Key word for interviews

Interviews are a part of life and have vastly grown today. There are many ways to ace interviews, many answers, and tricks to put yourself out as a worthy applicant. What stands common in all the answers is the toning, framing, and words used. Using significant words and presenting your answer can greatly affect your presentation. These words known as keywords are a crucial part of interview answers. 

Interview keywords

What are interview keywords?

It is simply a matter of putting the two individual terms together. Interview keywords add value to your answers. It adds up to your presentation and increases the professionalism in your communication. The words you use also tell a great deal about your personality. They also decide the influence one’s answer may have on the interviewers. The important words we use out of our vocabulary that sync with professional and skillful terms can be a definition of interview keywords. 

Why are they important ?

It is imperative to focus on interview keywords due to various reasons:

  • Communication 

The interviewers can tell a lot from the kind of words you use while answering your questions. Communication skills are essential from the interview to even when you begin working any job. How friendly and professional you are can be made out from your tone. Whether you can reach out to others whether it’s clients or colleagues can be derived from the keywords used. The words you use to communicate in turn speak about how you’ll relate and bond if you’re given the position.

  • Skills and personality

While you may be unaware, many kills are noticed from the way you answer itself. Before you can mention your skills, the interviewers can tell whether you truly possess them or not. How you are as a person and as a professional are reflected in the keywords you use. Moreover, the interviewers will choose to believe action over words. In this sense, they’ll look at the practical application of your communication over the skills you mention. For instance, if you say you’re responsible and fail to imply how you take control and handle things, the interviewers aren’t going to believe it. That’s why your keywords come in, to put practicality in your speech. 

  • Confidence 

Your confidence shows a great deal about you as a person. The best way to show your confidence at an interview is vocally. Using correct interview keywords which build your answers gives the interviewers a perception that you’re confident in your approach. This is a great plus point. When you use keywords that build on your approach, confidence is automatically exposed. This is one of the crucial factors in deciding whether you get the job or not. 

  • Clarity 

While keywords assist in developing your presentation, they also do the basic work. Offering precision and clarity in your answers is necessary for an interview. You don’t want to be using repetitive or common words that every applicant uses. You want to stand out with creative answers that best define you. You need a strong point to put forth that the interviewers cannot resist. This gradually happens with the use of interview keywords. You avoid boring, repetitive, and common language and also find interesting and smart replacements with keywords. 

  • Avoids errors and unprofessionalism

Stammering, redundancy, and other errors arise when you’re not confident with your answers. Quite often, applicants get overconfident with their language skills and assume that they’ll be able to frame answers in their own words. However, when the time comes and nervousness comes to the surface it gets tough. Therefore, keeping keywords in mind will allow you to process your answer and build on them depending on your keywords. Applicants do it the other way round by filling in words to an idea which leads to errors and shaky answers. Hence, keywords are the go-to option!

How to use interview keywords?

One needs to be very careful while choosing interview keywords. It is essential to keep in mind that each word has many meanings attached and using the right keywords will make up for ideal answers. 

  • List it out!

Preparation is a must before you set out for an interview. This point comes in the pre-interview part. While you’re doing your research and checking out potential questions and answers, look at different approaches to the answer. That’s how you’ll find the correct keywords to use. List out the keywords you find and then narrow down those that relate to you the most. Another way to prepare could be to check out common words and see what keywords to replace them with.

  • One for many 

It is important to remember that keywords don’t deliver a single meaning. Many qualities can be given out with the help of different keywords. For example, to pose your quality of leadership, one may use words like build, coordinate, develop. Understand that each keyword can give away more qualities than the one you intend so give it a good thought as to which words to keep on your list. 

  • Verbs in place 

Another way to maintain a balanced answer with keywords is to successfully use verbs. The verb placements further enhance value and meaning in your answer. You can use the best keywords but if your statement doesn’t have a systematic flow, it’s just a common word. Avoid using common verbs and scout for unique ones which can also act as keywords in your answer. 

  • Descriptives mean a lot

You want to use keywords that relate to you. If you’re not fond of working with others, you’re likely to avoid using terms like teamwork, coordination, and so on. The interviewers are understanding your personality through your keywords. They are on the hunt for your strengths which they can use for the company. Therefore, it’s best to use words that can describe you as an employee. If you’re a think-out-of-the-box kind of person, use keywords like creative, innovative, novel, and so on. 

  • Variety

Keep your answer balanced with a good amount of keywords. Avoid flooding your answers with keywords just because you know they’re important. Keep a balanced mix of words, verbs, phrases and so on to deliver your answer in its true potential. Many applicants try to use too many keywords to show their vocabulary. Not the best idea because then you drift from the meaning of your answer! Keywords are like the base, you can’t rely only on those. You need other parts of your statement to come together to frame a great answer.

  • Mind the role! 

Another mistake many applicants make is the careless use of keywords. You can’t simply use big words to show off your vocabulary. Keywords work best when you know how to manipulate them into your sentence. In terms of an interview, you must consider the position you’re applying for. If it’s the position of a leader then you have to include leadership. On the other hand, if it’s a fresher, you want to involve vibrant keywords like passion, enthusiasm, and so on. Relate your keywords to your position before you say them out loud!

  • Jargons 

Jargons, if used smartly, can serve as keywords. Jargons are terms that work within a particular field. Whoever profession you’re in, there are jargon terms used. If you can correctly use a few of these in the right context, they can impress your interviewer. It gives the idea that you know what you’re doing. They understand that you have knowledge that can be beneficial for the company. 

Prominent interview Keywords

Look at a few popular interview keywords along with their examples to better understand the same. 

  • Opportunity

Instead of using common words like chance, choice, and so on, ‘opportunity’ is a wider and sharper term to use. Not only does it explain the experiences of your previous job, but it also serves as a prospect with your interviewers. Using this term gives the interviewers an idea of your experience as well as how quick and flexible you are in taking your shot and getting work done. 


  •  I was given the opportunity to head the project. 
  • The opportunities were limited. However, I worked my way through and was chosen as part of the core team. 
  • Accomplish 

Leadership is a very important skill that is looked at during interviews. The interviewers want to know how you can guide those below you based on the position you’re applying for. Using this keyword in the right context gives the impression of leadership. When you make use of ‘accomplish’ as a word, you’re telling the interviewers that you lead by example. 


  •  It was a tedious task, but with much brainstorming we accomplished it. 
  • Accomplishing the goals together with the team has always been our aim. 
  • Skills

This is a frequently used keyword mainly because the need is such that many questions lookout for skills. Instead of words like abilities, strengths, etc which are very common and simplistic, ‘skills’ refers to a more professional term. It can be used generally or in specification to certain qualities one may possess.


  •  I believe that skillful work is not just a return but also a responsibility towards the company. 
  •    The skills of professionalism and envisioning the goal are very important in any assignment. 
  • Mission

Used in place of aim, task, goal and so on, the word mission is a potential keyword. While other synonyms may be good enough, this one has a serious and confident approach. It is more influential over the interviewers than others. While it means goal it also emphasizes willingness and hard work that you’re ready to put in. 


  •  The mission is to always deliver quality 
  • Although it wasn’t our department, we took it on as our mission to ensure effective business. 
  • Passion

One of the most interesting and enthusiastic words. The keyword ‘passion’ or ‘passionate’ is good as a plus point. It gives the interviewers the idea that you’re not applying just to earn and make a livelihood but you have plans for the benefit of their company too! It gives the impression that you’re highly inspired and the company can rely on you for goals. 


  •  I am passionate about teamwork and therefore use every opportunity to deliver the best in group assignments!
  • I have a passion for media and therefore feel this role would be suitable for me
  • Responsibility

Needless to say, this keyword shows you’re reliable. The company can depend on you to achieve goals and meet deadlines. These are important elements that interviewers scout for during the process. Instead of saying ‘reliable’ or ‘dependable’, ‘responsible’ works just right. 


  •  I took up the responsibility to raise the numbers 
  • I got my last big project because I am responsible and handle the mission to my fullest potential. 
  • Contribute

This keyword can be of potential use for portraying teamwork. If you’re applying for a position that doesn’t involve leadership and supervising, it would be ideal to use this keyword. It emphasizes your part for the good of the company. Moreover, it explains how your efforts coordinated with that of the teams can be productive. 


  •  As my contribution to the project, I suggested a few different perspectives on our common strategies. 
  • I contributed my time and created a new sample as soon as I could to meet the immediate deadline.
  • Look forward to 

More on the optimistic side of things, this keyword can be used for prospective talks. Maybe when the interviewer asks you about plans for the future or about what your expectations are. The interviewer is led to believe that you look up to them and their company. It gives the impression that you have respect for the job and hold it in high regard. Replace words as ‘I will ‘, ‘I would,’ etc with this keyword for a more positive approach. 


  •  Looking forward to seeing the quality of my work blend with the strategies of your company to yield fruitful results. 
  •  I look forward to acquiring new skills as well as contributing those of mine for the best of the company. 

Overall, finding interview keywords that suit your interview is simple. All you need to keep in mind is the role you’re applying for. Additionally, keep in mind your personality and skills as a person and what you’re looking to give to the interviewer. Find all the keywords that match these conditions and you’re good to go! 

  • Should one focus on keywords more than the answer? 

One needs to keep a balance on their focus. If you lean too much on what you’re saying, you may not be able to communicate it well. Similarly, if one dwells too much into how they’re saying it, the sender and receiver are likely to lose the important message and drift away. Therefore, both need to be a good blend and have a dependency on each other.

  • Do interview keywords help in building the image of the interviewee?

Yes! The keywords you use tell the interviewer a lot about you from cognitive as well as other perspectives. Your skills as well as your characteristics as a person, are given out with the keywords you choose. 

  • Are there common interview keywords that go well with any answer?

While each applicant must choose their keywords depending on themselves and the position they’re applying for, there are a few common interview keywords. Negotiation, tackled, solved, coordinated, consistent, passionate, professional are a few common examples. However, it’s best to use keywords of your own for a more detailed answer. 

Слова для прохождения собеседования на английском языке, а также выражения, связанные с работой (устройство, график, процесс работы), которые помогут подготовиться к прохождению интервью на английском.

Список прилагательных для описания себя на английском языке на собеседовании при приеме на работу также включает в себя характеристики человека для резюме. Подготовка к собеседованию на английском языке может производиться как самостоятельно, так и с репетитором по английскому языку.

Список слов для собеседования на английском языке

abilities (talent) дарования, способности, особые данные
calling (for) призвание
values ценности
personal strengths сильные стороны, талант, умения
accomplishments успехи, достижения; хорошие манеры
activity деятельность, активность
attitude позиция, отношение к чему-либо
appointment свидание, условленная встреча
make an appointment назначить встречу
keep / break an appointment прийти / не прийти в назначенное место или время
cancel an appointment отменить встречу
work by appointment работать по «записи», т. е. организация, где необходимо предварительно назначить встречу
career goals цели, которые ставит претендент при получении данной работы
education образование
job hunting опыт работы
job hunting file банк данных
agency агентство
employment agency агентство по трудоустройству
nonprofit agency агентство, которое не взимает плату за услуги; один из видов социальной службы
private agency частное агентство
advertisement объявление, реклама
classified advertisements объявления, расположенные по рубрикам
courtesy правила вежливости, учтивость, этикет
receptionist секретарь в приемной
fee плата за услуги, гонорар
claim претендовать
contact связаться с, обратиться к
counsel давать совет, рекомендовать
counselor советник, адвокат
resume резюме (для поступления на работу)
vacancy вакансия, свободное место
job (employment, work) работа, должность
job qualification качества (которыми должен обладать претендент)
technical job работа в промышленности
high-salaried job высокооплачиваемая работа
position положение, должность
nonskilled position место, на котором не требуется особая квалификация и образование
fill a position заполнить вакансию
find a position найти место работы
occupation (trade) занятие, род занятий, профессия
capacity положение, в качестве
business профессия, занятие, дело
on business по делу
business trip командировка
join the company поступить на работу в компанию
apply (to smb for smth) обращаться за работой (помощью, разрешением)
application заявление, прошение
application form анкета для поступающего на работу
an applicant претендент, кандидат
post должность, пост
employ предоставлять работу
employer наниматель, работодатель
unemployed безработный
employment занятость, постоянная работа
full-time employment основная работа на полный рабочий день
part-time employment работа «по совместительству» на неполный рабочий день
employee служащий
prospective employer возможный работодатель / наниматель
clerk конторский служащий
hire нанимать на работу
responsibilities (duties) обязанности
salary (wages, pay, earnings) заработная плата
at a salary of с заработной платой…
get an increase in pay повысить зарплату
bonus премия
fringe benefits дополнительные выплаты
insurance страховка
insure (against) страховать (против)
leave отпуск
be on (sick) leave быть в отпуске, «на больничном»
schedule smth назначать на определенное время, намечать, планировать
schedule график, расписание
shift смена
day / night shift дневная / ночная смена
notify (give notice) уведомить
dismiss уволить с работы
fire smb уволить кого-либо
kick out / get the sack вышвырнуть
get rid of избавиться
quit (leave the service) оставить (работу), уволиться
resign from / resign one’s job / position отказываться от должности, уходить в отставку
labour (work) force рабочая сила
staff / personnel штат (сотрудников)
authorities власти, руководство
head глава, руководитель
at the head of во главе
chief, boss руководитель, начальник
supervisor высший, старший начальник
subordinate подчиненный
manager (managing director) управляющий, заведующий, директор
director  директор
executive исполнительный
senior (junior) executive  старший (младший) сотрудник
assistant  помощник, заместитель
foreman  мастер
colleague  коллега
be in charge of  заведовать, возглавлять
work under smb / smb’s authority  работать под руководством, быть в подчинении
next in performance второй по положению, званию, чину
experienced опытный, знающий
qualified квалифицированный
skilled квалифицированный, искусный
talented талантливый, одаренный
department отдел
factory, plant фабрика, завод
office учреждение, контора, должность
research institute научно-исследовательский институт
shop магазин, цех
be paid by piece work работать сдельно
find fault with (pick at) smb придираться
promote выдвигать, повышать в чине, должности
shirk work увиливать от работы
loafer (idler) лентяй
profession (trade, occupation) профессия, род занятий, ремесло
force (smb to do smth) заставлять, принуждать
make (smb do smth) заставлять, принуждать
to qualify (for) готовиться, быть готовым к какой-либо деятельности
redundant лишний, ненужный
become redundant / be laid off попасть под сокращение штатов
reference рекомендации, рекомендательное письмо
skills умения, квалификация, искусство, мастерство
work hard упорно работать, хорошо работать
work under работать под руководством
work overtime работать сверхурочно

The Most Powerful Words to Use During Your Interview

Updated on February 1, 2022


 Image by Melissa Ling. © The Balance 2019

The words you use during an interview can make a big difference. Consider the difference between these two responses: 

  • «I helped brainstorm ideas for campaigns.»
  • «I generated ideas that were used in award-winning, successful campaigns.» 

Both answers are reasonable.  But where one conveys significant accomplishments and makes a strong, positive impression, the other response is a bit bland and forgettable.

Let’s dig in to see why the second response is more powerful. To start, the word «helped» (which is seen in the first response) is vague. To an interviewer, this could mean that you presented a list of powerful ideas—but it could also signify that you were a near-silent participant on a conference call to discuss the campaign. The second option uses a more active verb—a person generating ideas is deeply involved in the project. Plus, powerful adjectives are added; not only did you come up with ideas, but they were good ones!


Your words during an interview convey an impression of you and your abilities. Make it a positive one.

As you practice for your next interview, keep word choice in mind. Here are five broad types of words and phrases to integrate into your interview answers. 


Zero Creatives / Getty Images

One of the things interviewers try to uncover is if you’re just going to show up and do the job, or if you care about your work. Will you go above and beyond your job description, or just tick off boxes?

People who are passionate and interested can further a company in unexpected, positive ways. They’re good for morale, and also for a company’s bottom line. Using these words and phrases shows that you aren’t a clock-watcher and that you’re highly engaged with your work:

  • Energized
  • Enthusiastic
  • Interested
  • Love
  • Motivated
  • Priority
  • Win

Tip: How to Answer «What Are You Passionate About?»


FangXiaNuo / Getty Images

During an interview, it’s always good to demonstrate that you’re responsible—you want to show interviewers that if you’re set to a task, you’ll not only accomplish it, but you’ll complete it on time and meet the established standards. Try using these words and phrases to convey responsibility:

  • Accomplish
  • Coordinate
  • Detail-oriented
  • Effective
  • Efficient
  • Maintained
  • Met the deadline
  • On time
  • Organize
  • Practical
  • Prepare
  • Provide
  • Reorganize
  • Responsible
  • Results; Results-oriented
  • Satisfied the client’s requests
  • Solution
  • Support
  • Team player
  • Leadership

Tip: Using phrases such as «I can» or «I will» in response to interview questions also conveys a can-do attitude, and indicates that you’ll hit the ground running if hired. 


Hero Images / Getty Images

Are you interviewing for a leadership role? If so, it’s particularly important to use strong, active verbs. Show how you’ve led teams and projects, and take ownership of any results and accomplishments from throughout your career. Try using these words to convey your leadership strengths: 

  • Accelerate
  • Accomplish
  • As a result of my actions…
  • Build
  • Coordinate
  • Deliver
  • Develop
  • I handled that by…
  • Initiative
  • Innovative
  • Negotiated
  • Plan
  • Resolve
  • Supervise

Industry Buzzwords and Jargon

Cecilie_Arcurs / Getty Images

Each industry comes with its own buzzwords. When you’re outside of the field, this jargon can be off-putting—like a code keeping you from following the conversation. But if you’re in the know, and the jargon is familiar, using it during conversations is a bit like a secret handshake—it lets interviewers know you understand the industry.

To use jargon, of course, you’ll have to understand it, so if you’re new to an industry or field, read up on familiarize yourself with it. Follow people in the industry on Twitter, connect with them on LinkedIn, and seek out relevant blogs and videos. 

Words Reflecting Company Values

Thomas Barwick / Getty Images

Want to show a company you’re a good fit? Mirror the words the company uses to describe itself. Very likely, these same catchphrases are used frequently in internal communications and company-wide meetings.

Even if interviewers don’t consciously realize that you’re reflecting their own words back, it’ll make a subtle, positive impression. Examine the language on the company’s «About Me» page on their website, on social media pages, and within the job advertisement.

You can also choose synonyms to avoid sounding too much like you’ve memorized the company’s own copy. This will help interviewers know that you understand what they’re looking for. 

How to Use Powerful Words During Job Interviews

Daniel Laflor / Getty Images

This isn’t the SATs—no need to memorize a long list of words using flashcards! Instead, as you practice your responses to common interview questions, keep an ear out for your verb choices. Do «help» and «assist» keep coming up? Opt for more powerful verbs instead. Choose strong descriptive words and phrases, too. A project can be a success or it can be «award winning»; it can perform well or «result in 25% jump in sales.» 

And keep in mind that the best words to use in your answer depends on what kind of role you’re after. If you’re applying for a job as an assistant, for instance, you’ll want to incorporate lots of words that show you’re responsible and get results (and focus less on words that emphasize your leadership abilities).

Keep in mind that it’s not only during interviews that word choice matter—opt for powerful action words in your resume as well.

Details About Key Words For Job Interview

Career growth isn’t the only reason many people work in the key words for job interview field. It’s also a field that lets you help many people. We have already gathered 205 of key words for job interview that you can use as an helpful resources to attribute to your career selection.
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Useful Vocabulary for Job Interviews and Résumés

Pamela Moore/Getty Images

During the job interviewing process it’s important to use verbs that precisely describe your duties and responsibilities at your present and past positions. The following list provides verbs that are both precise and commonly used in an English-speaking workplace. These verbs are used to express responsibilities and tasks performed throughout an applicant’s professional career. 

Great Action Words for Your Résumé


Verb Example Sentence
accomplished I’ve accomplished a lot in my current position.
acted She’s acted as head of the department.
adapted I adapt to team working situations easily.
administered I administered four committees.
advanced I’ve advanced many new ideas.
advised I advised management on purchasing decisions.
allocated I allocated resources on a weekly basis.
analyzed I analyzed financial data.
applied I applied my knowledge to workflow.
approved I approved new products for manufacturing.
arbitrated I arbitrated for Fortune 500 companies.
arranged I arranged meetings.
assisted I assisted the CEO.
attained I attained the highest level of certification.


Verb Example Sentence
blended I blended traditional approaches with new insights.
brought I brought a team player sensibility to the job.
built We built more than 200 homes.
carried out I carried out a wide range of duties.
cataloged I cataloged our company’s library.
collaborated I’ve collaborated with more than fifty clients.
completed I completed the highest level of the training.
conceived I’ve conceived of numerous products.
conducted I conducted telephone surveys.
constructed I constructed prototypes for marketing.
consulted I’ve consulted on a wide range of issues.
contracted I’ve contracted with large and small businesses.
controlled I controlled more than $40,000,000.
cooperated I cooperated successfully on more than team projects.
coordinated I coordinated between sales and marketing departments.
corrected I edited and corrected company brochures.
counseled I counseled clients on insurance policies.
created I created more than twenty advertising campaigns.


Verb Example Sentence
dealt I’ve dealt with a wide variety of issues.
decided I’ve decided I need to further my career.
decreased I decreased spending while improving profits.
delegated I’ve delegated tasks on a number of projects.
detected I detected a number of mistakes.
developed I developed an invention.
devised I devised a plan to improve profits.
directed I directed the sales department.
discovered I discovered the reason.
distributed We distributed throughout the country.
documented I documented company policies.
doubled We doubled profits in only two years.
edited I edited company communications.
encouraged We encouraged research and development.
engineered I engineered a wide range of applications.
enlarged I enlarged our community outreach.
escalated We escalated the problems to the director.
established I established company guidelines.
estimated I estimated future costs.
evaluated I evaluated investment opportunities.
examined I examined sites for pollution.
expanded I expanded our sales to Canada.
experienced We experienced difficulties meeting the deadline.
explored We explored a wide range of possibilities.


Verb Example Sentence
facilitated I facilitated an exchange of ideas between the companies.
finalized I finalized projections for the year.
formulated I formulated answers to the questions.
founded I’ve founded two companies.
functioned I functioned as a liaison between management and employees.
guided I guided operations through the process.
handled I handled customer complaints.
headed I headed an exploratory committee.
identified I identified issues and reported back to management.
implemented I implemented company plans.
improved I improved the feedback process.
increased We increased sales by over 50%.
initiated I initiated investments into the latest technology.
inspected We inspected more than two hundred companies.
installed I installed air-conditioning units.
introduced We introduced innovate products.
invented The company invented double-sided tape.
investigated I investigated customer complaints.
led I led the sales department to its best year.


Verb Example Sentence
maintained I maintained the company database.
managed I’ve managed more than five hundred employees.
moderated I moderated negotiations between the two companies.
negotiated I negotiated a better deal for the company.
operated I’ve operated heavy machinery.
organized I’ve organized many projects.
performed I performed as company clerk.
pioneered We pioneered new sound technologies.
planned I planned company retreats.
prepared I prepared documents for management.
presented I presented at many conferences.
programmed I programmed the company database.
promoted I promoted employees in human resources.
provided We provided feedback to management.
purchased I purchased materials for the company.


Verb Example Sentence
recommended I recommended cutbacks at the company.
recorded I recorded notes during meetings.
recruited We recruited the best talent.
redesigned I redesigned company workflow.
repaired I repaired watches for a few years.
replaced I replaced the director after only six months.
restored I restored the company to profitability.
reversed We reversed the trend and grew.
reviewed I reviewed company documents and made recommendations.
revised I revised figures at the end of each quarter.
screened I screened applicants during job interviews.
selected I selected employees and assigned tasks.
serviced We serviced all the buses in the area.
set up I set up four branches.
stimulated I stimulated discussion between departments.
strengthened We strengthened sales abroad.
summarized I summarized complex ideas so everyone could understand.
supervised I supervised two teams on the project.
supported I supported management with research.
tested I tested a number of devices in the field.
trained I trained employees.
transformed We transformed the company in a short time.
upgraded We upgraded our IT infrastructure.
validated I validated customer claims.

Use these verbs to really sell yourself. You only have a few minutes to show how good you really are. Using this precise vocabulary and being confident can help you make the best impression possible.

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