Last word spoken on friends

Question #138160. Asked by

Last updated Nov 12 2014.

Originally posted Nov 12 2014 8:39 AM.

With some time remaining before Monica and Chandler leave for their new house, the six all leave their keys to the apartment on the kitchen counter and decide to go for one last cup of coffee together, although it is only implied and never stated that this will be at Central Perk. In reference to this place, and, as the last line of the series, Chandler sarcastically quips, «Sure…Where?». The final scene is a shot of the apartment, panning round slowly from the living space to the front door.


Nov 12 2014, 9:33 AM

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  • The last word on friendship — Guardian

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The last word on friendship Решающее слово в дружбе
In a world full of enmity it is always interesting to contemplate the nature of friendship. Received wisdom has it that a friend is a person who gives without being asked; who understands, or tries to; who rejoices at good fortune and supports through bad; who tells unpleasant truths and pleasant untruths when either is necessary; whose affection is freely given, and who makes the innocent and proper assumption that all the claims, expectations, rights and duties of this vital and valuable human bond are reciprocal. Who could disagree? Perhaps the most important human relationship is the parenting, and especially mothering, of small children. But even the latter has friendship as part of its goal, if successful. Because friends are independent partners in their relationship, achieving friendship with one’s offspring means that the project of helping them grow into freedom has worked. В мире, полном вражды, всегда интересно созерцать природу дружбы. Мудрость гласит, что друг — это человек, который отдает, не ожидая просьбы; кто понимает или пытается понять; кто радуется удаче и поддерживает в плохое время; кто говорит неприятную истину и приятную неправду, когда это необходимо; чья любовь легко отдается, и кто делает невинное и правильное предположение, что все претензии, ожидания, права и обязанности этой жизненно важной и ценной человеческой связи взаимны. Кто может не согласиться? Пожалуй, самые важные человеческие отношения — это воспитание родителями и особенно воспитание матерью маленьких детей. Но даже у последних существует дружба как часть своей цели, если она успешна. Поскольку друзья являются независимыми партнерами в своих отношениях, построение дружеских отношений со своим ребенком означает, что проект по оказанию им помощи в развитии свободы сработал.
The great philosopher of friendship is Aristotle. He distinguishes genuine friendship from two simulacra, one in which the basis of the relationship is pleasure, the other in which it is mutual usefulness. These shallow forms of friendship last only as long as the pleasure or utility they afford, says Aristotle, whereas true friendship lasts because it is “grounded in good,” in the sense that one wishes for one’s friend what is best for him. Aristotle calls this friendship “perfected” or “completed” because its goal lies wholly within the relationship itself, and does not treat it as merely instrumental for some other or further end. Аристотель — великий философ дружбы. Он отличает подлинную дружбу от двух симулякр, в одной из которых основой отношений является удовольствие, в другой — взаимная полезность. Эти неглубокие формы дружбы длятся только до тех пор, пока она доставляет удовольствие или оказывает пользу, говорит Аристотель, тогда как настоящая дружба длится потому, что она «основана на добре», в том смысле, что человек желает для своего друга того, что лучше для него. Аристотель называет эту дружбу «совершенной» или «завершенной», так как ее цель полностью лежит в самих отношениях, а не рассматривается как инструмент для чего-то другого или как завершение в будущем.

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What was the Last Word spoken ever in Friends?

Choose the right answer:

Option A Oh My GOD!
Option B Where?
Option C Balls
Option D How you doin’?
 eisai_xazo posted over a year ago

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NBC / Via

What it usually means: A holiday celebrated in America.

What it means to Chandler fans: A miserable day that is a constant reminder of a childhood trauma. No turkey should be eaten on this day.




What it usually means: A word used to refer to something that is boring.

What it means to Chandler fans: The most offensive thing that anyone could ever call you.




What it usually means: A pleased, kind, or amused facial expression characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth.

What it means to Chandler fans: Something one can absolutely not do correctly when a camera is pointing at their face.




What it usually means: A food made from the pressed curds of milk (yum).

What it means to Chandler fans: It’s milk that you chew.


Bubble bath


What it usually means: A bath with bubbles.

What it means to Chandler fans: A guilty pleasure that can be quickly ruined by noncomplementary scents and bath salts that are lodged places they shouldn’t be lodged.



NBC / Via Netflix

What it usually means: A small lump of bone or cartilage.

What it means to Chandler fans: A third nipple. To remove said third nipple, one must have a nubbinectomy. (If you’re lucky, pressing the nubbin sometimes «opens the delivery entrance to the magical land of Narnia.»)



NBC / Via Netflix

What it usually means: A pair of lenses used to help you see clearly.

What it means to Chandler fans: Eyewear that Chandler was *not* wearing the entire series.




What it usually means: The state of being free from all flaws or defects.

What it means to Chandler fans: A word to use when you’re stuck in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre and you want a piece of gum.



NBC / Via Netflix

What it usually means: A country in the Middle East.

What it means to Chandler fans: A place you tell someone you’re going when you want to get away from them.


Vanilla Ice

NBC / Via

What it usually means: A rapper, actor, and host of a fixer-upper show.

What it means to Chandler fans: The lookalike contest Chandler won.



NBC / Via Netflix

What it usually means: A person’s name.

What it means to Chandler fans: A man who you once thought was cool — mainly because he had a mustache — but who eventually becomes your enemy.


TV Guide

NBC / Via Netflix

What it usually means: A magazine that provides TV listings and news.

What it means to Chandler fans: A magazine addressed to Miss Chanandler Bong.



NBC / Via Netflix

What it usually means: A city in Oklahoma.

What it means to Chandler fans: A place you’ll be sent to if you fall asleep in the middle of an important work meeting.


The Velveteen Rabbit

NBC / Via Netflix

What it usually means: A children’s book about a stuffed rabbit who wants to become real.

What it means to Chandler fans: Something to give someone else when you really, really love them.




What it usually means: The day after Saturday and before Monday.

What it means to Chandler fans: A day that is meant for sitting on your butt, not for working out.



NBC / Via Netflix

What it usually means: Urine.

What it means to Chandler fans: What you have to sacrifice to save a friend in need.




What it usually means: A type of cake.

What it means to Chandler fans: A dessert so delicious that you’re willing to do almost anything to get it in your mouth.


Michael Flatley

NBC / Via

What it usually means: A dancer, choreographer, and musician known for his Irish dance shows.

What it means to Chandler fans: A man whose legs flail about as if independent from his body.




What it usually means: The skin on your elbow.

What it means to Chandler fans: Weekly Estimated Net Usage Systems.




What it usually means: To exist or live.

What it means to Chandler fans: The magic word that *truly* completes a Chandler Bing sentence.



NBC / Via Netflix

What it usually means: An adverb used to ask about a place or position.

What it means to Chandler fans: The last word spoken on Friends.

In a world full of enmity it is always interesting to contemplate the nature of friendship. Received wisdom has it that a friend is a person who gives without being asked; who understands, or tries to; who rejoices at good fortune and supports through bad; who tells unpleasant truths and pleasant untruths when either is necessary; whose affection is freely given, and who makes the innocent and proper assumption that all the claims, expectations, rights and duties of this vital and valuable human bond are reciprocal. Who could disagree? Perhaps the most important human relationship is the parenting, and especially mothering, of small children. But even the latter has friendship as part of its goal, if successful. Because friends are independent partners in their relationship, achieving friendship with one’s offspring means that the project of helping them grow into freedom has worked.

The great philosopher of friendship is Aristotle. In two striking chapters of his Nichomachean Ethics he distinguishes genuine friendship from two simulacra, one in which the basis of the relationship is pleasure, the other in which it is mutual usefulness. These shallow forms of friendship last only as long as the pleasure or utility they afford, says Aristotle, whereas true friendship lasts because it is «grounded in good,» in the sense that one wishes for one’s friend what is best for him. Aristotle calls this friendship «perfected» or «completed» because its goal lies wholly within the relationship itself, and does not treat it as merely instrumental for some other or further end.

Aristotle says that a friend is «another self», meaning that the kind of concern one properly has for one’s own good is extended to one’s friend too. Proper self-concern is appropriate for an ethical individual, who will be motivated thereby to act nobly, and to make intelligent decisions about how to choose and act — and who will therefore always see that, as a social being, what is best for himself is at one with what is best for his friends and (ultimately) community. To treat a friend as another self, therefore, is always to will the best for him for his own sake.

The Aristotelian ideal of friendship is personal and mutual, and the very highest friendships are exclusive. Other philosophers took a different view. Immanuel Kant held that the truly virtuous individual will offer friendship to all other people equally, and that it is legitimate for people to expect a reciprocity of pleasure and utility. Soren Kierkegaard rejected Aristotle’s view on the Christian ground that since one is to love all one’s neighbours, there is no room for friendships that exclude any of them or discriminate among them.

These opinions are not, as it happens, inconsistent with Aristotle’s view. One can nourish benevolent feelings towards the rest of humanity in general, and work for its good — and can appropriately expect from most of one’s acquaintanceships a mutuality of pleasure and usefulness — while at the same time enjoying true friendship, in Aristotle’s sense, with just one or some others. The key is that the overriding point of the relationship is the relationship itself. How indeed could one be a genuinely good friend to one’s lover, one’s family, one’s chosen comrades, without offering them more of oneself than to strangers, however much one’s concern is to be a responsible part of the comity of man? For friendship is by its nature particular, with its focus in individual things, in confidences and the security provided by mutual understanding. Multiplying such relationships too far makes each one less.

«The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,» said Polonius, «grapple to thy soul with hoops of steel; but do not dull thy palm with entertainment of each new-hatched, unfledged comrade.» This advice seems to render the making of new friends impossible, and therefore needs qualification; but it suggests an allied truth, which is that friendships once made need tending; and nothing substitutes for time together, in circumstances where other pressures are lifted so that the gates of communication can spring open, allowing free trade to pass between.

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