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Microsoft Excel Converter
The Microsoft Excel converter for JSON-Base64 makes it easy to get JSON-Base64 data into and out of Microsoft Excel in a format suitable for most programming languages. Microsoft Excel is not required to install or run this application.
Supported file formats are: .jb64, .xls, and .xlsx
This application is public domain (view license).
System Requirements
The system requirements to run the Microsoft Excel converter application are as follows:
- Windows XP or later.
- .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or later.
It is highly likely that the necessary components to run this application are already installed.
Note to Mono users: The AeroWizard component apparently causes some usability issues under Mono.
Installation is easy. First:
Download the Microsoft Excel converter application
Then extract the contents into its own directory. The application runs standalone without needing to be installed via an installer. Files with the ‘.jb64’ file extension may be associated with the main executable to expedite transformations.
Converting Files
The application aims to make converting between Excel and JSON-Base64 as easy and quick as possible. The conversion process is broken down into four logical steps:
- Select source and destination files. Note that drag-and-drop is supported.
- Configure field mapping.
- Perform the conversion.
- Display results and optionally start Microsoft Excel if the destination file is a recognized Excel file format.
The application is a wizard-style application that proceeds through these logical steps in a seamless fashion. A screenshot is available above that shows the field mapping page of the wizard.
If the ‘.jb64’ file extension is associated with the executable, the entire process is very streamlined when going from a web server that outputs JSON-Base64 and importing it into Excel. Using JSON-Base64 reduces the need for bringing heavy libraries into play on a web server that output .xls(x) files.
Building From Source
If you are a software developer familiar with Visual Studio, below is the link to download the public domain source code to this application:
Download the Microsoft Excel converter source code
Everything needed to build the application is in the ZIP file. The application is written in C# and depends on the included libraries:
- C# JSON-Base64 — For JSON-Base64 support.
- JSON.NET — For JSON support, via NuGet.
- NPOI v2.x — For reading and writing Excel files without needing Excel.
- AeroWizard — For the wizard-style dialog.
In theory, it should be possible to simply open the Solution (.sln) file and build and run it. In practice, it might be a bit more difficult as Visual Studio might not find the various libraries in their expected locations, requiring some effort to get a working build.
The application source code for the wizard is organized loosely into the order of the conversion process. The most interesting aspect is the generic source and destination classes. In theory these could be expanded to support conversions between any common file formats, but there is little point in doing that. It is an application that does what it does and does it well enough.
Note that strings are hardcoded in English. Translating to other written languages will require making the application into a multilingual app first.
If you make some really nice changes, consider submitting them back to the project but note that source code in the wizard should be under the public domain and third-party libraries under a very liberal license (e.g. MIT) to be considered for inclusion.
json2xlsx is a tool to generate MS-Excel Spreadsheets from JSON files.
Install as general python modules. Briefly, do as follows:
$ sudo easy_install json2xlsx
You can also use pip:
$ sudo pip install json2xlsx
If you want to install the latest (likely development) version, then do as follows:
$ cd some_temporary_dir $ git clone git://github.com/mkasa/json2xlsx.git $ cd json2xlsx $ python setup.py build $ sudo python setup.py install
Note that you may encounter an error while installing pyparsing on which json2xlsx
depends. This is probably because pyparsing 1.x runs only on Python 2.x while
pyparsing 2.x runs only on Python 3.x. Currently, json2xlsx declares in the package
that pyparsing 1.x is required, which means that Python 3.x users must install
json2xlsx from GitHub with manual modificatin to setup.py. I do not use Python 3.x
often, so please let me know a workaround.
Simple Example
Let’s begin with a smallest example:
$ cat test.json {"name": "John", "age": 30, "sex": "male"} $ cat test.ts table { "name"; "age"; "sex"; } $ json2xlsx test.ts -j test.json -o output.xlsx
This will create an Excel Spreadsheet ‘output.xlsx’ that contains
a table like this:
name | age | sex |
John | 30 | male |
Isn’t it super-easy? Here, test.ts is a script that defines the table.
Let’s call it table script.
-j option specifies an input JSON file. You can specify as many -j
as you wish. -o gives the name of the output file:
$ cat test.json [{"name": "John", "age": 30, "sex": "male"}, {"name": "Alice", "age": 18, "sex": "female"} ]
This would give the following result.
name | age | sex |
John | 30 | male |
Alice | 18 | female |
Another way is that you give -l option to specify that each line in the input
comprises a single JSON object. In this mode, each line must contain strictly
one JSON object:
$ cat test.json {"name": "John", "age": 30, "sex": "male"} {"name": "Alice", "age": 18, "sex": "female"} $ json2xlsx test.ts -l -j test.json -o output.xlsx
This would give the same table as above.
Multiple Rows
If you would like to add more than one row, there are two ways to go.
The first one is that you can give an JSON array as input.
ad hoc Query Example
When — is specified for input table script, the standard input is used.
—open is specified, the generated xlsx file is opened immediately.
Those two options are useful when you want to craete a xlsx file with
an ad hoc query like this:
$ json2xlsx - -j test.json -o output.xlsx --open table { "name"; "age"; "sex"; } ^D (MS Excel pops up immediately)
Renaming Columns
Keys in a JSON file are often not appropriate for display use.
For example, you may want to use «Full Name (Family, Given)» instead of
a JSON key «name». You can use as modifiers to do this:
table { "name" as "Full Name (Family, Given)"; }
You can use «n» to wrap in a cell:
table { "name" as "Full Namen(Family, Given)"; }
Saving a Few Types
If a string literal does not contain any spaces, symbols or special characters,
the double quotations can be omitted. This table script:
table { "name"; "age"; "sex"; }
is equivalent to:
table { name; age; sex; }
You can use , instead of ;:
table { name; age; sex; }
, and ; are interchangable except for specifying coordinates.
Adding Title to Table
You can put the table title between table and {:
table "Employee" { name; age; sex; }
This will create a table like this.
Employee | ||
name | age | sex |
John | 30 | male |
Alice | 18 | female |
Adding Styles
You can add styles to columns:
table "Analysis Summary" border thinbottom { "file_caption" as "Sample" width 20 align right; "nSeqs" as "# of nscaffolds" align right halign center number "#,#"; "Min" color "green" align right; "_1st_Qu" as "1st quantile" align right number "#,#"; }
- width specifies the width of the column. The unit is unknown (I do not know), so please refer to the openpyxl document for details (although even I have not yet found the answer there).
- align right, align center, align left will align columns (without the heading) as specified.
- halign right, halign center, halign left will align the heading columns as specified.
- color specifies the color of the cell. See Color class in style.py of openpyxl for the complete list of the preset colors. Please let me know if you need hex-style colors (json2xlsx does not support it yet).
- number gives the number style of the cell. This will be described in details later.
- border adds a border to the cell. Currently, «thinbottom», «thickbottom» and «doublebottom» are the only available options. Please let me know if you find any use case in which you need others (Border class in style.py of openpyxl tells you what kinds of borders are available) and you would like to see it implemented.
Number Style
The number style is presumably an internal string used in MS Excel.
Here are a couple of examples. See NumberFormat class in style.py
of openpyxl for other examples.
Number Format Style | Example | Description |
% | 24% | Percentage |
#,## | 123,456 | Insert ‘,’ every 3 digits |
0.000 | 12.345 | Three digits after decimal point |
@ | 24 | Force text |
yyyy-mm-dd | 2013/11/23 | Date |
0.00+E00 | 1.23+E10 | Scientific notation |
You can group multiple columns. An example table script is here:
table { "name"; group "personal info" { "age", "sex"; } }
The generated table will look like this.
name | personal info | |
age | sex | |
John | 30 | male |
Nesting is allowed.
Multiple Tables, Multiple Sheets
You can create multiple tables in a sheet:
# You can write comments here. namesheet "Employee List"; table { "name", "age", "sex"; } # equivalent to "-l -j employee1.json" in the command line load "employee1.json" linebyline; # vskip adds specified number of blank rows. vskip 1; table { "company", "revenue"; } # You can add as many files. load "company1.json"; load "company2.json"; # Create a new sheet. The first sheet is implicitly created so we did not need it. newsheet; namesheet "Products"; table { "product", "code", "price"; } load "product1.json"; load "product2.json"; # You can add "-o output.xlsx" in the command line, but here we specify it in the script. write "output.xlsx";
Adding a comment in a sheet
We often want to add a comment to a spreadsheet:
table { "name", "age", "sex"; } load "employee1.json"; legend 2, 0 "As of Apr. 2000";
legend command takes coordinates and a string, and writes the string in the cell.
The coordinates is a pair of two integers, row, column.
It originates at the cell right next to the top right of the table.
Below we show the coordinates.
name | personal info | (0,0) | (0,1) | |
age | sex | (1,0) | (1,1) | |
John | 30 | male | (2,0) | (2,1) |
CSV Support
Comma Separated Values (CSV) is also supported.
Let’s see an example:
table { "name", "age", "sex"; } loadcsv "employee1.csv";
Here is the content of employee1.csv:
"John","30","male" "Alice","18","female"
Note that the order of the column must be the same as the column definition in the table.
If you would like to reorder the columns, you can specify the column order:
table { "sex", "age", "name"; } loadcsv "employee1.csv" 2,1,0;
You can use -1 for a blank column:
table { "sex", "blank", "name"; } loadcsv "employee1.csv" 2,-1,0;
When the first line of the input CSV file is a header, give withheader:
table { "sex", "age", "name"; } loadcsv "employee1.csv" 2,1,0 withheader;
then you can skip the first line.
You can use non-ASCII characters. UTF-8 is the only supported coding.
2016/05/26 FIX: work with newer pyparsing/openpyxl packages.
2013/06/05 FIX: attributes did not show up when the table caption is specified.
2013/06/05 ADD: better document on cell styles.
2013/05/24 Initial upload to PyPI
Suggestions and comments are welcome.
Modified BSD License.
Masahiro Kasahara
A package that converts json to CSV, excel or other table formats
- JSON to excel converter
- Sample output
- Simple json
- Nested json
- json with array property
- Installation
- Usage
- Simple usage
- Streaming usage with restarts
- Arrays
- XLSX Formatting
- Cell format
- Column widths
- Row heights
- Urls
- Custom cell rendering
- Sample output
Sample output
Simple json
[ { "col1": "val1", "col2": "val2" } ]
the generated CSV/excel is:
col1 col2
val1 val2
Nested json
[ { "col1": "val1", "col2": { "col21": "val21", "col22": "val22" } } ]
the generated CSV/excel is (in excel, col2 spans two cells horizontally):
col1 col2
col21 col22
val1 val21 val22
json with array property
[ { "col1": "val1", "col2": [ { "col21": "val21" }, { "col21": "val22" } ] } ]
the generated CSV/excel is (in excel, col2 spans two cells horizontally):
col1 col2
col21 col21
val1 val21 val22
pip install json-excel-converter[extra]
where extra is:
to use the xlsxwriter
Simple usage
from json_excel_converter import Converter from json_excel_converter.xlsx import Writer data = [ {'a': [1], 'b': 'hello'}, {'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': 'world'} ] conv = Converter() conv.convert(data, Writer(file='/tmp/test.xlsx'))
Streaming usage with restarts
from json_excel_converter import Converter, LinearizationError from json_excel_converter.csv import Writer conv = Converter() writer = Writer(file='/tmp/test.csv') while True: try: data = get_streaming_data() # custom function to get iterator of data conv.convert_streaming(data, writer) break except LinearizationError: pass
When the first row is processed, the library guesses the columns layout. In case of arrays,
a column (or more columns if the array contains json objects) is created for each
of the items in the array, as shown in the example above.
On subsequent rows the array might contain more items. The library reacts by adjusting
the number of columns in the layout and raising LinearizationError
as previous rows might
be already output.
just raises this exception — it is the responsibility of caller
to take the right action.
captures this error and restarts the processing. In case of CSV
this means truncating the output file to 0 bytes and processing the data again. XLSX writer
caches all the data before writing them to excel so the restart just means discarding the cache.
If you know the size of the array in advance, you should pass it in options. Then no
processing restarts are required and LinearizationError
is not raised.
from json_excel_converter import Converter, Options from json_excel_converter.xlsx import Writer data = [ {'a': [1]}, {'a': [1, 2, 3]} ] options = Options() options['a'].cardinality = 3 conv = Converter(options=options) writer = Writer(file='/tmp/test.xlsx') conv.convert(data, writer) # or conv.convert_streaming(data, writer) # no exception occurs here
XLSX Formatting
Cell format
XLSX writer enables you to format the header and data by passing an array of header_formatters or
data_formatters. Take these from json_excel_converter.xlsx.formats
package or create your own.
from json_excel_converter import Converter from json_excel_converter.xlsx import Writer from json_excel_converter.xlsx.formats import LastUnderlined, Bold, Centered, Format data = [ {'a': 'Hello'}, {'a': 'World'} ] w = Writer('/tmp/test3.xlsx', header_formats=( Centered, Bold, LastUnderlined, Format({ 'font_color': 'red' })), data_formats=( Format({ 'font_color': 'green' }),) ) conv = Converter() conv.convert(data, w)
See https://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.io/format.html for details on formats in xlsxwriter
Column widths
Pass the required column widths to writer:
w = Writer('/tmp/test3.xlsx', column_widths={ 'a': 20 })
Width of nested data can be specified as well:
data = [ {'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 2}} ] w = Writer('/tmp/test3.xlsx', column_widths={ 'a.b': 20, 'a.c': 30, })
To set the default column width, pass it as DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH
w = Writer('/tmp/test3.xlsx', column_widths={ DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH: 20 })
Row heights
Row heights can be specified via the row_heights
writer option:
w = Writer('/tmp/test3.xlsx', row_heights={ DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT: 20, # a bit taller rows 1: 40 # extra tall header })
To render url, pass a function that gets data of a row and returns url to options
data = [ {'a': 'https://google.com'}, ] options = Options() options['a'].url = lambda data: data['a'] conv = Converter(options) conv.convert(data, w)
Note: this will only be rendered in XLSX output, CSV output will silently
ignore the link.
Custom cell rendering
Override the write_cell
method. The method receives cell_data
(instance of json_excel_converter.Value
) and data
(the original
data being written to this row). Note that this method is used both
for writing header and rows — for header the data
parameter is None.
class UrlWriter(Writer): def write_cell(self, row, col, cell_data, cell_format, data): if cell_data.path == 'a' and data: self.sheet.write_url(row, col, 'https://test.org/' + data['b'], string=cell_data.value) else: super().write_cell(row, col, cell_data, cell_format, data)
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Comprehensive detailed reporting based on various computer hardware components such as processors, ram, hdd and etc are available. PIE, BAR & Line charts can also be accessed using GUI.
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Data visualization tool written in LWJGL
Compatible with libgdx and other opengl wrappers
The project depends on apache poi, and apache commons, for office files support
Planned features for next release:
* reading json, and other nosql data structures
* jdbc connection for creating dataframes
* data heatmaps, and additional plots
for questions, contact me kumar.santhi1982@hotmail.com
more details:
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2018-11-27See Project
Simple converter tool with GUI (written on JavaFX) for converting large XML-files to JSON and JSON to XML with indicating progress and uses small amount of memory for converting.
Starting from 1.2.0 application supports batch converting files from directory by pattern.
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Online Application
An online application that uses AccessConverter to convert databases can be found here https://lytrax.io/blog/tools/access-converter.
JDK 1.8
Apache Commons IO 2.5 (commons-io-2.5…Downloads:
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Open source Web based online agile project management collaboration software free, J2EE platform, MySql database with project dashboards & reporting.
Organized Teams & Projects: Easily plan & manage projects with intuitive features to help your team deliver on time. Quickly focus on what’s important, easily select…Downloads:
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API libraries powered and created by Alpaca. Tired of maintaining API libraries in different languages for your website API? This is for you. Do you have an API for your website but no API libraries for whatever reason? This is for you. You are planning to build an API for your website and develop API libraries? This is for you. You define your API according to the format given below, alpaca builds the API libraries along with their documentation. All you have to do is publishing them to…
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SQL converter
SQL converter is a tool converts your sql tables into new file types .
SQL converter is a tool created to be completely useful .
It’s a tool that allows you to convert your tables from a specific database into new file type & extension table :
• Excel (*.XLS)
• Word (*.DOC)
• XML (*.XML)
• HTML (*.html)
The whole table will be converted including it’s columns and rows !
◘ More features :
• you can browse your databases easily
• you can edit the table before exporting it from the tool it self
• you can execute your own commands through the ‘Manual commands’ box…Downloads:
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2015-12-15See Project
Written in Lazarus and Free Pascal, this program connects to the internet and obtains the latest exchange rates from http://api.fixer.io/ in JSON format.
This program was originally used as a programming example at http://www.cyberfilth.co.uk/hey-boy-what-you-coding-for-a-pascal-odyssey/Downloads:
0 This WeekLast Update:
2016-11-02See Project
XLS(X)toTMX allowed you to convert Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (*.xls & *.xlsx) files to TMX 1.1 file.
TMX files are specific XML format files used in CAT software as OmegaT.Downloads:
4 This WeekLast Update:
2015-04-24See Project
An open source RESTFul Web Service for text , meta-data extraction and analysis.
oss-text-extractor supports various binary formats:
Word processor (doc, docx, odt, rtf)
Spreadsheet (xls, xlsx, ods)
Presentation (ppt, pptx, odp)
Publishing (pdf, pub)
Web (rss, html/xhtml)
Medias (audio, images)
Others (vsd, text)Downloads:
0 This WeekLast Update:
2016-09-17See Project
Json2Xlsx — это бесплатный инструмент, управляемый из командной строки для служащий для преобразования JSON в Excel. Этот инструмент принимает один или несколько файлов JSON вместе с файлом сценария таблицы и создает нужный вам файл Excel. Он использует очень простую команду для создания файла Excel из файла JSON. Для установки и работы на вашем ПК требуется установить Python.
Существует не так много свободного программного обеспечения, которое может конвертировать JSON-файл в Excel. Но если у вас нет желания тратить деньги на покупку, вы можете положиться на Json2Xlsx. Поскольку он запускается из командной строки, вы можете сделать командный файл и выполнять свои задачи одним щелчком мыши. И, да, это кросс-платформенный инструмент, поэтому вы можете использовать его таким же образом на разных платформах и конвертировать JSON в Excel на профессиональном уровне.
Как использовать этот бесплатный инструмент командной строки для преобразования JSON в Excel?
Json2Xlsx — это бесплатный инструмент с открытым исходным кодом для преобразования JSON в Excel. Вы можете скачать его исходный код на сервисе в GitHub и даже внести свой вклад в него (если хотите). Этот инструмент написан на Python, и вы можете легко установить его, просто выполнив элементарную команду.
Вот несколько шагов для преобразования JSON в Excel с помощью Json2Xlsx.
Шаг 1. Откройте командную строку с правами администратора. Для этого выполните поиск «CMD» в меню «Пуск», а затем щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по его значку, чтобы выбрать «Запуск от имени администратора».
Шаг 2. Теперь запустите команду ниже, чтобы установить Json2Xlsx на свой компьютер. Если все будет хорошо, вы сможете запустить команду «json2xlsx» из любого места на вашем ПК, к примеру прямо из корня диска C:
easy_install json2xlsx
Шаг 3 : Перейдите в место на вашем ПК, где вы сохранили файл JSON, который вы хотите преобразовать в Excel. Но перед запуском преобразования вам придется создать файл сценария таблицы в той же папке. В сценарии таблицы вам просто нужно определить имя столбцов, которые вы хотите иметь в конечном файле Excel. Например, если вы хотите, чтобы три столбца в конечном файле Excel указывали: « Имя, возраст, пол», вы записываете следующее в файле TS. Сохранить файл можно с любым именем, например «test.ts».
Содержимое файла test.ts: table { "name"; "age"; "sex"; }
Шаг 4 : Теперь убедитесь, что входной файл имеет данные в соответствии с созданным вами скриптом таблицы. Затем запустите эту команду, чтобы извлечь в файл Excel данные из указанного файла JSON(в примере «test.json»). Он оставит окончательный файл (в примере «output.xls») в текущем рабочем каталоге.
json2xlsx "Table Script File" -j "JSON File" -o output.xls
Таким образом, вы можете легко конвертировать любой файл JSON в Excel за несколько секунд. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это запустить только одну команду и получить окончательный файл Excel.
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