Knife and fork in one word

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    knife and fork

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > knife and fork

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    knife and fork

    I am aware that there is a deep-rooted tradition connecting academic life… with a certain affection for the bottle and the knife and fork. (J. Wain, ‘Strike the Father Dead’, part I, ‘Alfred’) — я знаю, что университетские преподаватели… отличаются особым пристрастием к еде и питью; это глубоко укоренившаяся традиция.

    My digestion is much impaired, and I am but a poor knife and fork. (Ch. Dickens, ‘Bleak House’, ch. XLV) — У меня не в порядке желудок, поэтому я стал плохо есть.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > knife and fork

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    knife and fork

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > knife and fork

  • 4
    knife and fork

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > knife and fork

  • 5
    knife and fork


    Новый англо-русский словарь > knife and fork

  • 6
    Knife and fork tea

    Лёгкий ужин. Ужин на скорую руку

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Knife and fork tea

  • 7
    knife and fork

    Англо-русский современный словарь > knife and fork

  • 8
    knife and fork

    нож с вилкой/столовый прибор из двух предметов

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > knife and fork

  • 9
    a knife and fork

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a knife and fork

  • 10
    play knife and fork

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > play knife and fork

  • 11
    play a good knife and fork

    есть с аппетитом, уплетать (за обе щеки)

    The colonel plays a good knife and fork at tiffin. (W. Thackeray, ‘Vanity Fair’, ch. XLIII) — За завтраком полковник уписывал за обе щеки.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > play a good knife and fork

  • 12
    a good knife and fork

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a good knife and fork

  • 13
    play a good knife and fork

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > play a good knife and fork

  • 14
    ply a good knife and fork

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ply a good knife and fork

  • 15
    a good knife and fork

    Новый англо-русский словарь > a good knife and fork

  • 16
    a poor knife and fork

    Новый англо-русский словарь > a poor knife and fork

  • 17
    play a good knife and fork

    есть с аппетитом, уплетать за обе щеки

    Новый англо-русский словарь > play a good knife and fork

  • 18
    to play (a good) knife and fork


    есть с аппетитом, уписывать за обе щеки

    Англо-русский современный словарь > to play (a good) knife and fork

  • 19
    to play (a good) knife and fork


    есть с аппетитом, уписывать за обе щеки

    Англо-русский современный словарь > to play (a good) knife and fork

  • 20

    knife [naɪf]

    1) нож;

    to put a knife into smb. заре́зать кого́-л.

    а) нож хиру́рга;

    б) хирурги́ческая опера́ция;



    струг, скребо́к, резе́ц

    to get one’s knife into smb. нанести́ уда́р кому́-л., зло́бно напа́сть на кого́-л.; беспоща́дно критикова́ть кого́-л.


    1) ре́зать ножо́м

    2) уда́рить, заколо́ть ножо́м

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > knife


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См. также в других словарях:

  • knife-and-fork — knife and forkˈ noun (Dickens) A trencherman adjective Involving, or relating to, the use of a knife and fork • • • Main Entry: ↑knife …   Useful english dictionary

  • knife and fork — noun 1. Britain : one that eats : trencherman a good knife and fork 2. a. knives and forks plural …   Useful english dictionary

  • Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork — subtitled A 12 Stop Program to End Bad Habits and Begin a Healthy Lifestyle is a book by former Arkansas governor and 2008 U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. It is based on his health experience of being overweight and diabetic …   Wikipedia

  • knife and fork — n. hearty eater …   English contemporary dictionary

  • knife-and-fork tea —  High tea …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • play a good knife and fork — eat ravenously, eat a lot of food quickly …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Fork etiquette — in Western social settings takes two primary forms. The style used mostly in the United States of America, which is sometimes called the zigzag method or American style , differs from the European or Continental style mostly used in the rest of… …   Wikipedia

  • knife — noun 1 tool for cutting ADJECTIVE ▪ blunt, dull (esp. AmE) ▪ sharp ▪ serrated ▪ long ▪ small …   Collocations dictionary

  • knife — [[t]na͟ɪf[/t]] ♦♦♦ knives, knifes, knifing, knifed (knives is the plural form of the noun and knifes is the third person singular of the present tense of the verb.) 1) N COUNT A knife is a tool for cutting or a weapon and consists of a flat piece …   English dictionary

  • fork — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 tool for eating ADJECTIVE ▪ toasting ▪ salad (AmE) ▪ plastic VERB + FORK ▪ pick up ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • knife — knife1 W3S3 [naıf] n plural knives [naıvz] ↑flipper, ↑knife, ↑tank, ↑wetsuit [: Old English; Origin: cnif] 1.) a metal blade fixed into a handle, used for cutting or as a weapon →↑scalpel ▪ a knife and fork …   Dictionary of contemporary English


— a piece of cutlery, used as both a knife and a fork



The word knork is a blend of knife and fork. Typically, one or both of the outer edges of a fork-like utensil are sharpened to allow the user to cut their food.

Also known as a Nelson fork, after Admiral Horatio Nelson who used this type of cutlery after losing his right arm during the Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1797.

Other weird blends in this category are:

— sporf = a combination of  a spoon, a knife and a fork
— spork or foon = a spoon-like shallow scoop with two to four fork tines
— spife = a combination of a spoon and of a knife

The etymology of the word “cutlery” comes from the Old French word “coutelier” (knife) and is first documented in 1297, in Sheffield, England.

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation today, say something like:

“I’ve ordered Jim’s birthday present from Amazon, it’s a KNORK.”

P.S. A BIG THANKS to all “Friends-of-OWAD” who are supporting my efforts to keep the service going:)


knife and fork — нож с вилкой, столовый прибор из двух предметов
a knife and fork — нож с вилкой
play knife and fork — уписывать за обе щеки; есть с аппетитом
a good knife and fork — хороший едок
ply a good knife and fork — хорошо работать ножом и вилкой; уплетать за обе щеки
play a good knife and fork — уписывать за обе щеки; уплетать за обе щеки; есть с аппетитом
to ply a good knife and fork — шутл. хорошо работать ножом и вилкой, уплетать за обе щеки
to play a good knife and fork — есть с аппетитом; ≅ уплетать за обе щеки
to play (a good) knife and fork — уст. есть с аппетитом

Автоматический перевод

нож и вилка

Перевод по словам

knife  — нож, скальпель, резец, ножевой, резать ножом
fork  — вилка, вилы, развилка, ответвление, разветвляться, расходиться


He set down his knife and fork.

Он отложил нож и вилку.

Put the knives and forks on the table.

Положите ножи и вилки на стол.

The knives and forks have been plated with silver.

Эти ножи и вилки — посеребрённые.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Yes, we are still cannibals, but now I use a knife and fork.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

  • #1

Hi all,

Let me ask a question about how to use article in the case of knife, fork and spoon?

Suppose you are visiting a Japanese restaurant, where chopsticks are often used to eat food, and that you can’t use chopsticks.

What would you most likely say to ask for knife and fork? Would it be like «Can I have knife and fork?» or «Can I have


knife and fork?»

In addition, if you want a spoon as well, would it be like «Can I have knife and fork, and a spoon?» or «Can I have a knife, a fork, and a spoon?»

Thanks. :)

    • #2

    If I were in this situation, I would say:

    «May I have a knife and fork, please» AND
    «May I have a knife, fork and spoon, please»

    • #3

    Thanks Dmcl. I appreciate your help. :)

    If I were in this situation, I would say:

    «May I have a knife and fork, please» AND
    «May I have a knife, fork and spoon, please»

    Can I assume «a» here has a function similar to «a set of»? Or is it just a preference for conciseness?

    • #4

    Thanks Dmcl. I appreciate your help. :)

    Can I assume «a» here has a function similar to «a set of»? Or is it just a preference for conciseness?

    Yes, I think that’s how it reflects in my mind. Frankly, in a Japanese restaurant with the inability to use chopsticks, I’d just say «May I have some cutlery please?».:)

    • #5

    Yes, I think that’s how it reflects in my mind.

    Thanks Dimcl. You mean both of the following are valid?: «a» here has a function similar to «a set of»


    it is because of preference for conciseness.


    • #6

    Thanks Dmcl. I appreciate your help. :)

    Can I assume «a» here has a function similar to «a set of»? Or is it just a preference for conciseness?

    If I understand your question correctly, I wouldn’t. If I’m asking for a set of knives, forks and spoons, I would say «May I have some knives, forks, and spoons, please?» or «May I have a set of knives, forks and spoons, please?»

    • #7

    Thanks tomandjerryfan. I appreciate your help. :)

    If I understand your question correctly, I wouldn’t. If I’m asking for a set of knives, forks and spoons, I would say «May I have some knives, forks, and spoons, please?» or «May I have a set of knives, forks and spoons, please?»

    Probably, I shouldn’t have used the word «set» in the first place, which seems to have been a bit misleading, I guess.

    Let me try to explain what I meant to say:

    When you eat something, you need some cutlery, which are often a knife, fork and spoon in the US, right?

    Especially when you eat beefsteak, you need more than a knife or a fork, you need both knife and fork, right?

    I guessed that Dmcl used «a knife and fork» instead of «a knife and


    fork» because knife and fork are considered kind of «a kit», which might be the word I should’ve used instead of «set»????

    By the way, to make my question a lot more simpler, let me ask this way: Why would you say «a knife and fork» instead of «a knife and


    fork»; «a knife, fork and spoon» instead of «a knife,


    fork and



    • #8

    May I have a knife and fork?
    May I have a knife, fork, and spoon?

    • #9

    Thanks mjscott. I appreciate your help. :)

    If possible, could you also tell me why you would say «a knife and fork» instead of «a knife and


    fork»; and «a knife, fork and spoon» instead of «a knife,


    fork and




    • #10

    The phrases «a knife and fork» or «a knife, fork and spoon» are standard collocations. Inserting additional articles would be unusual — singling out each item for explicit emphasis.
    In other words, I think I am agreeing that a «knife and fork» is a kit of tools for eating, rather as a «hammer and chisel» might be used for stonework, or a «bucket and spade» to play in the sand.

    • #11

    Thanks panjandrum. I appreciate your help. :)


    • #12

    I agree that «a knife and fork» is like a single unit, the two things belong together.
    I would ask for «a knife and fork» or «a knife and fork and a spoon».
    I would pronounce it «nife ‘n’ fork».
    «Could I have a knife ‘n’ fork please?»
    «Could I have a knife ‘n’ fork and a spoon please?»

    • #13

    Thanks liliput. I appreciate your help. :)


    • #14


    I have learned that the words such as a needle and thread, a cup and saucer, and a knife and fork can be used one item and these are used with one article.
    But when I treat these as two items, I should use an article before noun respectively. Am I right? If so, I can’t distinguish especially in case of ‘a knife and fork’.

    1a. We eat with a knife and fork. b. I bought a knife and a fork.

    I think both are correct. Then, only when I eat food, should I use only one article like 1a? In other cases, should I use an article respectively like 1b?

    Thank you always~.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2013


    • #15

    Yes, both are correct. Do not forget, «a/an» can mean «one».

    Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Перевод и значение KNIFE AND FORK в английском и русском языках


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