Korean word of mine

Koreans Pronouns are really good to know when you are just starting to learn the language as they are easy to remember and apply in everyday conversations.

They can be hard to explain though and different forms are used depending on things like hierarchy and age. We will eventually do a graphic/post that goes more in-depth on how to use these with elders, how they change with certain grammar, and more honorifics.

Want audio and a high-resolution infographic for words in this post? Get it and over 150 other infographics for study and review in our Korean Language Starter Pack. Whether you want to understand basic words in K-pop or K-dramas, impress your Korean friends, or simply deepen your connection to the Korean culture, the Starter Pack ensures that you quickly learn and retain the most commonly used Korean words and phrases today. Click here to learn more.

Using these to the wrong person could be considered very rude. For example, using 나 to an older person you just met. We will also later go into second and third-person pronouns and how to make them plural in a future graphic on this topic. There is a lot to cover. There are many little nuances that we have explained in this graphic.

Example sentences:

a. 춤 잘 못 춰. [na chum jal mot chwo.] = (I’m not good at dancing.)

b. 나는 아무거나 먹어도 돼. [na-neun a-mu-geo-na meo-geo-do dwae.] = (I’m fine with eating anything.)

c. 잘게. [na-neun a-mu-geo-na meo-geo-do dwae.] = (I’ll sleep now.)

d. 누가 나를 불렀는데? [nu-ga na-reul bul-leon-neun-de?] = (I think somebody called me?)

e. 좀 내버려 둬. [nal jom nae-beo-ryeo dwo.] = (Leave me alone.)

f. 걱정은 하지마. [nae geok-jeong-eun ha-ji-ma.] = (Don’t worry about me.)

g. 이거 내 것 아니야? [i-geo nae geot a-ni-ya?] = (Isn’t this mine?)

h. 다 내 꺼야!! [da nae kkeo-ya!!] = (It’s all mine!!)

i. 늦을 것 같아요. [jeo neu-jeul geot ga-ta-yo.] = (I think I’m going to be late.)

j. 저는 잘 지내고 있어요. [jeo-neun jal ji-nae-go i-seo-yo.] = (I’m doing well.)

k. 안 가요. [jeon an ga-yo.] = (I’m not going.)

l. 커피는 제가 살게요. [keo-pi-neun je-ga sal-ge-yo.] = (Coffee is on me.)

m. 저를 용서해 주세요. [jeo-reul yong-seo-hae ju-se-yo.] = (Please forgive me.)

n. 아세요? [jeol a-se-yo?] = (Do I know you?)

o. 친구 도미닉입니다. [je chin-gu do-mi-ni-gim-ni-da.] = (This is my friend Dominic.)

p. 이 핸드폰 제것이 아니예요. [i haen-deu-pon je-geos-i a-ni-ye-yo.] = (This isn’t my cellphone.)

q. 그건 제꺼예요. [그건 제꺼예요.] = (That one is mine.)

Preview of infographic in the Starter Pack

Want audio and a high-resolution infographic for words in this post? Get it and over 150 other infographics for study and review in our Korean Language Starter Pack. Whether you want to understand basic words in K-pop or K-dramas, impress your Korean friends, or simply deepen your connection to the Korean culture, the Starter Pack ensures that you quickly learn and retain the most commonly used Korean words and phrases today. Click here to learn more.


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This means that it belongs to me.
나의, 내, 내 것, 내꺼 .. etc

Here’s some examples

the people in the apartment above mine : 내가 사는 아파트 위층에 사는 사람들
He’s a friend of mine. : 그는 내 친구 중 한 명이다.
Her dress is almost identical to mine. : 그녀의 드레스는 내 것과 거의 똑같다.
She’s a personal friend of mine. : 그녀는 (업무상 아는 사람이 아니라) 내 개인적인 친구이다.
It’s different from mine? : 내꺼와는 다른데?

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안녕하세요 여러분 I have a question and I hope you can help me what is the word "mine" in Korean. I know there are a lot of them, for example 우리, 네... How many are there in total, and how do you tell them apart? I am asking for some sentences that would help me understand the differences. 
감사합니다 :)

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You think she would do mine if I asked her?

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내가 그녀에게 물으면 그녀가 내 것을 할거라고 생각하니?

This time, the world really will be all mine!».

context icon

이번에야말로 세계가 전부 내 것이 되는 것이다~! «.

When you put mine in on Sanctum, you pulled me over.

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당신이 내 것을 넣을 때 생텀, 날 잡아 당겼어.

The second question is usually, Will you tell mine?

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두번째 질문은 보통, 내 것을 말해주겠니?

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In fact a successful gold mine should be sustainable by its production.

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실제로 성공적으로 금 광산의 생산으로 지속되어야한다.

As a result, you now have a chance to regain mine.

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그 결과, 이제 당신은 내 것을 되찾을 기회.

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MICCL operated the S&K mine.

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MICCL은 S&K 광산의 운영 책임자였다.

No, those are your ghosts, Pascal, not mine.

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아니, 그건 네 유령들이야 파스칼, 내 것이 아니다.

That’s what I’m trying to do! Save mine.

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그게 내가 하려는 일이야! 내 것을 구하라.

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당신은 Wispr를 채굴 할 수 없습니다.

Detonate Mine Detonate an active Concussion Mine.

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지뢰 폭발 활성화된 충격 지뢰를 폭발시킵니다.

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Can I mine Zcash with both GPU and CPU?

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Zcash를 GPU와 CPU로 모두 채굴 할 수 있습니까?

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지뢰 본 적 있니?

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But I think you’re gonna need mine.

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하지만 나는 생각한다 넌 내 것이 필요할 거야.

You tell Arthur Campbell that the blood’s on his hands, not mine.

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피가 손에 묻었다는 건 내 것이 아니다.

Are they really all mine?

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진짜 다 거야?

Behinds a dead platinum mine, nothing.

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죽은 백금 광산의 배후, 아무것도 없다.

I’m freelance.- Not mine.

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나는 프리랜서다. — 내 것이 아니다.

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진짜 다 거야?

Mine IC Sanyo Expressway.

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자동차도로 미네 IC 차로 약.

UMD- III Handheld Mine Detector Model.

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Umd-iii 소형 지뢰 탐지기 모형.

He was Superlative’s enemy, not mine.

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그는 슈퍼레이트의 적이었고 내 것이 아니다.

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  • Talk To Me In Korean

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  • added by Aleks 02/18/2021 10:10
  • info modified 10/05/2022 00:13

Talk To Me In Korean. My first 500 korean words

Talk To Me In Korean, 2019. — 500 p.

This book contains 500 commonly used vocabulary words, along with derivative forms, synonyms, antonyms, and word pairs for a total of over 1,500 words. The inclusion of real-life stories helps put the words into meaningful context while also building your Korean vocabulary skills. This makes it much easier to remember and put into practice.

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