Key word transformation tests

  • Task Type:                    Key Word Transformations

  • Focus:                           Lexical and grammatical

    • Format:                             Six separate items, each with a lead-in sentence and a gapped second
                                                  sentence to be completed in two to five words, one of which is a given
                                                 ‘key word’

  • Number of questions: 6

  • How many marks are there: Up to two marks for each correct answer

What is testing:

  • modal verbs and semi-modal verbы
  • phrasal verbs
  • verb patterns
  • direct speach to reported speach
  • active voice to passive voice
  • linking words/do and make/idioms/conditionals/unreal past

General Advice

  1. Write between two and five words as your answer
  2. Contractions like can’t or mustn’t are counted as two words
  3. Take a guess if necessary! You will not loose marks
  4. Remember that you cannot change the key word

cambridge english first certificate (fce) test 
Key Word Transformations

  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 1
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 2
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 3
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 4
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 5
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 6
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 7
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 8
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 9
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 10
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 11
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 12
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 13
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 14
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 15
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 16
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 17
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 18
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 19
  • FCE : Key Word Transformations 20

by Adam Skimins 7th March 2022


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40 Key Word Transformation: Exercises
C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English Part 4: Tips & Strategy

The important thing in key word transformations is that you keep the meaning the same – EXACTLY the same. So it’s important that you read through the first sentence and your second sentence to ensure you have kept the meaning the same.

  1. Look at the key word. What type of word is it? What usually follows it, e.g. an infinitive, a preposition, or could it be part of a phrasal verb?
  2. Think about the other words that need to change in the new word order, e.g. an adjective may become a noun or vice versa.
  3. Your answer may include words or expressions not used in the first sentence, but these must express exactly the same idea.
  4. Remember that contracted words count as two words, e.g. won’t = will not.

Because of the scoring system, it’s possible to get 50% in this section without getting any of the questions 100% correct. So it’s worth answering every question! Even incomplete answers can get points

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40 Key Word Transformation: Exercises

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and six words, including the word given.

Brian was really interested in North American history in his school days.

Brian had an interest in (INTEREST) North American history in his school days.

Darius soon recovered after the operation on his knee and was able to rejoin the team.

After the operation on his knee, Darius (MADE) and was able to rejoin the team.

made a fast recovery

You must include the word given (MADE)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

I always hated pasta when I was a child but now I cook it regularly.

I (USE) pasta when I was a child but now I cook it regularly.

didn’t use to likedid not use to like

You must include the word given (USE)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

It was a mistake not to write the telephone number down.

I should (POINT) writing down the telephone number.

have made a point of

You must include the word given (POINT)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

If Marc hadn´t taken up politics, he might have become a famous art historian.

If Marc hadn’t taken up politics, he might have (NAME) himself as an art historian.

made a name for

You must include the word given (NAME)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

This holiday is withing our price range, provided we don’t go to the expensive restaurants in the tourist centre.

We (AFFORD) as we avoid the expensive restaurants in the tourist centre.

can afford this holiday as long

You must include the word given (AFFORD)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Yesterday I informed my boss in writing that I would be leaving the company.

I (NOTICE) to my boss yesterday.

handed in my notice

You must include the word given (NOTICE)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and six words, including the word given.

Brian was really interested in North American history in his school days.

Brian had an interest in (INTEREST) North American history in his school days.

It’s very unlikely that martin will win the 100 metres, as he’s out of training.

Martin has almost (CHANCE) the 100 metres, as he’s out of training.

no chance of winning

You must include the word given (CHANCE)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Most of the children ignored what the teacher had told them.

Few of the children (NOTICE) what the teacher had told them.

took notice of

You must include the word given (NOTICE)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

The company is unable to guarantee an allocated car-parking space to all employees.

The company’s employees shouldn´t (COUNT) allocated a car-parking space.

count on being

You must include the word given (COUNT)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

He no longer thinks he can find a job before the end of the year.

He has given (HOPE) a job before the end of the year.

up hope of finding

You must include the word given (HOPE)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

I’m sure Jemma is going to become a famous model one day.

I think it’s only (MATTER) Jemma becomes a famous model.

a matter of time before

You must include the word given (MATTER)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

I think learning to use a typewriter is a waste of time.

I can´t (POINT) how to use a typewriter.

see the point in learningsee the point of learning

You must include the word given (POINT)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and six words, including the word given.

Brian was really interested in North American history in his school days.

Brian had an interest in (INTEREST) North American history in his school days.

The company has a good reputation in the local area.

The company (HIGHLY) of in the local area.

is highly spoken

You must include the word given (HIGHLY)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Nadia’s friend arrived just as she was about to leave the restaurant.

Nadia was (POINT) the restaurant when her friend arrived.

on the point of leaving

You must include the word given (POINT)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

I don’t expect the company to make a profit this year, given the economic climate.

Given the economic climate, (SURPRISED) the company made a profit this year.

i would be surprised if

You must include the word given (SURPRISED)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Barbara´s parents were certain that she would be a great tennis player.

Barbara’s parents were (DOUBT) that she would be a great tennis player.

in no doubt

You must include the word given (DOUBT)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night.

My grandfather didn’t (RECOLLECTION) phoning me last night.

have any recollection of

You must include the word given (RECOLLECTION)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Pay claims must be submitted before the end of the month.

You have (PUT) your pay claims before the end of the month.

to put in

You must include the word given (PUT)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and six words, including the word given.

Brian was really interested in North American history in his school days.

Brian had an interest in (INTEREST) North American history in his school days.

Given that he has no experience, will Glyn be able to do this job?

Will Glyn’s (AFFECT) ability to do this job?

lack of experience affect his

You must include the word given (AFFECT)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

At no time did we think that Pedro might be planning to leave the country.

It (OCCURED) that Pedro might be planning to leave the country.

never occured to ushad never occured to us

You must include the word given (OCCURED)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

I’m sure we went the wrong way at the last junction.

We must (TAKEN) at the junction.

have taken the wrong turninghave taken the wrong turn

You must include the word given (TAKEN)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

We wanted to continue our mountain trek but the weather was too bad.

We (LIKE) on with our mountain trek but the weather was too bad.

would like to have carriedwould have liked to carry

You must include the word given (LIKE)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

No changes will be made to this project.

This project will (AHEAD) to plan.

go ahead according

You must include the word given (AHEAD)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Simon really ought to make a decision about his future.

It’s high time Simon (MIND) about his future.

made up his mind

You must include the word given (MIND)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and six words, including the word given.

Brian was really interested in North American history in his school days.

Brian had an interest in (INTEREST) North American history in his school days.

Phoebe was surprised to be offered a place on the course.

The offer of a place on the course (CAME) Phoebe.

came as a surprise to

You must include the word given (CAME)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

I can´t deny that I was embarrassed to be given the award.

There’s (NO) embarrassment at being given the award.

no denying my

You must include the word given (NO)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

I think Anita must have gone on a diet recently because she’s quite slim now.

It looks as (HAS) dieting because she’s quite slim now.

if anita has been

You must include the word given (HAS)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Delia said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude.

‘I am not willing (PUT) from my colleagues any longer, ‘ said Delia.

to put up with any rudeness

You must include the word given (PUT)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

It’s difficult to know what my reaction would have been in that situation.

I’m not (HOW) in that situation.

sure how i would have reacted

You must include the word given (HOW)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

Do you mind if I come over to see you later?

Do you (OBJECTION) coming over to see you later?

have any objection to me

You must include the word given (OBJECTION)You must use beetwen 3 and 6 words.

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C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English Part 4: Tips & Strategy

C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 4  question type here is called key word transformation.

You have to complete the second sentence, using the key word.


  1. Read the sentence carefully and think about its exact meaning.
  2. Check your tenses – if the first sentence is in the past tense, the second should be, too!
  3. Contractions (e.g. haven’t) count as two words.
  4. Try to keep the same meaning – If the first sentence says ‘Tom said…’ then don’t write ‘He said…’ in the second sentence. (Write ‘Tom said’.)
  5. Write between two and six words, including the word given.


Find things that are the same in both sentences and delete them. That helps you to focus on what you actually need to be transforming.

Make absolutely sure that the two sentences mean the same thing. For example, if the sentence to transform has names in it, the answer will have to have them too.

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