Last word in english language

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Dr. Jaleel Bergnaum

Score: 4.5/5
(49 votes)

1 : the final remark in a verbal exchange. 2a : the power of final decision. b : a definitive statement or treatment this study will surely be the last word on the subject for many years. 3 : the most advanced, up-to-date, or fashionable exemplar of its kind the last word in sports cars.

What does having the last word mean?

1 : the final thing said in an argument or a discussion Your mother’s decision is the final word on the matter. 2 : the power to make a final decision The judge will have the last word on the divorce agreement. …

What is the last word called?

You could use valediction, which has the general meaning of words of farewell and is sometimes used in the context of last words before death (see examples below). Definitions include: The action of saying farewell. A statement or address made at or as a farewell.

What do you call someone who wants the last word?

Having the last word is closely associated with ego. Egomaniacs always have to have the last word. It gives them a feeling of power, as if they immediate draw all of the power of the person they are communicating with and become powerful due to it.

When someone says you have to have the last word?

To say the final words in an argument or discussion, especially one that decisively or conclusively ends it. Everyone started shouting, trying to have the last word, and the whole meeting just descended into chaos. David is so smug, making a point to have the last word in every debate.

28 related questions found

Why does my partner always have to have the last word?

An obsession with having the last word probably also means your partner struggles to hear and validate your perspective, especially when tensions are running high. “They see validation as either agreement or capitulation,” Olmedo said. They could have self-esteem issues.

What is a speech before death called?

A eulogy is a speech given at a funeral or memorial service praising the deceased. For some, giving a eulogy may be too painful, especially if the death was unexpected or the deceased is very young. In such cases, a family friend can give the eulogy instead of a family member, or the clergy can do so.

What are the most famous last words?

The 19 Most Memorable Last Words Of All Time

  1. “I am about to–or I am going to–die; either expression is used.” – French grammarian Dominique Bouhours (1628-1702)
  2. 2. “ I must go in, the fog is rising.” …
  3. 3. “ …
  4. “Looks like a good night to fly.” …
  5. “OH WOW. …
  6. “I want nothing but death.” …
  7. 7. “ …
  8. “Either that wallpaper goes, or I do.”

What is the most longest word?

Major dictionaries

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

What is the very last word in the English dictionary?

The last alphabetic entry in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) was zythum, a kind of malt beer brewed in ancient Egypt. ‘Zyzzyva’ — a tropical beetle — has become the new last word in the Oxford English Dictionary with the latest quarterly update which added over 1,200 new words, phrases and senses.

What is it called when someone thinks they are better than you?

adjective. someone who is arrogant thinks they are better or more important than other people and behaves in a way that is rude and too confident.

What do you call a person who knows everything?

A person who knows everything : Omniscient.

What word takes 3 hours to say full word?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

What is the shortest word?

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea.

What word takes 3 hours to say?

The chemical name of titin was first kept in the English dictionary, but it was later removed from the dictionary when the name caused trouble. It is now known only as Titin. Titin protein was discovered in 1954 by Reiji Natori.

What were Voltaire’s last words?

According to one story of his last words, when the priest urged him to renounce Satan, he replied, «This is no time to make new enemies.»

What were Diana’s last words?

He said that the princess asked him, “My God, what has happened?” It was only later that he found out the victim was Princess Diana, and that these would be her final words. The firefighter Xavier Gourmelon said that he had to massage the princess’s heart after she stopped breathing.

What were Elvis last words?

«I’m going to the bathroom to read.» Those were the words Elvis Presley said to his fiancee, Ginger Alden, early in the morning of August 16, 1977, at his Memphis mansion, Graceland.

Why do I feel death is near?

Near death awareness is often a sign that a person is beginning to transition from this life. The messages from the dying person are often symbolic. They may see tell you they saw a bird take wing and fly out their window.

What to say to a dying person?

What to Say to Someone Who Is Dying Soon

  • «I love you so much.»
  • «Thank you for teaching me….»
  • «I will never forget when….»
  • «My favorite memory we share…..»
  • «I’m sorry for…..»
  • «I hope you’ll forgive me for…..»
  • «It sounds like you’re seeing….»
  • «It sounds like you’re hearing….»

Is it good to have the last word?

Getting the last word means that you win the debate. It also shows your moral superiority. … It is particularly important to get the last word where you are in some doubts as to the merits of your case. The last word will serve as a clinching argument that will make up for any deficiencies in your logic.

How do I stop needing the last word?

How to disarm an argument when you know you are right

  1. Give yourself a pat on the back, you are the king of logic. …
  2. Remind yourself in the knowledge that this argument was never about right and wrong anyway. …
  3. Listen to what your partner is saying. …
  4. Be present with what your partner is saying. …
  5. Call a timeout.

Do you think it is always best to have the last word in an argument?

Having the last word might make you feel better, temporarily, but your partner will emerge unhappier and less trusting of you, making it harder to eventually restore the equilibrium that preceded the argument.

What is the hardest word to say?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.
  • Choir.
  • Worcestershire.

Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious a real word in the dictionary?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word as «a nonsense word, originally used esp. by children, and typically expressing excited approbation: fantastic, fabulous», while says it is «used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English.»

  • 1
    last word

    1. последнее слово

    2. решающее слово

    in a word — одним словом, короче говоря

    3. исчерпывающая разработка; авторитетное мнение

    4. продукт на самом современном уровне; последнее слово

    Синонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > last word

  • 2
    last word


    1. 1) последнее слово ()

    2) решающее слово ()

    3) исчерпывающая разработка; авторитетное мнение

    his study will surely be the last word on the subject for many years — ещё многие годы его монография будет оставаться последним словом в данной области

    2. ( in) продукт на самом современном уровне; последнее слово ()

    this is the last word in cars — эта модель — последнее слово автомобилестроения

    НБАРС > last word

  • 3
    last word in

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > last word in

  • 4
    last word on

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > last word on

  • 5
    last word

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > last word

  • 6
    last word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > last word

  • 7
    last word

    последний крик моды

    последнее слово

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > last word

  • 8
    last word

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > last word

  • 9
    last word indicator

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > last word indicator

  • 10
    last word delete

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > last word delete

  • 11
    last word of available memory

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > last word of available memory

  • 12
    last word indicator

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > last word indicator

  • 13
    last word in science

    Новый англо-русский словарь > last word in science

  • 14
    last word in something

    Новый англо-русский словарь > last word in something

  • 15
    last word on something

    Новый англо-русский словарь > last word on something

  • 16
    last word delete

    Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > last word delete

  • 17
    Last word in fashion

    Последнее слово моды

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Last word in fashion

  • 18
    the last word

    2) последнее слово, решающее слово

    My sister always has to have the last word. — Моей сестре всегда нужно сказать последнее слово.

    The last word has not yet been said on this subject. — Этот вопрос ещё окончательно не решён.

    The finance committee has the last word on what we spend. — Решающее слово в утверждении затрат остаётся за финансовым комитетом.

    3) последнее слово в , авторитетное мнение по

    The book is hardly the last word on the subject. — Эту книгу вряд ли можно считать последним словом в этой области.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > the last word

  • 19
    the last word

    1) последнее, решающее слово

    After many years of married life he had learned that it was more conducive to peace to leave his wife with the last word. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘Rain’) — Долгие годы супружеской жизни убедили Алека, что ради мира в семье последнее слово следует оставлять за женой.

    All day he had been fighting that bitter devil within and still he couldn’t get the last word. (J. Lindsay, ‘A Local Habitation’, ch. 1) — С самого утра боролся Джеф с демоном, поселившимся в его душе, но так и не смог справиться с ним.

    2) последнее слово, высшее достижение в чём-л.; последний крик моды

    The whole place is the last word in comfort. (J. Galsworthy, ‘Caravan’, ‘Ultima Thule’) — Комфорт в этом доме возведен в культ.

    At this period beaded trimmings were considered the last word in smartness. (J. Walsh, ‘Not Like This’, ‘At Work’) — В то время вышивка бисером была последним криком моды.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the last word

  • 20
    the last word

    Последний крик моды или что-либо окончательное. Выражение встречается в следующих конструкциях: the last word in elegance (элегантность), boorishness (неотёсанность), luxury (роскошь). To have the last word — произнести последнее, решающее слово в споре.

    English-Russian dictionary of expressions > the last word


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • last word — last′ word′ n. 1) the closing remark or comment, as in an argument 2) a final or definitive work, statement, etc.: This book is the last word on the topic[/ex] 3) the latest, most modern thing …   From formal English to slang

  • last word — ► NOUN 1) a final or definitive pronouncement. 2) the most modern or advanced example of something: the last word in luxury …   English terms dictionary

  • last word — n. 1. a) the final word or speech, regarded as settling the argument b) final authority 2. something regarded as perfect or definitive 3. Informal the very latest style …   English World dictionary

  • last word — /last ˈwɜd/ (say lahst werd) noun 1. ultimate authority: *Father would not hear of it and already it was he who had the last word on family affairs. –mary durack, 1959. 2. (plural) the final words of a dying person …  

  • last word — {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last word — {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last word — n. to get in, have the last word (she had the last word in the argument) * * * [ˌlɑːst wɜːd] have the last word (she had the last word in the argument) to get in …   Combinatory dictionary

  • last word — noun 1. the last remark in an argument. I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word. 2. the final say in deciding something. The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks. 3. informal the most modern thing. Mrs.… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Last Word — Infobox Radio Show show name = Last Word imagesize = caption = other names = format = Factual runtime = 28 mins country = United Kingdom language = English home station = BBC Radio 4 syndicates = television = presenter = starring = announcer =… …   Wikipedia

  • last word — 1. the closing remark or comment, as in an argument: By the rules of debate she would have the last word. 2. a final or definitive work, statement, etc.: This report is the last word on the treatment of arthritis. 3. the latest, most modern thing …   Universalium

  • last word — 1) that s my last word Syn: final decision, definitive statement, conclusive comment 2) she was determined to have the last word Syn: concluding remark, final say, closing statement 3) the last word in luxury and efficiency Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

What is the last word in a dictionary?

Zyzzyva /ˈzɪzɪvə/ is a genus of tropical American weevils often found in association with palms. It is a snouted beetle. “Zyzzyva” is the last word in many English-language dictionaries.

What is the last word in the U section of the dictionary?


What is the second to last word in the dictionary?

But penultimate means “next to last” or “second to last.” It’s probably because it adds an emphatic extra syllable to the word ultimate that people think it somehow means “more” than ultimate—but it really means less.

What is the third word in the dictionary?

Everyone knows what the third word means. What is the third word? The answer is “energy”. The riddle says that the word ends in the letters g-r-y; it says nothing about the order of the letters.

What does a 3rd mean?

Third(adj) constituting or being one of three equal parts into which anything is divided; as, the third part of a day. Third(noun) the quotient of a unit divided by three; one of three equal parts into which anything is divided.

What does a 3rd party mean?

1 : a person other than the principals a third party to a divorce proceeding insurance against injury to third parties. 2a : a major political party operating over a limited period of time in addition to two other major parties in a nation or state normally characterized by a two-party system.

What does third party mean on Snapchat?

A third-party app is any app that isn’t owned by the official app developer. Fans of popular, official apps usually see a need that isn’t being fulfilled, so they decide to develop an app that works with the official app’s API to offer new features that other users might enjoy as well.

What does third party mean in legal terms?

third party. n. a person who is not a party to a contract or a transaction, but has an involvement (such as one who is a buyer from one of the parties, was present when the agreement was signed or made an offer that was rejected).

What is considered 3rd party contact?

Third-party, or indirect contact, means that one person passes a message to the other through a third-party. A common example of third-party contact would be when the Respondent, who has received a five-year permanent Injunction, tells his friend to tell the Petitioner he says hello.

Is a lawyer considered a third party?

(a) A lawyer serves as a third-party neutral when the lawyer assists two or more persons who are not clients of the lawyer to reach a resolution of a dispute or other matter that has arisen between them.

What is considered 3rd party communication?

What is a third party communication? When a protective order is in place, a third party communication is when someone contacts a plaintiff on behalf of the defendant, such as when someone passes along a message.

What does third party contractor mean?

Third Party Contractors means any person (not being, for the avoidance of doubt, Project Co or any Project Co Party or Additional Contractors) that carries out any Third Party Works.

What is a third party in a relationship?

A third-party relationship is any business arrangement between an organization and another entity, by contract or otherwise. To complicate matters, some third parties may themselves be utilizing a third party without your knowledge or consent, providing additional challenges in contract management and oversight.

What is an example of a third party?

An example of a third party would be the escrow company in a real estate transaction; the escrow party acts as a neutral agent by collecting the documents and money that the buyer and seller exchange when completing the transaction. A collection agency may be another example of a third party.

Is a sub contractor a third party?

SUBCONTRACTORS USUALLY ARE NOT THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES OF CONTRACTS BETWEEN GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND OWNERS. By: Robert S. Generally, a person cannot claim benefits under a contract to which he is not a party, unless he can establish that the contracting parties intended him to be a third-party beneficiary.

Why is subcontracting bad?

Subcontracting in general is where one company will take a piece of work and give it to some other business organization to carry out that work. The more subcontracting, the more “fissuring” of the work, the greater the risk for health and safety at the bottom of those chains.

What is a subcontracted service?

A subcontractor is a type of contractor. Subcontractors also work on a contractual basis, and they also offer a particular set of skills which they perform for customers. The key point about subcontractors is that they form agreements with the contractor, not with the customer.

What is the difference between a subcontractor and a contractor?

When clients hire you to work on a specific project or on a freelance basis, you are usually considered a contractor. You provide the labor, services, and sometimes whatever equipment is needed to get the project done. Subcontractors are companies or individual people that you hire to help you complete a project.

Is a sub contractor self employed?

Independent contractors and subcontractors are both considered self-employed by the IRS. Both are responsible for making quarterly tax payments including self-employment tax.

What is an advantage for an owner to use multiple prime contractors?

Under a multi-prime contract, the owner has more financial control over a project. Further, the construction manager assumes no financial risk. With the CMMP delivery method, the owner chooses the contractors based on several qualifications and not just project price.

What type of insurance do subcontractors need?

General liability insurance is a type of subcontractor liability insurance that protects against lawsuits over third-party bodily injuries and client property damage. Many small companies won’t work with subcontractors unless they carry their own general liability insurance.

Do I need insurance as a subcontractor?

Anyone who works as a subcontractor needs subcontractor’s liability insurance to protect their business against liability claims made against them. Subcontractors also need subcontractor’s liability insurance to enable them to comply with the conditions of the contract that they are working under.

How does subcontractor insurance work?

Adding an additional insured on a policy allows that person or business to be covered under your existing subcontractor insurance if they get listed in a lawsuit arising out of your operations or the work you completed. It pays their costs if you involve them in a lawsuit or a claim.

Does a self employed person need insurance?

Self-employed public liability insurance is not legally required for most business, but is considered necessary if people visit your business premises. Saying that, some customers may demand that you have some public liability cover, simply so they know that they’re protected.

What insurance can I get if I am self-employed?

If you’re self-employed, you can use the individual Health Insurance Marketplace® to enroll in flexible, high-quality health coverage that works well for people who run their own businesses. You’re considered self-employed if you have a business that takes in income but doesn’t have any employees.

What insurance should I get self-employed?

Here are a range of insurance needs you might have to consider for your business.

  • Motor insurance.
  • Professional indemnity insurance.
  • Employers’ liability insurance cover.
  • Buildings and contents insurance.
  • Equipment insurance.
  • Public liability insurance.
  • Product liability insurance.
  • Goods-in-transit insurance.

What business insurance do I need as a sole trader?

Public Liability insurance for self-employed sole traders Public Liability insurance is essential for any self-employed trader whose business brings them into contact with members of the public.

Do I need business insurance if I am a sole trader?

As a sole trader, your insurance requirements will vary depending on the type of work you do and where you work from. While you may operate the business as a sole-trader, if you employ one member of staff or more, it is a legal requirement for you to have employers’ liability cover.

Do you need insurance if you are a sole trader?

New South Wales Like QLD, sole traders in New South Wales are not obliged to hold insurance for their business. If there are employees, however, it is required by law to have Workers’ Insurance. A good alternative is either Personal Accident and Illness Insurance or Income Protection Insurance.

Why can’t a sole trader raise share capital?

5 Limited access to finance As a sole trader, it can be very difficult to raise capital to expand the business. Whether they do advance loans, the terms offered may not be as generous as those provided to a limited company. Most other forms of long-term finance will not be available to sole traders.

What is the last word in a dictionary?

Alex Heath


What is the last word in a dictionary?

Zyzzyva – a type of beetle – takes the closing honour from zythum, an ancient Egyptian malt beer. The Oxford English Dictionary has a new “last word” – “zyzzyva”, which is a genus of tropical weevil native to South America typically found in palm trees.

What is added to the beginning of a word or root word?

a prefix is added at the beginning of a word/root word.

What is the study of new words called?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

What was the first word ever said?

The word is of Hebrew origin(it is found in the 30th chapter of Exodus). Also according to Wiki answers,the first word ever uttered was “Aa,” which meant “Hey!” This was said by an australopithecine in Ethiopia more than a million years ago.

What are coined words?

1. a new word or phrase or an existing word used in a new sense. 2. the introduction or use of new words or new senses of existing words.

Can you invent a word?

A lot of us make up new words. They’re called neologisms and coinages. Making up new words is fun, creative, and—especially when that word addresses a gap in the language—an extremely useful thing to do. The dictionary only includes words that have a specific meaning many people can agree on.”

What is a non coined word?

Neologisms are newly coined terms, words, or phrases, that may be commonly used in everyday life but have yet to be formally accepted as constituting mainstream language.

What is a nonce word?

A nonce word (also called an occasionalism) is a lexeme created for a single occasion to solve an immediate problem of communication.

Is Nounce a word?

-nounce- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “call; say. ” It is related to -nunc-. This meaning is found in such words as: announce, denounce, mispronounce, pronounce, renounce.

What does Neek mean?

neek (plural neeks) (slang, derogatory) A nerd or geek.

What does chav mean in British slang?

“Chav” (/tʃæv/), also “charver” and “scally” in parts of England is a British pejorative term used to describe an anti-social lower-class youth dressed in sportswear.

What are chavs called in America?

Chav or pikey These unpleasant slang terms, originally used to refer to Irish or Romani gypsies, have evolved to mean a certain type of flashy working class kid clad in designer sportswear and gold jewelry. The closest U.S. equivalent would probably be trailer trash.

What does Bullocks mean in Britain?

1 chiefly British, usually vulgar : testicles.

Does bloody mean the F word?

No, ‘Bloody’ does not translate to ‘Fuck’. It is not as ‘offensive’, and it is not a ‘foul’ word, or a ‘curse’ word. Bloody: used to emphasise what you are saying in a slightly rude way. It was considered a respectable word until about 1750, although some say it became a swear word around 1670.

Is Frick a cuss word?

So no, it is not “a swear.” It is a similar-sounding word substituted for a vulgar term, when using the actual vulgar term would be inappropriate.

Is Bloody a cuss word in England?

Still, to Americans bloody remains the quintessential British swear word, and one of the only ones they have not adopted themselves (except when they’re being pretentious or ironic). Both countries share a fascination with swear words’ that reference the male anatomy.

Is the F word a bad word in England?

Swear words including the ‘F’ word are used quite liberally in real-life British English probably about as much as they are in American English, but not by everybody, and only in certain situations. They mostly have the same meanings and the same impact.

Is Dang a bad word?

Among people who consider casual blasphemy unacceptable, this is bad. Darn is a method of repairing cloth, especially knitted cloth. As an expletive, it’s a nonsense word with no meaning, thus not offensive. Dang is nothing but a nonsense word with no meaning except that produced by its habitual use as an expletive.

Why Bloody is a bad word?

Use of the adjective bloody as a profane intensifier predates the 18th century. Its ultimate origin is unclear, and several hypotheses have been suggested. The Oxford English Dictionary prefers the theory that it arose from aristocratic rowdies known as “bloods”, hence “bloody drunk” means “drunk as a blood”.

Is Crikey a bad word?

Crikey. Some may argue that this isn’t a swear word, but it’s an important English word to recognized nevertheless. Crikey is often used to show astonishment and surprise, similar to the way the word ‘Christ!

Is bloody rude?

Question: Is ‘bloody’ a swear word? A swear word is “an offensive word” and any word may be considered offensive by some but not by others depending on country, culture, language, age, upbringing and other social factors. “Bloody” literally means “covered, smeared or comprising of blood” so it isn’t a swearword.

Why is dammit a bad word?

Yes, saying “damn it” is swearing. Specifically, it is profanity—an oath that is taboo for religious reasons. In this case, it is a shortened form of “God damn.” The speaker is asking God to condemn someone or something to hell. The other kind of swearing is vulgarity: impolite words for bodily functions and such.

Is Dang a slang word?

Used to express dissatisfaction or annoyance. Damn.

What can I say instead of Dang?

Dang Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for dang?

extremely really
mightily supremely
most majorly
severely so
frightfully stinking

What is the baddest word?

‘Moist’ – a word apparently despised the world over – is about to be named the worst word in the English language. The word has emerged as a clear frontrunner in a global survey conducted by Oxford Dictionaries.

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus.

the last word

1. The final words in an argument or discussion, especially one that decisively or conclusively ends it. Everyone started shouting, trying to get in the last word, and the whole meeting just descended into chaos.

2. The most recent, modern, or advanced version of something. Typically followed by «in (something).» It may not look like much, but I can assure you that this machine is the last word in neural imaging.

3. The final authority to decide what happens or how something is done. The department heads all contribute to creating the strategy, but it’s ultimately the CEO who has the last word. We always give our editor-in-chief the last word on controversial topics like this.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*last word

 and *final word; *final say

Fig. the final point (in an argument); the final decision (in some matter). (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give some one ~.) The boss gets the last word in hiring. Why do you always have to have the final word in an argument?

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

your/the last/final ˈword (on/about something)

your, etc. final decision or statement about something: ‘Will you take £900?’ ‘No, £1 000 and that’s my last word.’Is that your final word on the matter?

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • last word, the
  • the last word
  • get in the last word
  • get the final word
  • get the last say
  • get the last word
  • have the last word
  • last word, to have the
  • give (one) the final word
  • give (one) the last word

References in classic literature

Esther, whose eyes had come alive and her cheeks flushed during these last words, relapsed in a second into a state of petrifaction.

She spoke her last words to the housekeeper in cheerful tones, and when she seated herself in the carriage her eyes were bright and her cheeks blooming under the dismal bonnet.

With a strong emphasis on the last words, my worthy adviser, mindful of the flight of time and the claims of business, rose to take his leave.

Eustace, that unhappy man has said his last words

They won’t even listen to me.» She attempted to rise from her chair as she pronounced the last words. Julian gently laid his hand on her shoulder and obliged her to resume her seat.

Spoken entirely at random, spoken without so much as a fragment of evidence to support them, those last words still had their effect.

Indeed, the Squire’s last words deserved to have their effect, for they had been the result of much anxious thought.

If he’ll only turn out a brave, helpful, truth-telling Englishman, and a gentleman, and a Christian, that’s all I want,» thought the Squire; and upon this view of the case he framed his last words of advice to Tom, which were well enough suited to his purpose.

The darkness has driven him inwards, and he has gone over his little past life, and thought of all his doings and promises, and of his mother and sister, and his father’s last words; and has made fifty good resolutions, and means to bear himself like a brave Brown as he is, though a young one.

Then Robin stepped to the edge of the scaffold, while the people grew still as death; for they desired to hear the last words uttered to the victims.

«These are my last words, dear boys,» she said firmly.

You are to consider me, child, as Socrates, not asking your opinion, but only informing you of mine.» From which last words the reader may possibly imagine, that this lady had read no more of the philosophy of Socrates, than she had of that of Alcibiades; and indeed we cannot resolve his curiosity as to this point.

are you come back to your politics?» cries the squire: «as for those I despise them as much as I do a f—t.» Which last words he accompanied and graced with the very action, which, of all others, was the most proper to it.

M2 EQUITYBITES-March 25, 2019-Bonhill Group to Acquire UK B2B Specialist Last Word Media

The duo reunited again on the set of the movie «The Last Word» earlier this year.

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last word — перевод на русский

— Why, her last words were about you.

-Её последние слова были о вас.

What were Kane’s last words? Do you remember, boys?

Помните последние слова Кейна?

We thought maybe… If we could find out what he meant by his last words as he was dying. — That «Rosebud»?

Мистер Берштайн, мы думали, если узнаем про его последние слова.

«These are my last words to you. «That’s why I write them.

«Это мои последние слова к тебе

So he remembered your last words.

И он вспомнил твои последние слова.

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And the last words I ever heard him say were to reproach me.

И последнее, что я слышала от него, были слова упрёка.

Those were your last words.

Это последнее, что ты сказала.

What did he say the last word?

Что он сказал, последнее?

Chuck, if we hadn’t stopped that bomb, your last words to me would have been about my weird unpacking thing.

Чак, да если б мы не остановили ту бомбу, последнее, что я услышала бы от тебя, были бы слова насчет моих жутких привычек!

«who were interviewed at the scene said that the man’s last words as he hurtled toward the oncoming commuter train were,

«которых опросили на месте происшествия, сказали, что последнее, что сказал тот человек, когда рванулся навстречу прибывающей электричке —

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Those were his last words.

— Это его слова.

When you said you came to deliver my dad’s last words but you couldn’t?

Когда сказал, что хотел передать его слова, но не смог.

— Then your last words become a lie.

— Тогда твои слова ей станут ложью.

I don’t know that last word.

Я не знаю этого слова.

Famous last words before a lot of bad decisions.

«акие слова много кто говорил, перед тем натворить дел.

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Always has to have the last word.

Всегда им надо что-то сказать напоследок.

Any last words, queer?

Есть что сказать напоследок, пидор?

Any last words?

Хотите что-нибудь сказать напоследок?

Do you have any last words?

У вас есть, что сказать напоследок?

Any last words

Больше нечего сказать напоследок?

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Do you have any last words?

Хочешь что-то сказать?

Mr. Fornum, do you have any last words?

Мистер Форнум, вы хотите что-нибудь сказать?

Any last words or final prayer -— anything?

Хочешь сказать что-то напоследок, последнее желание?

I never told you the last words that Colleen said before they let her die.

Я тебе не говорил, что сказала Колин перед тем, как ей дали умереть.

Her last words to me were, «I’d still be with you if you weren’t a man. »

Как она сказала: «Будь ты женщиной, мы бы с тобой жили долго и счастливо.»

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I finally have the last word with her, and with you.

Наконец, я могу сказать последнее слово ей и вам.

Now you watch — he cannot bear not to have the last word.

Теперь смотри — он не сможет выдержать, чтобы не сказать последнее слово.

Does anyone have any last words?

Кто-то хочет сказать последнее слово?

You always have the last word?

Ты обязан сказать последнее слово?

Could be she went back on Sunday to get one last word in.

Может быть, она вернулась в воскресенье, чтобы сказать последнее слово.

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Are there any last words you want to say to your dad on the radio?

И напоследок, есть ли что-то ещё, что вы хотите сказать вашему отцу?

Do you have any last words?

Скажешь что-нибудь напоследок?

Any last words, old man?

Скажешь что-нибудь напоследок, старик?

Was there any last word she told you?

Она сказала что-нибудь Вам напоследок?

Any last words for your father?

Скажешь что-нибудь напоследок своему отцу?

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It’s just like Brad to have to have the last word.

Похоже, последнее слово осталось за Брэдом.

-Always got to have the last word.

Хотела, чтобь? последнее слово осталось за ней.

What, you’re actually gonna let me have the last word?

Что, вы и правда позволите, чтобы последнее слово осталось за мной?

Seemed like the mayor got the last word.

Звучит так, будто последнее слово осталось за мэром.

I finally got the last word.

Наконец-то последнее слово осталось за мной.

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‘Cause if these are gonna be my last words, then you’re gonna listen.

Если это мои предсмертные слова, то уж послушайте.

Those would have been terrible last words.

Ужасные были бы предсмертные слова.

Well, they’re Cleopatra’s last words before she died.

Это предсмертные слова Клеопатры.

By law, a man’s last words are considered to be the truth. — It’s known as…

По закону, предсмертные слова считаются правдой.

Famous last words, Archiekins.

Предсмертные слова,Арчикинс.

Were those the last words Kitty ever heard?

Видимо, Китти перед смертью услышала то же самое.

So, what were Nelson’s last words?

Что сказал Нельсон перед смертью?

Did she have any last words?

Она что-нибудь сказала перед смертью?

All I was doing was trying to read that kid’s lips to make out his last words.

Я пытался прочитать по губам, что говорил ребёнок перед смертью.

Before you kill me, just grant me a few last words. All right?

Можно я кое-что скажу перед смертью?

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  • последние слова
  • последнее
  • слова
  • сказать напоследок
  • сказать
  • сказать последнее слово
  • напоследок
  • последнее слово осталось за
  • предсмертные слова
  • перед смертью

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