Killing a child word

kill a child — перевод на русский

Tell Jaffar I tried to kill the child, and he’ll throw me out into space

Если ты скажешь Джафару, что я хотел убить ребенка, он выкинет меня в космос!

Gyobu, could you Kill a child if you were ordered to do so?

вы бы смогли убить ребенка если бы вам приказали?

Perhaps God is, as you say, trying to kill this child.

Может быть, Бог пытается убить ребёнка.

What kind of a sin is it, killing a child inside you?

Грех ли это — убить ребенка в себе?

A man can never kill a child.

Мужчина никогда не сможет убить ребёнка.

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The doctor is wavering. I’m sorry, Frau Goebbels, I can’t kill children.

Простите меня, фрау Геббельс, я не могу убивать детей.

Killing bears is no better than killing children.

убивать медведей — это все равно, что убивать детей.

Why did the Germans start killing children and Jews?

Зачем нужно немцам убивать детей и евреев?

They’d already started killing children, They made me watch,

И начали убивать детей, заставили меня смотреть.

Do you think you have the right to kill children?

Ты думаешь, что имеешь право убивать детей?

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You have a rule for killing children?

У вас есть правила за убийства детей?

We both know I’m not above killing children.

Мы оба знаем, что я не против убийства детей.

We’re saturation bombing. We’re killing children.

Ковровые бомбардировки, убийства детей.

No time for killing a child?

За убийство ребёнка?

Killing a child…

Убийство ребенка…

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kill a child

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убийство ребенка

убить ребенка

убийстве ребенка

убийства ребенка

убийством ребенка

убийства детей

убит ребенок

It is tantamount to killing a child.

It’s like killing a child.

Who would agree with killing a child?

However, when Rip reveals the ally is a 14 year-old boy who will one day grow into an evil dictator, the team is split about the morality of killing a child, even if it does save the world.

Но когда Рип сообщает, что этому союзнику сейчас 14 лет, и однажды он станет ужасным диктатором, команда разделяется во мнениях касательно того, можно ли убить ребенка даже с целью спасти весь мир.

What kind of a sin is it, killing a child inside you?

Do I think killing a child is bad?

He even tried killing a child.

Diseases carried in water are responsible for 80% of illnesses and deaths in developing countries, killing a child every eight seconds.

Болезни, передаваемые через воду, являются причиной 80% случаев заболевания и случаев со смертельным исходом в развивающихся странах, убивая одного ребенка каждые восемь секунд (т.е. 10000 в день).

The low rate of contraceptive use could also be attributed to tradition, which viewed contraception as killing a child.

Низкий процент пользующихся противозачаточными средствами тоже можно объяснить традиционными воззрениями, когда контрацепция расценивается как детоубийство.

I believe he advocated killing a child up to two years old.

Even if it meant killing a child.

Two landed in Lebanon, one of which fell on a house, killing a child and seriously injuring another.

Два из них упали в Ливане, причем один попал в дом, убив одного ребенка и серьезно ранив другого.

No thoughts of individual comfort, profit, and false fears can justify the sin of killing a child, that inevitably result in negative physiological, moral and spiritual consequences of all participants in the crime, the statement further says.

Никакие соображения собственного комфорта, выгоды и ложные опасения не могут оправдать грех чадоубийства, который неизбежно приводит к негативным физиологическим, нравственным и духовным последствиям всех соучастников этого преступления», — сказано в документе.

A LAW rocket struck Sabil quarter, near Zahra’ quarter, killing a child and wounding three other persons.

В микрорайоне Сабил на границе с микрорайоном Захра в результате разрыва реактивной противотанковой гранаты был убит ребенок, еще три человека получили ранения.

Saudi jets also conducted an airstrike on the residential area of Ghaferah in the Dhahir district in the northern province of Saada, killing a child and wounding several others.

Саудовские самолеты также провели воздушный поход в жилом районе Гафары в районе Дахир в северной провинции Саада, убив ребенка и ранив нескольких других.

infanticide: Killing a child, particularly an infant.

Killing a child is really bad.

‘Those responsible for child abuse linked to faith or belief would be prosecuted under the same legislation as anyone abusing or killing a child for other reasons.’

Лица, ответственные за жестокое обращение с детьми на религиозной основе будут преследоваться в соответствии с законом, так же как и те, кто это делает по другим причинам».

The «Moleben of Repentance for Forgivenes for the Sin of Killing a Child in the Womb» has been sent to the Moscow Patriarchate’s publishing house for inclusion in prayer books.

Текст «Последования об усопших младенцех, не приемших благодати святаго Крещения» будет направлен в Издательство Московской Патриархии для включения его в богослужебные сборники.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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But you can’t kill a kid and expect to get away with it.

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I miss the days when they made toys that could kill a kid.

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Я скучаю по тем временам, когда они делали игрушки, которые могли убить ребенка.

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We’re not gonna consciously kill a kid over something you discuss over beers with your trauma buddies.

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Maybe killing a kid is something I’m not prepared to do on my own.

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What if we stop the parents from doing as they’re told, and the kidnapper kills a kid?

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Что если мы прекратим выполнение указаний родителями, а похититель убьет ребенка?

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I’m telling you, why would I kill a kid who delivered cars?

I was certainly out of order to kill a kid of my flock.

Somebody’s trying to kill a kid, and you promised him you wouldn’t go to the cops?

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Кто-то пытается убить ребенка, а ты пообещал ему, что не пойдешь к копам?

Delplanque tried to kill a kid, so they can ship him off to sea on



as far as my readers are concerned.

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Дельпланк пытался убить ребенка, Так что, пусть он хоть в море на айсберг отправляется, по

мнению моих читателей, по крайней мере.

Could you bring the ring to the largo building and tell the homicide cops

that Leo and I wouldn’t kill a kid in his underpants.

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Можешь притащить кольцо в Ларго Билдинг и растолковать копам из отдела убийств,

After Allen’s identity was revealed,

Mardon was surprised and horrified to discover that the Rogues had»killed a kid.

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После того, как личность Барта

была раскрыта, Мардон удивился и был шокирован тем, что« Негодяи» казнили ребенка.

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Results: 636,
Time: 0.0222





From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Filicide is the deliberate act of a parent killing their own child. The word filicide is derived from the Latin words filius and filia (‘son’ and ‘daughter’) and the suffix -cide, meaning to kill, murder, or cause death. The word can refer to both the crime and perpetrator of the crime.


A 1999 U.S. Department of Justice study concluded that mothers were responsible for a higher share of children killed during infancy between 1976 and 1997 in the United States, while fathers were more likely to have been responsible for the murders of children aged eight or older.[1] Parents were responsible for 61% of child murders under the age of five.[2] Sometimes, there is a combination of murder and suicide in filicide cases. On average, according to FBI statistics, 450 children are murdered by their parents each year in the United States.[3]

An in-depth longitudinal study of 297 cases convicted of filicide and 45 of filicide-suicide in the United Kingdom between 1997 and 2006 showed that 37% of the perpetrators had a recorded mental illness at the time. The most common diagnoses were mood disorders and personality disorders rather than psychosis, but the latter accounted for 15% of cases. However – similar to findings in a large Danish study – the majority had not had contact with mental health services prior to the murders, and few had received treatment. Female perpetrators were more likely to have given birth as teenagers. Fathers were more likely to have been convicted of violent offences and have a history of substance misuse, and were more likely to kill multiple victims. Infants were more likely to be victims than older children, and a link to post-partum depression was suggested.[4]

Types of filicide[edit]

Dr. Phillip Resnick published research on filicide in 1969 and stated that there were five main motives for filicide, including «altruistic», «fatal maltreatment», «unwanted child», «acutely psychotic» and «spousal revenge».[5] «Altruistic» killings occur because the parent believes that the world is too cruel for the child, or because the child is enduring suffering (whether this is actually occurring or not). In fatal maltreatment killings, the goal is not always to kill the child, but death may occur anyway, and Munchausen syndrome by proxy is in that category. Spousal revenge killings are killings of children done to indirectly harm a domestic partner; they do not frequently occur.[5] Glen Carruthers, author of «Making sense of spousal revenge filicide», argued that those who engage in spousal revenge killings see their own children as objects.[6]

Children at risk[edit]

In 2013, in the United States, homicide was in the top five causes of deaths of children, and in the top three causes of death in children between 1 and 4 years old.[7] A direct correlation has been identified between child abuse rates and child homicide rates. Research suggests that children who are murdered by their parents were physically abused victims prior to death.[8]

Notable Examples[edit]

Diane Downs, who shot her three children, killing one of them.

Victim(s) Perpetrator(s) Relation of parent to child(ren) Date Location Notes
Jephthah’s daughter (sometimes Seila or Iphis) Jephthah Father Unknown Ancient Israel Jephthah is a biblical figure who is described in Judges 11 as inadvertently promising to sacrifice his daughter to Yahweh, which he does with her encouragement.[9]
Titus and Tiberius Junius Brutus Lucius Junius Brutus Father 509 BC Roman Republic Lucius Junius Brutus, who is usually credited with overthrowing the final King of Rome Lucius Tarquinius Superbus and establishing the Roman Republic, executed his sons Titus and Tiberius when they were implicated in a plot to restore the monarchy.[10][11]
Son of Aulus Postumius Tubertus Aulus Postumius Tubertus Father 431 BC Roman Republic There is a story that Aulus Postumius Tubertus, who served as dictator in the year 431 BC, had his son put to death when he abandoned a post assigned to him in order to attack the enemy. The account is doubted by Roman historian Livy, due to similarities to stories about the family of Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus (see below).[12]
Son of Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus Father 340 BC Latium, Italian Peninsula, Roman Republic During the Latin War, Roman consul Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus executed his own son after he left his post in order to attack a group of Latins, leading to a reputation in his family for extreme discipline.[13]
Decimus Junius Silanus Manlianus Titus Manlius Torquatus Father 140 BC Roman Republic While serving as Praetor in Macedonia, Decimus Junius Silanus Manlianus was accused of corruption by Macedonian envoys. His father Titus Manlius Torquatus, a senior Senator, was granted permission to privately try his son in his home. Despite knowing that the family code of honour would compel his son to commit suicide, Titus sentenced his son to banishment from his sight, causing Manlianus to take his own life. His severity was supposedly inspired by his descendance from the equally severe Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus (see above).[14][15]
Son of Quintus Fabius Maximus Eburnus Quintus Fabius Maximus Eburnus Father c. 116 BC Roman Republic Quintus Fabius Maximus Eburnus, consul in 116 BC, condemned one of his sons to death for «immorality».[16]
Alexander I and Aristobulus IV Herod the Great Father 7 BC Herodian Kingdom of Judea According to Josephus, King Herod of Judea had his sons Alexander and Aristobulus strangled because he feared they would usurp him.
Claudia Livia (Livilla) Antonia Minor Mother 31 Roman Empire Livilla, along with her lover Sejanus, was accused of poisoning Drusus Julius Caesar, the son of Emperor Tiberius. According to historian Cassius Dio, Tiberius placed Livilla in the custody of her mother Antonia, who locked her up in a room where she was starved to death.[17]
Aulus Vitellius Petronianus Vitellius Father 69 Roman Empire Suetonius wrote that Vitellius was widely believed to have murdered his son in order to inherit the fortune of the boy’s maternal grandparents. In this account, Vitellius claimed that his son had attempted parricide beforehand and killed himself out of shame.[18]
Children of Liu Chen (Shu Han) Liu Chen (Shu Han) Father December 263 Shu Han, Ancient China It is recorded in the Records of the Three Kingdoms that Liu Chen killed himself and his family after the surrender of his father led to the fall of the Shu Han empire.[19]
Crispus Constantine the Great Father 326 Pula, Istria, Roman Empire For unclear reasons, Crispus was sentenced to death by his father Emperor Constantine the Great in 326 AD.[20][21]
Constantine VI Irene of Athens Mother c. 797 (before 805) Byzantine Empire Irene of Athens organised a conspiracy to have her son Constantine VI eliminated so she could become sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire. On 19 August 797, her supporters gouged out his eyes and had him imprisoned. He died sometime before 805, possibly as a result of his injuries.[22]
Savcı Bey Murad I Father c. 1373 Ottoman Empire Convinced by Andronikos IV Palaiologos, son of John V Palaiologos, Savcı Bey rebelled against his father Murad I, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, in an attempt to seize power. He was unsuccessful and his father had him executed.[23][24]
Cristobal Acxotécatl Father 1527 Tlaxcala, New Spain After Cristobal converted from the indigenous religion of his family to Catholicism, he started to destroy religious icons in his family home. This provoked his father Acxotécatl to viciously beat him – in an attempt to make him renounce his new faith – before he burnt his son to death over a fire. He is one of the Child Martyrs of Tlaxcala.[25][26]
Şehzade Mustafa Suleiman the Magnificent Father 6 October 1553 Ereğli, Ottoman Empire Suleiman I, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, ordered the death of his son Şehzade Mustafa after mistakenly believing that he was conspiring against him. The responsibility for this is usually placed on Rüstem Pasha.[27][28]
Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich Ivan the Terrible Father 19 November 1581 Alexandrov Kremlin, Tsardom of Russia Although exact details are unconfirmed, it is believed that Ivan Ivanovich confronted his father Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich (Ivan the Terrible) after his pregnant wife Yelena Sheremeteva was physically assaulted by him, which possibly caused her to subsequently miscarry. The confrontation led to an argument, during which Tsar Ivan became enraged and hit his son over the head with a sceptre, an injury which he died from a few days later.[29][30][31] Tsar Ivan felt great regret following the act, and his grief is famously depicted in Ilya Repin’s painting, Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan.
Mohammad Baqer Mirza Abbas the Great Father 1615 Rasht, Safavid Iran After starting to believe that his son Mohammad Baqer Mirza was planning to overthrow him, Abbas the Great ordered Behbud Khan Cherkes to murder him in a hammam in the city of Resht. He immediately regretted the decision and was plunged into despair.[32][33]
Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich of Russia Peter the Great Father 26 June 1718 Petropavlovskaya fortress, Empire of Russia Alexei was suspected of being involved in a plot to overthrow his father, Tsar Peter I of Russia, who had him tortured into making a confession – possibly taking part personally. Alexei was convicted and sentenced to death, but died of his injuries before the execution could be carried out, most likely due to him having received over forty lashes with a knout.[34][35]
Gracie, Alice, Mabel, and Willis Mary Cowan Mother 1884–1894 Maine, United States After getting away with the murder of her first husband and their three children, Mary Cowan poisoned her second husband and their son with arsenic. The husband survived and she was sentenced to life imprisonment.[36][37][38]
Ponciano and Feliza Rojas Francisca Rojas Mother 29 June 1892 Necochea, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina In 1892, Francisca Rojas murdered her two children and attempted to blame her neighbour, her motive being to appease a man who was reluctant to marry her due to her «two brats». When presented with evidence against her, she broke down and confessed. She is believed to be the first criminal in the world to be convicted with fingerprint evidence.[39]
Harry Fragson Victor Pot Father 31 December 1913 56 Rue La Fayette, Paris, France On 31 December 1913, British music hall star Harry Fragson returned to his home in Paris to discover his mentally ill father Victor Pot about to commit suicide. There was an argument that led to Victor fatally shooting his son. Victor then died six weeks later in an asylum.[40][41]
The Goebbels children Joseph and Magda Goebbels Father and mother 1 May 1945 Führerbunker, Berlin, Nazi Germany As it became clear to them that Germany was going to lose the Second World War, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda made the decision to kill themselves and their children, rather than succumb to capture by the advancing Russian Army. SS dentist Sturmbannführer Helmut Kunz injected the children with morphine, after which Magda and SSObersturmbannführer Ludwig Stumpfegger (Adolf Hitler’s personal doctor) crushed ampules of cyanide in their mouths.[42]
Gennady Motsny Anatoly Motsny Father 31 March 1952 Soviet Union Anatoly Motsny, veteran of the Eastern Front during World War II, former Senior Lieutenant in the Red Army, and former Hero of the Soviet Union, was stripped of all titles and awards after he murdered his five-year-old son.[43]
Kimberly and Kristen MacDonald Jeffrey R. MacDonald Father 17 February 1970 Fort Bragg, North Carolina, United States In the early hours of the morning on 17 February 1970, Colette Stevenson and her two children were bludgeoned to death in their home at Fort Bragg. Her husband and father of her children, US Army physician Jeffrey R. MacDonald, was present at the scene and claimed that three intruders had broken into the house and attacked them in a manner which resembled the Manson Family murders. Evidence suggested that the story was fabricated and he was charged with the murders in 1979, after nearly a decade of legal proceedings.[44][45]
Katherine, James, and Karen Crawford Elmer Crawford Father July 1970 Glenroy, Melbourne, Australia The bodies of pregnant Therese Crawford and her three children were discovered in their family car at the bottom of a cliff at Loch Ard Gorge in Port Campbell on 2 July 1970. A coroner’s inquest found that they had been murdered by her husband Elmer Crawford. He had recently drafted a new will which would leave him a considerable fortune should his family die, and he had attempted to make it appear that his wife had killed the children in a murder-suicide. Elmer has not been seen since the murders took place and his location is unknown (as of 2022).[46][47][48]
Patricia, Frederick, and John List John List Father 9 November 1971 Westfield, New Jersey, United States On 9 November 1971, John List went on a shooting spree in which he murdered his mother, wife, and three children. He then assumed a new identity and disappeared. He was apprehended over seventeen years later in June 1989 after being featured in an episode of America’s Most Wanted.[49][50][51]
Cheryl Downs Diane Downs Mother 19 May 1983 Springfield, Oregon, United States Diane Downs shot her three children and drove them to McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center, where she claimed that the shootings had happened during an attempted carjacking. Cheryl (aged seven) was dead upon arrival and the other two children, Danny (aged three) and Christie (aged eight), suffered serious injuries. Hospital staff found Diane’s behaviour suspicious and forensic evidence did not match her statements to police. She was charged with murder and two counts of attempted murder and assault and sentenced to life in prison.[52][53]
Marvin Gaye Marvin Gay Sr. Father 1 April 1984 Los Angeles, California, United States During an argument, American musician Marvin Gaye was shot and killed by his father Marvin Gay, Sr. at their home in Arlington Heights.[54]
Ulrich Luthe Claus Luthe Father 13 April 1990 Munich, Germany Famed German car designer Claus Luthe fatally stabbed his 33-year old son following an argument. His career at BMW abruptly ended, Luthe was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 33 months in prison.[55]
Michael and Alexander Smith Susan Smith Mother October 1994 John D. Long Lake, South Carolina, United States On 25 October 1994, Susan Smith reported to police that she had been carjacked by a black man while her children were still inside the vehicle. However, on 3 November she confessed to letting her car roll into John D. Long Lake.[56][57]
Robert, Jr. and Britney Fisher Robert William Fisher Father 10 April 2001 Scottsdale, Arizona, United States On 10 April 2001, the Fisher family home exploded. The bodies of Mary Fisher and her two children were found inside the remains; their throats had been slit and Mary had been shot in the back of the head. Husband and father Robert William William had a history of cruel and controlling behaviour and is the only suspect in the case. His current whereabouts are unknown (as of November 2022).[58][59]
Noah, John, Paul, Luke, and Mary Yates Andrea Yates Mother 20 June 2001 Houston, Texas, United States While suffering from severe postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis, and schizophrenia, Andrea Yates drowned her five children in their bathtub on 20 June 2001. She was sentenced to life imprisonment before being found not guilty by reason of insanity, after which she was moved to the North Texas State Hospital, a high-security mental health facility.[60][61]
Margaret Schlosser Dena Schlosser Mother 22 November 2004 Plano, Texas, United States Dena Schlosser was diagnosed with hydrocephalus at the age of eight and suffered from a variety of mental health problems throughout her life. During an episode described as a «religious frenzy», she amputated the arms of her eleven-month-old daughter, Margaret, who died as a result.[62][63] She was committed to the North Texas State Hospital, where she became a roommate of Andrea Yates (see above).[64]
Newborn children of Kaisa Vornanen-Karaduman Kaisa Vornanen-Karaduman Mother 2005–2013 Oulu, Finland From 2005 to 2013, Kaisa Vornanen-Karaduman gave birth to five babies, each of which she suffocated in a plastic bag before abandoning in a basement storage room. She was caught in 2014 when the smell caused a complaint to be made to authorities.[65][66]
Bobby Äikiä Niina Äikiä Mother 14 January 2006 Nässjö, Sweden Niina Äikiä and her boyfriend Eddy Larsson began to torture her intellectually disabled son Bobby in late 2005, which culminated in his death the following year.[67]
Daniel Benoit Chris Benoit Father 23 June 2007 Fayetteville, Georgia, United States Over a of period of three days beginning on 22 June 2007, Canadian professional wrestler Chris Benoit murdered his wife Nancy and their seven-year-old child Daniel, before killing himself. It was determined that Daniel had been sedated with Xanax before being asphyxiated.[68][69][70]
Peter Connelly (Baby P) Tracey Connelly Mother 3 August 2007 London, United Kingdom Peter Connelly, more widely known as «Baby P», was a 17-month-old boy who died in 2007 after suffering more than fifty injuries over an eight-month period while under the care of his mother Tracey Connelly and her boyfriend.[71]
Charles and Braden Powell Joshua Powell Father 5 February 2012 South Hill, Washington, United States After Joshua Powell was named a person of interest in the investigation into the disappearance of his wife Susan, custody of their two children was awarded to Susan’s parents. This led to Joshua blowing up his house with him and the children inside in an apparent murder-suicide.[72][73]
Daniel Pełka Magdalena Łuczak Mother 3 March 2012 Coventry, England, United Kingdom Daniel Pełka was severely abused by his mother Magdalena Łuczak along with her new partner Mariusz Krężołek until it resulted in his death in March 2012. The extent of Daniel’s injuries and failure of social services to identify him as a victim of child abuse caused a shock in the UK media. Magdalena and Mariusz were jailed for life and both later died in prison.[74][75][76]
Lama al-Ghamdi Fayhan al-Ghamdi Father October 2012 Saudi Arabia Five-year-old Lama al-Ghamdi died in hospital after being severely beaten and raped by her father Fayhan al-Ghamdi. Her injuries included a crushed skull, a broken arm, and broken ribs. Fayham was sentenced to eight years in prison and eight hundred lashes, although this was reduced to three years. He was also ordered to pay a sum equivalent to $267,000 in blood money to Lama’s mother.[77][78][79]
Farzana Parveen Muhammad Parveen Father 27 May 2014 Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan After Farzana Parveen eloped with a man and became pregnant with his child, she was killed by a mob led by her father and other male relatives. The murder was an example of an honour killing.[80][81]
Children of Jaime Iván Martínez Jaime Iván Martínez Father November 2015 Antioquia, Colombia Jaime Iván Martínez is a Colombian serial killer who murdered somewhere between twenty and twenty-five people, including his wife and two children (aged five and seven).[82][83]
Paul Murdaugh Alex Murdaugh Father June 7, 2021 Colleton County, South Carolina, United States Disbarred South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh convicted of murdering his wife Maggie, 52, and son Paul, 22, on the evening of June 7, 2021. Prosecutors argued that Alex Murdaugh’s financial crimes, opioid addiction, and other misdeeds were soon to be made public, which motivated Murdaugh to gain sympathy while keeping his secrets from being revealed.[84][85]

Examples in fiction[edit]


  • At the end of the Stephen King novel Carrie, the titular character is fatally wounded by her mother.
  • The plot of the Stephen King novel The Shining is based around the central character going insane and attempting to murder his wife and son.

Film and Television[edit]

  • In the show Inuyasha, the bat daiyōkai Taigokumaru killed his son Tsukuyomaru after he learned to protect his human wife Shizu’s village.
  • The 1987 film The Stepfather was loosely inspired by the crimes of John List.


  • In the Nintendo DS video game Inuyasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel, in 1000 AD Heian period, during the interruption of Tsugumi and Datara’s wedding ceremony, after the cat half-demon Gorai, Lord of the Northern Lands forced Datara to wear the demon mask, Tsugumi use the Lightning Sealing Arrow to seal her husband and kill her demigod child from falling into the hands of the demon.

See also[edit]

  • Foeticide, the killing of a fetus
  • Neonaticide, the killing of a child during the first 24 hours of life
  • Infanticide, the killing of an infant from birth to 12 months
  • Child murder, the murder of a child in general
  • Filial cruelty, cruelty toward one’s own child
  • Child abuse, cruelty toward any child
  • Avunculicide, the killing of one’s uncle
  • Fratricide, the killing of one’s brother
  • Mariticide, the killing of one’s husband
  • Matricide, the killing of one’s mother
  • Nepoticide, the killing of one’s nephew
  • Parricide, the killing of one’s parents or another close relative
  • Patricide, the killing of one’s father
  • Sororicide, the killing of one’s sister
  • Uxoricide, the killing of one’s wife or girlfriend
  • Nepticide, the killing of one’s niece
  • Amiticide, the killing of one’s aunt
  • La Llorona
  • Medea


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Works cited[edit]

  • Beevor, Antony (2002). Berlin: The Downfall 1945. London: Viking-Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-670-03041-5.
  • Bomati, Yves; Nahavandi, Houchang (1998). Shah Abbas, empereur de Perse 1587–1629 [Shah Abbas, Emperor of Persia, 1587-1629] (in French). Paris, France: Perrin. ISBN 2-2620-1131-1. LCCN 99161812.
  • Drummond, Andrew (2012). «Iunius Brutus, Lucius». In Hornblower, Simon; Spawforth, Antony; Eidinow, Esther (eds.). The Oxford classical dictionary (4th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-954556-8. OCLC 959667246.
  • Guthrie, Patrick (1966). «The Execution of Crispus». Phoenix. 20 (4): 325–331. doi:10.2307/1087057. JSTOR 1087057.
  • Pohlsander, Hans A. (1984). «Crispus: Brilliant Career and Tragic End». Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte. 33 (1).

Further reading[edit]

  • Douglas, John; Olshaker, Mark (1996). Journey Into Darkness. United Kingdom: Arrow Books. ISBN 978-0-749-32394-3.
  • Meyer, Cheryl; Oberman, Michelle; White, Kelly (2001). Mothers who Kill Their Children. New York University Press. ISBN 0-814-75643-3
  • Rascovsky, Arnaldo (1995). Filicide: The Murder, Humiliation, Mutilation, Denigration, and Abandonment of Children by Parents. Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson Incorporated. ISBN 978-1-568-21456-6.

External links[edit]

  • Classifications and Descriptions of Parents Who Commit Filicide (PDF)
  • CRG 52/14-15: Filicide in Australia, 2000-2012 A National Report

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