Laravel excel style cells

Tutorial last revisioned on August 11, 2022 with Laravel 9

Laravel-Excel package is great for exporting data. But not a lot of info there about formatting Excel cells — widths, word wraps, fonts etc. So when I encountered this in a client’s project, I decided to write this article with a few tips on this topic.

Default Laravel Export

Let’s create a dummy project with Users table and default Laravel Auth. Then we create 10 random users. Actually, Laravel comes with pre-built Factory class for User model, so all we need to do is to create a UsersTableSeeder.php

class UsersTableSeeder extends Seeder
    public function run()

Then, we require Laravel Excel package:

composer require maatwebsite/excel

Now, we export all users to Excel. To do that, we create a separate class app/Exports/UsersExport.php:

namespace AppExports;

use AppModelsUser;
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsFromCollection;
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsWithHeadings;

class UsersExport implements FromCollection, WithHeadings
    public function collection()
        return User::all();

    public function headings(): array
        return [
            'Created at',
            'Updated at'


Finally, let’s use it from Controller:

namespace AppHttpControllers;

use AppExportsUsersExport;
use MaatwebsiteExcelFacadesExcel;

class ExportController extends Controller

    function export()
        return Excel::download(new UsersExport, 'users.xlsx');


Here’s the visual result:

It does the job, exports the data. But does it look good and readable? Far from it. So let’s tweak it a little.

Step 1. Auto-formatting column widths

Somewhere deep in the official documentation I’ve found a really easy way to adjust the column sizes automatically. All you need is to implement one interface ShouldAutoSize:

// ...
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsShouldAutoSize;

class UsersExport implements FromCollection, WithHeadings, ShouldAutoSize
// ...

And here’s the new Excel:

Better, huh? Let’s move on.

Step 2. Formatting the fonts and sizes

You can adjust any cell styles using method called registerEvents() and AfterSheet event:

// ...
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsWithEvents;
use MaatwebsiteExcelEventsAfterSheet;

class UsersExport implements FromCollection, WithHeadings, ShouldAutoSize, WithEvents

    // ...

     * @return array
    public function registerEvents(): array
        return [
            AfterSheet::class    => function(AfterSheet $event) {
                $cellRange = 'A1:W1'; // All headers


Here’s how the header row looks now:

The main logic here is this line:


It just takes whatever cell range we pass, and changes the styles.
Here’s where we need to dig deeper and look at the package which is the base of Laravel Excel. It’s actually based on PHPSpreadsheet package. So let’s take a look at its documentation, and specifically section Recipes.

Some examples from there:

Wrap text:


Default style of a worksheet:


Styling borders and applying styles from array:

$styleArray = [
    'borders' => [
        'outline' => [
            'borderStyle' => PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetStyleBorder::BORDER_THICK,
            'color' => ['argb' => 'FFFF0000'],


You can find more examples in that recipes section, just apply it to your individual needs.

That’s it, that’s how you format exported excel with Laravel and PHP.

Related articles:

  • Laravel-Excel 3.0: Export Custom Array into Excel
  • How to import CSV in Laravel and Choose Matching Fields

How set style for each cells or particular cell in Laravel excel export ??

my code is like this

Excel::create('Output', function($excel) use ($records) {
  $excel->sheet('Records', function($sheet) use ($records) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($records as $key => $record) {
       $sheet->row($i, $record);
       $sheet->row($i, function ($row) {

By this i can set style for rows. But i want to set style for each cell.

asked Dec 9, 2016 at 5:26

R P's user avatar

need to set style for each cell

   Excel::create('Output', function($excel) use ($records) {
      $excel->sheet('Records', function($sheet) use ($records) {
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            $j = 'A';
            foreach($record as $value) {
                $sheet->cell($j.$i, function($cell) use ($value) {

answered Dec 9, 2016 at 11:33

Bizzon's user avatar


Please try this work for me

$sheet->cell('A1', function($cell) 



AddWeb Solution Pvt Ltd's user avatar

answered Dec 9, 2016 at 5:46

Brajesh Kanungo's user avatar

You can do styling in the export file

use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsWithEvents;
use MaatwebsiteExcelEventsAfterSheet;
public function registerEvents(): array
        return [
                AfterSheet::class    => function(AfterSheet $event) {
                    $cellRange = 'A1:W1';
                    $sheet = $event->sheet;
                    $sheetDelegate = $sheet->getDelegate();


answered Sep 25, 2020 at 17:58

Jahanzaib Jb's user avatar

Styling sheets

General styling

If you want to change the general styling of your sheet (not cell or range specific), you can use the ->setStyle() method or any of the other setters which can be found inside the export documentation.

// Font family
$sheet->setFontFamily('Comic Sans MS');

// Set font with ->setStyle()`
    'font' => array(
        'name'      =>  'Calibri',
        'size'      =>  12,
        'bold'      =>  true

Styling with PHPExcel methods

It’s possible to style the sheets and specific cells with help of PHPExcel methods. This package includes a lot of shortcuts (see export documentation), but also always the use of the native methods.

// Set background color for a specific cell
    'fill' => array(
        'type'  => PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID,
        'color' => array('rgb' => 'FF0000')

Using HTML tags

Most of the HTML tags are supported.


    <!-- Headings -->
    <td><h1>Big title</h1></td>

    <!--  Bold -->
    <td><b>Bold cell</b></td>
    <td><strong>Bold cell</strong></td>

    <!-- Italic -->
    <td><i>Italic cell</i></td>

    <!-- Images -->
    <td><img src="img.jpg" /></td>


Inside the view.php config you can change how these tags will be interpreted by Excel by default.

Using HTML attributes

Some of the basic styling can be done with HTML attributes.


    <!-- Horizontal alignment -->
    <td align="right">Big title</td>

    <!--  Vertical alignment -->
    <td valign="middle">Bold cell</td>

    <!-- Rowspan -->
    <td rowspan="3">Bold cell</td>

    <!-- Colspan -->
    <td colspan="6">Italic cell</td>

    <!-- Width -->
    <td width="100">Cell with width of 100</td>

    <!-- Height -->
    <td height="100">Cell with height of 100</td>


Styling through inline-styles

It’s possible to use inline styles inside your view files. Most of the general styles are supported.


    <!-- Cell with black background -->
    <td style="background-color: #000000;">Cell</td>


Inside the reference guide you can find a list of supported styles.

Styling through external CSS file

Styling can be done through an external CSS file.

External css file:

#cell {
    background-color: #000000;
    color: #ffffff;

.cell {
    background-color: #000000;
    color: #ffffff;

tr td {
    background-color: #ffffff;

tr > td {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;


    {{ HTML::style('css/table.css') }}

    <!-- Cell styled with class -->
    <td class="cell">Cell</td>

    <!-- Cell styled with ID -->
    <td id="cell">Cell</td>

Inside the reference guide you can find a list of supported styles.

It’s advised to include <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> into the view to fix problems with UTF-8 encoding.


  1. # Customizing columns
  2. # Formatting columns
  3. # Dates
  4. # Value binders
  5. # Available DataTypes
  6. # Disable intelligent formatting
  7. # Default Value Binder
  8. # Auto size
  9. # Column widths
  10. # Styling
  11. # Default styles
  12. # Workbook background color
  13. Name already in use
  14. laravel-excel-docs / 3.1 / exports /
  15. Name already in use
  16. laravel-excel-docs / 2.1 / blade /
  17. Big title
  18. # Columns
  19. # What are columns?
  20. # Defining columns
  21. # Column definition
  22. # Using different data sources
  23. # Column Types
  24. # Custom type
  25. # Custom number format
  26. Laravel Excel Export: Formatting and Styling Cells
  27. Default Laravel Export
  28. Step 1. Auto-formatting column widths
  29. Step 2. Formatting the fonts and sizes

# Customizing columns

# Formatting columns

You can easily format an entire column, by using WithColumnFormatting . In case you want something more custom, it’s suggested to use the AfterSheet event to directly interact with the underlying Worksheet class.

# Dates

When working with dates, it’s recommended to use PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetSharedDate::dateTimeToExcel() in your mapping to ensure correct parsing of dates.

# Value binders

By default Laravel Excel uses PhpSpreadsheet’s default value binder to intelligently format a cell’s value when reading it. You may override this behavior by implementing the WithCustomValueBinder concern and the bindValue method. Your export class may also extend DefaultValueBinder to return the default behavior.

# Available DataTypes

  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_STRING
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_FORMULA
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_NUMERIC
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_BOOL
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_NULL
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_INLINE
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_ERROR

# Disable intelligent formatting

If you want to disable the intelligent formatting of values, you can extend your export class with PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellStringValueBinder . In this case all values are passed on as strings.

# Default Value Binder

If you want to use one value binder for all your exports, you can configure the default value binder in the config.

# Auto size

If you want Laravel Excel to perform an automatic width calculation, use the following code.

# Column widths

In some cases you might want more control over the actual column width instead of relying on autosizing. You can do so with the WithColumnWidths concerns. It accepts an array of columns (alphabetic representation: A, B, C) and a numeric width.

Can be used together with ShouldAutoSize . Only the columns with explicit widths won’t be autosized.

# Styling

The WithStyles (available after v3.1.21 ) concerns allows styling columns, cells and rows. This might be useful when you want to make the heading row bold.

For the contents of the styles array, please refer to the PhpSpreadsheet docs

If you prefer the fluent syntax for styling cells, you can do it as follows:

# Default styles

The WithDefaultStyles (available after v3.1.40 ) concerns allows styling the entire workbook.

# Workbook background color

The WithBackgroundColor (available after v3.1.40 ) concerns adds support to configure the background color of the entire workbook


Name already in use

laravel-excel-docs / 3.1 / exports /

  • Go to file T
  • Go to line L
  • Copy path
  • Copy permalink

Copy raw contents

Copy raw contents

You can easily format an entire column, by using WithColumnFormatting . In case you want something more custom, it’s suggested to use the AfterSheet event to directly interact with the underlying Worksheet class.

When working with dates, it’s recommended to use PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetSharedDate::dateTimeToExcel() in your mapping to ensure correct parsing of dates.

By default Laravel Excel uses PhpSpreadsheet’s default value binder to intelligently format a cell’s value when reading it. You may override this behavior by implementing the WithCustomValueBinder concern and the bindValue method. Your export class may also extend DefaultValueBinder to return the default behavior.

  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_STRING
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_FORMULA
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_NUMERIC
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_BOOL
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_NULL
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_INLINE
  • PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellDataType::TYPE_ERROR

Disable intelligent formatting

If you want to disable the intelligent formatting of values, you can extend your export class with PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetCellStringValueBinder . In this case all values are passed on as strings.

Default Value Binder

If you want to use one value binder for all your exports, you can configure the default value binder in the config.

If you want Laravel Excel to perform an automatic width calculation, use the following code.

In some cases you might want more control over the actual column width instead of relying on autosizing. You can do so with the WithColumnWidths concerns. It accepts an array of columns (alphabetic representation: A, B, C) and a numeric width.

Can be used together with ShouldAutoSize . Only the columns with explicit widths won’t be autosized.

The WithStyles (available after v3.1.21 ) concerns allows styling columns, cells and rows. This might be useful when you want to make the heading row bold.

For the contents of the styles array, please refer to the PhpSpreadsheet docs

If you prefer the fluent syntax for styling cells, you can do it as follows:

The WithDefaultStyles (available after v3.1.40 ) concerns allows styling the entire workbook.

Workbook background color

The WithBackgroundColor (available after v3.1.40 ) concerns adds support to configure the background color of the entire workbook


Name already in use

laravel-excel-docs / 2.1 / blade /

  • Go to file T
  • Go to line L
  • Copy path
  • Copy permalink

Copy raw contents

Copy raw contents

If you want to change the general styling of your sheet (not cell or range specific), you can use the ->setStyle() method or any of the other setters which can be found inside the export documentation.

Styling with PHPExcel methods

It’s possible to style the sheets and specific cells with help of PHPExcel methods. This package includes a lot of shortcuts (see export documentation), but also always the use of the native methods.

Using HTML tags

Most of the HTML tags are supported.

Big title

Bold cell Bold cell Italic cell


Inside the view.php config you can change how these tags will be interpreted by Excel by default.

Using HTML attributes

Some of the basic styling can be done with HTML attributes.

Big title Bold cell Bold cell Italic cell Cell with width of 100 Cell with height of 100


Styling through inline-styles

It’s possible to use inline styles inside your view files. Most of the general styles are supported.

Inside the reference guide you can find a list of supported styles.

Styling through external CSS file

Styling can be done through an external CSS file.

External css file:

Inside the reference guide you can find a list of supported styles.

It’s advised to include into the view to fix problems with UTF-8 encoding.


# Columns

In the previous chapter, we defined the source of data. Laravel Excel tries to export this data as good as possible. By using Columns you’ll get more fine-grained control on how the data will be presented.

1 What is a column?

A column is a vertical series of cells in a spreadsheet. In the Export they will be defined by with Column class, like Text::make(‘Name’)

2 Defining columns

Columns can be configured using the WithColumns concern within the export class. An array of Column instances are expected.

3 Data types

Per column a data type can be configured. This is very useful when dealing with data likes numbers, dates and prices.

# What are columns?

A column in a spreadsheet is a vertical series of cells in a spreadsheet. In the example underneath A and B are columns.

1 A1 B1
2 A2 B2

Each of these columns will be represented by an instance of Column .

Purposes of a Column within Laravel Excel are:

1 Defining which data should be inserted in which column

A column can pick any attribute of a model.

2 Setting data types and Excel number formatting

Indicate columns are text, number, prices, dates, etc.

2 Customizing column presentation

Changing styling, width, etc. (See next chapter)

# Defining columns

To start using columns, you’ll have to add the WithColumns concern to the export class.

This concern will enforce a columns() method which should return an array of Column instance. When not passing any array keys, the columns will be inserted from left to right in A, B, etc.

The above example will give the following spreadsheet output:

Name Date of Birth
Spock 06-01-2230
Captain Kirk 22-03-2233

If you want more control in which columns the data should end, you can configure the column letter as array key. Column coordinates without a column definition will be left empty.

# Column definition

A column consist of a required title which will be used as column header. The second parameter refers to the name of the attribute of the model.

If no attribute is passed, the title will be converted to a snake case attribute.

When working with relationships (e.g. HasOne and BelongsTo), you can use a dot notation as attribute:

A callback can also be passed as second argument. The closure will get the row or Model. Whatever is returned within the closure, will be inserted in the cell.

By using a specific data type, that data type will automatically configure the right internal data type and number formatting for Excel.

# Using different data sources

The above examples all expect the input source to be an Eloquent model. However, the data source is not only limited to Eloquent. You can use any other data source (except a View) in combination with columns.

The attribute expects the array key of the row. When using a callback as attribute, you’ll get an array of the entire row.

# Column Types

# Custom type

By using the type() setter, you can set any PhpSpreadsheet DataType to the specific column cells.

# Custom number format

By using the format() setter, you can set any PhpSpreadsheet NumberFormat to the specific column cells.


Laravel Excel Export: Formatting and Styling Cells

Laravel-Excel package is great for exporting data. But not a lot of info there about formatting Excel cells – widths, word wraps, fonts etc. So when I encountered this in a client’s project, I decided to write this article with a few tips on this topic.

Default Laravel Export

Let’s create a dummy project with Users table and default Laravel Auth. Then we create 10 random users. Actually, Laravel comes with pre-built Factory class for User model, so all we need to do is to create a UsersTableSeeder.php

Then, we require Laravel Excel package:

Now, we export all users to Excel. To do that, we create a separate class app/Exports/UsersExport.php:

Finally, let’s use it from Controller:

Here’s the visual result:

It does the job, exports the data. But does it look good and readable? Far from it. So let’s tweak it a little.

Step 1. Auto-formatting column widths

Somewhere deep in the official documentation I’ve found a really easy way to adjust the column sizes automatically. All you need is to use one Trait ShouldAutoSize:

And here’s the new Excel:

Better, huh? Let’s move on.

Step 2. Formatting the fonts and sizes

You can adjust any cell styles using method called registerEvents() and AfterSheet event:

Here’s how the header row looks now:

The main logic here is this line:

It just takes whatever cell range we pass, and changes the styles.
Here’s where we need to dig deeper and look at the package which is the base of Laravel Excel. It’s actually based on PHPSpreadsheet package. So let’s take a look at its documentation, and specifically section Recipes.

Some examples from there:

Default style of a worksheet:

Styling borders and applying styles from array:

You can find more examples in that recipes section, just apply it to your individual needs.

That’s it, that’s how you format exported excel with Laravel and PHP.


February 18, 2023
Category : Laravel

Here, i will show you laravel maatwebsite excel set background color. if you have question about laravel excel sheet set background color then i will give simple example with solution. This article goes in detailed on how to set background color in excel cell heading laravel php. step by step explain phpexcel set background color laravel. Let’s get started with laravel maatwebsite background color.

We will use WithEvents and AfterSheet for set background color of column in laravel maatwesite composer package. you can use this example with laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, laravel 9 and laravel 10 version.

You can follow bellow url for checking full example of Import and Export Excel File with laravel. Here i will give you solution with export class:

Laravel Import Export Excel and CSV File Tutorial




namespace AppExports;

use AppModelsUser;

use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsFromCollection;

use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsWithHeadings;

use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsWithEvents;

use MaatwebsiteExcelEventsAfterSheet;

class UsersExport implements FromCollection, WithHeadings, WithEvents



* Write code on Method


* @return response()


public function collection()


return User::select("id", "name", "email")->get();



* Write code on Method


* @return response()


public function headings() :array


return [







* Write code on Method


* @return response()


public function registerEvents(): array


return [

AfterSheet::class => function(AfterSheet $event) {











I hope it can help you…

Hardik Savani

I’m a full-stack developer, entrepreneur and owner of Aatman Infotech. I
live in India and I love to
write tutorials and tips that can help to other artisan. I am a big fan of PHP, Laravel, Angular, Vue, Node, Javascript, JQuery,
Codeigniter and Bootstrap from the early stage. I believe in Hardworking and Consistency.

Follow Me:

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Как установить стиль для каждой ячейки или конкретной ячейки в Laravel excel export??

мой код похож на этот

Excel::create('Output', function($excel) use ($records) {
  $excel->sheet('Records', function($sheet) use ($records) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($records as $key => $record) {
       $sheet->row($i, $record);
       $sheet->row($i, function ($row) {

Этим я могу установить стиль для строк. Но я хочу установить стиль для каждой ячейки.

09 дек. 2016, в 06:34



2 ответа

необходимо установить стиль для каждой ячейки

   Excel::create('Output', function($excel) use ($records) {
      $excel->sheet('Records', function($sheet) use ($records) {
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            $j = 'A';
            foreach($record as $value) {
                $sheet->cell($j.$i, function($cell) use ($value) {

09 дек. 2016, в 08:42


Пожалуйста, попробуйте эту работу для меня

$sheet->cell('A1', function($cell) 



Brajesh Kanungo
09 дек. 2016, в 03:40


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  • 0Как обрабатывать подмассивы в каждой подпрограмме OpenMP
  • 1Приложение Java, установите тайм-аут соединения на 0
  • 1что именно происходит в getView
  • 1Сбой происходит при запуске приложения в ICE CREAM SANDWICH
  • 1Как проверить версию pymodbus для декодирования значения float_32?
  • 0Форма ввода, показывающая позади изображения
  • 1График не отображается должным образом
  • 1Как отключить все видео Youtube в контейнере
  • 0Как вывести курсор из поля ввода?

Сообщество Overcoder


Execute the following command to import the package

composer require maatwebsite/excel

Maatnesite excel excelserviceprovider is automatically discovered and registered by default.

Please enter config / APP PHP add the following code at the following location

'providers' => [

In config / APP PHP add facade code as follows

'aliases' => [
    'Excel' => MaatwebsiteExcelFacadesExcel::class,

Execute the following command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MaatwebsiteExcelExcelServiceProvider"

This will create a new configuration file named config / excel php.

Use (I take export order as an example)

1. Create a route
2. Access and obtain data (I am in the form of array)
3. Customize an export order class

4. Get the order list data and call the export class

 * admin service file Created by PhpStorm.
 * Date: 2020/09/27

namespace ModulesAdminService;

use CommonRepositoryMallOrderRepository;
use AppExportsOrderExport;
use MaatwebsiteExcelFacadesExcel;

class MallOrderService
     * Export order
     * @param array $get_data
     * @return SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationBinaryFileResponse
    public function getAll($get_data = [])
        $arr_option = self::option($get_data);
        $arr_option['with'] = ['order_goods', 'get_address', 'order_logistics'];
        $result = MallOrderRepository::getAll($arr_option);

        $orderList = [];
        foreach ($result as &$item) {
            $item['order_status'] = MallOrderRepository::orderStatus($item['status']);
            $orderList[$item['order_status']][] = $item;

        return Excel::download(new OrderExport($orderList), 'Order list' . date('Y:m:d').'.xls');

OrderExport export export order class code


namespace AppExports;

use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsFromCollection;
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsExportable;
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsWithTitle; //sheet name
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsWithMultipleSheets;//sheet
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsWithStyles;//modelling
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsWithColumnWidths; //Column width
use PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetWorksheetWorksheet;
use PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetStyleNumberFormat;
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsWithColumnFormatting;

class OrderExport implements FromCollection, WithMultipleSheets, WithTitle, WithColumnWidths, WithStyles, WithColumnFormatting
    use Exportable;

    private $data;//Order data
    private $status; //sheet name (order status)
    private $column; //Total number of rows
    private $goodsNum = []; //Quantity of goods in an order

    public function __construct($data, $status = '')
        $this->data = $data;
        $this->status = $status;

    public function collection()
        $data = $this->data;

        $header = [
            'order_no'        => 'Order No',
            'consignee'       => 'consignee',
            'user_phone'      => 'contact information',
            'address'         => 'Receiving address',
            'goods_name'      => 'Commodity name [Specification]',
            'goods_num'       => 'quantity',
            'specs_price'     => 'Price',
            'order_amount'    => 'Order amount',
            'freight_amount'  => 'freight',
            'discount_amount' => 'Preferential amount',
            'pay_amount'      => 'Payment amount',
            'pay_type'        => 'Payment method',
            'pay_time'        => 'Payment time',
            'created_at'      => 'Order time ',
            'express_name'    => 'Courier Services Company',
            'express_no'      => 'courier number',
            'delivery_time'   => 'Delivery time',
            'receiving_time'  => 'Receiving time',
            'remark'          => 'Buyer message',
            'seller_notes'    => 'Buyer remarks'

        $list = [];
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $list[0] = $header;
            $this->goodsNum[] = count($value['order_goods']);
            foreach ($value['order_goods'] as $k => $item) {
                $list[] = [
                    'order_no'        => $value['order_no'],
                    'consignee'       => $value['get_address']['name'],
                    'user_phone'      => $value['get_address']['phone'],
                    'address'         => $value['get_address']['get_city']['mername'] . $value['get_address']['address'],
                    'goods_name'      => $item['goods_name'] . ' [' . $item['specs_title'] . ']',
                    'goods_num'       => $item['goods_num'],
                    'specs_price'     => $item['specs_price'],
                    'order_amount'    => $value['order_amount'],
                    'freight_amount'  => $value['freight_amount'],
                    'discount_amount' => $value['discount_amount'],
                    'pay_amount'      => $value['pay_amount'],
                    'pay_type'        => $value['pay_type'] == 1 ? 'WeChat' : 'Alipay',
                    'pay_time'        => $value['pay_time'],
                    'created_at'      => $value['created_at'],
                    'express_name'    => $value['order_logistics']['get_express']['name'],
                    'express_no'      => $value['order_logistics']['express_no'],
                    'delivery_time'   => $value['order_logistics']['created_at'],
                    'receiving_time'  => $value['order_logistics']['receiving_time'],
                    'remark'          => $value['remark'],
                    'seller_notes'    => $value['seller_notes']

        $this->column = count($list);

        return collect($list);

     * Create sheet
     * @return array
    public function sheets(): array
        $list = $this->data;
        $sheets = [];
        foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
            $sheets[] = new OrderExport($list[$key], $key);

        return $sheets;

     * sheet name
     * @return string
    public function title(): string
        return $this->status;

     * Set column width
     * @return array
    public function columnWidths(): array
        return [
            'A' => 16, 'B' => 13, 'C' => 13, 'D' => 20, 'E' => 50, 'F' => 8, 'G' => 10, 'H' => 13,
            'I' => 8, 'J' => 12, 'K' => 12, 'L' => 12, 'M' => 20, 'N' => 20, 'O' => 15, 'P' => 20,
            'Q' => 20, 'R' => 20, 'S' => 30, 'T' => 30, 'U' => 20, 'V' => 20, 'W' => 20, 'X' => 20,

     * Format column
     * @return array
    public function columnFormats(): array
        $format = NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER_00;//The amount shall be kept to two decimal places
        return ['G' => $format, 'H' => $format, 'I' => $format, 'J' => $format, 'K' => $format];

     * Style settings
     * @param Worksheet $sheet
     * @throws PhpOfficePhpSpreadsheetException
    public function styles(Worksheet $sheet)
        $sheet->getDefaultRowDimension()->setRowHeight(22);//Set row height
        $sheet->getStyle('A1:Z' . $this->column)->getAlignment()->setVertical('center');//Vertical center
        $sheet->getStyle('F1:K' . $this->column)->applyFromArray(['alignment' => ['horizontal' => 'center']]);//Set horizontal center
        $sheet->getStyle('A1:Z1')->applyFromArray(['font' => ['bold' => true, 'color' => ['rgb' => '0072ff']]]);//Font settings
        $cell = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T'];//Cells to be merged
        //$sheet->mergeCells('A18:A22'); // merge cell
        foreach ($cell as $item) {
            $start = 2;
            foreach ($this->goodsNum as $key => $value) {
                $end = $start + $value - 1;
                $sheet->mergeCells($item . $start . ':' . $item . $end); //merge cell
                $start = $end + 1;

Look at the export results

Official website of Laravel Excel:

PHP spreadsheet document:

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