Learning microsoft word and

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Приветствую всех читателей на нашем бесплатном курсе по Word. У нашей команды давно зрела мысль создать что-то полезное и интересное для всех. Большинство курсов в интернете либо платные, либо неполные – с большим количеством пробелов. И в этом году мы решили создать свой курс с нуля. В него мы постарались вложить все самое важное и нужное для тех людей, кто постоянно работает в программе Microsoft Word. Не смотря на то, что редактор достаточно популярный, даже заядлые Word-старожилы до сих пор находят в нем все новые и интересные фишки, которыми пользуются не все.

Бесплатный курс по Word


  1. Почему курс бесплатный?
  2. Чему я научусь?
  3. Часть 1: Основы
  4. Часть 2: Работа с дополнительными элементами
  5. Часть 3: Графика
  6. Часть 4: Дополнительный функционал
  7. Задать вопрос автору статьи

Почему курс бесплатный?

На данный момент у нас уже собрано более 50 уроков, и каждую неделю наш курс будет пополняться новыми инструкциями. Пока он не полный, но мы стараемся над ним работать в свободное время. Из нашей команды над курсом работают два специалиста. Мы изначально хотели сделать полезный и доступный курс, которым можно будет делиться со всеми. Вы можете просто скопировать ссылку и отправить её любому знакомому, другу, подруге, маме, папе или тому человеку, кто в данный момент изучает эту программу. Курс доступен всем.

Чему я научусь?

Бесплатный курс по Word

Курс рассчитан как для продвинутых пользователей, так и для начинающих. Мы поэтапно будем изучать все аспекты программы Word. Мы начнем с самых азов и потихоньку будем продвигаться от самого простого к сложному. На любом этапе обучения вы можете обращаться к нам с вопросами – для этого достаточно написать их в комментариях. Старайтесь писать максимально подробно, чтобы мы точно смогли вам помочь.

Если какие-то моменты в уроке не указаны, мы будем их дополнять. Мы вместе с вами и делаем этот курс – ваша обратная связь, поможет сделать его удобным, полезным и простым для всех. Для удобства, как я и говорил ранее, уроки разбиты на несколько частей. Я советую начинать с самого первого шага и продолжать обучение поэтапно. Если у вас сложно со временем, много работы и есть домашние хлопоты – я настоятельно рекомендую проходить как минимум по одному уроку каждый день. Именно регулярность – залог успеха в любом обучении.

Часть 1: Основы

Вот мы и подошли к самым азам, без которых работать в программе просто невозможно. Мы научимся подчеркивать текст, работать с ориентацией. Вы научитесь настраивать страницу по параметрам и отличать тире от дефиса. Дополнительно мы научимся работать с горячими клавишами, которые в разы облегчают работу в любой программе.

  1. Подчеркнутый текст.
  2. Делаем большие буквы маленькими.
  3. Зачеркиваем текст.
  4. Тире и дефис.
  5. Интервалы между символами и буквами.
  6. Интервалы между абзацами.
  7. Настройка полей.
  8. Красная строка.
  9. Включаем линейку.
  10. Параметры страницы.
  11. Книжная ориентация.
  12. Что такое колонтитул?
  13. Уменьшаем размер колонтитула
  14. Нумерация страниц.
  15. Копирование листа.
  16. Заголовки.
  17. Как сохранить файл.
  18. Маркированные и нумерованные списки.
  19. Разметка страницы.
  20. Как поставить индексы?

Часть 2: Работа с дополнительными элементами

Первая часть позади, а дальше только самое интересное. Здесь мы будем работать с таблицами, научимся их создавать, переносить из Excel, объединять таблицы и даже переворачивать. Также вы наконец-то поймете, что же такое табуляция и зачем эта штука нужна.

  1. Как вставить таблицу в документ?
  2. Как выровнять текст в таблице в Word и саму таблицу.
  3. Объединение ячеек.
  4. Добавление новой строки в таблицу.
  5. Табуляция – что за непонятное слово?
  6. Перенос таблицы из Excel в Word.
  7. Подсчет суммы в таблице.
  8. Объединение таблиц.
  9. Можно ли перевернуть таблицу?
  10. Удаление таблицы (все варианты).
  11. Как сжать таблицу?
  12. Делаем невидимую таблицу
  13. Как удалить строку или столбец в таблице?
  14. Как преобразовать таблицу в текст?

Часть 3: Графика

Вот мы и подошли к самой красочной части нашего курса. Здесь мы научимся рисовать различные элементы, вставлять картинки, фотографии. Попробуем добавлять красивые эффекты. Также вы поймете, что из себя представляет графический объект на листе в Word документе и как с ним правильно нужно работать.

  1. Рисуем график.
  2. Вставка картинки.
  3. Обтекание текстом.
  4. Обрезаем картинку.
  5. Поворот изображения.
  6. Рисуем стрелки.
  7. Линии.
  8. Как сделать визитку.
  9. Как сделать зеркальный текст.
  10. Как перемещать картинку?
  11. Как сделать текст полукругом?
  12. Как написать текст на картинке
  13. Как наложить картинку на картинку?

Часть 4: Дополнительный функционал

В четвертой части мы более глубоко начнем изучать все тайные механизмы программы Word. Мы научимся сортировать список. Попробуем самостоятельно составить список литературы, а также с помощью функции начертим дробное выражение. Окунемся в мир самого популярного редактора более глубоко.

  1. Пишем над подчеркнутой строкой.
  2. Голосовой ввод текста без рук.
  3. Сортировка.
  4. Степень числа.
  5. Черта для подписи.
  6. Можно ли писать вертикально?
  7. Содержание с многоточием.
  8. Меняем страницы местами.
  9. Список литературы.
  10. Презентация в Word – можно ли сделать?
  11. Галочка в квадрате.
  12. Дроби.
  13. Удаляем лишние большие пробелы в документа.
  14. Убираем разрывы страниц.
  15. Все секреты полос.
  16. Непечатаемые символы.
  17. Квадратные скобки.
  18. Знак градуса.
  19. Римские цифры.
  20. Рамки и их секреты.
  21. Убираем примечания.
  22. Удаление лишних пробелов.
  23. Удаление пустых страниц.
  24. Количество знаков в документе.
  25. Разрывы раздела: как вставить и использовать.
  26. Как выбрать формат в Word: А3, А4, А5
  27. Работа с примечаниями
  28. Ставим пароль на файл
  29. Сетка
  30. Если Word не отвечает
  31. Меняем кодировку
  32. Создание шаблонов
  33. Меняем автора документа.
  34. Работа с закладками.

As an account manager at a Microsoft certified training company, I’ve seen how Microsoft Word is an essential business tool. I’ve helped coordinate Word training for legal professionals, technical writers, executive assistants, policy analysts, and many others.

From talking with hundreds of clients, I’ve discovered that learning Microsoft Word is an ongoing process. Even experienced users can learn new tricks and save time with powerful tools like advanced styles and templates.

When it comes to Microsoft Office software like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, many of us are self-taught. While that might work to a degree, consider how much time can be saved when you learn the productivity tools in Microsoft Word. Think about how your documents would look far more professional by learning the Microsoft Word advanced formatting tools.

In addition to learning new tools and features of Microsoft Word, learning Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts can also be a fantastic way to claim back time in your work day.

After talking with hundreds of Word users and expert Word trainers, I compiled a list of the best Microsoft Word training resources that have been shared over the years.

As you go through these resources be on the lookout for the Microsoft Word features that our Word students tend to get most excited about:

  • Working with basic formatting features
  • Modifying and customizing Styles in Word
  • Using the Format Painter to copy and paste formatting
  • Using Smart Art to enhance your documents
  • Table design tips and tricks
  • Adding charts and pulling data from Excel
  • Inserting online videos
  • Collaboration techniques like using comments in a document
  • Best practices for headers and footers
  • Merging multiple documents in Word
  • Working with page breaks
  • Adjusting margins and adding tabs
  • Customizing columns in a document
  • Adding and customizing a table of contents in a document
  • Using footnotes and endnotes in a document
  • Inserting images and captions in a document
  • Creating a mail merge with Excel data
  • Tracking changes in a document
  • Recording and using Macros
  • Saving time with keyboard shortcuts
  • Improving document accessibility
  • Working with 3D models

Thanks to the Internet, you can easily find tons of resources to help you learn Microsoft Word. You also have access to top-rated instructors regardless of your location. Whether you enjoy learning from videos, books, or a live instructor, every type of learner can quickly find a Microsoft Word training solution. In this article, we’ll show you the best options when it comes to:

  • Quick Reference Guides with step-by-step Microsoft Word instructions
  • Keyboard Shortcut Guides covering the most common Microsoft Word tasks
  • Reference Books with comprehensive Microsoft Word tutorials
  • Video Courses for every level of Microsoft Word user
  • Live Online Instructor-Led Training held in web conference classrooms with a Microsoft Word expert
  • Onsite Instructor-Led Training delivered by a Microsoft Word trainer in a physical classroom location

Ready to dive in? Here’s our list of the best Microsoft Word resources available on the web.

Microsoft Word Quick Reference Guides

Beezix Word Guide

Quick reference guides are a fast and easy way to help you get the most out of Microsoft Word. These guides contain simple tutorials on how to use the most popular Microsoft Word tools. The best thing about a quick reference guide? It’s a ton of information that you can keep right on your desk.

Quick reference guides usually run 2-6 pages in length and cost between $3 – $6 each.

Many trainers and training companies go to Beezix and Quick Source Learning for quick reference guides.

Beezix Microsoft Word Learning Guides

Beezix offers a large library of learning guides. For Microsoft Word, explore guides based on experience level like their Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced guides. Or, you can choose a guide based on topic like Templates and Forms or Mail Merge.

Quick Source Word Guide

Quick Source Microsoft Word Learning Guides

Quick Source Learning offers a library of reference guides on the most popular desktop software from Microsoft, including Microsoft Word. We like Quick Source because their guides are easy to read and comprehensive – typically about 6 pages. Quick Source also offers customization – perfect if you are looking for a tailored resource for a group of employees.

Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcut Guides

Our customers love to have “Microsoft Word Tricks” included in their training. The most popular trick? Keyboard shortcuts. Want to save time and get work done faster? Keyboard shortcuts help you do that.

Webucator Free Word Keyboard Shortcuts

Webucator Free Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts Guide

Since we’ve had so many requests for Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts, Webucator has created our own Microsoft Keyboard Shortcut Guide. So many of our customers have wanted this, that we decided to give it away for free. Download our Free Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcut Guide to see how you can perform tasks like printing, saving, moving through documents, formatting text, inserting objects, all with a couple of keyboard clicks. The guide is printable, so be sure to get a copy to keep on your desk!

Beezix Keyboard Shortcuts

Don’t have a printer? Head on over to Beezix and they will send you a beautifully laminated Word shortcut guide for $3.60 + shipping and taxes.

Microsoft Word Reference Books

Are you an excellent self-learner? Like to learn from a textbook?

MS Word step training book

You might want to try one of the many books available to help you learn Word. Keep your book right on your desk and look up tutorials whenever you need help.

The biggest advantage of learning from a book? You gain access to a huge amount of easy-to-reference information for a very low price. Most Microsoft Word reference books on Amazon range from $20 – $50.

Here are two Microsoft Word reference books to consider.

Microsoft Word Step by Step Book

Word training dummies book

Microsoft publishes Step by Step textbooks to help you learn the Office products. Filled with colorful screenshots, the book takes you through Microsoft Word tools and features, step by step. They also include practice files to help you get hands-on experience.

Microsoft Word for Dummies

Self-learners have tapped into the “Dummies” books for decades. Some authors of the dummies books also teach in the classroom, including delivering classes for Webucator. This classroom experience, along with practical experience, shows in the practical tips and easy-to-follow instructions offered in these books.

Microsoft Word Video Courses

Video courses top the charts as one of the most popular trends in the learning industry right now. Companies look to video courses as an inexpensive way to offer a large library of courses to their whole workforce. Outside of the corporate training world, colleges and universities, secondary schools, and libraries also offer easy access to video courses.

Here are three affordable video resources worth checking out.

Kyle Pew’s Master Microsoft Word Beginner to Advanced Course

Kyle Pew delivers a comprehensive overview of Microsoft Word in his video course. This is a paid resource, but well worth the cost. Kyle’s video course takes you through Microsoft Word from A-to-Z. Students love his course, making it one of the highest rated and bestselling courses on Udemy. We love Kyle Pew here at Webucator as well. So much so that Kyle is one of our top go-to instructors for onsite Microsoft Word Classroom Training.

Sali Kaceli – 2-Hour Free Word YouTube Video

This detailed 2-hour free video covers the most popular features of Word. If you open the video description, you will see clickable bookmarks to take you to specific modules like formatting, charts, mail merge, macros, and more.

Tutorials at Microsoft.com

You can get fast accurate information about using Microsoft Word right at Microsoft.com. Visit the Microsoft site to find written, step-by-step instructions along with how-to videos. Microsoft offers everything from the basics like formatting text, to more specific information such as using Word for school and improving accessibility.

Live Online Microsoft Word Training

Many managers have come to me and said, “we have self-paced courses, but no one completes the training.” These groups usually want the ease of getting the training done in one day and accountability of a classroom. But, there’s not always a training center nearby.

Live online training brings the instructor-led classroom experience to anyone with a computer and an internet connection.

Almost all Microsoft Training companies offer instructor-led online training now. Webucator was one of the first Microsoft partners to deliver all of our Microsoft classes in an instructor-led online format.

Webucator Instructor-Led Live Online Classes

Join a live instructor in a WebEx classroom. The training feels just like a traditional classroom experience. You chat with the instructor and the other students, participate in hands-on exercises, and ask questions at any time. Everyone connects by calling in on their phone, using their computer speakers, or using a webcam.

To keep everyone engaged and active in the class, we strive for a small class size – less than 10 students.

You may be wondering, what’s the most important aspect of a live online class to look for? The trainer. Talk with the trainer before your class and look for a solution where you can have continued access to the trainer after the class. At Webucator, we encourage students to email questions to the instructor after their training. Our instructors often will hear from a student long after their training, and they are always happy to help!

Onsite Microsoft Word Training

Although online resources like video courses and tutorial sites have flooded the market, many professionals still prefer learning from a live instructor.

Nevertheless, you probably can’t just walk down the street to take a class with a Microsoft Word Instructor in the classroom. Why? Most training centers have moved away from the traditional classroom delivery to live online formats instead.

Here are the two ways you can still get into an onsite classroom with your trainer.

Training Centers in Large Cities

If you live near a large city, you might find a nearby training center that offers in-person public Microsoft Word classes. A local college or a university might also provide Microsoft Word classes as part of their professional development catalog.

Try searching the web for “Microsoft Word Classes Near Me.” Be sure to include “Near Me” or the results will include video courses or other formats. Contact the companies that come up. Be sure to confirm that the trainer would be physically in the classroom with you. Some centers will have you come into a classroom near you, but you will actually end up watching the class from one of their computers, with the instructor in a different location.

Onsite Training at Your Office

If at least 8 people at your company need Microsoft Word Training, try bringing the instructor to your office to deliver a class. With a group of 8 or more, the cost of a private class typically works out to be the same or less as attending a public training session. Plus, the instructor usually customizes the class to focus on the topics of your choice. You can even ask the instructor to use your templates or troubleshoot your documents as part of the class. If this sounds like a good solution for your group, be sure to contact Webucator about scheduling a private Microsoft Word Class.

Find Your Microsoft Word Training

How will you build up your Microsoft Word skills? Whether you choose a guide, a video, or working with an expert, there are resources available for everyone.

If you still need help finding a solution, reach out to us! We’ll help you find a great training solution quickly.

This Microsoft Word beginner guide provides free & basic lessons, tutorials & fundamentals for learning MS Office Word software.  Microsoft Word is everyone’s favorite text editor. With so many features, it can meet all your requirements. It may look complicated to use initially, but once you get the hang of it, things start falling in place. This blog post is for those who want to learn the basic functions and features and know more about Microsoft Word.

To start the Microsoft Word application, click on the START button > Microsoft Office > Word or simply search for ‘Word’ in the search box and then click on the result. Once it is opened, select New document.

This is how the opened blank Microsoft Word document will look like.

Microsoft Word tutorial for beginners - Guide on how to use it

Now let us take a look at the features that it has to offer.

1] Title and the Quick Access Toolbar

At the top, you have the Title of the document, the Quick Access Toolbar and a few other functions such as Minimize, Restore Down / Maximize, Close and Ribbon Display Options.

In the Quick Access Toolbar to the left of the Title Bar, you will find the Save button (Ctrl+S), wherein you can save the document in the desired folder; the Undo Typing button (Ctrl+Z); the Repeat Typing button (Ctrl+Y); and the Customize Quick Access Toolbar, wherein you have the various commands as shown in the image below.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

In the Ribbon Display Options, it is possible to Auto-hide the ribbon, show the ribbon tabs only or show the tabs and commands all the time. Refer to the image below.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

Below the Title Bar, you will see what is called the Ribbon which consists of various tabs such as File, Home, Insert, Design, Layout, References, Mailings, Review, View, Help, Search. Now let us go through every Tab and its commands.

2] Home

The Home tab is the default tab in Microsoft Word. This tab comprises of features related to the clipboard, font, paragraph, styles, and editing.

In the Clipboard section, you will find commands such as copy, cut and paste. Next, we have the Font section. Here you can change the font and the font size for your text, change the case, apply bold or italic formatting, underline, change the font color and highlight text and also add various text effects and typography. Go ahead and explore all the different options to make your text look great and innovative!

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

The Paragraph section includes the alignment options where you can choose to align your text in the center, left, right or justify it (that is, evenly distribute the text between the margins).

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

You can add or remove borders, increase or decrease indent, adjust the line and paragraph spacing, and also add bullets and numbers from the bullets and numbering libraries.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

You can also create a multilevel list to organize items or create an outline.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

From the Styles section, you can select any style of your choice to change the way your document looks. In the Editing section, you can find text or any content in the document and also replace a specific word or text with something else.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

3] Insert

The next tab is the Insert tab.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

You can add a stylish cover page from the numerous styles available to make your document look more professional and also add a blank page from the Pages section. Another important feature is inserting a table, a picture from your picture gallery, an online picture from the web, shapes, 3D models, charts, SmartArt and screenshots from the Tables and the Illustrations section. Refer to the images below for guidance.

You can insert Tables.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

You can insert  Shapes.
Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

You can insert SmartArt – and more!
Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

In the Header & Footer section, you can add a built-in header and a footer or from online sources. You can also add page numbers to your document.

Similarly, there are a lot of other features and commands in the Add-ins, Media, Links, Comments, Text and Symbols sections.

4] Design

The Design tab comprises of commands related to Document Formatting and Page Background. To make your document look more consistent and classy, choose the right theme of your liking from the various options available. Additional features include colors, fonts, effects, and paragraph spacing.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

If you wish to go for a splash of color for the document background, you can change the page color as well, add Watermark and page borders.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

5] Layout

In this tab, in the Page Setup section, you can adjust margins for the entire document or for a particular section; and also customize it. You can change the Page Orientation to Landscape or Portrait; choose the page size for your document, and add or remove columns.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

You can also decide the Size for the document.
Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

Find the settings to increase or decrease the Indent and Spacing in the Paragraph section.

Other features related to the placement of text and pictures, grouping multiple images and rotation options will be found in the Arrange section.

6] References

In the References tab, you will find different commands related to the table of contents, footnotes, research, citations and bibliography, captions, index and table of authorities.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

7] Mailings

Here, you will find settings that will help you to create envelopes and labels, start the mail merge wherein you can send it to multiple recipients, write and insert fields, preview results and finish mail merge.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

8] Review

The Review tab includes various functions related to proofing, speech, accessibility, language, comments, tracking, changes, compare, protect and ink. Out of all these, the Spelling and Grammar function (F7) is of utmost importance. Do check for spelling and grammatical errors after you are done writing your document.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

9] View

In the View tab, you can change the views such as Read Mode, Print Layout, Web Layout, etc. Feel free to explore the additional features from the immersive, page movement, show, zoom, window, macros, and SharePoint sections.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

10] Help

In the Help tab, you can contact an office support agent and give feedback.

Microsoft Word Tutorial - The Windows Club

11] Search

In the Search tab, you can type any feature that you are looking for and get help.

12] File

In the File tab, you can save the document, print and share the document, and also publish it.

Microsoft Word beginner guide

In this post, I have tried to cover all the basic and useful features and functions of Microsoft Word.

This is my first blog post and I hope it was helpful to you. Your suggestions are most welcome.

Do try out all these features in order to make your MS Word document absolutely presentable and perfect!

Next, you might want to take a look at our Microsoft Word Tips And Tricks post.

Ms Word Tutorial

Microsoft Office Word 2010 allows you to create and edit personal and business documents, such as letters, reports, invoices, emails and books. By default, documents saved in Word 2010 are saved with the .docx extension. Microsoft Word can be used for the following purposes −

  • To create business documents having various graphics including pictures, charts, and diagrams.

  • To store and reuse readymade content and formatted elements such as cover pages and sidebars.

  • To create letters and letterheads for personal and business purpose.

  • To design different documents such as resumes or invitation cards etc.

  • To create a range of correspondence from a simple office memo to legal copies and reference documents.


This tutorial has been designed for computer users who are willing to learn Microsoft Word in simple steps and they do not have much knowledge about computer usage and Microsoft applications. This tutorial will give you enough understanding on MS Word from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.


Before you begin with this tutorial, we assume you have a basic understanding of Computer peripherals like mouse, keyboard, monitor, screen, etc. and their basic operations.

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