Large supermarket chain 1 word

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крупной сети супермаркетов

крупная сеть супермаркетов

For example, economists estimate that the food section of Wal-Mart charges 25 percent less than a typical large supermarket chain.

Например, по оценкам экономистов, продукты питания в «Wal-Mart» стоят на 25% дешевле, чем в типичной крупной сети супермаркетов.

An anchor tenant since 2007 is a large supermarket chain with more than 3,000 stores in Germany.

Якорным арендатором с 2007 года является крупная сеть супермаркетов, насчитывающая более 3000 магазинов в Германии.

Without prompting, and following the release of the study, a large supermarket chain in Europe decided to boycott processed palm oil.

Самостоятельно, сразу же после опубликования данных этого исследования, крупная сеть супермаркетов в Европе решила бойкотировать переработанное пальмовое масло.

New commercial building leased to a large supermarket chain Lidl, in Tarragona province.

Indeed, so popular has the Bristol Pound become that a large supermarket chain, a number of high street retailers and a budget airline have asked to be included in the scheme, according to the currency’s co-founder, Ciaran Mundy.

Действительно, бристольский фунт стал настолько популярным, что крупная сеть супермаркетов, некоторые брендовые магазины и бюджетные авиакомпании попросили включить их в эту схему, как сообщил сооснователь этой валюты Киран Манди (CiaranMundy).

The example of a large supermarket chain is pointing in the same direction: in 2012, production is starting up in rooftop glasshouses in three different locations in the USA where fruit, vegetables and lettuce will be supplied directly from the roof to the point of sale.

Их успешность показывает пример крупной сети супермаркетов: в 2012 году в США в трех разных местах фрукты, овощи и салат, выращиваемые в теплицах на крыше, будут поставляться непосредственно с крыши в точки продаж.

Vice President of Infrastructure for a large supermarket chain

The Alfa group has significant stakes in Russo-Anglo oil joint-venture TNK-BP, a large supermarket chain, and a number of mobile operators.

‘Альфа-Групп’ владеет значительными пакетами акций англо-российской нефтяной компании TNK-BP, крупной сети супермаркетов и ряда компаний мобильной связи.

Along with the zoo’s 3,000 tons of waste, it will also use 14,000 tons of organic waste from a large supermarket chain.

Помимо упомянутых 3000 т сырья, зверинец намерен перерабатывать еще 14000 т органических отходов одной из крупных сетей супермаркетов.

Some of these products were marketed through a large supermarket chain in Colombia.

The large supermarket chain Asda has attempted to trademark the word «chav» for a line of confectionery.

Сеть супермаркетов «Asda» попыталась зарегистрировать слово «чав» в качестве торговой марки для новой линии кондитерских изделий.

For one week, the vice president of a major food company watched the visits of 50 salespeople to a busy purchaser of a large supermarket chain.

The first step would be to identify a few potential customers (e.g. a large supermarket chain) which used a particular section of a corridor, and convince them of the economic and environmental benefits of converting their fleets to CNG.

На первом этапе следует выбрать несколько потенциальных клиентов (например, сеть крупных супермаркетов), которые пользуются конкретным участком коридора, и убедить их в экономических и экологических преимуществах перевода их парко-транспортных средств на СПГ.

Legal review of the brand of a large supermarket chain for the purpose of its acquisition by a Russian holding company.

комплексная юридическая проверка сети супермаркетов для целей ее приобретения крупным российским холдингом.

In April 2002, the British Sun Newspaper carried an advertisement by Tesco, a large supermarket chain, which announced the development of the genetically engineered «whistling carrot.»

В 2002 г. сеть английских супермаркетов Tesco разместила объявление в газете The Sun, в котором объявила об удачной разработке генетически модифицированного продукта под названием «свистящая морковка».

The large supermarket chain Asda has attempted to trademark the word «chav» for a line of confectionery.

Сеть супермаркетов «Asda» попыталась зарегистрировать слово «чав» в качестве торговой марки для новой линии кондитерских изделий.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 17. Точных совпадений: 17. Затраченное время: 65 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Large supermarket chain: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

Произношение и транскрипция

Перевод по словам

large [adjective]

adjective: большой, крупный, широкий, значительный, обширный, обильный, многочисленный, крупномасштабный, щедрый, великодушный

adverb: крупно, широко, пространно, в большом масштабе, хвастливо, напыщенно

  • people at large — народные массы
  • large diameter drill — бур большого диаметра
  • large scale dismissal — массовое увольнение
  • large central courtyard — большой внутренний двор
  • large supply — большой запас
  • large tub — большой ушат
  • large-scale conflict — крупномасштабный конфликт
  • large process window — большое окно процесса
  • large scale usage — большое использование шкалы
  • large picture — большая картина

supermarket [noun]

noun: супермаркет, магазин самообслуживания, большой магазин самообслуживания

  • supermarket shelf — полка супермаркета
  • supermarket shop — супермаркет
  • Where is the nearest supermarket? — Где находится ближайший супермаркет?
  • items in a supermarket — товары в супермаркете
  • supermarket loyalty — лояльность супермаркет
  • supermarket drugstore — супермаркет аптечной
  • grocery supermarket — продуктовый супермаркет
  • small supermarket — небольшой супермаркет
  • supermarket tabloids — таблоиды супермаркетов
  • the nearest supermarket is — ближайший супермаркет

chain [noun]

noun: цепь, сеть, цепочка, последовательность, система, хребет, оковы, узы, мерная цепь, однотипные магазины

adjective: цепной

verb: сковать, сковывать, привязывать, скреплять цепью, держать в цепях

  • caterpillar chain — гусеничная лента
  • top bind chain — дополнительная цепь для обвязки верхнего ряда
  • chain riveting — клепка цепным швом
  • bushing chain — плоскозвенная цепь с распоркой
  • chain head — цепь головы
  • medium-chain triglycerides (mcts) — со средней длиной цепи триглицериды (MCTS)
  • the chain is broken — цепь разрывается
  • durable chain — прочные цепи
  • chain themselves — приковывали себя
  • bar and chain — бар и цепи

Предложения с «large supermarket chain»

I work for a large supermarket as a demonstrator.

Я работаю демонстратором в большом супермаркете .

He is also a manager, at a large supermarket .

Он менеджер… В большом супермаркете .

Refrigeration played a large part in the feasibility and then popularity of the modern supermarket .

Холодильная техника сыграла большую роль в осуществимости, а затем и популярности современного супермаркета .

The London market insures large commercial risks such as supermarkets , football players and other very specific risks.

Лондонский рынок страхует большие коммерческие риски, такие как супермаркеты , футболисты и другие очень специфические риски.

There are 86 retail stores all undercover, including three large supermarkets .

Есть 86 розничных магазинов все под прикрытием, в том числе три больших супермаркета .

Unlike food processors, food retailing is a two-tier market in which a small number of very large companies control a large proportion of supermarkets .

В отличие от пищевой промышленности, розничная торговля продуктами питания — это двухуровневый рынок, на котором небольшое число очень крупных компаний контролирует большую часть супермаркетов .

Dunnes Stores have traditionally had a supermarket-plus-household-and-clothes model and now have some large stores.

Магазины Dunnes традиционно имели модель супермаркет — плюс — дом — и — одежда, а теперь есть несколько крупных магазинов.

Stockmann also has a large supermarket , Stockmann deli, which serves as the main grocery store inside the shopping centre.

В отеле Stockmann также есть большой супермаркет Stockmann deli, который служит главным продуктовым магазином внутри торгового центра.

The major supermarket chains have not been allowed to open stores in the town and its only large store is a Co-operative supermarket .

Крупные сети супермаркетов не были допущены к открытию магазинов в городе, и его единственный крупный магазин — кооперативный супермаркет .

Sugar free versions are available, but these are rarer to find, usually only found in large supermarkets .

В настоящее время он служит музеем и хранилищем для тринадцати статуй из коллекции Национального скульптурного зала.

In Cape Town, South Africa supermarkets take up a large portion of retail space.

В Кейптауне южноафриканские супермаркеты занимают большую часть торговых площадей.

Keighley has three large supermarkets , Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and Asda.

У Кейли есть три больших супермаркета : Моррисон, Сейнсбери и Асда.

Larger commercial enterprises exist that sell oatcakes to supermarkets and other large distribution chains .

Существуют более крупные коммерческие предприятия, которые продают овсяные лепешки в супермаркеты и другие крупные торговые сети.

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A 7 Eleven in Malaysia. Editorial credit: withGod /

A 7 Eleven in Malaysia. Editorial credit: withGod /

There are several mega supermarket chains that dominate retail sales globally. They operate several branches across a number of countries and even continents. The massive retail chain 7-Eleven is the largest grocery store in the world.

Leading Supermarket Chains In The World


7-Eleven is the world’s largest grocery store chain with over 46,000 outlets in 16 countries. The supermarket has its headquarters in both Japan and the USA. Japan has the largest number of outlets at 15,000. The United States has 7,800 stores while 6,800 outlets are in Thailand. Other outlets are in Australia, Sweden, Canada, Singapore, Taiwan, Hongkong, Macau, Denmark, Malaysia, Philippines, Mexico, Indonesia and Norway. 7-Eleven is a global employer with over 45,000 employees.


SPAR was founded in 1932 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The chain is in over 13,500 locations in 35 countries. The retail franchise serves mostly the European market in Austria, Japan, Czech, Ukraine, Austria, UK, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Croatia, Norway, Italy, France, Ireland, Sweden, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Hungary and Germany. Other outlets are in South Africa, Zambia, India, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Montenegro, Japan, Romania, Australia and Mauritius.


Founded in 1962, Walmart has its headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, USA. Ranked third, the supermarket has over 11,088 operational branches. The outlets are in the USA, Chile, China, Mexico, Argentina, Canada, Brazil, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala. The successful corporation is owned by Walton Family. Over 2.3 million employees work in the outlets. Walmart generates over $500 billion in revenue annually. In 1972, the chain was listed in New York Stock Exchange. Walmart is the largest company in the world in terms of revenue.


Aldi is one of the leading global discount retail shops in over 10,366 locations. The outlets are spread across 18 countries. Germany hosts the headquarters and is home to most of the outlets. Other major outlets are in Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Luxembourg, Hungary, UK, Greece, USA, Ireland and Australia. In Slovenia and Austria, the outlets use Hofer as the brand name.


Carrefour Sans is the fifth largest supermarket chain with over 10,103 outlets including 1,400 hypermarkets in various continents. Founded in 1958, the headquarters is in Boulogne Billancourt in France. The number of employees is over 364,969 and annual revenue of over 76 Billion euro. Outlets are in Argentina, Turkey, Bahrain, Romania, Egypt, Tunisia, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Spain, India, China, Iran, Cyprus, Italy, Dominican Republic, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Kuwait, UAE, Brazil, Macedonia and Pakistan.


Lidl is the sixth largest supermarket chain in the world with over 10,000 outlets. Founded in 1930, the franchise has grown from Neckarsulm in Germany to 28 countries. Lidl targets the European market with outlets in Austria, France, Switzerland, Belgium, UK, Bulgaria, Sweden, Croatia, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Marta and Finland. Lidl had created employment to over 315,000 staff. Annual turnover is in excess of 48 billion euro.

Other Large Multinational Supermarkets

Tesco chain of supermarket operates 6,784 outlets across
the globe. With headquarters in the UK, the chain has outlets in 12 countries. Ahold
Delhaize, whose headquarters is in the Netherlands, owns 6,556 outlets both in
Europe and USA. BiM is a Turkey based supermarket. Its outlets spread to
Morocco and Egypt. BiM has a total of 6,122 outlets. Position ten is CBA supermarket
with outlets in 11 countries in the Europe continent. Founded in 1992, it has employed
over 30,000 staff. The headquarters is in Hungary. Outlets are in
Slovakia, Lithuania, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Malta, Greece, Montenegro,
Italy, Romania and Poland.

Largest Supermarket Chains in the World

Rank Company Number of Locations
1 7-Eleven 46,000
2 SPAR 13,500
3 Walmart 11,088
4 Aldi 10,366
5 Carrefour 10,103
6 Lidl 10,000
7 Tesco 6,784
8 Ahold Delhaize 6,556
9 BiM 6,122
10 CBA 5,200
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As of September 2020, this is a list of supermarket chains, past and present, which operate or have branches in more than one country, whether under the parent corporation’s name or another name. For supermarkets that are only in one country, see the breakdown by continent at the bottom of this page. Numbers are provided as the largest reported, and are largely inaccurate.


Company Headquarters Served countries (besides the headquarters) Map Number of locations Number of employees
7-Eleven Japan
United States
Australia, Canada, China, Cambodia, Denmark, Hong Kong, Israel, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand 7eleven map.svg 71,100 170,000
Aeon Japan China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan 500,000
Ahold Delhaize Netherlands Belgium (as Albert Heijn and Delhaize), Czech Republic (as Albert), Greece (as Alfa-Beta Vassilopoulos), Indonesia (as Super Indo), Netherlands (as Albert Heijn, Gall&Gall and Etos), Luxembourg (as Delhaize), Portugal (as Pingo Doce), Romania (as Mega Image), Serbia (as Maxi), United States (as Food Lion, Giant, Hannaford, Stop & Shop) Ahold Worldwide.svg 6,556 375,000
Aldi Nord Germany Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United States branded as Trader Joe’s Aldi world map.png 5,241 77,600
Aldi Süd Germany Australia, Austria (as Hofer), China, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Slovenia (as Hofer), Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States Aldi world map.png 7,178 126,000
Auchan France Hungary, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Ukraine 4,084 354,851
Big C Thailand Laos, Vietnam 1,234 27,000
Billa Austria Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia 3,645 76,174
BİM Turkey Morocco, Egypt BIMWorldMap.png 8,255 37,439
Carrefour France Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Georgia, Indonesia, Irak, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan («Hyper Star»), Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Spain, Taiwan, The Bahamas, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates Carrefour world map.svg 12,225 321,383
Casino France Argentina (Grupo Éxito), Brazil (GPA), Cameroon (Bao), Colombia (Grupo Éxito), Uruguary (Grupo Éxito) 6,120 205,000
CBA Hungary Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia CBA in Europe.png 5,200 30,000
Cencosud Chile Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru 1,045 126,530
Chedraui Mexico United States H-E-B map.png 262 38,000
Conad Italy Albania, China, Kosovo, Malta, San Marino Conad map.png 3,000 32,000
Coop Switzerland Liechtenstein 2,213 79,953
Coop Italia Italy San Marino 1,444 56,682
Cora France Belgium, Luxembourg, Romania Cora in Europe.png 81
Costco United States Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, France, China, Costco map.png 785 254,000
Crai Italy Albania, Malta, San Marino Crai map.png 3,200 18,000
Denner Switzerland Liechtenstein 797
Dunnes Ireland Spain, United Kingdom Portugal, Dunnes map.png 139 15,000
E.Leclerc France Andorra, Poland, Portugal, Réunion, Slovenia, Spain 614 94,000
e-mart South Korea Mongolia, Vietnam 197
Eataly Italy Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Kuwait, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States 41
Eurospin Italy Slovenia, Croatia Eurospin map.png 1,143 7,000
Famila Germany Italy (franchisee of Selex) Famila map.png 235 6,600
FamilyMart Japan China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam 24,243 16,601
Four Square supermarkets New Zealand Australia 240
H-E-B United States Mexico H-E-B map.png 340 100,000
Intermarché France Poland, Portugal, Belgium
Isetan Japan China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand 28
Ito-Yokado Japan China 3by2white.svg 178
Jeronimo Martins Portugal Colombia branded as ARA, Poland branded as Biedronka 4,400 115,428
JUSCO Japan China (mainland and Hong Kong), Malaysia, Taiwan
Kaufland Germany Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia Kaufland map.png 1,307 73,000
Kesko Finland Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Sweden Countries with Kesko.svg 2,000 22,476
Konzum Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia (branded as Idea) Konzum map.PNG 700 10,000
Lidl Germany Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States Lidl world map.png 11,014 315,000
Lotte Mart South Korea China, Indonesia, Vietnam 199
Lulu Hypermarket United Arab Emirates Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, India, Yemen, Indonesia 192 57,000
Makro (SHV Holdings) Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela 107 6,655
Makro (CP All) Thailand Cambodia, China, India, Myanmar 145 14,500
Maxima Group Lithuania Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria (branded as T-Market), Poland (branded as Stokrotka) Maxima map.png 508 31,569
Maxvalu Tokai Japan Thailand (branded as MaxValu and MaxValu Tanjai)
Meny Norway Denmark 300 15,000
Mercator Slovenia Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia 1,428 20,310
Metro Germany Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic (as Makro), France, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands (as Makro), Pakistan, Poland (as Makro), Portugal (as Makro), Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain (as Makro), Turkey, Ukraine 773 118,000
Migros Switzerland Liechtenstein, France, Germany (as tegut…) 100,373
Migros Türk Turkey Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Macedonia, Russia 1,156 26,779
MPreis Austria Italy 257 6,100
Netto Denmark Germany, Poland 1,393 7,000
Northern Canada USA (Alaska) 213 6,805
PARKnSHOP Hong Kong China, Macau 345 9,000
Parkson Malaysia China, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia and Myanmar 131
Penny Germany Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania Penny Market discount stores in Europa.png 3,550 43,773
Prisma Finland Estonia, Russia 91 37,283
REMA 1000 Norway Denmark 868 20,252
Rimi Baltic Latvia Estonia, Lithuania Baltic States.png 277
Selex Italy San Marino 2,595 33,000
Selgros Germany Poland, Romania Selgros locations.PNG 97 14,400
SISA Italy Greece SISA map.png 3,000
SPAR Netherlands Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mauritius, Montenegro, Namibia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Portugal, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Zambia, Zimbabwe Spar world map.png 13,112 350,000
Stockmann Finland Estonia, Latvia, Russia Stockmann map.png 483 9,734
SuperValu Ireland Spain, United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) Dunnes map.png 223 14,500
Tesco United Kingdom Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Ireland, Malaysia, Slovakia TESCO international spreading.svg 6,966 460,000
Tía SA Ecuador Colombia, Uruguay 450
TF Value Mart Malaysia Malaysia
Veropoulos Greece North Macedonia, Serbia 201 6,000
Walmart United States Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile (as Lider), China, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, United Kingdom (as ASDA) WalMart international locations.svg 11,496 2,200,000
Wellcome Hong Kong Philippines, Taiwan Wellcomesupermarket.png 280
Whole Foods Market United States Canada, United Kingdom 500 91,000
Woolworths Supermarkets Australia New Zealand (branded as Countdown since 2010) 1024 225,000




North America[edit]


South America[edit]


  • Parts of this article are adapted from CorpKnowPedia under the clauses of GFDL.

See also[edit]

  • List of hypermarkets
  1. Word finder
  2. Crossword clues
  3. A large self-service grocery store selling groceries and dairy products and household goods

Search for crossword answers and clues

Answer for the clue «A large self-service grocery store selling groceries and dairy products and household goods «, 11 letters:

Alternative clues for the word supermarket

  • Large grocery
  • Store with an express LANE
  • Place to buy bread
  • Where you might put the cart before the horseradish
  • It has many food aisles

Word definitions for supermarket in dictionaries

Douglas Harper’s Etymology Dictionary

Word definitions in Douglas Harper’s Etymology Dictionary

1933, American English, from super- + market (n.). The 1933 reference is in an article that says the stores themselves began to open around 1931.


Word definitions in Wikipedia

A supermarket , a large form of the traditional grocery store , is a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food and household products, organized into aisles. It is larger and has a wider selection than a traditional grocery store, but is smaller …

Usage examples of supermarket.

In 1980, Jon Rowleyan Alaska fisherman for ten years after quitting Reed Collegebegan working with fishermen, supermarkets, and restaurants to revolutionize the way Pacific fish were caught, handled, and delivered to the city.

Bumblebee, transforming back into robot form, jumped to his feet to attack the Decepticon, but before he could make a move a series of ripping explosions blew up around Long Haul, destroying what little was left of the supermarket.

Together they were planning a joint shopping expedition to the 10th-floor supermarket the following day, like a band of villagers going on an outing to an unpoliced city.

While the mainstream press still avoided printing unsubstantiated rumors, the supermarket tabloids were offering cash for shocking stories from Arkansas.

Where does that kind of thing end his But of course I make a big fuss like every body else when I see old bistrots like this disappearing and being replaced by drug-store bars, and markets pulled down for supermarkets.

So it is with some eagerness that Dasein has accepted a commission from a large supermarket chain, whose advances have also been rebuffed by Santaroga, to carry out some marketing research there.

For instance, every beep you hear at the supermarket checkout counter signifies that a tiny laser has scanned a bar code and transmitted its digits to a computer where the checksum has been calculated and found to be correct.

With its forty floors and thousand apartments, its supermarket and swimming-pools, bank and junior schoolall in effect abandoned in the skythe high-rise offered more than enough opportunities for violence and confrontation.

Europe, which is, in fact, what they are: Lapp women dressed in traditional costume for no reason other than it is what they wear when they are heading down to the supermarket for a mid-week shop.

In enters a female grandmother hobgoblin, almost bent double with age, covered from head to foot in tattered and dirty Lapp gear, none of the brightly coloured clothes that we had seen pushing supermarket trolleys some time past: a national costume in the raw.

Just find ten million friends who all have 1 milliwatt supermarket lasers.

If he was being staked out by a muckraker, the young preacher would never know until he saw the proof on the evening news or read it on the front pages of the supermarket rags.

Rivo Alto were on the single nonresidential street on the small island, I decided to drive a couple of miles farther, to an all-night supermarket on Pacific Coast Highway.

Finally, it makes no more sense to purchase a standardized or prepackaged food storage program than it does to buy your weekly bag of groceries selected and bagged by a supermarket clerk, without regard to your personal preferences.

Ultimately both the positive effects and ironic countereffects of television are, like the polarities of the supermarket, recontextualized when DeLillo shifts attention from the content of television to the medium itself.

Largest Supermarkets In The World: You probably spend more time at your neighborhood supermarket than anywhere else, excluding your house, place of employment, and possibly your car. After all, it is where you can buy everything you require for daily living. One of the main inventions of the previous century and a defining aspect of modern living was the development of supermarkets. People used to have to purchase their groceries at traditional markets from a variety of vendors who had varying supply before supermarkets became a thing. Now that supermarkets exist, you can buy all of your groceries in one location.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that supermarket chains are incredibly well-liked and a necessary component of every city, town, and even rural location. These supermarkets are now much more densely populated than they formerly were. The supermarket giants that now rule the global retail industry are largely to blame for this. Supermarket chains are owned by a single business that manages a number of supermarkets in several towns, nations, or even continents.

Supermarkets are medium-sized establishments that specialize on providing their clients with all forms of food products, typically with a wide range of different brands and subtypes for each type of food. They are larger in size, product assortment, and product range than corner shops and convenience stores, but smaller than so-called hypermarkets, which frequently sell a wide range of non-food items in addition to groceries.
According to how many stores each of these grocery chains runs, the following list ranks the top 10 global supermarket chains.

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 1. 7-Eleven Supermarket: With more than 46,000 locations in 16 countries, 7-Eleven is the largest grocery store chain in the world. The supermarket’s corporate offices are located in both Japan and the USA. There are 15,000 outlets in Japan, which is the highest. 7,800 stores are in the United States, whereas 6,800 are in Thailand.

World's Largest Grocery Store Chains

World’s Largest Grocery Store Chains

The following countries also have stores: Australia, Sweden, Canada, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Denmark, Malaysia, Philippines, Mexico, Indonesia, and Norway. With more than 45,000 people worldwide, 7-Eleven is a major employer.

2. Spar Supermarket: SPAR was established in the years 1937 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. More than 13,500 stores of the network exist in 35 different countries.

Richest supermarket in the world

Richest supermarket in the world

The retail chain primarily caters to the European market in the countries like Austria, Japan, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Austria, UK, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Croatia, Norway, Italy, France, Ireland, Sweden, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, and Germany. Other locations include South Africa, Zambia, India, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Montenegro, Japan, Romania, Australia, and Mauritius.

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3. Walmart: Walmart, ranked third among supermarkets, was established in 1962 and has its corporate headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas in the United States. The outlets are located in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Chile, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and the United States.

Biggest supermarket in the world by size

Biggest supermarket in the world by size

Walton Family is the owner of the prosperous company. The stores has more than 2.3 million employees globally. Walmart generates more than $500 billion annually. In terms of revenue, Walmart is the biggest company in the world.

4. Aldi Supermarket: With over 10,366 stores, Aldi is one of the top international discount retailers. The stores are dispersed among 18 nations. Most of the shops are located in Germany, which also houses the headquarters. Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Luxembourg, Hungary, the United Kingdom, Greece, the United States, Ireland, and Australia are other key markets.

Biggest supermarket in Europe

Biggest supermarket in Europe

The retailers use the brand name Hofer in Slovenia and Austria.

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5. Carrefour Supermarket: The fifth-largest supermarket chain is Carrefour Sans, which has approximately 10,103 stores worldwide, including 1,400 hypermarkets. The company’s head office is in Boulogne Billancourt, France, where it was established in 1958.

List of Biggest supermarket chains

List of Biggest supermarket chains

Over 364,969 people work for the company, which earns over 76 billion euros annually. Argentina, Turkey, Bahrain, Romania, Egypt, Tunisia, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Spain, India, China, Iran, Cyprus, Italy, Dominican Republic, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Macedonia, and Pakistan are among the countries with outlets.

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6. Lidl Supermarket: With more than 10,000 locations worldwide, Lidl is the sixth-largest supermarket company. Since its establishment in Neckarsulm, Germany, in 1930, the franchise has expanded to 28 nations.

Largest Food Retailers In The World

Largest Food Retailers In The World

Lidl has outlets throughout Europe, including Austria, France, Switzerland, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Sweden, Croatia, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Marta, and Finland. Over 315,000 people were employed by Lidl. More than 48 billion euros are generated annually by this company.

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7. Tesco Supermarket: Tesco PLC is a multinational British retailer of supermarkets and other goods with its headquarters in Welwyn Garden City, England. It was the third-largest retailer globally in terms of gross revenues in 2011 and the ninth-largest globally in terms of revenues.

Is Tesco the largest supermarket in the world?

Is Tesco the largest supermarket in the world?

It operates stores across five European nations and dominates the UK’s grocery sector (where it has a market share of around 28.4 percent ).There are 6,784 Tesco supermarket chains around the world. The chain has outlets in 12 countries.

8. Ahold DelHaize Supermarket: Dutch multinational retailer and wholesaler Ahold Delhaize, also known as Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize N.V. The English translation of Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize is “Royal Ahold Delhaize.” The Dutch Ahold and Belgian Delhaize Group, the two precursor companies that came together to form the current Ahold Delhaize, are responsible for the name.

World's Largest Supermarket Chains

World’s Largest Supermarket Chains

Its business model includes supermarkets, convenience stores, hypermarkets, online grocery, online non-food, pharmacies, and alcoholic beverage retailers. The Netherlands-based company Ahold Delhaize controls 6,556 locations throughout Europe and the United States.  Its 21 regional brands employ 375,000 people at 6,500 outlets in 11 countries, notably in the Netherlands and Belgium.

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9. BIM Supermarket: Birleşik Maazalar A.. (abbreviated BiM) is a Turkish retail business well-known for providing a constrained selection of essential consumer goods and food items at reasonable prices. A group of investors led by Cuneyd Zapsu founded Bim A in 1995.

Which supermarket is the biggest in the world?

Which supermarket is the biggest in the world?

Mustafa Latif Topbaş is currently the largest stakeholder. Beginning with just 21 stores, B&M rapidly developed until it had 4972 outlets by the end of 2015 and 7438 by the end of 2019. The business ran 10,330 stores as of the third quarter of 2022. Since B&M does not provide franchises and owns and operates every single store, they are seen as a threat to the numerous independent neighborhood shops.  The supermarket BiM is located in Turkey. Its stores have outlets in Egypt and Morocco. BiM has 10,330 outlets in total.

10. CBA Supermarket: CBA supermarket, which has outlets throughout 11 nations in Europe, is in position 10. It was established in 1992 and has more than 30,000 employees. In 1992, 10 privately owned grocery businesses in Budapest came together to become CBA.

Which is the largest hypermarket chain in the world?

Which is the largest hypermarket chain in the world?

Only years later were stores established in other parts of the nation. In 1998, CBA outlets made up 80% of the retail space outside of Budapest. Regional headquarters were established by CBA due to delivery issues. CBA established its first logistics facility in Alsónémedi in 2005. From that point forward, CBA became franchise network.  The corporate office is in Hungary. The following countries have outlets: Slovakia, Lithuania, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Malta, Greece, Montenegro, Italy, Romania, and Poland.

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11. Migros: Number of chain stores worldwide: ~4,417: Migros is the largest supermarket chain, retailer, and employer in Switzerland. It is also one of the top forty retailers worldwide. It is structured as a cooperative federation named the Federation of Migros Cooperatives and has more than two million members. With more than 4,000 locations and $4 billion in yearly revenue, Migros is among the top 10 global supermarket merchants.

What is the biggest supermarket in Africa_

What is the biggest supermarket in Africa_

A range of layouts, from 50,000-square-foot hypermarkets to 1,000-square-foot convenience stores, are used by Migros to serve its clients. Migros hypermarkets and convenience stores are the preferred grocery shopping destination for millions of customers every day thanks to their well-deserved reputation for first-rate customer service and an extensive product variety, which includes fresh meals and high-quality fruit.

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12. Penny Market: Number of chain STORES worldwide: ~3,600: Penny or Penny Market is a brand name for a group of low-cost grocery store chains with 3,600 stores worldwide. The market was established in 1973 by Leibbrand Gruppe, and the Rewe Group has been its sole owner since 1989.

Best supermarket in the world

Best supermarket in the world

This local discount store always offers a large selection of fresh products, high-quality products, customer-focused ranges, and reasonable prices. Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, and the United Kingdom are all thriving markets for Penny. Additionally, Penny operates as a global discounter with regionally tailored collections in every country.This cco-operation has over 3,600 locations and 27,000 employees. Sales for Penny last year totaled roughly 7 billion euros in Germany alone.

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A supermarket chain’s success and diligence in the one-stop shop industry have earned them numerous awards. The ideal shopping experience for clients is provided by supermarkets, which offer high-quality food items as well as affordable electronics, gadgets, and kitchenware.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a Developer with knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and React Native. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier.

supermarket chain

сеть супермаркетов [универсамов]


Англо-русский экономический словарь.

Смотреть что такое «supermarket chain» в других словарях:

  • Maxi (supermarket chain) — For the Maxi supermarket chain in Quebec, Canada, see Maxi (supermarket). For the Swedish retailer, see ICA Maxi. Maxi Макси Type Supermarket Industry Retail …   Wikipedia

  • Piccadilly (supermarket chain) — Piccadilly (Пикадили) is a Bulgarian supermarket chain based in Varna. Founded as a 51% foreign owned company in 1994, it opened its first supermarket in Varna in 1994 and became 100% Bulgarian owned in 2003. Piccadilly is known for completely… …   Wikipedia

  • Dia (supermarket chain) — Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación, S.A. Type Sociedad Anónima Traded as BMAD: DIA …   Wikipedia

  • Fantastico (supermarket chain) — Fantastico (Фантастико) is a Bulgarian supermarket chain founded in 1991. Fantastico is part of the retail sector and primarily sells foodstuffs.As of 2006, the company operates 29 stores in Sofia, including a do it yourself store and eight cash… …   Wikipedia

  • Checkers (supermarket chain) — Checkers is a FMCG retailer owned by Shoprite Holdings that operates in Southern Africa. Checkers currently has 26 Checkers Hypers and 158 Checkers supermarkets operating in South Africa and Namibia. The supermarket chain focuses more strongly on …   Wikipedia

  • supermarket — su‧per‧mar‧ket [ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkt,ˈsjuː ǁ pərˌmɑːr ] noun [countable] COMMERCE a large shop selling very many different kinds of food and other products used especially in the home: • Sales growth in UK supermarkets rose by almost 13%. • Canada s… …   Financial and business terms

  • chain — [tʆeɪn] noun [countable] 1. a number of shops, hotels, cinemas etc owned or managed by the same company or person: • Britain s leading supermarket chain chain of • a chain of travel agents. 2. a series of people or organizations involved in… …   Financial and business terms

  • Longos (supermarket chain) — Longo Brothers Fruit Markets Inc. (Longos) is a family run grocery chain in the Greater Toronto Area. The corporate office is located in Markham, Ontario.Longo Brothers Fruit Markets a family owned business which was started byTommy, Joe… …   Wikipedia

  • Supermarket — A supermarket is a self service store offering a wide variety of food and household merchandise, organized into departments. It is larger in size and has a wider selection than a traditional grocery store and it is smaller than a hypermarket or… …   Wikipedia

  • chain — [[t]tʃe͟ɪn[/t]] ♦♦♦ chains, chaining, chained 1) N COUNT A chain consists of metal rings connected together in a line. His open shirt revealed a fat gold chain… The dogs were leaping and growling at the full stretch of their chains. 2) N PLURAL …   English dictionary

  • Supermarket shortage — Supermarket shortages have been identified in many American urban neighborhoods, and such gaps in food access have been closely correlated with diet related diseases such as cancer, obesity, and diabetes.The shortage began when many supermarkets… …   Wikipedia

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