Kid sentences with the word as

Sentences with the word Kid?



  • «ridiculous anserine behavior»; «a dopey answer»; «a dopey kid«; «some fool idea about rewriting authors’ books»
  • «obviously bemused by his questions»; «bewildered and confused»; «a cloudy and confounded philosopher»; «just a mixed-up kid«; «she felt lost on the first day of school»
  • «The kid busted up the car»
  • «she ventured cautiously downstairs»; «they handled the incident with kid gloves»
  • «a cute kid with pigtails»; «a cute little apartment»; «cunning kittens»; «a cunning baby»
  • «a gangling teenager»; «a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man»
  • «kid gloves»
  • «by diplomatic conduct he avoided antagonizing anyone»; «a tactful way of correcting someone»; «the agency got the kid-glove treatment on Capitol Hill»
  • «that kid is a terrible pain»
  • «he collected dry sticks for a campfire»; «the kid had a candied apple on a stick»

Correct word order has a significant role in teaching a foreign language. Many learners automatically order the words in a sentence as in their native language. However, since different languages have various sentence structures, ESL teachers should be very attentive in dealing with this topic. Despite its difficulty, it can be taught in fun and entertaining ways to primary school children. Here we present activities that will definitely come in handy to practise word order with your kids.

Rainbow sentences

One of the fascinating ways of practising word order with kids is definitely with Rainbow order. Distribute the mixed parts of the sentence to your students and ask them to put the words in the correct order according to rainbow colours (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). To make it more fun, you can also play the rainbow song. Children really enjoy doing this activity.


Question cards

Use question cards to introduce the rules of word order to your students, such as Who/what, what happens, where, when, etc. Provide with an example (Bob goes to school every day.) and get your students to put the mixed words in the correct order.


Expanding the phrase

Write a word on the board. Ask your students to take in turns and add extra words to make it into a longer and longer sentence. It must be a logically coherent sentence. Students cannot remove words, but they can change the order while adding new words. My kids really enjoy this activity, especially when I ask them to use their imagination and expand the phrase in a funny way.


  • A black cat
  • A big black cat
  • Tom saw a big black cat
  • Tom saw a big black cat in the forest
  • Tom saw a big black cat in the forest last night

Removing words from a sentence

This activity is considered to be the opposite of the previous one. Here you provide your students with a long sentence and ask them to take turns and to remove words so that it always remains a sentence.

  • Kate doesn’t like cartoons because they are loud, so she doesn’t watch them.
  • Kate doesn’t like cartoons because they are loud, so she doesn’t watch.
  • Kate doesn’t like cartoons because they are loud.
  • Kate doesn’t like cartoons.

Brainstorming sentences

Ask your students to work in pairs or in groups. Choose a topic that the students are familiar with (weather, animals, food, jobs, etc) and get them to make up as many correct and long sentences as possible.

Example: Animals

Group A: Crocodiles are very dangerous animals.

Group B: Many people are afraid of spiders and not mice.

Group A: It is very difficult to survive crocodile’s attack because they attack very quickly.

Group B: Last summer, when we were staying in a forest, we suddenly saw a wolf near our tents.


This is a guessing game. Choose a player, who will think of a verb his/her classmates must guess what verb this student is thinking of. The verb is replaced by a nonsense word such as “gringle”. The students then ask questions, like this:

— Can you gringle at night?

— Who gringles more — girls or boys

— Do you use a special object to gringle?

— When do you usually gringle?

— Is gringling a fun or a serious action?

Why do people gringle?This game is a magnificent tool for practising word order in interrogative sentences with your kids. With the help of numerous questions, they revise different types of questions, such as General and Special ones.

This was the list of the activities that I usually use with my kids to practise word order. I am sure you are aware of some other fascinating ways as well. Share them in the comments below.













32. Make up sentences according to the model, using «as…As» and the words given below.

book, the other one, interesting – This book is as interesting as
the other one.

  1. Ann, Jane, charming

  2. He, I, tall

  3. Michael, his brother, strong.

  4. Our car, their car, good.

  5. This report, your report, interesting.

  6. Her new hat, her skirt, becoming

  7. Your job, his, essential

  8. The sitting room, the dining room, large.

  9. The ice-cream, the cake, delicious.

  10. His stories, his jokes, funny

33. Make sentences with «the same as»

  1. your hair/same colour/ mine

  2. I arrived here/same time/you

  3. you made/same mistake/I made

  4. Mike/same age/Ann

  5. Tom gets/same salary/mine.

Контрольная работа №2

Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте
по-английски на вопросы,

за текстом.

Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский
язык предложения, в которых

модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

3. Найдите в тексте
и переведите на русский язык предложения,
в которых

неопределенные местоимения some,
и их


4. Выпишите из
текста все глаголы и образуйте от них

настоящего и
прошедшего времени; переведите их на
русский язык.

5. Найдите в и
переведите на русский язык, в которых

прошедшего времени.

6. Найдите в тексте
(или приведите свои примеры) и переведите
на русский язык предложения, в
которых употреблены причастия прошедшего

7. Поставьте
глагол-сказуемое одного предложения
из текста во все

формы группы Perfect,
произведя все необходимые


He has just translated the text.

had translated the text before the bell rang.

He will have translated the text by tomorrow.

Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский
язык предложения, сказуемые

употреблены в страдательном залоге.

  1. Переведите
    письменно текст контрольной работы
    №2. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским

Text 1 Beginning of Capitalist Development in Britain

In the 16th Century

Long ago sheepbreeding and manufacture of woolen cloth became the
main occupation in Britain and an important source of the king’s
income. At first Britain exported wool to other countries, but in the
16ts century it began to export more cloth that wool. In Britain
cloth was regarded as “the most precious product of the kingdom”.

But small workshops could not produce enough cloth to meet all
demands. In could be done only by large enterprises employing scores
and ever hundreds of workers.

The farmers made cloth when they were not working in the fields and
sold it at the nearest markets. The merchants sold the cloth in towns
or took it to ports for export.

The farmers who worked for the merchants got very little pay for
their work. Sometimes hundreds of people worked for one rich man. The
impoverished farmers who received wool, looms and payment from a
merchant gradually became wage-workers.

The large enterprises of that period had no machines and everything
was done by hand. Such enterprises were called manufactures or

In a factory with many workmen it was easier to divide the work among
them and between different groups of workers who performed specific
operations in the overall manufacturing process. With the appearance
of factories labour productivity went up.

Everything in the factory belonged to the owner. The hired workmen
worked at factories from dawn till night. Factories also appeared in
mining, shipbuilding and arms production. New classes – the
bourgeoisie and the wage-workers – developed when factories


woolen cloth – сукно

workers – наемные рабочие

overall manufacturing process — в общем процессе


  1. What was an important source of the king’s

  2. Could
    small workshops produce enough cloth to meet all demands?

  3. When
    did the farmers make cloth?

  4. How
    did the farmers make cloth?

  5. What
    new classes developed in the 16th

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