Last word in argument

have the last word in the argument

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Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «have the last word in the argument» в других словарях:

  • the last word on something — the last/final word (on sth) idiom the last comment or decision about sth • He always has to have the last word in any argument. • I m willing to wait one more week, and that s my final word on the subject. Main entry: ↑word …   Useful english dictionary

  • last word on something — the last/final word (on sth) idiom the last comment or decision about sth • He always has to have the last word in any argument. • I m willing to wait one more week, and that s my final word on the subject. Main entry: ↑word …   Useful english dictionary

  • last word — {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last word — {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last word, the — noun 1. ) the last thing said in an argument: have the last word: My sister always has to have the last word. 2. ) information that everyone considers to be the best: last word, the on: The book is hardly the last word on the subject. 3. ) the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • have the last word — have the final/last word 1. to say the last statement in a discussion or argument. Tim can t bear to lose an argument. He always has to have the last word. 2. to make the final decision about something. Our head chef has the final word on what is …   New idioms dictionary

  • have the final word — have the final/last word 1. to say the last statement in a discussion or argument. Tim can t bear to lose an argument. He always has to have the last word. 2. to make the final decision about something. Our head chef has the final word on what is …   New idioms dictionary

  • last word — the last remark in an argument, the final say in deciding something She always expects to have the last word when she and her husband go to the store to buy something important …   Idioms and examples

  • the last word — UK / US noun 1) the last thing said in an argument have the last word: My sister always has to have the last word. 2) information that everyone considers to be the best the last word on: The book is hardly the last word on the subject. 3) the… …   English dictionary

  • last word — n. to get in, have the last word (she had the last word in the argument) * * * [ˌlɑːst wɜːd] have the last word (she had the last word in the argument) to get in …   Combinatory dictionary

  • last word — 1. the closing remark or comment, as in an argument: By the rules of debate she would have the last word. 2. a final or definitive work, statement, etc.: This report is the last word on the treatment of arthritis. 3. the latest, most modern thing …   Universalium

Arguments with my children always bring out the worst in us. When tempers flare, voices rise and while we are trying to teach them what ends up happening is a power struggle.

With a strong personality in a kid (aka a strong-willed child), sometimes the argument becomes a power struggle. Does this sound familiar?

If your child always needs the last word then there is an awesome statement I have learned to use to defuse the situation.

Argument | Last Word | Arguing with Child | Argumentative | I love having a phrase like this to use when my son. It helps so much with a child that always needs the last word in an argument.

In my house lately the arguing and pestering has been growing between the siblings. When it escalates and I have to reprimand them then begins the power struggle. When you know the argument is over but the back and forth is still going on because your child just has to get the last word here is how to shift the power.

Use the phrase, “I’ve spoken. Would you like to have the last word?”

This shifts the power. Instead of them taking control, you have decided to give it to them.

Amazing stuff, right? I love when I find something out like this. I always need new parenting tricks up my sleeve. Parenting forums, books and mommy groups are just invaluable for this type of information.

When I feel like things are getting a little out of control and I need to reign in the back talk or disrespect in my house I like to read a new parenting book. I like fresh tools every once in a while to keep ahead of the kids. They sometimes catch on to the game and I need to keep a step ahead. 🙂

Feeling Stuck

If you want to change the environment in your home and set some new expectations, check out Becky of Your Modern Family’s Parenting Manual 101 course. She has game changing ideas for setting routines, fighting entitlement and discover your kids “currency”.

On My Nightstand

  1.  I have learned a lot of helpful tips from Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay. An example of when I use it is When Your Child Stalls When You Are Trying To Get Out the Door.
  2. I am currently reading Siblings Without Rivalry by W. W. Norton and Co. and it has some great tips. I will write about it when I have finished and tested out what I have learned on my own kids.

Do you have any favorite parenting books or phrases to use to share with me? I love having new tips.

Want more parenting tips?

Siblings Fighting? 3 Tips To Help Them Get Along.

8 Easy Toy Organization Hacks You’ll Wish You Had Known Sooner

level 1

No, presenting a superior argument means you’ve won. Getting the last word just means that you’re a petty bitch. But sometimes its lovely to be petty.

level 1

Really not. It just means that the other person, for whatever reason, has decided to stop arguing with you.

level 1


My mother used to say there are only two ways to win an argument. Be right, or be loud.

level 1

You are obviously not married

level 1

Nine times out of ten, the «last word» in an argument is spoken into an empty room.

level 2

or muttered under my breath.

level 2

Twelve times out of seventeen, statistics are just made up on the spot.

level 1

You never really win an argument. Once emotions get heated, it’s only about escaping with the least amount of damage done.

level 1

No, but it makes you feel better sometimes.

level 1


Watching your opponent collapse from the strain of maintaining their own cognitive dissonance, that’s victory.

level 1

If your (or your partner’s) goal is to «win» an argument, nobody will.

level 2

it’s not with my partner, just a general musing on life. But you’re right, no partnership benefits from arguing.

level 1

it doesnt matter who speaks first or last. Right is right, and wrong is wrong.

Insisting on the last word means you were committed to the act of arguing instead of using the disagreement as a tool to find the solution.

level 1

Depends. Are you a man? Was the argument with your girlfriend/fiance/wife? Because if that’s the case, if you’re in an argument in the first place you’ve already lost.

level 2

no I’m a girl. It’s not a question about anything specifically, more a general wonderingment.

level 1

I always get the last words in when my wife and I fight. «Yes dear». Do you think I won?

level 1

This is gonna sound strange, but I can’t actually think of an argument I’ve ever had where someone actually «won.» Makes it seem like a giant waste of time…

args=${*:3} flattens your argument list. You don’t want to do that. Consider following the pattern given below instead:

# this next line sets "$@" for testing purposes; you don't need it in real life
set -- 
  "first argument" 
  "second argument" 
  "third argument" 
  "fourth argument" 
  "fifth argument"

# trim the first two
args=( "${@:2}" )

# trim the last one
args=( "${args[@]:1:$(( ${#args[@]} - 2 ))}" )

# demonstrate the output content
printf '<%s>n' "${args[@]}"

Running the above yields the following output:

<third argument>
<fourth argument>

…and, by doing so, demonstrates that it’s correctly keeping arguments together, even when they contain spaces or wildcard characters.

For a shell completion script, you might also consider:

printf '%q ' "${args[@]}"

…which quotes content in such a way as to be eval’able by the shell.

TL;DR: In the case of export FOO=bar, bash invokes its temporary environment creation, sets FOO=bar in that environment, then yields a final command of export FOO. At that point, FOO is taken as the last argument.

Ah, the much-abused $_:

($_, an underscore.) At shell startup, set to the absolute pathname used to invoke the shell or shell script being executed as passed in the environment or argument list. Subsequently, expands to the last argument to the previous command, after expansion. Also set to the full pathname used to invoke each command executed and placed in the environment exported to that command. When checking mail, this parameter holds the name of the mail file.

Let’s look at a few variations:

$ man; echo $_
What manual page do you want?
$ man foo; echo $_
No manual entry for foo
$ echo; echo $_

$ echo bar foo; echo $_
bar foo
$ foo=x eval 'echo $foo'; echo $_
echo $foo
$ bar() { man $1; }; echo $_
$ for (( i=0; $i<0; i=i+1 )); do echo $i; done; echo $_
$ bar; echo $_
What manual page do you want?
$ bar foo; echo $_
No manual entry for foo
$ MANPATH=/tmp; echo $_

$ export MANPATH=/tmp; echo $_

So we see three patterns here:

  • Commands invoked from the filesystem, functions, and built-ins behave as generally expected: $_ is set to the command name itself if no arguments, otherwise the last of the presented arguments.
  • After function definitions, loops, and other logical constructions: $_ is not modified.
  • Everything else: $_ is set to something not quite expected; weird.

I’ve instrumented the code to provide some insight into the weirdness.

$ ./bash --noprofile --norc -c 'man foo'
$ ./bash --noprofile --norc -c 'export FOO=bar'
bind_variable, name=[FOO], value=[bar]
before bind_lastarg, lastarg=[FOO]
bind_lastarg, arg=[FOO]
bind_variable, name=[_], value=[FOO]
$ ./bash --noprofile --norc -c 'declare FOO=bar'
bind_variable, name=[FOO], value=[(null)]
before bind_lastarg, lastarg=[FOO=bar]
bind_lastarg, arg=[FOO=bar]
bind_variable, name=[_], value=[FOO=bar]

You can see that the parser sees the expected last argument (lastarg=) in all cases, but what happens thereafter depends on what bash thinks should happen. See execute_cmd.c, execute_simple_command().

In the case of export FOO=bar, bash makes the assignment and then exports the variable. This seems consistent with the documentation’s assertion that last argument calculated after expansion.

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