‘ Copyright 2010-2016 Thomas Rohmer-Kretz |
‘ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
‘ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
‘ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
‘ (at your option) any later version. |
‘ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
‘ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
‘ GNU General Public License for more details. |
‘ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
‘ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
‘ http://trk.free.fr/ipcalc/ |
‘ Visual Basic for Excel |
‘============================================== |
‘ IP v4 |
‘============================================== |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpIsValid |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Returns true if an ip address is formated exactly as it should be: |
‘ no space, no extra zero, no incorrect value |
Function IpIsValid(ByVal ip As String) As Boolean |
IpIsValid = (IpBinToStr(IpStrToBin(ip)) = ip) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpStrToBin |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Converts a text IP address to binary |
‘ example: |
‘ IpStrToBin(«») returns 16909060 |
Function IpStrToBin(ByVal ip As String) As Double |
Dim pos As Integer |
ip = ip + «.» |
IpStrToBin = 0 |
While ip <> «» |
pos = InStr(ip, «.») |
IpStrToBin = IpStrToBin * 256 + Val(Left(ip, pos — 1)) |
ip = Mid(ip, pos + 1) |
Wend |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpBinToStr |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Converts a binary IP address to text |
‘ example: |
‘ IpBinToStr(16909060) returns «» |
Function IpBinToStr(ByVal ip As Double) As String |
Dim divEnt As Double |
Dim i As Integer |
i = 0 |
IpBinToStr = «» |
While i < 4 |
If IpBinToStr <> «» Then IpBinToStr = «.» + IpBinToStr |
divEnt = Int(ip / 256) |
IpBinToStr = Format(ip — (divEnt * 256)) + IpBinToStr |
ip = divEnt |
i = i + 1 |
Wend |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpAdd |
‘———————————————- |
‘ example: |
‘ IpAdd(«»; 4) returns «» |
‘ IpAdd(«»; 256) returns «» |
Function IpAdd(ByVal ip As String, offset As Double) As String |
IpAdd = IpBinToStr(IpStrToBin(ip) + offset) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpAnd |
‘———————————————- |
‘ logical AND |
‘ example: |
‘ IpAnd(«»; «») returns «» |
Function IpAnd(ByVal ip1 As String, ByVal ip2 As String) As String |
‘ compute logical AND from right to left |
Dim result As String |
While ((ip1 <> «») And (ip2 <> «»)) |
Call IpBuild(IpParse(ip1) And IpParse(ip2), result) |
Wend |
IpAnd = result |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpAdd2 |
‘———————————————- |
‘ another implementation of IpAdd which not use the binary representation |
Function IpAdd2(ByVal ip As String, offset As Double) As String |
Dim result As String |
While (ip <> «») |
offset = IpBuild(IpParse(ip) + offset, result) |
Wend |
IpAdd2 = result |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpGetByte |
‘———————————————- |
‘ get one byte from an ip address given its position |
‘ example: |
‘ IpGetByte(«»; 1) returns 192 |
Function IpGetByte(ByVal ip As String, pos As Integer) As Integer |
pos = 4 — pos |
For i = 0 To pos |
IpGetByte = IpParse(ip) |
Next |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSetByte |
‘———————————————- |
‘ set one byte in an ip address given its position and value |
‘ example: |
‘ IpSetByte(«»; 4; 20) returns «» |
Function IpSetByte(ByVal ip As String, pos As Integer, newvalue As Integer) As String |
Dim result As String |
Dim byteval As Double |
i = 4 |
While (ip <> «») |
byteval = IpParse(ip) |
If (i = pos) Then byteval = newvalue |
Call IpBuild(byteval, result) |
i = i — 1 |
Wend |
IpSetByte = result |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpMask |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns an IP netmask from a subnet |
‘ both notations are accepted |
‘ example: |
‘ IpMask(«») returns «» |
‘ IpMask(«») returns «» |
Function IpMask(ByVal ip As String) As String |
IpMask = IpBinToStr(IpMaskBin(ip)) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpWildMask |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns an IP Wildcard (inverse) mask from a subnet |
‘ both notations are accepted |
‘ example: |
‘ IpWildMask(«») returns «» |
‘ IpWildMask(«») returns «» |
Function IpWildMask(ByVal ip As String) As String |
IpWildMask = IpBinToStr(((2 ^ 32) — 1) — IpMaskBin(ip)) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpInvertMask |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns an IP Wildcard (inverse) mask from a subnet mask |
‘ or a subnet mask from a wildcard mask |
‘ example: |
‘ IpWildMask(«») returns «» |
‘ IpWildMask(«») returns «» |
Function IpInvertMask(ByVal mask As String) As String |
IpInvertMask = IpBinToStr(((2 ^ 32) — 1) — IpStrToBin(mask)) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpMaskLen |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns prefix length from a mask given by a string notation (xx.xx.xx.xx) |
‘ example: |
‘ IpMaskLen(«») returns 24 which is the number of bits of the subnetwork prefix |
Function IpMaskLen(ByVal ipmaskstr As String) As Integer |
Dim notMask As Double |
notMask = 2 ^ 32 — 1 — IpStrToBin(ipmaskstr) |
zeroBits = 0 |
Do While notMask <> 0 |
notMask = Int(notMask / 2) |
zeroBits = zeroBits + 1 |
Loop |
IpMaskLen = 32 — zeroBits |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpWithoutMask |
‘———————————————- |
‘ removes the netmask notation at the end of the IP |
‘ example: |
‘ IpWithoutMask(«») returns «» |
‘ IpWithoutMask(«») returns «» |
Function IpWithoutMask(ByVal ip As String) As String |
Dim p As Integer |
p = InStr(ip, «/») |
If (p = 0) Then |
p = InStr(ip, » «) |
End If |
If (p = 0) Then |
IpWithoutMask = ip |
Else |
IpWithoutMask = Left(ip, p — 1) |
End If |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSubnetLen |
‘———————————————- |
‘ get the mask len from a subnet |
‘ example: |
‘ IpSubnetLen(«») returns 24 |
‘ IpSubnetLen(«») returns 24 |
Function IpSubnetLen(ByVal ip As String) As Integer |
Dim p As Integer |
p = InStr(ip, «/») |
If (p = 0) Then |
p = InStr(ip, » «) |
If (p = 0) Then |
IpSubnetLen = 32 |
Else |
IpSubnetLen = IpMaskLen(Mid(ip, p + 1)) |
End If |
Else |
IpSubnetLen = Val(Mid(ip, p + 1)) |
End If |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpIsInSubnet |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns TRUE if «ip» is in «subnet» |
‘ subnet must have the / mask notation (xx.xx.xx.xx/yy) |
‘ example: |
‘ IpIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns TRUE |
‘ IpIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns TRUE |
‘ IpIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns FALSE |
Function IpIsInSubnet(ByVal ip As String, ByVal subnet As String) As Boolean |
‘IpIsInSubnet = (IpAnd(ip, IpMask(subnet)) = IpWithoutMask(subnet)) |
‘ the following line also works with non standard subnet notation: |
IpIsInSubnet = (IpAnd(ip, IpMask(subnet)) = (IpAnd(IpWithoutMask(subnet), IpMask(subnet)))) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSubnetVLookup |
‘———————————————- |
‘ tries to match an IP address against a list of subnets in the left-most |
‘ column of table_array and returns the value in the same row based on the |
‘ index_number |
‘ this function selects the smallest matching subnet |
‘ ‘ip’ is the value to search for in the subnets in the first column of |
‘ the table_array |
‘ ‘table_array’ is one or more columns of data |
‘ ‘index_number’ is the column number in table_array from which the matching |
‘ value must be returned. The first column which contains subnets is 1. |
‘ note: add the subnet at the end of the array if you want the |
‘ function to return a default value |
Function IpSubnetVLookup(ByVal ip As String, table_array As Range, index_number As Integer) As String |
Dim previousMatch As String |
previousMatch = «» |
IpSubnetVLookup = «Not Found» |
For i = 1 To table_array.Rows.Count |
Dim subnet As String |
subnet = table_array.Cells(i, 1) |
If IpIsInSubnet(ip, subnet) And (IpSubnetLen(subnet) > IpSubnetLen(previousMatch)) Then |
previousMatch = subnet |
IpSubnetVLookup = table_array.Cells(i, index_number) |
End If |
Next i |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSubnetMatch |
‘———————————————- |
‘ tries to match an IP address against a list of subnets in the left-most |
‘ column of table_array and returns the row number |
‘ this function selects the smallest matching subnet |
‘ ‘ip’ is the value to search for in the subnets in the first column of |
‘ the table_array |
‘ ‘table_array’ is one or more columns of data |
‘ returns 0 if the IP address is not matched. |
Function IpSubnetMatch(ByVal ip As String, table_array As Range) As Integer |
Dim previousMatch As String |
previousMatch = «» |
IpSubnetMatch = 0 |
For i = 1 To table_array.Rows.Count |
Dim subnet As String |
subnet = table_array.Cells(i, 1) |
If IpIsInSubnet(ip, subnet) And (IpSubnetLen(subnet) > IpSubnetLen(previousMatch)) Then |
previousMatch = subnet |
IpSubnetMatch = i |
End If |
Next i |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSubnetIsInSubnet |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns TRUE if «subnet1» is in «subnet2» |
‘ subnets must have the / mask notation (xx.xx.xx.xx/yy) |
‘ example: |
‘ IpSubnetIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns TRUE |
‘ IpSubnetIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns FALSE |
‘ IpSubnetIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns FALSE |
Function IpSubnetIsInSubnet(ByVal subnet1 As String, ByVal subnet2 As String) As Boolean |
Dim Mask1 As Double |
Dim Mask2 As Double |
Mask1 = IpMaskBin(subnet1) |
Mask2 = IpMaskBin(subnet2) |
If (Mask1 < Mask2) Then |
IpSubnetIsInSubnet = False |
ElseIf IpIsInSubnet(IpWithoutMask(subnet1), subnet2) Then |
IpSubnetIsInSubnet = True |
Else |
IpSubnetIsInSubnet = False |
End If |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSubnetSize |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns the number of addresses in a subnet |
‘ example: |
‘ IpSubnetSize(«») returns 8 |
‘ IpSubnetSize(«») returns 256 |
Function IpSubnetSize(ByVal subnet As String) As Double |
IpSubnetSize = 2 ^ (32 — IpSubnetLen(subnet)) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSubnetInSubnetVLookup |
‘———————————————- |
‘ tries to match a subnet against a list of subnets in the left-most |
‘ column of table_array and returns the value in the same row based on the |
‘ index_number |
‘ the value matches if ‘subnet’ is equal or included in one of the subnets |
‘ in the array |
‘ ‘subnet’ is the value to search for in the subnets in the first column of |
‘ the table_array |
‘ ‘table_array’ is one or more columns of data |
‘ ‘index_number’ is the column number in table_array from which the matching |
‘ value must be returned. The first column which contains subnets is 1. |
‘ note: add the subnet at the end of the array if you want the |
‘ function to return a default value |
Function IpSubnetInSubnetVLookup(ByVal subnet As String, table_array As Range, index_number As Integer) As String |
IpSubnetInSubnetVLookup = «Not Found» |
For i = 1 To table_array.Rows.Count |
If IpSubnetIsInSubnet(subnet, table_array.Cells(i, 1)) Then |
IpSubnetInSubnetVLookup = table_array.Cells(i, index_number) |
Exit For |
End If |
Next i |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSubnetInSubnetMatch |
‘———————————————- |
‘ tries to match a subnet against a list of subnets in the left-most |
‘ column of table_array and returns the row number |
‘ the value matches if ‘subnet’ is equal or included in one of the subnets |
‘ in the array |
‘ ‘subnet’ is the value to search for in the subnets in the first column of |
‘ the table_array |
‘ ‘table_array’ is one or more columns of data |
‘ returns 0 if the subnet is not included in any of the subnets from the list |
Function IpSubnetInSubnetMatch(ByVal subnet As String, table_array As Range) As Integer |
IpSubnetInSubnetMatch = 0 |
For i = 1 To table_array.Rows.Count |
If IpSubnetIsInSubnet(subnet, table_array.Cells(i, 1)) Then |
IpSubnetInSubnetMatch = i |
Exit For |
End If |
Next i |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpFindOverlappingSubnets |
‘———————————————- |
‘ this function must be used in an array formula |
‘ it will find in the list of subnets which subnets overlap |
‘ ‘SubnetsArray’ is single column array containing a list of subnets, the |
‘ list may be sorted or not |
‘ the return value is also a array of the same size |
‘ if the subnet on line x is included in a larger subnet from another line, |
‘ this function returns an array in which line x contains the value of the |
‘ larger subnet |
‘ if the subnet on line x is distinct from any other subnet in the array, |
‘ then this function returns on line x an empty cell |
‘ if there are no overlapping subnets in the input array, the returned array |
‘ is empty |
Function IpFindOverlappingSubnets(subnets_array As Range) As Variant |
Dim result_array() As Variant |
ReDim result_array(1 To subnets_array.Rows.Count, 1 To 1) |
For i = 1 To subnets_array.Rows.Count |
result_array(i, 1) = «» |
For j = 1 To subnets_array.Rows.Count |
If (i <> j) And IpSubnetIsInSubnet(subnets_array.Cells(i, 1), subnets_array.Cells(j, 1)) Then |
result_array(i, 1) = subnets_array.Cells(j, 1) |
Exit For |
End If |
Next j |
Next i |
IpFindOverlappingSubnets = result_array |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSortArray |
‘———————————————- |
‘ this function must be used in an array formula |
‘ ‘ip_array’ is a single column array containing ip addresses |
‘ the return value is also a array of the same size containing the same |
‘ addresses sorted in ascending or descending order |
‘ ‘descending’ is an optional parameter, if set to True the adresses are |
‘ sorted in descending order |
Function IpSortArray(ip_array As Range, Optional descending As Boolean = False) As Variant |
Dim s As Integer |
Dim t As Integer |
t = 0 |
s = ip_array.Rows.Count |
Dim list() As Double |
ReDim list(1 To s) |
‘ copy the IP list as binary values |
For i = 1 To s |
If (ip_array.Cells(i, 1) <> 0) Then |
t = t + 1 |
list(t) = IpStrToBin(ip_array.Cells(i, 1)) |
End If |
Next i |
‘ sort the list with bubble sort |
For i = t — 1 To 1 Step —1 |
For j = 1 To i |
If ((list(j) > list(j + 1)) Xor descending) Then |
Dim swap As Double |
swap = list(j) |
list(j) = list(j + 1) |
list(j + 1) = swap |
End If |
Next j |
Next i |
‘ copy the sorted list as strings |
Dim resultArray() As Variant |
ReDim resultArray(1 To s, 1 To 1) |
For i = 1 To t |
resultArray(i, 1) = IpBinToStr(list(i)) |
Next i |
IpSortArray = resultArray |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSubnetSortArray |
‘———————————————- |
‘ this function must be used in an array formula |
‘ ‘ip_array’ is a single column array containing ip subnets in prefix/len |
‘ notation |
‘ the return value is also an array of the same size containing the same |
‘ subnets sorted in ascending or descending order |
‘ ‘descending’ is an optional parameter, if set to True the subnets are |
‘ sorted in descending order |
Function IpSubnetSortArray(ip_array As Range, Optional descending As Boolean = False) As Variant |
Dim s As Integer |
Dim t As Integer |
t = 0 |
s = ip_array.Rows.Count |
Dim list() As String |
ReDim list(1 To s) |
‘ copy the IP list as binary values |
For i = 1 To s |
If (ip_array.Cells(i, 1) <> 0) Then |
t = t + 1 |
list(t) = ip_array.Cells(i, 1) |
End If |
Next i |
‘ sort the list with bubble sort |
For i = t — 1 To 1 Step —1 |
For j = 1 To i |
Dim m, n As Double |
m = IpStrToBin(list(j)) |
n = IpStrToBin(list(j + 1)) |
If (((m > n) Or ((m = n) And (IpMaskBin(list(j)) < IpMaskBin(list(j + 1))))) Xor descending) Then |
Dim swap As String |
swap = list(j) |
list(j) = list(j + 1) |
list(j + 1) = swap |
End If |
Next j |
Next i |
‘ copy the sorted list as strings |
Dim resultArray() As Variant |
ReDim resultArray(1 To s, 1 To 1) |
For i = 1 To t |
resultArray(i, 1) = list(i) |
Next i |
IpSubnetSortArray = resultArray |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpParseRoute |
‘———————————————- |
‘ this function is used by IpSubnetSortJoinArray to extract the subnet |
‘ and next hop in route |
‘ the supported formats are |
‘ |
‘ |
‘ the next hop can be any character sequence, and not only an IP |
Function IpParseRoute(ByVal route As String, ByRef nexthop As String) |
slash = InStr(route, «/») |
sp = InStr(route, » «) |
If ((slash = 0) And (sp > 0)) Then |
temp = Mid(route, sp + 1) |
sp = InStr(sp + 1, route, » «) |
End If |
If (sp = 0) Then |
IpParseRoute = route |
nexthop = «» |
Else |
IpParseRoute = Left(route, sp — 1) |
nexthop = Mid(route, sp + 1) |
End If |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpSubnetSortJoinArray |
‘———————————————- |
‘ this fuction car sort and summarize subnets or ip routes |
‘ it must be used in an array formula |
‘ ‘ip_array’ is a single column array containing ip subnets in prefix/len |
‘ notation |
‘ the return value is also an array of the same size containing the same |
‘ subnets sorted in ascending order |
‘ any consecutive subnets of the same size will be summarized when it is |
‘ possible |
‘ each line may contain any character sequence after the subnet, such as |
‘ a next hop or any parameter of an ip route |
‘ in this case, only subnets with the same parameters will be summarized |
Function IpSubnetSortJoinArray(ip_array As Range) As Variant |
Dim s As Integer |
Dim t As Integer |
Dim a As String |
Dim b As String |
Dim nexthop1 As String |
Dim nexthop2 As String |
t = 0 |
s = ip_array.Rows.Count |
Dim list() As String |
ReDim list(1 To s) |
‘ copy the IP list as binary values |
For i = 1 To s |
If (ip_array.Cells(i, 1) <> 0) Then |
t = t + 1 |
list(t) = ip_array.Cells(i, 1) |
End If |
Next i |
‘ sort the list with bubble sort |
For i = t — 1 To 1 Step —1 |
For j = 1 To i |
Dim m, n As Double |
a = IpParseRoute(list(j), nexthop1) |
b = IpParseRoute(list(j + 1), nexthop2) |
m = IpStrToBin(IpWithoutMask(a)) |
n = IpStrToBin(IpWithoutMask(b)) |
If ((m > n) Or ((m = n) And (IpMaskBin(a) < IpMaskBin(b)))) Then |
Dim swap As String |
swap = list(j) |
list(j) = list(j + 1) |
list(j + 1) = swap |
End If |
Next j |
Next i |
‘ try to join subnets |
i = 1 |
While (i < t) |
remove_next = False |
a = IpParseRoute(list(i), nexthop1) |
b = IpParseRoute(list(i + 1), nexthop2) |
If (IpSubnetIsInSubnet(a, b) And (nexthop1 = nexthop2)) Then |
list(i) = list(i + 1) |
remove_next = True |
ElseIf (IpSubnetIsInSubnet(b, a) And (nexthop1 = nexthop2)) Then |
remove_next = True |
ElseIf ((IpSubnetLen(a) = IpSubnetLen(b)) And (nexthop1 = nexthop2)) Then |
‘ create a subnet with the same notation |
bigsubnet = Replace(IpWithoutMask(a) + «/» + Str(IpSubnetLen(a) — 1), » «, «») |
If (InStr(a, «/») = 0) Then |
bigsubnet = IpWithoutMask(a) & » « & IpMask(bigsubnet) |
Else |
End If |
If (IpSubnetIsInSubnet(b, bigsubnet)) Then |
‘ OK these subnets can be joined |
list(i) = bigsubnet & » « & nexthop1 |
remove_next = True |
End If |
End If |
If (remove_next) Then |
‘ remove list(i+1) and make the list one element shorter |
For j = i + 1 To t — 1 |
list(j) = list(j + 1) |
Next j |
t = t — 1 |
‘ step back and try again because list(i) may be joined with list(i-1) |
If (i > 1) Then i = i — 1 |
Else |
i = i + 1 |
End If |
Wend |
‘ copy the sorted list as strings |
Dim resultArray() As Variant |
ReDim resultArray(1 To s, 1 To 1) |
For i = 1 To t |
resultArray(i, 1) = list(i) |
Next i |
IpSubnetSortJoinArray = resultArray |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpIsPrivate |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns TRUE if «ip» is in one of the private IP address ranges |
‘ example: |
‘ IpIsPrivate(«») returns TRUE |
‘ IpIsPrivate(«») returns FALSE |
Function IpIsPrivate(ByVal ip As String) As Boolean |
IpIsPrivate = (IpIsInSubnet(ip, «») Or IpIsInSubnet(ip, «») Or IpIsInSubnet(ip, «»)) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpDiff |
‘———————————————- |
‘ difference between 2 IP addresses |
‘ example: |
‘ IpDiff(«»; «») returns 6 |
Function IpDiff(ByVal ip1 As String, ByVal ip2 As String) As Double |
Dim mult As Double |
mult = 1 |
IpDiff = 0 |
While ((ip1 <> «») Or (ip2 <> «»)) |
IpDiff = IpDiff + mult * (IpParse(ip1) — IpParse(ip2)) |
mult = mult * 256 |
Wend |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpParse |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Parses an IP address by iteration from right to left |
‘ Removes one byte from the right of «ip» and returns it as an integer |
‘ example: |
‘ if ip=»″ |
‘ IpParse(ip) returns 32 and ip=»192.168.1″ when the function returns |
Function IpParse(ByRef ip As String) As Integer |
Dim pos As Integer |
pos = InStrRev(ip, «.») |
If pos = 0 Then |
IpParse = Val(ip) |
ip = «» |
Else |
IpParse = Val(Mid(ip, pos + 1)) |
ip = Left(ip, pos — 1) |
End If |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpBuild |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Builds an IP address by iteration from right to left |
‘ Adds «ip_byte» to the left the «ip» |
‘ If «ip_byte» is greater than 255, only the lower 8 bits are added to «ip» |
‘ and the remaining bits are returned to be used on the next IpBuild call |
‘ example 1: |
‘ if ip=»168.1.1″ |
‘ IpBuild(192, ip) returns 0 and ip=»″ |
‘ example 2: |
‘ if ip=»1″ |
‘ IpBuild(258, ip) returns 1 and ip=»2.1″ |
Function IpBuild(ip_byte As Double, ByRef ip As String) As Double |
If ip <> «» Then ip = «.» + ip |
ip = Format(ip_byte And 255) + ip |
IpBuild = ip_byte 256 |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ IpMaskBin |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns binary IP mask from an address with / notation (xx.xx.xx.xx/yy) |
‘ example: |
‘ IpMask(«») returns 4294967040 which is the binary |
‘ representation of «» |
Function IpMaskBin(ByVal ip As String) As Double |
Dim bits As Integer |
bits = IpSubnetLen(ip) |
IpMaskBin = (2 ^ bits — 1) * 2 ^ (32 — bits) |
End Function |
‘============================================== |
‘ IP v6 |
‘============================================== |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6MaskLen |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns prefix length from an IPv6 net |
‘ example: |
‘ Ipv6MaskLen(«2001:db8:1f89::/48») returns 48 |
Function Ipv6MaskLen(ByVal CIDRNet As String) As Integer |
slash = InStr(CIDRNet, «/») |
If (slash = 0) Then |
Ipv6MaskLen = 128 |
Else |
Ipv6MaskLen = Val(Mid(CIDRNet, slash + 1)) |
End If |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6WithoutMask |
‘———————————————- |
‘ removes the /xx netmask notation at the end of the IP |
‘ example: |
‘ Ipv6WithoutMask(«2001:db8:1f89::/48») returns «2001:db8:1f89::» |
Function Ipv6WithoutMask(ByVal CIDRNet As String) As String |
slash = InStr(CIDRNet, «/») |
If (slash = 0) Then |
Ipv6WithoutMask = CIDRNet |
Else |
Ipv6WithoutMask = Left(CIDRNet, slash — 1) |
End If |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6IsInSubnet |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns TRUE if «ip» is in «subnet» |
‘ example: |
‘ Ipv6IsInSubnet(«2001:db8:1:::ac1f:1»; «2001:db8:1::/48») returns TRUE |
‘ Ipv6IsInSubnet(«2001:db8:2:::ac1f:1»; «2001:db8:1::/48») returns FALSE |
Function Ipv6IsInSubnet(ByVal ip As String, ByVal subnet As String) As Variant |
prefixlen = Ipv6MaskLen(subnet) |
subnet = Ipv6ToBin(subnet) |
ip = Ipv6ToBin(ip) |
If (Left(subnet, prefixlen) = Left(ip, prefixlen)) Then |
Ipv6IsInSubnet = True |
Else |
Ipv6IsInSubnet = False |
End If |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6AddMissingColumns |
‘———————————————- |
‘ this function is called from Ipv6Expand and replaces the :: by the |
‘ right amount of : |
‘ examples: |
‘ Ipv6AddMissingColumns(1:2:3::8) returns «1:2:3:::::8» |
‘ Ipv6AddMissingColumns(1:2:3:4:5::8) returns «1:2:3:4:5:::8» |
‘ Ipv6AddMissingColumns(1:2:3::) returns «1:2:3:::::» |
Function Ipv6AddMissingColumns(ByVal ip As String) As Variant |
d = 0 ‘ number of double columns |
c = 0 ‘ number of columns |
For i = 1 To Len(ip) |
If (Mid(ip, i, 2) = «::») Then d = d + 1 |
If (Mid(ip, i, 1) = «:») Then c = c + 1 |
Next |
If ((d = 0) And (c = 7)) Then |
‘ 7 single columns, nothing to do |
ip2 = ip |
ElseIf (d = 1) Then |
‘ one double columns, replace with the right number of columns |
ip2 = Replace(ip, «::», Left(«::::::::», 9 — c)) |
Else |
‘ any other cas is an error |
Ipv6AddMissingColumns = CVErr(xlErrValue) |
Exit Function |
End If |
Ipv6AddMissingColumns = ip2 |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6Expand |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns a representation of an IPv6 address with all the missing zeros |
‘ the result has a fixed lenght of 39 caracters |
‘ example : |
‘ Ipv6Expand(«1:2:3::8») returns «0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0000:0000:0008» |
Function Ipv6Expand(ByVal ip As String) As Variant |
ip = «0» & Ipv6AddMissingColumns(Ipv6WithoutMask(ip)) |
While (ip <> «») |
ip2 = Ipv6Parse(ip) & ip2 |
If (ip <> «») Then |
ip2 = «:» & ip2 |
End If |
Wend |
Ipv6Expand = ip2 |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6Compress |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns the shortest representation of an IPv6 address |
‘ examples: |
‘ Ipv6Compress(«0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0000:0000:0008») returns «1:2:3::8» |
‘ Ipv6Compress(«01:0:0::») returns «1::» |
Function Ipv6Compress(ByVal ip As String) As String |
Dim ip2 As String, ip3 As String, ip4 As String |
‘ start with the expanded representation of ip |
ip2 = Ipv6Expand(ip) |
‘ rebuild ip, this will remove zeros at the begining of each hex block |
‘ if a block is null, this will keep one zero |
While (ip2 <> «») |
offset = Ipv6Build(Ipv6ParseInt(ip2), ip3) |
Wend |
‘ try to replace the longuest sequence of zero blocks by :: |
s = «:0:0:0:0:0:0:» |
For i = Len(s) To 3 Step —2 |
ip4 = Replace(ip3, Left(s, i), «::», 1, 1) |
If (ip3 <> ip4) Then Exit For |
Next |
‘ remove first 0 if ip starts with 0:: |
If (Left(ip4, 3) = «0::») Then ip4 = Mid(ip4, 2) |
‘ remove last 0 if ip ends with ::0 |
If (Right(ip4, 3) = «::0») Then ip4 = Left(ip4, Len(ip4) — 1) |
Ipv6Compress = ip4 |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6ToBin |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns a string representing the binary value of IPv6 address |
‘ the result has a fixed lenght of 128 characters |
Function Ipv6ToBin(ByVal ip As String) As Variant |
Dim result As String |
ip2 = Replace(Ipv6Expand(ip), «:», «») |
For i = 1 To Len(ip2) |
b = «0000» |
j = 0 |
v = Val(«&H» & Mid$(ip2, i, 1)) |
While v > 0 |
Mid$(b, 4 — j, 1) = v Mod 2 |
v = v 2 |
j = j + 1 |
Wend |
result = result & b |
Next |
Ipv6ToBin = result |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6FromBin |
‘———————————————- |
‘ returns an IPv6 from a string representing the binary value of IPv6 address |
‘ the parameter must be a 128 character string |
Function Ipv6FromBin(ByVal ipbin As String) As Variant |
Dim result As String |
Dim pos As Integer |
pos = 1 |
If Len(ipbin) <> 128 Then |
Ipv6FromBin = «» |
Exit Function |
End If |
For bloc = 1 To 8 |
Dim v As Double |
v = 0 |
For bit = 1 To 16 |
v = v * 2 + Val(Mid(ipbin, pos, 1)) |
pos = pos + 1 |
Next |
result = result + LCase(Hex(v)) |
If (bloc < 8) Then result = result + «:» |
Next |
Ipv6FromBin = Ipv6Compress(result) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6Parse |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Parses an IPv6 address by iteration from right to left |
‘ Removes a 16-bit value from the right of «ip» and returns it as 4 character |
‘ long hex value |
‘ Important: This function does not expand the :: if there is any |
‘ example: |
‘ if ip=»1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8″ |
‘ IpParse(ip) returns «0008» and ip=»1:2:3:4:5:6:7″ when the function returns |
Function Ipv6Parse(ByRef ip As String) As String |
Dim pos As Integer |
pos = InStrRev(ip, «:») |
If pos = 0 Then |
v = ip |
ip = «» |
Else |
v = Mid(ip, pos + 1) |
ip = Left(ip, pos — 1) |
End If |
Ipv6Parse = Right(«0000» & v, 4) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6ParseInt |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Same as Ipv6Parse but returns a Double instead of String |
Function Ipv6ParseInt(ByRef ip As String) As Double |
Dim v As Double |
strHex = Ipv6Parse(ip) |
For i = 1 To Len(strHex) |
v = 16 * v + Val(«&H» & Mid$(strHex, i, 1)) |
Next |
Ipv6ParseInt = v |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6Build |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Builds an IP address by iteration from right to left |
‘ Adds «v16bits» to the left the «ip» |
‘ If «v16bits» is greater than 65535 (= FFFF), only the lower 16 bits are |
‘ added to «ip» and the remaining bits are returned to be used on the next |
‘ IpBuild call |
Function Ipv6Build(v16bits As Double, ByRef ip As String) As Double |
If ip <> «» Then ip = «:» + ip |
ip = LCase(Hex(v16bits And 65535)) + ip |
Ipv6Build = v16bits 65536 |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6AddInt |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Add a value to an IPv6 address |
‘ example: |
‘ Ipv6AddInt(«1::2»; 16) returns «1:12» |
Function Ipv6AddInt(ByVal ip As String, offset As Double) As String |
Dim result As String |
ip = Ipv6Expand(ip) |
While (ip <> «») |
offset = Ipv6Build(Ipv6ParseInt(ip) + offset, result) |
Wend |
Ipv6AddInt = Ipv6Compress(result) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6Add |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Add two IPv6 addresses |
‘ example: |
‘ Ipv6Add(«1:2::»; «::3») returns «1:2::3» |
‘ Ipv6Add(«1:2::2»; «::3») returns «1:2::5» |
Function Ipv6Add(ByVal ip1 As String, ByVal ip2 As String) As String |
Dim result As String |
Dim offset As Double |
ip1 = Ipv6Expand(ip1) |
ip2 = Ipv6Expand(ip2) |
While ((ip1 <> «») And (ip2 <> «»)) |
offset = Ipv6Build(Ipv6ParseInt(ip1) + Ipv6ParseInt(ip2) + offset, result) |
Wend |
Ipv6Add = Ipv6Compress(result) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6GetBlock |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Returns the 4-digit hexa block at position blockNbr |
‘ The value of blockNbr can be 1 to 8, block 1 is the block on the left. |
‘ example: |
‘ Ipv6GetBlock(«2001:db8:1f89:c5a3::ac1f:8001»; 2) returns «0db8» |
Function Ipv6GetBlock(ByVal ip As String, blockNbr As Integer) As String |
Ipv6GetBlock = Mid(Ipv6Expand(ip), blockNbr * 5 — 4, 4) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6GetBlockInt |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Same as above except that the returned value is an integer between |
‘ 0 and 65535 |
Function Ipv6GetBlockInt(ByVal ip As String, blockNbr As Integer) As Double |
Ipv6GetBlockInt = Hex2Bin(Ipv6GetBlock(ip, blockNbr)) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6SetBlock |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Sets the value of the 4-digit hexa block at position blockNbr |
‘ The value of blockNbr can be 1 to 8, block 1 is the block on the left. |
‘ example: |
‘ Ipv6SetBlock(«2001::»; 2; «db8») returns «2001:0db8::» |
Function Ipv6SetBlock(ByVal ip As String, blockNbr As Integer, ByVal valHex As String) As String |
‘ make valHex exactly 4 characters long |
valHex = Right(«0000» & valHex, 4) |
ip = Ipv6Expand(ip) |
Mid(ip, blockNbr * 5 — 4, 4) = valHex |
Ipv6SetBlock = Ipv6Compress(ip) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6SetBlockInt |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Same as above except that the block value is passed as an integer between |
‘ 0 and 65535 |
Function Ipv6SetBlockInt(ByVal ip As String, blockNbr As Integer, valInt As Double) As String |
Dim valHex As String |
valHex = LCase(Hex(valInt And 65535)) |
Ipv6SetBlockInt = Ipv6SetBlock(ip, blockNbr, valHex) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6SetBits |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Sets on or more bits in a ip v6 addresse |
‘ bits is a string with on or more «0» and «1» |
‘ offset is the position of the first bit to set between 1 to 128 from left to right |
Function Ipv6SetBits(ByVal ip As String, bits As String, offset As Integer) As String |
Dim ipbin As String |
ipbin = Ipv6ToBin(ip) ‘ convert to binary |
Mid(ipbin, offset) = bits ‘ set the bits |
ipbin = Left(ipbin, 128) ‘ make sure we do not exceed 128 bits |
Ipv6SetBits = Ipv6FromBin(ipbin) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6GetIpv4 |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Get the value of an IPv4 in an IPv6 at a given position |
‘ exemple: |
‘ Ipv6GetIpv4(«2001:c0a8:102::»; 2) returns «» |
Function Ipv6GetIpv4(ByVal ipv6 As String, blockNbr As Integer) As String |
Ipv6GetIpv4 = IpBinToStr(Ipv6GetBlockInt(ipv6, blockNbr) * 65536 + Ipv6GetBlockInt(ipv6, blockNbr + 1)) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6SetIpv4 |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Put the value of an IPv4 in an IPv6 at a given position |
‘ exemple: |
‘ Ipv6SetIpv4(«2001::»; 2; «») returns «2001:c0a8:102::» |
Function Ipv6SetIpv4(ByVal ipv6 As String, blockNbr As Integer, ByVal ipv4 As String) As String |
Dim result As String |
byte1 = IpParse(ipv4) |
byte2 = IpParse(ipv4) |
byte3 = IpParse(ipv4) |
byte4 = IpParse(ipv4) |
result = Ipv6SetBlockInt(ipv6, blockNbr + 1, byte1 + 256 * byte2) |
Ipv6SetIpv4 = Ipv6SetBlockInt(result, blockNbr, byte3 + 256 * byte4) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6SubnetFirstAddress |
‘———————————————- |
‘ example: |
‘ Ipv6SubnetFirstAddress(«2001:db8:1:1a0::/59») returns «2001:db8:1:1a0::» |
Function Ipv6SubnetFirstAddress(ByVal subnet As String) As Variant |
prefixlen = Ipv6MaskLen(subnet) |
Ipv6SubnetFirstAddress = Ipv6SetBits(subnet, String(128 — prefixlen, «0»), prefixlen + 1) |
End Function |
‘———————————————- |
‘ Ipv6SubnetLastAddress |
‘———————————————- |
‘ example: |
‘ Ipv6SubnetLastAddress(«2001:db8:1:1a0::/59») returns «2001:db8:1:1bf:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff» |
Function Ipv6SubnetLastAddress(ByVal subnet As String) As Variant |
prefixlen = Ipv6MaskLen(subnet) |
Ipv6SubnetLastAddress = Ipv6SetBits(subnet, String(128 — prefixlen, «1»), prefixlen + 1) |
End Function |
Function Hex2Bin(ByVal strHex As String) As Double |
Dim v As Double |
For i = 1 To Len(strHex) |
v = 16 * v + Val(«&H» & Mid$(strHex, i, 1)) |
Next |
Hex2Bin = v |
End Function |