Latin word for one life

in: Character, Featured, Knowledge of Men

May 10, 2019 • Last updated: September 3, 2021

Ancient greek leaders giving speech in a meeting.

What do great men like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt all have in common?

They all were proficient in Latin.

From the Middle Ages until about the middle of the 20th century, Latin was a central part of a man’s schooling in the West. Along with logic and rhetoric, grammar (as Latin was then known) was included as part of the Trivium – the foundation of a medieval liberal arts education. From Latin, all scholarship flowed and it was truly the gateway to the life of the mind, as the bulk of scientific, religious, legal, and philosophical literature was written in the language until about the 16th century. To immerse oneself in classical and humanistic studies, Latin was a must.

Grammar schools in Europe and especially England during this time were Latin schools, and the first secondary school established in America by the Puritans was a Latin school as well. But beginning in the 14th century, writers started to use the vernacular in their works, which slowly chipped away at Latin’s central importance in education. This trend for English-language learning accelerated in the 19th century; schools shifted from turning out future clergymen to graduating businessmen who would take their place in an industrializing economy. An emphasis on the liberal arts slowly gave way to what was considered a more practical education in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

While Latin had been dying a slow death for hundreds of years, it still had a strong presence in schools until the middle of the 20th century. Beginning in the 1960s, college students demanded that the curriculum be more open, inclusive, and less Euro-centric. Among their suggested changes was eliminating Latin as a required course for all students. To quell student protests, universities began to slowly phase out the Latin requirement, and because colleges stopped requiring Latin, many high schools in America stopped offering Latin classes, too.  Around the same time, the Catholic Church revised its liturgy and permitted priests to lead Mass in vernacular languages instead of Latin, thus eliminating one of the public’s last ties to the ancient language.

While it’s no longer a requirement for a man to know Latin to get ahead in life, it’s still a great subject to study. I had to take classes in Latin as part of my “Letters” major at the University of Oklahoma, and I really enjoyed it. Even if you’re well out of school yourself, there are a myriad of reasons why you should still consider obtaining at least a rudimentary knowledge of the language:

Knowing Latin can improve your English vocabulary. While English is a Germanic language, Latin has strongly influenced it. Most of our prefixes and some of the roots of common English words derive from Latin. By some estimates, 30% of English words derive from the ancient language. By knowing the meaning of these Latin words, if you chance to come across a word you’ve never seen before, you can make an educated guess at what it means. In fact, studies have found that high school students who studied Latin scored a mean of 647 on the SAT verbal exam, compared with the national average of 505.

Knowing Latin can improve your foreign language vocabulary. Much of the commonly spoken Romanic languages like Spanish, French, and Italian derived from Vulgar Latin. You’ll be surprised by the number of Romanic words that are pretty much the same as their Latin counterparts.

Many legal terms are in Latin. Nolo contendere. Mens rea. Caveat emptor. Do you know what those mean? They’re actually common legal terms. While strides have been made to translate legal writing into plain English, you’ll still see old Latin phrases thrown into legal contracts every now and then. To be an educated citizen and consumer, you need to know what these terms mean. If you plan on going to law school, I highly recommend boning up on Latin. You’ll run into it all the time, particularly when reading older case law.

Knowing Latin can give you more insight to history and literature. Latin was the lingua franca of the West for over a thousand years. Consequently, much of our history, science, and great literature was first recorded in Latin. Reading these classics in the original language can give you insights you otherwise may have missed by consuming it in English.

Moreover, modern writers (and by modern I mean beginning in the 17th century) often pepper their work with Latin words and phrases without offering a translation because they (reasonably) expect the reader to be familiar with it. This is true of great books from even just a few decades ago (seems much less common these days – which isn’t a hopeful commentary on the direction of the public’s literacy I would think). Not having a rudimentary knowledge of Latin will cause you to miss out on fully understanding what the writer meant to convey.

Below we’ve put together a list of Latin words and phrases to help pique your interest in learning this classical language. This list isn’t exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination. We’ve included some of the most common Latin words and phrases that you still see today, which are helpful to know in boosting your all-around cultural literacy. We’ve also included some particularly virile sayings, aphorisms, and mottos that can inspire greatness or remind us of important truths. Perhaps you’ll find a Latin phrase that you can adopt as your personal motto. Semper Virilis!

Latin Words and Phrases Every Man Should Know

  1. a posteriori — from the latter; knowledge or justification is dependent on experience or empirical evidence
  2. a priori — from what comes before; knowledge or justification is independent of experience
  3. acta non verba — deeds, not words
  4. ad hoc — to this — improvised or made up
  5. ad hominem — to the man; below-the-belt personal attack rather than a reasoned argument
  6. ad honorem — for honor
  7. ad infinitum — to infinity
  8. ad nauseam — used to describe an argument that has been taking place to the point of nausea
  9. ad victoriam — to victory; more commonly translated into “for victory,” this was a battle cry of the Romans
  10. alea iacta est — the die has been cast
  11. alias — at another time; an assumed name or pseudonym
  12. alibi — elsewhere
  13. alma mater — nourishing mother; used to denote one’s college/university
  14. amor patriae — love of one’s country
  15. amor vincit omnia — love conquers all
  16. annuit cœptis –He (God) nods at things being begun; or “he approves our undertakings,” motto on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and on the back of the United States one-dollar bill
  17. ante bellum — before the war; commonly used in the Southern United States as antebellum to refer to the period preceding the American Civil War
  18. ante meridiem — before noon; A.M., used in timekeeping
  19. aqua vitae — water of life; used to refer to various native distilled beverages, such as whisky (uisge beatha) in Scotland and Ireland, gin in Holland, and brandy (eau de vie) in France
  20. arte et marte — by skill and valour
  21. astra inclinant, sed non obligant — the stars incline us, they do not bind us; refers to the strength of free will over astrological determinism
  22. audemus jura nostra defendere — we dare to defend our rights; state motto of Alabama
  23. audere est facere — to dare is to do
  24. audio — I hear
  25. aurea mediocritas — golden mean; refers to the ethical goal of reaching a virtuous middle ground between two sinful extremes
  26. auribus teneo lupum — I hold a wolf by the ears; a common ancient proverb; indicates that one is in a dangerous situation where both holding on and letting go could be deadly; a modern version is, “to have a tiger by the tail”
  27. aut cum scuto aut in scuto — either with shield or on shield; do or die, “no retreat”; said by Spartan mothers to their sons as they departed for battle
  28. aut neca aut necare — either kill or be killed
  29. aut viam inveniam aut faciam — I will either find a way or make one; said by Hannibal, the great ancient military commander
  30. barba non facit philosophum — a beard doesn’t make one a philosopher
  31. bellum omnium contra omnes — war of all against all
  32. bis dat qui cito dat — he gives twice, who gives promptly; a gift given without hesitation is as good as two gifts
  33. bona fide — good faith
  34. bono malum superate — overcome evil with good
  35. carpe diem — seize the day
  36. caveat emptor — let the buyer beware; the purchaser is responsible for checking whether the goods suit his need
  37. circa — around, or approximately
  38. citius altius forties — faster, higher, stronger; modern Olympics motto
  39. cogito ergo sum — “I think therefore I am”; famous quote by Rene Descartes
  40. contemptus mundi/saeculi — scorn for the world/times; despising the secular world, the monk or philosopher’s rejection of a mundane life and worldly values
  41. corpus christi — body of Christ
  42. corruptissima re publica plurimae leges — when the republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous; said by Tacitus
  43. creatio ex nihilo — creation out of nothing; a concept about creation, often used in a theological or philosophical context
  44. cura te ipsum — take care of your own self; an exhortation to physicians, or experts in general, to deal with their own problems before addressing those of others
  45. curriculum vitae — the course of one’s life; in business, a lengthened resume
  46. de facto — from the fact; distinguishing what’s supposed to be from what is reality
  47. deo volente — God willing
  48. deus ex machina — God out of a machine; a term meaning a conflict is resolved in improbable or implausible ways
  49. dictum factum — what is said is done
  50. disce quasi semper victurus vive quasi cras moriturus — learn as if you’re always going to live; live as if tomorrow you’re going to die
  51. discendo discimus — while teaching we learn
  52. docendo disco, scribendo cogito — I learn by teaching, think by writing
  53. ductus exemplo — leadership by example
  54. ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt — the fates lead the willing and drag the unwilling; attributed to Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  55. dulce bellum inexpertis — war is sweet to the inexperienced
  56. dulce et decorum est pro patria mori — it is sweet and fitting to die for your country
  57. dulcius ex asperis — sweeter after difficulties
  58. e pluribus unum — out of many, one; on the U.S. seal, and was once the country’s de facto motto
  59. emeritus — veteran; retired from office
  60. ergo — therefore
  61. et alii — and others; abbreviated et al.
  62. et cetera — and the others
  63. et tu, Brute? — last words of Caesar after being murdered by friend Brutus in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, used today to convey utter betrayal
  64. ex animo — from the heart; thus, “sincerely”
  65. ex libris — from the library of; to mark books from a library
  66. ex nihilo — out of nothing
  67. ex post facto — from a thing done afterward; said of a law with retroactive effect
  68. faber est suae quisque fortunae — every man is the artisan of his own fortune; quote by Appius Claudius Caecus
  69. fac fortia et patere — do brave deeds and endure
  70. fac simile — make alike; origin of the word “fax”
  71. flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo — if I cannot move heaven I will raise hell; from Virgil’s Aeneid
  72. fortes fortuna adiuvat — fortune favors the bold
  73. fortis in arduis — strong in difficulties
  74. gloria in excelsis Deo — glory to God in the highest
  75. habeas corpus — you should have the body; a legal term from the 14th century or earlier; commonly used as the general term for a prisoner’s right to challenge the legality of their detention
  76. habemus papam — we have a pope; used after a Catholic Church papal election to announce publicly a successful ballot to elect a new pope
  77. historia vitae magistra — history, the teacher of life; from Cicero; also “history is the mistress of life”
  78. hoc est bellum — this is war
  79. homo unius libri (timeo) — (I fear) a man of one book; attributed to Thomas Aquinas
  80. honor virtutis praemium — esteem is the reward of virtue
  81. hostis humani generis — enemy of the human race; Cicero defined pirates in Roman law as being enemies of humanity in general
  82. humilitas occidit superbiam — humility conquers pride
  83. igne natura renovatur integra — through fire, nature is reborn whole
  84. ignis aurum probat — fire tests gold; a phrase referring to the refining of character through difficult circumstances
  85. in absentia — in the absence
  86. in aqua sanitas — in water there is health
  87. in flagrante delicto — in flaming crime; caught red-handed, or in the act
  88. in memoriam — into the memory; more commonly “in memory of”
  89. in omnia paratus — ready for anything
  90. in situ — in position; something that exists in an original or natural state
  91. in toto — in all or entirely
  92. in umbra, igitur, pugnabimus — then we will fight in the shade; made famous by Spartans in the battle of Thermopylae and by the movie 300
  93. in utero — in the womb
  94. in vitro — in glass; biological process that occurs in the lab
  95. incepto ne desistam — may I not shrink from my purpose
  96. intelligenti pauca — few words suffice for he who understands
  97. invicta — unconquered
  98. invictus maneo — I remain unvanquished
  99. ipso facto — by the fact itself; something is true by its very nature
  100. labor omnia vincit — hard work conquers all
  101. laborare pugnare parati sumus — to work, (or) to fight; we are ready
  102. labore et honore — by labor and honor
  103. leges sine moribus vanae — laws without morals [are] vain
  104. lex parsimoniae — law of succinctness; also known as Occam’s Razor; the simplest explanation is usually the correct one
  105. lex talionis — the law of retaliation
  106. magna cum laude — with great praise
  107. magna est vis consuetudinis — great is the power of habit
  108. magnum opus — great work; said of someone’s masterpiece
  109. mala fide — in bad faith; said of an act done with knowledge of its illegality, or with intention to defraud or mislead someone; opposite of bona fide
  110. malum in se — wrong in itself; a legal term meaning that something is inherently wrong
  111. malum prohibitum — wrong due to being prohibited; a legal term meaning that something is only wrong because it is against the law
  112. mea culpa — my fault
  113. meliora — better things; carrying the connotation of “always better”
  114. memento mori — remember that [you will] die; was whispered by a servant into the ear of a victorious Roman general to check his pride as he paraded through cheering crowds after a victory; a genre of art meant to remind the viewer of the reality of his death
  115. memento vivere — remember to live
  116. memores acti prudentes future — mindful of what has been done, aware of what will be
  117. modus operandi — method of operating; abbreviated M.O.
  118. montani semper liberi — mountaineers [are] always free; state motto of West Virginia
  119. morior invictus — death before defeat
  120. morituri te salutant — those who are about to die salute you; popularized as a standard salute from gladiators to the emperor, but only recorded once in Roman history
  121. morte magis metuenda senectus — old age should rather be feared than death
  122. mulgere hircum — to milk a male goat; to attempt the impossible
  123. multa paucis — say much in few words
  124. nanos gigantum humeris insidentes — dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants; commonly known by the letters of Isaac Newton: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”
  125. nec aspera terrent — they don’t terrify the rough ones; frightened by no difficulties; less literally “difficulties be damned”
  126. nec temere nec timide — neither reckless nor timid
  127. nil volentibus arduum — nothing [is] arduous for the willing
  128. nolo contendere — I do not wish to contend; that is, “no contest”; a plea that can be entered on behalf of a defendant in a court that states that the accused doesn’t admit guilt, but will accept punishment for a crime
  129. non ducor, duco — I am not led; I lead
  130. non loqui sed facere — not talk but action
  131. non progredi est regredi — to not go forward is to go backward
  132. non scholae, sed vitae discimus — we learn not for school, but for life; from Seneca
  133. non sequitur — it does not follow; in general, a comment which is absurd due to not making sense in its context (rather than due to being inherently nonsensical or internally inconsistent); often used in humor
  134. non sum qualis eram — I am not such as I was; or “I am not the kind of person I once was”
  135. nosce te ipsum — know thyself; from Cicero
  136. novus ordo seclorum — new order of the ages; from Virgil; motto on the Great Seal of the United States
  137. nulla tenaci invia est via — for the tenacious, no road is impassable
  138. obliti privatorum, publica curate — forget private affairs, take care of public ones; Roman political saying which reminds that common good should be given priority over private matters for any person having a responsibility in the State
  139. panem et circenses — bread and circuses; originally described all that was needed for emperors to placate the Roman mob; today used to describe any entertainment used to distract public attention from more important matters
  140. para bellum — prepare for war; if you want peace, prepare for war; if a country is ready for war, its enemies are less likely to attack
  141. parvis imbutus tentabis grandia tutus — when you are steeped in little things, you shall safely attempt great things; sometimes translated as, “once you have accomplished small things, you may attempt great ones safely”
  142. pater familias — father of the family; the eldest male in a family
  143. pecunia, si uti scis, ancilla est; si nescis, domina — if you know how to use money, money is your slave; if you don’t, money is your master
  144. per angusta ad augusta — through difficulties to greatness
  145. per annum — by the year
  146. per capita — by the person
  147. per diem — by the day
  148. per se — through itself
  149. persona non grata — person not pleasing; an unwelcome, unwanted or undesirable person
  150. pollice verso — with a turned thumb; used by Roman crowds to pass judgment on a defeated gladiator
  151. post meridiem — after noon; P.M.; used in timekeeping
  152. post mortem — after death
  153. postscriptum — thing having been written afterward; in writing, abbreviated P.S.
  154. praemonitus praemunitus — forewarned is forearmed
  155. praesis ut prosis ne ut imperes — lead in order to serve, not in order to rule
  156. primus inter pares — first among equals; a title of the Roman Emperors
  157. pro bono — for the good; in business, refers to services rendered at no charge
  158. pro rata — for the rate
  159. quam bene vivas referre (or refert), non quam diu — it is how well you live that matters, not how long; from Seneca
  160. quasi — as if; as though
  161. qui totum vult totum perdit — he who wants everything loses everything; attributed to Seneca
  162. quid agis — what’s going on; what’s up, what’s happening, etc.
  163. quid pro quo — this for that; an exchange of value
  164. quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur — whatever has been said in Latin seems deep; or “anything said in Latin sounds profound”; a recent ironic Latin phrase to poke fun at people who seem to use Latin phrases and quotations only to make themselves sound more important or “educated”
  165. quis custodiet ipsos custodes? — who will guard the guards themselves?; commonly associated with Plato
  166. quorum — of whom; the number of members whose presence is required under the rules to make any given meeting constitutional
  167. requiescat in pace — let him rest in peace; abbreviated R.I.P.
  168. rigor mortis — stiffness of death
  169. scientia ac labore — knowledge through hard work
  170. scientia ipsa potentia est — knowledge itself is power
  171. semper anticus — always forward
  172. semper fidelis — always faithful; U.S. Marines motto
  173. semper fortis — always brave
  174. semper paratus — always prepared
  175. semper virilis — always virile
  176. si vales, valeo — when you are strong, I am strong
  177. si vis pacem, para bellum — if you want peace, prepare for war
  178. sic parvis magna — greatness from small beginnings — motto of Sir Frances Drake
  179. sic semper tyrannis — thus always to tyrants; attributed to Brutus at the time of Julius Caesar’s assassination, and to John Wilkes Booth at the time of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination; whether it was actually said at either of these events is disputed
  180. sic vita est — thus is life; the ancient version of “it is what it is”
  181. sola fide — by faith alone
  182. sola nobilitat virtus — virtue alone ennobles
  183. solvitur ambulando — it is solved by walking
  184. spes bona — good hope
  185. statim (stat) — immediately; medical shorthand
  186. status quo — the situation in which; current condition
  187. subpoena — under penalty
  188. sum quod eris — I am what you will be; a gravestone inscription to remind the reader of the inevitability of death
  189. summa cum laude — with highest praise
  190. summum bonum — the supreme good
  191. suum cuique — to each his own
  192. tabula rasa — scraped tablet; “blank slate”; John Locke used the term to describe the human mind at birth, before it had acquired any knowledge
  193. tempora heroic — Heroic Age
  194. tempus edax rerum — time, devourer of all things
  195. tempus fugit — time flees; commonly mistranslated “time flies”
  196. terra firma — firm ground
  197. terra incognita — unknown land; used on old maps to show unexplored areas
  198. vae victis — woe to the conquered
  199. vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas — vanity of vanities; everything [is] vanity; from the Bible (Ecclesiastes 1)
  200. veni vidi vici — I came, I saw, I conquered; famously said by Julius Caesar
  201. verbatim — repeat exactly
  202. veritas et aequitas — truth and equity
  203. versus — against
  204. veto — I forbid
  205. vice versa — to change or turn around
  206. vincit qui patitur — he conquers who endures
  207. vincit qui se vincit — he conquers who conquers himself
  208. vir prudens non contra ventum mingit — [a] wise man does not urinate [up] against the wind
  209. virile agitur — the manly thing is being done
  210. viriliter agite — act in a manly way
  211. viriliter agite estote fortes — quit ye like men, be strong
  212. virtus tentamine gaudet — strength rejoices in the challenge
  213. virtute et armis — by virtue and arms; or “by manhood and weapons”; state motto of Mississippi
  214. vive memor leti — live remembering death
  215. vivere est vincere — to live is to conquer; Captain John Smith’s personal motto
  216. vivere militare est — to live is to fight
  217. vox populi — voice of the people

Previous Next

Whether you’re trying to impress a date or your professor or your friends, these 50 cool Latin words will definitely give you the edge you need in your next conversation, term paper, or text, making you sound a lot smarter than you probably are.


Detach, withdraw


To fall in love with, find pleasure in

Latin Words

Latin Words

Ad infinitum

Again and again in the same way; forever

Ad nauseam

Referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome




Before the war

Aurora borealis

Northern lights

Bona fide



At, in, or of approximately



Cum laude

With honor

De facto

In fact or in effect, whether by right or not

De jure

According to law

Deo volente

God willing

Latin Words

Latin Words

Deus ex machina

An unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel



Ex animo

From the heart

Ex nihilo

Out of nothing

Homo sapien




In medias res

Into the middle of a narrative; without preamble

In absentia

In the absence

In toto

As a whole

Ipso facto

By the very fact



Latin Words

Latin Words

Magnum opus

The largest or best work of an artist

Mea culpa

An acknowledgment of one’s fault

Non sequitur

A conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement

Per capita

Per person

Per diem

Per day

Per se

By or in itself or themselves; intrinsically

Persona non grata

An unwanted person


After death

Latin Words

Latin Words

Praemonitus praemunitus

Forewarned is forearmed

Pro bono

For the good

Pro rata

For the rate

Quid pro quo

This for that

Rigor mortis

Stiffness of death

Semper fideles

Always faithful

Semper fortis

Always brave

Sic parvis magna

Greatness from small beginnings

Sola fide

By faith alone

Status quo

The situation in which or current condition


Under penalty

Latin Words

Latin Words

Tabula Rasa

Blank slate

Terra firma

Firm ground


Repeat exactly


I forbid

Vice versa

To change or turn around

Vox populi

Voice of the people Thought Catalog Logo Mark

It’s guaranteed that you have or will run into some of these Latin terms in anything including the lightest reading. That’s because they’re everywhere. In newspapers, textbooks, manuals, et cetera. They are used in, inter alia, academic writing, text messaging, and, quite extensively, law documents. So, they are, ipso facto, very important to know. Ergo, we thought it’s a good idea to combine these Latin words and phrases in one place and explain what they mean so that when you run into some of them next time, you go like, ha! I have seen this word somewhere and I know what it means. So, let’s get down to it. 

1. a priori

A belief or conclusion based on assumptions or reasoning of some sort rather than actual experience or empirical evidence. Before actually encountering, experiencing, or observing a fact.

2. a posteriori. 

A fact, belief, or argument that is based on actual experience, experiment, or observation. After the fact.

3. ad astra.

To the stars.

4. ad hoc.

For a particular situation, without planning or consideration of some broader purpose or application.

5. ad hominem.

Directed to a particular person rather than generally, such as an attack on a person rather than a position they are espousing.

6. ad infinitum.

Repeat forever.

7. ad lib

Short for ad libitum. As you desire, at one’s pleasure. To speak or perform without preparation.

8. ad nauseam. 

Repetition that has become annoying or tiresome.

9. affidavit.

He has sworn. Sworn statement.

10. alma mater.

Nourishing, kind, bounteous mother. School from which one graduated.

11. alias.

Also known as. Otherwise known as. Less commonly as the proper meaning of at another time, otherwise.

12. alibi. 

In another place. Elsewhere. Reason one couldn’t have been in a location where an act was committed.

13. alter ego.

Other self. Another side of oneself.

14. A.D.

short for anno Domini. In the year of our Lord. Number of years since the birth of Jesus Christ.

15. a.m.

Short for ante meridiem. Before midday (noon.) Morning.

16. animus

Spirit, mind, courage anger. Animosity. Intense opposition and ill will towards something, somebody, or some social group, commonly emotional, passionate, and mean-spirited. Hatred.

17. ante

Before. Earlier. In a Supreme Court opinion, ante refers to an earlier page of the same opinion.

18. ante bellum.

Before the war.

19. ante mortem. 

Before death. 

20. bona fide.

Genuine. Real. With no intention to deceive.

21. c. / ca. / or cca.

Short for circa. Around. About. Approximately. Relative to a certain year.

22. carpe diem.

Seize the day or moment. Make the best of the present rather than delay or focus on the future.

23. caveat.

Warning, caution, disclaimer, or stipulation.

24. cf.

Short for confer. Compare to. In reference to, as a comparison.

25. cogito ergo sum

I think, therefore I am — Descartes.

26. consensus.

Agreement. General or widespread agreement.

27. corpus.

Body, especially of written or textual matter such as books and papers.

28. curriculum.

Race. Course of a race. Path of a race. Subjects comprising a course of academic study.

29. CV 

Short for curriculum vitae. The course of one’s life. Resume. List of significant academic and professional accomplishments, achievements, awards, education, and training.

30. de facto. 

True or matter of fact as it is, regardless of intent, good reason, authority, or official reason for being such.

31. dictum.

Something said. Noteworthy, authoritative statement or principle. Common wisdom.

32. doctor. 

Teacher. Learned person. Doctor.

33. ergo. 


34. et al. 

Short for et alia (neuter plural) or et alii (masculine plural) or et aliae (feminine plural). And others. And all of the others.

35. etc. 

Short for et cetera.

36. e pluribus unum. 

— Out of many, one — U.S. motto.

37. ex post.


38. ex post facto.

After the fact.

39. e.g. 

Short for exempli gratia. For the sake of example. For example.

40. ibid. 

Short for ibidem or ib idem. In the same place. For a citation, indicates that it is from the same place as the preceding citation.

41. id. 

short for idem. From the same source. For a citation, indicates that it is from the same source, but not from the same location in that source. In contrast to ibidem (ibid.) which means the same location or place in the same source as the preceding citation.

42. i.e. 

Short for id est. That is. In other words.

43. in absentia. 

Conducted in the absence of.

44. in camera. 

In chambers. In private, commonly for legal proceedings, in the judge’s office (chambers.) before digital photography cameras were little “chambers.”

45. in situ. 

In position. In place.

46. in toto. 

As a whole. Entirely. All of it.

47. incognito. 

Unknown. With one’s identity concealed. This is actually an Italian word, derived from the Latin word incognitus.

48. inter alia. 

Among others. Among other things.

49. innuendo. 

By nodding. Implied. Indirectly implied. Suggested. Oblique allusion.

50. intra. 

Within. In a Supreme Court opinion, refers to a decision of another court, typically an appeals court.

51. ipso facto. 

By that very fact or act. Therefore.

51. lingua franca. 

Common language in a multi-language environment. Technically, it’s Italian.

52. magnum opus. 

Great work. Greatest work. Masterpiece.

53. M.O. 

short for modus operandi. Mode or method of operation. How you do things.

54. n.b. or N.B. 

short for nota bene. Note well. It is worth noting that.

55. per capita. 

Per person, for each person, of a population. Individually, but not for any particular person.

56. per cent. 

or percent short for per centum. For each one hundred.

57. per se. 

By itself. Intrinsically. Specifically.

58. p.m. / PM 

short for post meridiem. After midday (noon.) Afternoon.

59. post. 

After. Later. In a Supreme Court opinion, post refers to a later page of the same opinion.

60. post mortem. 

After death.

61. prima facie. 

On its face. Accepted on its face. Accepted as true based on initial impression. Accepted as true unless proven false.

62. PS. 

short for post scriptum. Written after. After what has been written. In addition to what has been written. In addition.

63. quasi. 

As if. As though. Resembling. Similar but not quite exactly the same. Having many but not all the features of.

64. quid pro quo. 

This for that. An exchange of goods or services. A barter transaction. Any contractual transaction.

65. sic 

or [sic]. So, this. The previous word should be taken literally even if it is not correct or appropriate.

66. stat. 

or stat short for statim. Immediately. Now. without delay.

67. status quo. 

The existing state of affairs. As it is. As things are.

68. stricto sensu

or sensu stricto. In a narrow, tight, or strict sense. Strictly speaking.

69. sui generis. 

Of its own kind. Unique. Outside of existing categories. In law, outside of existing law.

70. supra. 

Above. From the previous cited source.

71. tabula rasa. 

Clean slate. Blank slate. Absence of any preconceived notions, ideas, goals, or purpose.

72. veni, vidi, vici. 

I came, I saw, I conquered.

73. verbatim. 

The same exact words. Literally.

74. vs. 

short for versus. Against. In opposition to. As opposed to. In contrast to.

75. veto. 

I forbid. Reject.

76. vice versa. 

As well as the two immediately preceding subjects of a statement reversed. The same either way. The other way around.

77. viz. 

short for videre licet or videlicet. Namely. That is.

You’ve reached the end of the article. Please share it if you think it deserves.

29% of all English words directly come from the Latin language. Another 29% is made of French words. 

But to understand how the English language has evolved from its Latin roots, one must pay a closer look at the History of the British Isles.

Yes, Latin and French make up for almost two-thirds of every word in the language of Shakespeare, but Old Norse, Old English, and Dutch languages also got incorporated.

The reason is simply that Great-Britain’s population is made up of many different ethnic groups. After the Roman Empire collapsed, one invasion after another, Saxons, Angles, Norses, Danes, and French came to populate the U.K.

Latin widely disappeared after the Roman Empire left Great Britain and was replaced by Old English. After the 1066 invasion of England by William the Conqueror, the French Duke of Normandy, Norman (a romance language and old version of French) was established as the official court language.

It remained so for almost 300 years.

Today, two mottos appear on the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom:

«Honi soit qui mal y pense« meaning «Shame be to him who evil thinks».

«Dieu et mon droit« meaning » God and my right».

The English Royal Coat of Arms

The Royal Coat of Arms on a postal coach with the two French mottos (by The Postal Museum).

Both maxims date all the way back from the 14th century and show the deep connection that English monarchs had with France.

Today, English is the Lingua Franca (common language) of most international organisations.

It is true that English grammar has more in common with the Germanic language family than with Latin grammar. But what the Romans left behind, aside from old buildings, fortifications and roads, are ten of thousands of phrases, nouns, verbs and adjectives that are part of everyday English vocabulary.

How many of those words and expressions do you know?

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The Latin Words and Phrases of our Everyday Life

Even though Latin is an extinct language (only still officially spoken in the Vatican), the fact that it constitutes massive chunks of many European languages keeps the Roman language alive today.

If you take Latin classes London, which is rare these days in the U.K., you would already have noticed common words that we used in our daily conversations.

If you are looking to learn Latin, it will be much more interesting for you to see it through modern English.

Alibi: this thing you desperately might need if you are suspected of some shenanigans, alibi just means «elsewhere» in Latin. And if you were elsewhere, how could you have stolen the cookies?

Agenda: from the Latin verb «agere» meaning to act, agenda is used to describe a list of items that might be discussed during a meeting, a plan of actions to be done or the ulterior motives of a particular person.

Ego: what today describes one’s self-esteem simply meant «I» (first person singular pronoun).

Acumen: the noun describing someone’s quick perception and sharp spirit comes from the Latin word meaning «sharp point».

Maximum and minimum: the Latin words meaning «the biggest» and the «smallest».

Quid pro quo: the phrase means «taking something for something else», the term was originally used by apothecaries when they would substitute an ingredient for another. Today it is mostly used to describe an exchange of service «I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine».

Gratis: meaning kindness in Latin, this word is used in English as free of charge, at no cost.

Ultimatum: from the Latin word for «final» (ultimus), it is used to describe a requirement demanded by one party to another, often as a threat of retaliation or war.

Veto: meaning «I forbid» in Latin, this right, often political, is used to stop the process of a decision such as the signature of a new law. In the U.K., the Queen can veto any bills that affect the Royal Prerogative of properties. It is the Royal Consent.

Vice versa: the Latin phrase for «the position having been reversed» is used in English to describe a situation in which two things or people have been reversed.

Via: this Latin word simply means «road» but is mostly used today to say «by way of» or «passing through».

Visa: in Latin, the expression was used to describe a document that had been verified «charta visa — a paper that has been seen». Today it is a permit that allows you to enter in a foreign country and that will be «seen» by the border authority.

Video: literally «I see» in Latin, the word is used in English to describe any film, short clip or an old VHS cassette.

How is your Latin pronunciation?

The Roman baths in Bath.

The Romans did not only leave their vocabulary behind but also some beautiful buildings such as the baths in the eponymous city of Bath (by PapaPiper).

The Latin Words We Commonly Write

The richness of Latin vocabulary is also found in English. Numerous sayings are often used is essays, newspapers articles, bills and laws.

These complicated terms might appear a bit cryptic, so what do they mean:

  • ad hoc – formed for a particular purpose
  • ad lib – improvised, is often used to describe the performance of an artist who has not prepared anything
  • alter ego – other self; this usually describes an intimate and close friend who you trust with all your secrets
  • bona fide – real, genuine
  • caveat – a stipulation or condition often included in a contract or lease.
  • consensus – agreement
  • de facto – in reality, this word often describes a person or institution who has no legal rights but who in practice holds the power of a position or institution
  • de jure – by law
  • ergo – therefore
  • et cetera (etc) – and so on
  • excelsior – ever upward
  • major – meaning great, important or serious, this word is also used as a rank for officers in many armies and to describe the main subject one might study at university
  • mea culpa – through my own fault, this Latin saying is often used as «I am sorry.»
  • per capita – per person
  • per diem – per day
  • per se – specifically, by itself
  • verbatim – in exactly the same words

Find out how you can learn how to write in Latin…

The Magna Carta in the Parliament.

The UK Parliament commemorated 800 years of Magna Carta in 2015. This document written in Latin in 1215 was the first to legal documents and is still considered today as a cornerstone of British law (by UK Parliament).

Take a Latin course here.

The Latin Abbreviations Commonly Used

No need to study classical literature, or the Roman civilisation to be speaking some Latin and use some smart Latin abbreviations in your next essay.

Many students find themselves using Latin abbreviations which will make their writing both look smarter but also much easier to read.

Here are the primary examples of abbreviations that you might be already using, but do you know what they mean?

E.g. : «exempli gratia» in Latin means for example or for instance

I.e. : «id est» in Latin means that is or in other words

Sic: «thus» in Latin and English

Et al. : «et alii» in Latin means and others, and co-workers.

P.a. : «per annum» in Latin mean per year

P.S.: «post scriptum» in Latin and used as is in English to describe a note at the end of a letter or text.

Vs: «versus» in Latin meaning against, the word is also used as is in English

N.B. : «Nota Bene» in Latin meaning note well, it is used to in text to draw attention on a particular piece of text or information

AD: «anno domini» in Latin meaning the year of our Lord in English, this abbreviation is used to point out that the year in a date is happening after the birth of the Christ. Long used by the clergy in European countries, more and more modern text tend to use C.E., which stands for Common Era.

AM & PM: «ante meridiem» and «post meridiem» in Latin which means before and after midday,  and is used to describe morning or afternoon time.

Have you ever wondered where the Roman alphabet originated?

A Few Other Common Latin Expressions

No need to open a Latin-English dictionary to understand some of the most used Latin expressions. As you realised by now, many Latin words taught in an online Latin course have made their way into our modern English language and often remained precisely as they were more than 2000 years ago.

Latin words are even more common in science where almost 90% of words come from the Roman language. Music and law are also two fields which use Latin words more often.

These are a few more expressions that may be less common but may come in handy one day:

  • Ad vitam aeternam : for life, forever
  • Carpe Diem: meaning «seize the day», is used to urge someone to live in the present and not think of tomorrow.
  • Habemus Papam: you will rarely hear this expression as it is only used when a new Pope has been elected by the college of cardinals in Rome. White smoke from the Vatican usually signals the end of the election process.
  • In vitro: used in science and especially in biology, this term meaning «in the glass», describes any process that occurred in a laboratory.
  • In situ: is the opposite of in vitro and describes anything happening in «the original place», usually meaning in nature.
  • Res publica: meaning «public matter» in Latin, this term refers in English to the state, commonwealth or republic
  • Status quo: the existing state of affairs, maintaining the status quo is making sure that nothing changes
  • In extremis: this expression is used in English to describe someone in an extremely difficult situation.

Pope Francis at the Vatican

Habemus Papam was last used when Pope Francis was elected as the head of the Catholic Church (by Catholic Church)

Now that you enriched your vocabulary and that you know the meaning of many Latin words you probably have been using every day, it might be time to dig a bit deeper and perfect your Latin pronunciation.

Now discover our top ten tips for writing in Latin…

red wine being poured into glass

Over the centuries, certain Latin phrases have been used widely enough in English to get included in the dictionary. This list contains some of our favorites.

Definition — «there is truth in wine»

The classy thing to say when you’ve had too much to drink and have just said something that is decidedly not classy, in vino veritas has been employed as a mea culpa of sorts for thousands of years. In the first century AD, Pliny the Elder referred to the «common proverb that in wine, there is truth in vino veritas

First, Bacchus is mery, Wine moderately taken maketh men ioyfull; he is also naked; for, in vino veritas: drunkards tell all, and sometimes more then all.
— Abraham Fraunce, The third part of the Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch, 1592

couple watching sunset on beach

Definition — «love conquers all things»

Shortly before the start of the first millennium, the Roman poet Virgil wrote «love conquers all things; let us too surrender to Love.»

The phrase and the concept (in Latin and in English) caught on: a character in Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, written in the late 1300s, wore a brooch engraved «Amor Vincit Omnia.» A number of poets have shown themselves to be fond of working this Latin phrase into their works; amor vincit omnia may be found in the writing of W. H. Auden, John Gower, Diane Wakoski, and many others.

Amor vincit omnia, so Cato affirmeth, 

And therefore a Frier whose fancie soone burneth, 

Because he is mortall and made of mould, 

He omits what he ought, and doth more than he should.
—William Shakespeare, The first and second part of the troublesome raigne of Iohn King of England, 1611

family jumping into pool

Definition — «enjoy the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future» (literally, «pluck the day»)

During the 1st century BC, the Roman poet Horace wrote, «Seize the day; put no trust in the morrow.» The notion of living for the moment crops up over centuries of poetry, including in the writings of Shakespeare, Milton and Byron. Carpe diem, in Latin form, may be found inserted into English prose as far back as the early 18th century.

Poh, prithee, Gentlemen, ye can’t suppose Sir Zealwou’d so blind to his own Insterest, to neglect this Offer,—Hark’e, Knight, take my Advice, close with him at once, Carpe Diem.
— Mr. Sandford, The Female Fop: or, The False One Fitted, 1724

top 10 latin words to live by utile dulci

Definition — «the useful with the agreeable»

One of our lesser-known Latin expressions, utile dulci shares etymological space with a number of pleasing English words, including addulce («to mollify»), dulcet («luscious, melodious»), and the criminally underused dulcitude («sweetness»). Utile dulci comes from the poet Horace, who in Ars Poetica, offered the following advice:

«He who joins the useful with the agreeable, wins every vote, by delighting and at the same time instructing the reader.»

Herein is exhibited a connected Plan of Morality, free from that incoherent Jumble so remarkable in many Performances of this Kind. The Utile Dulci having been consulted throughout the Whole, Morality here appears gay and smiling, steals insensibly into our good Graces, and makes the most lasting Impression, being divested of that unpleasing Formality with which she is too often disgusted by partial and Mistaken Pedants.
Jackson’s Oxford Journal (Oxford, Eng.), 16 Apr. 1757

top 10 latin words to live by semper fidelis

Definition — «always faithful»

These two words have long served as motto for families, schools, and organizations — most famously, since 1883, for the United States Marine Corps. Semper Fidelis is also the title of the USMC march, composed by John Philip Sousa.

The result of the election has, however, proved the reflecting portion of the Exonians to be worthy of their motto—Semper fidelis.
The Standard (London, Eng.), 2 May 1831

top 10 latin words to live by caveat emptor

Definition — «let the buyer beware»

In early Roman law, sales of goods were governed by caveat emptor: buyers were advised to scrutinize the goods before purchase, because sellers had few obligations. Over time, the imperative of caveat emptor has been softened by warranties, both express and implied.

Caveat has been adopted directly into English, and has a small range of meanings, including «a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices» and «an explanation to prevent misinterpretation.» Emptor has likewise been taken directly into our language, although the word is far less common than caveat; it has retained the rather narrow meaning of «buyer, purchaser.»

Where Officers sold their Pay two or three times over, what Provision shall be made for the second or third Purchaser? Caveat Emptor is the common Answer, then let him have a better Bargain for the great Risque he runs, &c.
— Anon., The Case of those persons that have purchased soldiers arrears, the Irish transport debt, salt tallies, malt tickets, or an interest in any other deficient funds, 1698

top 10 latin words to live by post hoc ergo propter hoc

Definition — «after this, therefore on account of it»

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc refers to the logical mistake of claiming that one thing caused another just because it happened first.

For example, the rooster crows and the sun rises — but to argue that the rooster’s crowing causes the sun to rise would be post hoc, ergo propter hoc reasoning. It was Aristotle who laid the groundwork for classifying bad arguments based on logical errors like this one.

Mr. Cobbett’s logic is the well known post hoc ergo propter hoc. In the Netherlands, the people eat much less animal food than their Pagan ancestors did two thousand years ago, but it does not follow that the Catholic religion is the cause of the change, any more than the Protestant religion is the cause of the short commons in England.
The Morning Chronicle (London, Eng.), 6 Apr. 1826

top 10 latin words to live by per angusta ad augusta

Definition — «through difficulties to honors»

These four words have inspired students and soldiers for centuries. Alternative translations include «through trial to triumph» and «through difficulties to great things.»

It was an obvious fact that right from the very start each one had made up his mind to work hard. The significance of the old motto «Per Angusta ad Augusta,» I could not help feeling during the first few weeks after the recruits’ entry into camp.
The Digger, 1 Oct. 1918

top 10 latin words to live by si monumentum requiris circumspice

Definition — «if you seek his monument, look around»

It took 35 years to complete London’s magnificent St. Paul’s Cathedral. When its architect, Sir Christopher Wren, died twelve years later in 1723, he was entombed inside, under a simple slab of black marble. Wren’s son placed a dedication nearby, which contains the words «Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice» («Reader, if you seek a monument, look around you»). The phrase is generally used to describe a person’s legacy — and can be taken to mean that what we leave behind (including intangible things like relationships) best represents our life.

There are others who have not fared so well in terms of having their name placed in dictionaries in ways that relate to work on old English cathedrals. Sir Edmund Beckett, the first Baron Grimthorpe, is the source of the word grimthorpe («to remodel an ancient building without proper knowledge or care to retain its original quality and character»), after his attempted restoration of St. Albans cathedral was viewed as subpar.

Among the authors and printers whose portraits decorated these walls, no portrait of Caxton would be observed, for the simple reason that no authentic portrait had been handed down to us; the well-known momumental inscription to be found elsewhere was, therefore, most appropriate in this place, «Si Monumentum Requiris, circumspice
The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser, 2 Jul. 1877

line of bronze bells

Definition — «more lasting than bronze»

In the final poem in his third book of Odes, Horace boasts that his poetry will outlive any manmade monument: «Exegi monumentum aere perennius.» («I have made a monument more lasting than bronze.») Given that his words continue to be used two thousand years later, perhaps he’s right.

However I, among others like myself, must submit to their controul; and that my book might wear a better Frontispiece, than a false Title Page and catching Motto, have prefixed a Representation of the Tomb elevated to the memory of the two most enlightened, most able, most liberal, most engaging, and, tout-ensemble, most worthy Monarchs that ever sat on any throne since the deluge; but had they not, as Horace observes, raised a «Monumentum ære perennius» to their memory, and which can never be effaced from the hearts of British subjects, the late tremendous fall of the Abbey might have mouldered their Marble Virtues in the obscurities of eternal night.
— Herbert Croft, The Wreck of Westminster Abbey, 1788


Definition — «thus always to tyrants» — motto of Virginia

Sic semper tyrannis is a phrase with a somewhat problematic history. Some sources have claimed that this was spoken by Brutus as he delivered the knife blow to Julius Caesar. John Wilkes Booth is likewise said to have claimed the same utterance was made when he assassinated Abraham Lincoln. And the words have long been the state motto of Virginia, an incongruity which was much commented upon by abolitionists in the days leading up to the Civil War. But although the words may have been used in conjunction with various acts of violence over the years, this does not mean that they might not be useful; something, perhaps, for you to mutter softly under your breath on the occasion that some despised supervisor is fired from your company.

The «Sic Semper Tyrannis» of the ever-to-be-execrated Booth, uttered as he rushed from the scene of the great crime of the age conveys no greater insult to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, nor runs no more directly counter to the feelings and sentiments of his countrymen than does this utterance of the late so-called Democratic Convention.
The Bedford Inquirer (Bedford, PA), 29 Sept. 1865


Definition — «I came, I saw, I conquered»

One of the best known and most frequently quoted Latin expression, veni, vidi, vici may be found hundreds of times throughout the centuries used as an expression of triumph. The words are said to have been used by Caesar as he was enjoying a triumph. By the way, before triumph meant «a notable success» in English it had the meaning of «a ceremony attending the entering of Rome by a general who had won a decisive victory over a foreign enemy.» A triumph was better than an ovation, which has the meaning «a ceremony attending the entering of Rome by a general who had won a victory of less importance than that for which a triumph was granted.» One would not say «veni, vidi, vici» at an ovation.

For teaching the use and demonstration of all manner of Geometricall instruments, and the use of all instruments fitting for nauigation, &c. I saie, Quod nemo didicit, nemo docere potest: more peremptorie than Caesar, Veni, vidi, vici.
— Ralph Agas, A preparative to platting of landes and tenements for surveigh, 1596

While Latin hasn’t been regularly spoken or written for hundreds of years, save for the occasional scholarly text, its legacy is still felt throughout the lexicon of both Romance and Germanic languages today. Whether you’re launching an ad hominem attack or adding etcetera to the end of a list, it’s likely you’re peppering your speech with Latin phrases without even knowing it.

That said, we can do better than exclaiming «veni, vidi, vici» following a win at Scrabble or whispering «in vino veritas» before spilling a secret over a few drinks. With that in mind, we’ve compiled the genius Latin phrases you could and should be using on a daily basis.

Common Latin Phrases

Cape vinum

1. «Sapere aude.»

A popular Latin school motto, this one means, «Dare to know.» It’s commonly associated with the Age of Enlightenment and may be the reminder you need to never stop learning, no matter your age.

2. «Ad astra per aspera.»

One of the most popular Latin phrases, meaning, «Through adversity to the stars,» this utterance is generally used to describe the overcoming of adversity resulting in a favorable outcome. For instance, this common state motto—which also happens to adorn the memorial plaque for the astronauts who died on Apollo 1—can be used in conversation when you’re having a terrible go of things, but you’re confident a greater outcome awaits you.

3. «Carpe vinum.»

We’ve all heard the phrase «carpe diem» a million times, but we’ll do you one better: «Carpe vinum.» Of all the Latin phrases to master, this one, which translates to «seize the wine,» will certainly come in handy when you’re eager to impress your waiter with a fancy foodie phrase or are doing your best Caligula impression after a few glasses of pinot noir.

4. «Alea iacta est.»

Latin phrases don’t get much more iconic than «alea iacta est,» or «the die is cast,» an expression reportedly uttered by Julius Caesar as he crossed Italy’s Rubicon river with his army. Of course, it works equally well when you’ve got the wheels in motion for a brilliant plan that doesn’t involve civil war.

5. «Acta non verba.»

If you want to make it clear that you won’t stand for lip service, toss «acta non verba» into your everyday language. Meaning, «Deeds, not words,» this phrase is an easy way to make it clear that you don’t kindly suffer those whose behavior doesn’t match their words.

6. «Audentes fortuna iuvat.»

Want some inspiration to kill it on an upcoming job interview? Repeat, «Audentes fortuna iuvat» («Fortune favors the bold.») to yourself a few times in the mirror before heading out the door.

7. «Natura non constristatur.»

While it’s natural to be upset over storm damage to a house or dangerous conditions that cause a flight to be canceled, Latin speakers were sure to make it clear that nature doesn’t share our feelings. «Natura non constristatur,» which means, «Nature is not saddened,» is the perfect phrase to remind yourself or others just how unconcerned with human affairs Mother Nature truly is.

8. «Ad meliora.»

Today may not be going the way you want, but you can always boost your spirits by uttering «ad meliora,» or, «Toward better things.»

9. «Creo quia absurdum est.»

Occam’s razor isn’t always the best way to judge a situation. In times where belief alone trumps logic, drop a «creo quia absurdum est,» which means, «I believe because it is absurd.»

10. «In absentia lucis, Tenebrae vincunt.»

While not quite the Washington Post‘s motto, this phrase comes pretty close. If you’re ever channeling your inner superhero, try out this expression, which means, «In the absence of light, darkness prevails.»

11. «Ars longa, vita brevis.»

There’s a reason we still admire the paintings and sculptures of long-dead masters, and luckily, one of the easiest-to-master Latin phrases just about sums it up: «Art is long, life is short.»

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Latin Phrases About Love

Love is rich with honey and venom.

12. «Amor vincit omnia.»

You may already know and repeat this maxim in English, but the original Latin version is even more mellifluous. Credited to Virgil, it means «Love conquers all things.»

13. «Ubi amor, ibi dolor.»

«Where there’s love, there’s pain.» If you’ve ever been in love, you already know that this is true.

14. «Inis vitae sed non amoris.»

This phrase, which means, «The end of life, but not of love,» basically describes what it means to grieve someone you’ve lost.

15. «Ut ameris, amabilis esto.»

We can’t expect to collect friends and admirers unless we’re worth it. Affection and a good reputation have to be earned, according to this quote from Ovid. It means, «If you want to be loved, be lovable.»

16. «Amore et melle et felle es fecundissimus.»

Love is amazing, painful, and confusing at the same time, as those who spoke Latin apparently knew all too well. The next time you want to remind a friend of the exquisite agony that often accompanies a new relationship, use this phrase, which means, «Love is rich with honey and venom.»

Latin Phrases About Death

Vivamus, moriendum est.

17. «Respice finem.»

A reminder of one’s mortality, this phrase means, «Consider the end,» and is the motto of several universities. Since we tend to feel pretty invincible in our teens and 20s, it’s a useful reality check and an encouragement to make the most of one’s time.

18. «Malo mori quam foedari.»

Does your reputation mean everything to you? Then you may want to remember this motto, which translates to, «Death rather than dishonor.»

19. «Omnes una manet nox.»

From Horace‘s Odes, this Latin phrase translates into, «One night is awaiting us all,» and serves as a reminder that we’re all mere mortals. «One night,» in this context, means the night of our deaths.

20. «Vivamus, moriendum est.»

A quote attributed to the philosopher Seneca, this Latin phrase means, «Let us live, since we must die.» Life is short, basically, so we might as well enjoy it while we can.

21. «Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.»

The motto of the fictional Addams Family, this phrase means, «We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.» Also perfect for use in any conversation where you’re eager to terrify someone else.

22. «Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.»

From Virgil’s Aeneid, this phrase, which means, «If I cannot move Heaven, I will raise Hell,» is the perfect addition to the vocabulary of anyone whose halo is nonexistent.

Cool Latin Phrases

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

23. «Aere perennius»

Horace is also responsible for this phase, which translates to, «More lasting than bronze.» If your feelings or words will stand the test of time, you can describe them as such.

24. «Libertas perfundet omnia luce.»

The motto of the University of Barcelona, in English, this Latin phrase reads, «Freedom will flood all things with light.» You know how your world gets a little brighter on your day off? That. And also the political kind of freedom.

25. «Aquila non capit muscas.»

Tired of dealing with things below your pay grade? You can tell your boss, «Aquila non capit muscas,» or, «An eagle does not catch flies.» We can’t guarantee it’ll go over well though.

26. «Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris.»

You can thank playwright and contemporary of William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, for this one. You likely know it well in English already since it’s frequently used to describe commiseration. Marlowe wrote this Latin phrase, which means «misery loves company,» into his play The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus.

27. «Bis dat qui cito dat.»

«He gives twice who gives promptly.» In other words, if you are quick and easy with your generosity, it will be more appreciated than generosity that comes after a period of hesitation or resistance.

28. «Astra inclinant, sed non obligant.»

If you’re dealing with someone who’s obsessed with their own horoscope, you may want to tell them this. It means, «The stars incline us, they do not bind us.» In other words, even if there’s a plan, we all have free will.

29. «Timendi causa est nescire.»

Seneca was well ahead of his time when he wrote, «Timendi causa est nescire.» If you’re talking to someone who is afraid of the unknown, remind them that «ignorance is the cause of fear.»

30. «Finis coronat opus.»

Translating to, «The end crowns the work,» this phrase is useful any time you’re tempted to judge a project—whether it’s yours or someone else’s—when you’re still in the middle of it.

31. «Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit.»

Difficult times are daunting in the moment, but you never know how time passed will change your opinion of them. Also from the Aeneid, by Virgil, this phrase means, «Perhaps even these things will be good to remember one day,» and it may be a helpful motto to keep you going.

32. «Malum consilium quod mutari non potest.»

Are you terrible at deviating from your to-do list, even when circumstances evolve? You may want to write, «Malum consilium quod mutari non potest» at the top of your bullet journal. This quote from Syrus means, «Bad is the plan that cannot change.»

33. «Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe.»

Meaning, «If the winds fail you, use the oars,» this phrase is a reminder that there’s usually a Plan B. Just because a task isn’t as easy as you thought it would be doesn’t mean that it’s not achievable—though it may take a little more elbow grease than you expected.

34. «Acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt.»

If you’ve ever wanted to strike fear into the heart of your enemies (or just want a good comeback for when you catch someone cheating on game night), try out this expression. Meaning,»Mortal actions never deceive the gods,» this Latin phrase certainly fits the bill.

35. «Dulce periculum.»

Do you live life on the edge? Then «dulce periculum» might just be your new motto. It means «danger is sweet,» and dropping this phrase in casual conversation certainly lets people know what you’re about.

36. «Condemnant quo non intellegunt.»

If your conspiracy theorist friend needs a good talking to, hit them with a quick «condemnant quo non intellegunt.» This phrase, meaning, «They condemn that which they do not understand,» is the perfect burn for those who proudly espouse their less-than-logic-backed views and offer little supporting evidence.

37. «Factum fieri infectum non potest.»

For those eager to make it clear that they don’t give second chances, keep «factum fieri infectum non potest» in your back pocket. This phrase, which means, «It is impossible for a deed to be undone,» also serves as a grave reminder for your friends when they say they’re about they’re about to do something rash.

38. «Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.»

Finding yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place? Pump yourself up by letting forth an «aut viam inveniam aut faciam.» This phrase, which translates to, «I will either find a way or make one,» is famously attributed to Carthaginian general Hannibal, one of history’s most famous military leaders.

39. «Qui totum vult totum perdit.»

While Wall Street may have told us that greed is good, the Latin language begs to differ. If you want to refute an acquaintance’s obsession with having it all, hit them with a «qui totum vult totum perdit,» or, translated: «He who wants everything loses everything.»

40. «Faber est suae quisque fortunae.»

Of all the Latin phrases in the world, there’s one perfect for picking yourself up when you feel like the stars aren’t aligning in your favor. Just remember: «Faber est suae quisque fortunae,» or, «Every man is the artisan of his own fortune.»

41. «Aquila non capit muscas.»

If social media pettiness and idle gossip feel beneath you, try adding «aquila non capit muscas» to your vocabulary. The phrase, which means, «The eagle does not catch flies,» is a particularly cutting way to remind others that you’re not about to trouble yourself with their nonsense.

42. «Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixture dementia fuit.»

Many a great idea or seemingly impossible prediction has been initially laughed off by those who don’t understand it. When that happens to you, remind your detractors, «Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixture dementia fuit,» or, «There has been no great wisdom without an element of madness.»

43. «Barba tenus sapientes.»

That guy who proclaims himself to be a genius but seems to only reiterate derivative remarks? He’s «barba tenus sapientes,» or «as wise as far as the beard.» In other words, this guy might seem intelligent at first, but it’s all a façade.

44. «Lupus non timet canem latrantem.»

Need a quick way to make it clear that you won’t be intimidated by a bully? Simply tell them, «Lupus non timet canem lantrantem.» This means, «A wolf is not afraid of a barking dog.»

45. «Non ducor duco.»

When you’re eager to remind your subordinates at work who’s in charge, toss a «non ducor duco» their way. Meaning, «I am not led; I lead,» this phrase is a powerful way of letting others know you’re not to be messed with.

46. «Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.»

Sometimes, people’s opinions can’t be changed. When that’s the case, drop a «fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt,» which translates to: «Men generally believe what they want to.»

47. «De omnibus dubitandum.»

Do you think the truth is out there? Do you think there are government secrets that threaten our very existence? If so, this phrase, which means, «Be suspicious of everything,» should be a welcome addition to your lexicon.

48. «Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit.»

Just because you think you’re a relatively sage person doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily on the ball at all times. As many a Latin speaker might remind you with this phrase, which means, «Of mortal men, none is wise at all times.»

49. «Quid infantes sumus.»

If you feel like you’re being underestimated, don’t be afraid to spit, «Quid infants sumus?» at those who might not see your potential. While it’s not exactly a scathing insult, it’s pretty amusing to know the Latin phrase for, «What are we, babies?»

50. «Mea navis aëricumbens anguillis abundant.»

Of course, not all Latin phrases are useful—some are just funny. This one, in particular—a translation of a humorous saying from Monty Python’s «Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook» sketch, simply means, «My hovercraft is full of eels.»

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