Key word transformation cpe

Cambridge English: certificate of Proficiency exam (CpE) / key word transformations

Task Type: Key Word Transformations.
Focus: Grammar and vocabulary.
Format: Each question consists of a sentence followed by a ‘key’ word and a second sentence with a gap in the middle. You have to use this key word to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.
Number of questions: 6
How many marks are there: Up to two marks for each correct answer.

What is testing:
idioms and fixed phrases
phrasal verbs
verb patterns
word combinations
linking words//inversion/conditionals/unreal past/

General Advice:
Write between three and six words as your answer.
Contractions like can’t or mustn’t are counted as two words.
Take a guess if necessary! You will not lose marks.
Remember that you cannot change the key word.

cambridge english:  certificate of proficiency exam (cpe) 
key word transformations

practice tests                          

  •                                 Key Word Transformations 1
    •                                 Key Word Transformations 2
      •                                 Key Word Transformations 3
        •                                 Key Word Transformations 4
          •                                 Key Word Transformations 5
            •                                 Key Word Transformations 6
              •                                 Key Word Transformations 7
                •                                 Key Word Transformations 8
                  •                                 Key Word Transformations 9
                    •                                 Key Word Transformations 10
                      •                                 Key Word Transformations 11
                        •                                 Key Word Transformations 12
                          •                                 Key Word Transformations 13
                            •                                 Key Word Transformations 14
                              •                                 Key Word Transformations 15
                                •                                 Key Word Transformations 16
                                  •                                 Key Word Transformations 17
                                    •                                 Key Word Transformations 18
                                      •                                 Key Word Transformations 19
                                                                        Key Word Transformations 20

by Adam Skimins 7th March 2022


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40 Key Word Transformation Exercises: CPE
C2 Proficient (CPE) Use of English: Part 4 Tips & Startegy

C2 Proficient (CPE) Use of English: Part 4  question type here is called key word transformation.

You must complete a new sentence that has a similar meaning. You use a word in capitals given in bold for each sentence, which you must not change. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

Essential tips:

  • Read both sentences carefully. The gapped sentence must express all the information contained in the prompt the sentence, but in different words.
  • You must use the key word to complete the gapped sentence, but you must not change its form in any way.
  • The key word may be part of an expression.
  • You may need to change the  form of words in the prompt sentence,and the order in which you express the information.
  • Be prepared to experiment. For example, you may have to change an active structure to a passive one, or a positive sentence to a negative one.
  • Your answer must be between three and eight words in length. If you write too few or too many words, you will be penalised.

40 Key Word Transformation Exercises: CPE

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

Oh, there you are! I didn’t even know you had gone out!

I was unaware of the  (UNAWARE) fact that you had gone out.

The rumours of them being married are not true.

Despite information (CONTRARY) got married.

to the contrary they have notto the contrary they haven’t

You must include the word given (CONTRARY)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

I quite like beer, though whiskey is my favourite.

Although I (AVERSE), whiskey is my favourite.

am not averse to beer

You must include the word given (AVERSE)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Once this contract is signed, this agreement is binding.

As soon as you (BY) agreement.

sign this contract you are bound by this

You must include the word given (BY)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

They cannot justify their position with that excuse.

That argument (POSITION) taken.

is no justification for the position they have

You must include the word given (POSITION)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Next Friday is my thirtieth wedding anniversary.

Next Friday (WILL) years.

i will have been married for thirty

You must include the word given (WILL)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

After I had waited for over an hour, she still hadn’t come.

After over an hour (SIGN) her.

of waiting, there was still no sign ofof waiting there was still no sign of

You must include the word given (SIGN)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

Oh, there you are! I didn’t even know you had gone out!

I was unaware of the  (UNAWARE) fact that you had gone out.

I was so tired that I wanted to give up.

I (POINT) up because I was so tired.

was on the point of givingwas at the point of giving

You must include the word given (POINT)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Sally could well get that job.

Sally (STANDS) that job.

stands a good chance of getting

You must include the word given (STANDS)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Our dog Jack has been run over before.

This is (TIME) Jack has been run over.

not the first time our dog

You must include the word given (TIME)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

The manager concluded that he ought to give me a refund.

The manager (CAME) deserved a refund.

came to the conclusion that i

You must include the word given (CAME)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Her singing impressed the judges.

She (MADE) the judges.

made a good impression on

You must include the word given (MADE)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

The cost of rice has shot up in the last month.

There has been (SHARP) of rice recently.

a sharp rise in the costa sharp increase in the costa sharp rise

You must include the word given (SHARP)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

Oh, there you are! I didn’t even know you had gone out!

I was unaware of the  (UNAWARE) fact that you had gone out.

The boss called a meeting to discuss progress.

The boss’ (PURPOSE) discuss progress.

purpose in calling the meeting was to

You must include the word given (PURPOSE)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Susan went to Spain to learn the language.

Susan’s (REASON) to learn the language.

reason for going to spain was

You must include the word given (REASON)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

 Ned loves going dancing at weekends.

What Ned (ON) dancing at weekends.

is really keen on isis keen on is

You must include the word given (ON)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

My sister told me nothing about mum’s present.

My sister (DARK) mum’s present.

kept me in the dark about

You must include the word given (DARK)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

I don’t intend to pay that much.


have no intention of paying that

You must include the word given (INTENTION)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

As far as I’m concerned, they’re telling the truth.

I’ve (SUPPOSE) lying.

no reason to suppose they’reno reason to suppose they are

You must include the word given (SUPPOSE)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

Oh, there you are! I didn’t even know you had gone out!

I was unaware of the  (UNAWARE) fact that you had gone out.

Mr Bradley died in the early hours.

Mr Bradley (AWAY) night.

passed away during the

You must include the word given (AWAY)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

The president was amazed at the magnificent Victorian building.

The magnificent Victorian building (IMPACT) the president.

made a considerable impact onmade a big impact on

You must include the word given (IMPACT)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

The tyrant is well known for his cruelty and egoism.

The tyrant (REPUTED) person.

is reputed to be a cruel and egoistic

You must include the word given (REPUTED)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Cathy needs to come right away or we’ll have to start without her.

We’ll have to (LEAVE) turns up immediately.

leave cathy unless she

You must include the word given (LEAVE)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

We still haven’t found out what caused the engine failure.

We have yet (CAUSE) the engine failure was.

to find out what the cause of

You must include the word given (CAUSE)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Why should anyone be proud of the fact that they didn’t complete the project.

Why should anyone (PRIDE) that they didn’t complete the project.

pride themselves on the fact

You must include the word given (PRIDE)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

Oh, there you are! I didn’t even know you had gone out!

I was unaware of the  (UNAWARE) fact that you had gone out.

Harry plays tennis much better than I do.

I am not (NEARLY) tennis player as Harry is.

nearly as good a

You must include the word given (nearly)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Karen had just started her new teaching job when she got flu.

Karen (CAME) just after starting her new teaching job.

came down with flu

You must include the word given (came)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

It would have been a total catastrophe for her to be made responsible.

If she (PUT), there would have been very serious consequences.

had been put in charge

You must include the word given (put)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

Kim doesn’t intend to visit her uncle again.

Kim (HAS) her uncle again.

has no intention of visiting

You must include the word given (has)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

The third candidate impressed the panel immediately.

The third candidate (MADE) the panelists.

made an immediate impression on

You must include the word given (made)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

This part of the factory can only be entered by authorized staff.

Access (RESTRICTED) in this part of the factory.

is restricted to authorized staff

You must include the word given (restricted)You must use beetwen 3 and 8 words.

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C2 Proficient (CPE) Use of English: Part 4 Tips & Startegy


  1. Read the sentence carefully and think about its exact meaning.
  2. Check your tenses – if the first sentence is in the past tense, the second should be, too!
  3. Contractions (e.g. haven’t) count as two words.
  4. Try to keep the same meaning – If the first sentence says ‘Tom said…’ then don’t write ‘He said…’ in the second sentence. (Write ‘Tom said’.)
  5. Write between two and five words, including the word given.


Find things that are the same in both sentences and delete them. That helps you to focus on what you actually need to be transforming.

Because of the scoring system, it’s possible to get 50% in this section without getting any of the questions 100% correct. So it’s worth answering every question! Even incomplete answers can get points

Make absolutely sure that the two sentences mean the same thing. For example, if the sentence to transform has names in it, the answer will have to have them too.

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Marta acaba de mudarse a Santa Bárbara para estudiar en la universidad y le envía un mensaje de texto a su amiga Julia para contarle cómo le ha ido. Conteste la siguiente pregunta sobre el mensaje que Marta le envió a su amiga.

Iba a llamarte cuando llegué a Santa Bárbara,
hace cinco días, pero no pude. No te imaginas lo
ocupada que he estado. Al principio me encantó el campus.
Cuando vi las playas y la laguna creí estar en el cielo.

Pero el lunes, cuando comenzaron las clases,
volví a la cruda realidad. No pude matricularme en mis
clases favoritas, me enojé con mi novio y casi tuvé un
accidente de bicicleta. ¡Qué día tan horrible!

  • ¿Qué pasó con su novio?

For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. You can use the «?» button to get a clue but by doing so you will lose points.




Knowing nothing about something:
Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.



IN SUCCESSION => in a series:
Gary has won the tournament three times in succession.



Used to emphasize something — not for any reason:
On no account should the office be left unlocked.



TAKE STH APART => to separate an object into pieces:
My wife’s watch stopped, so I took it apart.



To be very surprised about something:

Ann was somewhat taken aback by his directness.



RUMOUR HAS IT => people say:

Rumour has it that she was murdered.


В этой статье мы разберем структуру заданий одной из самых значимых частей кембриджских экзаменов Use of English (использование английского — грамматика и лексика) и поделимся советами по их успешному выполнению.

Секреты подготовки к части Use of English экзаменов FCE, CAE, CPE

В блоге уже выходили статьи о том, как сдать Writing (письменную часть), Reading (чтение) и Listening (аудирование) на экзаменах FCE, CAE, CPE — советуем ознакомиться с этими материалами. Теперь перейдем к тому, как подготовиться к части Use of English экзаменов FCE, CAE, СPE.

Типы заданий в части Use of English

Раздел Use of English экзаменов FCE, CAE и CPE объединен с разделом Reading. На выполнение всей части Reading and Use of English вам дадут 1 час 15 минут на экзамене FCE и 1 час 30 минут на CAE и CPE. За это время вам надо выполнить порядка 7-8 заданий. Первые 4 задания относятся к части Use of English, которая проверяет ваш словарный запас и знание грамматики, а остальные — к части Reading.

Давайте посмотрим, из каких заданий состоит Use of English на кембриджских экзаменах:

Экзамен Multiple choice cloze Open cloze Word formation Key word transformations
FCE, CAE, CPE Part 1
8 предложений по 1 баллу
Part 2
8 предложений по 1 баллу
Part 3
8 предложений по 1 баллу
Part 4
4-6 предложений по 2 балла

Экзамены совпадают по структуре, баллам и количеству заданий, но отличаются по степени сложности. Разберем примеры заданий Кембриджских экзаменов с официального сайта: FCE, CAE и CPE.

Part 1: Multiple-choice cloze (выбрать правильный ответ из нескольких предложенных)

Суть задания: Вам нужно заполнить пропуски в тексте, выбрав одно из предложенных четырех слов. Всего пропущено 8 слов. В этом задании проверяется словарный запас (vocabulary) — знание фразовых глаголов, устойчивых выражений, идиом, оттенков значений и т. п.

Техника выполнения: Чтобы получить общее представление о тексте, прочитайте его, не обращая внимания на пропущенные слова. Далее внимательно читайте каждое предложение и варианты ответа. Исключите варианты, которые явно не подходят, затем из оставшихся выберите тот, который логически дополнит предложение и будет сочетаться с рядом стоящими словами. Рассмотрим пример:

They couldn’t (1)… a decision and agreed to meet again after lunch.

a) arrive
b) achieve
c) reach
d) attain

Хорошо зная устойчивые словосочетания, вы выберите вариант reach.

I like to go to the beach (2)… my wife likes to stay in and watch a TV show.

a) then
b) where
c) when
d) whereas

Однозначно не подходят варианты then (в примере указаны не последовательные действия, а параллельные) и where (нелогично, она в номере смотрит шоу, а не на пляже). Выбирая между when и whereas, следует предпочесть «в то время как», в значении противопоставления, а не просто «когда». Правильный ответ — whereas.

Пример задания multiple choice cloze на экзамене FCE

Reading and Use of English, часть 1

Пример задания multiple choice cloze на экзамене CAE

CAE: Reading and Use of English, задание 1

Пример задания multiple choice cloze на экзамене CPE

CPE: Reading and Use of English, задание 1

Part 2: Open cloze (вставить слово в предложение без вариантов ответа)

Суть задания: Нужно вновь заполнить пропуски в тексте словами, подходящими по смыслу. Пропущено 8 слов, но в этот раз вам не предлагают никаких вариантов.

Техника выполнения: Прочтите текст, не обращая внимания на пропущенные слова. Затем прочитайте внимательно каждое предложение. Обратите внимание, какие слова стоят до и после пропущенного слова. Они подскажут вам, к какой части речи относится это слово, число или время, в котором оно должно стоять. Например:

I really (1)… like this picture! It’s a masterpiece.

Очевидно, что предложение вполне самодостаточное и без вставки. Вместе с тем вы можете увидеть, что перед вами эмоциональное высказывание. Значит, правильно будет вспомнить про вспомогательный глагол do в функции усиления — I really do like this picture! It’s a masterpiece.

The concert has been cancelled (2)… to the epidemic situation in the city.

В первой части предложения — следствие, а во второй — причина. Мы не можем вставить because, так как после него употребляется предлог of, a не to. Необходимо рассмотреть другие варианты, близкие по значению к «потому что» и «из-за». Отлично подойдут owing и due. Иногда могут подходить сразу два варианта ответа, каждый из них будет правильным, но вам все равно нужно вписать один.

Пример задания open cloze на экзамене FCE

Reading and Use of English, часть 2

Пример задания open cloze на экзамене CAE

CAE: Reading and Use of English, задание 2

Пример задания open cloze на экзамене CPE

CPE: Reading and Use of English, задание 2

Part 3: Word formation (словообразование)

Суть задания: Вам нужно заполнить пропуски в тексте, образуя однокоренные слова от предложенных. Это задание проверяет насколько грамотно вы используете словарный запас.

Техника выполнения: Следует прочитать текст несколько раз — сначала бегло, а затем вдумчиво, обращая внимание на key words и слова, которые идут до и после него. Это поможет вам правильно определить часть речи производного слова. Большинство слов изменяются с помощью приставок, суффиксов и окончаний, например: courage – discourage, circle – circular, health – unhealthy, employ – unemployed. Переведите предложение, чтобы убедиться в правильности выбранной части речи.

Самые распространенные ошибки при выполнении этого задания:

  1. Путаница в отрицательных и положительных характеристиках

    Don’t be so …, I’ll finish the task in a minute. (patience)

    Если не обратить внимание на отрицание (don’t be) и использовать прилагательное patient (производное от patience), то это будет ошибкой. Правильный ответ — impatient.

    Чтобы избежать ошибки, внимательно читайте весь текст и следите за логикой предложения.

  2. Неправильная часть речи

    My boyfriend is not very … about the idea of going to New York. (enthusiasm)

    Правильный ответ — прилагательное enthusiastic. Если использовать вместо него наречие enthusiastically, это будет ошибкой. Выбор наречия вместо прилагательного и наоборот — распространенная ошибка.

  3. Ошибки в выборе единственного или множественного числа

    Tina’s husband is one of the strongest … in her business. (support)

    Правильный ответ — supporters. Единственное число — supporter — будет ошибкой. Сбить может тот факт, что мы говорим об одном человеке, но ведь в предложении есть конструкция one of (один из).

  4. Орфографические ошибки

    Чтобы избежать орфографических ошибок, необходимо регулярно практиковать правописание и не лениться проверять слова в словаре.

Пример задания word formation на экзамене FCE

Reading and Use of English, часть 3

Пример задания word formation на экзамене CAE

CAE: Reading and Use of English, задание 3

Пример задания word formation на экзамене CPE

CPE: Reading and Use of English, задание 3

Part 4: Key word transformations (перефразирование предложения с использованием ключевого слова)

Суть задания: Вам даны предложение и ключевое слово/словосочетание. Необходимо преобразовать предложение таким образом, чтобы в него вошло данное ключевое слово/словосочетание, учитывая ограничения по количеству слов, указанных в задании. Полученное предложение не должно отличаться по смыслу от исходного.

Техника выполнения: Прочитайте исходное предложение и вспомните все устойчивые выражения и фразы с указанным key word. Затем прочитайте второе предложение с пропуском. При трансформации предложения вы не должны выходить за рамки указанного количества слов в задании (с учетом key word). Конечно, нельзя изменять key word. Например, если дано wish, не стоит использовать wishes или wishing. Если дано not, нельзя вместо него использовать no. Также проверяйте, нет ли в вашем ответе лишних слов. Разберем пример:

I regret ever telling her about my private life. (wish)
I ____________________ her about my private life.

Правильный ответ — I wish I had not told her about my private life.

В приведенном примере местоимение her уже есть в предложении с пропуском. Если напишете wish I had not told her вместо wish I had not told, это будет ошибкой. За каждое верно перефразированное предложение вы получаете два балла, и один балл, если вы допустили небольшую ошибку.

Пример задания key word transformations на экзамене FCE

Reading and Use of English, часть 4

Пример задания key word transformations на экзамене CAE

CAE: Reading and Use of English, задание 4

Пример задания key word transformations на экзамене CPE

CPE: Reading and Use of English, задание 4

Хотите получить международный сертификат? Записывайтесь на курс подготовки к экзаменам.

Как успешно сдать Use of English — 7 советов

  1. При подготовке много читайте. Желательно, чтобы тексты были различной тематики. Отдавайте предпочтение газетным и научным статьям. Выбирайте серьезные издания, например, The Washington Post или The Guardian. Читая тексты, выписывайте и учите новую для вас лексику, также изучайте и повторяйте готовые подборки устойчивых выражений и идиом. Например, их можно найти в учебной серии Oxford Word Skills Intermediate и Advanced.
  2. Относитесь к грамматике как к инструменту, который на экзамене поможет вам точно выразить свои мысли. Разбирайте грамматические правила и отрабатывайте их.
  3. Выполняйте пробные тесты и тренируйтесь распределять время на каждый тип заданий. Обратите внимание, что необходимо брать тестовые задания, изданные не ранее 2015 года, потому что в этом году произошли изменения в формате кембриджских экзаменов.
  4. Не зацикливайтесь на одном задании. Если вы сомневаетесь, напишите возможные варианты ответа на полях и продолжайте выполнять тест. К пунктам, в которых вы не уверены, вернитесь позже.
  5. Проверяйте свои ответы каждый раз, как выполнили задание.
  6. Пользуйтесь подходящими ресурсами:
    • Cambridge English Exam Booster — пособие содержит 48 экзаменационных заданий. В книге рассмотрены типичные ошибки и даны рекомендации для успешной сдачи экзамена.
    • Cambridge English First 2, Cambridge English Advanced 2 и Cambridge English Proficiency 2 — каждая книга содержит 4 теста для каждого из экзаменов. Пособия ознакомят вас с содержанием и форматом экзаменов FCE, CAE и CPE.
    • Cambridge English Teacher Rory — советы по подготовке к FCE и CAE от преподавателя и носителя языка Рори.
    • Floe-Joe — тренировочные упражнения в формате экзаменов FCE, CAE, CPE.
  7. Рекомендуем найти преподавателя, который сам получил международный сертификат и у которого есть опыт подготовки студентов к экзамену. Такой учитель не только проработает с вами типовые задания, но и расскажет о методике сдачи экзамена исходя из своего опыта. Он поможет вам правильно организовать подготовку, структурировать информацию, поделится психологическими приемами. Если вы в поиске такого учителя, обратитесь в нашу школу, и менеджеры подберут преподавателя, который поможет вам сдать экзамен на высокий балл.

Желаем успехов в сдаче экзаменов!

© 2023, копирование материалов возможно только при указании прямой активной ссылки на первоисточник.

I found this document with 99 expressions from CPE key word transformations lost in the depths of my onedrive account, I could have sworn I’d already posted it but couldn’t find it anywhere, so here goes. Download it below:

CPE Key Word Transformation Expressions

  1. John needs to step up to the plate and start doing his share of the work.
  2. There’s nothing I’d like more than to spend the rest of the day on the beach.
  3. The kids took absolutely no notice of what the teacher was saying.
  4. Only as a last resort will the company employ inexperienced workers.
  5. When darkness falls the animals come out to hunt.
  6. A great deal of care and effort went into preparing the wedding.
  7. There was a lack of clarity in the teacher’s explanation.
  8. The wind and rain made it difficult to see where we were going.
  9. But for the GPS on my iPhone, we would have got completely lost.
  10. Prompt action in putting out the fire saved hundreds of lives.
  11. There’s every likelihood/chance/possibility that it will rain tomorrow. (it’s likely)
  12. We were left with no choice but to pitch our tent and wait for the storm to pass.
  13. When I lived in England I got into/developed/acquired the habit of drinking tea.
  14. Hundreds of people were taken in by the email scam.
  15. The last thing I want is for her to feel uncomfortable when she comes to visit.
  16. The company has sustained heavy losses this month.
  17. Maybe it would have been better if I hadn’t invited him.
  18. My friend lives in Australia but we keep in touch/contact via Skype and Whatsapp.
  19. There’s no change to/in his condition so he’ll have to stay in hospital for now.
  20. She’s very reliable; I’ve no reason to suppose that she will let me down.
  21. At no time were there fewer than 3 teachers looking after the children.
  22. On no account are passengers to stand up during take-off.
  23. We were at a loss to understand/know how the burglars got into the house.
  24. She has no intention of giving up her independence.
  25. I will do everything in my power to ensure that everyone is safe and happy.
  26. It’s nothing short of a miracle that nobody was hurt in the bus crash.
  27. I don’t think you were justified in speaking to the boss in that way.
  28. The kids made such a fuss when we told them we couldn’t go to Disneyland.
  29. We have a lot of problems to contend with at the moment.
  30. All of a sudden, a band appeared and started singing happy birthday to me.
  31. Messi was instrumental in Barça winning the match.
  32. As long as we stick to a plan/agreement, everything will work out fine.
  33. Had I known it was going to take this long, I would have gone a different way.
  34. Spare a thought for people who are less fortunate than you.
  35. After trying to open the jar for ages he admitted defeat and asked his Dad for help.
  36. My spirits rose/were lifted when I saw my parents waiting for me at the school gate.
  37. The ship’s crew finally caught sight of land after 10 weeks at sea.
  38. The fans waited outside the concert hoping to catch a glimpse of the band.
  39. A week’s holiday would do wonders for your health.
  40. The project is going really smoothly.
  41. Someone should take a note of everyone’s feedback so the same mistakes are not repeated.
  42. The company was deluged with calls the day after their advert was broadcast.
  43. The way he conducted himself in the meeting was very unprofessional.
  44. Failure to pay on time will result in your booking being cancelled.
  45. You must conform to the standards laid out in the course handbook.
  46. Such was the confusion caused by the accident that no one knew what to do.
  47. Little did he know what lay in store for him just around the corner.
  48. The problem with my girlfriend has been preying on my mind all week.
  49. Michael Jackson rose to fame/stardom in the early 1980s.
  50. The pursuit of profits often comes at the expense of the environment.
  51. Could you do me a favour?
  52. John kept me waiting for over two hours.
  53. I was waiting for the best part of an hour.
  54. She didn’t agree immediately as she wanted to keep her options open.
  55. He’s so indecisive and finds it hard to make his mind up.
  56. What sets our hotel apart are the breath-taking views.
  57. The crisis had serious repercussions for people’s quality of life.
  58. He was determined to succeed and let nothing stand in his way.
  59. The meeting was meant to finish at 15.00 but to all intents and purposes it was over by 14.00.
  60. To my mind the biggest threat to the planet is global warming.
  61. He regretted treating her badly and went to great lengths to make it up to her.
  62. She was on the point of going to bed when the phone rang
  63. His reaction came as no surprise to me
  64. It makes no difference whether we go out to dinner or stay in
  65. His interview was a success and he made an impression on the interviewer.
  66. After thinking about it we came to the conclusion that it was best to cancel the meeting.
  67. He found her impossible to put up with
  68. His son is a source of great pride for him
  69. It took him a long time to come to terms with the reality of his illness
  70. Had it not been for his behaviour, they wouldn’t have been asked to leave.
  71. It was bought to my attention that some of the employees were not happy.
  72. Provided that nobody has any objections, the meeting is postponed until Monday.
  73. There was no reoccurrence of the phenomenon, to everyone’s relief.
  74. How can we account for the drop in sales?
  75. There has been a marked rise in violence since last year.
  76. They decided not to say anything for fear of insulting him.
  77. It was raining so we had no choice but to cancel the picnic.
  78. He didn’t want to but we talked him into coming with us.
  79. It never crossed my mind to ask for help.
  80. He was on the verge of giving up when suddenly help arrived.
  81. It’s up to you to decide what we have for dinner tonight.
  82. The chances of Jane succeeding are slim
  83. The lecturer drew a clear distinction between external and internal motivation.
  84. George wasn’t alone in thinking that her excuse didn’t sound plausible.
  85. It’s high time we went home.
  86. Entrance to the VIP area is restricted to those is possession of a bracelet.
  87. George never tires of hearing the story of how his parents met.
  88. The company is rumoured to be bankrupt.
  89. Sara looked everywhere but the keys were nowhere to be seen
  90. He’s quite tolerant but he draws the line at letting his children go out during the week.
  91. The couple put their success down to hard work
  92. He bought her flowers to make up for forgetting her birthday
  93. Contrary to popular belief pigeons are quite intelligent.
  94. There’s little prospect of Greece recovering from the financial crisis.
  95. The museum is well worth a visit
  96. Customers are under no obligation to make a purchase
  97. It goes without saying that you can stay as long as you want
  98. Complaints are taken seriously at our company.
  99. Entrance is restricted to visitors with special authorisation.

Barcelona based English Teacher, blogger and sometime actor and director.
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CPE Key Word Transformations

For many people key word transformations is the trickiest part of the Use of English part of CPE (C2 Proficiency). I am no exception. My test is tomorrow, and at the moment I am trying to make the final preparations and, as Hindus would say, open my third eye. I am not sure if writing this post will help me in this, and I don’t quite remember how I coped with the pre-exam stress 8 years ago, when I was taking CAE, but now I’ve got this blog and, hopefully, this entry will help both me and my CPE taking readers to focus on one problematic task – key word transformations.

Dear reader, don’t worry! You can and will do this! It’s been a long long road, and you’ve achieved so much on the way to you well-deserved C2 certificate. Just relax now, and do what you can do best – English… Do you feel the third eye opening? 😉 Great! Let’s get down to work.

# 1

I was about to leave the office when Tim phoned.


I _________________________ when Time phoned.

# 2 

I have been told that you have been late for work every day this week.


It _________________________ that you have been late for work every day this week.

# 3

The news that the Prime Minister has resigned came as a great shock to everyone.


Everyone _________________________ Prime Minister’s resignation.

# 4

Don’t let her relaxed manner deceive you; she’s an extremely shrewd businesswoman!


Don’t let _________________________ her relaxed manner; she’s an extremely shrewd businesswoman!

# 5 

Werner found it hard to get used to the fact that he’d lost his job.


Werner found it hard _________________________ the fact that he’d lost his job.

# 6

Simon does not intend to visit his aunt again.


Simon _________________________ his aunt again.

# 7 

The treasurer called a meeting to discuss the club’s finances.


The treasurer’s _________________________ to discuss the club’s finances.

# 8

It may seem strange, but the composer has no formal training in music.


Strange _________________________ kind of formal training in music.


  1. I was on the point of leaving the office when Tim phoned. If you are on the point of doing something, you are about to do something: I was on the point of leaving when the phone rang. He was on the point of saying something when someone screamed. Note that we say “at this point” if we mean “a this moment in time:” At that point we all got up and walked out of the room.
  2. It has been brought to my attention that you have been late for work every day this week. If someone brings something to your attention, they make you take notice of something (often something causing problems): This is a campaign to bring human rights abuses to the government’s attention. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. 
  3. Everyone was taken aback by the news of the Prime Minister’s resignation. If you are taken aback, you are shocked or surprised, especially by something that someone says or does to you: Bill was taken aback by the girl’s directness. Roland was taken aback by our strength of feeling. 
  4. Don’t let yourself be taken in by her relaxed manner; she’s an extremely shrewd businesswoman! If you are taken in by something, you are deceived, tricked into believing something: Don’t be taken in by their promises. I married in my late teens and was taken in by his charm, which soon vanished.
  5. Werner found it hard to come to terms with the fact that he’d lost his job. If you come to terms with something, you learn to accept and deal with an unpleasant situation or event, especially after being upset or angry about it for a long time: She needed time to come to terms with her grief. My dad needed to come to terms with the fact that I had become an adult. Note that if you come to terms with someone, you make an agreement, or end an argument with them: We need to come to terms. I finally came to terms with my sister after all those years of not speaking to her. 
  6. Simon has no intention of visiting his aunt again. If you have no intention of doing something, you don’t plan to do that: We have no intention of giving up. I had no intention of hurting his feelings. 
  7. The treasurer’s purpose in calling a meeting was to discuss the club’s finances. Our purpose in doing something, is our aim: Her sole purpose in being here was to kill some time. My purpose in learning English is to increase my chances of getting a good job in a multinational company.
  8. Strange as it seems/appears, the composer lacks any kind of formal training in music. Strange as it seems = although it (may) seem strange: Strange as it seems, I haven’t come to terms with my past yet. Strange as it appears, I haven’t decided which career to pursue. 

Before wishing you good luck in your exam, I’d like to remind you that doing this part of the test, we must use between 3 and 8 words, including the word given. You already know that, but don’t forget to count the words after filling in the gaps.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments below. Thanks for reading and good luck!

For the questions below, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

  1. Julie made mention of the budget when she spoke to the board.


Julie ________________________ subject of the budget when she spoke to the board.

  1. The CEO said that, as far as she knows, no one else was involved in the insider trading.


The CEO said that ______________________________________________________ no one else was involved in the insider trading.

  1. Harold said “My family were surprised when they found out that I was an alcoholic”.


Harold said that his ______________________________________________ to his family.

  1. The salesman said “You don’t have to pay; you can stay for free and decide afterwards”.


The timeshare salesman said that we ________________________________________ pay and could stay for free and decide afterwards.

  1. The broker said “Our analysts are extremely confident that the government can end the recession”.


The broker said that their ___________________________________ to end the recession.

  1. Their father said “The painting looks nothing like our house”.


Their father complained that the painting _________________________________ house.

  1. There is a rumour that they have got divorced but haven’t told anyone.


It __________________________________________________ but haven’t told anyone.

  1. The judge told the man “It is only because of your repentance that you have escaped jail”.


The judge said that had _______________________________________ have gone to jail.

  1. In his acceptance speech, he didn’t mention owing his success to his wife.


He _____________________________ his success to his wife in his acceptance speech.

  1. This message clearly says that you can publish the article. .


The poster makes _________________________________________ publish the article.

  1. “The level of noise makes it difficult to concentrate,” Sue said.


Sue explained to me that it ________________________________ it hard to concentrate.

  1. We ask passengers not to leave their seats until the aircraft has come to a complete standstill.


Passengers ________________________ until the aircraft comes to a complete standstill.

  1. “It’s none of your business who I go out with,” Dilly told her brother.


Dilly informed her brother that who she ______________________________________his.

  1. They gave Juan the impression that he would be promoted.


Juan ________________________________________________ he would be promoted.


Suggested answers

OR means two or more answers are possible. / divides the two points for each question. You must have exactly the words on that side of the / to get that point. If names are included, you must have those names (to actually keep the meaning the same as the original sentence). Note that all answers should be written in just capital letters in the exam.

  1. brought/ up the
  2. to the best/ of her knowledge
  3. came/ as a surprise
  4. were under no/ obligation to
  5. analysts have OR had every confidence/ in the government’s ability
  6. bore no /resemblance/ to their
  7. is rumoured (that) they have/ obtained a divorce
  8. it not been/ for his repentance, he OR she OR they would
  9. made no reference/ to owing
  10. it clear that you/ have the right to
  11. was the level of noise which/ made
  12. are asked/ to remain seated
  13. went out with was no/ concern of his
  14. was led OR given/ to believe (that)


PDF for easy saving and printing: CPE reported speech key word sentence transformations

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Reported speech page

CPE page

Objective Proficiency page

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