Key word transformations гдз

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given and other words to complete the sentence.

Завершите второе предложение таким образом, чтобы оно имело такой же смысл первого предложения. Используйте данное слово и другие слова, чтобы закончить предложение.

1 Tom is a good basketball player, isn’t he?
Tom plays basketball well doesn’t he?

2 Our teacher will mark our exams.
Our exams will be marked by our teacher.

3 Have some biscuits, Marta.
Marta, help yourself to some biscuits.

4 ‘Are you travelling to Japan?1 Jan said to me.
Jan asked me whether I was travelling to Japan.

5 People say a dragon guards that cave.
A dragon is said to guard that cave.

6 Her parents gave their permission for her to go out.
Her parents let her go out.

7 ‘Let’s go to the cinema tonight,’ Joe said.
Joe suggested going to the cinema night.

8 Greg is twelve years old. Joe is thirteen years old.
Joe is older than Greg Greg.

9 Fred has lived in Toronto for two months.
Fred moved to Toronto two months ago.

10 We haven’t been out to eat for three weeks.
The last time we went out to eat was three weeks ago.

11 Bob doesn’t play football anymore.
Bob used to play football.

12 ‘Will I see you tomorrow?’ John said to Nancy.
John asked Nancy if he would see her the next day.

13 Grant went to work on foot but now he drives.
Grant used to go to work on foot but now he drives.

14 After we finished dinner, Mum started the washing up.
Mum waited until we had finished dinner before starting the washing up.

15 ‘Where did I put my wallet?’ he said.
He wondered where he put his wallet.

16 We have never seen such a funny film.
It is the funniest film we have ever seen.

17 Pam didn’t come to my party because I didn’t invite her.
Pam would have come to my party if I had invited her.

18 Leave now or you’ll miss your train.
You’ll miss your train if you do not leave now.

19 The beautician is painting her nails.
She is having her nails painted by the beautician.

20 It would have been better if I had taken a map.
I wish I had taken a map.

21 ‘You’re right. The exam was hard,’ she said.
She agreed that the exam had been hard.

22 If he runs faster, he’ll win.
He will not win unless he runs faster.

23 Tony has got the same number of CDs as I do.
Tony has got as many CDs as I do.

24 It isn’t necessary to water the plants for me.
You don’t have to water the plants for me.

25 A designer won’t make her dress.
She won’t have her dress made by a designer.

26 You should get more exercise.
If I were you I would get more exercise.

27 That’s the city Tolstoy was born in.
That is the city where Tolstoy was born.

28 ‘I can’t speak French,’ Sam said to me.
Sam told me he couldn’t speak French.

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key word transformations / KWT1-KWT3

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ГДЗ решение к заданию № KWT1-KWT3 Английский язык 8 класс Starlight Баранова К.М. Просвещение 2016 Углубленный уровень ФГОС бесплатно на гдз.мода!

  • Task Type:                    Key Word Transformations

  • Focus:                           Lexical and grammatical

    • Format:                             Six separate items, each with a lead-in sentence and a gapped second
                                                  sentence to be completed in two to five words, one of which is a given
                                                 ‘key word’

  • Number of questions: 6

  • How many marks are there: Up to two marks for each correct answer

What is testing:

  • modal verbs and semi-modal verbы
  • phrasal verbs
  • verb patterns
  • direct speach to reported speach
  • active voice to passive voice
  • linking words/do and make/idioms/conditionals/unreal past

General Advice

  1. Write between two and five words as your answer
  2. Contractions like can’t or mustn’t are counted as two words
  3. Take a guess if necessary! You will not loose marks
  4. Remember that you cannot change the key word

cambridge english first certificate (fce) test 
Key Word Transformations

  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 1
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 2
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 3
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 4
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 5
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 6
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 7
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 8
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 9
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 10
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 11
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 12
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 13
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 14
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 15
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 16
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 17
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 18
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 19
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 20

by Adam Skimins 7th March 2022


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(FCE) 40 Key Word Transformation: Exercises
B2 First (FCE) Use of English Part 4: Tips & Strategy

The important thing in key word transformations is that you keep the meaning the sameEXACTLY the same. So it’s important that you read through the first sentence and your second sentence to ensure you have kept the meaning the same. Look at these two sentences:

Tommy said he was ready for his driving test and would take it in July.
Tommy said he was ready for his driving test and could take it in July.

One letter has been changed, from “would” to “could” but it changes the meaning of the sentence totally. Be careful of this!

A good way to practise this part of the FCE exam is to get used to writing and re-writing sentences using different structures and without changing the meaning.

(FCE) 40 Key Word Transformation: Exercises

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

Nobody took any notice of his bad behaviour.

Nobodypaid ATTENTION to (ATTENTION) his bad behaviour.

You should try and take advantage of his help.

You should try and (MOST) help he gives you.

make the most of themake the most of any

You must include the word given (MOST)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

My sister was involved in her school spelling competition.

My sister (PART) spelling competition.

took part in her schoolwas part of her school

You must include the word given (PART)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Could they grow anything here after the war?

Were (ABLE) here after the war?

they able to grow anything

You must include the word given (ABLE)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

‘Why didn’t you call me?’ asked Joe.

Joe (ASKED) not called him.

asked me why i hadasked why i had

You must include the word given (ASKED)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Driving that fast was a stupid thing to do.

If (ONLY) driving so fast.

only i hadn’t beenonly i had not been

You must include the word given (ONLY)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

 I hadn’t seen my sister for about a year, when I saw her last.

About (GONE) before I saw my sister again, after the last time I saw her.

a year had gone by

You must include the word given (GONE)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

Nobody took any notice of his bad behaviour.

Nobodypaid ATTENTION to (ATTENTION) his bad behaviour.

I don’t earn anything like the amount I did before.

I earn (NOWHERE) as I did before.

nowhere near as much

You must include the word given (nowhere)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

The date for the Barcelona Conference is the 23rd of March.

The Barcelona Conference (PLACE) the 23rd of March.

takes placewill take placeis taking place on

You must include the word given (place)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

The house was not very attractive in appearance when we first saw it.

The house was (MUCH) at when we first saw it.

not much to look

You must include the word given (much)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

No-one wants to buy this type of music any more.

There (LONGER) for this type of music.

is no longer any demand

You must include the word given (longer)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Looking back, I think I was right to study mathematics at university.

Looking back, I (REGRET) mathematics at university.

do not regret studyingdon’t regret studying

You must include the word given (regret)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Our spending will have to be reduced next year.

We will have (BACK) our spending next year.

to cut back on

You must include the word given (back)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

Nobody took any notice of his bad behaviour.

Nobodypaid ATTENTION to (ATTENTION) his bad behaviour.

While we were going home yesterday we got caught in a thunderstorm.

We got caught in a thunderstorm while we were (WAY) yesterday.

on our way home

You must include the word given (way)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Has Mary altered her decision about moving to the countryside?

Do you know if Mary (MIND) about moving to the countryside?

has changed her mind

You must include the word given (mind)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

I’d like Kevin to stop telling me what to do.

I (WISH) telling me what to do!

wish kevin would stopwish that kevin would stop

You must include the word given (wish)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

‘Are you pleased it’s nearly half-term?’ said the teacher to us.

The teacher wanted (KNOW) pleased it was nearly half-term.

to know if we were

You must include the word given (know)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

We are earning less than we are spending, I’m afraid.

Our (EXPENDITURE) our income, I’m afraid.

expenditure is more thanexpenditure is greater than

You must include the word given (expenditure)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

I don’t think having luxuries in life is necessary.

I don’t (NECESSITY) having luxuries in life.

see the necessity ofsee the necessity insee any necessity ofsee any necessity in

You must include the word given (necessity)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

Nobody took any notice of his bad behaviour.

Nobodypaid ATTENTION to (ATTENTION) his bad behaviour.

I am starting to find watching television boring.

I am beginning to get (FED) television.

fed up with watching

You must include the word given (fed)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Bad weather makes me feel really unhappy in the winter.

Bad weather (DOWN) in the winter.

really gets me down

You must include the word given (down)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Fog delayed my flight to Moscow this morning.

My flight to Moscow (UP) this morning

was held up by fog

You must include the word given (up)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Help was urgently needed in the flooded area of the country.

They were (NEED) in the flooded area of the country.

in urgent need of help

You must include the word given (need)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

I went to Italy with the intention of learning Italian.

I went to Italy (THAT) Italian.

so that i could learn

You must include the word given (that)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Remember to return the videos you have rented.

Don’t (BACK) the videos you have rented.

forget to take backforget to bring back

You must include the word given (back)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

Nobody took any notice of his bad behaviour.

Nobodypaid ATTENTION to (ATTENTION) his bad behaviour.

To tell the truth, we need a swimming pool for this school.

To tell the truth, (WHAT) a swimming pool for this school.

what we need is

You must include the word given (what)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Do you know whose this umbrella is, by any chance?

Do you know (BELONGS), by any chance?

who this umbrella belongs to

You must include the word given (belongs)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

Was it Paul’s idea to go to the cinema?

Was it Paul (CAME) the idea of going to the cinema?

who came up withthat came up with

You must include the word given (came)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

The boats began to move slowly out of the harbour.

The boats slowly (WAY) out of the harbour.

made their way

You must include the word given (way)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

One runner did not succeed in finishing the race.

One runner (ABLE) the race.

wasn’t able to finishwas not able to finish

You must include the word given (able)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

It is not my fault that the glass broke.

You cannot (BLAME) the glass.

blame me for breaking

You must include the word given (blame)You must use beetwen 2 and 5 words.

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B2 First (FCE) Use of English Part 4: Tips & Strategy

B2 First (FCE) Use of English: Part 4  question type here is called key word transformation.

You must complete a new sentence that has a similar meaning. You use a word in capitals given in bold for each sentence, which you must not change.


  1. Read the sentence carefully and think about its exact meaning.
  2. Check your tenses – if the first sentence is in the past tense, the second should be, too!
  3. Contractions (e.g. haven’t) count as two words.
  4. Try to keep the same meaning – If the first sentence says ‘Tom said…’ then don’t write ‘He said…’ in the second sentence. (Write ‘Tom said’.)
  5. Write between two and five words, including the word given.


Find things that are the same in both sentences and delete them. That helps you to focus on what you actually need to be transforming.

Because of the scoring system, it’s possible to get 50% in this section without getting any of the questions 100% correct. So it’s worth answering every question! Even incomplete answers can get points

Make absolutely sure that the two sentences mean the same thing. For example, if the sentence to transform has names in it, the answer will have to have them too.

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1 I’d prefer you not to turn on the TV when I’m reading.
I’d _ _ _ _ _ turn on the TV when I’m reading. (4 words)

2 We paid someone to fix the roof for us last summer.
Last summer, we _ _ _ _ _. (4 words)

3 «You played your music too loud last night,» Jan said to Ben angrily.
Jan _ _ _ _ _ his music too loud the previous night. (4 words)

4 I know it’s dangerous, but I love hang gliding.
Dangerous _ _ _ _ _, I love hang gliding. (4 words)

5 Please do those photocopies whenever you have the time.
Please do those photocopies if _ _ _ _ _ the time. (4 words)

6 «Ivan took the money, not his brother Dylan,» Susan said.
According to Susan, _ _ _ _ _ took the money, not Dylan. (4words)

7 The shop was closed for a week while they decorated it.
While it _ _ _ _ _, the shop was closed for a week. (4 words)

8 None of the phones were left when we got to the shop.
_ _ _ _ _ the shop, all the phones had been sold.

9 I didn’t know it was Carl until he took off his hat.
Only _ _ _ _ _ his hat did I recognise Carl. (4 words)

10 Perhaps John heard the story from Pippa.
Pippa might _ _ _ _ _ story. (4 words)

Key word transformations – вид упражнений, направленных на проверку умения употреблять структуры и фразы с определённым заданным содержанием. Проверяется это умение на уровне предложения, так что умение строить предложение с тем же смыслом затрагивает не только форму слова, но всё разнообразие структур с данным словом. Обычно в условии указывается количество слов, которые нужно употребить (не более пяти, от трёх до шести). Кроме лексических структур в key word transformations участвуют также глагольные словосочетания.
Например, возьмём слово like и его эквивалент to be keen on.
My parents like classical music.
Для трансформации можно оставить предлог или, делая задание слишком очевидным, прилагательное keen. Получим:
My parents like classical music.
My parents are keen on classical music.
Иногда часть предложения для трансформации может быть изменена, что подразумевает употребление антонимов, как, например:

  1. It is quite difficult to stop smoking.
    It’s not very_________  smoking.

It’s not very easy to give up smoking.

Попробуйте свои силы на следующем небольшом упражнении, затем проверьте себя по ключу:

  1. I’m afraid I’ve forgotten your name.
    I’m sorry, but I_________   your name is.
  2. I have never read a book by Salman Rushdie before this one.
    This is the _______   a book by Salman Rushdie.
  3. I was very disappointed that I couldn’t see the famous waterfalls.
    It was a____   that I couldn’t see the famous waterfalls.
  4. Since my earliest memories, I have been interested in fashion.
    For as long__   I have been interested in fashion.
  5. I finished revising for this test a few minutes ago.
    I’ve_____   for this test.


  1. I’m sorry but I don’t remember what your name is.
  2. This is the first time I’ve read a book by Salman Rushdie.
  3. It was a disappointment for me that I couldn’t see the famous waterfalls.
  4. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in fashion.
  5. I’ve just revised for this test.

Очевидно, что при выполнении подобных упражнений нужно прежде всего вчитаться в исходное предложение, понять его смысл. Затем вспомнить все возможные структуры с данным словом, употребив ту из них, которая ближе всего по смыслу к исходному предложению.

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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

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