Программное удаление ячеек в VBA Excel со сдвигом влево или со сдвигом вверх методом Delete объекта Range. Константы XlDeleteShiftDirection.
Range.Delete – это метод, удаляющий объект Range (диапазон ячеек, одну ячейку) со сдвигом замещающих ячеек справа-налево или снизу-вверх для замены удаленных ячеек.
Expression.Delete (Shift) |
Expression – выражение (переменная), возвращающее объект Range.
Параметр | Описание |
Shift | Константа из коллекции XlDeleteShiftDirection, определяющая способ сдвига замещающих ячеек для замены удаленных ячеек. |
Если параметр Shift опущен, Microsoft Excel самостоятельно выберет способ сдвига замещающих ячеек в зависимости от формы диапазона.
Константы XlDeleteShiftDirection:
Константа | Значение | Описание |
xlShiftToLeft | -4159 | Замещающие ячейки сдвигаются справа-налево. |
xlShiftUp | -4162 | Замещающие ячейки сдвигаются снизу-вверх. |
Удаление ячейки со сдвигом влево:
ActiveCell.Delete xlShiftToLeft Range(«D4»).Delete xlShiftToLeft Cells(6, 8).Delete xlShiftToLeft |
Удаление диапазона со сдвигом вверх:
Selection.Delete xlShiftUp Range(«E3:H9»).Delete xlShiftUp |
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- VBA to Delete Range in Excel – Syntax
- VBA to Delete Range in Excel – Example:Shift:=xlToLeft
- VBA to Delete Range in Excel – Example:Shift:=xlToUp
- VBA to Delete Range in Excel – Example: EntireRow
- VBA to Delete Range in Excel – Example: EntireColumn
- VBA to Delete Range in Excel – Execution Instructions
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In this Article
- Delete Entire Row or Column
- Delete Multiple Rows or Columns
- Delete Blank / Empty Rows
- Delete Row if Cell is Blank
- Delete Row Based on Cell Value
- More Delete Row and Column Examples
- Delete Duplicate Rows
- Delete Table Rows
- Delete Filtered Rows
- Delete Rows in Range
- Delete Selected Rows
- Delete Last Row
- Delete Columns by Number
This tutorial will demonstrate different ways to delete rows and columns in Excel using VBA.
Delete Entire Row or Column
To delete an entire row in VBA use this line of code:
Notice we use the Delete method to delete a row.
Instead of referencing the Rows Object, you can reference rows based on their Range Object with EntireRow:
Similarly to delete an entire column, use these lines of code:
Delete Multiple Rows or Columns
Using the same logic, you can also delete multiple rows at once:
or columns:
Notice here we reference the specific row and column numbers / letters surrounded by quotations.
Of course, you can also reference the EntireRow of a range:
Note: The examples below only demonstrate deleting rows, however as you can see above, the syntax is virtually identically to delete columns.
Delete Blank / Empty Rows
This example will delete a row if the entire row is blank:
Sub DeleteRows_EntireRowBlank()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("b2:b20")
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(cell.EntireRow) = 0 Then
End If
Next cell
End Sub
It makes use of the Excel worksheet function: COUNTA.
Delete Row if Cell is Blank
This will delete a row if specific column in that row is blank (in this case column B):
Delete Row Based on Cell Value
This will loop through a range, and delete rows if a certain cell value in that row says “delete”.
Sub DeleteRowswithSpecificValue()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("b2:b20")
If cell.Value = "delete" Then
End If
Next cell
End Sub
More Delete Row and Column Examples
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Delete Duplicate Rows
This code will delete all duplicate rows in a range:
Range("b2:c100").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=2
Notice we set Columns:=2. This tells VBA to check both the first two columns of data when considering if rows are duplicates. A duplicate is only found when both columns have duplicate values.
If we had set this to 1, only the first row would’ve been checked for duplicate values.
Delete Table Rows
This code will delete the second row in a Table by referencing ListObjects.
Delete Filtered Rows
To delete only rows that are visible after filtering:
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Delete Rows in Range
This code will delete all rows in range:
Delete Selected Rows
This code will delete all selected rows:
Delete Last Row
This will delete the last used row in column B:
Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).EntireRow.Delete
By changing 2 to 1, you can delete the last used row in column A, etc.:
Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).EntireRow.Delete
Delete Columns by Number
To delete a column by it’s number, use a code like this:
Columns (2).Delete
требуется очистить ячейки, нашел только макрос «удалить» rivate Sub CommandButton2_Click() замена Delete -> Clean не сработала :))) |
KuklP Пользователь Сообщений: 14868 E-mail и реквизиты в профиле. |
Попробуйте clear. Или clearcontents. Я сам — дурнее всякого примера! … |
Range(«B17:K500»).Select |
vikttur Пользователь Сообщений: 47199 |
Clear Чаще справку читайте. |
Hugo Пользователь Сообщений: 23253 |
Зачем искать? Range(«A1:A6»).Select выкидываем ненужное: Если аналогично сделать через меню «очистить всё», то получим |
Формат не удаляет: Формат удаляет: |
формат должен оставаться. всем пасибо! тема клозет |
vikttur Пользователь Сообщений: 47199 |
Говорил же автору — больше нужно читать closet — каморка |
Юрий М Модератор Сообщений: 60585 Контакты см. в профиле |
#9 09.07.2012 09:52:32 {quote}{login=d-konstruktor}{date=09.07.2012 09:45}{thema=}{post}тема клозет{/post}{/quote}Клозет — помещение для отправления естественных надобностей. |
Managing and removing named ranges in Excel can be a challenging task as you would have to do this one by one for each field. We’re going to show you how to delete named range Excel using VBA with one click.
How to delete named range Excel
Each named range is an object in the Names collection of a workbook. We can access these names using a For Each…Next loop and checking their references with the RefersToRange method. The RefersToRange method returns the reference as a Range object that we can use to find its parent worksheet.
The worksheet name a named range belongs to can be found with Name property under the Parent method. Then, using an If statement you can find the parent worksheet name.
For Each nm In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If nm.RefersToRange.Parent.Name = «Sheet1» Then nm.Delete
Next nm
You can use codes in two ways:
- Module
- Immediate Window
In the Module method, you need to add the module into the workbook or the add-in file. Copy and paste the code into the module to run it. The main advantage of the module method is that it allows saving the code in the file, so that it can be used again later. Furthermore, the subroutines in modules can be used by icons in the menu ribbons or keyboard shortcuts. Remember to save your file in either XLSM or XLAM format to save your VBA code.
The Immediate Window method, on the other hand, is essentially a quick and dirty method where you can simply copy and paste the code into the Immediate Window and press the Enter key to run it. Unfortunately, any code you use in the Immediate Window will not be saved. Also note that icons and keyboard shortcuts will not be available.
Delete named ranges in a worksheet
Module method:
Sub DeleteNamedRangesInWorksheet()
Dim nm As Name
For Each nm In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If nm.RefersToRange.Parent.Name = «Sheet1» Then nm.Delete
Next nm
End Sub
Immediate Window method:
For Each nm In ActiveWorkbook.Names: If nm.RefersToRange.Parent.Name = "Sheet1" Then nm.Delete: Next nm