Latin word for history

History” in Latin is historia, from Greek Ιστορία. Interesting words that use it as root? Well, apart from history, there’s also story. These 2 are actually the same word in most, if not all, Romance languages, and also in Latin.


Also to know is, where did the word the come from?

The is the most commonly used word in the English language, accounting for seven percent of all words. It is derived from gendered articles in Old English which combined in Middle English and now has a single form used with pronouns of either genders.

Also Know, what is etymology and examples? et·y·mol·o·gy. Use etymology in a sentence. noun. The definition of etymology is the source of a word, or the study of the source of specific words. An example of etymology is tracing a word back to its Latin roots.

Also to know is, does Latin come from Greek?

Latin is believed to have been evolved from the Italic branch of Indo-European. Written language. The Latin alphabet is derived from the Greek alphabet. It is believed that the earliest Latin inscription known today is a brooch from the 7th century BC.

What is the D?

The D is an affectionate nickname for the city of Detroit, Michigan. The D is also a slang euphemism for dick, or “penis” or “sex” more generally.

Continue Learning about Other Arts

What is the history of the Latin word art?

«Art» comes from the Latin word of the same meaning «Ars.»

What is ‘truth in history’ in Latin?

The Latin equivalent of ‘truth in history’ is Veritas in historia. In the word-by-word translation, the noun ‘veritas’ means ‘truth’. The preposition ‘in’ means ‘in’. The noun ‘historia’ means ‘history’.

What is the Latin word for ego?

Ego IS a Latin word. It is the Latin for I.

After Latin word?

The Latin word for «after» is post.

What is the latin word for siblings?

The Latin word for siblings is fratribus. The Latin word for
sister is soror, while the Latin word for brother is frater.

historiarum. More Latin words for story. fabula noun. myth, play, fable, tale, drama. historia noun.

In respect to this, which three languages does the word story derive from?

From Middle English story, from Old French *estoree (“a thing built, a building”), from estoree (“built”), feminine past participle of estorer (“to build”), from Latin instauro (“to construct, build, erect”).

Also Know, what is meant by story?

A story or narrative is a connected series of events told through words (written or spoken), imagery (still and moving), body language, performance, music, or any other form of communication. There are stories about all things and all times; past, present and future.

What is the root word of relationship?

It’s time to consider the relative importance of the Latin word root lat which means to ‘carry. ‘ Two common English words that come from this root include relationship and legislate. Perhaps you can most relate to this root word, or ‘carry’ yourself back to it, with the word relate itself.

What is a story definition for kids?

Kids Definition of story

1 : a report about incidents or events : account Let’s hear your story of what happened. 5 : lie entry 3, falsehood They made up a story of how the window got broken.

Write Your Answer

It’s guaranteed that you have or will run into some of these Latin terms in anything including the lightest reading. That’s because they’re everywhere. In newspapers, textbooks, manuals, et cetera. They are used in, inter alia, academic writing, text messaging, and, quite extensively, law documents. So, they are, ipso facto, very important to know. Ergo, we thought it’s a good idea to combine these Latin words and phrases in one place and explain what they mean so that when you run into some of them next time, you go like, ha! I have seen this word somewhere and I know what it means. So, let’s get down to it. 

1. a priori

A belief or conclusion based on assumptions or reasoning of some sort rather than actual experience or empirical evidence. Before actually encountering, experiencing, or observing a fact.

2. a posteriori. 

A fact, belief, or argument that is based on actual experience, experiment, or observation. After the fact.

3. ad astra.

To the stars.

4. ad hoc.

For a particular situation, without planning or consideration of some broader purpose or application.

5. ad hominem.

Directed to a particular person rather than generally, such as an attack on a person rather than a position they are espousing.

6. ad infinitum.

Repeat forever.

7. ad lib

Short for ad libitum. As you desire, at one’s pleasure. To speak or perform without preparation.

8. ad nauseam. 

Repetition that has become annoying or tiresome.

9. affidavit.

He has sworn. Sworn statement.

10. alma mater.

Nourishing, kind, bounteous mother. School from which one graduated.

11. alias.

Also known as. Otherwise known as. Less commonly as the proper meaning of at another time, otherwise.

12. alibi. 

In another place. Elsewhere. Reason one couldn’t have been in a location where an act was committed.

13. alter ego.

Other self. Another side of oneself.

14. A.D.

short for anno Domini. In the year of our Lord. Number of years since the birth of Jesus Christ.

15. a.m.

Short for ante meridiem. Before midday (noon.) Morning.

16. animus

Spirit, mind, courage anger. Animosity. Intense opposition and ill will towards something, somebody, or some social group, commonly emotional, passionate, and mean-spirited. Hatred.

17. ante

Before. Earlier. In a Supreme Court opinion, ante refers to an earlier page of the same opinion.

18. ante bellum.

Before the war.

19. ante mortem. 

Before death. 

20. bona fide.

Genuine. Real. With no intention to deceive.

21. c. / ca. / or cca.

Short for circa. Around. About. Approximately. Relative to a certain year.

22. carpe diem.

Seize the day or moment. Make the best of the present rather than delay or focus on the future.

23. caveat.

Warning, caution, disclaimer, or stipulation.

24. cf.

Short for confer. Compare to. In reference to, as a comparison.

25. cogito ergo sum

I think, therefore I am — Descartes.

26. consensus.

Agreement. General or widespread agreement.

27. corpus.

Body, especially of written or textual matter such as books and papers.

28. curriculum.

Race. Course of a race. Path of a race. Subjects comprising a course of academic study.

29. CV 

Short for curriculum vitae. The course of one’s life. Resume. List of significant academic and professional accomplishments, achievements, awards, education, and training.

30. de facto. 

True or matter of fact as it is, regardless of intent, good reason, authority, or official reason for being such.

31. dictum.

Something said. Noteworthy, authoritative statement or principle. Common wisdom.

32. doctor. 

Teacher. Learned person. Doctor.

33. ergo. 


34. et al. 

Short for et alia (neuter plural) or et alii (masculine plural) or et aliae (feminine plural). And others. And all of the others.

35. etc. 

Short for et cetera.

36. e pluribus unum. 

— Out of many, one — U.S. motto.

37. ex post.


38. ex post facto.

After the fact.

39. e.g. 

Short for exempli gratia. For the sake of example. For example.

40. ibid. 

Short for ibidem or ib idem. In the same place. For a citation, indicates that it is from the same place as the preceding citation.

41. id. 

short for idem. From the same source. For a citation, indicates that it is from the same source, but not from the same location in that source. In contrast to ibidem (ibid.) which means the same location or place in the same source as the preceding citation.

42. i.e. 

Short for id est. That is. In other words.

43. in absentia. 

Conducted in the absence of.

44. in camera. 

In chambers. In private, commonly for legal proceedings, in the judge’s office (chambers.) before digital photography cameras were little “chambers.”

45. in situ. 

In position. In place.

46. in toto. 

As a whole. Entirely. All of it.

47. incognito. 

Unknown. With one’s identity concealed. This is actually an Italian word, derived from the Latin word incognitus.

48. inter alia. 

Among others. Among other things.

49. innuendo. 

By nodding. Implied. Indirectly implied. Suggested. Oblique allusion.

50. intra. 

Within. In a Supreme Court opinion, refers to a decision of another court, typically an appeals court.

51. ipso facto. 

By that very fact or act. Therefore.

51. lingua franca. 

Common language in a multi-language environment. Technically, it’s Italian.

52. magnum opus. 

Great work. Greatest work. Masterpiece.

53. M.O. 

short for modus operandi. Mode or method of operation. How you do things.

54. n.b. or N.B. 

short for nota bene. Note well. It is worth noting that.

55. per capita. 

Per person, for each person, of a population. Individually, but not for any particular person.

56. per cent. 

or percent short for per centum. For each one hundred.

57. per se. 

By itself. Intrinsically. Specifically.

58. p.m. / PM 

short for post meridiem. After midday (noon.) Afternoon.

59. post. 

After. Later. In a Supreme Court opinion, post refers to a later page of the same opinion.

60. post mortem. 

After death.

61. prima facie. 

On its face. Accepted on its face. Accepted as true based on initial impression. Accepted as true unless proven false.

62. PS. 

short for post scriptum. Written after. After what has been written. In addition to what has been written. In addition.

63. quasi. 

As if. As though. Resembling. Similar but not quite exactly the same. Having many but not all the features of.

64. quid pro quo. 

This for that. An exchange of goods or services. A barter transaction. Any contractual transaction.

65. sic 

or [sic]. So, this. The previous word should be taken literally even if it is not correct or appropriate.

66. stat. 

or stat short for statim. Immediately. Now. without delay.

67. status quo. 

The existing state of affairs. As it is. As things are.

68. stricto sensu

or sensu stricto. In a narrow, tight, or strict sense. Strictly speaking.

69. sui generis. 

Of its own kind. Unique. Outside of existing categories. In law, outside of existing law.

70. supra. 

Above. From the previous cited source.

71. tabula rasa. 

Clean slate. Blank slate. Absence of any preconceived notions, ideas, goals, or purpose.

72. veni, vidi, vici. 

I came, I saw, I conquered.

73. verbatim. 

The same exact words. Literally.

74. vs. 

short for versus. Against. In opposition to. As opposed to. In contrast to.

75. veto. 

I forbid. Reject.

76. vice versa. 

As well as the two immediately preceding subjects of a statement reversed. The same either way. The other way around.

77. viz. 

short for videre licet or videlicet. Namely. That is.

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The History of Herstory

Robin Morgan coined the neologism in 1970. She was well aware of the etymology of history. As she recalled in her book, The Word of a Woman (emphasis added)

[The essay] “Goodbye to All That” was my contribution to the first issue [Of Rat magazine upon its takeover by radical feminists in January 1970]. Beneath the byline, I identified myself as a member of WITCH—in this case, the flexible acronym stood for “Women Inspired to Commit Herstory.” (This was the debut of the word “herstory.” I intended it as a consciousness-raiser, not as an etymological claim.)

She also spelled out the word herstory, as part of the name W.I.T.C.H., on page 551 of her 1970 anthology, Sisterhood is Powerful.

In modern usage, the word has come to mean writing about history from a feminist perspective, rather than making it. (Wikipedia claims that “femistry” and “galgebra” are similar coinages, but in fact these appear to have been invented sarcastically by a right-wing pundit, Christina Hoff Sommers, in 2014, and I could find no examples of any feminists using them.)

Few if any influential feminists have ever said that history is a sexist word, although many anti-feminists appear to believe that they do. The 1988 edition of the Handbook of Non-Sexist Writing, for example, uses the word “history” throughout and pauses to sigh at “the belabored form of ridicule that we must find alternatives for every word containing” a syllable such as man.

The Afro-futurist musician Sun Ra made the same pun in 1980 (“History is only his story. You haven’t heard my story yet.”) also fully aware that this is not where the word comes from.

I have, however, personally been forced to sit through a college lecture by a woman who actually believed and taught the urban legend his+story. Despite her claim to diversity being that she was Latina, she also told the joke his+panic (and misattributed it to the Reagan administration, being unaware that the Nixon administration first added it to the 1970 Census more than a decade earlier) and also fell for per+son. (I was sorely tempted to ask if she was familiar with the Spanish word una persona.) So, a few ignoramuses like that do exist; in my life, I have met a total of one.

The Etymology of History

If we were to take the word absolutely literally according to its etymology, it would imply that “history” is written by an istor, or “wise man.”

With regard to the fact that historia is grammatically feminine, theories about the Indo-European three-gender system include one that the gender that became “feminine” originally developed from a suffix for mass nouns, or that it originally primarily denoted abstract nouns, or that it started as a way to distinguish which of two subjects in a sentence someone was referring to, and only later came to include most words for women. English developed natural gender in the early modern period.

The Etymology of His

Since no one has gone into this yet, his comes from a Saxon root is, cognate with German es, and meant either his or its until the 1600s. There was a brief period of time when hisis was to his as hers is to her, but this failed to catch on. Its was still new enough when the King James translation of the Bible was written that the translators did not consider it sufficiently formal, so they avoided both his and its for neuter possessives whenever possible, and used thereof instead. This is how they came up with, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”

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