Latin word meaning that is

It’s guaranteed that you have or will run into some of these Latin terms in anything including the lightest reading. That’s because they’re everywhere. In newspapers, textbooks, manuals, et cetera. They are used in, inter alia, academic writing, text messaging, and, quite extensively, law documents. So, they are, ipso facto, very important to know. Ergo, we thought it’s a good idea to combine these Latin words and phrases in one place and explain what they mean so that when you run into some of them next time, you go like, ha! I have seen this word somewhere and I know what it means. So, let’s get down to it. 

1. a priori

A belief or conclusion based on assumptions or reasoning of some sort rather than actual experience or empirical evidence. Before actually encountering, experiencing, or observing a fact.

2. a posteriori. 

A fact, belief, or argument that is based on actual experience, experiment, or observation. After the fact.

3. ad astra.

To the stars.

4. ad hoc.

For a particular situation, without planning or consideration of some broader purpose or application.

5. ad hominem.

Directed to a particular person rather than generally, such as an attack on a person rather than a position they are espousing.

6. ad infinitum.

Repeat forever.

7. ad lib

Short for ad libitum. As you desire, at one’s pleasure. To speak or perform without preparation.

8. ad nauseam. 

Repetition that has become annoying or tiresome.

9. affidavit.

He has sworn. Sworn statement.

10. alma mater.

Nourishing, kind, bounteous mother. School from which one graduated.

11. alias.

Also known as. Otherwise known as. Less commonly as the proper meaning of at another time, otherwise.

12. alibi. 

In another place. Elsewhere. Reason one couldn’t have been in a location where an act was committed.

13. alter ego.

Other self. Another side of oneself.

14. A.D.

short for anno Domini. In the year of our Lord. Number of years since the birth of Jesus Christ.

15. a.m.

Short for ante meridiem. Before midday (noon.) Morning.

16. animus

Spirit, mind, courage anger. Animosity. Intense opposition and ill will towards something, somebody, or some social group, commonly emotional, passionate, and mean-spirited. Hatred.

17. ante

Before. Earlier. In a Supreme Court opinion, ante refers to an earlier page of the same opinion.

18. ante bellum.

Before the war.

19. ante mortem. 

Before death. 

20. bona fide.

Genuine. Real. With no intention to deceive.

21. c. / ca. / or cca.

Short for circa. Around. About. Approximately. Relative to a certain year.

22. carpe diem.

Seize the day or moment. Make the best of the present rather than delay or focus on the future.

23. caveat.

Warning, caution, disclaimer, or stipulation.

24. cf.

Short for confer. Compare to. In reference to, as a comparison.

25. cogito ergo sum

I think, therefore I am — Descartes.

26. consensus.

Agreement. General or widespread agreement.

27. corpus.

Body, especially of written or textual matter such as books and papers.

28. curriculum.

Race. Course of a race. Path of a race. Subjects comprising a course of academic study.

29. CV 

Short for curriculum vitae. The course of one’s life. Resume. List of significant academic and professional accomplishments, achievements, awards, education, and training.

30. de facto. 

True or matter of fact as it is, regardless of intent, good reason, authority, or official reason for being such.

31. dictum.

Something said. Noteworthy, authoritative statement or principle. Common wisdom.

32. doctor. 

Teacher. Learned person. Doctor.

33. ergo. 


34. et al. 

Short for et alia (neuter plural) or et alii (masculine plural) or et aliae (feminine plural). And others. And all of the others.

35. etc. 

Short for et cetera.

36. e pluribus unum. 

— Out of many, one — U.S. motto.

37. ex post.


38. ex post facto.

After the fact.

39. e.g. 

Short for exempli gratia. For the sake of example. For example.

40. ibid. 

Short for ibidem or ib idem. In the same place. For a citation, indicates that it is from the same place as the preceding citation.

41. id. 

short for idem. From the same source. For a citation, indicates that it is from the same source, but not from the same location in that source. In contrast to ibidem (ibid.) which means the same location or place in the same source as the preceding citation.

42. i.e. 

Short for id est. That is. In other words.

43. in absentia. 

Conducted in the absence of.

44. in camera. 

In chambers. In private, commonly for legal proceedings, in the judge’s office (chambers.) before digital photography cameras were little “chambers.”

45. in situ. 

In position. In place.

46. in toto. 

As a whole. Entirely. All of it.

47. incognito. 

Unknown. With one’s identity concealed. This is actually an Italian word, derived from the Latin word incognitus.

48. inter alia. 

Among others. Among other things.

49. innuendo. 

By nodding. Implied. Indirectly implied. Suggested. Oblique allusion.

50. intra. 

Within. In a Supreme Court opinion, refers to a decision of another court, typically an appeals court.

51. ipso facto. 

By that very fact or act. Therefore.

51. lingua franca. 

Common language in a multi-language environment. Technically, it’s Italian.

52. magnum opus. 

Great work. Greatest work. Masterpiece.

53. M.O. 

short for modus operandi. Mode or method of operation. How you do things.

54. n.b. or N.B. 

short for nota bene. Note well. It is worth noting that.

55. per capita. 

Per person, for each person, of a population. Individually, but not for any particular person.

56. per cent. 

or percent short for per centum. For each one hundred.

57. per se. 

By itself. Intrinsically. Specifically.

58. p.m. / PM 

short for post meridiem. After midday (noon.) Afternoon.

59. post. 

After. Later. In a Supreme Court opinion, post refers to a later page of the same opinion.

60. post mortem. 

After death.

61. prima facie. 

On its face. Accepted on its face. Accepted as true based on initial impression. Accepted as true unless proven false.

62. PS. 

short for post scriptum. Written after. After what has been written. In addition to what has been written. In addition.

63. quasi. 

As if. As though. Resembling. Similar but not quite exactly the same. Having many but not all the features of.

64. quid pro quo. 

This for that. An exchange of goods or services. A barter transaction. Any contractual transaction.

65. sic 

or [sic]. So, this. The previous word should be taken literally even if it is not correct or appropriate.

66. stat. 

or stat short for statim. Immediately. Now. without delay.

67. status quo. 

The existing state of affairs. As it is. As things are.

68. stricto sensu

or sensu stricto. In a narrow, tight, or strict sense. Strictly speaking.

69. sui generis. 

Of its own kind. Unique. Outside of existing categories. In law, outside of existing law.

70. supra. 

Above. From the previous cited source.

71. tabula rasa. 

Clean slate. Blank slate. Absence of any preconceived notions, ideas, goals, or purpose.

72. veni, vidi, vici. 

I came, I saw, I conquered.

73. verbatim. 

The same exact words. Literally.

74. vs. 

short for versus. Against. In opposition to. As opposed to. In contrast to.

75. veto. 

I forbid. Reject.

76. vice versa. 

As well as the two immediately preceding subjects of a statement reversed. The same either way. The other way around.

77. viz. 

short for videre licet or videlicet. Namely. That is.

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That is = id est Abbreviation = i. e.

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in: Character, Featured, Knowledge of Men

May 10, 2019 • Last updated: September 3, 2021

Ancient greek leaders giving speech in a meeting.

What do great men like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt all have in common?

They all were proficient in Latin.

From the Middle Ages until about the middle of the 20th century, Latin was a central part of a man’s schooling in the West. Along with logic and rhetoric, grammar (as Latin was then known) was included as part of the Trivium – the foundation of a medieval liberal arts education. From Latin, all scholarship flowed and it was truly the gateway to the life of the mind, as the bulk of scientific, religious, legal, and philosophical literature was written in the language until about the 16th century. To immerse oneself in classical and humanistic studies, Latin was a must.

Grammar schools in Europe and especially England during this time were Latin schools, and the first secondary school established in America by the Puritans was a Latin school as well. But beginning in the 14th century, writers started to use the vernacular in their works, which slowly chipped away at Latin’s central importance in education. This trend for English-language learning accelerated in the 19th century; schools shifted from turning out future clergymen to graduating businessmen who would take their place in an industrializing economy. An emphasis on the liberal arts slowly gave way to what was considered a more practical education in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

While Latin had been dying a slow death for hundreds of years, it still had a strong presence in schools until the middle of the 20th century. Beginning in the 1960s, college students demanded that the curriculum be more open, inclusive, and less Euro-centric. Among their suggested changes was eliminating Latin as a required course for all students. To quell student protests, universities began to slowly phase out the Latin requirement, and because colleges stopped requiring Latin, many high schools in America stopped offering Latin classes, too.  Around the same time, the Catholic Church revised its liturgy and permitted priests to lead Mass in vernacular languages instead of Latin, thus eliminating one of the public’s last ties to the ancient language.

While it’s no longer a requirement for a man to know Latin to get ahead in life, it’s still a great subject to study. I had to take classes in Latin as part of my “Letters” major at the University of Oklahoma, and I really enjoyed it. Even if you’re well out of school yourself, there are a myriad of reasons why you should still consider obtaining at least a rudimentary knowledge of the language:

Knowing Latin can improve your English vocabulary. While English is a Germanic language, Latin has strongly influenced it. Most of our prefixes and some of the roots of common English words derive from Latin. By some estimates, 30% of English words derive from the ancient language. By knowing the meaning of these Latin words, if you chance to come across a word you’ve never seen before, you can make an educated guess at what it means. In fact, studies have found that high school students who studied Latin scored a mean of 647 on the SAT verbal exam, compared with the national average of 505.

Knowing Latin can improve your foreign language vocabulary. Much of the commonly spoken Romanic languages like Spanish, French, and Italian derived from Vulgar Latin. You’ll be surprised by the number of Romanic words that are pretty much the same as their Latin counterparts.

Many legal terms are in Latin. Nolo contendere. Mens rea. Caveat emptor. Do you know what those mean? They’re actually common legal terms. While strides have been made to translate legal writing into plain English, you’ll still see old Latin phrases thrown into legal contracts every now and then. To be an educated citizen and consumer, you need to know what these terms mean. If you plan on going to law school, I highly recommend boning up on Latin. You’ll run into it all the time, particularly when reading older case law.

Knowing Latin can give you more insight to history and literature. Latin was the lingua franca of the West for over a thousand years. Consequently, much of our history, science, and great literature was first recorded in Latin. Reading these classics in the original language can give you insights you otherwise may have missed by consuming it in English.

Moreover, modern writers (and by modern I mean beginning in the 17th century) often pepper their work with Latin words and phrases without offering a translation because they (reasonably) expect the reader to be familiar with it. This is true of great books from even just a few decades ago (seems much less common these days – which isn’t a hopeful commentary on the direction of the public’s literacy I would think). Not having a rudimentary knowledge of Latin will cause you to miss out on fully understanding what the writer meant to convey.

Below we’ve put together a list of Latin words and phrases to help pique your interest in learning this classical language. This list isn’t exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination. We’ve included some of the most common Latin words and phrases that you still see today, which are helpful to know in boosting your all-around cultural literacy. We’ve also included some particularly virile sayings, aphorisms, and mottos that can inspire greatness or remind us of important truths. Perhaps you’ll find a Latin phrase that you can adopt as your personal motto. Semper Virilis!

Latin Words and Phrases Every Man Should Know

  1. a posteriori — from the latter; knowledge or justification is dependent on experience or empirical evidence
  2. a priori — from what comes before; knowledge or justification is independent of experience
  3. acta non verba — deeds, not words
  4. ad hoc — to this — improvised or made up
  5. ad hominem — to the man; below-the-belt personal attack rather than a reasoned argument
  6. ad honorem — for honor
  7. ad infinitum — to infinity
  8. ad nauseam — used to describe an argument that has been taking place to the point of nausea
  9. ad victoriam — to victory; more commonly translated into “for victory,” this was a battle cry of the Romans
  10. alea iacta est — the die has been cast
  11. alias — at another time; an assumed name or pseudonym
  12. alibi — elsewhere
  13. alma mater — nourishing mother; used to denote one’s college/university
  14. amor patriae — love of one’s country
  15. amor vincit omnia — love conquers all
  16. annuit cœptis –He (God) nods at things being begun; or “he approves our undertakings,” motto on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and on the back of the United States one-dollar bill
  17. ante bellum — before the war; commonly used in the Southern United States as antebellum to refer to the period preceding the American Civil War
  18. ante meridiem — before noon; A.M., used in timekeeping
  19. aqua vitae — water of life; used to refer to various native distilled beverages, such as whisky (uisge beatha) in Scotland and Ireland, gin in Holland, and brandy (eau de vie) in France
  20. arte et marte — by skill and valour
  21. astra inclinant, sed non obligant — the stars incline us, they do not bind us; refers to the strength of free will over astrological determinism
  22. audemus jura nostra defendere — we dare to defend our rights; state motto of Alabama
  23. audere est facere — to dare is to do
  24. audio — I hear
  25. aurea mediocritas — golden mean; refers to the ethical goal of reaching a virtuous middle ground between two sinful extremes
  26. auribus teneo lupum — I hold a wolf by the ears; a common ancient proverb; indicates that one is in a dangerous situation where both holding on and letting go could be deadly; a modern version is, “to have a tiger by the tail”
  27. aut cum scuto aut in scuto — either with shield or on shield; do or die, “no retreat”; said by Spartan mothers to their sons as they departed for battle
  28. aut neca aut necare — either kill or be killed
  29. aut viam inveniam aut faciam — I will either find a way or make one; said by Hannibal, the great ancient military commander
  30. barba non facit philosophum — a beard doesn’t make one a philosopher
  31. bellum omnium contra omnes — war of all against all
  32. bis dat qui cito dat — he gives twice, who gives promptly; a gift given without hesitation is as good as two gifts
  33. bona fide — good faith
  34. bono malum superate — overcome evil with good
  35. carpe diem — seize the day
  36. caveat emptor — let the buyer beware; the purchaser is responsible for checking whether the goods suit his need
  37. circa — around, or approximately
  38. citius altius forties — faster, higher, stronger; modern Olympics motto
  39. cogito ergo sum — “I think therefore I am”; famous quote by Rene Descartes
  40. contemptus mundi/saeculi — scorn for the world/times; despising the secular world, the monk or philosopher’s rejection of a mundane life and worldly values
  41. corpus christi — body of Christ
  42. corruptissima re publica plurimae leges — when the republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous; said by Tacitus
  43. creatio ex nihilo — creation out of nothing; a concept about creation, often used in a theological or philosophical context
  44. cura te ipsum — take care of your own self; an exhortation to physicians, or experts in general, to deal with their own problems before addressing those of others
  45. curriculum vitae — the course of one’s life; in business, a lengthened resume
  46. de facto — from the fact; distinguishing what’s supposed to be from what is reality
  47. deo volente — God willing
  48. deus ex machina — God out of a machine; a term meaning a conflict is resolved in improbable or implausible ways
  49. dictum factum — what is said is done
  50. disce quasi semper victurus vive quasi cras moriturus — learn as if you’re always going to live; live as if tomorrow you’re going to die
  51. discendo discimus — while teaching we learn
  52. docendo disco, scribendo cogito — I learn by teaching, think by writing
  53. ductus exemplo — leadership by example
  54. ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt — the fates lead the willing and drag the unwilling; attributed to Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  55. dulce bellum inexpertis — war is sweet to the inexperienced
  56. dulce et decorum est pro patria mori — it is sweet and fitting to die for your country
  57. dulcius ex asperis — sweeter after difficulties
  58. e pluribus unum — out of many, one; on the U.S. seal, and was once the country’s de facto motto
  59. emeritus — veteran; retired from office
  60. ergo — therefore
  61. et alii — and others; abbreviated et al.
  62. et cetera — and the others
  63. et tu, Brute? — last words of Caesar after being murdered by friend Brutus in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, used today to convey utter betrayal
  64. ex animo — from the heart; thus, “sincerely”
  65. ex libris — from the library of; to mark books from a library
  66. ex nihilo — out of nothing
  67. ex post facto — from a thing done afterward; said of a law with retroactive effect
  68. faber est suae quisque fortunae — every man is the artisan of his own fortune; quote by Appius Claudius Caecus
  69. fac fortia et patere — do brave deeds and endure
  70. fac simile — make alike; origin of the word “fax”
  71. flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo — if I cannot move heaven I will raise hell; from Virgil’s Aeneid
  72. fortes fortuna adiuvat — fortune favors the bold
  73. fortis in arduis — strong in difficulties
  74. gloria in excelsis Deo — glory to God in the highest
  75. habeas corpus — you should have the body; a legal term from the 14th century or earlier; commonly used as the general term for a prisoner’s right to challenge the legality of their detention
  76. habemus papam — we have a pope; used after a Catholic Church papal election to announce publicly a successful ballot to elect a new pope
  77. historia vitae magistra — history, the teacher of life; from Cicero; also “history is the mistress of life”
  78. hoc est bellum — this is war
  79. homo unius libri (timeo) — (I fear) a man of one book; attributed to Thomas Aquinas
  80. honor virtutis praemium — esteem is the reward of virtue
  81. hostis humani generis — enemy of the human race; Cicero defined pirates in Roman law as being enemies of humanity in general
  82. humilitas occidit superbiam — humility conquers pride
  83. igne natura renovatur integra — through fire, nature is reborn whole
  84. ignis aurum probat — fire tests gold; a phrase referring to the refining of character through difficult circumstances
  85. in absentia — in the absence
  86. in aqua sanitas — in water there is health
  87. in flagrante delicto — in flaming crime; caught red-handed, or in the act
  88. in memoriam — into the memory; more commonly “in memory of”
  89. in omnia paratus — ready for anything
  90. in situ — in position; something that exists in an original or natural state
  91. in toto — in all or entirely
  92. in umbra, igitur, pugnabimus — then we will fight in the shade; made famous by Spartans in the battle of Thermopylae and by the movie 300
  93. in utero — in the womb
  94. in vitro — in glass; biological process that occurs in the lab
  95. incepto ne desistam — may I not shrink from my purpose
  96. intelligenti pauca — few words suffice for he who understands
  97. invicta — unconquered
  98. invictus maneo — I remain unvanquished
  99. ipso facto — by the fact itself; something is true by its very nature
  100. labor omnia vincit — hard work conquers all
  101. laborare pugnare parati sumus — to work, (or) to fight; we are ready
  102. labore et honore — by labor and honor
  103. leges sine moribus vanae — laws without morals [are] vain
  104. lex parsimoniae — law of succinctness; also known as Occam’s Razor; the simplest explanation is usually the correct one
  105. lex talionis — the law of retaliation
  106. magna cum laude — with great praise
  107. magna est vis consuetudinis — great is the power of habit
  108. magnum opus — great work; said of someone’s masterpiece
  109. mala fide — in bad faith; said of an act done with knowledge of its illegality, or with intention to defraud or mislead someone; opposite of bona fide
  110. malum in se — wrong in itself; a legal term meaning that something is inherently wrong
  111. malum prohibitum — wrong due to being prohibited; a legal term meaning that something is only wrong because it is against the law
  112. mea culpa — my fault
  113. meliora — better things; carrying the connotation of “always better”
  114. memento mori — remember that [you will] die; was whispered by a servant into the ear of a victorious Roman general to check his pride as he paraded through cheering crowds after a victory; a genre of art meant to remind the viewer of the reality of his death
  115. memento vivere — remember to live
  116. memores acti prudentes future — mindful of what has been done, aware of what will be
  117. modus operandi — method of operating; abbreviated M.O.
  118. montani semper liberi — mountaineers [are] always free; state motto of West Virginia
  119. morior invictus — death before defeat
  120. morituri te salutant — those who are about to die salute you; popularized as a standard salute from gladiators to the emperor, but only recorded once in Roman history
  121. morte magis metuenda senectus — old age should rather be feared than death
  122. mulgere hircum — to milk a male goat; to attempt the impossible
  123. multa paucis — say much in few words
  124. nanos gigantum humeris insidentes — dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants; commonly known by the letters of Isaac Newton: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”
  125. nec aspera terrent — they don’t terrify the rough ones; frightened by no difficulties; less literally “difficulties be damned”
  126. nec temere nec timide — neither reckless nor timid
  127. nil volentibus arduum — nothing [is] arduous for the willing
  128. nolo contendere — I do not wish to contend; that is, “no contest”; a plea that can be entered on behalf of a defendant in a court that states that the accused doesn’t admit guilt, but will accept punishment for a crime
  129. non ducor, duco — I am not led; I lead
  130. non loqui sed facere — not talk but action
  131. non progredi est regredi — to not go forward is to go backward
  132. non scholae, sed vitae discimus — we learn not for school, but for life; from Seneca
  133. non sequitur — it does not follow; in general, a comment which is absurd due to not making sense in its context (rather than due to being inherently nonsensical or internally inconsistent); often used in humor
  134. non sum qualis eram — I am not such as I was; or “I am not the kind of person I once was”
  135. nosce te ipsum — know thyself; from Cicero
  136. novus ordo seclorum — new order of the ages; from Virgil; motto on the Great Seal of the United States
  137. nulla tenaci invia est via — for the tenacious, no road is impassable
  138. obliti privatorum, publica curate — forget private affairs, take care of public ones; Roman political saying which reminds that common good should be given priority over private matters for any person having a responsibility in the State
  139. panem et circenses — bread and circuses; originally described all that was needed for emperors to placate the Roman mob; today used to describe any entertainment used to distract public attention from more important matters
  140. para bellum — prepare for war; if you want peace, prepare for war; if a country is ready for war, its enemies are less likely to attack
  141. parvis imbutus tentabis grandia tutus — when you are steeped in little things, you shall safely attempt great things; sometimes translated as, “once you have accomplished small things, you may attempt great ones safely”
  142. pater familias — father of the family; the eldest male in a family
  143. pecunia, si uti scis, ancilla est; si nescis, domina — if you know how to use money, money is your slave; if you don’t, money is your master
  144. per angusta ad augusta — through difficulties to greatness
  145. per annum — by the year
  146. per capita — by the person
  147. per diem — by the day
  148. per se — through itself
  149. persona non grata — person not pleasing; an unwelcome, unwanted or undesirable person
  150. pollice verso — with a turned thumb; used by Roman crowds to pass judgment on a defeated gladiator
  151. post meridiem — after noon; P.M.; used in timekeeping
  152. post mortem — after death
  153. postscriptum — thing having been written afterward; in writing, abbreviated P.S.
  154. praemonitus praemunitus — forewarned is forearmed
  155. praesis ut prosis ne ut imperes — lead in order to serve, not in order to rule
  156. primus inter pares — first among equals; a title of the Roman Emperors
  157. pro bono — for the good; in business, refers to services rendered at no charge
  158. pro rata — for the rate
  159. quam bene vivas referre (or refert), non quam diu — it is how well you live that matters, not how long; from Seneca
  160. quasi — as if; as though
  161. qui totum vult totum perdit — he who wants everything loses everything; attributed to Seneca
  162. quid agis — what’s going on; what’s up, what’s happening, etc.
  163. quid pro quo — this for that; an exchange of value
  164. quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur — whatever has been said in Latin seems deep; or “anything said in Latin sounds profound”; a recent ironic Latin phrase to poke fun at people who seem to use Latin phrases and quotations only to make themselves sound more important or “educated”
  165. quis custodiet ipsos custodes? — who will guard the guards themselves?; commonly associated with Plato
  166. quorum — of whom; the number of members whose presence is required under the rules to make any given meeting constitutional
  167. requiescat in pace — let him rest in peace; abbreviated R.I.P.
  168. rigor mortis — stiffness of death
  169. scientia ac labore — knowledge through hard work
  170. scientia ipsa potentia est — knowledge itself is power
  171. semper anticus — always forward
  172. semper fidelis — always faithful; U.S. Marines motto
  173. semper fortis — always brave
  174. semper paratus — always prepared
  175. semper virilis — always virile
  176. si vales, valeo — when you are strong, I am strong
  177. si vis pacem, para bellum — if you want peace, prepare for war
  178. sic parvis magna — greatness from small beginnings — motto of Sir Frances Drake
  179. sic semper tyrannis — thus always to tyrants; attributed to Brutus at the time of Julius Caesar’s assassination, and to John Wilkes Booth at the time of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination; whether it was actually said at either of these events is disputed
  180. sic vita est — thus is life; the ancient version of “it is what it is”
  181. sola fide — by faith alone
  182. sola nobilitat virtus — virtue alone ennobles
  183. solvitur ambulando — it is solved by walking
  184. spes bona — good hope
  185. statim (stat) — immediately; medical shorthand
  186. status quo — the situation in which; current condition
  187. subpoena — under penalty
  188. sum quod eris — I am what you will be; a gravestone inscription to remind the reader of the inevitability of death
  189. summa cum laude — with highest praise
  190. summum bonum — the supreme good
  191. suum cuique — to each his own
  192. tabula rasa — scraped tablet; “blank slate”; John Locke used the term to describe the human mind at birth, before it had acquired any knowledge
  193. tempora heroic — Heroic Age
  194. tempus edax rerum — time, devourer of all things
  195. tempus fugit — time flees; commonly mistranslated “time flies”
  196. terra firma — firm ground
  197. terra incognita — unknown land; used on old maps to show unexplored areas
  198. vae victis — woe to the conquered
  199. vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas — vanity of vanities; everything [is] vanity; from the Bible (Ecclesiastes 1)
  200. veni vidi vici — I came, I saw, I conquered; famously said by Julius Caesar
  201. verbatim — repeat exactly
  202. veritas et aequitas — truth and equity
  203. versus — against
  204. veto — I forbid
  205. vice versa — to change or turn around
  206. vincit qui patitur — he conquers who endures
  207. vincit qui se vincit — he conquers who conquers himself
  208. vir prudens non contra ventum mingit — [a] wise man does not urinate [up] against the wind
  209. virile agitur — the manly thing is being done
  210. viriliter agite — act in a manly way
  211. viriliter agite estote fortes — quit ye like men, be strong
  212. virtus tentamine gaudet — strength rejoices in the challenge
  213. virtute et armis — by virtue and arms; or “by manhood and weapons”; state motto of Mississippi
  214. vive memor leti — live remembering death
  215. vivere est vincere — to live is to conquer; Captain John Smith’s personal motto
  216. vivere militare est — to live is to fight
  217. vox populi — voice of the people

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Latin is the language of the Romans. Through the continuing influence of Roman civilization and the use of Latin by the Catholic Church many genealogical resources are written in Latin. This page provides information about the language, including grammar, and a Latin to English wordlist.

Nearly all Roman Catholic church records used Latin to some extent.
Latin was used in the records of most European countries and in the Roman Catholic records of the United States and Canada. Because Latin was used in so many countries, local usage varied. Certain terms were commonly used in some countries but not in others. In addition, the Latin used in British records has more abbreviations than the Latin used in European records.

Latin is an inflected language, meaning that the endings of words vary according to how the words are used in a sentence. Who—whose— whom or marry—marries—married are examples of words in English with variant forms. This word list gives the most commonly seen form of each Latin word. As you read Latin records, be aware that almost all words vary with usage.

The case of a word describes how it is being used in a sentence. The main three cases are:

Nominative: when the noun is the subject of the sentence, i.e. it is doing the verb
Accusative : when the noun is the object of the sentence, so something else is doing a verb on it.
Genitive: the noun possesses or belongs to something else. In English indicated by ‘of’ or ‘s

A word’s ending also varies by whether it is plural or singular. Latin words are divided into five declensions, but only three are considered here. Each declension has it’s own basic pattern for word endings.

Most male names are in the 2nd declension. Nearly all female names are in the 1st declension. Names from both genders can be found in the 3rd declension. 

Latin words for persons, places, and things (nouns) are classified as masculine, feminine, or neuter. For example, rex (king) is a masculine word, aetas (age) is a feminine word, and oppidum (town) is a neuter word.

Words that describe persons, places, or things (adjectives) will have either masculine, feminine, or neuter endings to match whatever they describe. For example, in Latin you would write magnus rex (great king), magna aetas (great age), and magnum oppidum (large town).

This word list gives only the masculine form of adjectives. For example:

  • noster, nostra, nostrum (our) is listed as noster
  • magnus, magna, magnum (great, large) is listed as magnus
  • nobilis, nobile (noble, known) is listed as nobilis

Some words can be either masculine or feminine, such as patrinus (godfather) and patrina (godmother). This word list usually gives only the masculine form even though a feminine form may occur in Latin records. Thus, given the word famulus (servant), you can conclude that famula is a female servant. Similarly, this word list gives only natus est («he was born»). You can conclude that nata est means «she was born.» The plural form nati sunt means «they were born.»

Examples and Exceptions[edit | edit source]

filius son
(pater) filii (father) of the son
(baptizavi) filium (I baptized the) son
(ex) filio (from) the son
vidua widow
(filius) viduae (son) of the widow
(sepelivi) viduam (I buried the) widow
(ex) vidua (from) the widow
pater father
(filius) patris (son) of the father
(sepelivi) patrem (I buried the) father
(ex) patre (from) the father

Other noun endings change as follows to show possession:

  • -as may change to -atis
  • -ns may change to -ntis
  • -or may change to -oris
  • -tio may change to -tionis

Example: sartor (tailor) changes to sartoris (of the tailor)

Words that show action (verbs) also vary depending on who is doing the action and whether the action is past, present, or future. For example, the Latin word baptizare (to baptize) will appear with various endings:

Present Past
baptize have baptized, baptized
(I) baptizo baptizavi, baptizabam
(he) baptizat baptizavit, baptizabat
(they) baptizant baptizaverunt, baptizabant
is baptized was baptized
(he) baptizatur baptizatus est

Spelling[edit | edit source]

Spelling rules were not standardized in earlier centuries. The following spelling variations are common in Latin documents:

  • i and j used interchangeably
  • u and v used interchangeably
  • e used for ae (æ)
  • e used for oe (œ)
  • c used for qu


  • ejusdem or eiusdem
  • civis or ciuis
  • preceptor or praeceptor
  • celebs or coelebs
  • quondam or condam

Additional Resources[edit | edit source]

This word list includes only the words most commonly found in genealogical sources. For further help, use a Latin-English dictionary. Latin-English dictionaries are available on each floor of the FamilySearch Library. The call numbers begin with 473.21.
Many resources exist that will help you read Latin genealogical records. One of these is a 10 part online video called, Latin Handwriting.

Another resource is the National Archives of England, they have 12 online lessons covering latin records from 1086 to 1733, each lesson provides step by step instructions and is listed under the title of «Learn medieval Latin — Stage 1».

The Internet can be of great assistance in trying to translate Latin. There are some dictionaries and word lists as well as some sites that will translate for you. One good website is William Whitaker’s Words for translating words; also try this online Latin Dictionary. It is important to remember with using any of these websites that you have to be careful about accepting the meaning. Be sure that the meaning makes sense with what you are trying to translate.

The Dizionario di Abbreviature Latine ed Italiane contains an intensive list of Latin abbreviations, but the translations are in Italian.

  • Ainsworth, Robert. Ainsworth’s Latin Dictionary. Revised Edition. London, England: F. Westly and A.H. Davis, 1836. FS Library book 473 Ai65a 1836; film 599788 — images; At various libraries (WorldCat). Online at: FamilySearch Digital Library.

Additional dictionaries are listed under Latin Language — Dictionaries in the Subject Search of the FamilySearch Catalog. Most bookstores carry useful, inexpensive Latin-English dictionaries.

The following sources can also be helpful for reading Latin records:

  • Baxter, J. H. and Charles Johnson. Medieval Latin Word-List From British and Irish Sources. London, England: Oxford University Press, n.d. FS Library book 942 A8bm; At various libraries (WorldCat).
  • Grun, Paul A. Schlüssel zur alten und neuen Abkürzungen: Wörterbuch lateinischer und deutscher Abkürzungen des späten Mittlealters und der Neuzeit. Limburg/Lahn, Germany: Starke Verlag, 1966. FS Library book 943 B4gg vol. 6. Key to ancient and modern abbreviations: Dictionary of Latin and German abbreviations of the late middle age and modern times.
  • Jensen, C. Russell. Parish Register Latin: An Introduction. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Vita Nova Books, 1988. FS Library book 475 J453p; At various libraries (WorldCat). A guide to understanding Latin as it appears in continental European church records. Online at: Internet Archive.
  • Martin, Charles Trice. The Record Interpreter: A Collection of Abbreviations, Latin Words and Names Used in English Historical Manuscripts and Records. 2nd ed. London: Stevens, 1910. FS Library book 422.471 M363re 1910; 1892 edition on FS Library film 547,182, item 3; At various libraries (WorldCat).
  • McLaughlin, Eve. Simple Latin for Family Historians. 2nd ed. Birmingham, England: Federation of Family History Societies, 1987. FS Library book 471.1 M273; At various libraries (WorldCat). This booklet lists Latin words frequently used in English parish registers.
  • Temple, Robin Edgel. Latin for Genealogical Research: A Primer for Record Latin. Thesis (M.A.). Brigham Young University, 1977. FS Library call number 929.1 T247L; edition on FS Library film 6070611(*); At various libraries (WorldCat).

Key Words[edit | edit source]

To find and use specific types of Latin records, you will need to know some key words in Latin. This section lists key genealogical terms in English and gives the Latin words that have the same or similar meanings.

For example, in the first column you will find the English word marriage. In the second column you will find Latin words with meanings such as marry, marriage, wedding, wedlock, unite, legitimate, joined, and other words used in Latin records to indicate marriage.

English Latin
birth nati, natus, genitus, natales, ortus, oriundus
burial sepulti, sepultus, humatus, humatio
christening baptismi, baptizatus, renatus, plutus, lautus, purgatus, ablutus, lustratio
child infans, filius/filia, puer, proles
death mortuus, defunctus, obitus, denatus, decessus, peritus, mors, mortis, obiit, decessit
father pater
godparent patrini, levantes, susceptores, compater, commater, matrina
husband maritus, sponsus, conjux, vir
marriage matrimonium, copulatio, copulati, conjuncti, intronizati, nupti, sponsati, ligati, mariti
marriage banns banni, proclamationes, denuntiationes
mother mater
given name nomen
surname cognomen
parents parentes, genitores
wife uxor, marita, conjux, sponsa, mulier, femina, consors

Genealogical Abbreviations[edit | edit source]

Abbreviation Latin English
+ Defuncti died
&c et cætera and also
aas anno aetatis suae died in the year of his age, i.e., a.a.s. 24
ar anno regni year of reign
at ætatis age[1]
atq. atque (variant of «ac») and, and also
c circa about, approximately
c comitis count
Ch Confirmati confirmed
civit civitas city
dsp decessit sine prole died without issue (children)[2]
dspl decessit sine prole legitima died without legitimate issue (children)[2]
dspm decessit sine prole mascula died without male issue (sons)[2]
dspml decessit sine prole mascula legitima died without legitimate male issue (sons)
dspms decessit sine prole mascula superstite died without surviving male issue (living sons)[2]
dsps decessit sine prole superstite died without surviving issue (living children)[2]
dspv decessit sine prole virilli died without male issue (sons)[2]
dvm decessit vita matris died in the lifetime of the mother
dvp decessit vita patris died in the lifetime of the father
J Matrimonis Juncti joined in marriage
msp mortuus sine prole died without offspring (children)[3]
na natus or nata born[1]
NB! Nota bene important note, please note
ob obiit died, followed by the date[4]
osp or ob.s.p. obiit (or obit) sine prole died without issue (children)[4]
P Prima vice Communicates first communion
PP per procurationem by proxy
q. quondam deceased, the late
slp sine legitima prole died without legitimate issue (children)[5]
smp sine mascula prole died without male issue (sons)[5]
sp sine prole without issue (children)[5]
spl sine prole legitima died without legitimate issue (children)[5]
spm sine prole mascula died without male issue (sons)[5]
sps sine prole superstite without surviving issue (children)[5]
sp/ss susceptores sponsors (godparents)

Numbers[edit | edit source]

In some genealogical records, numbers—especially dates—are written out. The following list gives the cardinal (1, 2, 3) and the ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd) versions of each number. Ordinal numbers are adjectives and may sometimes appear with the feminine ending (-a) or the neuter ending (-um). In written dates the ordinal numbers usually end with the grammatical ending (-o). Example:

quartus = the fourth
quarto = on the fourth
duo, duae
tres, tres, tria
septemdecim, decimo septimo
undeviginti, decimo nona
viginti unus
viginti duo
viginti tres
viginti quattuor
viginti quinque
viginti sex
viginti septem
viginti octo
viginti novem
centum unus
centum quinquaginta
tertius decimus
quartus decimus
quintus decimus
sextus decimus
septimus decimus
vicesimus or vigesimus
vicesimus primus
vicesimus secundus
vicesimus tertius
vicesimus quartus
vicesimus quintus
vicesimus sextus
vicesimus septimus
vicesimus octavus
vicesimus nonus
centesimus primus
centesimus quinquagesimus

Roman Numerals[edit | edit source]

Roman numerals are written as combinations of the seven letters listed below. The letters can be written in capital (XVI) or lower-case (xvi) letters.

I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000

D is sometimes represented by the symbol Roman Numeral D.jpg.

M is sometimes represented by the symbol Roman Numeral M.jpg.

If smaller value numbers follow larger value numbers, add the values together. If a smaller value number precedes a larger value number, subtract the smaller from the larger. For example:

= (5+2) = 7
= (10-1) = 9
= (50-10) = 40
= 1000+500+200+2 = 1702
= 1000+(1000-100)+50+10+(5-1) = 1964

Common Roman Numerals[edit | edit source]

1 = I
2 = II
3 = III
4 = IV
5 = V
6 = VI
7 = VII
8 = VIII
9 = IX
10 = X
11 = XI
12 = XII
13 = XIII
14 = XIV
15 = XV
16 = XVI
17 = XVII
18 = XVIII
19 = XIX
20 = XX
21 = XXI
22 = XXII
23 = XXIII
24 = XXIV
25 = XXV
26 = XXVI
27 = XXVII
29 = XXIX
30 = XXX
31 = XXXI
40 = XL
50 = L
60 = LX
70 = LXX
80 = LXXX
90 = XC
100 = C
101 = CI
150 = CL
200 = CC
300 = CCC
400 = CD
500 = D
600 = DC
700 = DCC
800 = DCCC
900 = CM
1000 = M
1600 = MDC
1700 = MDCC
1800 = MDCCC
1900 = MCM

Dates and Times[edit | edit source]

In Latin records, dates are often written out. Numbers generally end with -o when used in a date. For example:

Anno Domini millesimo sescentesimo nonagesimo quarto et die decimo septimo mensis Maii [In the year of (our) Lord one thousand six hundred ninety-four, and on the seventeenth day of the month of May]

To understand Latin dates, use the following lists as well as the preceding «Numbers» section.

Months[edit | edit source]

English Latin
January Januarius
February Februarius
March Martius
April Aprilis
May Maius
June Junius
July Julius
August Augustus
September September, 7ber, VIIber, 7bri, VIIbri
October October, 8ber, VIIIber, 8bri, VIIIbri
November November, 9ber, IXber, 9bri, IXbri
December December, 10ber, Xber. 10bri, Xbri

Days of the Week[edit | edit source]

English Latin
Sunday dominica, dies dominica, dominicus, dies Solis, feria prima, abbreviations: Dca., dom., fer. pri., fer. 1.
Monday feria secunda, dies Lunae, abbreviations: fer.sec., fer. 2.
Tuesday feria tertia, dies Martis, abbreviations: fer. ter., fer. 3.
Wednesday feria quarta, dies Mercurii, abbreviations: fer. quar., fer. 4.
Thursday feria quinta, dies Jovis, abbreviations: fer quin., fer. 5.
Friday feria sexta, dies Veneris, abbreviations: fer sex., fer 6.
Saturday feria septima, sabbatum, dies sabbatinus, dies Saturni, abbreviations: fer. sept., fer. 7

Phrases Indicating Time[edit | edit source]

Latin English
anno domini in the year of the Lord
anno incarnationis in the year (since/of) the incarnation of the Lord
annus year
annus bissextus leap year
ante meridiem before noon (a.m.)
altera die on the next day
biduum space of two days, two-day period
cras tomorrow
die day
die sequenti on the following day
die vero this very day
ejusdem die of the same day
eodem anno in the same year
eodem die on the same day
eodem mense in the same month
eodemque the same (day, month)
eo tempore at this time
feria day, holiday
hebdomada a week
heri yesterday
hodie today
hora hour
longo tempore for a long time
mane in the morning
meridie noon
mense month
nocte at night
nudius tertius three days earlier
nunc dies tertius three days earlier
nunc temporis of the present time
perendie day after tomorrow
pomerid after noon (p.m.)
post meridiem after noon (p.m.)
postridie on the day after, a day later
pridie the day before
pro tempore for (at) the time
triduum space of three days, three-day period
tunc temporis of former time
vespere, vespertinus in the evening

General Words[edit | edit source]

This general word list includes words commonly seen in genealogical sources. Numbers, months, and days of the week are listed both here and in separate sections that follow this list.

In this list, some grammatical variations of Latin words are given in parentheses. Some Latin phrases and their translations are listed [in brackets] under the most significant Latin word, not the first word, of the phrase. Words in parentheses in the English column clarify the definition.

Click the letter below to get to the words starting with that letter.

Words starting with:


A[edit | edit source]

Latin English
a (ab) from, by (ablative preposition)
abavia great-great-grandmother
abavus great-great-grandfather, ancestor
abdormitus died
abdormivit he/she died
ab hoc mense from this month on
abiit he/she died
abinde since
abitus est he/she died, went away
abjectarius cabinetmaker, woodworker
abjuro to renounce by oath
ablutus est he was baptized
abs from, by
abscessus death
absque without, except
abstersus baptized
abuo I baptize, I wash
ac and
acatholicus non-Catholic, Protestant
accipio to take, receive, take possession of
accola local resident
acicularius needle maker
acquiescat he/she reposes, dies, is content with
acquietus est he died
acra acre
actum record
ad to, at, in, for, towards
adhuc as yet, still
adjutor assistant
adjuvenis assistant
adolescens young man, adolescent
adulterium adultery
advenit he appeared, came
advocatus lawyer
aeger sick
aegyptus gypsy
aequalis equal
aetas (aetatis) age
aetate (being) in the age of, age
affinitas relationship by marriage
affirmavit he/she affirmed, confirmed, asserted
agentis of the official
agnatus blood relative in the male line
agonia cramps
agricola farmer
ahenarius coppersmith
albus white
alemannus German
alias also, otherwise, or, at, another, called
alibi elsewhere, at another time
aliqui, aliquod some
aliud (alius) other, another
allemania Germany
altare altar
alter the next, the other
alutarius tanner
ambo both, two together
amita aunt, father’s sister
amitinus cousin, (child of father’s sister)
ancilla female servant
ancillus male servant
anglia England
anima soul, spirit
animam reddidit domino suo he/she returned his/her soul to his/her Lord (died)
anno in the year (of)
anno domini in the year of (our) Lord
anno incarnationis in the year (since/of) the incarnation (of the Lord)
annus year
andedictus aforesaid
ante before, in front of, prior to
antiquus old, senior
apoplexia stroke
aprilis of April
apud at the house of, at, by, near
aqua water
archidiaconus archdeacon
archiepiscopus archbishop
archivum archive
arcularius carpenter
arma coat of arms
armentarius herdsman
armiger gentleman, squire
armorum of coats of arms
at but
atque and
augusti of August
aurifaber goldsmith
auriga driver
aut or
autem but, however, moreover
auxentium Alsace
ava grandmother
avi ancestors, grandparents
avia grandmother
aviaticus nephew
avunculus uncle (mother’s brother)
avus grandfather
Words starting with:


B[edit | edit source]

Latin English
bacallarius bachelor
baillivus bailiff
balneator bathhouse operator; surgeon
bannorum, liber register of marriage banns, announcements
bannum bann, marriage proclamation
baptisatus, baptizata baptized
baptisma baptism
necessitate baptismo (being) an emergency baptism
baptismatis of baptism
baptismus baptism
baptizatorum, liber register of baptisms
baptizatus est, baptizata est he was baptized, has been baptized
baptizavi I baptized, have baptized
baro baron
beatus blessed, deceased
bene well
bergarius shepherd
biduum space of two days, two-day period
biennium two-year period
bona possessions
bonus good
bordarius cottager, tenant, border
borussia Prussia
brasiator brewer
burgensis citizen, burgess
Words starting with:


C[edit | edit source]

Latin English
cadaver dead body, cadaver
caelebs bachelor, single man
caelum heaven, sky
caementarius stonemason
calcearius shoemaker
calciator shoemaker
caledonia Scotland
caligator shoemaker
cambria Wales
cameranius chamberlain, valet, groom
capella chapel
capellanus chaplain
capitis head, chief
capt et jurat taken and sworn
caput head, chief
carbonarius collier, coal miner
carecarius carter
carnarius butcher
carpentarius carpenter
carta deed, charter, map
casale estate, village
casatus cottager
cataster land, property record
catholicus Catholic
caupo (cauponis) innkeeper
causa cause, sake, because of
ex causa on account of, for the sake of
celator turner
celebraverunt they celebrated, were married
census census
centenarius a person one hundred years of age
centesimus hundredth
centum hundred
cerdo (cerdonis) handworker
chartarius paper miller
chirotherarus glover
chirurgus surgeon
chramarius merchant
cimeterium cemetery
cingarus gypsy
circa about, around, round about
circiter about, approximately
civis citizen
civitas city
clausit he/she finished, closed
claustrarius locksmith
clausum closed, finished
clericus clergyman
clostrarius locksmith
coelebs bachelor, single man
coemeterium cemetery
cognationis blood relationship
collis hill, mount, mountain
cognomen name, family name, surname
colonus colonist, settler, resident, farmer
colorator dyer
comes count
comitas county
comitatus county
comitissa countess
commater godmother
commorantes living, residing
comparatio presence, appearance
comparuit he/she appeared, was present
compater godfather
compos in possession of
concepta est she was pregnant
concessit consented
conditione, sub conditionally
conjugatus married
conjuges married couple
conjugum of/from the married couple
conjuncti sunt they were joined (in marriage)
conjux spouse
consanguinitatis of blood relationship (such as cousins)
consobrina female cousin (usually on the mother’s side)
consobrinus male cousin (usually on the mother’s side)
consors (consortis) wife
contra against, opposite
contracti contracted, drawn together
contraxerunt they contracted (marriage)
convulsionis of convulsions
coop. loci., cooperator loci local assistant priest
cooperator assistant priest, curate, chaplain
cooperta married (of a woman)
copulationis of marriage
copulati sunt they were married, joined
copulatus married, joined
copulavit he married (performed wedding)
coquus cook
coram in the presence of
coriarius tanner, leather worker
corpus (corporis) body
cotarius cottager
cras tomorrow
creatura dei foundling (creature of God)
cuius whose
cuiusdam of a certain
cultellarius cutler
cum with
cuprifaber coppersmith
cur why
curia court
currarius carriage builder
custos (custodis) custodian, guard
Words starting with:


D[edit | edit source]

Latin English
datum date, given
de of, from, by, concerning, about
debilitas illness, weakness
decanatus deanery, section of a diocese
decanus deacon
decem ten
decembris of December
decessit he/she died
decessus died, death
decimus tenth
decretum decree
decubuit he/she died, lay down
dedit he/she gave
deflorata deflowered, no longer a virgin
defuit he/she departed, died
defunctorum of the dead (people)
defunctorum, liber register of the deceased
defunctus est he/she dies, is discharged
defungitur he died
dei of God
deinde then, thereafter, next
dilectus beloved
denarius coin, penny, money
denatus deceased, dead
denatus est he died, has died
denunciatio publication of marriage banns
factis tribus denunciationibus after the publication of three marriage banns (three marriage banns having been published)
desponsationis engagement
desponsatus engaged
deus God
dexter right
dictus said, stated, known as
didymus twin
die on the day
dies (diei) day
dignus worthy
dimidium half
diocesis diocese
discessit he/she died
disponsationis permission
diuturnus of long duration
divortium divorce
doageria dowager
dodum formerly, recently
domi at home
domicella young lady, servant, nun
domicellus young nobleman, junker, servant, servant in a monastery
domina lady
dominica Sunday
dominus lord, rule, the Lord (Jesus Christ)
domus home, house, family
donum gift
dos (dotis) dowry
duae two
ducatus duchy
ducentesimus two hundredth
ducenti two hundred
ducis See dux.
dum while, when, until, as long as
duo two
duodecim twelve
duodecimus twelfth
duodevicesimus eighteenth
duodeviginti eighteen
dux (ducis) duke, leader
dysenteria dysentery
Words starting with:


E[edit | edit source]

Latin English
e out of, from
eadem the same
eam her
ebdomada week
ecclampsia convulsions
ecclesia church
in facie ecclesiae in front of the church
ego I
ejusdem the same
elapsus past, elapsed
empicus lung disease
enim for, namely, truly
eodem the same
eodem die on the same day
eodemque the same (day, month)
episcopus bishop
equalis equal
eques (equitis) knight, cavalry soldier
erant they were
ergo therefore, because of
erratum error
esse to be
est he/she is
et and, even
etiam and also, and even
eum him
ex from, out of (places of origin)
exhalavit animam he/she breathed out his/her soul (died)
extra outside of, beyond
extraneus stranger, foreign
extremum last
extremum munitus last rites provided
exulatus exile
Words starting with:


F[edit | edit source]

Latin English
faber maker, smith
factus made
falso falsely, incorrectly
familia family
familiaris relative, slave, friend, follower
famula maid servant
famulus (male) servant
feber (febris) fever
februarii of February
fecunda pregnant
femina female, woman
fere almost, nearly
feria day, holiday
festum feast, festival, wedding
fidelis faithful
figulus potter
filia daughter
filia populae illegitimate daughter
filiaster stepson
filiastra stepdaughter
filiola little daughter
filiolus little son
filius son
filius populi illegitimate son
finis border, end
firmarius farmer
fluxus dysentery
focus hearth, fireplace, home
foderator fuller, cloth worker
fodiator digger
folium page
fons (fontis) baptismal font, spring, fountain
fossor grave digger, miner
frater brother
fuerunt they were
fui I was
fuit he/she was
furnarius baker
Words starting with:


G[edit | edit source]

Latin English
garcio boy, servant
gardianus church warden
gemellae twins (female)
gemelli twins (male, or male and female)
geminus twin
genealogia genealogy
gener son-in-law
generis See genus.
generosus of noble birth, gentleman
genitor father
genitores parents
genitus est he was born, begotten
gens (gentis) male line, clan, tribe, lineage
genuit he/she was begotten
genus (generis) sex, type, kind, birth, descent, origin, class, race
germana real sister (by blood), German
germania Germany
germanus real brother (by blood), German
glos (gloris) sister-in-law (wife’s sister)
gradus degree, grade
gratia grace, sake
gravida pregnant
guardianus guardian
gubernium domain
Words starting with:


H[edit | edit source]

Latin English
habent they have
habet he/she has
habitans resident, inhabitant
habitatio residence
habitavit he/she resided, dwelt
habuit he/she had, held
haec (hac) this, the latter
haereticus heretic
haud not
hebdomada week
helvetia Switzerland
heres (heredis) heir
heri yesterday
hibernia Ireland
hic here
hinc from here
his this, the latter
hispania Spain
hoc this, the latter
hodie today
homo (hominis) man, human being
honestus respectable, honorable
hora hour
hortulanus gardener
hospes (hospitis) innkeeper
huius, hujus of this, of the latter
hujate in this town/place
humationis burial
humatus est he was buried
humilis humble, lowly
hungaricus Hungarian
hydropsis dropsy
hypodidasculus schoolmaster, usher
Words starting with:


I[edit | edit source]

Latin English
iam already
ibi there
ibidem (ib, ibid) in the same place
idem the same
ignotus unknown
iit he/she went
illegitimus illegitimate
illius of that, of the former
impedimentum hindrance, impediment (often to a marriage)
nulloque detecto impedimento matrimonio and no hindrance to the marriage having been uncovered
imperium empire
imponit he imposes, places upon
impositus imposed, placed upon, given
cui impositum est nomen to whom was given the name
imposui I placed upon
impraegnavit he impregnated
impregnata pregnant
in nomine S.S. Trinitatis in the name of the Holy Trinity
incarnationis of the incarnation (of the Lord)
incola inhabitant, resident
index (indicis) index
inerunt they entered into (marriage)
infans (infantis) child, infant
inferior lower
infirmus weak
infra below, under
infrascriptus written below, undersigned
iniit he/she entered, began
initiatus est he was baptized
injuria injury, worry
inter between
intra within, during
intronizati sunt they were married, have been married
intronizaverunt they married, have married
inupta unmarried
invenit he/she found, discovered
ipse himself, herself, itself
ita so, thus
item also, likewise
ivit he/she went
Words starting with:


J[edit | edit source]

Latin English
januarii of January
jovis, dies Thursday
judaicus Jewish
judicium court, judgment
jugum married couple (short for conjugum)
julii of July
juncti sunt they were joined (in marriage)
junii of June
junior younger, junior
juravit he/she swore, took an oath
jure legally, lawfully
juro I swear, testify
jus (juris) law
juvenis young man, young woman, young person
juxta near to, beside
Words starting with:


L[edit | edit source]

Latin English
laborius worker, laborer
lanarius wool worker
lanatus clothed in wool
laniarius butcher
laniator butcher
lanifex (lanificis) weaver
laterarius brick maker
lautus est he was baptized, has been baptized
lavacrum font
lavatus est he was baptized, washed
lavo I baptize, wash
legio legion
legitimatus legitimate
levabat he was holding, raising, lifting up
levans godparent
levantes the godparents
levantibus by the godparents
levare ex fonte to raise from the baptismal font, to act as a godparent
levir husband’s brother, brother-in-law
liber book, register, free
liberi children
libra pound (weight)
ligati sunt they were married, have been married
ligatus married, joined, married person
ligavi I joined (in marriage)
lignarius joiner, cabinetmaker
lignicidus woodcutter
linifex (linificis) linen weaver
locus place
ludimagister schoolmaster, teacher
ludus school
lunae, dies Monday
lustrationis of the baptism
Words starting with:


M[edit | edit source]

Latin English
macellator butcher
magis more
magister master
magnus large, great
maii of May
major greater, older
majorennis of legal age
majoritatatis of legal age, majority
male badly
malus bad, evil
mane in the morning
manu propria (signed) by one’s own hand
manus hand, band
marasmus weakness
maris of a male, man
marita married, wife
mariti married couple
maritus married, husband
martii of March
martis, dies Tuesday
mas male, man
mater (matris) mother
matertera aunt, mother’s sister
matrica register, record book
matrimonium marriage
per subsequens matrimonium legitimatus legitimized by subsequent marriage
matrina godmother
matruelis cousin on mother’s side
matutinus (matut.) in the morning
me me
mecum with me
medicus doctor
mendicus beggar
mense in the month (of)
mensis month
mercator merchant
mercenarius day laborer
mercurii, dies Wednesday
meretrix (meretricis) harlot, prostitute
meridies noon
meus mine
miles (militis) soldier, knight
mille thousand
millesimus thousandth
minorennis not of legal age
minoritatis of less than legal age, minority
minus less
modo lately, presently, now
modus manner, way
mola mill
molitor miller
moneta money
mons (montis) mountain
morbus disease
more novo (according to) the new style (of dating)
more vetere (according to) the old style (of dating)
moritur he/she died
mortis of death
ex hac mortali ad immortalem vitam from this mortality to immortal life (died)
ob imminens mortis periculum on account of imminent danger of death (for an emergency baptism)
mortuus est he died
mos (moris) custom, manner
mulier woman, wife
multus many
municeps a magistrate of a town
munitus fortified, provided
murarius bricklayer
mutuus mutual, common
Words starting with:


N[edit | edit source]

Latin English
nativitas birth
naturalis natural, illegitimate
natus est, nata est he was born
natus hoc die born this day
nauta sailor
nec neither, nor
necessitatis of necessity
necnon and also
negotiator merchant (commerce)
nemo (neminis) no one
nempe namely
neosponsa newlywed (female)
neosponsus newlywed (male)
nepos (nepotis) nephew, grandson
neptis niece, granddaughter
neque and not
nescit he doesn’t know
niger black
nihil nothing
nisi if not
n.n. = nomen nescio I do not know the name
nobilis noble
nobilitatis of nobility
nocte at night
nomen name
nomen nescio name not known
nominatus est he was named
nomine by/with the name (of)
non not, no
nonagenarius a person in his nineties
nonagesimus ninetieth
nonaginta ninety
nongentesimus nine hundredth
nongenti nine hundred
nonus ninth
nonus decimus nineteenth
nos we, us
noster our
nota bene note well, notice
notarius notary
nothus illegitimate child
novem nine
novembris of November
noverca stepmother
nox night
nudius earlier
nudius tertius today is the third day (e.g., the day before yesterday)
nullus no, none
numerus number
nunc now, at this time
nunquam never
nuntius messenger
nuper lately (sometimes denotes a deceased person)
nupserunt they married
nupta married woman, bride
nuptias wedding
nuptus married
nurus daughter-in-law
nutritor foster father
nutrius foster child
nutrix (nutricis) foster mother
Words starting with:


O[edit | edit source]

Latin English
ob on account of, for, according to
obdormitus est he fell asleep, died
obierunt they died, have died
ob(i) imminens vitæ periculum because of impending danger of death
obiit he/she died, went away, departed
obiit sine prole died without issue
obitus death, died
obstetrix (obstetricis) midwife
octavus eighth
octavus decimus eighteenth
octingentesimus eight hundredth
octingenti eight hundred
octo eight
octobris of October
octogenarius a person in his eighties
octogesimus eightieth
octoginta eighty
officialis official
oibus Short for omnibus, ‘all’
olim formerly, once (sometimes denotes a deceased person; also used in English church records to denote a name change, such as a slave name prior to baptism; «formerly known as»)
omnis all, every
operarius day laborer
oppidum city, town
orbus orphan
origo (originis) origin, birth
oriundus, ex originating (from), born
orphanus orphan
ortus origin, birth
ovilius shepherd
Words starting with:


P[edit | edit source]

Latin English
pacatio payment
paene almost, nearly
pagina page
pagus village, district
palatium palatinate
panifex baker
papa pope
parentes parents
pariochialis parochial, parish
pariter equally, also
parochia parish
parochus parish priest
pars (partis) area, region
partus birth, childbirth
parvulus very little, small
parvus little
pastor pastor, shepherd
pater (patris) father
patres forefathers, ancestors
patria fatherland, native land
patrina godmother
patrini godparents
patrinus godfather
patruelis cousin on father’s side
patruus uncle (father’s brother)
pauper poor
pax (pace) peace
pedegogus schoolteacher
penult the last but one, next to the last
per through, by means of
peregrinus foreign, strange
perendie day after tomorrow
perfecit he/she completed, did
periit he/she perished, died
peritus deceased, dead
peritus est he died
pestis plague
phthisis consumption, tuberculosis
pictor painter
pie piously
pigator dyer
piscator fisherman
pistor baker
pius pious
plutus baptized, sprinkled
pomerid afternoon (p.m.)
pons (pontis) bridge
popula people
post after
posterus following
posthumus born after death of father
post partum after birth
postridie on the day after, a day later
potuit could
preceptor teacher, instructor
predefunctus previously deceased (such as before the birth of a child)
predictus aforesaid
prefatus aforesaid
prefectus magistrate
pregnata pregnant
premissus published previously (such as marriage banns)
prenobilis respected, honorable, esteemed
presens (presentis) present, in attendance
preter besides, also, past, beyond
pretor village mayor
pridie the day before
primus first
princeps prince
principatus principality
privigna stepdaughter
privignus stepson
pro for, in behalf of, as far as
proclamationis bann, decree
procurator lawyer, monastic official
progenitus firstborn
proles issue, child, offspring (gender not given)
promulgationis decree, bann
prope near, close to
propter because of, near
prout as, accordingly
provisus provided (with)
proximus previous, preceding
anni proximi elapsi of the preceding year
pudica chaste, upright
puella girl
puer boy, child
puera girl
puerperium childbirth
purgatus baptized, purged, cleansed
puta reputed, supposed
Words starting with:


Q[edit | edit source]

Latin English
quadragesimus fortieth
quadraginta forty
quadrigentesimus four hundredth
quadringenti four hundred
quaestor treasurer, paymaster
quam how, as much as
quando when
quartus fourth
quartus decimus fourteenth
quasi almost, as if
quattuor four
quattuordecim fourteen
-que and (as a suffix)
qui (quae, quod) who, which, what
quidam (quaedam, quodam) a certain person or thing
quindecim fifteen
quingentesimus five hundredth
quingenti five hundred
quinquagesimus fiftieth
quinquaginta fifty
quinque five
quintus fifth
quintus decimus fifteenth
quod because
quondam formerly, former (refers to a deceased person)
Words starting with:


R[edit | edit source]

Latin English
recognito examination, inquest by jury
rectus right, direct
regeneratus est he was baptized
regimine pedestre infantry regiment
regina queen
registrum index, list
regius royal
regnum kingdom
relicta widow
relictus widower, surviving
religio (religionis) religion
relinquit he/she left behind, abandoned
renanus of the Rhine
renatus est he was baptized
repertorium index, list
requiescat in pace (may he/she) rest in peace
restio rope maker
rex (regis) king
ritus rite, ceremony
rotulus roll
rufus red
rusticus peasant, farmer
Words starting with:


S[edit | edit source]

Latin English
sabbatinus, dies Saturday
sabbatum Saturday
sacellanus chaplain
sacer sacred
sacerdos (sacerdotis) priest
Sacra Eucharistia sacred last rites
sacramentum sacrament, ordinance, rite
omnibus sacramentis provisis (he/she) was provided with all the last rites
sacramentis totiis munitiis (being) fortified by all the last rites
sacro fonte baptismi in the sacred font of baptism
saeculum a generation, century, age, eternity, world
saepe often
salarium salary
Saluatoris Savior (as in year of our Lord)
sanctus holy, sacred, a saint
sanus healthy
sartor tailor
satis enough
saturni, dies Saturday
scabinus judge, lay assessor
scarlatina scarlet fever
schola school
scorbutus scurvy
scorifex (scorificis) tanner
scorta unmarried mother, whore
scotia Scotland
scribo I write
scripsit he/she wrote
scriptum written
secundus second
sed but
sedecim sixteen
sellarius saddler
semel once, a single time
semi half
semper always
senex (senicis) old man
senilis weak with age
senior older, elder
senium old age
sepelivi I buried
septagenarius a person in his seventies
septem seven
septembris of September
septemdecim seventeen
septentrional north, as in America Septentrionali
septigenti seven hundred
septimana week
septimus seventh
septimus decimus seventeenth
septingentesimus seven hundredth
septuagesimus seventieth
septuaginta seventy
sepultorum, liber burial register
sepultus est, sepulta est he was buried
sequens (sequentis) following
serdo (serdonis) tanner
servus servant
sescentesimus six hundredth
sescenti six hundred
seu or
sex six
sexagesimus sixtieth
sexaginta sixty
sextus sixth
sextus decimus sixteenth
sexus sex
si if
sic thus, so, yes
sigillum seal
signum sign, mark
signum fecit he/she made a mark, signed
silva woods, forest
sine without
sinister left
sinus bosom, breast
in sinum maternum conditus given into the maternal breast (buried)
sive or
smigator soap maker
socer (socris) father-in-law
socius apprentice, comrade, associate
socrinus brother-in-law
socrus mother-in-law
sol (solis) the sun
solemnicationis marriage
solis, dies Sunday
solutus unmarried, free from debt
soror sister
sororius brother-in-law (sister’s husband)
spasmus cramps
spirituales, parentes godparents
sponsa bride, spouse, betrothed
sponsalia marriage banns
sponsalis betrothed
sponsatus married
sponsor godparent
sponsus groom, spouse, betrothed
spurius illegitimate
statim immediately
status condition, status
stemma pedigree
stinarius plowman
stirps origin, source
stuprata pregnant (out of wedlock)
stuprator father of an illegitimate child
sub under, beneath, below
subdo/subdita substitute, placed under = used as a.k.a. or alias
subscripsit he/she undersigned
subscriptus undersigned
subsequentis following, subsequent
subsignatum marked or signed below
subsignavit he/she marked (signed) below
suevia Sweden
sum I am
sunt they are
superior upper
superstes surviving, still living
supra before, above, beyond
supradictum above written
surdus deaf
susceptor godparent (male)
susceptores godparents
susceptorix godparent (female)
sutor cobbler, shoemaker
suus his/her/its own, their own
Words starting with:


T[edit | edit source]

Latin English
taberna inn, tavern
tamen however
tandem at first, finally
tegularius brick maker
teleonarius tax collector
tempus (temporis) time
terra land, earth
tertius third
tertius decimus thirteenth
testes witnesses
testibus by witnesses
testimentum will, testament
testis witness
textor weaver
thorus tatus of legitimacy, bed
ex illegitimo thoro of illegitimate status
tibialifex stocking-maker
tignarius carpenter
tinctor dyer
tomus volume
tonsor barber
tornator turner (lathe)
totus entire, all
trans across
transitus est he died
trecentesimus three hundredth
trecenti three hundred
tredecim thirteen
tres (tria) three
tribus clan, lineage
tricesimus thirtieth
tricesimus primus thirty-first
triduum space of three days, three-day period
trigemini triplets
triginta thirty
triginta unus thirty-one
tum then
tumulatus buried
tunc then, at that time, immediately
tussis cough
tutela guardianship
tutor guardian
tuus your
typhus typhoid fever, typhus
Words starting with:


U[edit | edit source]

Latin English
ubi where
uix nata legitimately born (born to a married couple)
ultimus last, final
unctio extrema extreme unction, the last rites, anointing
unde wherefore, whereupon, whence
undecim eleven
undecimus eleventh
undevicesimus nineteenth
undeviginti nineteen
ungaricus Hungarian
unigenus only (born) son, unique, only begotten
unus one, only, together
urbs (urbis) city
ut how, as, that, therewith, in order that
uterinus on mother’s side of family, of the same mother
uterque both
ut infra as below
ut supra as above
uxor wife
uxoratis married
Words starting with:


V[edit | edit source]

Because V can be a variant of U,[6] if your word is not here see also list U.

Latin English
vagabundus wanderer, vagabond
vagus tramp
variola smallpox
vassus servant, vassal
vel or
velle will, testament
venerabilis venerable, worthy
veneris dies Friday
venia permission, indulgence
vero die on this very day
vespere in the evening
vester your
vetula old woman
vetus (veteris) old
via road, way
vicarius vicar
vicecomes sheriff, reeve
vicesimus twentieth
vicinus nearby, neighborhood
victor cooper (occupation)
vicus village
vide see
videlicet namely
vidua widow
viduus widower
vigesimus twentieth
vigesimus nonus twenty-ninth
vigesimus octavus twenty-eighth
vigesimus primus twenty-first
vigesimus quartus twenty-fourth
vigesimus quintus twenty-fifth
vigesimus secundus twenty-second
vigesimus septimus twenty-seventh
vigesimus sextus twenty-sixth
vigesimus tertius twenty-third
viginti twenty
viginti duo twenty-two
viginti noven twenty-nine
viginti octo twenty-eight
viginti quattuor twenty-four
viginti quinque twenty-five
viginti septem twenty-seven
viginti sex twenty-six
viginti tres twenty-three
viginti unus twenty-one
villa village
villicanus reeve, steward
vinicola winemaker
vir man, male
virgo (virginis) virgin
virtuosus virtuous, honorable
vita life
vitam cessit he/she departed from life (died)
vitriarius glassmaker
vitricus stepfather
vivens (vivus) living
vos you
voto vow, religious undertaking and promise, marriage
vulgo commonly, generally (known as)
vxor see uxor
Words starting with:


Z[edit | edit source]

Latin English
zingarius gypsy

External Links[edit | edit source]

  • BYU Script Latin Tutorial
  • GenealogyInTime Latin Dictionary — billed by GenealogyInTime as «the largest online resource devoted to Latin words and phrases in genealogy.»
  • An On-line Latin word-list (Hypertext version) — from the University of Kansas
  • Words (by William Whitaker)- Latin to English — 39,000 entry dictionary and grammar aid
  • Genealogical Abbreviations» in Roots: The Genealogy And Family History Home Page — about 240 English, Latin, and French abbreviations published by Randy Jones
  • Latin Terms from Ancestry
  • Anglo-Latin Wordbook — word list compiled from several British glossaries
  • The Record Interpreter: a collection of abbreviations, Latin words and names used in English historical manuscripts and records. Compiled by Charles Trice Martin.
  • Latin/English Glossary of Causes of Death and other Archaic Medical Terms — Latin terms for decease and causes of death

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 John E. Cussans, Handbook of Heraldry : With Instructions for Tracing Pedigrees and Deciphering Ancient Mss. : Rules for the Appointment of Liveries etc. (London: Chatto and Windus, 1893), 283; digital images, Google Books ( : accessed 28 April 2009).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Gabriel Adeleye, World dictionary of foreign expressions: a resource for readers and writers (Wauconda, Ill.: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 1999), 94, 112; digital images, Google Books ( : accessed 28 April 2009); book preview limits pages viewed.
  3. Adeleye, World dictionary of foreign expressions, 252.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Adeleye, World dictionary of foreign expressions, 279-80, 286.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Adeleye, World dictionary of foreign expressions, 364-6, 370.
  6. History of the letter U, English Wikipedia ( : accessed 15 April 2022).

Who says Latin is a dead language? It’s true that no country speaks Latin anymore, but thousands of English words have Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes. More than that, Latin words, expressions, and abbreviations are part of everyday English, particularly in the areas of law and business. Below I’ve listed 77 examples of Latin terms every English speaker should become familiar with.

Latin Word/Phrase

Literal Translation


Sample Sentence

a priori from the former Supposed to be true without proof; occurring or being known beforehand. We know a priori that matter exists; the question is–how did it come into being?
ad hoc to this Improvised on the spot or for a specific, immediate purpose. The committee was formed ad hoc to address increasing crime in the neighborhood.
ad hominem to/at the man A logical fallacy in which the person rather than his argument is attacked. Ad hominem attack ads are all too common during campaign season.
ad infinitum to infinity Going on forever. Because pi is an irrational number, the digits after the decimal continue ad infinitum.
ad nauseam to the point of disgust Alternative to ad infinitum; repeating until it makes one sick. Tom complained ad nauseam about his new job.
alibi elsewhere A legal defense where a defendant seeks to show that he was elsewhere when the crime was committed. The defendant had clear motive, but his alibi was airtight, so the jury declared him not guilty.
alma mater nourishing mother The school or university from which one graduates. Dad returns to his alma mater every few years for his class reunion.
alter ego another I Another self; secret identity. Spiderman’s famous alter ego is wimpy news photographer Peter Parker.
antebellum before the war Usually refers to the period before the American Civil War. Even in northern states racism was common during the antebellum period.
aurora borealis northern lights A natural light display visible in the night time sky in Arctic regions; the same phenomena in the south is known as the aurora australis. Even after twenty years of living in northern Alaska, Carol never ceased to be astonished by the sudden beauty of the aurora borealis.
Ave Maria Hail, Mary Catholic prayer to Mary, the mother of Jesus. My devout sister prays the Ave Maria every night before bed.
bona fide good faith Coming from sincere intentions; genuine, true. The painting is a bona fide Renoir.
caveat emptor let the buyer beware The purchaser is responsible for evaluating the quality and utility of the goods he purchases. The sign over the entrance of the used car dealership – caveat emptor – did not give me confidence.
coram deo in the presence of god The theological idea that we live ever in the presence of, under the authority of, and to the honor and glory of God. We are never really alone, because all of life is lived coram deo.
corpus body Contents; or collection of works by an author or artist; a particular collection of artistic works. The corpus of William Shakespeare includes dramatic tragedies, comedies, and histories.
cum laude with honor A title applied to academic graduates who attain to a level of excellence. Students can also graduate magna cum laude (with great honor) or summa cum laude (with highest honor). Sarah is naturally smart, but it was her dedication to academic study that caused her to graduate summa cum laude.
curriculum vitae course of life A comprehensive resume listing educational and employment history and qualifications for job seekers. It’s a good idea to present your prospective employer with a copy of your curriculum vitae at the start of a job interview.
de facto in fact Actually; in reality. The intention of the new law is good, but de facto, it just doesn’t work.
de jure by law According to law; by right. De jure, adultery is illegal in many states, but the laws are never enforced.
deus ex machina God from the machine An unexpected, artificial, or improbable resolution to a plot situation in a work of fiction. The action movie was entertaining, but the ending was an unconvincing deus ex machina.
emeritus having served one’s time An adjective used to denote a retired professor, president, bishop, or other professional; post-retirement status. Today’s speaker is Dr. Ruth Fisher, professor emeritus at Stanford University.
ex libris from the books A phrase often stamped or printed on books to denote ownership; “from the library of.” I am happy to lend my books, but I stamp them “ex libris Tony Danza” so I can get them back.
ex nihilo out of nothing Usually refers to divine creation and the idea that God made the world out of nothing, with no preexisting tools or materials. All men are by nature creative, but only God creates ex nihilo.
ex post facto from a thing done afterward Usually  used in a legal context, ex post facto refers to a law that is retroactive, that applies to actions taken prior to the existence of the law. The new law will not apply to previous violators because it cannot be applied ex post facto.
habeas corpus have the body A writ ordering a person to appear before a judge, or the right to obtain such a writ as protection against imprisonment without trial. Terrorism suspects often have no right to habeas corpus and can be held indefinitely without trial.
homo sapien wise man Human; the scientific name for the human species. There is some question about whether or not the fossilized skeleton is homo sapien.
in loco parentis in place of a parent In legal terms, assuming the authority and responsibilities of a parent. While at school, your teachers serve in loco parentis.
in medias res in the middle of things A literary technique where the telling of the story begins in the middle rather than at the beginning. Epic poems often begin in medias res and explain the earlier parts of the story via dialogue.
in toto in total Completely; totally, all together. Even though lots of things went wrong, in toto, the event was a success.
in vitro in glass Refers to studies done on organisms isolated from their normal biological surroundings; commonly called test tube studies or experiments.
ipso facto by the fact itself As a direct consequence or effect of the action in question; in and of itself. Steve was swerving and driving too slow; ipso facto, he was pulled over and tested for driving under the influence.
magnum opus great work The largest, best, or greatest achievement of an artist. His ninth symphony is considered Beethoven’s magnum opus.
mea culpa my fault My mistake; my fault; an admission of guilt or responsibility. The football player made a televised  mea culpa after his disgraceful public behavior.
non sequiter it does not follow A logical fallacy where the conclusion does not reasonably follow from the premise; or, in literature, an irrelevant, often humorous response to a comment. Overall, your argument is convincing, but your point about public education was a non-sequiter.
Pax Romana roman peace A period in history, during the dominance of the Roman empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, when relative peace reigned and little expansion of the Empire took place. Christianity spread rapidly during the Pax Romana.
per capita by heads Per person; a ratio by the number of persons. Each year, Americans eat about 135 pounds of sugar per capita.
per diem per day A daily allowance for expenses. On my trip to Philadelphia, the company gave me a $100 per diem.
per se through itself In itself; by itself; without reference to anything else. Eating salt isn’t bad per se, but consuming too much carries various health risks.
persona non grata not-pleasing person An unwelcome, unwanted, or undesirable person. After I broke Aunt Wilma’s antique vase, I was persona non-grata at the Thomas home.
postmortem after death After death. Officials determined the death was accidental after a postmortem examination.
prima facie at first sight Often refers to evidence in a trial that suggests but does not prove guilt. Even though the prima facie evidence was strong, the defendant’s innocence became clear as the trial wore on.
pro bono for good Work undertaken voluntarily without compensation. The lawyer was so moved by the plight of the workers, he defended their case pro bono.
pro rata for the rate Proportionately or proportional. Extra nights at the hotel are charged pro rata of the weekly rental.
quid pro quo what for what This for that; a thing for a thing; a favor exchanged for favor. After I picked him up at the airport, Larry took me to lunch as a quid pro quo.
quorum of whom The number of members whose presence is required. Only ten board members showed up, leaving them two short of a quorum.
re by the thing In the matter of; referring to; regarding. Is this phone call re the recent estate auction?
rigor mortis stiffness of death The rigidity that sets in on corpses about three to four hours after death. The police had a hard time removing the briefcase from the victim’s grasp, rigor mortis having set in.
semper fideles always faithful The motto of the U.S. Marine Corps; sometimes abbreviated semper fi. My uncle, the retired Marine sergeant, has “semper fideles” tattooed on his arm.
sic thus Just so; used to indicate that a preceding quotation is copied exactly, despite any errors of spelling, grammar, or fact. The student wrote “the communists were probly right about some things [sic].”
sola fide faith alone One of the “Five Solas” of the Protestant Reformation that summarize the theology of the reformers. The others are sola scriptura (by Scripture alone), sola gratia (by grace alone), solo Christo (Christ alone), and soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone). An important tenet of Protestantism is the idea of sola fide – that salvation is attained by faith, not works.
status quo the situation in which The current condition or situation; the way things are. The protestors were unhappy about the status quo.
subpoena under penalty A request, usually by a court, that must be complied with on pain of punishment. The officer issued me a subpoena to appear in court in June.
tabula rasa scraped tablet A blank slate; a clean slate; used figuratively to describe the human mind prior to influential experience. The idea of original sin is at odds with the notion that babies are born with a moral tabula rasa.
terra firma solid land Solid ground. After eight days at sea, I couldn’t wait to set foot on terra firma.
verbatim word for word Perfect transcription or quotation. I’m sorry it offends you, but that’s what he said verbatim.
veto I forbid The political power to single-handedly stop or make void a law. The bill passed by a slim margin, but the President is likely to veto it.
vice versa the other way around The other way around. Tom is in love with Lorraine and vice versa.
vox populi voice of the people In broadcasting, an unscripted interview with ordinary members of the public. After the controversial trial, networks broadcast numerous vox populi interviews.

Common Abbreviations

A.D. (Anno Domini) in the Year of the Lord The predominantly used system for dating, indicating years since the birth of Jesus Christ. Years prior to the birth of Christ are normally indicated by BC, an English abbreviation for Before Christ. The Battle of Hastings took place in A.D. 1066.
AM (ante meridiem) before midday Indicates the time from midnight to noon. Normally, I awake at 6 AM.
e.g.(exempli gratia) for the sake of example For example. My favorite movies are Westerns (e.g., High Noon, True Grit, Unforgiven)
et al. (et alii) and others Similar to et cetera, to stand for a list of names, particularly in APA and MLA style papers. Defeating the Los Angeles Galaxy – David Beckham, Landon Donovan et al. – in the 2009 MLS Cup final proved possible.
etc. (et cetera) and the rest And so on; and more. Sylvia purchased pots, pans, utensils, etc. for her new kitchen.
i.e. (id est) that is That is to say; which means; in other words. Jim encountered Victor, (i.e, his new boss) in the elevator that morning.
ibid. (ibidem) in the same place Used in formal citations to refer to the last referenced source.
  1. Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, 471.


m.o. (modus operandi) method of operating Usually associated with criminals and their methods of committing crimes. The police suspected Harry Harrison because the crime fit his m.o. perfectly.
PM (post meridiem) after midday The time between noon and midnight. I will meet you for coffee at 2 PM.
p.s. (post scriptum) after text After writing; used to indicated addendums to otherwise completed personal letters. Sincerely,George

p.s., Don’t forget to feed the parrot.

Q.E.D. (quod erat demonstrandum) what was to be demonstrated Often written at the bottom of a mathematical or logical proof, indicating that the proof is complete. “No snakes have legs. That creature has legs. Therefore, the creature is not a snake. Q.E.D.”
R.I.P. (requiescat in pace) rest in peace A benediction for the dead often appearing on gravestones. Inscribed on his tombstone were the simple words, “Henry Humble, R.I.P.”
vs. or v. (versus) towards; in the direction Mistakenly used in English to mean “against,” particularly to indicate opposing parties in legal disputes or athletic events. Today’s main event is Wally Wilson vs. Tony “The Tiger” Thomson.

Quotes and Sayings

carpe diem seize the day A phrase from a poem by Horace, now an aphorism meaning, “take advantage of life while you can.” The closer I get to old age, the more I realize how important it is to live life with a carpe diem approach.
Cogito ergo sum. I think, therefore, I am The famous philosophical proposition by René Descartes. It implies that doubting one’s own existence proves one’s existence. Cogito ergo sum is the foundation of Cartesian thought.
Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered A sentence attributed to Julius Caesar upon his conquest of Britain. Quoted by Plutarch. When asked about his recent victory at the U.S. Open, Johns replied, “Veni, vidi, vici!”
e pluribus unum out of many, one A phrase on the Seal of the United States. Many U.S. coins pay tribute to the melting pot history of the country with the phrase e pluribus unum.
et tu, Brute? and you also, Brutus? Legendarily the last words of Julius Caesar as he realizes that his friend Marcus Brutus was among his murderers. After I joined in the teasing, my brother looked at me with a mock-tragic grin and said, “Et tu, Brute?”
sic semper tyrannis thus always to tyrants Sometimes attributed to Brutus as he participated in the assassination of Julius Caesar. John Wilkes Booth claimed to have shouted this phrase after shooting Abraham Lincoln. The motto of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The historic American resistance to dictatorship is expressed in the common phrase, sic semper tyrannis.


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