Kind word for a teacher

Words to Describe a Teacher

This list of words to describe a teacher collates adjectives that you could use to describe any sort of teacher, both positive and negative.

Some of my favorite ways to describe a teacher are:

  • Passionate
  • Committed
  • Inspiring
  • Warm
  • Caring
  • Student-Focused

Some negative descriptions include:

  • Apathetic
  • Unprepared
  • Lazy
  • Biased
  • Indifferent
  • Boring

Use the table of contents below to jump to a category then select an adjective from the lists.

Adjectives to Describe a Teacher

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Teacher

1. Excellent Teacher

Amazing – “You’re an amazing teacher and I’m so grateful to have you in my life.”

Awe-inspiring – “The lesson you put together for the students on space travel was awe-inspiring. My son now wants to become an astronaut!”

Awesome – “You’re an awesome teacher who makes every class fun.”

Energetic – “Your energetic approach to teaching and learning invigorates the students and keeps them focused.”

Experienced – “I can tell you are an experienced teacher by the way you control your classroom.”

Leader – “You are a leading educator in the nation.”

Passionate – “Passion is the most important trait of an educator.”

Stimulating – “Your lectures are always incredibly stimulating and encourage excellent debates after class.”

Read Also: 13+ Examples Of The Word “Academic” In A Sentence

Natural – “You are a natural born educator thanks to your compassion, patience and ease with explaining.”

Other words for excellent teachers:

Excellent! Devoted Effective Delightful
Fantastic Intuitive Inventive Wonderful
Hard-working Inspiring Skilful Purpose-driven

2. Good Teacher

Competent – “Based on the lesson I observed I believe you will be a competent educator and suitable for certification in our state.”

Helpful – “Whenever I ask you a question I always find your answers to be punctual and helpful. You don’t beat around the bush.”

Prepared – “If there’s one thing I can say about you, it’s that you always come to class prepared with great hands-on lessons.”

Punctual – “You are a punctual professional which shows me you value your students’ time.”

Valuable – “You are a valuable member of the faculty and I just wanted to let you know we all appreciate your input during staff meetings.”

Confident – “I was impressed by how confident you are in commanding the classroom and engaging with the students’ parents.”

Perseverant – “Even though you don’t always have successful lessons, it is admirable that you’re perseverant and bounce back with vigor the next day.”

Other words for good teachers:

Able Alert Capable Keen
Modest Neat Optimistic Organized
Pleasant Proficient Reliable Respectful
Responsible Self-assured Underrated Well-spoken
Willing Satisfactory Conscientious Disciplined
Careful Dutiful Eager Dedicated
Determined Diligent Humble  

Read Also: 83 Best Words to Describe a Student

3. Kind Teacher

Amicable – Easy to get along with. “You’re an amicable teacher who is friends with all the parents and your colleagues.”

Empathetic – Ability to notice students’ feelings and have sympathy for those feelings. “The fact that you’re an empathetic person will make you a great early childhood educator.”

Generous – Willing to give a lot of your time or resources. “I’m so impressed by how generous you are with your time. You will always sit down and talk with me to give me extra help.”

Nurturing – “As an educator of young children, your nurturing disposition makes me confident that you will always have the children’s best interests at heart.”

Perceptive – Ability to have insight into a situation. “You’re impressively perceptive. You can diagnose the needs of a student even when they don’t always tell you what they need.”

Warm and Welcoming – Making a classroom where all students feel comfortable. “The moment I walked into your classroom, I felt a warm and welcoming vibe from you. I was at home immediately.”

Other words for kind teachers:

Kind Caring Good-natured Considerate
Convivial Courteous Friendly Gentle
Giving Loving Nice Patient
Polite Reassuring Selfless Smiling
Sweet Sympathetic Tender-hearted Understanding

4. Fun Teacher

Amusing – “It’s great how you can get your students to laugh in order to make them feel comfortable in the classroom.”

Animated – Lively. “Your animated explanations of concepts really engages the students.”

Fun – “I love that you are a fun teacher who makes learning exciting for your students.”

Enthusiastic – Eager to get involved. “I love that you’re always so enthusiastic for learning, which really rubs off on your students.”

Motivating – Inspiring a desire to strive for things. “Your lessons are always so motivating and make me want to come back and learn more day after day.”

Other words for fun teachers:

Charming Humorous Lively Easy-going
Memorable Playful Popular Sociable
Spirited Winsome Eccentric Happy
Jocular Jolly Jovial Hilarious
Exciting Cheerful Entertaining Imaginative
Colorful Flashy Cool Cordial

Read Also: Metaphors about Teachers

5. Intelligent Teacher

Astute – Clever and with good judgement. “Your astute analysis of situations ensures fairness in the classroom.”

Clever – “You’re a clever teacher which gives me confidence you’ll pass on great knowledge to your students.”

Analytical – “Your analytical thinking skills are rubbing off on the students and they’re starting to think very carefully about difficult tasks.”

Academic – You are an academically minded teacher who pays close attention to your students’ cognitive development.

Autodidactic – Self-educating. “It’s great how autodidactic you are. You’re always looking for ways to learn how to become a better teacher.”

Assiduous – Pays close attention to details and sees a task through. “Your assiduous approach to teaching ensures the students won’t miss any key pieces of information in the upcoming exam.”

Bright – Intelligent. “You’re clearly a bright teacher who has a lot to share with your students.”

Other words for intelligent teachers:

Intelligent Wise Brilliant Sharp
Mature Pensive Provocative Thought-provoking
Prudent Scientific Shrewd Smart
Sophisticated Studious Talented Thorough
Thoughtful Thought-provoking Knowledgeable Logical
Masterly Mathematical Methodical Meticulous
Genius Instinctive Interesting Insightful
Clever Discerning Circumspect Incisive

6. Fair Teacher

Tough but Fair – A way to describe a teacher who doesn’t provide high grades easily to any student. “That professor was very tough but fair in grading our papers.”

Sincere – Honest and truthful. “You have always been a sincere educator who gives feedback that is kind and thoughtful.”

Objective – To follow a clear set of guidelines without bias. “You use marking criteria well in order to ensure you are an objective assessor of grades.”

Other words for fair teachers:

Fair Conciliatory Just Level-headed
Sensible Serious Stern Unbiased
Scrupulous Diligent Honest  

7. Calm Teacher

Cool-headed – To stay calm in situations. “I am so impressed how cool-headed you are when you have rude students in your classroom.”

Good Under Pressure – “You are incredibly good under pressure, especially when you get questions and pushback from your students.”

Other words for calm teachers:

Calm Composed Firm Chill

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Teacher

1. Bad Teacher

Angry – “I find you to be an angry teacher who scares the students.”

Annoying – “You’re an annoying teacher because your explanations are difficult to understand.”

Apathetic – Doesn’t seem to care. “You’re too apathetic to be in charge of a classroom full of students.”

Careless – “I think you are careless when you grade students’ papers. You miss a lot of important points that should have been considered when you provided the grade.”

Egotistical – Focused on how good you are. “You’re so interested in telling us how smart you are that you don’t focus on what matters – teaching us!”

Unprepared – “You are always unprepared. You come to class with your hair dishevelled and provide lessons straight out of textbooks instead of preparing enjoyable classes.”

Vague – Hard to understand. “You are vague. Your explanations don’t make any sense and don’t help any of us.”

Verbose – Using too many words. “Your explanations are too verbose. Say what you mean and then get on with it!”

Other words for bad teachers:

Complacent Conceited Condescending Confused
Contemptuous Difficult Disagreeable Disorganized
Dogmatic Fatigued Fussy Harsh
Hot under the collar Hot-headed Hysterical Impatient
Inattentive Inexperienced Intolerant Irresponsible
Irritating Mean Moody Nervous
Obnoxious Outrageous Pedantic Pompous
Pretentious Rambling Rash Repulsive
Resentful Sarcastic Self-absorbed Selfish
Self-possessed Slow to Respond Smug Sneering
Snobbish Spiteful Uncooperative Undependable
Unintelligent Unpleasant Unpopular Unreliable

2. Boring Teacher

Absentminded – Meaning forgetful or inattentive. “You have been habitually absentminded which has hurt your students’ learning and progress.”

Average – “He’s not a good teacher but not a bad teacher either. He’s just average.”

Boring – “You’re a boring teacher who doesn’t make any effort to make class entertaining.”

Dry – The lessons are no fun. “Your classes are dry. All we do is sit and listen to you in silence.”

Indifferent – Not caring. “I’m failing my exams and I’d like your help. But you seem indifferent to my problem!”

Lazy – “You don’t do any work to improve your lessons or make your classes enjoyable. You’re just lazy!”

Other words for boring teachers:

Wordy Tedious Unimaginative Uninteresting
Frustrating Cheerless Half-hearted Dull
Indiscreet Resigned Sedate  

3. Unfair Teacher

Biased – Shows preference to some students over others. “I think your grading of that essay was biased and showed preference for boys over girls.”

Hypercritical – To be too critical of things. “I think you were hypercritical of my child’s performance. I was there and they did a lot of good things but your feedback was all negative.”

Too Blunt – Says things that are true might be phrased hurtfully. “You’re a bit too blunt in your feedback. Consider providing positives as well as negatives next time.” (Opposite: Euphemistic).

Other words for unfair teachers:

Hasty Too Direct Too Frank Too Honest
Inconsiderate Inconsistent Prejudiced Presumptuous

Adjectives to Describe a Teaching Style

Accommodating – “It is lovely that you are accommodating to your students by allowing them to learn in ways that suit them best.”

Active – A teacher who is regularly engaged in tasks. “You’re an active teacher who is always on the move and finding new ways to educate your students.”

Artistic – Good at arts. “The students love how artistic you are, which really brings out their creative sides.”

Constructivist – A constructivist teacher encourages hands-on learning. “You showed great skills as a constructivist teacher when you got the students to actively participate in the task.”

Opportunistic – Looking for new situations where teaching can occur. “I love how opportunistic you are. You always find teachable moments in everyday situations.”

Passive – A teacher who does not get involved in activities. “It has concerned me that you have been a passive teacher. You’re not getting involved in fun lessons with the students.”

Other words for teaching styles:

Flexible Versatile Cooperative Crafty
Creative Musical Practical Resourceful
Systematic Naturalistic Kinaesthetic Behaviorist
Sociocultural Progressive Conservative Student-Centered

Other ways to Describe a Teacher

Business-like – Doing things efficiently and without emotion. “You’re business-like in the way you present the lessons which makes them easy to digest, but I would like to see you show a little more excitement in the delivery.”

Forthright – Straightforward and honest. “I appreciate your forthright feedback on my last exam and I will try to put that feedback into action.”

Overworked – “Teachers these days are overworked and underpaid. It’s unfair because they do so much for our society and our young people.”


There are countless words to describe a teacher, but those adjectives provided above are a good start. Whether the teacher is in early childhood, middle school, high school or college, there’s a word above to describe just about any teacher.

Some of the adjectives would be good for students to use, while others might be a little inappropriate. Many of them would be ideal for a person in a leadership position who is using words for constructive feedback for the teacher. And still others might be good for a parent to use in a message to the teacher at the end of the year.

And if none of the above words suit, have a brainstorm about how you would describe a teacher in your own words and in a way that is personal to how you perceive them.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.

Thank You Messages for Teacher: Teachers are the most respected person in one’s life after their parents as they help shape thousands’ lives. Teachers need appreciation because they teach us how to walk on the challenging paths of life! Appreciation messages from students, parents, and principals will encourage them to work harder towards building a bright future for the young generation. Here are some thank you teacher messages and appreciation quotes for teachers you can use to express your gratitude and respect towards your teachers!

  • Thank You Teacher
  • Thank You Messages For Teachers From Student
  • Thank You Teacher Messages From Parents
  • Teacher Appreciation Messages
  • Thank You Teacher Quotes
  • Short Thank You Message for Teacher

Thank you, teacher, for always believing in me. Thanks for making me what I am today.

I am always grateful to have you as my mentor. You are my inspiration and role model. Thank you, teacher.

You have always guided me and showed me the right path to success. Thank you, teacher, you are the best.


Sir, I owe you my sincere gratitude for being the biggest positive influence in my life! Thanks!

Thank you teacher for guiding us, inspiring us, for making us what we are today.

You are more than a teacher to me. You have been a wonderful mentor and an amazing companion for me. I feel grateful for having such a wonderful teacher. Thank you for everything!

Thank you teacher for activating curiosity, knowledge, and new visions into our lives. Without your guidance, life could not have been this blissful. Thank you so much!

You did not only teach me what is good in life but also inspired me to do good in life. You are a great teacher and a good human being. Thank you for your contribution to building my life.

message for teacher

Thank you teacher, for your extraordinary patience and effort towards your students. Thank you for being their inspiration and guide. We appreciate you so much.

Congratulations on Teachers’ Day! Thank you for always being a source of genuine encouragement and motivation for the student.

Thank you for inspiring our kids to become good people in society. Nothing can spoil our kids if your blessing is with them. We believe in you.

Thank you for encouraging my child to reach high in their education! You’ve been such a blessing.

words of gratitude for teachers

I’m forever grateful for your unyielding support and endless patience with me! Thank you for teaching with care, compassion, and love!

I had so many ways to get to my destination, but you showed me the right one. Only a wise teacher can do that. I am really thankful to you!

I just wanted to send a quick thank you message to appreciate your huge support and effort.

Anyone would give you an A+ for being such an awesome teacher. Thank you for everything!

Dear teacher, thank you so much for always been so caring. This is really remarkable!

You were so generous with your time and efforts. Thank you for being a great teacher.

Attending your classes was always like deep diving into an ocean full of knowledge and wisdom. You are the best teacher ever! Thank you!

My school life memories are not complete without your wise speeches in the classroom. I really miss those days a lot. Thank you for being such a great teacher!

thank you message for teacher

You are truly an amazing leader and you actually serve the word “teacher” correctly. Thank you!

I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your class. Your class was fun and I learned a lot from you. I wish all of my teachers were more like you. Thank you so much.

I learned a lot in your class because you took the extra time to explain things clearly. You gave me the extra help I needed. Thank you for giving me your time.

Also Read: Teachers Day Wishes

Thank You Messages for Teachers from Student

Dear Teacher, you made learning fun, making us love and respect you even more. Thanks for all your extraordinary effort and support. We will always cherish your words!

Thank you for writing beautiful and yet instructive lessons into the blackboard of our life. Having you in our lives has opened our inner strength and imagination. Thank you, teacher.

Dear teacher, it is an absolute honor to learn things from you. I feel truly lucky to have you as my mentor; thanks for all the priceless moments and lessons.

Thank you to my incredible teacher, who introduced me to my inner passion for learning!

Thanks for making me believe in myself. I could never imagine pulling myself up to the ladder if it weren’t for you.

Respectfully, Sir/Mam, I’m grateful that I had someone like you as a mentor who not only helped me finish my academic curriculum but also helped me make sensible decisions!

Al the wonderful and useful lessons you taught me will live with me forever. Sir/Mam, please accept my appreciation and thanks.

thank you message for teachers from students

You have not only made me a better student but also a better human being, a better child, a better sibling, and a better friend. I will always be grateful for your support and guidance.

Mam, your classes are a splash of merriment in our boring lives! Thank you for your hard work!

Thank you for not only preparing me for academics but also for life. You have boosted my confidence and made me a better human being. Thank you for making me a smart cookie!

All the joyful and invaluable lessons that you shared will always stay with me. Sending my gratitude to you today and tomorrow. I’m so thankful that you were my teacher!

Thank you, teacher, for making all our lessons easy and fun. I always look forward to attending your class.

We have never seen a superhero in real life. But we are quite certain that you are a superhero in the disguise of a great teacher.

thank you teacher quotes

Learning is fun, but only if someone has a teacher like you. Thank you for teaching me how to become a great person in life.

You have changed so many lives with your knowledge and wisdom. But I thank you especially for changing my life. Thank you, teacher, for everything that you did!

You deserve a big thank you for all the sleepless nights that you spent preparing our lessons. Thank you, teacher. You are the best ever.

Related: Happy Birthday Wishes for Teacher

Thank You Messages for Teacher from Parents

It takes a lot of skills and patience to guide these many students but your efforts and influence on the students are remarkable! Thank you for being such a great teacher.

We feel really privileged and lucky that our kids have such inspiring leaders in their lives. Thank you for guiding them to a better life, we are forever grateful.

Thank you for being above and beyond for your students. Thank you for being so kind, generous yet strict, and abiding by rules. Thanks for being a great teacher.

Sending some words of gratitude for the best teacher! Your energy, compassion, and love towards your students make everything better. Thank you, teacher.

You made the impossible possible. Our kids are now more confident than they were ever before. Thank you for your uncompromising service.

I know that my kid is in good hands. Thanks for taking care of my son/girl and showing them the right path.

Your words of wisdom will forever linger in our child’s minds. Thank you for being a fantastic mentor!

You’re one of the unique teachers who care about the students like their own children. Thank you for this effort.

I want to crown you with recognition and appreciation for being kind while being rigid and rule-following. Thank you, Teacher!


Teacher, your daunting efforts made such a difference in our children’s lives! Thank you!

Teacher, thank you for enhancing our child’s skills and urging him to strive for excellence!

If every teacher in this world were just as dedicated as you, no parent would ever have to worry about their kids. Thanks for your inspiring work.

To make the kids enjoy their lessons, creating an environment of continuous learning is important. You did that so perfectly for our kids! Thank you!

We cannot thank you enough for the positive impacts you have created on so many young children. Thank you. You are the best teacher.

Very few teachers work so hard to prepare their lessons for the next day. You are truly one of a kind! Thank you for all your hard work.

You are a role model for our children. Thank you for your wonderful job. Your service to the creation of an enlightened generation will always be remembered!

Since the day you took responsibility for educating our kids, their progress has been impressive. Thank you for your impact. We cannot thank you enough.

Every word you say, every class you take, every paper you grade – goes on to change lives. Thanks for being a great teacher to our kids.

Read: Thank You Messages for Mentor

Words of Appreciation for Teachers from Principal

I appreciate how outstanding a teacher you are. I have only ever heard positive things from your students. Hold on to it. Having you here makes us happy.

Thank you for being the best in your job. You make me worry less and enjoy school more. I hope the Almighty bless you with good health and keeps your humor intact. Thank you.

I’d like you to know how appreciative I am of you. I like how courteous and modest you are with everyone, especially your students. I appreciate your efforts.

Teacher, I appreciate your great impact on the school. It makes sense why the students prefer you. I appreciate your wonderful work, and I thank you.

Dear Teacher, I genuinely appreciate your effort and compassion for educating and making a difference. Your performance has been outstanding!

Thank You Message for Teacher from Principal

Dear teacher, we have seen the changes in multiple students’ behaviors and academics, and all credit goes to you! Thank you for being so supportive and amazing. We are grateful!

Dear teacher, thank you for giving your best to see others advance. Thank you for working extra hours and making extra effort for your students. We are proud and grateful to have you.

I want to express my gratitude and my admiration toward you. Thank you for always being so humble and respectful even to your students. You inspire me. Thanks for your efforts!

Teacher, you always have a keen eye for your students and never fail to bring out their innate talents. Thank you for your relentless care and patience!

Thank you for bringing such a positive influence on the campus, teacher! No wonder you are the students’ favorite!

You treat your students like hidden pearls and guide them towards their aims. Thank you for your incredible work!

Teacher Appreciation Messages

Thanks to the world’s best teacher. You’re a precious gem in person, and I like you the most.

Teacher, thank you for bringing the best performance out of your students! You inspire us!

Heartfelt thanks to my favourite Teacher. I’m lucky; I have you as my guardian angel.

Dear teacher, you always teach the lessons in innovative and interesting ways. I appreciate your efforts!

Teacher, nobody can understand our children better than you! Thank you for being patient with them!

thank you message for teacher appreciation

Have a fantastic teachers’ day. Please be known that you’ve been an outstanding mentor, but more importantly, a great structure for kids! Thank you, teacher!

Thank you for never failing to ignite a passion for learning in your students! You are awesome!

You make school feel like home. It wasn’t my favorite place until I meet you. Thanks for being so cool.

Teacher, you are the true light bearer of this generation. Thank you for your ceaseless dedication!

Mis, your wisdom has helped to shape my learnings, as your words have left a long-lasting impact on me. Thank you for being a great mentor!

Madam, thank you for always encouraging my ideas and inspiring me to thrive for knowledge! Your guidance is unparalleled in my life!

You have been an exceptional mentor, but more than that, a true support system for me! Thank you, teacher!

Dear teacher, we earnestly appreciate all your efforts toward our child. You have made a great impact on his life! Thank you for everything!

Teacher, it was you who made it possible for our children to have an enjoyable journey through their academic life! We thank you endlessly!

Thank you for being a source of sincere support and a constant motivation for the kids!

I appreciate your excellence as a teacher. Your wise remarks will overcast on in our children’s brains forever. Thanks!

Your contribution to our child’s development is immaculate! We are glad that we entrusted her in your care!

Related: Farewell Quotes and Messages For Teacher

Thank You Teacher Quotes

Teacher, you have helped me throughout my struggles and encouraged me to face my fears. Thank you for standing by me and for making me grow. I can never repay you!

You have and will continue to be a great influence on me. Thank you for the great work you do and the huge impact you make in young people’s lives as a teacher.

I have never known a teacher so patient and supportive. You are the reason why my kids are doing great in their classes. I can’t be more grateful to anyone. Thank you for all the support!

Thank you for creating such a great learning environment where we were encouraged to express our thoughts and opinions.

Most other teachers don’t look out for their students the way you do. Thank you for really caring about your students and knowing when there is something wrong. You are more than just a teacher.

You are not just a teacher. You are also a mentor and a friend. Thanks for all you do for me.

I’ll miss having you as a teacher next year. I really loved your class. Thanks for all that you have done.

teacher appreciation message

Being a teacher isn’t easy, so I just want to let you know that I appreciate all of the hard work that you have put in. Thank you for a wonderful year.

In every house, there should be one teacher like you. Our future generation will be better, wiser, and smarter if they have teachers like you to guide them. Thank you for being a good mentor to my child.

Thank you for sharing your invaluable wisdom with my children. It makes me happy knowing that his future is secured in the right hands. Thank you for the time you spend on them.

You have always been a great influence on my children. They always looked up to you for inspiration. You are really a great teacher. Thank you so much for your contribution.

Thanks for being such a wonderful teacher, [Child’s Name] had a great year and can’t stop talking about your class.

Thank you teacher for developing and shaping my child’s future for the better. This wish from the parent comes with gifts for you to show my appreciation.

words of gratitude for teachers

We’ve definitely noticed the improvements in [Child’s Name] grades and behavior this year. Thank you for putting in the time and effort to help him/her succeed.

The school may have found a teacher in you, but our child found a hero in you. Thanks.

As a parent, I would like to thank the teacher for his endearing efforts in imparting education to all. Your valuable knowledge and insight have helped our patrons much.

It is impossible to put a price tag on the kind of education our child receives because your guidance is truly priceless as a teacher. Thank you.

Thanks for the joy that you brought into [Child’s Name] every school day, he/she always comes home with a big smile on his/her face.

We parents may be accountants, scientists, doctors, and engineers – but nothing contributes to the nation’s development more than the sacrifices made by teachers. Thank you.

A good teacher is someone who can think like a student, look like a parent, and behave like a boss. You are the boss our kid is lucky to have. Thanks.

Short Thank You Message for Teacher

Dear Teacher, thank you for making our lives so meaningful. You’re the best.

Dear Teacher, thank you for your lessons that add some fun to our boring routine lives!

Thank you teacher for all the things you have done for me.

You’re awesome both as a teacher and a person. I’m overwhelmed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

There is one person who will live on in my memories forever, and I appreciate you being that teacher!

short thank you message for teacher

Your passion for teaching is truly commendable. Thank you for being a great teacher!

Thank you for giving the confidence which will surely help the students in every sphere of life.

You deserve a million heartfelt thanks for all the hours and work you spent putting our classes together.

The finest teachers impart knowledge from the heart. I appreciate all you do. Thank you.

You teach with passion, dedication, and energy that captivates every student. Thank you, Teacher!

Your patience is second to none, thanks for handling every situation so wisely.

Dear teacher, thank you for guiding me to dream big and pace steadily towards my aim!

Also Read: Thank You Message for Everything

Every teacher deserves praise for their work. When they get the love and respect from their students and their parents, they always become happy and subsequently try to put everything on the line to make sure their students succeed in life. But finding suitable words to show your appreciation is quite difficult sometimes. So, we tried to provide you with some unique wording ideas for showing your gratitude towards your teacher. This compilation will help you get the best thank you wording ideas for sure.

Last updated on September 12, 2022

Teachers are the heart of the behavior of every human being. A good teacher teaches for knowledge but a great teacher trains people that will be useful for the development of a nation. A great teacher transforms the life of the citizens for a better life.

Appreciating teachers’ efforts with written words is a good idea to show that they have cultivated good roles to make you grow. If you have been looking for the best way to appreciate that great teacher in your life, worry less. This article is based on how to praise a teacher in words. All you have to do now is to read further. Yes!

Anywhere you find yourself, you will keep learning every day from people that know more than you. These people sacrificed lots of things to make you become a better person. Yes! They want you to be a great person, and that is why they make themselves available to train you in the best way.

How to praise a teacher in words are the sets of powerful and amazing words you can use to make them proud of training you. These sets of words are the best option for you to express your gratitude to that teacher today.

Having said all of these, let’s check some wonderful tips on how to appreciate a teacher in words. You will see the perfect words that you need there. No doubt. Welcome to this page!

Read also: observation and comments for teacher


  1. Positive Comments for Teachers
  2. How to Praise a Teacher for His Teaching
  3. Words of Appreciation for Teachers from Students

Positive Comments for Teachers

If you have good and experienced teachers, they deserve to be paid. Growing up, we remembered to thank our parents and friends, but we forgot to pass on our gratitude to one of the most important pillars of our success story.

So, whether you are a student or a parent, we all ought to learn how to praise a teacher in words

1. You make schooling easy for me. I wish all teachers can be funny and kind like you.

2. The things you have done to assist your students in growth cannot be underrated. Thanks for becoming my best teacher every day.

3. Your efforts reflect in the life of my child. His difficult subject is now his favorite subject. Kudos to you.

4. You have shown the qualities all teachers deserve to possess. You are an expert in your profession. Make sure you don’t relent in your duties.

5. I wish all teachers can be like you. You have never neglected the problem of your students. Thanks for showing that you are a good co-parent.

6. I have been trained by different teachers but your teachings tend to be unique. I am grateful to you for shaping me in a better way.

7. The interest I have in schooling was very low before. You influenced me to admire schooling in a great way. Thank you.

8. Even though there are different types of learners, you make sure that you handle all classes in an effective psychological way. Thank you.

9. If not because of you, I wouldn’t have gone far to this fantastic level. Thank you for the everlasting support you’ve rendered me.

10. Teachers like you deserve to be treated amazingly. The things you have done make me find it worthy to appreciate you. I am grateful for all your abilities to train me.

How to Praise a Teacher for His Teaching

11. We find it difficult to cope in school but you changed our perception when you started teaching us. Thank you for being a gift to us.

12. To the best teacher I have ever had, your teaching with massive love is appreciated. Thanks.

13. You are always in my heart every day. Not because of anything but because of your caring nature. Thanks for all that you do.

14. Your positive impact has made us realize our talents. With so much love, we are saying thank you, (teacher’s name).

15. I am about to start the next phase of my educational career. You will always be remembered for the things you have done to keep me to this level. Thanks for being an incredible teacher!

16. All educational institutions need to have teachers like you. You are very hardworking and you make your students see interest in learning.

17. From the first level to the final level of my education in the school, you make every school activity fun and interesting. Thank you, (teacher’s name).

18. Every people that are closer to me see the reflection of a sound education in me. Your massive efforts on me are known and appreciated. Thanks a bunch!

19. All the students at (school name) are grateful for your uniqueness among the teachers. Everything about you is always full of true love. Thanks for making a difference.

20. A teacher like you deserve to be rewarded with plenty of goodies. Let me start here by saying thank you for making a great impact on my life.

Read also: words of appreciation for student

Words of Appreciation for Teachers from Students

21. Thank you for your patience throughout this year means the world to me. I appreciate you so much!

22. Thank you for being an outstanding teacher. His passion for teaching and dedication to his students is evident in everything he does.

23. I am one of the luckiest students in the world because I am a phenomenal teacher.

24. You have taught me a great lesson. It’s rare to meet someone like you, let alone have the privilege of being your teacher. Thank you, honestly and sincerely.

25. I should always be grateful for having a phenomenal teacher like you.

26. A teacher like you is truly a gift. Thank you for helping me believe in my life and come out of my shell this year.

27. I cannot express my appreciation for being my teacher. You are always someone I look up to and follow by example.

38. I am very grateful for the privilege of being your student. Thank you for the impactful teachings.

39. When I grow up, I hope to love my job as much as you love life. Thank you for being my biggest role model.

40. I know you want to see me succeed, and that’s why you tell me to keep trying even if I want to give up. Thank you.

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A good teacher is someone who has a lasting impact on our lives. Whether they teach some of life’s most important lessons, those who make teaching their mission should be recognized and appreciated.

A teacher is a speaker, a listener, a demonstrator, and most of all, an influencer. A good teacher is passionate, compassionate, dedicated, understanding, and supportive when it comes to their jobs and their students. Therefore it is thoughtful to send some words of gratitude for teachers.

To state all the importance of a teacher would be to completely deviate from the purpose of this article because they are an important part of society in more ways than one. This is why you might need to show gratitude to a teacher with some words of gratitude for teachers. That way, when the opportunity to be grateful presents itself, you won’t be at a loss for the right words.

Thanking a teacher is a commendable attitude as a student, a parent, a principal, or a school owner. Without teachers, the world would be at a huge loss. There will be no one to impart knowledge to the young ones and monitor their progress. There will be no one to make a school or educational institution whole. There will be little to no positive influencers on earth.

The truth is, you can’t ever fully repay a teacher. You can however take time to remind them of how important they are by dedicating some ‘words of gratitude for teachers’ to them.

Teachers are not limited to a defined educational system; there is a teacher in everyone. For this article, you’ll be learning some words of gratitude for teachers that work as part of a school system. Whether you’re a principal, a parent, or a student, there’s a section you can read through and use to show your appreciation to that great teacher.

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  1. Words of Appreciation for Teachers from Principal
  2. Short Notes / Appreciation Letter To Teacher From Management
  3. Thank You Note To Teacher from Student
  4. Short Heart-touching Quotes for Teachers
  5. Farewell Short Letter To My Favorite Teacher
  6. Nice Words of Appreciation for School
  7. Positive Comments For Teacher Observations

“Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods, and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” – Sidney Hook

As a principal, if you can remember this quote, all your final speeches for the school term would be perfect. Perfect because you will prepare them with the thought that, “This school will not stand without my teachers”. Your speech will have words of gratitude for teachers, and you will deliver it in a way that moves the soul.

Browse through, and take your pick.

1. To all the teachers that have changed lives this school year; thank you for your selfless service.

2. My dear teachers, thank you for choosing to be a part of this community. The futures you have remodeled can never be altered.

3. Fellow teachers, your passionate service have put these children in a position to succeed. You did an amazing job. You are the celebrants of today.

4. Without you teachers, this school is just a random building filled with young ones that have no direction in life. You have given them a purpose, and for that, we are all grateful.

5. No matter how talented a child might be, it will never blossom without the help of a trained motivator. You, teachers, are the critical success factor for this establishment. Thank you for all that you do.

6. You have made it your responsibility to simplify the learning process for your students. You’re not just teachers, you are guardians. Thank you for your service.

7. No amount of money can truly appreciate the value you give to your students. We, therefore, use this opportunity to say, we respect you and we cherish you.

8. For the love, patience, and passion that you bring to work every day. You all deserve recognized awards. Thank you for choosing this profession.

9. It is easy to give notes and walk away. The hard part is making sure your students learned something new, and every day, you manage to do that. You are invaluable. We appreciate you.

10. I couldn’t have asked for a better set of teachers in this school. You have been amazing. Thank you.

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Short Notes / Appreciation Letter To Teacher From Management

No amount of salary can fully appreciate a teacher. However, words of appreciation for teachers from principal or school management shows that you acknowledge their work and you respect them.

This is a sincere and effective way to boost morale and make them want to do better in the next session/term.

1. Your profession deserves to be mentioned and appreciated every day. You are society builders. We say thank you.

2. Every year, I am grateful for your presence in my school. You make my job easy because you’re so good at yours. Well-done and keep it up.

3. Our students have brought home many trophies from competitions. That would not be possible without you. Thank you for the unending support of your students.

4. The school year has come to an end, and I know that instead of resting, you’ll start getting ready for the next term. That’s how amazing you are; thank you for that.

5. Every day, you come to school fully prepared to impact a life. Today, I’m assuring you that I can see your influence on these students. Thank you dear teachers for being who you are.

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Thank You Note To Teacher from Student

Words of Gratitude for Teachers

A “thank you” note is a very intimate form of appreciation to anyone on the receiving end. It shows that the giver cares for, appreciates, and holds you in high regard. It is not unusual that you feel the need to use this method to pass across some words of gratitude for teachers.

If you ever question what to write in a thank-you note to teacher from student, you’re in the right place to get answers.

1. The passion for your job is unexplainable. It has been a great pleasure learning from you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

2. For your support, your involvement, your understanding, and your dedication throughout the year; I say… Thank you.

3. I wanted you to know that all the memories I have of you are pleasant. And all the feelings I have towards you are that of gratitude. Thank you for being amazing.

4. Your job is stressful, but you never count the hours. You’re always attentive, and for that you deserve accolades. I can’t give you accolades. All I can say sincerely is Thank you, for everything.

5. Thank you for enriching me in knowledge and providing guidance for me this year. I really appreciate it.

6. You inspired me. You gave me confidence in myself, and you gave me the zeal to learn. Thank you for everything.

7. Thank you for showing me the key to success. Thank you for believing in your abilities to pass knowledge across, and thank you for doing an awesome job. You are a gem.

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Short Heart-touching Quotes for Teachers

Words of Gratitude for Teachers

Sending out words of gratitude for teachers might seem inadequate for you. You feel like you should use something tangible to show appreciation; a thoughtful gift. There is nothing wrong with that idea. It just means you like to make bold gestures.

Heart-touching quotes for teachers are good means to support the gifts you may have to present. Here are a few you can pick from:

1. You’re a candle. You burn yourself out to light the path for others.

2. You don’t just fill your students with educational facts. You light a fire that makes them want to learn.

3. Without teachers, life would have no class.

4. Teachers encourage minds to think, hands to create, and hearts to love. You are a true teacher.

5. “If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put teachers. They are society’s heroes.” – Guy Kawasaki. You are my hero.

6. As a teacher, you awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. You are indeed a blessing.

7. “Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach” – Aristotle. You teach because you understand.

8. You’re the best teacher. You show us where to look, and then you let us discover. Nothing is more creative than letting the mind see without conditioning.

9. “Education doesn’t make us smarter. It makes us whole ” – Jill Biden. You are the core element of education. You make us whole.

10. You’re a good teacher. I know because you always worry about being a good teacher.

Farewell Short Letter To My Favorite Teacher

Farewell Short Letter To My Favorite Teacher

You’re leaving school and there’s this one teacher that has helped you through a lot of stuff. Some random words of gratitude for teachers might not be enough for you. What you need is a “farewell short letter to my favorite teacher”. That’s what this section gives you.

This is somewhat formal. You can personalize it with some substitutions, or you can remove the formality and use only the body. Your choice.


Title: Acknowledgement/ Appreciation

(Teacher’s name)

1. I wanted to thank you with all my heart for the support you have given me in (subject), throughout the school year. Without you, my results and entire story today would be very different, in a bad way.

Your support was valuable to my success in your subject and other aspects of the school. For that, I will be forever grateful.

I wish you a smooth continuation of your service and I ask that you continue to touch lives with your kindness.

Thank you again.

(Your name)

2. These few years I spent learning from you will be the most memorable for me. You taught me science and you taught me life.

I am grateful for the relationship we had, and I hope that nothing comes in between us. I still have a lot to learn, and I look forward to every bit of it.

From the depth of my heart, I say thank you.

3. My time as your student has come to an end. I couldn’t leave without letting you know how much impact you have made in my life.

I appreciate your patience for the times I was stubborn and impossible. I appreciate your kind words of wisdom and support. I don’t know where I would be without you. Thank you so much.

4. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for the necessary strength you gave me. Thank you for the courage to push on. Thank you for always being there.

I will never forget you.

5. I have argued with you. I have given you the silent treatment. I have been irrational. All through those times, you never cease to be my voice of reason.

Thank you for all you did. You will always be my favorite teacher.

6. Your life wasn’t perfect this year. So much emotional and psychological baggage to handle. Despite all these, you never took out your frustrations on me, no matter what I did.

Thank you so much.

7. A new era of my life has arrived and I have to move on. My dear teacher, we will be separated by distance, but all your wisdom will always be held intact in my heart.

Thank you for being there.

8. The education you have given me is an incredible thing that will serve me for eternity, no matter how many places I travel to.

Thank you for your support. I hope we stay in touch.

9. It’s time to part ways, but you will always be with me. Because you taught me to understand myself, have a vision, and choose a career.

It’s impossible to forget you. You will be missed.

10. I am leaving with tears in my eyes. I may not see you again, and I may never meet another teacher like you. Your teachings will forever be in my heart and my head.

Thank you for being my candle in the dark.

11. You are a memory that will never fade. Because of your teachings, your love, and your dedication to me and many other students.

You are one in a million, (Teacher’s name). Thank you so much.

12. Your classes changed my life. Your friendship changed my way of thinking. We might not be teacher-student anymore, but you will always be important.

Thank you for being you Sir/Ma.

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Nice Words of Appreciation for School

Here are sweet words, messages, quotes or letter of appreciation to school principal and staff to show your appreciation and let them know how much you appreciate their effort.

You can write some words of gratitude for teachers individually, or simply write some words of appreciation for the school. Dedicating your appreciation to the whole school is more formal and inclusive.

With that kind of appreciation, it’s less likely for any teacher to feel left out or disregarded.

1. This school is more than an institution. The commitment of its teachers and owners goes beyond ordinary. Thank you for all the support.

2. For the education inside and outside the classroom, and for the staff that makes this school whole; I sincerely appreciate your efforts.

3. I say thank you to everyone that makes up this prestigious institution. And I say a word of prayer that your influence continues to resonate in our lives.

4. The dedication shown by this school is worthy of admiration. I greatly appreciate the fortune of having the support you gave me. Thank you.

5. I appreciate the conscious effort you put into training the leaders of tomorrow. You are a role model as an institution.

6. The knowledge we received from the great staff and teachers of this school cannot be overemphasized. For this, we offer our thanks and admiration.

7. It is a great privilege to have been a member of this great school. Throughout the years, you have shown support and care. Thank you for everything.

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Positive Comments For Teacher Observations

Teachers dedicate their lives to making other lives better and worthwhile. Sometimes it is difficult for them to know that they’re doing a good job or they’re lacking in some aspects. It is your duty as parents, principals, school board, and even students to make comments on teachers’ performances.

You can commend and criticize. The important thing is that you accompany all comments with words of gratitude for teachers, I mean the teacher(s) in question.

The supporting appreciation will make it easier to stomach any comments that come before or after it. Take a look at some examples.

1. Your patience is remarkable. The way you handle problematic students in class is something every other teacher should learn. You’re one of the good ones.

2. There is no comparison with the methods you choose to deliver your message. Your students are all grateful. Thank you.

3. You’re a talented educator. No matter the time of the day, you always manage to keep your class engaged from start to finish. It’s safe to say you’re a genius.

4. You never say no to your students. That is a weakness, but also a strength. It has made you the go-to person for students in need of emotional or psychological support. Thank you for that.

5. It is not easy to educate. It takes patience, love, and education. We see all of those things in you and more. You are appreciated.

5. You have done exceptionally well this year. Students have commented, and parents are eager to meet you. Keep up the good work. You are a rare virtue.

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Throughout our schooling, teachers mark our minds with life-changing knowledge. They are capable of passing across all they have learned from schools and life generally, without hesitation. They make unwilling students want to learn. They understand their students and help boost self-confidence. They are builders of destinies.

It is only fair that they should be appreciated. This article on words of gratitude for teachers is here to get you started. You don’t have to stop where each message or appreciation stopped. You can take it a step further by specifically narrating what that teacher did for you. It will make your gratitude more personal and heartfelt. It will also increase the chances that this teacher will touch the life of another student the same way yours was touched.

Gratitude is a powerful drive for happiness. If you feel it, you have to express it.

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Every teacher is top-notch at the secret CodeGym center. Students notice this from the outset (level 0), but they rarely say it out loud. But even a kitten likes a kind word, right? The best compliment for anyone who teaches programming is a program. And if the program also prints the correct phrase, it would be priceless! Let’s write a program with a compliment.

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