
  • The Quotations Page Word of the Day

Of course, you don’t have to go online to learn new words. You can simply begin making a list of new words that you encounter in your reading and conversations. Then look up each word in a dictionary and write down the definition along with a sentence that illustrates how the word is used.

But if you need a little encouragement to work on building your vocabulary every day, sign up for one of our favorite word-a-day sites.

learn a new word everydayIf you are learning a new language, it is essential to new words each day. Gaining a powerful vocabulary will guarantee that you will be able to express yourself effectively and sophisticatedly. Designating a “word of the day” for yourself will also ensure that you understand grammar to a greater extent and the lengths to which the language you are studying is developed. In this article, I will be discussing websites that are great for learning new English words. Each website has its benefits and disadvantages, so it is better to use several websites at a time to gain the most out of your learning process. Many of these websites have a word of the day app that you can download on your smartphone or tablet for easy usage. It is best to be connected to new words in any way you can!

1. A.Word.A.Day (AWAD)

You can see the word of the day, and yesterday’s word of the day, on the website or through an email subscription. The website is strikingly simple, but highly useful. It provides the pronunciation, meaning, etymology, and usage of the selected word. Below the entry, the owner, Anu Garg, also presents a thought of the day. The New York Times commented that this website is “The most welcomed, most enduring piece of daily mass e-mail in cyberspace.” In fact, it has over a million subscribers from over 170 countries.

2. Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day

One of the most respected dictionaries in the world, Merriam-Webster has a sophisticated layout for its word-of-the-day page. It provides a definition (with sound of the word spoken included), a “Did you know” section, examples of its usage, a “Name that synonym” section, podcasts, and a word of the day calendar at the bottom. Those who are truly interested in words and their histories, this dictionary will be a treat. Its “Did you know” section is expansive, and allows readers to understand the nuances of each selected word. On the left of the presentation is an easy way to share the word of the day through Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. You can even get the word of the day emailed to you through a subscription. It even has a section for learners called a learner’s dictionary. This dictionary also has a word-of-the-day category.

3. Wordnik

This website is all about words, with a word community, word of the day, and random word pages. On its word-of-the-day page, it has concise definitions of words with ample example sentences with the chosen word being used, extra notes on nuances, and also stats on its usage and even its Scrabble score. The fantastic thing about this page is that each word is accompanied with real examples from literature, not just sentences made up on the spot that sound unnatural. So, not only will you learn a new word each day, but also become knowledgeable in literature through this website. It also has an easy-to-access archive, and a convenient way of sharing words via social media.

4. Duolingo

This is perhaps the best language learning app and website out there. In turn, it is a great tool for learning new words. You can compete with your friends and family through the app, so you can gain that motivation needed to learn new words. It has a simple but pleasant layout, with many different exercises for learning: speaking, listening, writing, multiple choice questions, matching word exercises, and more. You can either strengthen what you already know, or venture into the world of new words each day. Duolingo focuses on obtaining a streak, so you know how many days in a row you have been learning a certain language (in our case, it is most likely English). There are many other language learning apps on the market, but it seems Duolingo takes the cake in terms of efficiency, user-friendliness, and motivation. It even has a cute owl mascot that cheers you on as you go through the exercises. I think that most people use the app rather than the website; however, both can be useful. It is important to download the necessary keyboards for the languages you are learning, though.

5. Dictionary.com’s Word of the Day

This is another popular option for learning new words easily. It shows the definitions in the form of a meme or picture you can conveniently share on social media (including showing the pronunciation and what kind of word it is). Below the definitions are citations of the word of the day’s usage from literature. Lastly, there is a section that discusses the origin of the word. You can sign up for an email subscription to the page, and seeing the visual archive of the word of the day for the previous day is just a scroll away.

6. Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Day

Maybe the most trusted dictionary in the world, the Oxford Dictionary website also has a webpage that features a word of the day. For each entry, you have an audio pronunciation guide, a definition, the word’s origin, and an easy-to-share picture of the word with a pronunciation guide across social media. I like that the Oxford Dictionary focuses on archaic usages of words as well, as for wordaholics, these archaic definitions can be useful to know and interesting to understand. Like most sites of this nature, it also has an email subscription option. Another section of this website to check out if you have time is “Explore the English Language,” which has wordlists and word origin features.

7. New York Times’ Word of the Day

A standard in the news industry, it is also a fantastic tool for learning. The New York Times presents a word of the day daily, attached with a quiz. What is also useful is that it shows words in context of The New York Times itself. So, they will show how the word was used in news articles from the Times. Each entry has sections for definitions, examples of its usage in news articles, and a quiz at the bottom. After you finish the quiz, you will see a more detailed look into the chosen word, discussing its nuances. A great tool for learning more words, and more about them.

8. WordReference.com’s Word of the Day

The special thing about this website is that it offers two categories: basic word of the day, and intermediate word of the day. The basic word of the day is aimed at beginners and the intermediate word of the day is focused on people who have been learning English for some time. Though each category has entries that are filled with detail, there is a clear difference between basic and intermediate entries. In the basic section, entries have sections dedicated definitions, common uses, usage within pop culture, and a button that reads “see full definition,” which leads a user to an elaborated entry. For the intermediate entries, there are sections devoted to expanded definitions, example sentences, words most often used with the chosen entry, usage within pop culture, “did you know,” origins, and once again a “see full definition” button. This seems like the most comprehensive website for learning words and their background stories, so to say. You can get these definitions sent to you by email, and can also share them easily via Facebook and Twitter. You can scroll through entries as if you were on a common blogging site.

9. Vocabulary.com

This website tries its best to make learning new words enjoyable. It has word games to play, you can look up words, and it has word lists. They say if you start playing with language, you will learn it quickly. This website seems to take this approach. When learning is fun and flexible, words will be retained at a better rate. A great thing about its quizzes is that when you answer a question, it will describe the word in detail. The search option has examples sentences written by humans, not computers (it happens often it seems), examples sentences that are in touch with the real world of how English is being used, and claims to be the fastest-working dictionary. Its layout is user-friendly and intuitive. In the lists section, there are myriad lists focused on different subjects, ranging from baseball to movies. It is a highly enjoyable and engaging website for learning new words, and for studying English in general.

10. Word of the Day! App

For people who are crazy about checking other dictionaries for varying definitions, this is the app for them. This app features the following sources:

  • Merriam-Webster
  • Dictionary.com
  • Oxford English Dictionary
  • The Free Dictionary
  • The Learning Network
  • WordSpy
  • Latin Word of the Day
  • MedTerms
  • Yahoo! Education

You can conveniently compare definitions, and discover the nuances of words you want to delve into. In addition, you can “star” and “favorite” certain definitions and words. These starred and favorited words can be shared with friends, and the app will also alert you when new words have been entered into its system. It’s a free app, so it is a catch for those who don’t want to spend to learn. The entries for the words have audio recordings of pronunciation, root meanings, examples sentences, and connotations of chosen words.

At Woodward English on Twitter we have an “English Word of the Day” to help you improve your vocabulary with a new word every day from Monday to Sunday. We also include an example of that new word in a sentence so you can see it in context.

How can you use the English word of the day to help you learn?

The most important thing about learning vocabulary is to USE the new word.
It is best to learn words in context or associated with something and not just reading long lists of words (which is boring and doesn’t help you very much). That is why we have created 7 Tips to help you learn the new word of the day.

7 Tips for learning an English Word a day

1. Use the new word in a sentence

After you have read the word and understood its meaning, use that new word in your own sentence. It is best to try and create a sentence that has some type of relationship or connection with your life.

2. Look for grammatical variations of the word

Look for the different ways (grammatical forms) the word can appear. For example if the word to suspect (a verb) is given to you, you can look for its noun form (suspicion), its adjective form (suspicious) etc. Suspect can also be a noun (a suspect). Remember that not all words have all grammatical forms. It pays to have a good English dictionary to help you with this.
Once you have the different forms of the new word, you can then try and make a sentence with each one.

3. Do Word Associations

Try and associate the word with other things (like a mind map). Not only will it help you remember the new word but it will also increase your knowledge (vocabulary) of other things associated with the word.

For example if you have the new word CAR (a noun),
Think of nouns associated with the word (parts of a car: windscreen, steering wheel…)
Think of verbs associated with the word (to Brake, to accelerate, to crash…)
Think of adjectives to describe it (Fast, rusty… )
Think of examples of the word (Limousine, Jeep…)

If the word is an adjective for example BIG

Think of synonyms or words with a similar meaning (large, enormous, huge…)
Think of antonyms or opposites (small, tiny…)
Think of examples of the adjective (Big: Elephant, a continent, Jupiter…)

4. Carry a list or a notepad with you

Write the new word and its meaning (and maybe an example too) in a small notepad that you can carry with you and read whenever you have a spare moment (or some people keep them in their smartphone). This can be read while you are sitting on a bus, on the underground/subway, or while you are in a waiting room. This will help you see the words more than once and will help them stick in your mind.

5. Make flash cards

Make little cards with each new word on one side and the meaning of that word on the other side. Put them on the ground and if the meaning is face up, then try and think of the word. If the word appears face up, then think of its meaning. When you start to have a lot of cards you can shuffle them and randomly pick out 10 or so every day.

6. Look for examples on the internet

Type the word in a search engine (such as Google) and write down 7 different sentences that contain an example of that word. This way you will see the word in context and maybe other vocabulary associated with it. For better results, look for one sentence every day over 7 different days.

7. Learn the word again on other days

Don’t just learn or practice a word one day and then forget about it. You may think you have learned the word (since you have just been using it) but if you try to remember/use the new word a couple of weeks later, you may find it difficult. To really remember a word you need to reuse that word over and over before it sticks in your long-term memory.

There is a saying in English “Use it or lose it.” Basically this means if you don’t use (or practice) something you have learned, you will eventually forget how to use it properly.

7 tips to help you learn a new English word every day

I hope these tips have helped. See you at our English Word of the Day on Twitter.

8 min

Created: July 12th, 2022Last updated: April 3rd, 2023

How to Learn New Words in English Everyday


Expanding your vocabulary is task number one for everyone who is learning a foreign language. You can’t do without lexical knowledge, no matter how good your grammar is. Only this way can you learn to express yourself and speak clearly and concisely. But do not rush to imagine long learning hours. It is not necessary to have thick textbooks. We will tell you how to learn new words in English every day in a fast, effective, and fun way.

10 Tips for Learning New Words

 Positive Associations

It is easier for the brain to remember things related to the pleasant spheres of life or the interests of a particular person. So, it makes sense to study the terms connected to something that matters to you. To create a positive association, immediately use a new word in an exciting context. For example, if you’re interested in psychology, it’s easier to remember the word «slip» by combining it with the name of the famous psychologist Freud. Using the «Freudian slip» phrase increases your chances of memorizing an expression.

Read More

Reading is a conservative and time-tested way of learning new English words every day. This method has not lost its relevance. What makes it work? Reading books allows you to see everything in context and memorize entire phrases. This means that you understand how to use the word and maximize the chances of using it in your next conversation with a native speaker. Furthermore, while reading classical or modern literature, you practice grammar and learn several winged phrases. As you can see, reading has numerous advantages!

His Majesty, The Context

Learning something out of context is a bad idea. If you want to memorize better and faster, come up with whole stories for the new words. Try to talk about a recent event or describe someone using new vocabulary. It is not necessary to write short stories or novels. Even a few not very logical sentences will be enough. The most important thing is to understand how words function in speech and to remember their usage in practice. Don’t you like to compose stories? Make use of a mind map. In the center, write a new word and the associations that go with it.

Use Morphemic and Etymology

How to learn more words in English? Define the root of a particular word and immediately memorize all the lexis with the same morph. There are more one-root structures than you can imagine. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and other parts of speech may have one root. This way, you can quickly learn five words instead of one.

Etymology is the science of the origin of words. You can approach memorizing from this angle if you are interested in the history of language. Knowing the origins of the word will help you remember everything about it, from spelling to meaning. But we must caution you. This method of remembering is intriguing but difficult.

Writing Helps

It will be beneficial to write new words if your visual memory is the best. Notes on your smartphone, notepad, or stickers are acceptable. Use whatever is most convenient for you. One of the most effective methods is the use of stickers. By observing them, you can memorize the names of objects in a foreign language. Put a sticker with your name on everything around you. As a result, you will unintentionally learn things over time. Remove the stickers after a few days and try to recall the names of all the objects.


Scrabble - education word game

Today, many games help to learn new words in English every day easily and joyfully. It can be online quizzes, quests, or old-fashioned board games like Scrabble. Everyone can find a game to their liking. Don’t you want to use gadgets or buy table games? Practice backward spelling. Spell the new word backwards. Another helpful tip is called a memory game. Write down as many words as possible on a piece of paper. Look at it for 30 seconds. Then flip it over and try to resume the whole list from the back of the sheet.

Use Mnemonics

Mnemonics is a system of «internal writing» that facilitates memorizing the necessary information. Follow this simple plan to enhance your memory.

  • Speak the word aloud and find a consonant word in your native language.
  • Visualize the resulting image and link it to the word translation.
  • Speak the English word out loud, imagining its picture.

For example, «impetuous» contains the word «pet.». Impetuous means something impulsive or spontaneous. Consider your pet jumping on the door or fighting with the dog as examples of impetuous behavior. Finally, say this word aloud and visualize the image you imagined earlier.

Hear Your Inner Voice

Memory work is an internal process. Your inner voice can be your most valuable ally. How does it function? When you first hear a new word, repeat it to yourself and then say it aloud. Record your speech and listen to it later. Is the new word on the record similar to what you hear in your head? If you’re not happy with the outcome, work on your pronunciation. Many modern translation services include a listening function. Use this opportunity if you don’t know how to pronounce a word correctly or if you just want to hear information.

Watch Movies and TV Shows in English

This is probably one of the most enjoyable ways to learn new English words every day. Watching the film allows you to get used to the sound of foreign speech and live pronunciation. Dialogue in movies is the best source of context, which means you immediately remember how to use a new word. Also, there is a lot of useful lexicon in films. After watching several films, you will fill your vocabulary with synonyms and perceptive idioms. Furthermore, new vocabulary will be linked to visual images.

Return to the Studied Material

Learning new words every day in English is not enough. For a new word to remain in our long-term memory, it is necessary to repeat it. One day is not enough to achieve this goal. Once you have a new word, use it in context. The next step is to return to the word in an hour. Then, repeat the learned word before bedtime. Next, you should remember the new vocabulary the next day. And finally, repeat the material in 2-3 days.

What is the Best Way to Learn New Words in English?

There is no one right solution for all people. Each of us is an individual who must select the technique that is best for ourselves. First, it would be helpful to determine which memory type works best for you. If you are good at visualizing information, write new words on stickers and surround yourself with them.

If your learning style is auditory, you will benefit from watching movies and using the technique with the internal voice described above. If you like to analyze and immerse yourself in the essence of things and concepts, use etymology and morphemic for memorization. Are there methods for everyone to retain new English words every day? Yes, there are general tools that are equally helpful to everyone. Such techniques include repetition of the studied material and learning everything in context.


Which App is Best to Learn New English Words Every day?

Most modern apps do not provide a personalized experience for each user. This shortcoming is addressed by the Promova app. It provides a collection of tools that have been scientifically proven to be effective. You can learn the language by: 

  • engaging and alluring flashcards;
  • multi-cultural communities;
  • interesting exercises;
  • video courses.

The learning process is overseen by your personal tutor. Each newcomer is given a one-of-a-kind test to assist our professionals in learning more about your initial English level, preferences, and goals. Your responses will be used by the tutor to create a personalized course plan.

Learn the language thoroughly, working on your pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. When you use Promova, you can choose excellent content and personalized tutoring. We understand how to put science into action and can assist you in finding your path to success.


You must improve your vocabulary in order to express yourself clearly and beautifully. However, many people find it difficult to learn new words. And that’s fine. Nature did not endow each of us with a fantastic memory and the ability to remember 100 words per day. It’s fantastic that there are scientific techniques for memorizing things quickly and for a long time.

Most people will require the assistance of professionals to direct and focus their efforts on this path. After all, learning English requires a personalized approach, and we’ll assist you in finding your own. With the help of Promova, you can easily learn new words for everyday English and improve your ability to remember them for a long time.


Where can I learn new English words every day?

There are many sources for this purpose. You can read classic or modern literature and newspapers; watch the news in English; or enjoy your favorite movies and TV series with subtitles. You can also use special apps and games. The main thing is to make the right choice, which will be effective for you!

How can I memorize vocabulary words?

There are many ways to achieve this. Here are just some of them: mnemonics, cards and stickers with words, use of words in context, playing games like crosswords, anagrams, and word searches. Find out which memory type you have most expressed. Knowing this, you can choose a method individually and increase your productivity.

Why can’t I remember new words?

It’s very common to forget a word from time to time. But if the issue is constant, you probably picked the wrong way to remember. Another probable reason is that you don’t go back to repeating what you’ve learned and only use short-term memory. To rectify the situation, you need to use long-term memory. They say repetition is the mother of learning.

How many words should I learn a day?

This ability is almost unbounded. The fact that humans have an almost infinite storage capacity for learning may seem unusual given how much we appear to forget every day. But it is a fact that you can learn a lot if you choose the proper technique that suits you best.

How many English words can you learn per day: myths and reality

во сколько по английски

Without a rich vocabulary, you won’t be able to speak English fluently. However, few people know how to replenish it.

Many people ask the question: «How many new English words can you learn per day?» We are convinced that there are effective ways and methods for the competent and easy use of new vocabulary in speech.

The main one is to immediately learn phrases in which the necessary words are often found. Then you can immediately use them in speech without any problems.

How many English words should you learn per day?

Teachers believe that it is worth teaching five to ten phrases a day. Few? Nothing like this! It turns out 150-300 words per month, and 1800-3600 words per year. The «slow» approach expands and builds up the active stock. The vocabulary is fixed in memory, and a person can easily apply it in speech.

However, these are just numbers. If you feel that you are capable of more, go for it — maybe you are comfortable working with 15-30 phrases a day. Experiment and find the number that works best for you.

Which English words and phrases to learn first?

  1. Only the right words. When we start to learn a new language, we often want to learn and “memorize” something interesting and unusual, for example, “wither”, “emaciated” or “silkworm”. But why do you need this if you don’t remember how the “cash desk” or “pharmacy” would be in English? Do not waste memory resources and your time — learn only the necessary words that are often found in conversation. Then add sophistication to your speech.
  2. Only words related to your interests and language learning goals. Google your professional question or just a topic that is especially interesting in English, select videos, podcasts or articles and study them, paying attention to the words and phrases that are most useful to you.
  3. More verbs. Take them into account especially at the beginning of the training.

    After all, the verb in English is the main part of speech, and almost the entire language is held in it.

What’s the best way to improve your vocabulary?

Even knowing how many English phrases to learn per day, not everyone does it effectively and correctly. Not wasting time will help a number of simple rules:

  1. Learn new phrases every day. It is important not to lose enthusiasm. Vocabulary, like muscles, requires daily pumping.
  2. Compose stories about yourself, your family and friends. By building associations that are directly related to you and situations close to you, it will be much easier to remember new vocabulary and grammatical structures.
  3. Learn the language in phrases, not in single words. So, you will memorize grammatical patterns, fixed expressions and can quickly build sentences using a sample. Plus, you’ll know exactly how to use words correctly in context.
  4. Break down and learn English phrases by topic. Devote one list to nature, another to food, the third to relaxation, and the fourth to health. Pick up popular and common topics.
  5. Learn English phrases with translation. It is important to remember not only pronunciation, but also meaning in context. Then you will know exactly in what situations you need to use the phrase, and avoid misunderstandings.
  6. Do not try to grasp the immensity — clearly define how many English phrases you need to learn per day. The figure should be feasible: 5-10, 15-20, because the process should be enjoyable, not only useful, but also enjoyable.
  7. Stay on course. Make daily lists for the week and complete the assigned tasks step by step. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  8. Exercise before bed. At night, the brain is not distracted by third-party thoughts and transfers knowledge from fast memory to long memory. Thus, new words and phrases are memorized easier and firmly fixed in memory.
  9. Last 21 days. Learn new English words and phrases every day and in three weeks you will have developed a habit. Further training will go like clockwork — you will not be able to live a day without English.

How to memorize new words, phrases and phrases?

There are many ways to learn English words and phrases. We have listed the most common and effective ones:

  1. Classical. We read the list of phrases, rest for 20 minutes, read it again. And so every day. By repeating the same thing regularly, you will train your memory, and everything will easily «pop up» in speech, and the list can always be expanded.
  2. Visual. Write English phrases on cards and hang them around the apartment at eye level. This way, you can repeat them throughout the day — a great way for those with good visual memory.
  3. Places method. Allows you to learn new English phrases every day, transferring them to spatial memory. Imagine a familiar place, such as a playground, and tie words to it. For example, associate “water” with an inflatable pool, “fly” with carousels, “slippery” with a slide, etc.
  4. Associations. Remembering the «cup» («cup»), imagine that the drink flows out of it with the sound of «drip-drip». It is better to find the association yourself: this way it will be easier to remember. This method is especially suitable for those who have a well-developed associative thinking.
  5. Dictations. Write in two columns the English phrases you want to learn and their translations, then close the first half. Write sentences in English from memory. Repeat the exercise several times. So you will not only learn new words and phrases, their meaning and correct pronunciation, but also improve your spelling by remembering how they are spelled correctly.

Top Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary

  1. Singing. Who said learning English phrases every day is boring? Sing famous songs in the shower, while driving, while walking and taking breaks. You will not even notice how you will learn many different useful and colloquial phrases along with the songs.
  2. Compositions.

    Take a look at the picture and try to describe it in as many sentences as possible. This method is great for expanding vocabulary.

  3. Reading. Choose modern books, newspapers, magazines, news sites. Some English phrases are automatically stored in memory, so you don’t have to learn them.
  4. Watching movies and TV shows in English is the most enjoyable way to expand your vocabulary. Relax and study at the same time. The main thing is not to use Russian subtitles.
  5. Communication. Sign up for a conversation club, chat with foreigners on Skype or on social networks.

    This way you will learn many new words and practice using them.

Learn phrases every day, and the result will not be long in coming. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

At ILA, you can check your English level for free and come for a free trial lesson!
Waiting for you!

Source: https://vk.com/@ilanew-skolko-angliiskih-slov-v-den-mozhno-vyuchit-mify-i-realnost

How many words do you need to know in English for normal communication?

во сколько по английски

The Oxford English Dictionary contains about 1 million words. In order to communicate fluently in English, you do not need to know even a tenth of this amount. So how many words does a person need to know to communicate?

Here’s a simple example: The Oxford English Dictionary contains about 1 million words. Do not be intimidated by this figure, because in order to communicate in English, you do not need to know even a tenth of this number. And yet, how many words does a person need to know for free communication in a foreign language, including English? 

We will talk exclusively about oral speech and your ability to maintain a conversation, which means about an active vocabulary, which, as you know, is much less passive. A person can pronounce about 7 thousand words in their native language per day (and this is according to the most conservative estimates). Of course, this is only a quantitative indicator, many words are repeated in our speech.

And this is the main key to achieving our goal: fluent communication in English. After all, you can learn a certain number of the most frequently used words in oral speech and — welcome to the world of full-fledged communication in English! By the way, the school of English in Kharkov My English World will help you with this. From Beginner to Advanced, in a group or individually, only you can choose.

Here you will definitely understand that English is easy, you just have to want it! 

We will not talk about how to memorize English words more effectively, we will tell you how many words you need to learn for full communication. For example, knowing 50 irregular verbs, you will already be able to navigate in familiar situations: 

You have 400-500 words in your vocabulary

This is the threshold level, the so-called survival level. If suddenly with such a vocabulary you find yourself in an English-speaking environment, then you can survive in it, but hardly anyone will consider you an interesting interlocutor.

And yet, if you have chosen the right words, that is, you know the most frequently used vocabulary, then even 400 words will be enough to understand a foreign speech in the most ordinary situations and communicate with other people.

In most cases, with such a margin, you will remind the interlocutors of a cute dog with an all-understanding look. 

800-1000 words 

When you cross this line, you go from being an active listener to a participant in the conversation. You can explain yourself in English in a familiar situation. But as soon as the conversation touches on topics unfamiliar to you, you will again feel like at the previous level. 

1500-2000 words

Active vocabulary. This amount of words is enough for you to communicate throughout the day. The only drawback is that you will only be able to communicate on everyday topics, so it is better not to interfere in discussions about art, politics or philosophy — you will not be able to save face. 

3000-4000 words

With such a margin, you can not only actively communicate, but also read newspapers. Therefore, you will be able to discuss the latest events with friends and colleagues, talk on various topics and even be known as an interesting interlocutor. 

8000 words

If you get rid of the accent, it is quite possible to pass for the average Briton. With so many words, you will be able to speak, read and write in English, in rare cases feeling a lack of vocabulary.

10 — 000 words

Vocabulary spoken by an educated native speaker. If you have reached this line, you can safely correct mistakes in the speech of less educated native speakers. 

You can check your vocabulary thanks to the testyourvocab.com service. 

Let’s note a few main rules that should be followed in order to start fluently speaking English as soon as possible:

  • vocabulary alone will not provide free communication, you need to start with the most used words
  • in order to learn to communicate fluently in English, you need to try to enter into a conversation every day. Chat with friends, visit conversation clubs — this is the only way to achieve your goal
  • learn the general vocabulary for conversation, there will be no problems with terms and special words, since this is most often international vocabulary
  • it is better to memorize 20-30 words daily, good than 300, but bad
  • once you know 1500 words, you can start reading. Reading is one of the best sources of vocabulary enrichment
  • your ultimate goal is 8000 words. With such a margin, you will feel confident in any situation. 

The funny series «Extra English» will help you to increase your vocabulary and quickly speak English. 

We wish you success in communicating in English!

Source: https://enguide.ua/magazine/skolko-slov-neobhodiom-znat-na-angliyskom-dlya-normalnogo-obshcheniya

How fast can you learn English?

во сколько по английски

The English-language information space dictates its own rules, literature and media in English generate a huge amount of information, which you simply do not have time to wait for translation. You either read primary sources in English, or you are firmly and permanently outsider. It’s up to you to choose. 

If you do not speak English, it is worth learning it as soon as possible. Let’s talk about the timing in more detail. 

The English language has turned from a useful skill into an essential skill when applying for a job, continuing education, and successful self-realization in various fields. The English-language information space dictates its own rules, literature and media in English generate a huge amount of information, which you simply do not have time to wait for translation. You either read primary sources in English, or you are firmly and permanently outsider. It’s up to you to choose. 

If you do not speak English, it is worth learning it as soon as possible. And here the question arises: what exactly are they, these very «shortest terms». On the one hand, we understand that in a couple of weeks we are unlikely to cope with this task, on the other hand, a year of study does not seem to us such a «shortest period.» 

How to quickly learn English — we will try to tell you. The standard term for studying English in courses is approximately 2 years. And everything will depend on what level you start learning and at what level you are ready to stop. Linguists and people who are especially keen on linguistic issues argue that you need to learn a language all your life. But we’ll talk about mere mortals. 

There are 6 levels of English proficiency: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency. On average, you can complete one level of English in 3-4 months.

Therefore, if you started learning English from scratch, then you can reach the intermediate level (Intermediate) in about six months. This is if you train in a group with an intensity of 2 times a week.

If you choose a more intensive program, then it is quite possible to complete the course in 3-4 months. 

How to learn English in a short time?

English is quickly learned by those who need it “for yesterday”. If you are planning to enter a foreign university, move abroad, then an intensive program is your option. If you are not ready to attend English courses 4-5 times a week, you can try to quickly learn English at home.

For this you need to surround yourself with English. 
Learning English quickly involves taking the time to study every day. You can read books in English, watch movies with or without subtitles, learn new words using apps on your smartphone. There are many ways to learn English.

We will tell about some of them.

An easy way to learn English — you go to accelerated English courses, choose an intensive program, study from 3 days a week, do not forget about homework.

This method is suitable for those who are ready to devote a certain amount of time to classes. With such a schedule, in about 2-3 months you can master the skill of fluent English communication from scratch.

It will not be possible to say that you know English perfectly, but you can communicate in standard situations, enter into dialogues, communicate at work. 

English learning plan

The plan can be individual for each person. It is necessary to take into account the starting level of English, basic knowledge and features of the perception of information: someone remembers information from images better, someone — by ear. In addition, each person has their own goals. If you need to master spoken English, then it is better to focus on the practice of oral communication, if written, then you should use writing simulators and read books in English. 

If you want to close the English question in three months (and this period can be considered realistic), you should draw up a clear plan. You are promised to learn English in a month either by courses in which you will have to speak English for at least 5 hours a day 5 days a week, or by those who do not plan to provide you with such a result in principle. 

How much can you learn English:

  • in 2-3 months — reach from the Elementary level to Pre-Intermediate, with great desire and diligence to Intermediate. Studying at least 3 times a week for 1-2 hours, doing homework, reading books in English only, watching TV shows, films and podcasts in English, repeating learned words every day. 
  • in 5-6 months — it is more than realistic to go from zero to Intermediate… Studying 2 times a week, doing homework, repeating words and visiting a conversation club once a week. If you find a native speaker / English course with a native speaker and will communicate with him regularly at least 1-2 times a week, perhaps complete the course earlier.
  • 9-12 months in advance — standard plan… And even while completing this plan, you must not skip classes, repeat words, do your homework, hone your grammar skills, and practice pronunciation. The question “how much can you learn English from scratch?” Can be answered exactly like this: 9-12 months or 1-2 years. 
  • in 1-2 years — you can reach Intermediate. This is even too long, but many students are stuck at the Pre-Intermediate — Intermediate level for about this time. If you do not do your homework or do not immerse yourself in English anywhere except for the lessons in the courses, you will increase the time of studying the language several times. 

Still dreaming of learning English in a month? Let’s not limit you: this is also possible.

But it turns out, as a rule, only when you move abroad and there is no possibility of communication in your native language. If courses can’t isolate you from communicating in Russian for a month, don’t believe their promises to learn English in a month. 

How to learn English in 3 months? 

This term looks the most realistic and one of the most urgent. Let’s try to make a plan and convince you that this is possible. 

First month

This is the period of working with an English teacher or tutor. If you want to learn English in a super short time, you should skip group lessons and study individually or in pairs. Why? Simply because 90% of the time in class you will be the one to speak. You will not need to wait for the rest of the students to speak (and there can be from 4 to 10). 

You should memorize about 30 words every day. And remembering is good. It is so good that they remain, at least, in the passive stock, and the phrasal verbs go immediately into the active one. With this intensity, after 90%, you will have a vocabulary of about 3000 words. This is enough for fluent communication in standard situations. Although an educated native speaker can have a vocabulary of 8 or more. There is something to strive for.

Second month

You can already communicate in English. Ideally, a native speaker or even several speakers can be involved in the communication process.

Make it a rule: 3 times a week you should speak with native speakers in English for about 1-2 hours + study with a teacher + repeat the material yourself. In parallel, you need to continue to learn new words and introduce them into your speech.

Also read books in English for beginners. This not only replenishes your vocabulary, but also helps you memorize standard phrases, sentence structure. 

Third month

Read books in English actively. Spend at least an hour a day on this activity, write down and memorize unfamiliar words. If you are lucky enough to find a native friend who will be ready to communicate with you in English for at least 3 hours a day, consider yourself a lucky ticket. Keep learning 30 new words every day. 

Yes, English can be learned in 3 months. If you give it 4 hours daily. 

We have compiled for you a selection of English courses in Moscow and St. Petersburg… After studying for 1 to 3 months, you will feel a significant difference in the level of English proficiency.

Useful resources

It is only in Remarque’s books that emigrant heroes learn English from the reports of those killed during the Second World War in the newspapers. And, by the way, they study quite successfully — the motivation is too strong. There are tons of useful resources you can use to explore:

  • To memorize words: Genius is the app for those who prefer Apple devices. You can learn new words using the interval learning method. Anki is an alternative if you are not a fan of apples.
  • For speaking practice: The Mixxer — a resource for Skype communication with native speakers
  • About resources for watching movies in English — told earlier
  • Read books in English — you can visit digilibraries.com
  • Check and practice pronunciation — can be on the channel youglish.com
  • books (and their text versions) in English can be found at english-e-books.net. All books are divided into levels from Elementary to Advanced. 

We wish you success! 

Source: https://enguide.ru/magazine/kak-bystro-mozhno-vyuchit-angliyskiy

Oge in English: composition and points

«The ideal monologue of the OGE» Examples of answers to 40 topics of the bank of tasks of the OGE — 700 rubles

«Telephone survey of the OGE» Examples of answers to 200 questions of task No. 2 — 500 rubles

Maximum score -15

Types of assignments of the listening section in the OGE

Maximum score -13 ***

*** Previously, the maximum for the Reading section was 15 points.

OGE Reading: general information on the section

OGE Reading Task number 9

OGE Reading Assignment No. 10-17

Maximum score -10

OGE Letter: general information

OGE Sample letter with expert assessment


 Summing up the maximum PRIMARY POINTS, we get:

15+13+15+10+15=68 баллов.

*** Previously, the score was: 15 + 15 + 15 + 10 + 15 = 70 points.

And how to understand whether, for example, 57 points scored for all sections is good or bad?

What will be the mark in this case — three or five?

58-68 points corresponds to the mark «5»

*** The recalculation scale of previous years was slightly different from the new 2020 version presented above.

So, our estimated 57 is a «offensive» four,

offensive — because only 1 point was not enough to reach the highest mark.

Subscribe to articles of the site «English Tutor» to your e-mail

Subscribe to articles of the site «English Tutor» to your e-mail

Source: http://zhilina-english.ru/yazyiku-v-201gia-v-formate-oge-po-angliyskomu-yazyiku-5-godu/

Numbers in English | English grammar | EF

Cardinal numbers (one, two, three, etc.) are adjectives denoting quantity. Ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) indicate the order by count.

Quantitative Ordinal Number

1 one first
2 Two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine nineth
10 th tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve Twelfth
13 thirteen third
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fifteen fifteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eighteenth
19 nineteen nineteen
20 Twenty twentieth
21 twenty one twenty first
22 twenty-two twenty second
23 twenty three twenty third
24 twenty-four twenty-fourth
25 twenty five twenty-fifth
26 twenty six twenty-sixth
27 twenty seven twenty-seventh
28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth
29 twenty nine twenty-ninth
30 thirty thirtytieth
31 thirty one thirty-first
40 forty fortune
50 fifty fifteenth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred hundredth
500 five hundred five hundredth
1,000 one thousand thousandth
1,500 one thousand five hundred or fifteen hundred one thousand five hundredth
100,000 one hundred thousand hundred thousandth
1,000,000 one million millionth

Reading decimal places

When we read decimal places aloud in English, we pronounce the decimal point as “point,” then pronounce the next digit separately. Money is not counted in this way.

Writing Pronunciation

0.5 point five
0.25 point two five
0.73 point seven three
0.05 point zero five
0.6529 point six five two nine
2.95 two point nine five

Reading beats

In English, fractions are read using a cardinal number to indicate the numerator and an ordinal number to indicate the denominator. Moreover, if the numerator is greater than 1, then we put the ordinal (denominator) in the plural. This applies to all numbers except 2, which is pronounced «half» when it is the denominator, and «halves» when there are more than one.

Writing Pronunciation

1/3 one third
3/4 three fourths
5/6 five sixths
1/2 one half
3/2 three halves

Percentage pronunciation

Reading percentages out loud in English is pretty easy. Just say the number and add the word «percent».

Writing Pronunciation

5% five percent
25% twenty-five percent
36.25% thirty-six point two five percent
100% one hundred percent
400% four hundred percent

Reading sums of money

To read monetary amounts, first read the whole number, then add the name of the currency. If it is a decimal point, read it as an integer, and if coins have their own name in a particular currency, add it at the end. Note that normal decimal places are not read this way. These rules apply only to reading currencies.

Writing Pronunciation

$25 twenty-five dollars
€52 fifty-two euros
140 ₤ one hundred and forty pounds
$ 43.25 forty-three dollars and twenty-five cents (shortened to «forty-three twenty-five» in everyday speech)
12.66€ twelve euros sixty-six
₤ 10.50 ten pounds fifty

Measurement pronunciation

Just say the number followed by the measure, often written as an abbreviation.

Writing Pronunciation

60m six meters
25km/h twenty-five kilometers per hour
11ft eleven feet
2L two litres
3tbsp three tablespoons
1tsp one teaspoon

Pronunciation of times

Reading tenses in English is relatively difficult. Usually, when the year has four digits, the first two are read as one number, and then the other two as another integer. There are several exceptions to this rule.

Years up to the first 100 years of the millennium can be read as whole numbers, even if they have four digits, or they can be read as two-digit numbers. Millenniums are always read as whole numbers, as it would be too difficult to read them otherwise. New ages are read as integers in the hundreds.

We do not use the word «thousand», at least not when we read dates for the last 1000 years.

Years with only 3 digits can be pronounced as a three-digit number, or as a single-digit number followed by two-digit years. Years in which there are only two digits are read as one number. Before you say the number of the year, you can add “the year” at the beginning to make it easier to understand, and you can also use two-digit and three-digit years in the same way. Years before 0 are always written with the acronym BC (BC), and it is pronounced like two letters of the alphabet.

Curiously, using the same rules we read street names and addresses.

Writing Pronunciation

2014 twenty fourteen or two thousand fourteen
2008 two thousand eight
2000 two thousand
1944 nineteen forty-four
1908 nineteen o eight
1900 Nineteen hundred
1600 sixteen hundred
1256 twelve fifty-six
1006 ten o six
866 eight hundred sixty-six or eight sixty-six
25 twenty five
3000 BC three thousand BC
3250 BC thirty-two fifty BC

How to pronounce 0

There are several ways to pronounce the number 0, depending on the context. Unfortunately, the use of these options differs in different English-speaking countries. These pronunciation rules apply to American English.

Pronunciation Use

zero The number itself: in fractions, percentages and phone numbers, and in other expressions.
o (the letter name) Reading dates, addresses, times and temperatures
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nought Not used in the USA

Source: https://www.ef.ru/angliyskie-resursy/angliyskaya-grammatika/chisla-v-angliyskom/

How many words in English do you need to know and learn per day

The vocabulary of the English language is rapidly and quickly filled with new lexical units. Scientists have calculated that an average of 15 new words appear per day, but not all of them take root in the language, but only those that are most widespread.

If it were not «Selfie» in 2013, we would never have known that a snapshot of ourselves has a specific name.

After him came the well-known today «Bookfie»,«Shelfie», «Legsie» and others, which can often be found on social networks in the form of hashtags.

If you are a person who does not complain about fantasy, you can come up with your own word ending in «Sie» / «fie», post it on a social network and see what the effect will be.

Printed dictionaries and word count

About 15 years ago, you could buy an English dictionary containing 500 000 words. At that time, such a number seemed pretty decent even for a linguist, because, according to scientists, the average person uses about 5000 words in his speech. This is what is called the active dictionary. All other lexical units remain passive: we can recognize and understand them in texts, but not use them in everyday speech.

How many words do you need to know?

Now let’s move on to the question of how many words in English you need to know. It all depends on how to speak, with whom to speak and what topics to discuss. In order to communicate with a pen pal, 500-1000 words will be enough, including verbs, nouns and adjectives.

For comparison, the active vocabulary of a native speaker is 15 to 000 words… However, it is worth making a reservation here so that every English learner does not think that you can master a thousand words and chat freely. This thousand is different for everyone.

And if you look into the frequency dictionary, it becomes clear that most of the vocabulary is made up of prepositions, pronouns, numerals, interrogative words, which may not be used at all in a conversation.

According to the authors of the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, in order to understand 80-90% of the text, 3 words are needed, which roughly corresponds to the Intermediate level.

In order for words not to go into passive, they need to be used regularly — repeated at regular intervals. Better yet, work with flash cards that allow you to repeat everything that has been passed at any time.

In order not to guess the meaning of the phrases, but to know them for sure, you will need a little more units — approximately 5 — 000… With such a margin, you can freely read books, watch films, and communicate on the most common topics.

GLM and new words in English

If we look at the GLM (Global Language Monitor), we can see how many words in the English language regularly appear and become popular. And this is neither more nor less than 1 (at the time of this writing). And this number is constantly growing. Despite such a vocabulary boom, this does not mean that everyone will be able to actively use new words, so you should focus on the most frequently used units.

You may ask, how do words become popular, who popularizes them? Of course, the media and social networks. In order for a word to be included in the GLM list, it must be repeated at least 25 times, while affecting a certain breadth and depth of use. Depth is the form of words in the media, and breadth is its spread throughout the world.

What words are popular today?

Source: https://lim-english.com/posts/skolko-slov-v-anglijskom-yazyke/

Profitable language courses

about language schools in New Zealand, their cost and how the classes are held.


English courses in New Zealand are part-time Part-time, that is, 10-15 hours per week, and full-time Full-time, from 20 hours per week or more. Only Full-time classes are suitable for obtaining a student visa, so we will dwell on them in more detail.

What age can I go to English courses in New Zealand?

Studying language courses is possible for students of all ages from 8 years old. It should be noted that education for little ones is not available in all language schools, but only in some of them.

With what level of English can you come and start studying?

The process of learning English in New Zealand is stepwise, so students can start at any level from zero to advanced.

 On the first day of school, you will be tested to be assigned to a group of the appropriate level, introduced to the teacher, and you will begin your studies.

In addition to general courses, there are also special groups for preparation for IELTS or academic English, there are groups for schoolchildren, combining classes with various sports, or with active activities, such as hiking or visiting the zoo.

When can I start studying at a language school?

In almost all schools, you can start taking English courses on any Monday.

How many hours per day will it take to learn English?

Studying will take from 20 to 25 hours per week, although in some schools, if you wish, you can study longer. Most often, studies begin at about 9 am, although some institutions also have evening groups that are convenient for those who work part-time in the morning.

How much study does it take to learn a language?

Almost always, you can choose the duration of the study yourself from 2 weeks to infinity. Most often, it takes at least 12 weeks of fruitful study to raise your English one level. It should be noted that the learning process itself is always interesting and gives its results. In an English-speaking atmosphere and with professional teachers, native English speakers, with your responsible approach, the result will not be long in coming.

How to learn English and work?

An important aspect of studying in language courses is the possibility of obtaining the right to part-time work for 20 hours per week during the course of study.

This provides an opportunity to reduce living expenses, practice English in business and even find a full-time job in the specialty.

Specialists whose professions are on the lists of in-demand, for example, engineers or information technology specialists, can obtain a work visa under a facilitated scheme in cases where they find work in their specialty.

To qualify for a part-time job, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • Study in institutions of the 1st category for 14 weeks or more OR
  • Study in institutions of 2-3 categories from 24 weeks or more, but with IELTS 5.0 or higher on hand

It is also possible to obtain the right to part-time work on the spot if you study in a school of 2-3 categories for more than 24 weeks and pass IELTS during your studies. Read more about preparing for the IELTS test.


New Zealand language schools and universities are divided into categories that are assigned by the state commission NZQA for the quality of teaching and academic staff, for student performance and learning conditions. The highest category is the first, there are also schools of the second and third categories.

Schools of the first category

Language International

Auckland 25 hours a week

NZ $ 445 per week


Christchurch 23 hours a week From NZ $ 390 per week Afternoon lessons

From NZ $ 338 Evening Lessons

English Language Academy

(The University of Auckland) Auckland 25 hours a week

NZ $ 385 per week

Mount Maunganui Language Center

Tauranga 25 hours a week

From NZ $ 375 Per Week

ABC college of English

Queenstown 25 hours a week

From NZ $ 370 Per Week

Nelson English Center

Nelson 23 hours a week

From NZ $ 340 Per Week

World Wide School Of English

Auckland 25 hours a week

From NZ $ 280 Per Week

20 hours a week
From NZ $ 260 Per Week


Auckland 25 hours a week

From NZ $ 260 Per Week

English + activities for children from NZ $ 300 per week

LSI School

Auckland 20 hours per week From NZ $ 255 per week Morning classes

From NZ $ 350 per week evening lessons


Auckland, Wellington 25 hours a week

From NZ $ 330 Per Week


Auckland 25 hours a week. From NZ $ 300 per week + the opportunity to get additional weeks for free

NZCEL Price — NZ $ 5360

Campbell Institute

Auckland, Wellington
23 hours a week. From NZ $ 290 Per Week

Dominion English Schools

Auckland 23 hours a week — NZ $ 300 per week

20 hours per week NZ $ 280 per week

Language courses for children


Queenstown 25 hours a week, morning and evening classes

From NZ $ 275 Per Week

Kiwi English Academy

Auckland 25 hours a week NZ $ 275

20 hours per week from NZ $ 220

Auckland English Academy
New horizon

(ICL group), Auckland 20-25 hours a week. From NZ $ 250 Per Week

Possibility of morning, afternoon or evening training

NZSE Seafield School Of Enflish

Hamilton, Auckland 20 hours per week Morning classes NZ $ 220 per week

evening classes NZ $ 210 per week


Auckland 23 hours a week. Course from 8 to 20 weeks

Cost 8 weeks — NZ $ 5640

Second and third category schools

NZIE Institute

Auckland, Takapuna area 20 hours per week — NZ $ 200 per week

NZCEL course — NZ $ 3

Alpha Educational Institute

Auckland and Christchurch

For adults
23 hours a week — from NZ $ 175 per week

Tasman International Academies

Auckland 20 hours a week

From NZ $ 120 Per Week

Imperial College New Zealand Auckland morning and evening classes

General English, IELTS Preparation, PTE — from NZ $ 160

We provide the best offers on the educational services market. Thus, you can choose the desired study time (morning or evening), the desired duration by the hour (full or partial workload) and with affordable prices. The longer the training course, the less the cost of one week of training. Contact us for detailed prices.

Source: https://kiwieducation.ru/nz-language-schools/

Evaluation criteria for the 2019 exam in English

The purpose of the unified state examination in foreign languages ​​is to determine the level of the foreign language communicative competence of the examinees. At the same time, the main attention is paid to speech competence, i.e.

communication skills in different types of speech activity: listening, reading, writing, speaking, as well as in language competence, i.e. language knowledge and skills.

Sociocultural knowledge and skills are tested in the sections «Listening», «Reading», «Writing» and in the oral part of the exam; compensatory skills are tested in the «Letter» section and in the oral part of the exam.

The examination paper contains written and oral parts. The written part includes four sections: «Listening», «Reading», «Grammar and Vocabulary» and «Writing». Difficulty tasks have a basic level, a higher difficulty level and a high difficulty level. The work on foreign languages ​​includes 38 tasks with a short answer and 6 tasks of an open type with a detailed answer.

The basic, advanced and high levels of complexity of the USE tasks correlate with the levels of proficiency in foreign languages ​​as follows: basic level — A2 + (that is, closer to B1), advanced level — B1, high level — B2

The sections «Listening» and «Reading» present tasks related to three different levels of difficulty; in the section «Grammar and vocabulary» — to two (basic and advanced). In the section «Writing» and in the oral part of the exam, assignments refer to the basic and advanced levels of difficulty.

The time to complete the four written sections of the examination paper is 3 hours (180 minutes). The oral part of the exam is performed on a separate day; the time for completing tasks, including preparation time, is 15 minutes. The total time for completing tasks in all sections of the examination work is 3 hours 15 minutes (195 minutes). Recommended time for completing tasks by section:

  • «Listening» — 30 minutes;
  • «Reading» — 30 minutes;
  • «Grammar and Vocabulary» — 40 minutes;
  • «Letter» — 80 minutes;
  • «Speaking» (oral part of the exam) — 15 minutes.

In 2019, there are no changes in the structure and content of the CMM.

  • The criteria for assessing the completion of task 40 of the «Letter» section in the written part of the exam have been clarified
  • The wording of task 40 has been clarified, in which the exam participant is offered a choice of two topics of a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning «My opinion»

Assessment of the «Letter» section and the oral part is carried out by experts who have undergone special training to check assignments based on the criteria and assessment schemes.

At the same time, in the «Letter» section, task 39 (basic level of difficulty) is assessed based on the requirements of the basic level of learning a foreign language, and task 40 (high level of difficulty) — based on the requirements of the profile level.

In the oral part of the exam, tasks 1, 2 and 3 belong to the basic level, and task 4 to the high level of complexity.

A feature of the assessment of tasks 39 and 40 is that when the examinee receives 0 points according to the criterion «Solution of a communicative problem», the entire task is evaluated at 0 points. The same is the case with tasks 3 and 4 of the oral part of the exam.

When evaluating the tasks of the section «Writing» (39, 40), one should take into account such a parameter as the volume of the written text, expressed in the number of words.

The required volume for a personal letter in the task is 39 — 100-140 words; for a detailed written statement in the task 40 — 200-250 words.

The permissible deviation from the target volume is 10%. If in the completed task 39 there are less than 90 words or in task 40 there are less than 180 words, then the task is not subject to verification and is estimated at 0 points. If the volume is exceeded by more than 10%, i.e.

If there are more than 39 words in the completed task 154 or more than 40 words in task 275, only that part of the work that corresponds to the required volume is subject to verification.In assessing task 40, special attention is paid to the ability of the examinee to produce a detailed written statement. If more than 30% of the response is unproductive (i.e.

textually coincides with the published source), then 0 points are given according to the criterion «Solution of a communicative problem», and, accordingly, the entire task is evaluated at 0 points.

In the oral part, the topic should also be avoided, since it is highly likely that it will interfere with the solution of the communication problem. In this case, one should pay attention to the volume of the statement, the criteria stipulate an insufficient volume of the statement, which will lead to zero for the solution of the short-circuit, and therefore zero for the entire work.

2018 took part in the Unified State Exam-72500. The score slightly decreased, in general, the situation is stable. There are fewer high-grade people. The experience of the exam showed that receptive skills (listening, reading) are developed in graduates better than productive ones.According to the statistics of the USE 2018 in English, most of the subjects successfully completed the tasks of the section «Listening ”(average percentage of completion — 76).

This year, the students coped well with the task 1 of the basic level, however, they experienced certain difficulties when choosing individual answers for task 2 of increased difficulty — understanding the requested information (the average percentage of completion of the entire task 2 is 79,1). This mainly concerned a task in which, on the basis of the text, it was impossible to give either a positive or a negative answer, and it was necessary to choose option 3 — «The text does not say.»

Tasks 3–9 are tasks of a high level of difficulty and test the ability to fully and accurately understand a fairly complex authentic text. The average percentage of completion of these tasks, for obvious reasons, is slightly lower than for tasks 1 and 2. Not all exam participants were able to cope with the task.

Participants of the exam with poor preparation react only to individual words that coincide in the question and answer, and do not grasp the meaning of the statements, because the level of language proficiency does not allow to fully and accurately understand the authentic text. Thus, the participants in general successfully cope with the listening tasks, despite the fact that listening is one of the most difficult types of foreign language speech activity.

The analysis of the results of the assignments in the «Listening» section showed that the examinees with poor preparation basically cope with those assignments in which the same words and phrases are heard in the text itself. Unfortunately, when choosing an answer, they rely not on the meaning of the text, but on individual words and phrases and do not take into account the fact that, as a rule, paraphrases, synonyms, antonyms are given in the answer options.

Particularly difficult for the examinees is the assignment to establish a correspondence when the correct answer is «The text does not say.» Here, too, test takers often rely on the same words and phrases in the question and answer, or on their own personal experience.

The analysis shows that not only the low level of communicative competence, but also the lack of formation of meta-subject skills in working with information (general educational competence) does not allow the participants to choose the correct answer. These include, first of all, insufficient development of critical thinking skills, which does not allow to quickly distinguish essential information from secondary information, to establish causal relationships between facts and events, to comprehend the author’s position, to determine the general idea of ​​the text, etc.



Reading (average completion rate — 76,9). In general, the tasks were completed successfully, the main difficulties were caused by the third text. (in task 10, the average percentage of completion is 88; in task 11 — 82,1; in task 12 — 18 — 60,8).

As in listening, weak learners rely on individual words, sometimes not even keywords. In task 10, not only insufficiently developed communication skills prevent them from understanding the meaning of the entire text, but also weak metasubject skills, such as the ability to separate the main from the irrelevant, reject unnecessary information, understand how different parts of information are related, highlight causal relationships …

In task 11, the reason for choosing the wrong answers is, as a rule, ignorance of the rules for constructing sentences, ignorance of grammatical structures, often even parts of speech, conjunctions, allied words, prepositions, as well as, in general, logical-semantic means that make the text coherent and logical. Participants do not always take into account that the selected fragment must correspond to the proposal not only in structure, but also in meaning.

In tasks 12-18, participants often forget that the correct answers are usually paraphrased.

Mistakes in reading assignments are similar to mistakes that participants make in the Listening section. This is mainly due to the fact that these two types of speech activity are receptive and are based on similar mechanisms of perception and interpretation of texts.

Grammar and vocabulary

The average percentage of completion of tasks for the entire section in 2018 is 68,1.

Source: https://rosuchebnik.ru/material/ege-2019-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-kriterii-otsenivaniya/

How much can you learn English?

Every student who begins to study English, and indeed any other language, is sure to ask this exciting question. After all, I really want to understand how much effort and money will have to be invested and how long to wait for the result (time).

The answer to this question always requires clarification. As well as the answer to the question «how much is housing»? But what kind of housing, where is it located, in what condition? After all, it all depends on various factors. Also with foreign languages.


When learning English, it is very important to observe the regularity of classes. It is better to practice twice a week for an hour than once every two weeks for 2 hours in a row. In the first case, you will have constant success, in the second, the classes will not give any result.

Remember that the schedule is also an individual matter. Check with your teacher when scheduling. Pay attention to your work in class. If you get tired in 90 minutes, it may be better to practice for 60 or even 45 minutes.

It is also important to devote time to self-study and it is advisable to do it every day, at least a little.

In order not to get lost in your studies, start a diary and mark the days when you did it. This will help you gather your strength and not miss the next lesson, even if you really want to.

And most importantly, breaks in training, especially long ones, always throw you back! Everything that you have learned before the «vacation» in your studies very quickly disappears from your head. Of course, after resuming your studies, you will restore everything, but this will take some time.


The speed of perception of new material by a student is very individual. Someone remembers English words after the first mention of them, while someone needs to repeat them many times.

But a pronounced ability or «inability» for languages ​​is rare. Therefore, do not think that you will easily and naturally learn 100 words a day. Or vice versa: to grieve in advance that you will have to memorize from morning to night, but nothing will come of it. Usually, regular exercise pays off.


Yes, it is this humble word that hides a lot behind itself. When a person has a real goal, for example, moving to another country, or adaptation in the country after moving, learning, a good job, then the students master the material much faster and better.

If you are not facing vital goals, and you are learning the language “for yourself,” then you need to properly motivate yourself. Some secrets of motivation in our article: How to persuade yourself to study?


If you have already studied a foreign language before, then you have a much better idea of ​​the learning process and have a habit of learning.

Level of

Much depends on your level of English. Let’s see how much to «hang in grams».

If you plan 3 individual lessons per week for 60 minutes with a teacher and independent work, then you will get about 12 lessons per month.

First step «from scratch»Usually takes about 5 months (60 hours). After which the student has a level elementary, i.e. “Level of survival”, when a person can tell a little about himself and answer simple questions (more about the levels of knowledge of languages).

At level elementary the next level can be mastered in 6-9 months (approximately 70-100 hours).

Learning with elementaryto pre-Intermediate will also take 6-9 months.

If your level pre-Intermediate, then for mastering Intermediate you will most likely need 12-17 months (144-200 hours).

Those. to learn English from scratch to level Intermediate it will take 2,5-3 years of regular classes.

At the level intermediate (average) people can already communicate fairly freely in the language, express their thoughts and understand the interlocutor. Often this level is enough as «knowledge of English» when applying for a job.

Jump from level Intermediate and on Upper-intermediate more difficult and will take about 200 hours, i.e. approximately 17 months.

Current levelPost-training levelNumber of months / hours

From scratch Elementary 5 months / 60 hours
Elementary pre-intermediate 6-9 months / 70-100 hours
pre-intermediate Intermediate and 12-17 months / 144-200 hours
Intermediate and Upper-intermediate 17 months / 200 hours

But there is good news as well. An upper-intermediate level is usually sufficient for studying abroad and living there. With this level, you will be able to adapt in an English-speaking environment.

All this applies not only to English, but also to other European languages.

For example, German, French, Italian, Spanish.

If you want to learn one of these languages ​​from scratch to intermediate, i.e. when you can speak the language, it will take you several years.

If you study more intensively and more, the process will go faster, but you will not be able to significantly reduce this period, because the brain needs time to accept and adapt new information. Although you may be very gifted and learn languages ​​faster, then you are just in luck!

If you do not practice so often, then the results will still be, but it will take more time.

So be patient, practice regularly and wait for the results!

Another interesting:

Source: https://www.wrabbit.ru/articles/page/time

Similarities and differences between English and German. Grammar and vocabulary by example

It is believed that learning German is more difficult than other European languages. And if you refer to research, then at the intermediate level of proficiency (Intermediate) German is 2,5 times more difficult than English , and at the Advanced level by 1,5 times. In our article, we will reflect on how true this is. We will compare two languages: English and German, drawing parallels between grammar and vocabulary.

Languages ​​are not alien to each other.

~ Walter Benjamin

Thus, we will either refute this stereotype, or we will further confirm it. The conclusion will be made by you, our dear reader. While you are thinking about which language will be easier or more difficult for you to learn, consider how German and English are similar and different.

English and German alphabet

Both languages ​​are based on Latin. There are 27 letters in German, including ß (est́) + umlauts Ää, Öö and Üü. In English — 26. However, the phonetics of German is much simpler than English, and even somewhat resembles Russian pronunciation.

If you want to learn how to quickly learn to read in English, you should familiarize yourself with the article «How to quickly learn to read in English?»

English and German alphabet

German noun

All nouns in German are capitalized (der Vater (father), der Lehrer (teacher), der Kaufman (seller), die Lampe (lamp), die Backerei (bakery)), in English — only proper names (Peter, Chris, Sarah).

In addition, there are 3 genders in German (masculine, feminine and neuter). It is imperative to learn to which gender a particular noun belongs in order to know which particular article to use. There are also 3 of them in English, but they do not have the same effect on nouns as in German.

English and German articles

This is always not an easy topic for us, Russian speakers, since there is no such phenomenon in our grammar. If in English there are 3 articles — a, an (indefinite) and the (definite), and you have to memorize specific rules, then in German there are 5: 3 definite (der / die / das) and 2 indefinite (ein / eine).

You will also need to learn the rules and memorize how they are conjugated by case. Despite the fact that the Russian language also has declensions,The declension of German articles can be a bit tricky.

Declination of the definite article in English and German.

Cases in English and German

As it became clear from the previous paragraph there are four cases in German: Nominativ (Nominative), Genitiv (Genitive), Dativ (Dative), Akkusativ (Accusative). For comparison: in Russian there are six of them (4 are the same as in German + instrumental and prepositional).

English lost them during the rise of Middle English (late 11th — late 15th centuries). Thanks for this! The function of cases in English is taken over by prepositions.

The case of the Russian language Correspondence in the English language Examples Translation

Genitive conveyed using the preposition of: The beginning of the autumn was warm The beginning (what?) Of autumn was warm.
Dative matches to I am going to Chris. I’m going to (who?) Chris
Instrumental case matches with when referring to a tool or object that performs an action: My sister can write with both her hands. My sister can write (with what?) With both hands.
Instrumental case if we mean an actor or force, then the preposition by is used: This machine can only be operated by a professional. This device should only be operated by (who?) A professional.

Order of words in a sentence

In English, the strict word order is: Subject-Verb-Object (subject-verb-object), which you can learn about from the article «Word order in an English sentence: construction rules.» In German, this is not necessary because there are cases. Decide for yourself which is easier: constantly use a strict word order or remember how words are inflected by case.

Russian sentence English translation German translation

I threw some hay over the fence to the horse I threw some hay over the fence to the horse. Ich warf etwas Heuüber den Zaun das Pferd.
I threw some hay to the horse over the fence. I threw the horse some hay over the fence. Ich warf dem Pferd über den Zaun etwas Heu.

The German listener knows that it was the hay that was thrown over the fence, not the horse, because the case was used. The problem is that very often the order of words in a Russian sentence cannot be directly traced when translated into English.

English and German verbs

Actually verbs in English and in German have a lot in common. English has right and wrong, German has strong and weak. They also conjugate by subject and by tense. As for the verb to be, it will be inflected differently in both English and German, see the table below for comparison.

Conjugation of the verb «to be» in English and German.

Times of English and German

The tenses in German are mainly expressed using six temporal forms: present (Präsens), past (Präteritum, Perfekt and Plusquamperfekt) and future (Futurum I, II. Präsens and Präteritum). As you know, there are three tenses in the Russian language — past, present and future.

Source: https://ienglish.ru/blog/interesno-ob-angliiskom/inetersnie-fakti-ob-angliiskom/chem-pohozhi-i-chem-otlichaiutsa-angliiskiy-i-nemetskiy

200 phrases and expressions for a hotel stay

A digest of English phrases and expressions that will come in handy during your stay at the hotel — print out and take with you on your trip. A gold collection that every traveler needs!

There are probably people who approach the process of learning English as «brain fitness», a way to train the mind and develop memory. The rest have quite practical goals.

This is both a chance to get a more interesting and profitable job, and the ability to understand and feel more deeply English-language poems and songs, and the ability to easily and easily travel to different parts of the Earth. 

Whether you have gone on vacation abroad or are constantly traveling the world, you just need to master a certain set of useful phrases and expressions. They will help make your stay abroad more enjoyable and will greatly enrich your spoken English.

Hotel selection

How many stars does this hotel have? How many stars does this hotel have?
I’d to stay in the city center I would like to stay in the city center
How much do you want to pay? How much do you want to pay?
How far is it from the? How far from?
city ​​center city ​​center
airport the airport
railway station railway station


Do you have any vacancies? Do you have any vacancies?
From what date? From what date?
For how many nights? How many days?
How long will you be staying for? How long are you planning to stay?
one night one day
two nights two days
see you week week
a fortnight / two weeks (AmE) two weeks
What sort of room would you? What number do you want?
I’d a I would like to
single room room for one
double room room for two
twin room room with two beds
suite suite
I’d a room with I would like a number with
a bath bathroom
to shower shower
a sea view sea ​​view
a balcony balcony
I’d I would like to
full-board full board
half board half board
Could we have an extra bed? Can I add an extra bed?


Does the room have? Is there in this room?
internet access Internet
air conditioning air conditioning
television TV
Is there a? Is there any?
swimming pool pool
sauna sauna
gym gym
beauty salon beauty salon
lift elevator
Do you allow pets? Are pets allowed here?
Do you have wheelchair access? Do you have wheelchair access?
Do you have a car park? Do you have a car park?
The room has a shared bathroom Toilet and bathroom shared

Conditions of stay

What’s the price per night? How much does one night cost?
Is breakfast included? Is breakfast included in the price?
That’s a bit more than I wanted to pay It’s a little more than I’m willing to pay
Can you offer me any discount? Can you make a discount?
Have you got anything? Do you have anything?
cheaper cheaper
bigger more
quieter quieter
Could I see the room? Can I see the room?

How to make an order

Ok, I’ll take it Ok i take this number
I’d to make a reservation I would like to make a reservation
What’s your name, please? Your name please
Could I take your name? State your name
Can I take your Name your
credit card number credit card number
phone number phone number
What time will you be arriving? What time do you arrive?


I’ve got a reservation I have booked
Your name, please? Your name please
My name is My name is

Source: https://skyeng.ru/articles/200-fraz-i-vyrazhenij-dlya-prebyvaniya-v-gostinitse

English tea drinking tradition

The art of tea drinking has its roots in ancient China (see history of Chinese tea). The earliest documented mention of this ritual dates back to 770 BC. But today we will talk about the English traditions of tea drinking.

  What role does tea play in the life and lifestyle of the British? The fact alone speaks volumes: in English vernacular about a person callous, impervious to the personal drama of other people, they say: «The man with tea in him» («The man in whom there is no tea»).

It’s amazing how the British felt the essence and meaning of this amazing drink. Well, let’s see how they drink tea in England?

Tea drinking in English

For the British, tea has the same huge role as the samurai code for the Japanese. Tea is always present in every home, in addition, in any home you will find several types of tea. In British society, tea is included in the daily routine and has its own characteristics.

According to English customs, tea is drunk several times a day, namely six:

1st and 2nd times: The morning always starts with a cup of strong, caffeine-rich tea called English Breakfast Tea or “English breakfast«. First, they drink it to cheer up and wake up, in the interval between 6-7 in the morning, and then at the first breakfast (about XNUMX in the morning), while adding milk to it.

English table setting

3rd time: The British have lunch at about noon. This is the next breakfast, which is also not complete without tea. During lunch, it is customary to drink English Tea No. 1 or “English tea # 1».

It is a combination of Kenyan varieties and Ceylon leaves with the original name «orange peko», which means «superior quality».

Tea drinking in English — this is not only the aroma and taste of the vivacity of tea, but also the richness of the table, there are many different snacks: biscuits, bread, hard-boiled eggs, butter, cinnamon toast, barley cakes, as well as jam, macaroons , sweet and fragrant tarts, jellies and buns.

4rd time: The fourth tea party for the British comes quite late. In the middle of the working day, a break is made, which received the same name as tea brea, or a short tea break.

5rd time: Despite unforeseen circumstances, the world famous “five-o’clock«.

At this time, millions of Englishmen, from humble workers to the Queen herself, are drinking tea called English Afternoon Tea. This is black tea generously flavored with cream or milk.

  The deepest mark in the tradition of English tea drinking was left by Duchess Anne of Bedford Seventh in 1840. She needed “five-hour tea” in order to satisfy her hunger with a cup of aromatic drink with light, well-warmed snacks.

Anna Bedford — ideologist of 5 o’clock

6rd time: Around 19-20 hours after work, the time for the so-called «high tea» comes. It is a fragrant, thick aristocratic drink. During such a tea party, a large number of snacks are served and a feeling of coziness and great mood is created in the house.

The best variety for such a pastime is Earl Gray Tea («Earl Gray«). If you feel like it, you can also add a small amount of cream or milk to your tea.

Before going to bed, the British can drink a mug of tea according to their preferences, but this tea should no longer contain caffeine.

Tea is best consumed when it has just been brewed, because tea that has stood for more than four hours becomes not only harmful, but also loses all its taste qualities that are so appreciated in good tea. In addition, the yellow coating that remains on the rim of the mug, which has stood for a long time, will remain in your stomach.

Serving and tea drinking process

Traditionally english tea flows near the fireplace in an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth. The table itself is served so that everyone can relax and enjoy tea drinking.

It is covered with a white tablecloth, tea pairs are placed — this is a mug with a saucer, a teapot with one type of tea or several teapots (in case the hospitable hosts want to offer different types of tea), a teapot with boiling water, a sugar bowl, a milk jug and a strainer, as well as a stand under it. They try to put the tea set white.

English tea table

After brewing, the tea should be brewed for about 3-5 minutes. In order for it to cool down more slowly and to infuse better, use a tea-cozy (case). While the tea is brewing, they put lemon, warmed sandwiches, sugar, milk and a kettle with boiling water on the table.

Pastries are also suggested as a dessert, but they should not be too sweet. It is customary to add milk to strong morning teas. In addition, it should be noted that the British do not add milk to Chinese black tea and green tea.

But in contrast to this, they like to add lemon to these drinks, which is cut into slices and served on a plate, because it makes the taste softer and more pleasant.

This is how the aristocratic English drink tea. Tea drinking has become their national tradition, and in fact, at the origins of its formation, tea also met with rough opposition.

They said that by drinking tea, men lose their importance, and women — their beauty and prettiness! Probably, it was the propaganda of the coffee companies, because the tea merchants imposed a struggle on them.

Who would have thought that for tea the inhabitants of Foggy Albion would be so saturated with love and respect, and that the peculiarities of tea drinking in English and the traditional 5 o’clock would become known all over the world? But the Russian tradition of tea drinking turned out to be no less remarkable.

Source: https://daochai.ru/blog/kultura-chaepitija/english-tea.html

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