Latin word for loving you

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Wondering how to say ‘I love you’ in Latin? You’re in the right place.

Saying ‘I love you’ can be both scary and exciting and even more so in a new language!

If you want to know how to say ‘I love you’ and other romantic phrases in Latin, then read on.

To tell someone that you love them in Latin, say:

I love you Te amo

You may be confused as ‘te amo’ is ‘I love you’ in Spanish & Portuguese. Well, many modern languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, English and more actually evolved over time from Latin so there are many similar words and phrases. 

Check out the below video to hear the pronunciation of this phrase:

Romantic Phrases in Latin

Try these other romantic phrases too including how to say ‘I miss you’ in Latin.

I miss you Te desidero
You are beautiful (to a female) Quam pulchra es
You are handsome (to a male) Quam pulcher es
I love you forever Te amo in aeternum
I love you too  Te quoque amo
My love Amica mea

As Latin is a dead language, meaning there are no longer any native speakers, you may not get much opportunity to use these phrases. They may come in handy if you’ve got a love interest from ancient Rome or maybe you want to impress a classical scholar. 

Why not also learn how to say ‘how are you?’ in Latin? You’ll need this essential phrase in lots of different situations.

What are some beautiful Latin words?

Best and most beautiful Latin Words and Phrases #1 Carpe Diem. Seize the day. #2 Carpe Noctem. Seize the night. #3 Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit. From nothing comes nothing. #4 Salve. Hello + Goodbye. #5 Audere est Facere. To do is to dare. #6 Semper Fidelis. Always faithful. #7 Amor Omnia Vincit. #8 Utinam Ne Illum Numquam Conspexissem.

What is the ancient Latin word for love?

The Latin word for love is ‘amare’.

What is Sunshine Latin?

More Latin words for sunshine. sol noun. sun, sunlight, sun warmth. iubar noun. sunshine, radiance, splendor, gleam, shine.

What is the Latin word for soulmate?

anima salit, Find more words!.

What is the Latin word for unique?

unique (adj.) 1600, “single, solitary,” from French unique (16c.), from Latin unicus “only, single, sole, alone of its kind,” from unus “one” (from PIE root *oi-no- “one, unique”). Meaning “forming the only one of its kind” is attested from 1610s; erroneous sense of “remarkable, uncommon” is attested from mid-19c.

What is the most beautiful Latin word?

25 Most Beautiful Latin Words and Meanings Fulminare. The Latin word “fulminare” directly translates as “to flash with thunderbolts.” It immediately calls to mind a stormy sky, filled with flashing lightning. Imber. Solis Occasum. Lux Brumalis. Aurora Borealis. Apricus. Crepusculum. Manus in Mano.

What is love called in Greek?

Agápe (ἀγάπη agápē) means “love: esp. Agape is used in ancient texts to denote feelings for one’s children and the feelings for a spouse, and it was also used to refer to a love feast. Agape is used by Christians to express the unconditional love of God for his children.

What means Amare?

[aˈmare ] Full verb table transitive verb. (provare affetto) to love. (amante, marito, moglie) to love ⧫ be in love with.

Who first said love conquers all?

Amor Vincit Omnia Shortly before the start of the first millennium, the Roman poet Virgil wrote “love conquers all things; let us too surrender to Love.”Jul 13, 2021.

What ethnicity speaks Latin?

Through the power of the Roman Republic, it became the dominant language in Italy, and subsequently throughout the western Roman Empire, before eventually becoming a dead language. Latin has contributed many words to the English language. Latin Native to Latium Roman Kingdom / Republic / Empire Ethnicity Latins.

What are Latin words in English?

Latin Words in English acumen – ability to make good judgments. agenda – list of things to be done. altruism – selfless concern for others. ambiguous – having a double meaning. aplomb (Fr.) – self-confidence. atrocity – cruel act. avarice – greed. bibulous – excessively fond of drinking alcohol.

What are some Latin sayings?

Below are 24 of the most common Latin phrases we use in the English language. Ad hoc: To this. Alibi: Elsewhere. Bona fide: With good faith. Bonus: Good. Carpe diem: Seize the day. De Facto: In fact. E.g.: For example. Ego: I.

What is the synonym of the soul?

In this page you can discover 108 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for soul, like: spirit, vital force, specter, love, intellect, vision, umbra, wraith, essence, substance and reverence.

How do you say love in different languages?

How to Say “My Love” in 8 Different Languages Spanish – mi amor. French – mon amour. Italian – amore mio. Portuguese – meu amor. Chinese (Mandarin) – 我的爱人 (wǒ de àirén) German – meine Geliebte. Korean – 내 사랑 (nae sarang) Russian – моя любовь (moya lyubov’).

What is the Latin word for universe?

The universe (Latin: universus) is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.

What is the other name of unique?

Some common synonyms of unique are eccentric, erratic, odd, outlandish, peculiar, quaint, singular, and strange.

What is another word for uniqueness?

In this page you can discover 78 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unique, like: uncommon, nonpareil, unusual, rare, sui generis (Latin), incomparable, single, peculiar, individual, phoenix and preeminent.

What is the Latin word for clean?

English Latin (translated indirectly) Esperanto clean verb (cleanse; launder; make clean; purge; purify) purgare verb purigi verb unclean adjective (filthy; nasty; soiled) immundus adjective malpura adjective.

What’s a deeper word for love?

1 tenderness, fondness, predilection, warmth, passion, adoration. 2 liking, inclination, regard, friendliness.

What is the Latin word for protector?

From Latin prōtector, from prōtegō (“to shield, protect”).

What are the 8 kinds of love?

The eight different types of love, according to the ancient Greeks, are: Eros (sexual passion) Philia (deep friendship) Ludus (playful love) Agape (love for everyone) Pragma (longstanding love) Philautia (love of the self) Storge (family love) Mania (obsessive love).

What are the 7 types of love?

The 7 Kinds of Love Ludus – Playful Love. Playful love is known as Ludus. Philia – Friendship Love. Philia is the deep and wholesome love you feel towards your friends, colleagues or team mates. Storge- Maternal Love. Pragma – Long-lasting Love. Philautia – Self Love. Agape – Universal Love.

What are the 4 types of love?

The Four Types of Love: Some Are Healthy, Some Are Not Eros: erotic, passionate love. We might as well get that one out of the way first. Philia: love of friends and equals. Storge: love of parents for children. Agape: love of mankind.

Does Amare mean love?

The meaning of the verb: amare (to love) The verb to love is very similar in spelling. To express your feelings in the first person, you can say Ti amo (I love you).

What is Amare Latin?

Etymology. From Latin amāre, present active indicative of amo (“I love”).

Is Amare a boy name?

Amar’e is a boy’s name meaning “handsome” or “good looking” in Ethiopian.

What is the strongest word of love?

15 Words That Are Stronger Than ‘Love’ And Mean Far More Lust – I lust after you. Adore – I adore you. Treasure – I treasure time with you. Intimacy – I love our emotional intimacy. Trust – I trust you with my heart. Ally – I am your ally in life. Value – I value your company. Happy – You make me happy.

Is love conquers all in the Bible?

It preaches that God loves everyone and those who are kind will be rewarded with love and joy. Although the phrase “love conquers all” does not exist in the Bible, many verses preach a similar sentiment.

What is the Latin for love conquers all?

Amor vincit omnia (Love Conquers All).

Are you searching for a soulmate in Latin? If so, you’re not alone. You’ve probably wondered whether the word means love, peace, or equal. Here, we’ll explain how you can find the Latin translation of the word. To get started, here are the most common Latin phrases for soulmate. Also, you’ll find the Latin words for peace and equality. If you’re still unsure, try searching for soulmate in other languages!

Latin word for love

Amor Vincit Omnia is a romantic Latin saying that sounds particularly appropriate when you are in a relationship and are experiencing troubles. This phrase may help you overcome the difficulties in your relationship and end arguments. It also sounds quite beautiful, so you should learn it as soon as you can. Below are a few ways to express your love in Latin. We hope these words help you make your soulmate happy! Read on for more great Latin phrases.

Te amo: There are two ways to say “I love you” in Spanish. The first way is “te amo,” and it is used in long-term relationships. “Te amo” is also used in Mexico to express feelings of love for parents and grandparents. However, this phrase is not used in Latin America when talking about best friends. However, if you want to express love to your partner, you can use the Latin word “te amor.”

Fidus Amor: This phrase expresses undying loyalty to one person. While it may be a difficult phrase to say out loud, it is an excellent choice if you are trying to express your feelings to your partner. In a romantic letter, you can include this phrase. Before you write it, be sure to translate it into English so your partner can understand your message. If you’re lucky, your partner may be surprised to read it in Latin, but it won’t matter because it will sound even more beautiful when written down in English.

A more playful type of love is known as ludus. The Greek word erototropia is synonymous with obsessive love. People in ludus relationships do not want a serious commitment and treat sex as a prize. They may even engage in ludicrous or sexual behavior. The best way to describe a ludus relationship is to understand how it works.

Another Latin word for soulmate is rogo, which means “I ask you to do something.” It also has a different meaning in Japanese, which is why we’ve chosen to use it in a different context. A romantic love in Latin may be different than a love in Japanese. Nonetheless, both words can be used to refer to romantic love. But what do you think? Do you think this new word will mean for you?

While eros is synonymous with romantic love, it also describes lust and a person’s sexual attraction. In the Bible, eros is synonymous with marriage, as it was intended to be exclusively for one person. In Greek mythology, eros is the son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. When eros leads to a deeper love, it’s known as philia, storge, and agape.

Latin word for peace

If you’re searching for a Latin word for peace, look no further than your soulmate. The Latin word for peace, pax, means “favor, leave, or truce.” Originally derived from the Greek pax, which means peace, it now refers to all forms of human tranquility, from religious to political. What’s more, the Latin word for peace sounds like “come”–as if the two could be akin to each other, as it does in English.

The word pax comes from the Latin word pax, which means “peace.” It is feminine and the third declension of Latin nouns. The word is plural, so pax is a feminine noun. In the Bible, pax is translated as “peace.”

Latin word for equal

The Latin word for equal soulmate has several meanings. It is often used to describe a partner who shares the same views and interests. The word “equal” is derived from the Latin verb laboro, which means “to work.” It also has other meanings, including lacer, which means to tear or mangle. It has other meanings as well, such as lacrima, which means tears, and lacteus, which means “milky.” It is also a synonym for the Greek word lacus, which means a pond or lake.

The word equ comes from the Latin root equ, which means “equal”. The equ ator, for example, is a nearly 25,000-mile line that lies on a plane that is equally distant from each pole. Similarly, “equ inoxes” fall on days with equal daylight and darkness. The Latin word for equal soulmate has numerous other uses, including in math.

Other meanings of the Latin word for equal soulmate include claudeo, which means “show”, and claustrum, which means “present” or “present.” The verb praecedo is a noun that refers to bearing or carrying. The word coadunatio refers to gathering, uniting, or warning. While the meaning of these words varies, these two definitions are generally similar.

The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love-Terence Qui non vult fieri desidiosus amet. Unde haec honorificabilitudinitatibus et haec est longissimo dictu ut patet in hoc versu Fulget honorificabilitudinitatibus iste.

Amor Vincit Omnia Besotted Latin Love Quotes Latin Quotes Phrase Tattoos

Latin Words Ad infinitum.

Latin word for love. Love is a great teacher-Saint Augustine of Hippo Militat omnis amans. Definition — love conquers all things Shortly before the start of the first millennium the Roman poet Virgil wrote love conquers all things. From Old Galician and Old Portuguese amor from Latin amor amorem.

As most of the translations in the list above are user submitted its quite possible for there to be mistakes on the page. Cion roughly translates as affection such as the love you might have for a child. Love is a warfare-Ovid Amorum.

To fall in love with find pleasure in. Son os seus brazos o vento ninguen llos. Charity high price expensiveness famine prices scarcity.

Please find below many ways to say love in different languages. Let us too surrender to Love The phrase and the concept in Latin and in English caught on. Im often asked why I study Latin.

Every lover is a soldier. To such a point such an extent so far so long. The Latin root word am means love This Latin root is the word origin of a good number of English vocabulary words including amateur amatory and AmandaThe Latin root word am is easily recalled through the word amor or love which is not only both the Spanish and Latin words for love but is often used in English to refer to Cupid the god of love.

More Latin words for love. Quoting Uguccione it says regarding honorifico. To approach visit come to undertake.

Here are some of the most romantic Latin phrases to memorize. Learn how to say common words and phrases in Latin. More Latin words for I love you.

Latin grammar can be quite tricky with many different conjugations having a big impact on the word. Latin quotes can be found all over the place from mottos to car stickers and so if youre looking for some Latin words and sayings to use yourself then youve come to the right place. Latin a dead language.

Unsurprisingly the Latin language has a number of wonderful expressions that share the wisdom of ages past on this subject. Again and again in the same way. The Latin word for love is amare and there are few topics more beautiful than love.

I love you translation in English-Latin dictionary. To make greater add increase. To lead induce persuade.

Rivas Fuxan os Ventos. By using our services you agree to our use of cookies. To fall in love with find pleasure in.

Italian grammarian Johannes Balbus used the word in its complete form in his hugely popular 1286 Latin dictionary known as Catholicon in 1460 it became one of the first books to be printed using Gutenbergs press. How to say I love you in Latin. See more ideas about words rare words cool words.

A character in Chaucers The Canterbury Tales written in the late 1300s wore a brooch engraved Amor Vincit Omnia. Learn the verb to love The infinitive of the Latin verb to love is amare This is the basis upon which you can conjugate the verb to find its other forms. Amantium irae amoris redintegratio est.

List of romantic Latin words and phrases last updated. Meu amor e marineiro e vive no alto mar. Affection cupidon fondness adoration attachment.

At in or of. This is the translation of the word love to over 100 other languages. To give bring place inspire cause add join.

Amor m plural amores love Antonym. Cookies help us deliver our services. Jan 13 2021 — Explore lils board latin words followed by 419 people on Pinterest.

Amor Vincit Omnia Love Conquers All Things This is perfect to say when you and your mate are suffering from the issues that plague every couple. Latin is a beautiful Romance language from which many of our languages in Europe stem from today. Referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome.

This is the all-purpose word for love which can be used in generally the same way as the English word love for loving people places romantic partners etc Cion. O meu amor marineiro 1981 song by L. Alvarez Pousa and Xose L.

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I Love you in different languages around the world

I LOVE YOU: This simple expression has the power and influence to build lasting impressions, and to change another person’s day or life even. Feeling connection and love is a part of the human experience, something that transcends linguistic and cultural boundaries. On feeling a deep emotional connection, along with being comfortable and vulnerable, I think it is important to express this. If you love someone, why not let them know? Here’s your ultimate guide on how to say I love you in different languages around the world, that is over 100 ways in the most spoken languages of the world.

If you’re looking for how to say the word “LOVE” in other languages, check out this post.

So whether you’re looking to articulate how you feel to that one special person in a different language, or you’re a hopeless romantic pondering the concept of love and its various expressions, or you want to impress a potential love interest with your worldly sophistication, or you’re wondering how feelings are expressed by various cultures and people around the globe -> you’ve come to the right place.

Continue reading to discover the complete list on how to say I love you in different languages.

Did you know:

There is a Global Love Day,
celebrated on the 1st of May each year.

This yearly tradition is commemorated to remind humanity that love is the only energy that is real and that anything can be achieved when we attune our minds to the frequency of unconditional love.

You can learn a whole lot about a region and its cultural traditions based on the language and the way the people express themselves.

We are more interconnected than ever before, and throughout time, one thing that remains is our affinity for love and our manner of professing emotions of affection, desire, admiration, and fondness.

Bottom line, if you love someone, let them know.
Don’t keep people guessing on how you feel.

Click here to also learn how to say:
HELLO and GOODBYE in all languages around the world.

One of the best things and a key benefit of traveling is discovering a little bit of the local language and it’s always a good idea to know a few words in the language of the country you’re exploring.

So whether you find yourself in Africa, Europe, Asia, or America, I’ve got you covered, fellow travel lover. Be sure to bookmark, copy and paste, and save this post on how to say I love you in other languages for future use and ease of reference.

Each language uses different words to express love, however the feeling is usually the same. I love you, je t‘ aime, ich liebe dich, te amo! Let’s get into it lover…. ↓↓

I love you in different languages every language of world

10 Other Ways to Show Love

In addition to saying the words my love in different languages, here are a couple other ways you could show someone how you feel. After all, actions speak louder than words and often the best way to show another that you care is by action.

  1. Write a handwritten note of what they mean to you
  2. Give them a call
  3. Take them out for a drink or meal
  4. Forward a meaningful quote about smiling in love
  5. Send a little gift that has conveys a shared memory together
  6. Give them flowers
  7. Send a random text
  8. Enjoy a spa day together
  9. Send a card or post card via post
  10. Take a day trip or weekend getaway together
  11. Savor a romantic sunset together

Want to learn how to say THANK YOU too? 
Read this guide to say thank you in different languages.


Here’s your ultimate guide: 200+ ways on how to say I Love You in different languages around the world.

With pronunciation.

In brackets you will find how to pronounce the word as it can often be difficult to know how to vocalise the word just by reading or looking at the direct translation.

Are you ready to take a trip around the world and learn how to express I love you in a different language?

I have included I love you in all the languages I could think of. If you don’t spot your language, let me know (in the comments) and I will be happy to add it to this list.

Let’s go… Scroll to the bottom for a little bonus! ↓↓

Click here to also learn how to say:
GOOD MORNING, GOOD NIGHT, and FAMILY around the world.

I love you in other language every word

How do you say I LOVE YOU in other languages? I love you in every language of the world here ↓

Speaking of I love you in all languages, here’s how to tell someone they are beautiful in another language:
Beautiful in different languages

Here’s how you say “I Love you” in:


  • liefde
    — love
  • to say I love you in Afrikaans use either:
    Ek is lief vir jou or ek het jou lief.

Afrikaans is a West Germanic language of Southern Africa mostly derived from Dutch. It developed as Dutch settlers and indigenous African mixed languages beginning in the 17th century.

Today, an estimated 15 to 23 million people call Afrikaans their mother tongue. It is mainly spoken in South Africa and Namibia and can also be heard in parts of Botswana and Zimbabwe.


  • Ginahigugmo ko ikaw

Aklan also known as Aklanon is an Austronesian language spoken by 460,000 Aklanon people in the province of Aklan on the island of Panay in the Philippines.


  • dashuri is the Albanian word for love
  • te dua
    — I love you

Albanian is an Indo-European language, spoken mainly in Albania and Kosovo, though it is also spoken in other areas of the Balkans. With about 7.5 million speakers, it comprises an independent branch within the Indo-European languages and is not closely related to any other language in Europe.


  • Txin yaxtakuq
    — is the Aleut word for I love you

Aleut or Unangam Tunuu is a member of the Eskimo-Aleut language family, spoken by the Aleut people living on the Alaskan Peninsula, and on the Commander, Aleutian, and Pribilof Islands. It is the only language in the Aleut branch of the Eskimo–Aleut language family.


  • Ich hàbb dir lïab
    — is the Alsatian word for I love you

Alsatian is a West Germanic language spoken by around 900,000 people, mainly in the Alsace region of northeastern France.


  • Мен сени сӱӱп jадым
    — is the Altai phrase for I love you in all languages, pronounced (men seni syyp ĵadım)

Altai is a language belonging to the Turkic language family and is officially spoken in the Altai Republic of Russia.


  • ፍቅር (fik’iri)
    — is the Amharic word for love
  • I love you in Amharic:
    እወድሃለሁ iwedihalehu or afekrishalehou
    for a man

    for a woman

    for a group of people

Amharic is a Semitic language and the official language of Ethiopia. It can also be heard in Egypt and Eritrea, as well as in Israel, Sweden, Canada, and the United States.


حب (Habb)
— This is the general word for love in Arabic and also the the root of the Arabic terms of endearment habib (for men) and habibi (for women). It can be used to describe romantic love, or love for family, things or activities.

عشق (‘Ishq)
— this word is used to describe the feeling you have when the initial love you feel for someone gets deeper. When in the honeymoon phase of love and are feeling a passionate love for someone, ’ishq is the word to use.

شغف (Shaghaf)
— This word is used to describe the feeling of being crazy deep in love with someone. It is reserved for an intense love or lust.

حنان (Hanaan)
— has several meanings, including compassion, care, and tenderness.

How to express your love in a different language and say I love you in Arabic:

  • ahabak أحبك
  • أنا احبك
    translates to: You are the love of mine.
    How it’s pronounced depends on the gender of the person speaking:

    ana ahibbak أنا بحبَك
    as a woman

    ana ahibbik أنا بحبِ
    as a man

There are slight regional variations in pronunciation, too. For example, in Palestine or Jordan, people add a “b” sound to say ‘Ana bahibbak’ (as a woman) or ‘Ana bahebik’ (as a man) or ‘Benhibik’ when saying ‘I love you’ to someone of the same sex as themselves.

If you want to reply to someone that told you they love you, you can use the same terms mentioned and add “Aydan” after it, which means “too”

Arabic (العربية) is a Semitic language spoken by over 420 million people as their first language in areas including North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and other parts of the Middle East. Many more people can also understand it as a second language. Modern Standard Arabic is the liturgical language for 1.6 billion Muslims and is the official written form of the language with the Arabic alphabet, which is written from right to left.


  • T’aimo
    — I love you in Aragonese

Aragonese, or Aragonés, is a language in the Romance language family that is native to Spain and spoken by just over 10, 000 people in the Pyrenees valley of Aragon.


  • ani oheb etkha

Aramaic ארמית is a member of the Semitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family that originated among the Arameans in the ancient region of Syria. It has a 3,000-year history and is still spoken by small groups of people in different parts of the Middle East.


  • Biixoo3é3en

Arapaho is one of the Plains Algonquian languages from the Algic language family, spoken by the Arapaho of Wyoming and Oklahoma.


How to say love in Armenian:

  • սեր
    — love in Armenian, pronounced (ser)
  • Yes sirum yem k’yez or Yes kez sirum em
    — means I love you
  • kezi chat ge sirem
    — often used in Western Armenian

Armenian is an Indo-European language spoken in the Republic of Armenia, as well as in large communities of Armenian diaspora by around 6.7 million people.


  • moi tumak val pau
    — I love you in Assamese

Assamese is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the northeast Indian state of Assam, where it is an official language. Native to India and Bangladesh, it is spoken by over 23 million people.


  • Maghbinnakh
  • Makhbannoukh

Assyrian, also known as Syrian or neo Aramaic is the East Semitic dialect that evolved from ancient Akkadian after 1950 B.C. As a Semitic language, it originated from the middle eastern region and is related to Arabic and Hebrew.


  • Quiérote

Asturian is a West Iberian Romance language spoken by around 400,000 people in Asturias, Spain.


  • I love you

Australia has no official language, however Australian English is the variety of English spoken here.


  • Sevgi means love
  • how to say I love you in Azerbaijani:
    Mən səni sevirəm
    pronounced MAN sa-NI seh-vi-RAM

Azerbaijani or Azeri is the primary and official language of Azerbaijan by its 8.8 million native speakers. It is also widely spoken in Northern Iran and to a small extent in southern Dagestan, the Kvemo Kartli region of Georgia, eastern Turkey, in Shia cities of Iraq, like Karbala and Kirkuk. The language is a Turkic language and is highly intelligible with modern-day Turkish.


  • Titiyang tresna sareng ragane

Balinese belongs to the Malayo-Polynesian language family and is spoken by around 3.3 million people on the Indonesian island of Bali as well as the regions of Nusa Penida, Lombok, Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi.


  • maitasun — love
  • maite zaitut
    is how to say I love you in Basque

Basque (euskara) is a language spoken in the Basque Country (Gipuzkoa, Araba, Bizkaia) and Navarra (in Spain) as well as in the French Basque Country (Labourd, Soule and Basse-Navarre). Linguistically, Basque is a language isolate and is unrelated to the other languages of Europe.


  • мин hине яратам
    — min hine yaratam

Bashkir is an endangered language belonging to the Kipchak branch of the Turkic languages. Closely related to the Tatar and Kazakh languages, it is spoken by around 1.4 million native speakers in Russia, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and other neighboring post-Soviet regions.

Bavarian / Austrian German

  • to say I love you in Bavarian use:
    I liab di
  • I mog di narrisch gern
    — means I am crazy about you

Bavarian is a regional dialect of German spoken in the German state of Bavaria, western Austria, and Northeastern Italy by over 14 million people. It uses German grammar, but takes several root words from Latin.


  • Каханне
    — pronounced kachannie is the Belarusina word for love
  • I love you: я цябе кахаю
    pronounced (ja ciabie kachaju)

Belarusian is the official language of Belarus. This East Slavic language is also spoken in Russia, Ukraine and Poland.


  • The Bengali noun for love is ভালবাসা.
    — it sounds like (bha-LO-bashah) with the first “b” having a very soft sound.
  • Āmi tōmāẏa bhālōbāsi আমি তোমাকে ভালোবাসি
    pronounced: Amee toe-ma-kee bhalo-bashee translates to I love you different language

Bengali বাংলা is the only official language of Bangladesh, one of the 22 official languages of India, and the sixth most spoken language in the world. It is spoken as a first language by the majority of the population in Bangladesh, as well as people in the Indian state of West Bengal.


  • hum tohse pyaar kareni
    — is how you express I love you in Bhojpuri

Bhojpuri is an Indo-Aryan language, considered to be one of the most rapidly growing languages in the world, spoken in northern-eastern India and the Terai region of Nepal.


  • Mi lavèm yu

Bislama is an English-based creole language and one of the official languages of the island of Vanuatu with around 10,000 native speakers.


  • Love: अननाइ Mwjang mwnnai
  • I love you:
    Ang nwngkou gwsw thwyw or Ang nwngkhou mwjang mwnw

Bodo बर’/बड़ is the Sino-Tibetan language spoken primarily by the Bodo people of Northeast India, Nepal, and Bengal. It is official language of the Bodoland Autonomous region and co-official language of the state of Assam in India.


  • ljubav is the Bosnian word for love
  • I love you is said with:
    Volim te

Bosnian, a south Slavic language of the Indo-European family, is the official language of Bosnia and is essentially the same language as Croatian and Serbian. All three languages used to be known as Serbo-Croatian before the break-up of Yugoslavia.

Brazilian Portuguese

  • The word for love is amar
  • I love you in all languages is expressed with:
    eu te amo
    — pronounced: u tee ah-moh

Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil) is the variety of Portuguese dialect spoken in Brazil. It is spoken by virtually all of the 200 million inhabitants of Brazil and spoken widely across the Brazilian diaspora. European Portuguese differs from the Brazilian variety in pronunciation, as well as in some vocabulary.


  • Karantez is the word for love
  • To say I love you in Breton use either:
    Karout a ran ac’hanout
    Da garout a ran
    Me az ka

Breton is a Southwestern Brittonic language of the Celtic language spoken in Brittany in the northwest of France.


  • Любов
    pronounced (lyubov) is the Bulgarian word for love
  • Обичам те (Obicham te)
    — is how to say I love you

Bulgarian is a South Slavic language spoken in Southeastern Europe, primarily in Bulgaria. It is the country’s only official language and Bulgarian is written with Cyrillic.


  • Love in Burmese is hkyithkyinnmayttar
  • I love you:
    မင်းကိုချစ်တယ် mainnkohkyittaal
    — Nga nint ko chit dae
    — Nga nint go chit tel

Burmese is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in Myanmar where it is an official language and the language of the Bamar people, the country’s principal ethnic group.

Cambodian Khmer

  • ស្នេហា (sne hea) means love in Khmer
  • I love you:
    ខ្ញុំ​ស្រលាញ់​អ្នក khnhom​ sralanh​ anak
    Soro lahn nhee ah

Khmer is the language of the Khmer people and the official language of Cambodia. With over 16 million speakers, it is the second most widely spoken Austroasiatic language.


  • Amor
    — is the word for love in Catalan
  • T’estimo
    — is how you say I love you

Catalan is a Western Romance language derived from Vulgar Latin and named after the medieval Principality of Catalonia, in northeastern of modern Spain. It is the only official language of Andorra, and a co-official language of the Spanish autonomous communities of Catalonia, the Balearic Spanish islands, and Valencia.


  • Love: gugma
  • I love you: gihigugma tika

Cebuano, also known as Bisaya or Binisaya, is an Austronesian language spoken in the southern Philippines region in Central Visayas, western parts of Eastern Visayas and the majority of Mindanao.


  • Hu guiaya hao

Chamorro is an Austronesian language, the native and spoken language of the Chamorro people, who are the indigenous people of the Mariana Islands.


  • Nemehotatset

Cheyenne is the Native American language spoken by the Cheyenne people of the United States. It is part of the Algonquian language family. The Cheyenne are a Native American tribe that live in the Great Plains of Minnesota, Montana, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota.


  • Love: chikondi
  • I love you:

Chichewa, also known as Nyanja, is a Bantu language spoken in much of Southern, Southeast and East Africa. It is the national language of Malawi and is also spoken in Zambia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Chinese Cantonese

How to say love in Chinese Cantonese:

  • 爱 ài
    — the Chinese word for love
    pronounced (eye)
  • 我愛你 ngóh oi néih
    I love you
    pronounced (Ngo Jung E Nei)

    Cantonese speakers almost never use this exact phrase, as it is considered too formal. Showing love in Chinese culture is by action. Instead, 我鍾意你 is used to express love. Also, you’ll often hear “錫” (kiss) used in place of love, as a form of euphemism instead.

Cantonese is a variety of Chinese originating from the city of Guangzhou and its surrounding area in Southeastern China. Belonging to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages, it is the traditional prestige variety of the Yue Chinese dialect group, which has about 68 million native speakers.

Chinese Mandarin

How to say I love you in Chinese Mandarin:

  • 爱 (ài)
    — the Chinese word for love
    pronounced (eye)
  • 我爱你 Wǒ ài nǐ
    I love you, pronounced (wuh eye nee)

    Saying I love you is taken seriously in Chinese culture. Couples only use this once they’re in a committed relationship and parents and children rarely say this to each other.

    I like you is more commonly used as: wǒ xǐ huān nǐ

Mandarin Chinese is the official language of Mainland China and Taiwan, and is one of the official languages of Singapore. Mandarin is often placed first in lists of languages by number of native speakers with almost a billion speakers.


  • Ich liibe-dich

Cimbrian is a language of Germanic origin spoken by more than 2,000 people in Northern Italy. It is related to Bavarian and refers to any of several local Upper German varieties spoken in the region, with the speakers of the language referred to as Zimbern.


  • My a’th kar

Cornish is a Southwestern Brittonic language that forms part of the Celtic language family. It became an extinct language in Cornwall at the end of the 18th century and underwent a revival in the 20th century.


  • Love in Corsican: Amore
  • I love you:

    Ti tengu caru
    (said by a female)

    Ti tengu cara
    (said by a male)

Corsican is a Romance language from the Italo-Dalmatian family that is spoken predominantly on the Mediterranean island of Corsica, one of the best islands to visit. Corsican is closely related to Tuscan and to the Florentine-based Italian.


Say I love you in Croatian:

  • ljubav
    — is the Croatian word for love
  • I love you: Volim te

Croatian or Hrvatski is a South Slavic language spoken mainly in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, some parts of Serbia, and the neighbouring countries by about 5.5 million people.


  • Love: láska or milovat
  • I love you: Miluji tě

Czech is a Western Slavic language which is mutually intelligible with Slovak. It is mainly spoken in the Czech Republic with over 10,5 million speakers.

Other languages I Love you different language


  • Love: kærlighed or elsker
  • Jeg elsker dig
    — used to say I love you in Danish and pronounced (yay els-ka dah)

Danish is a Scandinavian language and the only official language of the Kingdom of Denmark. Closely related to Swedish and Norwegian, it is spoken in Denmark and in some parts of Greenland and northern Germany.


  • varah loabi vey
    — is the phrase for I love you in Dhivehi

Dhivehi or Maldivian is an Indo-Aryan language spoken on the islands of Maldives where it is an official language.


  • Minjo tere naal pyar hega

Dogri is a Northern Indo-Aryan language spoken by around five million people in India, mainly in the Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir.


  • liefde
    — the Dutch word meaning love
  • Ik hou van jou
    — I love you in Dutch, pronounced as (ick how fon yow)

Dutch is a West Germanic language spoken by about 27 million people world-wide mostly in the Netherlands and northern Belgium.


  • nga gi che lu ga

Dzonkha or Bhutanese is the sole official and national language of the Kingdom of Bhutan. This Sino-Tibetan language is spoken by over half a million people in Bhutan and is written with the Tibetan alphabet.


  • Ig tyttjer um dig
  • ig elsker dig

Elfdalian also called Övdalian is a North Germanic Indo-European language spoken by up to 3,000 people in the Älvdalen region of Sweden.


  • I love you

Ten other way to express love in English:

  1. I adore you
  2. I’ve got feelings for you
  3. I care about you
  4. I’m crazy about you
  5. I am in love with you
  6. I’ve fallen for you
  7. You turn me on
  8. I’m head over heels for you
  9. You are worth the wait
  10. We are soulmates

English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in Anglo-Saxon England in the early Middle Ages. It is spoken in many countries around the world with over 375 million native speakers. English is the second most spoken language, and the most international language in the world.


  • Love: armastus
  • I love you: Ma armastan sind

Estonian is a Finno-Ugric language spoken as the official language in Estonia. It is closely related to Finnish.


  • elska or kærleiki is the word for love
  • I love you: Eg elski teg

Faroese is a North Germanic language spoken as a first language by Faroe Islanders, residing on the Faroe Islands and in other areas, mainly Denmark.

Farsi / Persian

  • عشق (eshgh)
    — the Persian word meaning love
    pronounced (EH-shk) or simply (EH-sh)
  • Different language of I love you in Persian:

    Dooset dâram دوست دارم


    Most Formal: Man Ashegh e To Hastam
    Formal: دوستت دارم Doostat Daram
    Colloquial: عاشقتم Ashegh et am

Persian is an ancient language belonging to the Iranian branch of the Indo-Iranian subdivision of the Indo-European languages. It is a pluricentric language predominantly spoken and used officially within Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.


  • Au domoni iko
    — used to say I love you, in a romantic setting.
  • Au lomani iko
    — used to express love for family or other close relations.

Fijian is an Austronesian language of the Malayo-Polynesian family. It is an official language of Fiji spoken by some 350,000–450,000 ethnic Fijians as a native language.


  • Rakkaus is the Finnish word for love
  • Minä rakastan sinua
    — is how to say I love you in Finnish, pronounced (mee-na rah-ka-stahn see-noo-ah)

Finnish is a Finno-Ugric language spoken only in Finland as the official language and by ethnic Finns elsewhere in Scandinavia.


  • To say I love you in Flemish, use:

    ik zie je graag
    — ik hou van je

Flemish is a Low Franconian dialect cluster of the Dutch language, native to the historical region of Flanders in northern Belgium. It is sometimes referred to as Flemish Dutch, Belgian Dutch, or Southern Dutch spoken by over 6 million people.


  • (l’)amour is the French word for love
    it’s pronounced like (ahm-OOR)

How to say I love you in French:

  • Je t’aime
    — the standard way of expressing love, pronounced (Zhuh tem)
  • Je t’adore
    — used to say, I adore you
  • T’es l’amour de ma vie
    — translates to ‘you’re the love of my life’ and is used to express romantic love to your significant other
  • Je suis fou amoureux de toi
    — If you want to be dramatic and say ‘I am madly in love with you’
  • Mon coeur bat la chamade pour toi
    — another love expression meaning ‘My heart beats loudly for you’

French is a Romance language of the Indo-European family spoken by over 354 million people in France and around the world. It is the third most spoken language in Europe, the official language of 29 countries, spoken in parts of Africa, North America, and South America.

Take that special someone to the City of Love and stay at one of these best Eiffel Tower view hotels.

>> Read next:
15 striking beaches with pink sand in the world


  • Love: Leafde
  • I love you in Frisian:
    Ik hald fan dy

The Frisian languages are a closely related group of Germanic languages, spoken by about 500,000 Frisian people, who live on the southern fringes of the North Sea in the Netherlands and Germany.


  • Ti vuei ben

Friulian or Friulan is a Romance language of the Rhaeto-Romance family. It is spoken in the Friuli region of northeastern Italy with around 600,000 total speakers.


  • N’jaraama

Fula, also referred to as Fulani or Fulah, is a Senegambian branch of the Niger-Congo language family spoken by more than 40 million people in Central and West Africa.


  • Quérote

Galician is a Romance language spoken by around 2.4 million people in Galicia, a region in northwestern Spain, where it is the official language.


  • სიყვარული siq’varuli
  • მიყვარხარ mikvarhar
    — I love you in Georgian

Georgian is the official language of Georgia and the country’s most widely spoken language with over 4.1 million people.


  • (die) Liebe
    — the German noun that translates to love
    It’s pronounced like (LEE-buh)

How to say I love you in German:

  • Ich habe dich gerne
    — used to tell someone you love them in an ‘I care for you’ kind of way.
  • Ich hab dich lieb
    — used for family and friends as this translates to, ‘I have love for you’.
  • Ich liebe dich
    — this is solely used to express love between lovers.
    descended from Middle High German, pronounced as (ik lee-bah dik)

German Deutsch is the official language of both Germany and Austria and one of the three official languages of Switzerland. German belongs to the West Germanic group of the Indo-European language family. One of the major languages of the world, German is a native language to almost 100 million people worldwide and the most widely spoken native language in the European Union.

Gilbertese Kiribati

  • I tangiriko

Gilbertese, also called Kiribati, is an Austronesian Oceanic language spoken mainly in Kiribati, but also on the islands of Fiji, the Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu.


Greek has three main words for love:

  • Έρωτας (Erotas) 
    — this refers only to romantic love or dating. Known as Έρως (Eros) in Ancient Greek, it is the root of the English word erotic
  • Aγάπη (Agape)
    — the Greek noun for love, pronounced as (ah-GAH-pee). In modern Greek, it’s used to express love for family or a romantic partner. In Ancient Greek, this word described a spiritual or charitable love, for example the love that God has for man.
  • Φιλία (Philia)
    not used as often today as it was in Ancient Greek, this is the general word for non-romantic love between equals, such as between friends and family, or the love for activities.

How to say I love you in Greek:

  • Σ΄αγαπώ Se agapó
    — pronounced (seg-app-oh)

Greek (ελληνικά) belongs to the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European language family, mainly spoken in Greece, the islands of Greece, and Cyprus an an official language.

It has the longest documented history of any living Indo-European language, spanning more than 3000 years of written records. There are about 13.1 million speakers of Greek worldwide and it is recognised as a minority language in Albania, Armenia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine.


  • Asavakkit
    — is the Greenlandic word for I love you in all languages

Greenlandic falls under the Eskimo–Aleut language family, spoken by around 57,000 Greenlandic Inuit people in Greenland.


  • પ્રેમ (Prēma) is the Gujarati word for love
  • I love you:
    Huṁ tanē prēma karuṁ chu

Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language native to the Indian state of Gujarat and spoken predominantly by the Gujarati people. Gujarati is part of the greater Indo-European language family.

Haitian Creole

Say I love you in Creole:

  • Mwen renmen ou

Haitian Creole (kreyòl ayisyen)) is a French-based creole language spoken by 10–12 million people worldwide and the only language of most Haitians. Along with French it is one of the official languages of Haiti.


  • Ina son ka

Hausa language, the most important indigenous bridge language in West and Central Africa, spoken as a first or second language by about 40–50 million people. It belongs to the Western branch of the Chadic language family within the Afro-Asiatic language phylum. It is spoken mainly in northern Nigeria and Niger, and also in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Congo, Eritrea, Germany, Ghana, Sudan and Togo.


How to say I love you in Hawaiian:

  • Aloha
  • Aloha wau ia oe
    In Hawaiian used to say I love you, pronounced (a-loh-ha vaoo ea-ah oh-eh)
  • Aloha No Au Ia ‘Oe
    — this translates as I truly love you
  • Nau ko`u aloha
  • Aloha Aku No, Aloha Mai No

The Hawaiian language is a Polynesian language that takes its name from Hawaiʻi, the largest island in the tropical North Pacific archipelago where it developed. Hawaiian, along with English, is an official language of the State of Hawaii.


  • Love: אהבה
  • Ani ohevet otcha
    — I love you in Hebrew, said by a male
  • Ani ohev otach
    — I love you in Hebrew, said by a male, said by a female

Hebrew is a Northwest Semitic language spoken by over nine million people worldwide. Historically, it is regarded as the language of the Israelites and their ancestors. It is written using its own script from right to left.


How to say I love you in Hindi:

  • प्यार pyar or मोहब्बत mohabbat are the Hindi words for love
  • main tumse pyar karta hoon
    — the phrase used to express love to a woman.
  • main tumse pyar karti hoon
    — to express love to a man

Hindi (हिन्दी) is an Indo-European language spoken in India, Nepal, and throughout the Indian diaspora. Hindi is descended from Sanskrit, sometimes called “the mother of all languages.” While there are 22 official languages and over 1,000 dialects of India, Hindi and English take precedence in government affairs. It is a link-language for over half of India’s population.


  • Love: hlub
  • I love you:
    Kuv hlub koj

Hmong is a Hmong-Mien language spoken by about 2.6 million people in China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, USA, and French Guiana.


  • Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
    — I love you in Hopi
    Pronounced “Goo (rising tone) Hloo (high tone) Gah (falling tone)

Hopi is a Uto-Aztecan language spoken by the Hopi people in northeastern Arizona, USA.


How to say I love you in Hungarian:

  • Love: szerelem
  • Szeretlek
    — how to say I love you in Hungarian

Hungarian is a Uralic language of the Ugric branch spoken in Hungary and parts of several neighbouring countries. It is the official language of Hungary and one of the 24 official languages of the European Union.


  • ást is the icelandic word for love
  • Eg elska þig
    — is how to say I love you in Icelandic
    pronounced (jeg elska thig)

Icelandic (íslenska) is a North Germanic language spoken in Iceland as its official language. It’s most closely related to Faroese and Western Norwegian and has around 314,000 speakers. The language is more conservative than most other Western European languages.


  • Love: Ihunanya
  • I love you: a hụrụ m gị n’anya

Igbo is the principal native language of the Igbo people of southeastern Nigeria with around 45 million speakers and over 20 dialects.

Indonesian Bahasa

  • cinta
    — the Indonesian noun and verb for love, pronounced like (CHEEN-tah)

    I love you:
  • aku cinta kamu
  • saya cinta kamu

Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of Indonesia.With over 230 million speakers, it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is a group of varieties of Malay, an Austronesian language that has been used as the common language in the multilingual Indonesian archipelago for centuries. Indonesia uses the Latin alphabet system and Arabic numerals.


  • ᑕᑯᑦᓱᒍᓱᑉᐳᖅ
    — is the word for love
  • ᓇᒡᓕᒋᕙᒋᑦ Nagligivaget
    is the phrase for I love you in Inuktitut, pronounced as (asavakkit)

Inuktitut is an Eskimo-Aleut language spoken in Arctic territories and the topmost span of North America including Alaska and Northern Canada.


Here are a few of the numerous Irish words to express love:

  • Grá
    — this is the all-purpose word for love in Irish that can be used in generally the same way as the English word. It can be used to express love for things, people, places, etc
  • Cion
    — used as a form of affection”, such as the love you might have for a child.
  • Searc
    — used for describing romantic love
  • Cumann
    — used to highlight the love and companionship that exists between friends.
  • Taim i’ ngra leat
    — means I love you in Irish

Irish (Gaeilge) is one of the three Goidelic languages, along with Scottish Gaelic and Manx. This Goidelic branch together with the Brythonic branch (Welsh, Cornish and Breton) form the Celtic language family.


How to say I love you in Italian:

  • Amore
    is the Italian noun for love, and it’s pronounced as (ah-MOH-ray)
  • Ti amo
    — translates to I love you, pronounced as (Tee ah-mo)
    this phrase should be reserved for couples or those in a serious and committed relationship.
  • Ti voglio bene 
    — also translates as I love you but unlike ti amo, it can be used with a wider range of people, that include family, friends, and new relationships. The literal translation is I want you well.
  • Mi sono innamorato di te
    — means I’m in love with you or I’ve fallen in love with you
    Unlike in English, there is a specific verb in Italian for to fall in love: innamorarsi.

Italian (Italiano) is a Romance language of the Indo-European language family spoken by over 90 million people, the vast majority of which are in Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, and the islands of Italy. It is the official language of Italy, San Marino, and the Vatican City.

Did you know:
La Festa di San Valentino (Valentine’s Day) originates from Italy?


There are two main words for expressing love in Japanese, but the usages of each are highly dependent on a variety of cultural factors.

  • 愛 (Ai)
    — can be used to refer to several types of love that including family, friendships, and love of things or activities.
    It’s pronounced like “aye” or “eye.”
  • 恋 (Koi)
    — this word usually relates to a physical or romantic love.

How to say I love you in Japanese:

  • Aishiteru
    pronounced (ay-she-tay-ee-roo)

Please note that love is a very strong word and expressions of love are not very common in Japanese culture. Aishiteru should only be used when really committed to the other person you’re telling it too.

The Japanese don’t take that one lightly. So, if you really want to tell someone how much you like them, say:

  • 大好き (daisuki)
    — which means “I like you a lot.”

Japanese (日本語 Nihongo) is an East Asian language of the Japonic language family. It is spoken by about 125 million people, mostly in Japan, where it is the official and national language.


  • Mi luv yuh
  • Boonoonoonoos is a Jamaican saying to express love, meaning “special person”

Jamaican Patois, often also referred to as Jamaican Creole, is an English-based creole language with West African influences spoken mainly in Jamaica. Belonging to the English Creole language family, it is spoken by the the majority of Jamaicans with over 3 million native speakers.


  • tresna is the word for love
  • I love you:
    Aku tresna sampeyan
    Kulo tresno marang panjenengan (formal)
    aku terno kowe (informal)

Javanese is the language of the Javanese people of the island of Java, in Indonesia that is the native language of more than 98 million people.


  • ಪ್ರೀತಿ Prīti is the word for love
  • I love you: Nānu ninnannu prītisuttēne

Kannada, spoken by nearly 45 million native speakers, is a Dravidian language of the people of Karnataka in southwestern India, and by significant linguistic minorities in the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Kerala and abroad.


  • Nya Raakna
    — is the Kannada phrase for I love you

Kanuri is language within the Saharan branch of the Nilo-Saharan language family spoken by approximately four million people in Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon.


  • Mie šilma šuvačen

Karelian is a Finno-Ugric language of the Uralic language family, spoken in Karelia republic of northwestern Russia.


  • Kuechum ce

Kashubian is a member of the West Slavic group of Slavic languages with around 100,000 speakers in Poland.


  • Love: Махаббат (maxabbat)
  • I love you: мен сені жақсы көремін (men seni jaqsı köremin)

Kazakh is a Turkic language of the Kipchak branch spoken in Central Asia and the official language of Kazakhstan. The language comprises 21 million native speakers including regions of Bayan-Ulgii in Mongolia and the Dzungarian region of Xinjiang, China.


  • nĩngwendete

Kikuyu or Gĩkũyũ is a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo language family that is spoken as a first language by over 6.6 million Agĩkũyũ people in Kenya.


  • ndagukunda

Kinyarwanda, an official language of Rwanda, is a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo language family that is spoken by at least 10 million people in Rwanda, DR Congo, and Uganda.


  • Ndagukunda

Kirundi, or Rundi, is a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo language family, spoken by over 9 million people in Burundi where it is the official language. It is also spoken in parts of Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in Uganda.


I Love You in Korean:

  • 사랑 (sa rang)
    — is the Korean word for love
  • saranghae
     — pronounced (sah-rahn-gh-aee) and written as 사랑해
  • judo sarang haeyo
    — means I love you too

Korean, an East Asian language, is the official language of South Korea (Republic of Korea) and North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) spoken by more than 75 million people.


  • Love: evîn
  • I love you: Ez hej te dikim

Kurdish is spoken by about 30 million Kurds in western Asia including parts of Kurdistan, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and Syria. It is one of the Indo-Iranian languages, ranks as the third largest Iranian language, after Persian and Pashto.


  • Love: Сүйүү (süyüü)
  • I love you: Мен сени сүйөм (Men seni syuem)

Kyrgyz is a member of the Kipchak branch of the Turkic language family spoken by over 4 million speakers mainly in Kyrgyzstan, and also in China, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Turkey.

Different language I love u


  • Love: hak ຮັກ
  • I love you in Lao: Khoi huk chau ຂ້ອຍ​ຮັກ​ເຈົ້າ

Lao is the main language of Laos. It is a Kra–Dai language serving as a common language among all citizens of Laos, who speak approximately 90 other languages, many of which are unrelated to Lao. Modern Lao is heavily influenced by the Thai language and comprises over 30 million native speakers.


  • Amor
    — is the Latin word for love
  • Te amo
    — how you say I love you in Latin

Latin was the dominant language of the Roman Empire from 6th century BC to 600 AD. When the Roman Empire collapsed, Latin evolved into the various languages that we know today. Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Romanian all consider Latin as their parent tongue. Latin is a classical language belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European languages.


Say I love you in Latvian:

  • mīlestība translates as love
  • Es tevi mīlu is how to say I love you

Latvian (latviešu valoda) is an Indo-European Eastern Baltic language spoken in the Baltic region. It is the official language of Latvia and one of the official languages of the European Union.


  • حب (hubb) is the Lebanese word for love
  • I love you is dependent on the gender:
    Bahibak for male
    Bahibik for female

Lebanese is a variety of North Levantine Arabic, indigenous to and spoken primarily in Lebanon. With significant linguistic influences borrowed from other Middle Eastern and European languages it is spoken by over 5,7 million native speakers.


  • Ik hald van dich

Limburgish is a member of the East Low Franconian group of the Germanic languages considered a variety of German or Dutch by many people. It is spoken by around 1.6 million people in the Netherlands and Belgium.


  • Love: Bolingo
  • I love you: Nalingi yo

Lingala is a Bantu language spoken throughout the northwestern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a large part of the Republic of the Congo by over 70 million people.


I love you in Lithuanian:

  • Meilė is the word for love in Lithuanian
  • I love you: að myliu tave (As Myliu Tave)

Lithuanian (lietuvių kalba) is an Eastern Baltic language spoken in the Baltic region as the official language of Lithuania. It is also one of the official languages of the European Union spoken by just under 3 million native speakers. The language is one of the oldest in the world.


  • Love: Léift
  • I care about you/like you: Ech hunn dech gär

Luxembourgish is a West Germanic language that is spoken mainly in Luxembourg. About 390,000 people speak Luxembourgish worldwide.


  • I love you: nkwagala

Luganda, a Bantu language, is an official language of Uganda along with English and Swahili. It is spoken primarily in Kampala, but may be understood in much of the country and in the African Great Lakes region.


  • Love: љубов (ljubov)
  • I love you: Te Sakam

Macedonian, the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia, is a south Slavic language spoken as a first language by 2 million people.


  • Love: Fitiavana
  • I love you: Tiako ianao

Malagasy is the national language of Madagascar belonging to the Austronesian Malayo-Polynesia family of languages spoken by 25 million people.


  • love: Cinta

    I love you:

  • Saya cinta padamu
  • Saya cinta awak
  • Saya sayang awak

Malay (Bahasa Melayu) is an Austronesian language spoken as the sole official language of Malaysia and Brunei. It is also heard in Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand at a total of 250 – 300 million speakers.


How to say I love you in Malayalam:

  • സ്നേഹം (snēhaṁ) is the word for love in Malayalam
  • I love you:
    ñān ninne snēhikkunnu
    njan ninne premikunnu

Malayalam (മലയാളം) belongs to the Dravidian language family, spoken mostly in the Southern Indian states of Kerala and Lakshadweep. Around 36 million people use this language, which is one of the 22 official languages of India.


Say I love you in Maltese:

  • Love: Imħabba
  • I love you: Jien inhobbok

Maltese, a language of central Semitic origin written in the Latin script, is the national language of Malta. It is spoken by around 420,000 people on the Mediterranean islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino. The Maltese language developed from Sicilian Arabic, Over the centuries, it has incorporated many words derived from English, Italian and French.


  • Love: Aroha
    — pronounced: ah-roh-huh. Always roll your r’s when enunciating Māori words
  • I love you: e aroha ana ahau ki a koe

Māori is an Eastern Polynesian language spoken by the Māori people, the indigenous population of New Zealand. it has also gained recognition as one of New Zealand’s official languages.


  • Love: प्रेम (prem)
  • I love you: Me tula prem karto

Marathi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by around 83.1 million Marathi people of Maharashtra, India. It is the official language and co-official language in the Maharashtra and Goa states of Western India, respectively, and is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India.


  • Ij io̧kwe eok

Marshallese, also known as Ebon, is a Micronesian language spoken in the Marshall Islands by about 44,000 people. It is an official language of the Marshall Islands, along with English, and is used as the language of instruction in most primary schools.

Mauritian Creole

  • Mo kontant twa
    — is the Mauritian Creole word for i love you

Mauritian Creole or Morisien, the de facto language of Mauritius, is a French-based creole language that is closely related to the Rodriguan, Seychellois, and Chagossian Creoles.


How to say I love you in Mongolian:

  • love: Хайр (khair)
  • I love you: Би чамд хайртай (Bi chamd khairtai)

Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia and both the most widely-spoken and best-known member of the Mongolic language family. It is an Altaic language spoken by approximately 5 million people in Mongolia, China, Afghanistan, and Russia.


  • Volim te
    — the words for I love you in many languages

Montenegrin, the official language of Montenegro, is a South Slavic language spoken by almost 250,000 people in the country.


  • Tanbghik تنبغيك
  • Kanbghik كنبغيك
  • Ana moajaba bik انا معجب بك

Moroccan Arabic, also known as Darija, is a form of vernacular Arabic spoken in Morocco. It is part of the Maghrebi Arabic dialect continuum, with over 30 million native speakers.


  • Nitlazotla tehuatl

Nahuatl is a group of languages of the Uto-Aztecan language family. It was the language of the Aztecs and the Toltecs. Variations of Nahuatl are spoken by around 1.7 million Nahua people of Central Mexico and the USA and Nahuatl remains the most widely-spoken group of Native American languages in North America.


  • Nga ebonu

Nauruan is an Austronesian language, spoken natively on the island country of Nauru by around 6,000 people.


  • Ayóó’ánííníshní

Navajo is an American Indian language of the Athabascan family, spoken by around 170, 000 Navajo people in the Southwestern United States regions of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado.


  • Ngiyakuthanda

Ndebele, an African language of the Nguni group of Bantu languages, is spoken by around 5 million Northern Ndebele people of Zimbabwe.


  • love: माया Maya
    — pronounced as Maayaa
  • I love you: म तिमीलाई माया गर्छु  Ma timīlā’ī māyā garchu

Nepali (नेपाली), is an Indo-Aryan language of the sub-branch of Eastern Pahari written in Devanagari script It is the sole official language of Nepal and one of the 22 scheduled languages of India. While most Nepalese people speak at least some Nepali, there are more than 100 different languages and dialects spoken in Nepal.


Love in Neapolitan:

  • ti amo

Neapolitan is a Romance language of the Italo-Dalmatian group spoken across much of southern Italy by 6 million people. It is related to but generally not mutually intelligible with Italian.


  • Ninkukunda

Nkore or Runyankore is a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo language family spoken by approximately 2.3 million Nkore people of south-western Uganda.

Northern Sotho / Sepedi

  • Ke a go rata

Northern Sotho is a Bantu language spoken primarily in South Africa, where it is one of the 11 official languages. It is spoken by about 4.2 million people in the South African provinces of Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga.


Say I love you in Norwegian:

  • Love: kjærlighet
  • I love you: Jeg elsker deg

Norwegian (norsk) is a Germanic language derived from Old Norse spoken primarily in Norway by over 5 million people where it is the official language.


  • Love: ପ୍ରେମ prēma
  • I love you: mu tumoku bhala paye

Odia is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Indian state of Odisha where it is the official language.


  • Sin jaalladha’

Oromo is a Cushitic language spoken by about 30 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Egypt. It is the third largest language in Africa.


  • A kultoir er kau

Palauan is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by almost 20,000 people in the Republic of Palau, where it is one of the two official languages, alongside English. It is also heard in Guam and Northern Mariana Islands.


Love in Papiamento:

  • Mi ta stimabo
    — is how to say I love you in Papiamento

Papiamento is a Portuguese-based creole language spoken in the Dutch Caribbean by less than 500,00 native speakers. It is the most-widely spoken language on the Caribbean ABC islands, having official status in Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao.


  • meena means love in Pashto
  • I love you: za ta sara meena kawom

Pashto is an Eastern Iranian language in the Indo-European family spoken in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. It is an official language of Afghanistan along with Dari.


Say I love you in Polish:

  • love: miłość
  • I love you: kocham cię
    — pronounced as kohaaam chye

Polish (polski) is a West Slavic language spoken by about 45 million people. Said to be one of the hardest languages to learn, it is the official language of Poland. It is understood and can be used for communication in the western parts of Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania.

I love you in every language


  • amor
    — the Portuguese noun for love. The pronunciation is (ahm-OOR)

How to say I love you in Portuguese:

  • Te amo
    — pronounced (tay-ah-mo)
  • Amo te
    — pronounced (ah-moh tee)

Portuguese (português) is a Romance language spoken as the official language of Portugal and Brazil. It is also the official language of Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé e Principe, Angola, Mozambique, and the co-official language of East Timor, and Macau. There are around 200 million native Portuguese speakers.


  • ਪਿਆਰ pyaar
    — the Punjabi word for love. The pronunciation (pee-AHR)
  • I love you: maiṁ tuhānū pi’āra karadā hāṁ

Punjabi is an Indo-Aryan language with more than 130 million native speakers in the Indian subcontinent and around the world. It is the 10th most spoken language in the world.


  • dragoste
    — the Romanian word for love
  • te iubesc
    — pronounced as (tay you-besk) means I Love you in Romanian

Romanian (limba română) is a Balkan Romance language spoken by approximately 24–26 million people as a native language, primarily in Romania and Moldova, and by another 4 million people as a second language. Although it descended from Vulgar Latin, Romanian was influenced by Slavic and Greek languages in the Middle Ages. It is an official and national language of both Romania and Moldova.


  • Jeu carezel tei

Romansh is a Romance language spoken predominantly in the Swiss canton of the Grisons and Graubünden. Romansh, recognized as an official language of Switzerland, is considered an endangered language.


How to say I love you in Russian:

  • любить liubit’
    — the Russian noun for love, which is pronounced like (loo-BOHV).
  • Я люблю тебя ya lyublyu tebya
    — pronounced as (Yay loo-bloo teb-yeh)

Russian is an East Slavic language spoken by 300+ million people worldwide. It is  is an official language in the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. Many other people in Central Asia, the Baltic states, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe know it as a second language. Commonly written in Cyrillic, it is the 8th most widely spoken language in the world.


  • oute alofa ia te oe
    — a commonly used sentence to say “I love you” in Samoan that can be used to express your feelings to your partner, parents, or friends.

Samoan is the official language spoken in the Samoan Islands, which is made up of the Independent State of Samoa and the American Samoa. The language is the most spoken of the Polynesian language family with a total of 510,000 speakers worldwide.


  • त्वां कामयामि (tvāṃ kāmayāmi)
    — a commonly used phrase for I love you in Sanskrit

Sanskrit is a 4,000-year-old classical language that belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages. Known as ‘the mother of all languages,’ Sanskrit is the root of many, but not all, Indian languages.

It is also the liturgical language of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. Sanskrit has less than 15,000 native speakers at present and is mostly used by Hindu priests during religious ceremonies.


  • ti amo

Sardinian or Sard is a Romance language spoken by over 1.5 million inhabitants of the Mediterranean island of Sardinia in Italy.

Scottish Gaelic

  • Love: Gràdh
  • I love you: Tá grá agam ort

Scots Gaelic is a Goidelic language of the Celtic and Indo-European language family, native to the Gaels of Scotland. As a Goidelic language, Scottish Gaelic, like Modern Irish and Manx, developed out of Middle Irish.


  • Love: љубав (ljubav)
  • I love you: Volim te

Serbian is a South Slavic language spoken mainly in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Macedonia by about 9 million people. Serbian is the official and main language of Serbia and Montenegro.


  • kea u rata

Sesotho (Sotho) is a Southern Bantu language of the Sotho-Tswana group, spoken primarily by the Basotho in Lesotho, where it is the national and official language, South Africa, where it is one of the 11 official languages and in Zimbabwe where it is one of 16 official languages.

Seychellois Creole

  • Mon kontan Ou
    pronounced as (moi-kon-tan-ou)

Seychellois Creole, or Seselwa, is a French-based creole language of the Seychelles where it is one of the official languages.

Shanghainese Wu

  • Love: 我爱侬 (ngu eh nóng)
  • 吾老欢喜侬额 (Ngu long hushin long lah)

Shanghainese, part of the Sino-Tibetan language family, is a variety of Wu Chinese spoken in the central districts of the City of Shanghai and its surrounding areas by 10 – 14 million speakers.


  • Ndinokuda

Shona, one of the most widely spoken Bantu languages, is the main language in Zimbabwe.


  • T’amu
  • Ti vogghiu

Sicilian is a Romance language spoken by more than 4 million speakers on the island of Sicily in Italy.


  • Man tokhe prem karyan ti
  • Man tokhe prem karyan to

Sindhi, an Indo-Aryan language, is the official language of the Pakistani province of Sindh and spoken by over 25 million Sindhi people.


  • Love: ආදරය
  • I love you: mama oyāṭa ādareyi

Sinhala is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by approximately 16 million Sinhalese people in Sri Lanka and is one of two official languages of Sri Lanka.


  • milovať or láska translate to love
  • Ľúbim ťa
    — I love you in Slovak, pronounced (loo-bim ta)

Slovak, the official language of Slovakia, is a West Slavic language where it is spoken by approximately 5.6 million people.


  • ljubezen is the Slovenian word for love
  • I love you: Ljubim Te
    — pronounced (LYOOBIM TEH)

Slovenian, an Indo-European language of the South Slavic language branch is the official and national language of Slovenia spoken by less than 3 million people.


  • Love: Jaceyl
  • Waan ku jeclahay
    — I love you in Somali, pronounced as (one ku je la hi)

Somali, an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by over 16 million people, is an official language of Somalia, a national language in Djibouti, and a working language in the Somali Region of Ethiopia.


A number of different words in Spanish to express the concept of love include:

  • Querer
    — a general term to use when you love a person, including friends, family or romantic interests.
  • Amor
    — a much stronger version of querer, and is only used in a romantic way
    pronounced ah-MOHR
  • Encantar
    — This word is used to indicate a strong like, particularly when referring to activities.

How to say I love you in Spanish:

  • Te amo
    — pronounced (Tay-ah-mo)
  • Te quiero
    — pronounced (Tay key-aero)

Both can be used when it comes to letting your loved ones know how you feel, although te amo, which comes directly from Latin, is the stronger of the two. 

Spanish is the second most widely used language in the world natively spoken by more than 437 million people including Spain, most of Central and South America, Mexico, and the USA.

There are over 21 countries in the world that have Spanish as their official language. It is a Romance language that originated in the Iberian Peninsula.


  • abdi bogoh ka anjeun

Sundanese is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by about 39 million people mainly in western Java in Indonesia. There are also speakers in Banten, Jakarta, parts of western Central Java and southern Lampung. It is the third most-spoken language in Indonesia.


  • Pendo or kupenda is the Swahili word for love
  • nakupenda
    — I love you in Swahili, used formally and pronounced as (nah-koo pen-dah)
  • ninakupenda
    — a more informal way to express love to someone

Swahili is a Bantu languages spoken by the Swahili communities in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • Ngiyakutsandza
    — I love you in Swati, pronounced (near-good-t-sands-a) 

Swati is a Bantu language of the Nguni group spoken in Eswatini and South Africa by the Swazi people. It is the official language of Swaziland (along with English) and since 1994 one of the nine indigenous languages to enjoy official recognition in South Africa. The number of speakers is estimated to be in the region of 2.4 million.


How to say I love you in Swedish:

  • kärlek
    — the Swedish noun for love.
    pronounced as (shar-LYEHK).
  • jag älskar dig
    — translates to I love you, pronounced like (Ya ell-scar dey)

Swedish is a North Germanic language, closely related to Norwegian and Danish spoken by around 10 million people. A descendant of Old Norse, it is the national language of Sweden and the official language of the Åland Islands.

Swiss German

  • Love: Liebe
  • I love you in many languages: Ich lieb Di

Swiss German is the collective name for the great variety of Upper German dialects spoken in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, in the Austrian province of Vorarlberg, in parts of Baden-Württemberg in Germany and Alsace in France.

Tagalog Filipino

  • Love: Pag-ibig
    — pronounced as pah-GEE-big
  • I love you: Iniibig kita
  • Mahal kita
    — used regardless of the gender. Although it’s mostly spoken in a romantic context, the phrase is sometimes used to express love to family and friends

Tagalog is an Austronesian language spoken as a first language by a quarter of the population of the Philippines and as a second language by the majority. Its standardized form, officially named Filipino, is the national language of the Philippines, and is one of two official languages alongside English.


  • Ua Here Vau Ia Oe

Tahitian belongs to the Eastern Polynesian language group, spoken mainly on the Society Islands in French Polynesia and Bora Bora.

Taiwanese Hokkien

  • Wa ga ei li

Taiwanese Hokkien is the Hokkien dialect of Min Nan as spoken by about 70 percent of the population of Taiwan.


I love you in Tajik:

  • Love: Ишқ
  • I love you: Ман туро дӯст медорам
    (man turo dūst medoram)

Tajik is the main language of Tajikistan, closely related to Farsi and Kurdish. Since the late 1930s, it is written using a variant of the Cyrillic script.


A number of different words in Tamil to express the idea of love include:

  • அன்பு (Anpu)
    — the general term for love. It can describe romantic love, affection, friendship or devotion.
  • காதல் (Katl)
    — used for expressing romantic love
  • பாசம் (Pachm)
    — the feeling of deeply connected love such as family or parental love.
  • I love you: nāṉ uṉṉai kātalikkiṟēṉ

Tamil is a Dravidian language spoken in southern India, Sri Lanka and Singapore by about 67.5 million people. It can also be heard in Mauritius and Malaysia.


  • ḥemmleɣk (hem-lark)
    said to a male
  • ḥemmleɣkem (hem-lar-kem)
    said to a female

Tarifit is spoken by 8 million speakers in Arrif (Northern Africa) and Europe.


  • Love: Сөю
  • I love you: Min sini söyäm or Min sezne yaratam

Tatar (татарча), the national language of the Tatars, is a Turkic language spoken mainly in the Russian republic of Tatarstan as well as Siberia by about 7 million people in Central Asia. It refers to the Volga-Kipchak Kipchak subgroup of the Turkic group of languages. 


  • ప్రేమ (prēma)
    — is the Telugu word meaning love
  • nēnu ninnu prēmistunnānu

Telugu is a Dravidian language spoken in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and the union territories of Puducherry by 75 million Telugu people.


  • Hau hadomi O

Tetum is an official language of Timor-Leste belonging to the Austronesian language family and spoken by just under 400,000 people.


How to express love in Thai:

  • ความรัก (kwam rak) is the Thai noun for love
    — pronounced as (kwahm rahk) with soft “k” sounds, almost like an “h”
  • รัก (Rák)
    — another word for love

I love you in Thai:

  • Chan rak Khun
    — said by a female
  • P̄hm rạk khuṇ
    — said by a male

Thai ภาษาไทย, the sole official and national language of Thailand, spoken by 50 million people, belongs to the Tai group of the Kra–Dai language family of Southeast Asia.


  • བརྩེ་དུང་། is the Tibetan word for love
  • I love you:
    ང་རང་ལ་བརྩེ་བ་ཡོད། (nga rang la zeywa yue)
    ང་རང་ལ་དགའ་གྱིས། (nga rang la ga khi)

Tibetan is an official language of the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China. The Tibetic languages are a cluster of Tibeto-Burman languages descended from Old Tibetan, spoken across a wide area of eastern Central Asia bordering the Indian subcontinent, including the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas.


  • ይፈትወካ`የ! (Yfetwekaye)

Tigrinya is a Semitic language commonly spoken by around 9.85 million people in Eritrea and in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia.

Tok Pisin

  • mi laikim yu tru

Tok Pisin, more commonly known as New Guinea Pidgin, is a creole language spoken throughout Papua New Guinea, where it is an official language. It is the most widely used language in the country, spoken by around 120,000 people.


  • Ofa atu

Tongan is an Austronesian language of the Polynesian branch mainly spoken in Tonga, where it is the official language.

Tsalagi Cherokee

  • Gvgeyuhi
    — The word gvgeyui, pronounced (guh-gay-you-ee), means both “I love you” and “love” as a noun, in the Cherokee language.
    — In some dialects the word gvgeyui means love while gvgeyuhi means I love you.

Cherokee (Tsalagi) belongs to the Iroquoian language family. The Cherokee language is unique among Native American languages in that it is both a written and spoken language.


  • Ndi a ni funa

Tshivenda or Venda is a Bantu language spoken by the Venda people of South Africa where it is an official language.


  • Ndza ku rhandza

Tsonga is a Bantu language spoken by the Tsonga people totalling 12 million people mainly in South Africa, but also Mozambique and Eswatini.


  • Ke a go rata

Tswana is a Bantu language spoken by about 4.4 million people in Bostwana, where it is the national and majority language, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. The majority of speakers, about 3.6 million, live in South Africa, where the language is officially recognised.


I love you in Turkish:

  • aşk
    — the Turkish noun for love, pronounced like ahshk.
  • I love you: seni seviyorum

Turkish is a Turkic language believed to be of the Altaic language family spoken mainly in Turkey, Northern Cyprus, Cyprus, and other countries of the former Ottoman Empire by about 88 million people.


  • Au e fia fai ki a koe

Tuvaluan is a Polynesian language that is native to Tuvalu, Fiji, Kiribati, and Nauru.


  • Me dɔ wo

Twi, or Akan kasa, is a dialect of the Akan Niger-Congo language family spoken by the Akan people in southern and central Ghana.


I love you in Ukrainian is:

  • любов (liubov)
    — the Ukranian word for love
  • I love you: ya tebe lyublyu

Ukrainian is an Eastern Slavic language spoken mainly in Ukraine by about 51 million people.


  • محبت (muhab-butt) or پیار (py-yaar)

    I love you in Urdu as a male:

  • mein ap say muhabat karta hoon
  • mein ap say pyaar karta hoon

    I love you in Urdu as a female:

  • mein ap say pyaar karti hoon
  • mein ap say muhabat karti hoon

Urdu is the official national language and lingua franca of Pakistan. It is a member of the Indo-Aryan group within the Indo-European family of languages and is mutually intelligible with Hindi.


  • sizni yahshi kOrman

Uyghur is a Turkic language of the Karluk branch written in a Uyghur Perso-Arabic script. It is spoken primarily by 10 million Uyghur people in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.


  • Love: Sevgi
  • I love you: Men Seni Sevaman

Uzbek is a Turkic language that is the official national language of Uzbekistan spoken by around 27 million people.


How to express love in Vietnamese:

  • Love: tình yêu
  • I love you in Vietnamese:

    Em yeû anh (said by a female)
    Anh yeû em (said by a male)

Vietnamese is an Austroasiatic language spoken mainly in Vietnam, where it is the national and official language, by about 82 million people.


How to say I love you in Welsh:

  • Love: cariad
  • I love you: ‘Rwy’n dy garu di

Welsh is a Brittonic language of the Celtic language family spoken natively in Wales, and by some in England.


  • Wominjeka

Woiworung is an Australian Aboriginal language of the Kulin Nation of Central Victoria.


  • Bugg naa la
    — The general statement for I love you

    You could also use:

  • Dama la buga
  • Sopp naa la
    — more along the lines of I admire you. Used when dating.
  • Nopp naa la
    — the more serious kind of love between partners

Wolof is a national language of Senegal, where it is spoken by approximately 5.4 million people as a first language. It belongs to the Atlantic group of the Niger-Congo language family and is the native language of the Wolof people.


  • Love: uthando
  • I love you: ndiyakuthanda

Xhosa is a Nguni Bantu language with click consonants and is one of the official languages of South Africa. It is spoken as a first language by approximately 8.2 million people and by another 11 million as a second language in South Africa, mostly in Eastern Cape Province.


  • love: ליבע (libe)
  • I love you: Ikh hob dikh lib

Yiddish is the historical language of the Ashkenazi Jews originating during the 9th century in Central Europe. Belonging to the Indo-European language family, it is spoken by 1.5 million people.


  • Love: ifê, olufê
  • I love you: Mo ni fe re

Yoruba is a pluricentric language spoken in West Africa with the number of speakers estimated between 30 and 40 million. It is a language spoken principally in Nigeria and Benin, with communities in Sierra Leone, Liberia, other parts of Africa.


  • Love: uthando
  • I love you: ngiyakuthanda

Zulu is a member of the Bantu/Nguni family of languages. It is one of the official languages of South Africa spoken by about 10 million people mainly in Zululand and northern Natal in South Africa and also in Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, and Eswatini.

Continue reading to discover how to say I love you in a different language

I love You in Other Languages — BONUS

Love Sign Language I love you in different languages

American Sign Language (ASL)

How to say I love you in American Sign Language:

  • Love for living beings: This word is signed by crossing your arms over your chest and “hugging” yourself
  • Love for actions or objects: This word is signed by kissing the back of your fist
  • To sign I love you: Spread out your hand and bend down the middle finger and the ring finger, leaving the others up and out.

American Sign Language is a complete, natural language that has the same linguistic properties as spoken languages, with grammar that differs from English, expressed by movements of the hands and face.

British Sign Language (BSL)

How to say I love you in British Sign Language:

  • Love: Flat hands cross over on left side of chest.
  • To sign I love you: put up your thumb, index finger and pinkie finger, while keeping your ring finger and your middle finger down. Hold the hand out, palm facing away from you and move it back and forth slightly.

British Sign Language is a sign language used in the United Kingdom as the first or preferred language of some deaf people. The language makes use of space and involves movement of the hands, body, face, and head.


  • Anha zhilak yera norethaan

Dothraki is a constructed fictional language spoken by the Dothraki, a nomadic people in the fictional world of George Martin’s fantasy novel series A Song of Ice and Fire and its television adaptation the Game of Thrones.

Elvish Sindarin

How to say I love you in Elvish:

  • Love: Meleth or melmë
  • I love you: Gi melin or Ni meleth le 

Elvish Sindarin is one of the fictional languages created by J. R. R. Tolkien for use in his fantasy stories set in Arda, primarily in Middle-earth. Sindarin is one of the many languages spoken by the Elves, called the Eledhrim or Edhellim in Sindarin.


  • Love: Amo
  • I love you: Mi amas vin

Esperanto is an artificially constructed language and belongs to no linguistic family, with most of its vocabulary coming from the Romance languages. This phonetic language is the most widely spoken constructed international auxiliary language.


Say I love you in Klingon:

  • bangwI’ SoH
    pronounced (bahng-WI’ shokh)

    The fictional Klingon language reportedly has no words for love. The closest translations include unhate and honour, but nothing for love.

Klingon is a language that was made for the Klingons in the Star Trek movie. It is a constructed language, and not one that developed naturally. Only a few people can speak the Klingon language well enough to talk in it.


  • mi prami do

Lojban is a carefully constructed spoken language created by the Logical Language Group in 1987. Lojban is proposed as a speakable language for communication between people of different language backgrounds. With its 1350 root words that can be easily combined to form a vocabulary of millions of words, it is considered as easy to learn.


  • Tulilio Ti Amo

Minionese spoken by the minions of the Despicable Me movie series appears to be a polyglot language which borrows words and grammatical rules from many different languages.


  • Nga Yawne Lu Oer
    — translates to: You beloved are to me

Na’vi is a constructed language, created for the fictional Na’vi, the humanoid inhabitants of the moon Pandora in the 2009 film Avatar.


  • Melinyel Amin mela lle

Quenya is one of the fictional languages devised by J. R. R. Tolkien and used by the immortal Elves in the Lord of the Rings and as inspiration for countless travel quotes. Tolkien began devising the language around 1910 and restructured the grammar several times until Quenya reached its final state. The vocabulary remained relatively stable throughout the creation process.


MY LOVE: How to say my love in other languages

LOVER: different languages for lover

LOVE: The word for love in different languages

LIGHT: The word for light in different languages

GOOD DAY: Read this guide to say good morning different languages

HELLO: Read this guide to say hi in every language of the world

THANK YOU: Read this guide to say thanks in every language of the world

CHEERS: How to say cheers in different languages

FRIENDSHIP: Learn the word friends in different languages

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL: Learn how to say beautiful in different languages

FAMILY: Learn how to say family in different languages

Aaaaaaaand now you know how to say I love you in every language of the world!


What is I love you in your language? And how do you say I LOVE YOU in different languages? Extra points if you can speak several languages… Let me know in the comments.

If you see an error here or if your language is missing from this list, please comment and let me know!

Go ahead now and spread that love <3

Rai x

amor : love, affection, infatuation, passion.

What is the most beautiful Latin word?

What does LUV mean in Latin?

What is the Latin word for soulmate?

What are the Greek words for love?

What is love called in Arabic?

‘Habibi/ti’ (ha-beeb-i/ti) / my love. ‘Habibi’ (‘habibti’ for girls) derives from the word ‘hubb’, meaning love. It literally translates to ‘my love’, and can be used in formal and informal contexts, often in songs or when referring to a partner.

What is pure in Latin?

The Latin word purus, “clean or unmixed,” is the root of pure. Definitions of pure.

What is Sunshine Latin?

Latin translation: lux solaris “Light” or “shine” is “lux”. You can they either use a genitive “lux solis = light/shine of the sun” or an adjective “lux solaris = sunlight/shine”.

What is a famous Latin saying?

Is amor Latin?

From Latin amor (“love”), amōrem.

What is the coolest Latin word?

What means Amare?

The name Amare is boy’s name meaning “handsome”. Originating in Ethiopia, this warm-feeling name is now associated with Phoenix Suns basketball player Amare Stoudemire. It has ranked in the US Top 1000 since 2005.

How do you say love in different languages?

What is the synonym of the soul?

Some people associate the soul with a person’s inner self or essence, or perhaps their personality, ego, or psyche.

How do you say soul in other languages?

What is Hebrew word for love?

What are 12 love types?

What are the 7 types of love?

What is Sanskrit word for love?

Sanskrit Words for Love स्नेह (Sneha): Maternal love or affection. काम (Kama): Erotic or amorous love. You might recognize this word from the title of the famous ancient text, the Kama Sutra. अनुरक्ति (Anurakti): Passionate love or attachment.

How do you say love in Egyptian?

Love as a noun is “hobb” while “Bahib” means I love in action. The “Ak” and the “Ik” at the end are object pronouns to second person masculine, and second person feminine respectively.

How do you say love in Russian?

What is the Latin word for unique?

unique (adj.) c. 1600, “single, solitary,” from French unique (16c.), from Latin unicus “only, single, sole, alone of its kind,” from unus “one” (from PIE root *oi-no- “one, unique”). Meaning “forming the only one of its kind” is attested from 1610s; erroneous sense of “remarkable, uncommon” is attested from mid-19c.

What is Latin word for good?

In Rome, bonus was the Latin word for “good, noble, kind, honest, brave.” Since Latin gave birth to the Romance languages of Europe, words such as bon, bien, bueno and buon are found today in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian.

What is pure called in Sanskrit?

अस्सल ⇄ pure. एकदम स्वच्छ ⇄ pure. केवल ⇄ pure. केवळ ⇄ pure. केवळ, शुद्ध, मात्रा ⇄ pure.

How do you say love in ancient Rome?

te amo = “I love you” amorem amamus = “We love love”

What did Romans call their lovers?

As was mentioned above, spouses and lovers generally call each other by cognomen rather than praenomen. Occasionally they called each other vir (husband) and uxor (wife), but more commonly they used terms of endearment (see below).

What means Amare?

The name Amare is boy’s name meaning “handsome”. Originating in Ethiopia, this warm-feeling name is now associated with Phoenix Suns basketball player Amare Stoudemire. It has ranked in the US Top 1000 since 2005.

Is Amor Latin?

From Latin amor (“love”), amōrem.

How do you say love in Russian?

How do you say love in different languages?

Did love exist in ancient times?

Fossils tell us that love evolved hundreds of millions of years ago, helping our mammalian ancestors survive in the time of the dinosaurs. Humans have peculiarly complex emotional lives. Romantic love, the long-term bonding between males and females, is unusual among mammals.

Why did Romans have 3 names?

Some Romans had more than one cognomen, and in aristocratic families it was not unheard of for individuals to have as many as three, of which some might be hereditary and some personal. These surnames were initially characteristic of patrician families, but over time cognomina were also acquired by the plebeians.

Does Amare mean love?

We do know that “amare” means “to love” in Latin, but it is also said to mean “the Lord said” in Hebrew.

What’s Amore mean in Italian?

[aˈmore ] 1. (affetto) love ⧫ affection. (sessuale) love.

What is the verb to love in Italian?

In Italian there are different ways of saying “I love you.” Romantic love is expressed with the verb amare (to love).

What language is Mi Amore?

mi amor – translated from Spanish to English.

What is the meaning of Tempus?

Tempus is a Latin word meaning time and a Finnish, Swedish and German word meaning grammatical tense.

Is amor a boy name?

Amor Origin and Meaning The name Amor is both a boy’s name and a girl’s name meaning “love”. Bestselling author Amor Towles, who wrote Rules of Civility and introduced this elegant and meaningful name to the lexicon.

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It can be nice to learn to say “love” in lots of different languages. Latin is at the root of so many languages that this is a good place to start. Determine what form of the word you want to use, the verb or the noun, and then figure out what variation is appropriate for what you want to say. Latin grammar can be quire complicated, so you can always learn some nice phrases to help you along.

  1. Image titled Say Love in Latin Step 1


    Pronounce the vowel sounds. If you want to say love in Latin you need to get to grips with pronunciation in Latin. Key to this is recognising long and short vowel sounds. In Latin these variations are shown by the diacritic marks above the letters a, e, i, o, and u. Short vowels are indicated like this: ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ. Long vowels are indicated like this: ā, ē, ī, ō, ū.

    • These diacritical marks are not part of the spelling of the word, they just indicate long and short vowels for pronunciation.
    • If you were writing Latin you wouldn’t include these marks.
    • To say “love” in Latin you need to concentrate on pronouncing the long vowels correctly.
    • ā: as in the English father, not the [æ] in fat, or [ə] in apart.
    • ē: as in the English they, but longer. Not the [ei] as «ey» in they, or [ə] in apart, or [i:] in ecology.
    • ī: as in the English sheep. Not as [ai].
    • ō: as in the Italian ó in amore.
    • ū: as in English root. Not as [ju:] you, or French «u», German «ü».[1]
  2. Image titled Say Love in Latin Step 2


    Learn the verb “to love.” The infinitive of the Latin verb “to love” is “amāre.” This is the basis upon which you can conjugate the verb to find its other forms. Latin grammar can be quite tricky, with many different conjugations having a big impact on the word. Here are some of the main conjugations for the present tense to get you started:

    • First person singular: “amō.”
    • Second person singular: “amās.”
    • Third person singular: “amat.”
    • First person plural: “amāmus.”
    • Second person plural: “amātis.”
    • Third person plural: “amant.”[2]


  3. Image titled Say Love in Latin Step 3


    Say “love” in the past tense. There are six tenses in Latin, and three of these (imperfect, perfect and pluperfect) concerns things that happened in the past. You can learn to say the verb “love” in these three past tenses. The imperfect tense describes actions continuing in the past. The perfect tense describes actions completed in the past. The pluperfect is used to describe something that happened before other actions in the past. Here is how you say “love” in the first person singular – second person singular – third person singular – first person plural in these tenses.

    • Imperfect: “amābam” – “amābās” – “amābat” – “amābāmus.”
    • Perfect: “amāvī” – “amāvistī” – “amāvit” – “amāvimus.”
    • Pluperfect: “amāveram” – “amāverās” – “amāverat” – amaveramus.”[3]
  4. Image titled Say Love in Latin Step 4


    Say “love” in the future tense. Latin has two tenses for things happening in the future, the future tense and the future perfect tense. The future perfect is used to describe things which will be finished sometime in the future, whereas the future tense is used to describe actions taking place in the future. Here is how you say “love” in the first person singular – second person singular – third person singular – first person plural in these future tenses.

    • Future: “amābō” – “amābis” – “amābit” – “amābimus.”
    • Future Perfect: “amāverō” – “amāveris” – “amāverit” – “amaverimus.”[4]
  5. Image titled Say Love in Latin Step 5


    Recognise other variations. With Latin’s fairly complex system of grammar, there are still a great many other variations and conjugations of the verb “to love.” As well the six tenses, and the three persons (first (I), second (you) and third (he/she/it)), Latin verbs also have four “moods” and two “voices.” The “moods” are indicative, infinitive, subjunctive and imperative. The “voices” are active and passive.

    • If you want to study the grammar for Latin verbs in more detail, you will have to spend some time getting on top of all these variations.
    • The variations in verbs is at the heart of what makes Latin the language it is. To get to grips with Latin stylistics you will have to study verbal modifications.[5]
  6. Image titled Say Love in Latin Step 6


    Learn the noun “love.” Love is not only a verb of course, it is also a noun. It is a masculine noun, and the nominative singular version is “amor” in Latin. As with the verbs, the noun has a number of variations that change depending on the case of the verb, and whether it is singular or plural. Here are the forms for the nominative – genitive – dative – accusative – ablative – and vocative:

    • Singular: “amor” – “amoris” – “amori” – “amorem” – amore” – “amor.”
    • Plural: “amores” – “amorum” – “amoribus” – “amores” – “amoribus” – “amores.”[6]
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  1. Image titled Say Love in Latin Step 7


    Say “I love you.” The various conjugations and variations in the form of the verb “to love” might be a bit overwhelming, so if you are just interested in learning how to say some nice Latin phrases with the word love here are a few examples.

    • I love you: “te amo.”
    • I love you, my angel: “te amo, mi angele.”
    • Don’t cry. I love you: “nolo flere. Ego te amo.”[7]
  2. Image titled Say Love in Latin Step 8


    Pronouncing some key words and phrases. In Latin the pronunciation is fairly straightforward. There are no silent letters, unlike English, and you pronounce every consonant, vowel and diphthong separately. The diacritical marks on the vowels show you whether it is a long vowel or a short vowel. One good rule to remember is that if a word only has two syllables the emphasis always falls on the first syllable.

    • “Te amō” is prouounced as tey ah-mo.
    • “Ego te amō” is pronounced as ego tey ah-mo.[8]
    • “Amāre” is pronounced as am-aar-ey.
    • “Amōr” is pronounce ah-moor.
    • You can listen to “te amo” being pronounced online in case you are uncertain.[9]
  3. Image titled Say Love in Latin Step 9


    Learn some famous phrases. There are some famous, powerful and beautiful Latin phrases that include love. These phrases have been in circulation for hundreds and even thousands of years, and have a special timeless quality. You can learn a few of these to use in everyday life.

    • “Amantes sunt amentes”: lovers are demented.
    • “Amorea mortuus sum”: I am dead for love.
    • “Caecus amor prolis”: the love for children is blind.
    • “Fenus pecuniae, funus animae”: love of money, death of soul.
    • “Homo sine amore vivere nequit”: a man without love cannot live.
  4. Image titled Say Love in Latin Step 10


    Learn phrases from famous writers. With so much ancient and medieval literature written in Latin, there is a great depth of literary phrases and aphorisms in Latin about love. Dip into a works by famous writers and thinkers including the likes of Virgil, Cicero and St Augustine to get an idea of the history and importance of Latin. Here a few examples of phrases to do with love by some renowned writers of the past:

    • Augustine – “Non intratur in veritatem, nisi per caritatem”: no one enters the truth, without love.
    • Virgil – “Amor omnia vincit”: love conquers all.
    • Augustine – “Ama Deum et fac quod vis”: love God and do what you want.
    • Terence – “Amantium irae amoris integratio est”: the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.
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  • Question

    What does «caritatem» mean in Latin?


    «Caritatem» is the accusative singular of «caritas», which means dearness, costliness, price, or charity, depending on the context.

  • Question

    How do I say «I know you love me» in Latin?

    Community Answer

    You would say «Cogitō tē mē amāre.» I know this could be confused with «I know I love you,» but just use it in the right context. (Also, I did not use the word for «me» in the reflexive so it would seem more like the former.)

  • Question

    How do I say, «Teresa loves you» in Latin?

    Community Answer

    You would say, «Teresa te amat.»

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Te amo. (singular address)

Vos amo. (plural address)

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