Latin word for appear




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How to Say Appear in LatinAdvertisement


If you want to know how to say appear in Latin, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Latin better.

Here is the translation and the Latin word for appear:


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«Appear in Latin.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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Definition, Meaning [en]

appear — come into sight; become visible or noticeable, typically without visible agent or apparent cause.

Other translation options [v1]

videor seem, appear, be seen, present oneself, be regarded, seem proper
exsto stand, be visible, be extant, project, appear, show itself
appareo appear, manifest, loom, come in sight, become visible, be certainly coming
compareo appear, emerge, be present, be extant, show
conpareo appear, emerge, be present, be extant, show
se ostendo appear
orior rise, get up, arise, appear, begin, grow out of smth.
exorior come forth, arise, appear, rise out, rise forth, come out
oborior appear, arise
subrigo raise, lift up, straighten, get up, rise, appear
surrigo raise, lift up, straighten, get up, rise, appear
surgo arise, rise, get up, lift up, raise, appear
exsisto be, exist, emerge, arise, step, appear
emergo emerge, rise, plunge, come up, rise forth from the water, appear
pareo obey, appear, yield, comply with, submit, present
exto stand, be visible, be extant, project, appear, show itself
procedo proceed, go forward, advance, go out, come out, appear
prodeo advance, come forth, go forth, come forward, go forward, appear
enascor originate, sprout up, spring up, arise, appear
supervenio arrive, come up, appear, find, throw, join
respondeo answer, reply, respond, correspond, retort, appear
se sisto appear
ebullio bubble, boil up, bubble up, appear, produce in abundance, babble about
adpareo appear, be evident, show up, occur, serve
corior appear, originate, arise, break out, be born
existo arise, step forth, appear, become, be
prodio come forth, come forth, proceed, appear, appear, advance
provenio arise, proceed, accrue, succeed, be produced, appear

Examples: appear

His new book will appear next month.

Novus liber secundus mensis apparebit.

His new book is planned to appear next month.

Eius novus liber proximo mense apparere cogitavit.

He didn’t appear until late at night.

Ad multam noctem non adfuit.

He did not appear at all, which made her very uneasy.

Omnino non adfuit, quod eam valde turbat.

He doesn’t appear to be wise, does he?

Non videtur sapiens esse?

Stay away from animals that appear sick, injured or abandoned.

Discedite ab animalibus, quae male apparent, laesa vel relicta.

Sami was buying things to make himself appear greater than he was in real life.

Sami emit se ut maior quam esset in vita.

When the pupil is ready to learn, a teacher will appear .

Cum discipulus paratus est ad discendum, magister apparebit.

And Ruben returning to the pit, found not the boy: And rending his garments he went to his brethren, and said: The boy doth not appear , and whither shall I go?

Reversusque Ruben ad cisternam non invenit puerum: Discerpensque vestimenta sua abiit ad fratres suos, et ait: Non comparet puer, et quo ibo?

I wonder why ghosts only appear at night. «Really? I’ve seen them in the daytime.» «Are you serious?»

Miror cur umbrae tantum noctu appareant. «Itane? Ego vidi eos interdiu.» «Es adverisne?»

Sami was glued to the window, waiting for his mother to appear .

Sami ad fenestram adfixa est, matrem exspectans ut appareret.

According to legend, ghosts would appear in that forest, so people would not set foot there.

Secundum fabulam, manes in illa silva apparerent, sic homines ibi pedem non ponerent.

Your name doesn’t appear on the list. You’re not invited to the party.

Nomen tuum in indice non apparet. Ad convivium non invitatus es.

New programmes will appear in the fall on television.

Nova programmata in televisione casus apparebit.

Tom and Mary both appear to be in a cheerful mood.

Tom et Maria ambo laeto animo esse videntur.

There is no such thing as a saint, so do not try to appear to be one.

Tale aliquid sanctus no est, ne vide unum viderer pro.

Piedmont — Palladino is concerned that the home — building industry doesn’t appear prepared to take on the challenge of building better — performing houses.

Pedemontium-Palladino pertinet quod industria aedificationis domi non apparebit praeparata ad impugnationem domus aedificationis melioris faciendorum.

Compared with Saturn’s size, the rings appear paper — thin.

Magnitudine Saturni comparati, annuli charta-tenui apparent.

I would like a list of the Italian words that don’t appear in the corpus yet.

Indicem verborum Italicorum quae in corpore adhuc non apparent.

The word failure doesn’t appear in Layla’s dictionary.

Verbum defectum in Dictionario Layla non apparet.

One should not call the devil; for then he will appear .

Diabolus non debet dicere; tunc enim apparebit.

Mascara darkens the eyelashes and makes them appear longer.

Mascara palpebras obscurat et eas longiores facit apparere.

Dan killed his wife and made it appear as the work of an unknown assailant.

Dan uxorem suam occidit et opus ignoti oppugnatoris apparere fecit.

Friends are the stars shining, they appear in the dark.

Amici sunt stellae lucentes, in tenebris apparent.

Kobolds always appear in the strangest of places.

Koboldus semper apparent in lapidibus alienis.

Welsh orthography is such that many Welsh words (such as «ffwrdd» and «gyflwynwyd») appear to speakers of other languages to consist entirely of consonants.

Orthographia Cambrica talis est ut multa verba Cambrica (ut «ffwrdd» et «gyflwynwyd») oratores aliarum linguarum omnino consonantium consistere videntur.

If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.

Si fores perceptionis mundatae essent, omnia apparerent homini, ut dictum est, infinita.

The collaboration between these somewhat eccentric men was filled with strain and compromise on both sides, but in the end they appear to have gotten on well.

Collaboratio inter hos homines aliquantum eccentrici utrinque contentione et compromisso impleta est, sed tandem bene assecuti videntur.

Shooting from a low angle makes your legs appear longer.

Dirigentes ab angulo humili facit crura longiora apparent.

Marta would give up all that was left to her, to make a smile appear on that little mouth.

Marta omnia ei cederet, ut risum appareret in ore illo.

Some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small. But the stakes for America are never small.

Nonnulli videntur parvam esse rem publicam nostram praestare posse, quod in tempore pacis exiguae contentiones nostrae clavi appareant. Sed pali in America numquam parvi sunt.

Bared stands the inmost palace, and behold, / the stately chambers and the courts appear / of Priam and the Trojan Kings of old, / and warders at the door with shield an spear.

Stat nudorum penetralia tectis, et ecce, / thalami atque atria, / Priami et Trojani antiqui reges, / et clypeo ad limina cuspidis hastam.

You are waiting in vain if you think that one fine day you will wake up and your soul mate will appear in front of your eyes.

Frustra exspectas si putes diem unum evigilaturum, et anima tua in conspectu oculorum tuorum apparebit.

The burglars appear to have been surprised by the watchman.

latrones a speculatore oppressi videntur.

Mars is also at its closest approach to Earth this week since 2003, making it appear bigger and brighter.

Mars etiam in proximissimo adventu Telluri hac septimana ab 2003 est, ut maior et clarior appareat.

To survive long periods without water, parts of the trees die, including much of their outer bark. This makes the trees appear dead, except for small green pine needles.

Diu sine aqua superesse, arborum partes interire, multum etiam cortice exteriore. Ex his arbores mortuae apparent, praeter parvas acus pineas virides.

In the 1960s, McDonald’s, the fast — food business, chose a happy clown to appear in its advertisements.

In annis 1960, McDonald scriptor, negotium ieiunii, beatum Corydon se in tabulas suas elegit.

Some persons appear to be resistant to HIV infection.

Nonnulli videntur infectio resistere HIV.

The mountains, too, at a distance appear airy masses and smooth, but seen near at hand, they are rough.

Montes etiam e longinquo apparent massae aereae et leves, sed e propinquo visae, asperae sunt.

What do I do if my luggage doesn’t appear after I get off the plane?

Quid faciam si sarcinae meae non appareant postquam planum dimitto?

If your spouse is a politician, then likely your name will also appear in the newspaper from time to time.

Si sponsus tuus politicus est, nomen tuum verisimiliter etiam in ephemeride subinde apparebit.

He wished that a bowl of peanut soup would magically appear before him.

Volebat ut patera pulmenti erosis coram eo magice appareret.

Tom doesn’t appear willing to do anything about it.

Tom non videtur velle aliquid de eo facere.

It is then that the modern problems appeared , which at times appear impossible to solve.

Inde igitur apparuerunt quaestiones hodiernae, quae interdum impossibiles videntur solvere.

The seventy disciples received the teaching of Confucius in the oral form, for words that satirize, criticize, praise, conceal, suppress, or ridicule cannot appear in writing.

Confucii septuaginta discipuli in orali forma docuerunt, nam verba quae satiant, vituperant, laudant, celant, supprimunt, derisi sunt, in scripto videri non possunt.

Northern lights appear all year round in Greenland.

Lumina septentrionalia per totum annum apparent in Groenlandia.

Despite being related, the two languages are very dissimilar and, at first glance, do not appear to have anything to do with each other.

Quamvis relationes duae linguae valde dissimiles sunt et prima specie nihil inter se habere videntur.

Tom didn’t appear to be particularly eager to go with us.

Tom maxime cupidus non videtur nobiscum proficisci.

Is it snowing out there? Look, it’s already starting to appear on the ground there!

Ibi ninguit? Ecce iam incipit apparere in terra ibi!

It will suffice for the present that you should not appear absolutely poor; the time will come when you will be very rich.

Sufficit ad praesens ne omnino pauper videaris; veniet tempus quo ditissimus eris.

Why do birds suddenly appear every time spring is near?

Cur subito aves omni tempore veris appropinquant?

I’ll give you until the night for that truck to appear , otherwise I’ll call the police.

Dabo te usque ad noctem ut appareat plaustrum, alioquin vigiles vocabo.

The pain caused a few wrinkles to appear on his forehead.

Dolor rugae nonnullae in fronte eius apparent.

It’s an atmosphere like a ghost might appear «Hey, don’t say such stupid things!» «Wait, Tom, are you afraid of ghosts?»

Sphaera est instar larvae, ut appareret «Heus, ne talia stulta dicerent!» «Exspecta, Tom, times manes?»

An oni will appear inevitably to those who fear oni.

An oni inevitabiliter timentibus oni apparebit.

Indeed, that place does appear to be far from here.

Longe vero ille locus hinc apparet.

Neither wild nor domestic animals appear to have any premonition of death.

Neque ferae neque domesticae bestiae ullam mortem praesagire videntur.

Thinking it was the music that now gave him a comely look, she took the pipe from him and played upon it in hopes that by doing so she herself would appear beautiful.

Musicam esse ratus, quam pulchram nunc ei praebebat aspectum, fistulam ab eo sumpsit et sperans se id agendo formosam fore.

The figures for recidivism rates among murderers cited in the newspaper appear to have been taken out of thin air.

Figurae recidivismi apud homicidas in ephemeride citata ex aere tenui desumptae videntur.

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Melius est occlusum os custodire et stultum videri quam aperire et omnem dubitationem tollere.

Maria tends to appear on my doorstep whenever I’m about to go out.

Maria in limine meo apparere tendit quoties ego sum iturus.

On his approach, Chloe fled to the woods, ashamed and frightened to appear before so many strangers.

Cuius adventu Chloe in silvas refugit, pudet exterritum coram tot peregrinis apparere.

A book based on this work is expected to appear in 1998.

Liber innixus huic operi in 1998 apparere expectatur.

Most people would say that icebergs are white—and most of them are. But did you know that icebergs can also appear in spectacular shades of blue and green?

Plerique dicunt icebergs albas esse, ac pleraeque. Sed scivistisne glaciales etiam in spectaculis umbris caerulei et viridis posse apparere?

Ads should not deliver or appear to deliver messages that are intended to look like they originate from YouTube.

Adscriptiones non debent tradere vel videre nuntiis eripere quae spectant similes ex YouTube oriundi.


Alternative forms[edit]

  • appeare (obsolete)


From Middle English apperen, aperen, borrowed from Old French aparoir (French apparoir, apparaître), from Latin appāreō (I appear), from ad (to) + pāreō (I come forth, I become visible), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *peh₂-s- (watch, see), s-present of *peh₂- (protect).


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /əˈpɪə/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /əˈpɪɹ/, [əˈpʰɪɹ]
  • (Scotland) IPA(key): /əˈpiːɹ/
  • Rhymes: -ɪə(ɹ)


appear (third-person singular simple present appears, present participle appearing, simple past and past participle appeared)

  1. (intransitive) To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible.
    • And God [] said, Let [] the dry land appear.
    • 2012 March-April, Jeremy Bernstein, “A Palette of Particles”, in American Scientist, volume 100, number 2, page 146:

      There were also particles no one had predicted that just appeared. Five of them […, i]n order of increasing modernity, […] are the neutrino, the pi meson, the antiproton, the quark and the Higgs boson.

  2. (intransitive) To come before the public.

    A great writer appeared at that time.

    • 1905, Baroness Emmuska Orczy, chapter 2, in The Affair at the Novelty Theatre[1]:

      Miss Phyllis Morgan, as the hapless heroine dressed in the shabbiest of clothes, appears in the midst of a gay and giddy throng; she apostrophises all and sundry there, including the villain, and has a magnificent scene which always brings down the house, and nightly adds to her histrionic laurels.

  3. (intransitive) To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge, plead a cause, etc.; to present oneself as a party or advocate before a court, or as a person to be tried.
    • We must all appear before the judgment seat.
  4. (intransitive) To become visible to the apprehension of the mind; to be known as a subject of observation or comprehension, or as a thing proved; to be obvious or manifest.
    • It doth not yet appear what we shall be.
    • 1963, Margery Allingham, chapter 18, in The China Governess[2]:

      ‘Then the father has a great fight with his terrible conscience,’ said Munday with granite seriousness. ‘Should he make a row with the police […]?  Or should he say nothing about it and condone brutality for fear of appearing in the newspapers?

    • 2013 July-August, Philip J. Bushnell, “Solvents, Ethanol, Car Crashes & Tolerance”, in American Scientist:

      Surprisingly, this analysis revealed that acute exposure to solvent vapors at concentrations below those associated with long-term effects appears to increase the risk of a fatal automobile accident. Furthermore, this increase in risk is comparable to the risk of death from leukemia after long-term exposure to benzene, [] .

  5. (intransitive, copulative) To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look.

    He appeared quite happy with the result.

    • They disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast.
    • 1963, Margery Allingham, chapter 5, in The China Governess[3]:

      Mr. Campion appeared suitably impressed and she warmed to him. He was very easy to talk to with those long clown lines in his pale face, a natural goon, born rather too early she suspected.

  6. (transitive) To bring into view.
    • c. 1603–1604 (date written), William Shakespeare, “Measure for Measure”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act III, scene i]:

      [Angelo] is yet a devil / His filth within being cast, he would appear / A pond as deep as hell.

Usage notes[edit]

  • In the senses be obvious and seem, appear is a catenative verb that takes the to infinitive. See Appendix:English catenative verbs
  • Particularly in the senses be obvious, seem, and bring into view, appear is a stative verb that rarely takes the continuous inflection. See Category:English stative verbs


  • (to become visible): emerge; see also Thesaurus:appear
  • (to seem): look


  • (to become visible): disappear, vanish

Derived terms[edit]

  • speak of the devil and he shall appear


  • appearance
  • apparent
  • appearer


to appear, to seem see look

to come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible

  • Arabic: ظَهَرَ (ar) (ẓahara)
  • Armenian: հայտնվել (hy) (haytnvel)
  • Basque: azaldu, agertu
  • Belarusian: з’яўля́цца impf (zʺjaŭljácca), з’яві́цца pf (zʺjavícca)
  • Bulgarian: появя́вам се impf (pojavjávam se), появя́ се pf (pojavjá se), пока́звам се (bg) impf (pokázvam se), пока́жа се (bg) pf (pokáža se)
  • Catalan: aparèixer (ca), sortir (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 出現出现 (ceot1 jin6)
    Mandarin: 出現出现 (zh) (chūxiàn)
  • Czech: objevovat se (cs) impf, objevit se (cs) pf
  • Danish: forekomme, synes (da), opstå
  • Dutch: verschijnen (nl)
  • Esperanto: aperi
  • Estonian: ilmuma
  • Ewe: dze
  • Finnish: ilmestyä (fi), tulla näkyviin
  • French: apparaître (fr), paraître (fr)
  • Galician: aparecer (gl), asomar (gl)
  • Gallurese: apparí
  • Georgian: please add this translation if you can
  • German: erscheinen (de), auftauchen (de)
  • Greek: εμφανίζομαι (el) (emfanízomai)
    Ancient: φαίνομαι (phaínomai), εἴδομαι (eídomai)
  • Haitian Creole: parèt
  • Hebrew: הופיע (he) (hofía)
  • Hungarian: feltűnik (hu), megjelenik (hu)
  • Icelandic: birta (is), birtast
  • Ido: aparar (io)
  • Ingrian: näyttiissä
  • Interlingua: apparer
  • Italian: apparire (it)
  • Japanese: 現れる (ja) (あらわれる, arawareru)
  • Khmer: ដួច (km) (duəc), លេច (km) (lɨc)
  • Korean: 나타나다 (ko) (natanada)
  • Latin: videor, appareo, compareo, pareo (la), coorior, orior (la), provenio, prodeo (la), exsisto (la)
  • Latvian: parādīties
  • Livonian: nägțõ
  • Macedonian: се појавува impf (se pojavuva), се појави pf (se pojavi)
  • Maltese: deher
  • Maori: whakaaranga (as in a dream), puta, tahakura (as in a dream), kautorohī (unexpectedly), whetūrangi (as a star or planet above the horizon), poke (mi) (of a ghost or spirit), puta
  • Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
  • Ngazidja Comorian: hwoneha, udhwahiri
  • Old English: ætīewan
  • Persian: پدیدار شدن(padidâr šodan), ظاهر شدن (fa) (zâher šodan), نمایادن (fa)
  • Polish: zjawiać się (pl) impf, zjawić się (pl) pf, pojawiać się (pl) impf, pojawić się (pl) pf, ukazywać się (pl) impf, ukazać się (pl) pf
  • Portuguese: aparecer (pt), surgir (pt)
  • Quechua: qispiy
  • Romanian: apărea (ro)
  • Russian: появля́ться (ru) impf (pojavljátʹsja), появи́ться (ru) pf (pojavítʹsja)
  • Sanskrit: काशते (kāśate)
  • Sardinian:
    Campidanese: apparriri, apparessiri, cumparriri
    Logudorese: cumpàrrere, appàrrere
  • Sassarese: apparí
  • Scottish Gaelic: nochd
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Roman: pojaviti se (sh) pf, ukazati se (sh) pf, doći na vidjelo pf
  • Slovak: objaviť sa pf, ukázať sa pf
  • Spanish: aparecer (es)
  • Swedish: framträda (sv), komma i ljuset, komma i dagen (sv), dyka upp (sv)
  • Thai: ปรากฏ (th) (bpraa-gòt)
  • Tok Pisin: kamap (tpi)
  • Ukrainian: з’явля́тися (uk) impf (zʺjavljátysja), з’яви́тися pf (zʺjavýtysja)
  • Vietnamese: xuất hiện (vi) (出現)
  • Walloon: aparexhe (wa)
  • Welsh: ymddangos (cy)

to come before the public

  • Bulgarian: явя́вам се impf (javjávam se), явя́ се pf (javjá se)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 露面 (zh) (lòumiàn)
  • Czech: objevovat se (cs) impf, objevit se (cs) pf
  • Dutch: verschijnen (nl), zijn opwachting maken, haar opwachting maken, optreden (nl)
  • Finnish: ilmestyä (fi)
  • French: apparaître (fr)
  • Galician: aparecer (gl)
  • German: erscheinen (de), auftauchen (de)
  • Hebrew: הופיע (he) (hofía)
  • Latin: coorior, orior (la), prōveniō
  • Ngazidja Comorian: upvenuha
  • Portuguese: aparecer (pt), surgir (pt)
  • Russian: явля́ться (ru) impf (javljátʹsja), яви́ться (ru) pf (javítʹsja), представа́ть (ru) impf (predstavátʹ), предста́ть (ru) pf (predstátʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: nochd
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Roman: nastupiti (sh) pf
  • Slovak: objaviť sa pf
  • Spanish: aparecer (es)
  • Swedish: framträda (sv)

to stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge, plead a cause, or the like

  • Bulgarian: явя́вам се impf (javjávam se), явя́ се pf (javjá se)
  • Dutch: verschijnen (nl)
  • Finnish: ilmestyä (fi), näyttäytyä (fi)
  • Galician: comparecer (gl), aparecer (gl) (archaic)
  • German: erscheinen (de), auftreten (de)
  • Latin: compāreō, coorior, orior (la), prōveniō
  • Polish: stawić się impf, stanąć (pl) pf
  • Portuguese: comparecer (pt)
  • Russian: явля́ться (ru) impf (javljátʹsja), яви́ться (ru) pf (javítʹsja), представа́ть (ru) impf (predstavátʹ), предста́ть (ru) pf (predstátʹ)
  • Serbo-Croatian: istupiti (sh)
  • Slovak: postaviť sa, stáť (sk), prísť
  • Spanish: comparecer (es)

to become visible to the apprehension of the mind

  • Czech: objevit se (cs)
  • Dutch: blijken (nl)
  • Finnish: ilmestyä (fi), näyttää (fi) (possibly in conditional)
  • German: erscheinen (de), einleuchten (de)
  • Latin: videor, pāreō (la), appāreō, adpāreō, coorior, orior (la), provenio
  • Maori: whakaaranga, tahakua (to appear in a dream/as a dream), poke (mi) (as a spirit or ghost)
  • Old English: ætīewan
  • Persian: آشکارادن (fa)
  • Portuguese: parecer (pt)
  • Russian: ви́деться (ru) impf (vídetʹsja), приви́деться (ru) pf (privídetʹsja)
  • Slovak: zdať sa, vyzerať
  • Spanish: aparecer (es)
  • Tok Pisin: kamap (tpi)
  • Ukrainian: ввижатися (vvyžatysja), видаватися (vydavatysja)

to seem; to have a certain semblance; to look

  • Arabic: ظَهَرَ (ar) (ẓahara), بَدَا (ar) (badā) ((present tense:) يَبْدُو(yabdū))
  • Catalan: semblar (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 好像 (zh) (hǎoxiàng), 顯得显得 (zh) (xiǎnde)
  • Czech: vypadat (cs)
  • Dutch: lijken (nl)
  • Esperanto: aspekti
  • Finnish: näyttää (fi), vaikuttaa (fi)
  • French: sembler (fr), paraître (fr)
  • German: erscheinen (de), aussehen (de)
  • Gothic: 𐌲𐌰𐌿𐌼𐌾𐌰𐌽 (gaumjan)
  • Greek: φαίνομαι (el) (faínomai)
    Ancient: φαίνομαι (phaínomai), εἴδομαι (eídomai), δοκέω (dokéō)
  • Haitian Creole: sanble, parèt
  • Hebrew: נראה(nir’á)
  • Hindi: दिखना (dikhnā)
  • Hungarian: látszik (hu), tűnik (hu)
  • Ido: aspektar (io)
  • Irish: taibhsigh
  • Japanese: …らしい (ja) (…rashii), …そう (ja) (…-sō), …ように見える (…yō ni mieru), 思われる (おもわれる, omowareru)
  • Khmer: please add this translation if you can
  • Lao: ປະກົດ (pa kot)
  • Latin: coorior, orior (la), prōveniō, simulō, similō, videor
  • Maori: ngia
  • Polish: zdawać się (pl)
  • Portuguese: parecer (pt), aparentar (pt), semelhar
  • Quechua: rikuriy
  • Romanian: părea (ro), da impresia
  • Russian: каза́ться (ru) impf (kazátʹsja), показа́ться (ru) pf (pokazátʹsja)
  • Santali: ᱧᱮᱞ (ñel)
  • Scottish Gaelic: coimhead
  • Slovak: vyzerať
  • Spanish: parecer (es)
  • Swedish: se ut (sv)
  • Urdu: دکھایا(dikhānā)

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verb (used without object)

to come into sight; become visible: A man suddenly appeared in the doorway.

to have the appearance of being; seem; look: to appear wise.

to be obvious or easily perceived; be clear or made clear by evidence: It appears to me that you are right.

to come or be placed before the public; be published: Her biography appeared last year.

to perform publicly, as in a play, dance, etc.: He appeared as the king in the play.

to attend or be present, especially to arrive late or stay but a short time: He appeared at the party but left quickly.

to come into being; be created, invented, or developed: Speech appears in the child’s first or second year.

Law. to come formally, especially as a party or counsel, to a proceeding before a tribunal, authority, etc.



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Origin of appear

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English ap(p)eren, from Anglo-French, Old French aper-, tonic stem of apare(i)r, apparoir, from Latin appārēre “to be seen, appear,” equivalent to ap-ap-1 + pārēre “to be visible”

synonym study for appear


re·ap·pear, verb (used without object)well-ap·pear·ing, adjective

Words nearby appear

appassionato, appd., appeal, appealing, appeal play, appear, appearance, appearance money, appear as, appease, appeasement Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to appear

arrive, come, come out, crop up, develop, emerge, materialize, occur, pop up, present, show, show up, surface, turn out, turn up, enter, perform, play, arise, attend

How to use appear in a sentence

  • The post A comprehensive guide on using Google Trends for keyword research appeared first on Search Engine Watch.

  • The post Five ways to use machine learning in digital marketing appeared first on Search Engine Watch.

  • The post Google My Business adds messaging to desktop interface appeared first on Search Engine Land.

  • The post Google Image Search update reduces duplicate image results appeared first on Search Engine Land.

  • The post Google passage ranking now live in US English search results appeared first on Search Engine Land.

  • States were encouraged and allowed to lower standards to make it appear they were improving.

  • I had the opportunity to appear on the popular Sons of Anarchy series in their final season.

  • But on Monday, when he was scheduled to appear in court, KSM was back in his detention site.

  • They are true believers and appear to love working for the man.

  • But she is, in her way, holding a mirror up to nature, and objects in this mirror may be closer than they appear.

  • Under the one-sixth they appear as slender, highly refractive fibers with double contour and, often, curled or split ends.

  • There is more of artfulness in the flatteries which appear to involve a calculating intention to say the nice agreeable thing.

  • “You appear to feel it so,” rejoined Mr. Pickwick, smiling at the clerk, who was literally red-hot.

  • Crystals of urea nitrate or oxalate (Fig. 19) will soon appear and can be recognized with the microscope.

  • He shall serve among great men, and appear before the governor.

British Dictionary definitions for appear

verb (intr)

to come into sight or view

(copula; may take an infinitive) to seem or lookthe evidence appears to support you

to be plain or clear, as after further evidence, etcit appears you were correct after all

to develop or come into being; occurfaults appeared during testing

to become publicly available; be publishedhis biography appeared last month

to perform or acthe has appeared in many London productions

to be present in court before a magistrate or judgehe appeared on two charges of theft

Word Origin for appear

C13: from Old French aparoir, from Latin appārēre to become visible, attend upon, from pārēre to appear

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other forms: appeared; appears; appearing

If something appears, it comes into view. Rub a magic lamp and a genie will appear. If that’s the case, she will grant you three wishes.

Appear comes from the Latin apparere meaning «to appear, come in sight, make an appearance.» Whether literally materializing or seeming to be true, the word appear is used to describe something coming into sight or presenting itself. The word can also be used to describe an actor appearing in a play. Julie Andrews appeared in the musical «Victor Victoria.» When someone looks happy, he appears to be happy. When a detail seems true, it appears to be true.

Definitions of appear

  1. verb

    come into sight or view

    “He suddenly
    appeared at the wedding”

    “A new star
    appeared on the horizon”

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    disappear, go away, vanish

    get lost, as without warning or explanation


    show 29 types…
    hide 29 types…

    appear as though from hiding


    appear on the skin


    reveal its presence or make an appearance

    wash up

    be carried somewhere by water or as if by water

    come to hand, come to light

    be revealed or disclosed

    come on, come out, show up, surface, turn up

    appear or become visible; make a showing


    come out into view, as from concealment


    appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground


    appear briefly


    emit a brief burst of light

    turn out

    come, usually in answer to an invitation or summons

    basset, crop out

    appear at the surface

    burst out, pop out

    appear suddenly

    re-emerge, reappear

    appear again


    become known or apparent

    break through, come through


    break through, come out, erupt, push through

    break out

    roll in

    pour or flow in a steady stream

    come to mind, spring to mind

    be remembered

    burst forth, leap out, rush out, sally out

    jump out from a hiding place and surprise (someone)


    emerge from the surface of a body of water

    show, show up

    be or become visible or noticeable

    crop up, pop, pop up

    appear suddenly or unexpectedly


    burst or split open


    emerge suddenly


    appear again

    come back, return

    be restored


    fall out of the pod or husk


    show in one’s face

  2. verb

    come into being or existence, or appear on the scene

    “Homo sapiens
    appeared millions of years ago”


    come along

  3. verb

    be issued or published

    “Did your latest book
    appear yet?”


    come out

  4. verb

    appear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc.

    appears briefly in this movie”

    appeared in `Hamlet’ on the London stage”

  5. verb

    present oneself formally, as before a (judicial) authority

    “He had to
    appear in court last month”

    appeared on several charges of theft”

  6. verb

    seem to be true, probable, or apparent

    appears that the weather in California is very bad”



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    appear to one’s own mind or opinion

    type of:


    have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)

  7. verb

    give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect

    appears to be a very difficult problem”

    appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time”


    look, seem

    see moresee less


    show 16 types…
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    appear to begin an activity


    give the appearance or impression of


    produce a certain impression

    pass off

    be accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity


    appear in a certain way

    come across

    be perceived in a certain way; make a certain impression

    beam, glow, radiate, shine

    have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink

    gleam, glint, glisten, glitter, shine

    be shiny, as if wet

    jump, jump out, leap out, stand out, stick out

    be highly noticeable

    lift, rear, rise

    rise up


    come into view indistinctly, often threateningly


    be felt or perceived in a certain way


    glitter as if covered with spangles

    hulk, loom, predominate, tower

    appear very large or occupy a commanding position


    give off a shimmering reflection, as of silk


    feel as if crawling with insects

    type of:


    have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘appear’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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