Sub FindSymbol()
Dim aData(), aSpl
Dim lRw As Long, i As Long, k As Long, j As Long
With Worksheets("sheet1") ' лист с исходными данными'
lRw = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'последняя строка с данными в столбце А'
aData = .Range("A1:A" & lRw).Value ' тексты заносим в массив'
End With
' определяем (с запасом) размерность массива результата'
ReDim aRes(1 To lRw * 5, 1 To 1) ' 5 - макс к-во фрагментов в текстах'
For i = 2 To lRw ' цикл по текстам, начиная со стоки 2'
aSpl = Split(aData(i, 1), "#") ' расщепляем на фрагменты'
For j = 0 To UBound(aSpl)
k = k + 1: aRes(k, 1) = aSpl(j) ' записываем фрагменты в массив результата'
Next j
Next i
With Worksheets("sheet1") ' лист для выгрузки'
.Columns(3).ClearContents ' чистим столбец С'
.Range("C2").Resize(k, 1).Value = aRes ' выгружаем результат в столбец С'
End With
MsgBox "OK", 64, "" ' радуемся :)'
End Sub
Для выгрузки в исходный диапазон вместо последнего блока With/End With записать строку
Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A2").Resize(k, 1).Value = aRes ' выгружаем результат в столбец A'
Можно формулой.
Для одной ячейки, результат по строкам:
=СЖПРОБЕЛЫ(ПСТР(ПОДСТАВИТЬ(«#»&$A$2;»#»;ПОВТОР(» «;99));СТРОКА(A1)*99;99))
Для диапазона ячеек, результат по столбцам:
Хотя для разнесения по столбцам можно проще — применить инструмент
- Для диапазона ячеек, результат по строкам.
В доп. столбце находим количество фрагментов для подсказки основной формуле: в первой строке диапазона — 1, ниже формула
=СЖПРОБЕЛЫ(ПСТР(ПОДСТАВИТЬ("#"&ИНДЕКС($A$2:$A$20;ПОИСКПОЗ(СТРОКА(A1);$B$2:$B$20));"#";ПОВТОР(" ";99));(СТРОКА(A1)-ИНДЕКС($B$2:$B$20;ПОИСКПОЗ(СТРОКА(A1);$B$2:$B$20))+1)*99;99))
Метод Find объекта Range для поиска ячейки по ее данным в VBA Excel. Синтаксис и компоненты. Знаки подстановки для поисковой фразы. Простые примеры.
Метод Find объекта Range предназначен для поиска ячейки и сведений о ней в заданном диапазоне по ее значению, формуле и примечанию. Чаще всего этот метод используется для поиска в таблице ячейки по слову, части слова или фразе, входящей в ее значение.
Синтаксис метода Range.Find
Expression.Find(What, After, LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, SearchDirection, MatchCase, MatchByte, SearchFormat) |
Expression – это переменная или выражение, возвращающее объект Range, в котором будет осуществляться поиск.
В скобках перечислены параметры метода, среди них только What является обязательным.
Метод Range.Find возвращает объект Range, представляющий из себя первую ячейку, в которой найдена поисковая фраза (параметр What). Если совпадение не найдено, возвращается значение Nothing.
Если необходимо найти следующие ячейки, содержащие поисковую фразу, используется метод Range.FindNext.
Параметры метода Range.Find
Наименование | Описание |
Обязательный параметр | |
What | Данные для поиска, которые могут быть представлены строкой или другим типом данных Excel. Тип данных параметра — Variant. |
Необязательные параметры | |
After | Ячейка, после которой следует начать поиск. |
LookIn | Уточняет область поиска. Список констант xlFindLookIn:
LookAt | Поиск частичного или полного совпадения. Список констант xlLookAt:
SearchOrder | Определяет способ поиска. Список констант xlSearchOrder:
SearchDirection | Определяет направление поиска. Список констант xlSearchDirection:
MatchCase | Определяет учет регистра:
MatchByte | Условия поиска при использовании двухбайтовых кодировок:
SearchFormat | Формат поиска – используется вместе со свойством Application.FindFormat. |
* Примечания имеют две константы с одним значением. Проверяется очень просто: MsgBox xlComments
и MsgBox xlNotes
В справке Microsoft тип данных всех параметров, кроме SearchDirection, указан как Variant.
Знаки подстановки для поисковой фразы
Условные знаки в шаблоне поисковой фразы:
- ? – знак вопроса обозначает любой отдельный символ;
- * – звездочка обозначает любое количество любых символов, в том числе ноль символов;
- ~ – тильда ставится перед ?, * и ~, чтобы они обозначали сами себя (например, чтобы тильда в шаблоне обозначала сама себя, записать ее нужно дважды: ~~).
Простые примеры
При использовании метода Range.Find в VBA Excel необходимо учитывать следующие нюансы:
- Так как этот метод возвращает объект Range (в виде одной ячейки), присвоить его можно только объектной переменной, объявленной как Variant, Object или Range, при помощи оператора Set.
- Если поисковая фраза в заданном диапазоне найдена не будет, метод Range.Find возвратит значение Nothing. Обращение к свойствам несуществующей ячейки будет генерировать ошибки. Поэтому, перед использованием результатов поиска, необходимо проверить объектную переменную на содержание в ней значения Nothing.
В примерах используются переменные:
- myPhrase – переменная для записи поисковой фразы;
- myCell – переменная, которой присваивается первая найденная ячейка, содержащая поисковую фразу, или значение Nothing, если поисковая фраза не найдена.
Пример 1
Sub primer1() Dim myPhrase As Variant, myCell As Range myPhrase = «стакан» Set myCell = Range(«A1:L30»).Find(myPhrase) If Not myCell Is Nothing Then MsgBox «Значение найденной ячейки: « & myCell MsgBox «Строка найденной ячейки: « & myCell.Row MsgBox «Столбец найденной ячейки: « & myCell.Column MsgBox «Адрес найденной ячейки: « & myCell.Address Else MsgBox «Искомая фраза не найдена» End If End Sub |
В этом примере мы присваиваем переменной myPhrase значение для поиска – "стакан"
. Затем проводим поиск этой фразы в диапазоне "A1:L30"
с присвоением результата поиска переменной myCell. Далее проверяем переменную myCell, не содержит ли она значение Nothing, и выводим соответствующие сообщения.
Ознакомьтесь с работой кода VBA в случаях, когда в диапазоне "A1:L30"
есть ячейка со строкой, содержащей подстроку "стакан"
, и когда такой ячейки нет.
Пример 2
Теперь посмотрим, как метод Range.Find отреагирует на поиск числа. В качестве диапазона поиска будем использовать первую строку активного листа Excel.
Sub primer2() Dim myPhrase As Variant, myCell As Range myPhrase = 526.15 Set myCell = Rows(1).Find(myPhrase) If Not myCell Is Nothing Then MsgBox «Значение найденной ячейки: « & myCell Else: MsgBox «Искомая фраза не найдена» End If End Sub |
Несмотря на то, что мы присвоили переменной числовое значение, метод Range.Find найдет ячейку со значением и 526,15
, и 129526,15
, и 526,15254
. То есть, как и в предыдущем примере, поиск идет по подстроке.
Чтобы найти ячейку с точным соответствием значения поисковой фразе, используйте константу xlWhole параметра LookAt:
Set myCell = Rows(1).Find(myPhrase, , , xlWhole) |
Аналогично используются и другие необязательные параметры. Количество «лишних» запятых перед необязательным параметром должно соответствовать количеству пропущенных компонентов, предусмотренных синтаксисом метода Range.Find, кроме случаев указания необязательного параметра по имени, например: LookIn:=xlValues
. Тогда используется одна запятая, независимо от того, сколько компонентов пропущено.
Пример 3
Допустим, у нас есть многострочная база данных в Excel. В первой колонке находятся даты. Нам необходимо создать отчет за какой-то период. Найти номер начальной строки для обработки можно с помощью следующего кода:
Sub primer3() Dim myPhrase As Variant, myCell As Range myPhrase = «01.02.2019» myPhrase = CDate(myPhrase) Set myCell = Range(«A:A»).Find(myPhrase) If Not myCell Is Nothing Then MsgBox «Номер начальной строки: « & myCell.Row Else: MsgBox «Даты « & myPhrase & » в таблице нет» End If End Sub |
Несмотря на то, что в ячейке дата отображается в виде текста, ее значение хранится в ячейке в виде числа. Поэтому текстовый формат необходимо перед поиском преобразовать в формат даты.
title | keywords | f1_keywords | | api_name | ms.assetid | | ms.localizationpriority |
Range.Find method (Excel) |
vbaxl10.chm144128 |
vbaxl10.chm144128 |
excel |
Excel.Range.Find |
d9585265-8164-cb4d-a9e3-262f6e06b6b8 |
08/14/2019 |
high |
Range.Find method (Excel)
Finds specific information in a range.
[!includeAdd-ins note]
expression.Find (What, After, LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, SearchDirection, MatchCase, MatchByte, SearchFormat)
expression A variable that represents a Range object.
Name | Required/Optional | Data type | Description |
What | Required | Variant | The data to search for. Can be a string or any Microsoft Excel data type. |
After | Optional | Variant | The cell after which you want the search to begin. This corresponds to the position of the active cell when a search is done from the user interface.
Notice that After must be a single cell in the range. Remember that the search begins after this cell; the specified cell isn’t searched until the method wraps back around to this cell. If you don’t specify this argument, the search starts after the cell in the upper-left corner of the range. |
LookIn | Optional | Variant | Can be one of the following XlFindLookIn constants: xlFormulas, xlValues, xlComments, or xlCommentsThreaded. |
LookAt | Optional | Variant | Can be one of the following XlLookAt constants: xlWhole or xlPart. |
SearchOrder | Optional | Variant | Can be one of the following XlSearchOrder constants: xlByRows or xlByColumns. |
SearchDirection | Optional | Variant | Can be one of the following XlSearchDirection constants: xlNext or xlPrevious. |
MatchCase | Optional | Variant | True to make the search case-sensitive. The default value is False. |
MatchByte | Optional | Variant | Used only if you have selected or installed double-byte language support. True to have double-byte characters match only double-byte characters. False to have double-byte characters match their single-byte equivalents. |
SearchFormat | Optional | Variant | The search format. |
Return value
A Range object that represents the first cell where that information is found.
This method returns Nothing if no match is found. The Find method does not affect the selection or the active cell.
The settings for LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, and MatchByte are saved each time you use this method. If you don’t specify values for these arguments the next time you call the method, the saved values are used. Setting these arguments changes the settings in the Find dialog box, and changing the settings in the Find dialog box changes the saved values that are used if you omit the arguments. To avoid problems, set these arguments explicitly each time you use this method.
Use the FindNext and FindPrevious methods to repeat the search.
When the search reaches the end of the specified search range, it wraps around to the beginning of the range. To stop a search when this wraparound occurs, save the address of the first found cell, and then test each successive found-cell address against this saved address.
To find cells that match more complicated patterns, use a For Each…Next statement with the Like operator. For example, the following code searches for all cells in the range A1:C5 that use a font whose name starts with the letters Cour. When Microsoft Excel finds a match, it changes the font to Times New Roman.
For Each c In [A1:C5] If c.Font.Name Like "Cour*" Then c.Font.Name = "Times New Roman" End If Next`
This example finds all cells in the range A1:A500 in worksheet one that contain the value 2, and changes the entire cell value to 5. That is, the values 1234 and 99299 both contain 2 and both cell values will become 5.
Sub FindValue() Dim c As Range Dim firstAddress As String With Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A500") Set c = .Find(2, lookin:=xlValues) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstAddress = c.Address Do c.Value = 5 Set c = .FindNext(c) Loop While Not c Is Nothing End If End With End Sub
This example finds all cells in the range A1:A500 on worksheet one that contain the substring «abc» and then replaces «abc» with «xyz».
Sub FindString() Dim c As Range Dim firstAddress As String With Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A500") Set c = .Find("abc", LookIn:=xlValues) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstAddress = c.Address Do c.Value = Replace(c.Value, "abc", "xyz") Set c = .FindNext(c) Loop While Not c Is Nothing End If End With End Sub
[!includeSupport and feedback]
Поиск какого-либо значения в ячейках Excel довольно часто встречающаяся задача при программировании какого-либо макроса. Решить ее можно разными способами. Однако, в разных ситуациях использование того или иного способа может быть не оправданным. В данной статье я рассмотрю 2 наиболее распространенных способа.
Поиск перебором значений
Довольно простой в реализации способ. Например, найти в колонке «A» ячейку, содержащую «123» можно примерно так:
Sheets("Данные").Select For y = 1 To Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row If Cells(y, 1) = "123" Then Exit For End If Next y MsgBox "Нашел в строке: " + CStr(y)
Минусами этого так сказать «классического» способа являются: медленная работа и громоздкость. А плюсом является его гибкость, т.к. таким способом можно реализовать сколь угодно сложные варианты поиска с различными вычислениями и т.п.
Поиск функцией Find
Гораздо быстрее обычного перебора и при этом довольно гибкий. В простейшем случае, чтобы найти в колонке A ячейку, содержащую «123» достаточно такого кода:
Sheets("Данные").Select Set fcell = Columns("A:A").Find("123") If Not fcell Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Нашел в строке: " + CStr(fcell.Row) End If
Вкратце опишу что делают строчки данного кода:
1-я строка: Выбираем в книге лист «Данные»;
2-я строка: Осуществляем поиск значения «123» в колонке «A», результат поиска будет в fcell;
3-я строка: Если удалось найти значение, то fcell будет содержать Range-объект, в противном случае — будет пустой, т.е. Nothing.
Полностью синтаксис оператора поиска выглядит так:
Find(What, After, LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, SearchDirection, MatchCase, MatchByte, SearchFormat)
What — Строка с текстом, который ищем или любой другой тип данных Excel
After — Ячейка, после которой начать поиск. Обратите внимание, что это должна быть именно единичная ячейка, а не диапазон. Поиск начинается после этой ячейки, а не с нее. Поиск в этой ячейке произойдет только когда весь диапазон будет просмотрен и поиск начнется с начала диапазона и до этой ячейки включительно.
LookIn — Тип искомых данных. Может принимать одно из значений: xlFormulas (формулы), xlValues (значения), или xlNotes (примечания).
LookAt — Одно из значений: xlWhole (полное совпадение) или xlPart (частичное совпадение).
SearchOrder — Одно из значений: xlByRows (просматривать по строкам) или xlByColumns (просматривать по столбцам)
SearchDirection — Одно из значений: xlNext (поиск вперед) или xlPrevious (поиск назад)
MatchCase — Одно из значений: True (поиск чувствительный к регистру) или False (поиск без учета регистра)
MatchByte — Применяется при использовании мультибайтных кодировок: True (найденный мультибайтный символ должен соответствовать только мультибайтному символу) или False (найденный мультибайтный символ может соответствовать однобайтному символу)
SearchFormat — Используется вместе с FindFormat. Сначала задается значение FindFormat (например, для поиска ячеек с курсивным шрифтом так: Application.FindFormat.Font.Italic = True), а потом при использовании метода Find указываем параметр SearchFormat = True. Если при поиске не нужно учитывать формат ячеек, то нужно указать SearchFormat = False.
Чтобы продолжить поиск, можно использовать FindNext (искать «далее») или FindPrevious (искать «назад»).
Примеры поиска функцией Find
Пример 1: Найти в диапазоне «A1:A50» все ячейки с текстом «asd» и поменять их все на «qwe»
With Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A50") Set c = .Find("asd", LookIn:=xlValues) Do While Not c Is Nothing c.Value = "qwe" Set c = .FindNext(c) Loop End With
Обратите внимание: Когда поиск достигнет конца диапазона, функция продолжит искать с начала диапазона. Таким образом, если значение найденной ячейки не менять, то приведенный выше пример зациклится в бесконечном цикле. Поэтому, чтобы этого избежать (зацикливания), можно сделать следующим образом:
Пример 2: Правильный поиск значения с использованием FindNext, не приводящий к зацикливанию.
With Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A50") Set c = .Find("asd", lookin:=xlValues) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstResult = c.Address Do c.Font.Bold = True Set c = .FindNext(c) If c Is Nothing Then Exit Do Loop While c.Address <> firstResult End If End With
В ниже следующем примере используется другой вариант продолжения поиска — с помощью той же функции Find с параметром After. Когда найдена очередная ячейка, следующий поиск будет осуществляться уже после нее. Однако, как и с FindNext, когда будет достигнут конец диапазона, Find продолжит поиск с его начала, поэтому, чтобы не произошло зацикливания, необходимо проверять совпадение с первым результатом поиска.
Пример 3: Продолжение поиска с использованием Find с параметром After.
With Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A50") Set c = .Find("asd", lookin:=xlValues) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstResult = c.Address Do c.Font.Bold = True Set c = .Find("asd", After:=c, lookin:=xlValues) If c Is Nothing Then Exit Do Loop While c.Address <> firstResult End If End With
Следующий пример демонстрирует применение SearchFormat для поиска по формату ячейки. Для указания формата необходимо задать свойство FindFormat.
Пример 4: Найти все ячейки с шрифтом «курсив» и поменять их формат на обычный (не «курсив»)
lLastRow = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row lLastCol = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column Application.FindFormat.Font.Italic = True With Worksheets(1).Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lLastRow, lLastCol)) Set c = .Find("", SearchFormat:=True) Do While Not c Is Nothing c.Font.Italic = False Set c = .Find("", After:=c, SearchFormat:=True) Loop End With
Примечание: В данном примере намеренно не используется FindNext для поиска следующей ячейки, т.к. он не учитывает формат (статья об этом:
Коротко опишу алгоритм поиска Примера 4. Первые две строки определяют последнюю строку (lLastRow) на листе и последний столбец (lLastCol). 3-я строка задает формат поиска, в данном случае, будем искать ячейки с шрифтом Italic. 4-я строка определяет область ячеек с которой будет работать программа (с ячейки A1 и до последней строки и последнего столбца). 5-я строка осуществляет поиск с использованием SearchFormat. 6-я строка — цикл пока результат поиска не будет пустым. 7-я строка — меняем шрифт на обычный (не курсив), 8-я строка продолжаем поиск после найденной ячейки.
Хочу обратить внимание на то, что в этом примере я не стал использовать «защиту от зацикливания», как в Примерах 2 и 3, т.к. шрифт меняется и после «прохождения» по всем ячейкам, больше не останется ни одной ячейки с курсивом.
Свойство FindFormat можно задавать разными способами, например, так:
With Application.FindFormat.Font .Name = "Arial" .FontStyle = "Regular" .Size = 10 End With
Поиск последней заполненной ячейки с помощью Find
Следующий пример — применение функции Find для поиска последней ячейки с заполненными данными. Использованные в Примере 4 SpecialCells находит последнюю ячейку даже если она не содержит ничего, но отформатирована или в ней раньше были данные, но были удалены.
Пример 5: Найти последнюю колонку и столбец, заполненные данными
Set c = Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious) If Not c Is Nothing Then lLastRow = c.Row: lLastCol = c.Column Else lLastRow = 1: lLastCol = 1 End If MsgBox "lLastRow=" & lLastRow & " lLastCol=" & lLastCol
В этом примере используется UsedRange, который так же как и SpecialCells возвращает все используемые ячейки, в т.ч. и те, что были использованы ранее, а сейчас пустые. Функция Find ищет ячейку с любым значением с конца диапазона.
Поиск по шаблону (маске)
При поиске можно так же использовать шаблоны, чтобы найти текст по маске, следующий пример это демонстрирует.
Пример 6: Выделить красным шрифтом ячейки, в которых текст начинается со слова из 4-х букв, первая и последняя буквы «т», при этом после этого слова может следовать любой текст.
With Worksheets(1).Cells Set c = .Find("т??т*", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstResult = c.Address Do c.Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) Set c = .FindNext(c) If c Is Nothing Then Exit Do Loop While c.Address <> firstResult End If End With
Для поиска функцией Find по маске (шаблону) можно применять символы:
* — для обозначения любого количества любых символов;
? — для обозначения одного любого символа;
~ — для обозначения символов *, ? и ~. (т.е. чтобы искать в тексте вопросительный знак, нужно написать ~?, чтобы искать именно звездочку (*), нужно написать ~* и наконец, чтобы найти в тексте тильду, необходимо написать ~~)
Поиск в скрытых строках и столбцах
Для поиска в скрытых ячейках нужно учитывать лишь один нюанс: поиск нужно осуществлять в формулах, а не в значениях, т.е. нужно использовать LookIn:=xlFormulas
Поиск даты с помощью Find
Если необходимо найти текущую дату или какую-то другую дату на листе Excel или в диапазоне с помощью Find, необходимо учитывать несколько нюансов:
- Тип данных Date в VBA представляется в виде #[месяц]/[день]/[год]#, соответственно, если необходимо найти фиксированную дату, например, 01 марта 2018 года, необходимо искать #3/1/2018#, а не «01.03.2018»
- В зависимости от формата ячеек, дата может выглядеть по-разному, поэтому, чтобы искать дату независимо от формата, поиск нужно делать не в значениях, а в формулах, т.е. использовать LookIn:=xlFormulas
Приведу несколько примеров поиска даты.
Пример 7: Найти текущую дату на листе независимо от формата отображения даты.
d = Date Set c = Cells.Find(d, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole) If Not c Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Нашел" Else MsgBox "Не нашел" End If
Пример 8: Найти 1 марта 2018 г.
d = #3/1/2018# Set c = Cells.Find(d, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole) If Not c Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Нашел" Else MsgBox "Не нашел" End If
Искать часть даты — сложнее. Например, чтобы найти все ячейки, где месяц «март», недостаточно искать «03» или «3». Не работает с датами так же и поиск по шаблону. Единственный вариант, который я нашел — это выбрать формат в котором месяц прописью для ячеек с датами и искать слово «март» в xlValues.
Тем не менее, можно найти, например, 1 марта независимо от года.
Пример 9: Найти 1 марта любого года.
d = #3/1/1900# Set c = Cells.Find(Format(d, "m/d/"), LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart) If Not c Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Нашел" Else MsgBox "Не нашел" End If
You will find everything you need to know on the Excel VBA Find function. The Range Find function allows you to find cells within your Excel worksheet (and workbook) that contain a certain text or value. In this post let us explore the many ways in which you can use the Find function.
Looking to search text within VBA strings instead? See the VBA InStr and VBA InStrRev functions
Before we show how to use VBA to search for text within an Excel spreadsheet let us first see how to do it Excel and explore the usually unknown features of the famous CTRL+F combo. See below where you can find it within the Home ribbon and Editing group.
By clicking the above or simply using the key combo CTRL+F we can enter the Find & Replace modal window.
As you notice above Excel easily finds 10 matches for the cells on the left. However there are several more interesting search combinations you can use, including usage of wildcards you can use to get more specific patterns. See some examples below:
Find | Matches |
some*text |
some ? |
some*e*a |
As you might have already noticed I used 2 types of wildcards above:
- * – the asterisk symbol represents zero or many of any type of characters. It can be injected between characters to replace either no or any number of characters.
- ? – the question mark represents at least 1 character.
Now that we have a hand of the basic features of Excel in terms of word search let us move to how to use Excel VBA to find cells containing specific text.
VBA Range Find function
The VBA Find function is in fact a function of the Excel VBA Range object class. See Microsoft documentation for more details. A VBA Range represents any subset of cells within a spreadsheet – it can be a single cell, entire row or a patchwork of different cells and other Ranges. Executing the Find function in fact limits the search to only the cells within its Range object.
Below is the definition of the VBA Range Find function and its parameters:
.Find(What, [After] [LookIn], [LookAt], [SearchOrder], [SearchDirection], [MatchCase], [MatchByte], [SearchFormat])
The Find function returns only the first match within the Range. To search for next items you need to follow it up with the FindNext function.
Parameter | Required | Description |
What | Required | The value you are searching for |
After | Optional | The cell range from which you start your search from |
LookIn | Optional | What to search in e.g. Formulas, Values or Comments – constants of XlFindLookIn: xlValues, xlFormulas, xlComments, xlCommentsThreaded |
LookAt | Optional | Whether to search in a part of the string in a cell or whether it needs to match the entire cell string – constants of XlLookAt: xlWhole, xlPart |
SearchOrder | Optional | The sequence of the search i.e. whether to search by rows or columns – constants of XlSearchOrder: xlByRows or xlByColumns |
SearchDirection | Optional | Whether to search forward (next) or backwards (previous) – constants of XlSearchDirection: xlNext, xlPrevious |
MatchCase | Optional | Case sensitive or not – True or False |
MatchByte | Optional | Used for double byte languages. True to have double-byte characters match only double-byte characters – True or False |
SearchFormat | Optional | Allow searching by format. See Application.FindFormat – True or False |
VBA Find – simple example
We will start with a very simple VBA Range Find function example – searching for a single cell within the entire Excel active spreadsheet:
Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet Debug.Print ws.Cells.Find("some")
some text
As you can see it found the first match within the Activesheet (currently open and top spreadsheet) and returned the found value.
VBA Find All
Finding all matches is a little more complicated in VBA than in Excel. We will need to use Do While loop to run via all matches:
Dim searchRange As Range, found As Range, firstFind As Range 'Set the search range to the entire worksheet Set searchRange = ActiveSheet.Cells 'Search for the first match Set found = searchRange.Find("some") 'Save the first found cell to check later whether we have completed the search Set firstFind = found 'Loop through all items using FindNext Range function Do If Not (found Is Nothing) Then Debug.Print found.Value Set found = searchRange.FindNext(found) End If Loop While Not (found = firstFind)
some text some other text someone something somedeal someones somerset someway somewhat somewhen
I highlighted above 2 key functions that were used the Range Find Function and the Range FindNext Function. As I mentioned above the Find function will only return the first match. To get next matches you need to run FindNext on the original range. This is I am executing FindNext on the searchRange variable and not the found variable.
Another interesting point to notice is the Do While…loop. Notice I am comparing the found variable to the firstFind variable. This is because when running FindNext it will at some point move to the first match once again and thus never end… it will just keep going in a cirle! Thus the loop is set to end once the FindNext function returns the same first cell.
Find using Wildcards
As mentioned above you can use 2 types of wildcards the asterisk * (zero or more characters) and the question mark ? (at least 1 character) to match slightly more complicates cases.
Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet Debug.Print ws.Cells.Find("some ?") 'Output: some text Debug.Print ws.Cells.Find("some*w") 'Output: someway
VBA Find with After
To remind the After parameter of the Excel VBA Range Find function defines where you will start your search. It is useful when you don’t want to redefine your range just for the purpose of the search activity. See the example below:
Debug.Print Range("B2:B5").Find("some ?", After:=Range("B3"))
As you can see below the Find function starts searching for the “some” string just after cell B3 i.e. it will start at B4 where it finds the first matching string.
Find After – avoid wrap around
Even if we specify that the VBA Range Find function should start searching for the string after a specified cell, it might wrap around back to the beginning of the Range we specified if it does not find a match when going down. See example below to understand:
Debug.Print Range("B2:B5").Find("some*text", After:=Range("B3"))
some text
As you see the search started at B4 however once the search pattern “some*text” was not found until B5 the function resumed search on the remaining cells B2:B3 to find “some text”.
Find After Avoid wrapping using VBA Find
What to do to avoid this wrapping? We can check whether the found text is not within the preceding range using the Application.Intersect function.
If the found cell is before our After cell then we can handle it as such:
Set found = Range("B2:B5").Find("some*text", After:=Range("B3")) If Intersect(Range("B2:B3"), found) Is Nothing Then Debug.Print "Found text: " & found.Value Else Debug.Print "Text found is within excluded range" End If
Text found is within excluded range
However if the found cell is only After the cell we specified then it will show like this:
Set found = Range("B2:B5").Find("some", After:=Range("B3")) If Intersect(Range("B2:B3"), found) Is Nothing Then Debug.Print "Found text: " & found.Value Else Debug.Print "Text found is within excluded range" End If
Found text: someone
Find in Values, Formulas, Comments
The VBA Range Find function allows you not only to search within Values (the evalution of your Excel formulas). It can also search instead (or including) within Formulas, Comments and even Excel Threaded Comments.
Let us explore how to use the LookIn parameter to look into specific attributes of a cell.
In the code below we will search for the word dog within Values, Formulas, Notes and Threaded Comments (just the first one). We will return the address first. Notice that for Formulas the result was the same – this is because the Value and Formula is the same in this case.
Debug.Print Range("A1:D4").Find("dog", LookIn:=xlValues).AddressLocal 'Output: $A$2 Debug.Print Range("A1:D4").Find("dog", LookIn:=xlFormulas).AddressLocal 'Output: $A$2 - as the formula and value for "dog" are the same in this case Debug.Print Range("A1:D4").Find("This is a dog", LookIn:=xlFormulas).AddressLocal 'Output: $B$2 Debug.Print Range("A1:D4").Find("dog", LookIn:=xlNotes).AddressLocal 'Output: $C$2 Debug.Print Range("A1:D4").Find("dog", LookIn:=xlCommentsThreaded).AddressLocal 'Output: $D$2
The same code but this time returning the actual Value, Formula, Note or Comment:
Debug.Print Range("A1:D4").Find("dog", LookIn:=xlValues).Value 'Output: dog Debug.Print Range("A1:D4").Find("dog", LookIn:=xlFormulas).Formula2Local 'Output: dog Debug.Print Range("A1:D4").Find("This is a dog", LookIn:=xlFormulas).Formula2Local 'Output: =IF(A2="Dog", "This is a Dog","Other") Debug.Print Range("A1:D4").Find("dog", LookIn:=xlNotes).NoteText 'Output: This is a note about a dog Debug.Print Range("A1:D4").Find("dog", LookIn:=xlCommentsThreaded).CommentThreaded.Text 'Output: This is a threaded comment about a dog
Find After – avoid wrap around
Complex patterns for Find
In some cases the pattern you want to find might be more complicated such as e.g. looking for cells with any sequence of numbers, emails, addresses, phone numbers etc. In this case the VBA Range Find function will be too limited. However, there is a solution with the help of so call VBA Regular Expressions. Regular Expressions help define almost any search pattern and are widely used in other programming languages.
If you want to learn more read my VBA Regex Tutorial otherwise a very simple example below.
In below code snippet we would like to find only phone numbers – so we will create a simple expression that finds any sequence of digits.
'Define the Regular Expression Dim regex As Object Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With regex 'We will look only for sequences of at least 1 digit .Pattern = "[0-9]+" End With 'Search in all cells within the Range Dim r As Range For Each r In Range("A1:D4") If regex.Test(r.Value) Then Debug.Print "Found a match: " & r.AddressLocal End If Next r
Found a match: $A$3
Добрый день.
У меня похожая задача, с некоторыми оговорками:
В столбце A — идентификатор документа. Список уникальный и без повторов.
В столбце B — текст документа с идентификаторами номенклатур, где одна и та же номенклатура может повторится больше 1 раза.
В столбце E — список известных идентификаторов номенклатур. Список уникальный и без повторов.
Нужно к списку в столбце E сопоставить документ, в котором есть эта номенклатура.
Помогите, пожалуйста, модифицировать имеющийся код так, чтобы он выдавал нужный мне результат (см. файл)
Я пробовал то же самое с формулой, но там есть момент, при котором она работает некорректно, а именно:
При поиске такие номенклатуры как 1id, 11id, 21id,31id и т.д. для формулы одинаковые, если искать просто 1id.
Я также пытался привести столбец B к единому виду, чтобы подготовить список номенклатур в столбик для ВПР. Но тут слишком разнообразен мир написания текстов в ячейках и у номенклатур нет единой маски.
Задача не разовая. Такой список документов надо обрабатывать ежемесячно и в нем в среднем 80тыс строк. В известных номенклатурах количество в среднем 30-40тыс ежемесячно.
Функция InStr
Смотрите также и вот так 0 ? «!» из всех: А может отдаться ребята и напишут, макроса, нашлось слово, значений из столбца: между ними. Поэтому помощью vba же, с элементами массива: + 1 Loop не понял, какStartСправочник разработчикаOption CompareПримечание: вот «попал»If InStr(k, aStringArray(i строк.
на откуп рекордеру? и протестируют, и или даже лучше АПисал бы сразу я в 99% это сделать оказалось
Авторские программы, библиотеки,
While VBA.Mid(Cells(1, 1).Value,
делать. Нужно, что >в раскрывающемся списке. Мы стараемся как можноikki — 1), «!»)Sub Print() DimCells.Find(What:=»т*к», After… готовый код мне
слова (записанные напримерfor I=1 to — все в
случаев использую ПОИСК. |
значительно проще, аккуратней |
надстройки и шаблоны |
ST + LN, бы в экселеString2 рядом с полемvbBinaryCompare оперативнее обеспечивать вас: после последнего «!» <> 0 ThenСмысл aStringArray(), aWordStringArray() Asкорректно работает. напишут. И ещё через запятую), введенные CInt(Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row) + сад!По файлу еще |
и красивей |
(«И для любителей 1) <> « в ячейке А1 |
0 |
Поиск0 |
актуальными справочными материалами |
отрабатывает (в том данного условия, на String Dim aStringNew скажут: «Да, не в другую ячейку. 1 »цикл начинаемSkyPro вариантКазанский экстрима») » With Cells(1, выполнялся поиск слов,Параметрыи введите одноВыполняется двоичное сравнение. на вашем языке. |
числе) строка мой взгляд, заключется As String Dim: т.е. ты хочешь волнуйся ты так, Как делать - с 1, т.к.
: VictorM, если вы
200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=—ЕЧИСЛО(ПОИСК(B$1;$A2)): В принципе можноИли работать с 1).Characters(Start:=ST, Length:=LN).Font .Color
записанных через запятую |
Элемент |
или несколько слов |
vbTextCompare |
Эта страница переведена |
32 в следующем. aQuantitySymbols, aQuantityExclam, aQuantityExclamMax сказать, что твой |
всё прекрасно работает |
мне не вспомнить. |
номера сток в |
хотите доп столбец |
VictorM |
и формулой одной |
указателями, чтобы копировать |
= RGB(0, 0, |
в столбец А2,Описание в поле поиска.1 автоматически, поэтому ее |
, переменная
Если функция InStr(k, |
As Integer Dim |
код не находит |
и со знаком |
Казанский |
Excel »начинается с |
и поиск пустой |
: Да, действительно, так |
для всех: |
символ в другую |
255) .Bold = |
а результат, и |
Start |
В данном примере функция |
Выполняется текстовое сравнение. |
текст может содержать |
aStringArray(i — 1), i, j, k, слово «телекс» на вопроса и со: Функция Instr 1. Далее идет строки, то луче удобнее, т.к. вполне=ПОДСТАВИТЬ(ПРАВСИМВ(ЛЕВСИМВ(«№»&ПОДСТАВИТЬ($A$1;»№»;ПОВТОР(«№»;999));999*СТРОКА(A2));999);»№»;»») строку или переменную True End With
найденные слова, сНеобязательный. Числовое выражение, котороеInStrvbDatabaseCompare неточности и грамматическиестановится больше, чем «!») возвращает не m, l As листе? звёздочкой, т.е. сBeaRRR выражение, »которое показывает уж отдельную формулу возможно, что потребуетсяСТРОКА(A2) — это
другого типа:
End SubМожно сделать числом их повторений задает первую позициюиспользуется для получения2 ошибки. Для нас длина строки и 0, то выполняем Long ‘счетчики DimВот я сейчас любым символом подстановки».
: Да, функцию нашел, кол-во строк на для него: поиск и по номер вхождения. ЕслиКак написать функцию, что бы искало
(если такое возможно)
для каждого поиска. позиции первого вхожденияТолько в Microsoft Office важно, чтобы эта цикл операторы после THEN, lLastRow As Long написал слово «телекс»Я прав? Нафига спасибо. но как 1-м листе if200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=—($A2=»») другим символам. вытягиваете не по
переворачивающую строку и не с в искомом тексте,
Если параметр опущен, одной строки в Access 2007. Выполняется статья была вамDo While иначе идем в Dim lLastColums As на листе, включил было создавать тему, саму программу писать instr(sheets(1).cells(I,2), sheets(1).cells(I,2)) <>VictorMСпасибо. строкам, а поКак выделить числовую начала слова, а
записались в другую, поиск начинается с другую. сравнение на основе полезна. Просим васзаканчивается при проверке
Long aQuantitySymbols = запись макроса и если вы даже
все равно не 0 then ''тут: Спасибо, то, что
VictorM столбцам, то замените часть текста? (в по части слова.
третью, ячейку. (ещё позиции первого символа.
Dim SearchString, SearchChar, MyPos сведений из базы уделить пару секунд условия продолжения цикла.
Функция InStr(k, aStringArray(i 0 aQuantityExclamMax =
ввёл строку поиска не успели столкнуться
знаю. Не могли ищем строку из
нужно.: Это я начинаю на СТОЛБЕЦ(B1)
коде строки 93-110).Но это уже лучше бы было,
Функция InStr
В том случае, когда
SearchString ="XXpXXpXXPXXP" '
данных. и сообщить, помогла так что даже — 1), «!») 0 ‘Вычисляем кол-во «т*к», нажал «Найти с проблемой? бы подсказать? столбца А, вЦитата только сейчас понимать,На всякий случайpashulka на самостоятельную разработку если б они значение параметра String to searchВозвращаемые значения ли она вам,
возвращает 0 только строк с данными далее», макрос нашёлSub Макрос1()Казанский подстроке В sheets(1).cells(I,3)200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>Думаю, тут есть варианты ни разу не UDF Function ТриНомера(ByVal: Ёще один вариант,BeaRRR выделялись (ну илиStart
Если с помощью кнопокна в данном случае в случае, если
и вносим текст
ячейку со словом | Dim rFoundRng As |
: С Вас - = sheets(1).cells(I,1) & | и короче, но |
приходилось применять ни x) Dim i& | который, впрочем, уже |
: вау! шикарно!! ОГРОМНОЕ подчеркивались) каким ни | равно Null, возникает |
SearchChar = «P»Возвращаемое значение | внизу страницы. Для |
не спасает. символа «!» нет | каждой строки в |
«телекс». Вот код Range файл XLS: исходный | «, » end для этого нужно |
то, ни другое. On Error Resume упоминался ранее … | СПАСИБО!) |
будь образом в
ошибка. | ‘ Search for |
строка1 является пустой | удобства также приводимпс. для реальной в строке и массив aStringArray lLastRowSub Макрос2()Dim sTextToSearch As данные и в if next i быть Мастером ЭкселяПро НАЙТИ почитал, Next ReDim t(1Private Sub Test()А что там первой ячейке…что быПараметр «P». |
0 | ссылку на оригинал работы удобнее такой |
в моем примере | = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row |
Cells.Find(What:=»т*к», After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, | String каком виде надоАпостроффНе скромничайте ) а вот про To 3) x Dim strX As насчёт поиска по их сразу видноStart’ A textualстрока1 равна NULL |
(на английском языке).
способ для нахождения почему-то данное условие MsgBox («Кол-во заполненных
LookAt:= _ | sTextToSearch = «т*к» | получить результат. |
: Sub Search() Dim | Все просто супер. | ПОИСК и не = Split(x, «№») String, arrX() As |
части слова? мне | было. но не | является обязательным, если |
comparison starting at | NULL | Возвращает значение типа |
количества определенного символа | не срабатывает. Вот | строк = «xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext,Set rFoundRng =BeaRRR |
ra As Long, И дело вовсе подумал даже, что For i = Byte, c As бы очень и знаю, возможно ли задан параметр position 4. Returnsстрока2 является пустойVariant в строке: я и пытаюсь & lLastRow) ReDim MatchCase:=False _ Cells.Find(sTextToSearch, , xlFormulas,: да без разницы, rb As Long не в длине его можно применить. 1 To 3 Variant strX = очень пригодилось это... такое) По семуCompare 6.начало(n=len(s)-len(Replace(s, sSymbol, "")) разобраться... aStringArray(lLastRow - 1), SearchFormat:=False).Activate xlPart) в каком виде
Columns(3).ClearContents For ra
(кол-ве знаков) в
Поиск подстроки в строке
Спасибо, будем учить t(i) = Val(x(i)) » Private Sub как записать? вкладываю файл-пример. МнеString1MyPos = Instr(4,строка2 равна NULLLongАпостроффУкажите, пожалуйста, к For i =End SubIf Not rFoundRng результат в принципе) = 1 To формуле. матчасть Next ТриНомера = Test2() Dim strX$,Alex77755 нужен сам макрос,Обязательный. Строковое выражение,в котором SearchString, SearchChar, 1)NULL), определяющее положение первого: Спасибо, Уважаемые Diskretor каким переменным относится 1 To lLastRowТак что и Is Nothing Then мне даже в 65536 If Cells(ra,
Думаю, что тутRAN t End FunctionВводить arrX() As Byte,: Не охота снова сама программа, ибо ведется поиск
’ A binaryстрока2 не найдена вхождения одной строки и ikki. Очень ваш комментарий, а aQuantityExclam = 0
мой код иMsgBox «Найдено: « голову не идет
1) = «» дело в понимании: SkyPro, можно и как формулу массива, i& strX = создавать файл для писать их яString2 comparison starting at0 в другую. помогли. Разобрался в то я не aStringArray(i — 1)
записанный рекордером - & rFoundRng, 64, ничего %) Then Exit For процесса. не прибедняться. выделив 3 соседние « проверки. не умею. ЗаранееОбязательный. Отыскиваемое строковое выражение position 1. Returnsстрока2 найдена в строке1Некоторые примеры чем косяк =). догоняю… = Cells(i, 1) оба находят слово «Поиск»ну пусть, например, For rb =До чего, кстати,Формулы вполне на ячейки и нажимаяiDeusДа и к благодарюCompare 9.Позиция найденного соответствияСинтаксис И за кодPiton777 ‘Вычисляем максимальную длину «телекс» по поискуElse окно выдаст с
1 To 65536 мне еще учиться уровне… Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
: Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста, тому же изначальноAlex77755Необязательный. Задает тип сравненияMyPos = Instr(1,начало > строка2Instr спасибо.: Смысл понятен. И строки, и максимальное «т*к»MsgBox «На листе найденными словами…..или в If Cells(rb, 2) и учиться)SkyProVictorM как можно решить
говорил: В принципе возможно
для строк. SearchString, SearchChar, 0)0
(Есть еще 1 его писал явно кол-во восклицательных знаковЮрий М ничего не найдено!»,
исходном тексте их = «» ThenСпасибо всем за: Но я ведь
: Здравствуйте, уважаемые! такую задачу:На словах: добавить
очень многое, ноЕсли значение параметра’ Comparison is
вопрос. За VBA человек, знающий С. в каждой строке: А вот так: 48, «Поиск» выделит, если так Exit For If участие и науку.
прав былСобственно, вопрос вВ таблице Excel ещё один цикл ты должен отдавать
Compare binary by defaultФункцияначало,
сел только пару1) Проблема в If (Len(aStringArray(i -Sub Макрос3()
Exit Sub можно (последнее лучше) InStr(1, Cells(rb, 2),
KotaaaУ Александра формула названии темы. Нужно
есть столбец со Do-Loop. себе отчёт, что
Цикл по символам строки
равно Null, возникает’ (last argumentInStrB] дней назад. Иногда, строке 29 (последний 1)) > aQuantitySymbols)Cells.Find(What:=»т*к», After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas,End If
исходные данные не Cells(ra, 1), vbTextCompare): Всем хорошего дня!
короче. найти определенный символ строками вида:
Только смещать начало(ST) в первом тексте ошибка. is omitted).используется с байтовымистрока1, строка2 случайно, запускаю бесконечный «!» не будет Then aQuantitySymbols = LookAt:= _End Sub важны — мне
Then Cells(rb, 3)Пытаюсь решить такуюВсе равно спасибо. в строке и«ЭРТ №2 Такой-то влево до пробела нет слова «Бомба»
В том случае,MyPos = Instr(SearchString, данными, содержащимися в[ цикл и VBA
распознан; нулевого литерала Len(aStringArray(i — 1))xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext,Данный код находит
нужен сам алгоритм = Cells(rb, 3) задачу. Если коротко, Я и сам если он есть,
край, Такой-то район,BeaRRR
BeaRRR когда параметр SearchChar) ‘ Returns
строке. Функция, сравнение тупо зависает. Ctrl в бейсике нет).
‘Для проверки выводим MatchCase:=False _ такие слова как: этот. что бы, & Cells(ra, 1) то ищу ключевые не ожидал, что то 1, если в/г ВоенныйГородок №: Да если бы
Простой парсинг строки в Excel, поиск значения после символа
: Мне важен самCompare 9.InStrB
] + Break неДолжно быть 2)
сообщение о новом, SearchFormat:=False).Activate- тук как уже говорил, & «,» End (так называемые META выдам столько вариантов.
нет — то 42 Кот 174 я ещё умел алгоритм, сам макросопущен,тип сравнения определяетсяMyPos = Instr(1,
возвращает позицию байта,) помогает. не посоветуете Проблема в логике:
макс значении кол-ваEnd Sub- так искал содержимое одной If Next rb Keywords) в наименованиях
VictorM 0.
Здание контрольно-пропускного пункта это делать… Я (прошу написать)) а установками оператора SearchString, «W») ‘ а не позициюФункция таблетку против этой даже если п.1 символов MsgBox (aQuantitySymbols)На листе два- тампакс ячейки в другой Next ra End товаров.: Уважаемые, а можноЯ вроде как (караулка)(встроенная) №174» без ноль почти в текст я поменяюOption Compare Returns 0.
знака первого вхожденияInStr напасти? Как остановить сделать, последний «!»
End If k слова: Ток и- томскЗаранее благодарю SubПодробнее. Есть столбик вопрос вдогонку, чтобы что-то сделал, написал
кавычек. программировании. И именно потом. помогите пожалуйстаУстановкиInStr([Start,]String1,String2[,Compare]) одной строки вимеет следующие аргументы: макрос?
в строке выполнит = 1 Do Телекс. Находится ток.- телексКазанскийKotaaa «А» с определенными
уж все решить.200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=ЕСЛИ(НАЙТИ(«Ф»;A2);1;0)Необходимо в три поэтому прошу помощи
Для параметраInStrB([Start,]String1,String2[,Compare]) другую.АргументPiton777 первую часть if,
While k <Да ладно -Юрий М: Вам лень рисовать: Спасибо! А что фразами (может бытьСделал вывод единицы,НО. Определяется только соседних ячейки той здесь.: Вот так загоняешьCompareФункцияИспользование функции InStr вОписание: не запускать бесконечный
Найти символ в строке (Функция ЕСЛИ)
и команды в Len(aStringArray(i — 1))
я сам вижу,: Павел, что-то мне пример — мне за переменная «I» одно слово,может состоять если строка пустая символ в зависимости же строки, выдернуть
Alex77755 в массив слова:
используются следующие установки:
InStr выражении.начало цикл. else будут опущены. If InStr(k, aStringArray(i что и в
показалось подозрительным: по тем более. здесь? из двух и (может быть и
от регистра. Мне числа после первого,: По большому счёту
Dim m() AsКонстанта( Функцию
Необязательный аргумент. Числовое выражение,
а вообще кнопка3) Объявляйте Dim - 1), "!")
Word поиск не
маске «т*к» слово
Выделить часть часть
Апострофф более), короче столбик
такое) вот так же нужно ,
второго и третьего
помощь это когда String If InStr(1,
ЗначениеIn Str
InStr которое задает начальное
reset правильно. <> 0 Then
совсем так. Я телекс не должно
текста в ячейке
, «А» со строками.200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=СЧЁТЕСЛИ(A2;»») чтобы символ определялся
символа «№» соответственно. делаешь сам и Cells(1, 2).Value, «,»)Описаниеing) служит для поиска
можно использовать в положение для каждогона корпусе ещё4) Для Instr aQuantityExclam = aQuantityExclam про подстановки. Только находиться. Вот если — ищитеСпасибо! Прикинул в И столбик «В»Работает. вне зависимости оУчитывая, что между
тебе помогают. > 0 Then
номера символа(номера байта любых выражениях. Например, поиска. Если аргумент ни разу не пользуйтесь вот такой + 1 k
хотел сказать, что
бы «т*к*», тоCharacters уме сначала, что с наименованиями товаровА вот в регистра.
№ и цифройНе смотря на m = Split(Replace(Cells(1,-1 для
если требуется определить не задан, поиск
подводила логикой: = InStr(k, aStringArray(i
корректнее было бы да. Штатный поиск
в сочетании с будет происходить - (взятый из прайс-листа).
понравившихся мне вариантахИ если такого
может быть или это несоответствие я 2).Value, » «,Сравнение выполняется с использованием
InStrB позицию первой точки начинается с первогоPiton777
k = 0: — 1), «!») выполнение поиска по именно так и
коротко и логично.
Нужно искать вхождение из постов №8 символа нет, мне
не быть пробел.
показал как это
«»), «,») Else
установок для оператора
), с которого начинается (
символа. Если аргумент
: Меня Ctrl + aQuantityExclam = 0 + 1 MsgBox
маске, например, для сработает. А Ваш
(можно в сочетании И все работает! (точное соответствие фразы)Код200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=СЧЁТЕСЛИ($A2;»*»&B$1&»*») нужен 0, а
Я так понимаю, можно сделать. ReDim m(0): m(0)Option Compare
в заданной строке.начало Break всегда спасал
Do k = («Номер символа в слов токсин, такси, макрос нашёл и с моим ником).Интересно, что Вы фразы из столбикаи №9
у меня пишется необходимо 3 формулы,И даже больше = Trim(Cells(1, 2).Value)vbBinaryCompare образец поиска. Поиск) в поле, котороесодержит значение NULL,Ну попробуй InStr(k + 1, строке » & таксофон не «т*к», слово «стук», хотя
vladk просто число 65536 «А» в каждойКод200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=—ЕЧИСЛО(ПОИСК(B$1;$A2)) ошибка #ЗНАЧ! но никак не
того: показал как End IfА потом
0 идет от указанной содержит IP-адрес (IPAddress),
возникает ошибка. ЕслиDoEvents aStringArray(i — 1), i & « а «т*к*». Т.е. не должен был.: Подскажите, пожалуйста, можно
поставили для цикла.
из ячеек столбикане получается сделать.Подскажите, пожалуйста, как
получается сообразить, как можно сделать выделение в цикле поВыполняется побитовое сравнение позиции слева направо.
можно использовать функцию
задан аргументв цикл вставить? «!») If k равен » & после К любое
Или я чего-то ли в маске Это реально ускоряет
«В» и, еслиМожно как-то это можно все это
получить число неизвестной по началу слова.
Поиск подстроки в строке — сравнение строк в VBA
всем словам ищешь(опятьvbTextCompare
Поиск вхождения однойInStrсравнениеИз полностью безопасных <> 0 Then k — 1)
количество любых символов. не того? строки поиска (VBA)методом обработку? вхождение найдено, то победить? сделать. длинны после символа.Там осталась самая же в цикле.1 строки в другуюдля его поиска:, аргумент способов знаю такие: aQuantityExclam = aQuantityExclam Else k = И ведь вNew FindА как мне в столбик «С»,Спасибо.
Скорее всего нужнаExcel 7-10 года,
малость. на словах
во вложенном)
Выполняется текстовое сравнение
весьма часто используемая
1) Вставить в
+ 1 MsgBox
Len(aStringArray(i — 1))
командере именно так: а по-моему, должно
использовать *,? для кнопку влепить на
напротив ячейки, вSkyPro
другая формула, но
я её рассказал.Option Compare Text
vbDatabaseCompare операция. Нумерация символов
Функцияявляется обязательным. подозрительный цикл команду: «Номер символа в If aQuantityExclam > и происходит. ) расширения вариантов поиска этот лист? Буду
которой сейчас ищется:
это все чтоАпострофф
Как я говорю Option Explicit Sub2 всегда начинается сInStrстрока1DoEvents2) внимательно за
строке » & aQuantityExclamMax Then aQuantityExclamMaxNewВот ещё пример как в обычном вставлять во 2-ю совпадение — вписывать200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=ЕСЛИ($A2=»»;1;СЧЁТЕСЛИ($A2;»*»&B$1&»*»)) я смог придумать): Информация к размышлению своему внуку: включай QWERT() Dim R,Только для Microsoft Access. единицыпроверяет каждое значениеОбязательный аргумент. Представляет собой этим следить и i & «
= aQuantityExclam MsgBox: По-моему, я понял! поиска слова «телекс» поиске колонку наименования и эту фразу сЭто если долгоСпасибо. — MsgBox Val(Split(«ЭРТ голову(или доставай кошелёк) N, K Dim Сравнение выполняется сПримечание в поле IPAddress строковое выражение, в успеть нажать Ctrl+Break, равен » & («На данный моментТут важную рольsTextToSearch = «т???к»Excel или Windows затем кнопку нажимать, «,» в конце.
не думать.SkyPro №2 Такой-то край,Четыре бокала пива
m() As String применением сведений из
В функции и возвращает позицию котором выполняется поиск. пока еще не k End If
максимальное кол-во воскл играет аргумент LookAt,А, чтобы найтиNew чтобы в редактор
Ну скажем такойRAN: Такой-то район, в/г — смешно назвать If InStr(1, Cells(1, базы данных пользователяInStr первой точки. Следовательно,
строка2 прошло секунды 3
Loop Until k
знаков равно « который может быть «стук» можно так: Может это поможет?
не входить лишний вот пример:: Сереж, на одном200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=ЕСЛИОШИБКА(—(ПОИСК(«ф»;A2;1)>0);0) ВоенныйГородок № 42 это ценой! 2).Value, «,») >Примерпри очень длинных если значение первого
Обязательный аргумент. Искомое строковое бесконечного цикла. = 0 If & aQuantityExclamMax) End либо xlPart, либоsTextToSearch = «т?к»vladk раз.
»А» из форумов (неКод200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=ЕСЛИ(ЕОШ(ПОИСК(«ф»;A2;1));0;1)
Кот 174 Зданиеsku144 0 Then m’ В данном примере
Банальный поиск подстроки в строке
строках при текстовом октета IP-адреса равно выражение.3) Внимательно писать aQuantityExclam > aQuantityExclamMax If End If xlWhole, т.е. искатьТ.е. Звёздочка (*): Эта тема проАпостроффмеханизм помню, на каком)Код200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=—НЕ(ЕНД(ВПР(«*ф*»;A1;1;0)))
контрольно-пропускного пункта (караулка)(встроенная): Есть непустая строковая
= Split(Replace(Cells(1, 2).Value, функция InStr ‘ методе сравнения, возможно10.сравнение циклы и не Then aQuantityExclamMax =
Loop Next i часть ячейки или заменяет любое количество другое.:механизм выключателя
прозвучалоКод200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=СЧЁТЕСЛИ(A2;»*ф*») №174″, «№»)(1)) MsgBox переменная x, хочу » «, «»), возвращает позицию первого возникновение ошибки времени
, функция возвращает значениеНеобязательный аргумент. Задает тип допускать такого. Предусматривать aQuantityExclam MsgBox «На End SubВопрос, почему ячейка целиком (галочка
символов и вТак как нетНе по теме:механизм переключателя»Нормальные люди меряются,VictorM Val(Split(«ЭРТ №2 Такой-то
перебрать ее посимвольно
«,») Else ReDim появления ‘ одной исполнения Stack overflow. 3.
сравнения строк. Если обязательный выход из данный момент максимальное нижеприведенный кусок кода снята или поставлена) примере «т*к» буквы ответов, то ,наверное,Нет, просто мне лень
Как методом Find в VBA найти строку с использованием *,? как в обычном поиске Windows
адаптер у кого длиннее,: Во как. край, Такой-то район, в цикле. Умеет
m(0): m(0) = строки внутри другой Избежать этой ошибкиМожно использовать другие функции,
него по условию. кол-во воскл знаков
ниразу не срабатывает,Так вот, если «т» и «к»
такая возможность нереализвана каждый раз вспоминатьадаптер питания а формулисты -Сразу три варианта в/г ВоенныйГородок № ли VBA как
Trim(Cells(1, 2).Value) End строки Dim SearchString,
можно, переведя исходную использующие результат функциисравнение
Это хороший тон. равно » &
если известно, что мы задаём критерий
не обязательно должны в стандартных процедурах
конструкции типа
рамка у кого короче.» формул!
42 Кот 174 в пайтоне запускать
If For R SearchChar, MyPos SearchString строку и образецInStrсодержит значение NULL,Из небезопасных: aQuantityExclamMax End If строки без «!» поиска «т*к», то быть «т» - VBA. Тогда, какCInt(Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row) + 1выключатель двойнойНо короче -СПАСИБО! Здание контрольно-пропускного пункта цикл по элементам = 0 To =»Русский_Проект» ‘ Исходная в один регистр, для извлечения значения возникает ошибка. Если1) Ctrl+Esc, «Приложения»,
ikki имеются, и в если xlPart - первой буквой в это можно сделать
Для ускорения обработки
»В» не есть лучше.
jakim (караулка)(встроенная) №174″, «№»)(2))
UBound(m) N = строка SearchChar = и перейдя на
октета IP-адреса, который аргумент
выбрать программу, снять: должен срабатывать. каждой строке ограниченное
то код ищет
слове, а «к» оптимальным образом. (если в этом
Berker механизм выключателя
Оставь это для
: Может так?
MsgBox Val(Split(«ЭРТ №2For Each i
1 If InStr(1,
«Р» ‘ Следует
бинарное сравнение
предшествует первой точке,
задачу -> Ждать…не будет срабатывать кол-во знаков «!». и телекс и — последней. ТожеБуду признателен за есть необходимость), следует проходного МШ!VictorM Такой-то край, Такой-то in x … Cells(1, 1).Value, m(R)) найти «P» ‘Возвращаемое значение
например:опущен, тип сравнения если не помогает:
для строк, заканчивающихсяElse k =
ток и т.д.,
самое и со помощь.
использовать массивы или
JUNG механизм переключателя_Boroda_: Тоже вариант, спасибо. район, в/г ВоенныйГородок Next i > 0 Then Посимвольное сравнение, начинаяВозвращает значение типа Variant(Long),Left([IPAddress],(InStr(1,[IPAddress],».»)-1)) определяется параметром2) там же, символом «!»
Len(aStringArray(i — 1)) а если xlWhole, знаком вопроса (?).ytk5kyky стандартный метод в сборе: Да какая разница?Все в копилку, № 42 Котsnipe K = InStr(N, с позиции 4. указывающее позицию первогоВ этом примере функцияOption ПКМ -> Перейти
но, возможно, вы If aQuantityExclam > то код найдётЮрий М: Что-то не увиделFindMerten механизм переключателя Что за мания пригодится!
174 Здание контрольно-пропускного: dim stroka as Cells(1, 1).Value, m(R))
Возвращает 10 MyPos
появления одной строки
InStr(1,[IPAddress],».»)Compare к процессу -> этого и добивались? aQuantityExclamMax Then aQuantityExclamMax только ток, тук,
: Павел, я вот проблемы.+ отключать с контрольной лампой укорачивания? Главное, чтобыSkyPro пункта (караулка)(встроенная) №174″, string stroka=» Do ПОКРАСИТЬ K,
внутри другойвозвращает позицию первой
. Укажите допустимый LCID Завершить процесс ->
вы уверены? у
= aQuantityExclam MsgBox
так тут вспомнил временавот что записалApplication.ScreenUpdatingF2234 адаптер работала быстро, а
: Добавил еще один «№»)(3))
Len(m(R)) N =Instr
Перечень возвращаемых значений точки. В результате
(код языка), чтобы
Да.Вот reset -ом
меня процедура с («На данный моментВроде загадка разгадана)
DOS и NC. макрорекордер:+ много чегоR2234 адаптер питания сколько символов будет вариантiDeus: да, спасибо большое, K + Len(m(R))(4, SearchString, SearchChar, vbTextCompare)Вариант вычитания 1 определяется использовать для сравнения до сих пор таким именем даже максимальное кол-во воскл можно спать спокойно Так вот там
Cells.Find(What:=»Т?к», After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, ещё…
рамка 2-ая, цвет — это неVictorM: Апострофф, спасибо, это конечно можно и K = InStr(N, ‘ Двоичное сравнение,Значение, возвращаемое функцией InStr
количество знаков, предшествующих правила, определяемые языковым и пользуюсь не компилируется знаков равно « ) такой вариант не LookAt:= _Kotaaa серый важно.
: Нет предела совершенству как раз то, мидом вычленять по
Cells(1, 1).Value, m(R)) начиная с позиции
String1 первой точке, в стандартом.
Проверка наличия символа в строке + подсчет
Спасибо, функция реальноPiton777
& aQuantityExclamMax)Юрий М
сработает. Преемники NCxlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext,: Возможно этого будетBerker выключатель двойной,У меня тутСпасибо! что нужно. символу, но вопрос Loop While K 1. Возвращает 1имеет нулевую длину данном случае —Совет:
помогает, буду вставлять: Так я иPiton777: :-) Windows/Total командиры продолжают MatchCase:=False _ достаточно. 1-я колонка 2-клав. на работе недавноSkyProiDeus все-таки о возможности > 0 End MyPos =0 2. Затем функция во все циклы не понял -: В отличие отGuest его традиции: создал, SearchFormat:=False).Activate ориентировочно 200-300 строкОсновная проблема в было — написал: В вашем файле: запуска цикла по If Next RInstrString1LeftВ Access 2010 построитель на момент отладки, почему… Судя по языка C, в: тема на 10 сейчас файл сПри прогоне нашел будет содержать в том, что не формулу с несколькими будет удобнее так:iDeus элементам строки а End Sub Sub(1, SearchString, SearchChar, 0)имеет значение Nullполучает эти символы выражений включает функцию ибо умудряюсь запороть всему, Diskretor пытается бейсике любой строковой строк ниже именем «телекс». Попросил и «так» и будущем, а 2-я понимаю, как искать СМЕЩ символов на200?’200px’:»+(this.scrollHeight+5)+’px’);»>=СЧЁТЕСЛИ($A2;»*»&B$1&»*»), но во втором не по его ПОКРАСИТЬ(ST, LN) With ‘ Сравнение являетсяNull из левой части IntelliSense, которая указывает даже простейшие циклыНе мне объяснить ПОЧЕМУ, тип не содержитPiton777 командира по маске «тук» реально может быть строку, состоящую из
120 примерно, размножилДумаю, тут есть сообщении решение с длине с последующими Cells(1, 1).Characters(Start:=ST, Length:=LN).Font двоичным по умолчаниюString2 поля IPAddress, возвращая требуемые аргументы.
забывайте потом удалять, но я не в конце литеры: Всем, Здравствуйте. «т*к» найти егоvladk в 49000 строк.
одного или нескольких на диапазон, а варианты и короче,
помощью VBA, а калькуляциями нужного на .Color = RGB(0, (последний аргумент опущен)имеет нулевую длину значение 10.
если это не понимаю, в чем ,
Помогите разобраться в — нету, говорит.: Спасибо за помощь.А можете пример слов, в другой она тормозит. Пришлось
но для этого вы хотели с данной итерации символа 0, 255) .Bold MyPos =StartИспользование функции InStr в
Параметры будет мешать работе тут смысл иа значит всю следующем примере Набираю маску «т*к*»New привести? Как это строке. Нужно точное переписывать, вместо СМЕЩ(…) нужно быть Мастером
помощью формул.Казанский = True EndInstrString2
коде VBAАргумент и не будет почему если «!»
логику последней конструкцииИмеется таблица (excel — находится.: Иными словами вы работает?
совпадение, т.е. задача написал ИНДЕКС(…):ИНДЕКС(…). Итог ЭкселяThe_Prist: With End Sub(SearchString, SearchChar) ‘ Возвращаетимеет значение Null
приводить к дальнейшим стоит в конце, Вам придется переписывать.
2003) с данными.New задаёте вопрос наКак в VBA немного легче. — формула за_Boroda_:sku144Добавлено через 15 минут 1 MyPos =NullПримечание:может принимать следующие зависаниям. то моё условиеP.S. Каждую переменную Информация имеется только: конечно, я согласен форуме, хотя сами будет выглядеть операторЗаранее благодарен за полтыщи символов, а
: НАЙТИ реагирует наСкрипт
, а что ВыА вот такInstr
String2 В примерах ниже показано,
значения:Процедура имеет свойство работает не так нужно отдельно объявлять
в первом столбце. с вами. Какой-то даже не попробовалиFind любую помощь! работает намного быстрее. регистр, а ПОИСКверно, но я хотите делать с будет искать по(1, SearchString, «W») ‘не найдена как использовать этуКонстанта притормаживать работу цикла как мне бы variable1 AS [тип], Необходимо проверить имеется
косячок ). Отсюда написать и строчкииз Excel?S.V.I.N.
Да, вспомнил я, не реагирует. В пробовал сделать это символами и почему началу слова а Возвращает 00 функцию в модулеЗначение (сказывается на быстродействии).Спасибо хотелось… Тупо воспользуюсь variable2 as [тип], ли символ «!» резонный вопрос, как кода? Типа «Аdnb_dnb: Добрый день!
что я тут этом (и еще с помощью формул, Mid не устраивает? выделять всё слово
String2 Visual Basic дляОписание за совет, не его примером и иначе тип автоматически в каждой из
найти слово(а) начинающиеся нафига мне писать: Help! нужно, чтоМожно рассмотреть такой модератор вроде. Если в возможности использования получается страшная жесть,Если по быстродействиюSub ПОКРАСИТЬ(ST, LN)Функции обработки строкнайдена внутри приложений (VBA). Чтобы
vbUseCompareOption сразу увидел эффективность будут учить «Матчасть».
присваивается Variant. строк, узнать кол-во на «т» и код и его бы в определенном
вариант. В цикле еще потрепаться охота подстановочных знаков -
вроде: — можно отобразить LN = LN
получить дополнительные сведения–1
данного кода в =)ikki символов «!» в заканчивающиеся на «к»… тестировать, если можно
тексте, введенном в проходим все строки — в свободное в ПОИСКе можно,=ЕСЛИ( ПСТР(C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;1)+1)+1;1)=» «; символьный массив на
— 1 Do
: Тему уже создавал,Позиция, в которой обнаружено о работе сВыполняется сравнение с помощью
решении моего вопросаПереименовал произвольно при: Немного не понял. каждой строке и надо подумать) создать тему на одну ячейку в
и просматривать столбец общение. в НАЙТИ нельзя) ПСТР(C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;1)+1)+2;(ПОИСК(» «;C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;1)+1)+1)-ПОИСК(» «;C7;ПОИСК(« строку и работать LN = LN но так и совпадение VBA, выберите параметра инструкции =). переносе на форум
Вы про этот найти максимальное кол-воЮрий М форуме, а там эксель, с помощью В на наличиеRAN и заключается разница
«;C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;1)+1)+1)+1)); ПСТР(C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;1)+1)+1;(ПОИСК(» «;C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;1)+1)+1)-ПОИСК(«№»;C7;ПОИСК(«№»;C7;1)+1)-1)))с
In this Excel VBA Tutorial, you learn how to search and find different items/information with macros.
This VBA Find Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook containing the data and macros I use in the examples below. You can get free access to this example workbook by clicking the button below.
Use the following Table of Contents to navigate to the Section you’re interested in.
Related Excel VBA and Macro Training Materials
The following VBA and Macro training materials may help you better understand and implement the contents below:
- Tutorials about general VBA constructs and structures:
- Tutorials for Beginners:
- Macros.
- VBA.
- Enable and disable macros.
- The Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
- Procedures:
- Sub procedures.
- Function procedures.
- Work with:
- Objects.
- Properties.
- Methods.
- Variables.
- Data types.
- R1C1-style references.
- Worksheet functions.
- Loops.
- Arrays.
- Refer to:
- Sheets and worksheets.
- Cell ranges.
- Tutorials for Beginners:
- Tutorials with practical VBA applications and macro examples:
- Find the last row or last column.
- Set or get a cell’s or cell range’s value.
- Check if a cell is empty.
- Use the VLookup function.
- The comprehensive and actionable Books at The Power Spreadsheets Library:
- Excel Macros for Beginners Book Series.
- VBA Fundamentals Book Series.
#1. Excel VBA Find (Cell with) Value in Cell Range
VBA Code to Find (Cell with) Value in Cell Range
To find a cell with a numeric value in a cell range, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
CellRangeObject.Find(What:=SearchedValue, After:=SingleCellRangeObject, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=XlSearchOrderConstant, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirectionConstant)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
A Range object representing the cell range you search in.
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information (the numeric value you search for) in a cell range (CellRangeObject).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To find a cell with a numeric value in a cell range, set the What parameter to the numeric value you search for (SearchedValue).
The After parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the cell after which the search begins. This must be a single cell in the cell range you search in (CellRangeObject).
If you omit specifying the After parameter, the search begins after the first cell (in the upper left corner) of the cell range you search in (CellRangeObject).
To find a cell with a numeric value in a cell range, set the After parameter to a Range object representing the cell after which the search begins.
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in a cell range, set the LookIn parameter to xlValues. xlValues refers to values.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in a cell range, set the LookAt parameter to xlWhole. xlWhole matches the data you are searching for against the entire/whole searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable cell range (CellRangeObject) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in a cell range, set the SearchOrder parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlByRows (SearchOrder:=xlByRows): To search by rows.
- xlByColumns (SearchOrder:=xlByColumns): To search by columns.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in a cell range, set the SearchDirection parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlNext (SearchDirection:=xlNext): To search for the next match.
- xlPrevious (SearchDirection:=xlPrevious): To search for the previous match.
Macro Example to Find (Cell with) Value in Cell Range
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts two arguments:
- MyRange: The cell range you search in.
- MyValue: The numeric value you search for.
- Finds MyValue in MyRange.
- Returns a string containing the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the cell range (MyRange) where the numeric value (MyValue) is found.
Function FindValueInCellRange(MyRange As Range, MyValue As Variant) As String 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 2 arguments: MyRange and MyValue '(2) Finds a value passed as argument (MyValue) in a cell range passed as argument (MyRange) '(3) Returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the cell range (MyRange) where the value (MyValue) is found With MyRange FindValueInCellRange = .Find(What:=MyValue, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) End With End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find (Cell with) Value in Cell Range
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Columns A through H (cells A6 to H30) contain randomly generated values.
- Cell J7 contains the searched value (41).
- Cell K7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the cell range (MyRange) where the numeric value (MyValue) is found. This is cell B11.
- Cell L7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell K7 (=FindValueInCellRange(A6:H30,J7)).
- The cell range where the search is carried out contains cells A6 to H30 (A6:H30).
- The searched value is stored in cell J7 (J7).
#2. Excel VBA Find (Cell with) Value in Table
VBA Code to Find (Cell with) Value in Table
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
ListObjectObject.DataBodyRange.Find(What:=SearchedValue, After:=SingleCellRangeObject, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=XlSearchOrderConstant, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirectionConstant)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
A ListObject object representing the Excel Table you search in.
The ListObject.DataBodyRange property returns a Range object representing the cell range containing an Excel Table’s values (excluding the headers).
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information (the numeric value you search for) in a cell range (containing the applicable Excel Table’s values).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table, set the What parameter to the numeric value you search for (SearchedValue).
The After parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the cell after which the search begins. This must be a single cell in the cell range you search in (containing the applicable Excel Table’s values).
If you omit specifying the After parameter, the search begins after the first cell (in the upper left corner) of the cell range you search in (containing the applicable Excel Table’s values).
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table, set the After parameter to a Range object representing the cell after which the search begins.
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table, set the LookIn parameter to xlValues. xlValues refers to values.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table, set the LookAt parameter to xlWhole. xlWhole matches the data you are searching for against the entire/whole searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable cell range (containing the applicable Excel Table’s values) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table, set the SearchOrder parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlByRows (SearchOrder:=xlByRows): To search by rows.
- xlByColumns (SearchOrder:=xlByColumns): To search by columns.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table, set the SearchDirection parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlNext (SearchDirection:=xlNext): To search for the next match.
- xlPrevious (SearchDirection:=xlPrevious): To search for the previous match.
Macro Example to Find (Cell with) Value in Table
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts 3 arguments:
- MyWorksheetName: The name of the worksheet where the Excel Table you search in is stored.
- MyValue: The numeric value you search for.
- MyTableIndex: The index number of the Excel Table (stored in the worksheet named MyWorksheetName) you search in. MyTableIndex is an optional argument with a default value of 1.
- Finds MyValue in the applicable Excel Table’s values (excluding the headers).
- Returns a string containing the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the applicable Excel Table where the numeric value (MyValue) is found.
Function FindValueInTable(MyWorksheetName As String, MyValue As Variant, Optional MyTableIndex As Long = 1) As String 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 3 arguments: MyWorksheetName, MyValue and MyTableIndex '(2) Finds a value passed as argument (MyValue) in an Excel Table stored in a worksheet whose name is passed as argument (MyWorksheetName). The index number of the Excel Table is either: '(1) Passed as an argument (MyTableIndex); or '(2) Assumed to be 1 (if MyTableIndex is omitted) '(3) Returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the Excel Table (stored in the MyWorksheetName worksheet and whose index is MyTableIndex) where the value (MyValue) is found With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(MyWorksheetName).ListObjects(MyTableIndex).DataBodyRange FindValueInTable = .Find(What:=MyValue, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) End With End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find (Cell with) Value in Table
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain an Excel Table with randomly generated values.
- Cell J7 contains the searched value (41).
- Cell K7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the Excel Table where the numeric value (MyValue) is found. This is cell B12.
- Cell L7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell K7 (=FindValueInTable(“Find Value in Table”,J7)).
- The name of the worksheet where the Excel Table is stored is “Find Value in Table” (“Find Value in Table”).
- The searched value is stored in cell J7 (J7).
- The index number of the Excel Table is 1 (by default).
#3. Excel VBA Find (Cell with) Value in Column
VBA Code to Find (Cell with) Value in Column
To find a cell with a numeric value in a column, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
RangeObjectColumn.Find(What:=SearchedValue, After:=SingleCellRangeObject, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirectionConstant)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
A Range object representing the column you search in.
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information (the numeric value you search for) in a cell range (RangeObjectColumn).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To find a cell with a numeric value in a column, set the What parameter to the numeric value you search for (SearchedValue).
The After parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the cell after which the search begins. This must be a single cell in the column you search in (RangeObjectColumn).
If you omit specifying the After parameter, the search begins after the first cell of the column you search in (RangeObjectColumn).
To find a cell with a numeric value in a column, set the After parameter to a Range object representing the cell after which the search begins.
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in a column, set the LookIn parameter to xlValues. xlValues refers to values.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in a column, set the LookAt parameter to xlWhole. xlWhole matches the data you are searching for against the entire/whole searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable column (RangeObjectColumn) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in a column, set the SearchOrder parameter to xlByRows. xlByRows results in the Range.Find method searching by rows.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in a column, set the SearchDirection parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlNext (SearchDirection:=xlNext): To search for the next match.
- xlPrevious (SearchDirection:=xlPrevious): To search for the previous match.
Macro Example to Find (Cell with) Value in Column
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts two arguments:
- MyColumn: The column you search in.
- MyValue: The numeric value you search for.
- Finds MyValue in MyColumn.
- Returns a string containing the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the column (MyColumn) where the numeric value (MyValue) is found.
Function FindValueInColumn(MyColumn As Range, MyValue As Variant) As String 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 2 arguments: MyColumn and MyValue '(2) Finds a value passed as argument (MyValue) in a column passed as argument (MyColumn) '(3) Returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the column (MyColumn) where the value (MyValue) is found With MyColumn FindValueInColumn = .Find(What:=MyValue, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) End With End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find (Cell with) Value in Column
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Column A (cells A6 to A31) contains randomly generated values.
- Cell C7 contains the searched value (90).
- Cell D7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the column (MyColumn) where the numeric value (MyValue) is found. This is cell A13.
- Cell E7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell D7 (=FindValueInColumn(A:A,C7)).
- The column where the search is carried out is column A (A:A).
- The searched value is stored in cell C7 (C7).
#4. Excel VBA Find (Cell with) Value in Table Column
VBA Code to Find (Cell with) Value in Table Column
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table column, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
ListColumnObject.DataBodyRange.Find(What:=SearchedValue, After:=SingleCellRangeObject, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=XlSearchOrderConstant, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirectionConstant)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
A ListColumn object representing the Excel Table column you search in.
The ListColumn.DataBodyRange property returns a Range object representing the cell range containing an Excel Table column’s values (excluding the header).
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information (the numeric value you search for) in a cell range (containing the applicable Excel Table column’s values).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table column, set the What parameter to the numeric value you search for (SearchedValue).
The After parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the cell after which the search begins. This must be a single cell in the cell range you search in (containing the applicable Excel Table column’s values).
If you omit specifying the After parameter, the search begins after the first cell of the cell range you search in (containing the applicable Excel Table column’s values).
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table column, set the After parameter to a Range object representing the cell after which the search begins.
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table column, set the LookIn parameter to xlValues. xlValues refers to values.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table column, set the LookAt parameter to xlWhole. xlWhole matches the data you are searching for against the entire/whole searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable cell range (containing the applicable Excel Table column’s values) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table column, set the SearchOrder parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlByRows (SearchOrder:=xlByRows): To search by rows.
- xlByColumns (SearchOrder:=xlByColumns): To search by columns.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To find a cell with a numeric value in an Excel Table column, set the SearchDirection parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlNext (SearchDirection:=xlNext): To search for the next match.
- xlPrevious (SearchDirection:=xlPrevious): To search for the previous match.
Macro Example to Find (Cell with) Value in Table Column
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts 4 arguments:
- MyWorksheetName: The name of the worksheet where the Excel Table (containing the column you search in) is stored.
- MyColumnIndex: The index/column number of the column you search in (in the applicable Excel Table).
- MyValue: The numeric value you search for.
- MyTableIndex: The index number of the Excel Table (stored in the worksheet named MyWorksheetName) containing the column you search in. MyTableIndex is an optional argument with a default value of 1.
- Finds MyValue in the applicable Excel Table column’s values (excluding the header).
- Returns a string containing the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the applicable Excel Table column where the numeric value (MyValue) is found.
Function FindValueInTableColumn(MyWorksheetName As String, MyColumnIndex As Long, MyValue As Variant, Optional MyTableIndex As Long = 1) As String 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 4 arguments: MyWorksheetName, MyColumnIndex, MyValue and MyTableIndex '(2) Finds a value passed as argument (MyValue) in an Excel Table column, where: '(1) The table column's index is passed as argument (MyColumnIndex); and '(2) The Excel Table is stored in a worksheet whose name is passed as argument (MyWorksheetName). The index number of the Excel Table is either: '(1) Passed as an argument (MyTableIndex); or '(2) Assumed to be 1 (if MyTableIndex is omitted) '(3) Returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the applicable Excel Table column where the value (MyValue) is found With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(MyWorksheetName).ListObjects(MyTableIndex).ListColumns(MyColumnIndex).DataBodyRange FindValueInTableColumn = .Find(What:=MyValue, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) End With End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find (Cell with) Value in Table Column
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain an Excel Table with randomly generated values. Cells in the first row (row 7) contain the searched value (90), except for the cell in the searched column (Column 3).
- Cell J7 contains the searched value (90).
- Cell K7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the applicable Excel Table column (Column 3) where the numeric value (MyValue) is found. This is cell C14.
- Cell L7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell K7 (=FindValueInTableColumn(“Find Value in Table Column”,3, J7)).
- The name of the worksheet where the Excel Table is stored is “Find Value in Table Column” (“Find Value in Table Column”).
- The index number of the Excel Table column is 3 (3).
- The searched value is stored in cell J7 (J7).
- The index number of the Excel Table is 1 (by default).
#5. Excel VBA Find Minimum Value in Cell Range
VBA Code to Find Minimum Value in Cell Range
To find the minimum value in a cell range, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
The WorksheetFunction.Min method returns the minimum value in a set of values.
The WorksheetFunction.Min method accepts up to thirty parameters (Arg1 to Arg30). These are the values for which you want to find the minimum value.
To find the minimum value in a cell range, pass a Range object (CellRangeObject) representing the cell range whose minimum value you want to find as method parameter.
Macro Example to Find Minimum Value in Cell Range
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts 1 argument (MyRange): The cell range whose minimum value you search for.
- Finds and returns the minimum value in the cell range (MyRange).
Function FindMinimumValueInCellRange(MyRange As Range) As Double 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 1 argument: MyRange '(2) Finds the minimum value in the cell range passed as argument (MyRange) FindMinimumValueInCellRange = Application.Min(MyRange) End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find Minimum Value in Cell Range
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Columns A through H (cells A6 to H30) contain randomly generated values.
- Cell J7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the minimum value in the cell range (MyRange). This is the number 1.
- Cell K7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell J7 (=FindMinimumValueInCellRange(A6:H30)). The cell range where the search is carried out contains cells A6 to H30 (A6:H30).
#6. Excel VBA Find (Cell with) String (or Text) in Cell Range
VBA Code to Find (Cell with) String (or Text) in Cell Range
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a cell range, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
CellRangeObject.Find(What:=SearchedString, After:=SingleCellRangeObject, LookIn:=XlFindLookInConstant, LookAt:=XlLookAtConstant, SearchOrder:=XlSearchOrderConstant, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirectionConstant, MatchCase:=BooleanValue)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
A Range object representing the cell range you search in.
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information (the string or text you search for) in a cell range (CellRangeObject).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a cell range, set the What parameter to the string (or text) you search for (SearchedString).
The After parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the cell after which the search begins. This must be a single cell in the cell range you search in (CellRangeObject).
If you omit specifying the After parameter, the search begins after the first cell (in the upper left corner) of the cell range you search in (CellRangeObject).
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a cell range, set the After parameter to a Range object representing the cell after which the search begins.
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a cell range, set the LookIn parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlFormulas (LookIn:=xlFormulas): To search in the applicable cell range’s formulas.
- xlValues (LookIn:=xlValues): To search in the applicable cell range’s values.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a cell range, set the LookAt parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlWhole (LookAt:=xlWhole): To match against the entire/whole searched cell contents.
- xlPart (LookAt:=xlPart): To match against any part of the searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable cell range (CellRangeObject) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a cell range, set the SearchOrder parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlByRows (SearchOrder:=xlByRows): To search by rows.
- xlByColumns (SearchOrder:=xlByColumns): To search by columns.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a cell range, set the SearchDirection parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlNext (SearchDirection:=xlNext): To search for the next match.
- xlPrevious (SearchDirection:=xlPrevious): To search for the previous match.
The MatchCase parameter of the Range.Find method specifies whether the search is:
- Case-sensitive; or
- Case-insensitive.
The default value of the MatchCase parameter is False.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a cell range, set the MatchCase parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- True (MatchCase:=True): To carry out a case-sensitive search.
- False (MatchCase:=False): To carry out a case-insensitive search.
Macro Example to Find (Cell with) String (or Text) in Cell Range
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts two arguments:
- MyRange: The cell range you search in.
- MyString: The string (or text) you search for.
- Finds MyString in MyRange. The search is case-insensitive.
- Returns a string containing the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the cell range (MyRange) where the string or text (MyString) is found.
Function FindStringInCellRange(MyRange As Range, MyString As Variant) As String 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 2 arguments: MyRange and MyString '(2) Finds a string passed as argument (MyString) in a cell range passed as argument (MyRange). The search is case-insensitive '(3) Returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the cell range (MyRange) where the string (MyString) is found With MyRange FindStringInCellRange = .Find(What:=MyString, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) End With End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find (Cell with) String (or Text) in Cell Range
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Columns A through H (cells A6 to H30) contain randomly generated words.
- Cell J7 contains the searched string or text (Excel).
- Cell K7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the cell range (MyRange) where the string or text (MyString) is found. This is cell F20.
- Cell L7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell K7 (=FindStringInCellRange(A6:H30,J7)).
- The cell range where the search is carried out contains cells A6 to H30 (A6:H30).
- The searched string or text is stored in cell J7 (J7).
#7. Excel VBA Find (Cell with) String (or Text) in Column
VBA Code to Find (Cell with) String (or Text) in Column
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a column, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
RangeObjectColumn.Find(What:=SearchedString, After:=SingleCellRangeObject, LookIn:=XlFindLookInConstant, LookAt:=XlLookAtConstant, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirectionConstant, MatchCase:=BooleanValue)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
A Range object representing the column you search in.
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information (the string or text you search for) in a cell range (RangeObjectColumn).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a column, set the What parameter to the string (or text) you search for (SearchedString).
The After parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the cell after which the search begins. This must be a single cell in the column you search in (RangeObjectColumn).
If you omit specifying the After parameter, the search begins after the first cell of the column you search in (RangeObjectColumn).
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a column, set the After parameter to a Range object representing the cell after which the search begins.
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a column, set the LookIn parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlFormulas (LookIn:=xlFormulas): To search in the applicable column’s formulas.
- xlValues (LookIn:=xlValues): To search in the applicable column’s values.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a column, set the LookAt parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlWhole (LookAt:=xlWhole): To match against the entire/whole searched cell contents.
- xlPart (LookAt:=xlPart): To match against any part of the searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable column (RangeObjectColumn) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a column, set the SearchOrder parameter to xlByRows. xlByRows results in the Range.Find method searching by rows.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a column, set the SearchDirection parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlNext (SearchDirection:=xlNext): To search for the next match.
- xlPrevious (SearchDirection:=xlPrevious): To search for the previous match.
The MatchCase parameter of the Range.Find method specifies whether the search is:
- Case-sensitive; or
- Case-insensitive.
The default value of the MatchCase parameter is False.
To find a cell with a string (or text) in a column, set the MatchCase parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- True (MatchCase:=True): To carry out a case-sensitive search.
- False (MatchCase:=False): To carry out a case-insensitive search.
Macro Example to Find (Cell with) String (or Text) in Column
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts two arguments:
- MyColumn: The column you search in.
- MyString: The string (or text) you search for.
- Finds MyString in MyColumn. The search is case-insensitive.
- Returns a string containing the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the column (MyColumn) where the string or text (MyString) is found.
Function FindStringInColumn(MyColumn As Range, MyString As Variant) As String 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 2 arguments: MyColumn and MyString '(2) Finds a string passed as argument (MyString) in a column passed as argument (MyColumn). The search is case-insensitive '(3) Returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the column (MyColumn) where the string (MyString) is found With MyColumn FindStringInColumn = .Find(What:=MyString, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) End With End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find (Cell with) String (or Text) in Column
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Column A (cells A6 to A30) contains randomly generated words.
- Cell C7 contains the searched string or text (Excel).
- Cell D7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first cell in the column (MyColumn) where the string or text (MyString) is found. This is cell A21.
- Cell E7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell D7 (=FindStringInColumn(A:A,C7)).
- The column where the search is carried out is column A (A:A).
- The searched string or text is stored in cell C7 (C7).
#8. Excel VBA Find String (or Text) in Cell
VBA Code to Find String (or Text) in Cell
To find a string (or text) in a cell, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
InStr(StartingPosition, SearchedCell.Value, SearchedString, VbCompareMethodConstant)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
The InStr function returns a number. This number specifies the position of the first occurrence of a string or text (SearchedString) in another string (the string stored in SearchedCell).
The Start argument of the InStr function is:
- An optional argument.
- A numeric expression specifying the starting position for the string (or text) search.
If you omit specifying the Start argument, the search begins at the first character of the searched string (the string stored in SearchedCell).
To find a string (or text) in a cell, set the Start argument to the position (in the string stored in SearchedCell) where the string (or text) search starts.
The String1 argument of the InStr function represents the string expression the InStr function searches in.
To find a string (or text) in a cell, set the String1 argument to the value/string stored in the searched cell. For these purposes:
- “SearchedCell” is a Range object representing the searched cell.
- “Value” refers to the Range.Value property. The Range.Value property returns the value/string stored in the searched cell (SearchedCell).
The String2 argument of the InStr function represents the string expression (or text) the InStr function searches for.
To find a string (or text) in a cell, set the String2 argument to the string (or text) you search for.
The Compare argument of the InStr function:
- Is an optional argument.
- Specifies the type of string comparison carried out by the InStr function.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the vbCompareMethod enumeration.
If you omit specifying the Compare argument, the type of string comparison is determined by the Option Compare statement. The Option Compare statement declares the default string comparison method at a module level. The default string comparison method is binary (vbBinaryCompare).
To find a string (or text) in a cell, set the Compare argument to either of the following, as applicable:
- vbBinaryCompare: Performs a binary comparison. vbBinaryCompare:
- Results in a case-sensitive search.
- May be (slightly) faster than vbTextCompare.
- vbTextCompare: Performs a textual comparison. vbTextCompare:
- Results in a case-insensitive search.
- May be (slightly) slower than vbBinaryCompare.
- Is more prone to errors/bugs than vbBinaryCompare.
Macro Example to Find String (or Text) in Cell
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts three arguments:
- MyCell: The cell you search in.
- MyString: The string (or text) you search for.
- MyStartingPosition: The starting position for the string (or text) search. MyStartingPosition is an optional argument with a default value of 1.
- Finds MyString in the value/string stored in MyCell.
- Returns the following:
- If MyString is not found in the value/string stored in MyCell, the string “String not found in cell”.
- If MyString is found in the value/string stored in MyCell, the position of the first occurrence of MyString in the value/string stored in MyCell.
Function FindStringInCell(MyCell As Range, MyString As Variant, Optional MyStartingPosition As Variant = 1) As Variant 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts three arguments: MyCell, MyString and MyStartingPosition (optional argument with a default value of 1) '(2) Finds a string passed as argument (MyString) in the value/string stored in a cell passed as argument (MyCell) '(3) Returns the following (as applicable): 'If MyString is not found in the value/string stored in MyCell: The string "String not found in cell" 'If MyString is found in the value/string stored in MyCell: The position of the first occurrence of MyString in the value/string stored in MyCell 'Obtain position of first occurrence of MyString in the value/string stored in MyCell FindStringInCell = InStr(MyStartingPosition, MyCell.Value, MyString, vbBinaryCompare) 'If MyString is not found in the value/string stored in MyCell, return the string "String not found in cell" If FindStringInCell = 0 Then FindStringInCell = "String not found in cell" End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find String (or Text) in Cell
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Column A (cells A7 to A31) contains randomly generated words.
- Column B (cells B7 to B31) contains a 2-character string (ar).
- Column C (cells C7 to C31) contains worksheet formulas working with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. These worksheet formulas return either of the following (as applicable):
- The string “String not found in cell”, if the string (or text) specified in the applicable cell of column B is not found in the applicable cell of column A.
- The position of the first occurrence of the string (or text) specified in the applicable cell of column B in the applicable cell of column A, if the string (or text) specified in the applicable cell of column B is found in the applicable cell of column A.
- Column D (cells D7 to D31) displays the worksheet formulas used in column C (=FindStringInCell(CellInColumnA,CellInColumnB)).
- The cell where the search is carried out is in column A (CellInColumnA).
- The searched string or text is stored in column B (CellInColumnB).
#9. Excel VBA Find String (or Text) in String
VBA Code to Find String (or Text) in String
To find a string (or text) in a string, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
InStr(StartingPosition, SearchedString, SearchedText, VbCompareMethodConstant)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
The InStr function returns a number. This number specifies the position of the first occurrence of a string or text (SearchedText) in another string (SearchedString).
The Start argument of the InStr function is:
- An optional argument.
- A numeric expression specifying the starting position for the string (or text) search.
If you omit specifying the Start argument, the search begins at the first character of the searched string (SearchedString).
To find a string (or text) in a string, set the Start argument to the position (in SearchedString) where the string (or text) search starts.
The String1 argument of the InStr function represents the string expression the InStr function searches in.
To find a string (or text) in a string, set the String1 argument to the searched string.
The String2 argument of the InStr function represents the string expression (or text) the InStr function searches for.
To find a string (or text) in a string, set the String2 argument to the string (or text) you search for.
The Compare argument of the InStr function:
- Is an optional argument.
- Specifies the type of string comparison carried out by the InStr function.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the vbCompareMethod enumeration.
If you omit specifying the Compare argument, the type of string comparison is determined by the Option Compare statement. The Option Compare statement declares the default string comparison method at a module level. The default string comparison method is binary (vbBinaryCompare).
To find a string (or text) in a string, set the Compare argument to either of the following, as applicable:
- vbBinaryCompare: Performs a binary comparison. vbBinaryCompare:
- Results in a case-sensitive search.
- May be (slightly) faster than vbTextCompare.
- vbTextCompare: Performs a textual comparison. vbTextCompare:
- Results in a case-insensitive search.
- May be (slightly) slower than vbBinaryCompare.
- Is more prone to errors/bugs than vbBinaryCompare.
Macro Example to Find String (or Text) in String
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts three arguments:
- MyString: The string you search in.
- MyText: The string (or text) you search for.
- MyStartingPosition: The starting position for the string (or text) search. MyStartingPosition is an optional argument with a default value of 1.
- Finds MyText in MyString.
- Returns the following:
- If MyText is not found in MyString, the string “Text not found in string”.
- If MyText is found in MyString, the position of the first occurrence of MyText in MyString.
Function FindTextInString(MyString As Variant, MyText As Variant, Optional MyStartingPosition As Variant = 1) As Variant 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts three arguments: MyString, MyText and MyStartingPosition (optional argument with a default value of 1) '(2) Finds text (a string) passed as argument (MyText) in a string passed as argument (MyString) '(3) Returns the following (as applicable): 'If MyText is not found in MyString: The string "Text not found in string" 'If MyText is found in MyString: The position of the first occurrence of MyText in MyString 'Obtain position of first occurrence of MyText in MyString FindTextInString = InStr(MyStartingPosition, MyString, MyText, vbBinaryCompare) 'If MyText is not found in MyString, return the string "Text not found in string" If FindTextInString = 0 Then FindTextInString = "Text not found in string" End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find String (or Text) in String
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Column A (cells A7 to A31) contains randomly generated words.
- Column B (cells B7 to B31) contains text (at).
- Column C (cells C7 to C31) contains worksheet formulas working with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. These worksheet formulas return either of the following (as applicable):
- The string “Text not found in string”, if the string (or text) specified in the applicable cell of column B is not found in the string specified in the applicable cell of column A.
- The position of the first occurrence of the string (or text) specified in the applicable cell of column B in the string specified in the applicable cell of column A, if the string (or text) specified in the applicable cell of column B is found in the string specified in the applicable cell of column A.
- Column D (cells D7 to D31) displays the worksheet formulas used in column C (=FindTextInString(CellInColumnA,CellInColumnB)).
- The string where the search is carried out is stored in column A (CellInColumnA).
- The searched string (or text) is stored in column B (CellInColumnB).
#10. Excel VBA Find Character in String
VBA Code to Find Character in String
To find a character in a string, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
InStr(StartingPosition, SearchedString, SearchedCharacter, VbCompareMethodConstant)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
The InStr function returns a number. This number specifies the position of the first occurrence of a string or text (SearchedCharacter) in another string (SearchedString).
The Start argument of the InStr function is:
- An optional argument.
- A numeric expression specifying the starting position for the character search.
If you omit specifying the Start argument, the search begins at the first character of the searched string (SearchedString).
To find a character in a string, set the Start argument to the position (in SearchedString) where the character search starts.
The String1 argument of the InStr function represents the string expression the InStr function searches in.
To find a character in a string, set the String1 argument to the searched string.
The String2 argument of the InStr function represents the string expression (or text) the InStr function searches for.
To find a character in a string, set the String2 argument to the character you search for.
The Compare argument of the InStr function:
- Is an optional argument.
- Specifies the type of string comparison carried out by the InStr function.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the vbCompareMethod enumeration.
If you omit specifying the Compare argument, the type of string comparison is determined by the Option Compare statement. The Option Compare statement declares the default string comparison method at a module level. The default string comparison method is binary (vbBinaryCompare).
To find a character in a string, set the Compare argument to either of the following, as applicable:
- vbBinaryCompare: Performs a binary comparison. vbBinaryCompare:
- Results in a case-sensitive search.
- May be (slightly) faster than vbTextCompare.
- vbTextCompare: Performs a textual comparison. vbTextCompare:
- Results in a case-insensitive search.
- May be (slightly) slower than vbBinaryCompare.
- Is more prone to errors/bugs than vbBinaryCompare.
Macro Example to Find Character in String
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts three arguments:
- MyString: The string you search in.
- MyCharacter: The character you search for.
- MyStartingPosition: The starting position for the character search. MyStartingPosition is an optional argument with a default value of 1.
- Finds MyCharacter in MyString.
- Returns the following:
- If MyCharacter is not found in MyString, the string “Character not found in string”.
- If MyCharacter is found in MyString, the position of the first occurrence of MyCharacter in MyString.
Function FindCharacterInString(MyString As Variant, MyCharacter As Variant, Optional MyStartingPosition As Variant = 1) As Variant 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts three arguments: MyString, MyCharacter and MyStartingPosition (optional argument with a default value of 1) '(2) Finds a character passed as argument (MyCharacter) in a string passed as argument (MyString) '(3) Returns the following (as applicable): 'If MyCharacter is not found in MyString: The string "Character not found in string" 'If MyCharacter is found in MyString: The position of the first occurrence of MyCharacter in MyString 'Obtain position of first occurrence of MyCharacter in MyString FindCharacterInString = InStr(MyStartingPosition, MyString, MyCharacter, vbBinaryCompare) 'If MyCharacter is not found in MyString, return the string "Character not found in string" If FindCharacterInString = 0 Then FindCharacterInString = "Character not found in string" End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find Character in String
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Column A (cells A7 to A31) contains randomly generated words.
- Column B (cells B7 to B31) contains a character (a).
- Column C (cells C7 to C31) contains worksheet formulas working with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. These worksheet formulas return either of the following (as applicable):
- The string “Character not found in string”, if the character specified in the applicable cell of column B is not found in the string specified in the applicable cell of column A.
- The position of the first occurrence of the character specified in the applicable cell of column B in the string specified in the applicable cell of column A, if the character specified in the applicable cell of column B is found in the string specified in the applicable cell of column A.
- Column D (cells D7 to D31) displays the worksheet formulas used in column C (=FindCharacterInString(CellInColumnA,CellInColumnB)).
- The string where the search is carried out is stored in column A (CellInColumnA).
- The searched character is stored in column B (CellInColumnB).
#11. Excel VBA Find Column with Specific Header
VBA Code to Find Column with Specific Header
To find a column with a specific header, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
HeaderRowRangeObject.Find(What:=SearchedHeader, After:=SingleCellRangeObject, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirectionConstant, MatchCase:=BooleanValue)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
A Range object representing the cell range containing the headers you search in.
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information (the header you search for) in a cell range (HeaderRowRangeObject).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To find a column with a specific header, set the What parameter to the header you search for (SearchedHeader).
The After parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the cell after which the search begins. This must be a single cell in the cell range containing the headers you search in (HeaderRowRangeObject).
If you omit specifying the After parameter, the search begins after the first cell of the cell range you search in (HeaderRowRangeObject).
To find a column with a specific header, set the After parameter to a Range object representing the cell after which the search begins.
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To find a column with a specific header, set the LookIn parameter to xlValues. xlValues refers to values.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To find a column with a specific header, set the LookAt parameter to xlWhole. xlWhole matches the data you are searching for against the entire/whole searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable cell range (HeaderRowRangeObject) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To find a column with a specific header, set the SearchOrder parameter to xlByColumns. xlByColumns searches by columns.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To find a column with a specific header, set the SearchDirection parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlNext (SearchDirection:=xlNext): To search for the next match.
- xlPrevious (SearchDirection:=xlPrevious): To search for the previous match.
The MatchCase parameter of the Range.Find method specifies whether the search is:
- Case-sensitive; or
- Case-insensitive.
The default value of the MatchCase parameter is False.
To find a column with a specific header, set the MatchCase parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- True (MatchCase:=True): To carry out a case-sensitive search.
- False (MatchCase:=False): To carry out a case-insensitive search.
Macro Example to Find Column with Specific Header
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts two arguments:
- MyRange: The cell range whose first row contains the headers you search in.
- MyHeader: The header you search for.
- Finds MyHeader in the first row of MyRange.
- Returns the number of the column containing the first cell in the header row where the header (MyHeader) is found.
Function FindColumnWithSpecificHeader(MyRange As Range, MyHeader As Variant) As Long 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 2 arguments: MyRange and MyHeader '(2) Finds a header passed as argument (MyHeader) in the first row (the header row) of a cell range passed as argument (MyRange). The search is case-insensitive '(3) Returns the number of the column containing the first cell in the header row where the header (MyHeader) is found With MyRange.Rows(1) FindColumnWithSpecificHeader = .Find(What:=MyHeader, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False).Column End With End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find Column with Specific Header
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain data with the following characteristics:
- Headers in its first row (row 6).
- Randomly generated values.
- Cell J7 contains the searched header (Column 3).
- Cell K7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the column number of the first cell in the header row (cells A6 to H6) of the cell range (MyRange) where the header (MyHeader) is found. This is column 3 (C).
- Cell L7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell K7 (=FindColumnWithSpecificHeader(A6:H31,J7)).
- The cell range whose first row contains the headers where the search is carried out contains cells A6 to H31 (A6:H31).
- The searched header is stored in cell J7 (J7).
#12. Excel VBA Find Next or Find All
VBA Code to Find Next or Find All
To (i) find the next appearance of specific information or (ii) find all appearances of specific information, use the following structure/template in the applicable procedure:
Dim FoundCell As Range Dim FirstFoundCellAddress As String Set FoundCell = SearchedRangeObject.Find(What:=SearchedData, After:=SingleCellRangeObject, LookIn:=XlFindLookInConstant, LookAt:=XlLookAtConstant, SearchOrder:=XlSearchDirectionConstant, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=BooleanValue) If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then FirstFoundCellAddress = FoundCell.Address Do Statements Set FoundCell = SearchedRangeObject.FindNext(After:=FoundCell) Loop Until FoundCell.Address = FirstFoundCellAddress End If
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
Lines #1 and #2: Dim FoundCell As Range | Dim FirstFoundCellAddress As String
The Dim statement:
- Declares variables.
- Allocates storage space.
FoundCell | FirstFoundCellAddress
The names of the variables declared with the Dim statement.
- FoundCell holds/represents the cell where the searched data is found.
- FirstFoundCellAddress holds/represents the address of the first cell where the searched data is found.
As Range | As String
The data type of the variables declared with the Dim statement.
- FoundCell is of the Range object data type. The Range object represents a cell or cell range.
- FirstFoundCellAddress is of the String data type. The String data type (generally) holds textual data.
Line #3: Set FoundCell = SearchedRangeObject.Find(What:=SearchedData, After:=SingleCellRangeObject, LookIn:=XlFindLookInConstant, LookAt:=XlLookAtConstant, SearchOrder:=XlSearchDirectionConstant, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=BooleanValue)
The Set statement assigns an object reference to an object variable.
Object variable holding/representing the cell where the searched data is found.
The assignment operator assigns an object reference (returned by the Range.Find method) to an object variable (FoundCell).
A Range object representing the cell range you search in.
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information (the data you search for) in a cell range (SearchedRangeObject).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To (i) find the next appearance of specific information or (ii) find all appearances of specific information, set the What parameter to the data you search for (SearchedData).
The After parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the cell after which the search begins. This must be a single cell in the cell range you search in (SearchedRangeObject).
If you omit specifying the After parameter, the search begins after the first cell (in the upper left corner) of the cell range you search in (SearchedRangeObject).
To (i) find the next appearance of specific information or (ii) find all appearances of specific information, set the After parameter to a Range object representing the cell after which the search begins.
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To (i) find the next appearance of specific information or (ii) find all appearances of specific information, set the LookIn parameter to any of the following, as applicable:
- xlCommentsThreaded (LookIn:=xlCommentsThreaded): To search in the applicable cell range’s threaded comments.
- xlValues (LookIn:=xlValues): To search in the applicable cell range’s values.
- xlComments (LookIn:=xlComments): To search in the applicable cell range’s comments/notes.
- xlFormulas (LookIn:=xlFormulas): To search in the applicable cell range’s formulas.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To (i) find the next appearance of specific information or (ii) find all appearances of specific information, set the LookAt parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlWhole (LookAt:=xlWhole): To match against the entire/whole searched cell contents.
- xlPart (LookAt:=xlPart): To match against any part of the searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable cell range (SearchedRangeObject) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To (i) find the next appearance of specific information or (ii) find all appearances of specific information, set the SearchOrder parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- xlByRows (SearchOrder:=xlByRows): To search by rows.
- xlByColumns (SearchOrder:=xlByColumns): To search by columns.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To (i) find the next appearance of specific information or (ii) find all appearances of specific information, set the SearchDirection parameter to xlNext. xlNext results in the Range.Find method searching for the next match.
The MatchCase parameter of the Range.Find method specifies whether the search is:
- Case-sensitive; or
- Case-insensitive.
The default value of the MatchCase parameter is False.
To (i) find the next appearance of specific information or (ii) find all appearances of specific information, set the MatchCase parameter to either of the following, as applicable:
- True (MatchCase:=True): To carry out a case-sensitive search.
- False (MatchCase:=False): To carry out a case-insensitive search.
Lines #4 and 10: If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then | End If
If … Then | End If
The If… Then… Else statement:
- Conditionally executes a set of statements (lines #5 to #9);
- Depending on an expression’s value (Not FoundCell Is Nothing).
Not FoundCell Is Nothing
The condition of an If… Then… Else statement is an expression evaluating to True or False. If the expression returns True, the applicable set of statements (lines #5 to #9) is executed.
In this expression:
- Not FoundCell:
- The Not operator performs a logical negation on an expression.
- FoundCell is the object variable holding/representing the cell where the searched data is found.
- The Range.Find method (in line #3) returns Nothing if no match is found. Therefore:
- If the Range.Find method finds no match:
- FoundCell is Nothing.
- Not FoundCell is not Nothing.
- If the Range.Find method finds a match:
- FoundCell is not Nothing.
- Not FoundCell is Nothing.
- If the Range.Find method finds no match:
- Is: The Is operator is an object reference comparison operator.
- Nothing: Nothing allows you to disassociate a variable from the data it previously represented. The Range.Find method (in line #3) returns Nothing if no match is found.
Line #5: FirstFoundCellAddress = FoundCell.Address
Variable holding/representing the address of the first cell where the searched data is found.
The assignment operator assigns the result returned by an expression (FoundCell.Address) to a variable (FirstFoundCellAddress).
Object variable holding/representing the cell where the searched data is found.
At this point, FoundCell holds/represents the first cell where the searched data is found (by line #3).
The Range.Address property returns a String representing the applicable cell range’s (FoundCell’s) reference.
Lines #6 and #9: Do | Loop Until FoundCell.Address = FirstFoundCellAddress
Do | Loop Until…
The Do… Loop Until statement repeats a set of statements until a condition becomes True.
FoundCell.Address = FirstFoundCellAddress
The condition of a Do… Loop Until statement is an expression evaluating to True or False. The applicable set of statements (lines #7 and #8) are:
- (Always) executed once, even if the condition is never met; and
- Repeatedly executed until the condition returns True.
In this expression:
- FoundCell.Address:
- FoundCell is an object variable holding/representing the cell where the searched data is found.
- The Range.Address property returns a String representing the applicable cell range’s (FoundCell’s) reference.
- =: The equal to comparison operator returns True or False as follows:
- True if both expressions (FoundCell.Address and FirstFoundCellAddress) are equal.
- False if the expressions (FoundCell.Address and FirstFoundCellAddress) are not equal.
- FirstFoundCellAddress: Variable holding/representing the address of the first cell where the searched data is found.
This condition is tested (only) after the procedure finds (and works with) the first cell where the searched data is found. Therefore, the condition (only) returns True after the Range.FindNext method (line #8) wraps around to the first cell where the searched data is found (after finding all other cells where the searched data is found).
Line #7: Statements
Set of statements to be repeatedly executed for each cell where the searched data is found.
Line #8: Set FoundCell = SearchedRangeObject.FindNext(After:=FoundCell)
The Set statement assigns an object reference to an object variable.
Object variable holding/representing the cell where the searched data is found.
The assignment operator assigns an object reference (returned by the Range.FindNext method) to an object variable (FoundCell).
A Range object representing the cell range you search in.
The Range.FindNext method:
- Continues the search that was begun by the Range.Find method (line #3).
- Finds the next cell matching the conditions specified by the Range.Find method (line #3).
- Returns a Range object representing the next cell where the information is found.
The After parameter of the Range.FindNext method specifies the cell after which the search restarts.
To (i) find the next appearance of specific information or (ii) find all appearances of specific information, set the After parameter to the object variable holding/representing the cell where the searched data is found.
Macro Example to Find Next or Find All
The following macro example does the following:
- Find:
- All cells whose value is 10;
- In the cell range containing cells A6 to H30 in the “Find Next All” worksheet in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
- Set the interior/fill color of all found cells to light green.
Sub FindNextAll() 'Source: 'For further information: 'This procedure: '(1) Finds all cells whose value is 10 in cells A6 to H30 of the "Find Next All" worksheet in this workbook '(2) Sets the found cells' interior/fill color to light green 'Declare variable to hold/represent searched value Dim MyValue As Long 'Declare variable to hold/represent address of first cell where searched value is found Dim FirstFoundCellAddress As String 'Declare object variable to hold/represent cell range where search takes place Dim MyRange As Range 'Declare object variable to hold/represent cell where searched value is found Dim FoundCell As Range 'Specify searched value MyValue = 10 'Identify cell range where search takes place Set MyRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Find Next All").Range("A6:H30") 'Find first cell where searched value is found With MyRange Set FoundCell = .Find(What:=MyValue, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext) End With 'Test whether searched value is found in cell range where search takes place If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then 'Store address of first cell where searched value is found FirstFoundCellAddress = FoundCell.Address Do 'Set interior/fill color of applicable cell where searched value is found to light green FoundCell.Interior.Color = RGB(63, 189, 133) 'Find next cell where searched value is found Set FoundCell = MyRange.FindNext(After:=FoundCell) 'Loop until address of current cell where searched value is found is equal to address of first cell where searched value was found Loop Until FoundCell.Address = FirstFoundCellAddress End If End Sub
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find Next or Find All
The following image illustrates the effects of executing the macro example. In this example:
- Cells A6 to H30 contain randomly generated values.
- A text box (Find all cells where value = 10) executes the macro example when clicked.
After the macro is executed, Excel sets the interior/fill color of all cells whose value is 10 to light green.
#13. Excel VBA Find Last Row with Data in Cell Range
VBA Code to Find Last Row with Data in Cell Range
To find the last row with data in a cell range, use the following structure/template in the applicable procedure:
If Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) = 0 Then LastRowVariable = ValueIfCellRangeEmpty Else LastRowVariable = SearchedCellRangeObject.Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row End If
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
Lines #1, #3 and #5: If Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) = 0 Then | Else | End If
If… Then … Else… End If
The If… Then… Else statement:
- Conditionally executes a set of statements (line #2 or line #4);
- Depending on an expression’s value (Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) = 0).
Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) = 0
The condition of an If… Then… Else statement is an expression evaluating to True or False.
- If the expression returns True, a set of statements (line #2) is executed.
- If the expression returns False, a different set of statements (line #4) is executed.
In this expression:
- Application.CountA(…): The WorksheetFunction.CountA method counts the number of cells in a cell range (SearchedCellRangeObject) that are not empty.
- SearchedCellRangeObject: A Range object representing the cell range whose last row you search.
- =: The equal to comparison operator returns True or False as follows:
- True if both expressions (Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) and 0) are equal.
- False if the expressions (Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) and 0) are not equal.
- 0: The number 0. The WorksheetFunction.CountA method returns 0 if all cells in SearchedCellRangeObject are empty.
Line #2: LastRowVariable = ValueIfCellRangeEmpty
Assignment statement assigning:
- ValueIfCellRangeEmpty; to
- LastRowVariable.
In this expression:
- LastRowVariable: Variable of (usually) the Long data type holding/representing the number of the last row with data in the cell range whose last row you search (SearchedCellRangeObject).
- =: Assignment operator. Assigns a value (ValueIfCellRangeEmpty) to a variable (LastRowVariable).
- ValueIfCellRangeEmpty: Value assigned to LastRowVariable when SearchedCellRangeObject is empty and the WorksheetFunction.CountA method returns 0.
Line #4: LastRowVariable = SearchedCellRangeObject.Find(What:=”*”, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
Variable of (usually) the Long data type holding/representing the number of the last row with data in the cell range whose last row you search (SearchedCellRangeObject).
The assignment operator assigns a value (SearchedCellRangeObject.Find(What:=”*”, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row) to a variable (LastRowVariable).
A Range object representing the cell range whose last row you search.
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information in a cell range (SearchedCellRangeObject).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To find the last row with data in a cell range, set the What parameter to any character sequence. The asterisk (*) acts as a wildcard and results in Range.Find searching for any character sequence.
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To find the last row with data in a cell range, set the LookIn parameter to xlFormulas. xlFormulas refers to formulas.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To find the last row with data in a cell range, set the LookAt parameter to xlPart. xlPart matches the data you are searching for (any character sequence as specified by the What parameter) against any part of the searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable cell range (SearchedCellRangeObject) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To find the last row with data in a cell range, set the SearchOrder parameter to xlByRows. xlByRows results in the Range.Find method searching by rows.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To find the last row with data in a cell range, set the SearchDirection parameter to xlPrevious. xlPrevious results in the Range.Find method searching for the previous match.
The Range.Row property returns the number of the first row of the first area in a cell range.
When searching for the last row with data in a cell range, the Range.Row property returns the row number of the cell represented by the Range object returned by the Range.Find method (Find(What:=”*”, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)).
Macro Example to Find Last Row with Data in Cell Range
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts one argument (MyRange). This is the cell range whose last row you search.
- Tests whether MyRange is empty and proceeds accordingly:
- If MyRange is empty, returns the number 0 as the number of the last row with data in MyRange.
- If MyRange isn’t empty:
- Finds the last row with data in MyRange; and
- Returns the number of the last row with data in MyRange.
Function FindLastRow(MyRange As Range) As Long 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 1 argument: MyRange '(2) Tests whether MyRange is empty '(3) If MyRange is empty, returns 0 as the number of the last row with data in MyRange '(4) If MyRange is not empty: '(1) Finds the last row with data in MyRange by searching for the last cell with any character sequence '(2) Returns the number of the last row with data in MyRange 'Test if MyRange is empty If Application.CountA(MyRange) = 0 Then 'If MyRange is empty, assign 0 to FindLastRow FindLastRow = 0 Else 'If MyRange isn't empty, find the last cell with any character sequence by: '(1) Searching for the previous match; '(2) Across rows FindLastRow = MyRange.Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row End If End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find Last Row with Data in Cell Range
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Columns A through H (cells A6 to H30) contain data.
- Cell J7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the number of the last row with data in the cell range (MyRange). This is row 30.
- Cell K7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell J7 (=FindLastRow(A:H)). The cell range whose last row is searched contains columns A through H (A:H).
#14. Excel VBA Find Last Column with Data in Cell Range
VBA Code to Find Last Column with Data in Cell Range
To find the last column with data in a cell range, use the following structure/template in the applicable procedure:
If Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) = 0 Then LastColumnVariable = ValueIfCellRangeEmpty Else LastColumnVariable = SearchedCellRangeObject.Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column End If
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
Lines #1, #3 and #5: If Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) = 0 Then | Else | End If
If… Then … Else… End If
The If… Then… Else statement:
- Conditionally executes a set of statements (line #2 or line #4);
- Depending on an expression’s value (Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) = 0).
Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) = 0
The condition of an If… Then… Else statement is an expression evaluating to True or False.
- If the expression returns True, a set of statements (line #2) is executed.
- If the expression returns False, a different set of statements (line #4) is executed.
In this expression:
- Application.CountA(…): The WorksheetFunction.CountA method counts the number of cells in a cell range (SearchedCellRangeObject) that are not empty.
- SearchedCellRangeObject: A Range object representing the cell range whose last column you search.
- =: The equal to comparison operator returns True or False as follows:
- True if both expressions (Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) and 0) are equal.
- False if the expressions (Application.CountA(SearchedCellRangeObject) and 0) are not equal.
- 0: The number 0. The WorksheetFunction.CountA method returns 0 if all cells in SearchedCellRangeObject are empty.
Line #2: LastColumnVariable = ValueIfCellRangeEmpty
Assignment statement assigning:
- ValueIfCellRangeEmpty; to
- LastColumnVariable.
In this expression:
- LastColumnVariable: Variable of (usually) the Long data type holding/representing the number of the last column with data in the cell range whose last column you search (SearchedCellRangeObject).
- =: Assignment operator. Assigns a value (ValueIfCellRangeEmpty) to a variable (LastColumnVariable).
- ValueIfCellRangeEmpty: Value assigned to LastColumnVariable when SearchedCellRangeObject is empty and the WorksheetFunction.CountA method returns 0.
Line #4: LastColumnVariable = SearchedCellRangeObject.Find(What:=”*”, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
Variable of (usually) the Long data type holding/representing the number of the last column with data in the cell range whose last column you search (SearchedCellRangeObject).
The assignment operator assigns a value (SearchedCellRangeObject.Find(What:=”*”, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column) to a variable (LastColumnVariable).
A Range object representing the cell range whose last column you search.
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information in a cell range (SearchedCellRangeObject).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To find the last column with data in a cell range, set the What parameter to any character sequence. The asterisk (*) acts as a wildcard and results in Range.Find searching for any character sequence.
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To find the last column with data in a cell range, set the LookIn parameter to xlFormulas. xlFormulas refers to formulas.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To find the last column with data in a cell range, set the LookAt parameter to xlPart. xlPart matches the data you are searching for (any character sequence as specified by the What parameter) against any part of the searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable cell range (SearchedCellRangeObject) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To find the last column with data in a cell range, set the SearchOrder parameter to xlByColumns. xlByColumns results in the Range.Find method searching by columns.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To find the last column with data in a cell range, set the SearchDirection parameter to xlPrevious. xlPrevious results in the Range.Find method searching for the previous match.
The Range.Column property returns the number of the first column of the first area in a cell range.
When searching for the last column with data in a cell range, the Range.Column property returns the column number of the cell represented by the Range object returned by the Range.Find method (Find(What:=”*”, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)).
Macro Example to Find Last Column with Data in Cell Range
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts one argument (MyWorksheetName). This is the name of the worksheet whose last column you search.
- Tests whether the worksheet named MyWorksheetName is empty and proceeds accordingly:
- If the worksheet named MyWorksheetName is empty, returns the number 0 as the number of the last column with data in the worksheet.
- If the worksheet named MyWorksheetName isn’t empty:
- Finds the last column with data in the worksheet; and
- Returns the number of the last column with data in the worksheet.
Function FindLastColumn(MyWorksheetName As String) As Long 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 1 argument: MyWorksheetName '(2) Tests whether the worksheet named MyWorksheetName is empty '(3) If the worksheet named MyWorksheetName is empty, returns 0 as the number of the last column with data in the worksheet '(4) If the worksheet named MyWorksheetName is not empty: '(1) Finds the last column with data in the worksheet by searching for the last cell with any character sequence '(2) Returns the number of the last column with data in the worksheet 'Declare object variable to hold/represent all cells in the worksheet named MyWorksheetName Dim MyRange As Range 'Identify all cells in the worksheet named MyWorksheetName Set MyRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(MyWorksheetName).Cells 'Test if MyRange is empty If Application.CountA(MyRange) = 0 Then 'If MyRange is empty, assign 0 to FindLastColumn FindLastColumn = 0 Else 'If MyRange isn't empty, find the last cell with any character sequence by: '(1) Searching for the previous match; '(2) Across columns FindLastColumn = MyRange.Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column End If End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find Last Column with Data in Cell Range
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Columns A through H (cells A6 to H30) in the worksheet named “Find Last Column Data” contain data.
- Columns A through H of the “Find Last Column Data” worksheet contain exactly the same data as that in the “Find Last Column Formula” worksheet (displayed in the image below).
- The “Find Last Column Data” worksheet contains no data in columns J or K whereas the “Find Last Column Formula” worksheet (displayed in the image below) does.
- Cell J7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the number of the last column with data in the worksheet (named “Find Last Column Data”). This is column H or 8.
- Cell K7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell J7 (=FindLastColumn(“Find Last Column Data”)). The name of the worksheet whose last column is searched is “Find Last Column Data”.
#15. Excel VBA Find Last Non Empty Cell in Column
VBA Code to Find Last Non Empty Cell in Column
To find the last non empty cell in a column, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
WorksheetObject.Range(ColumnLetter & WorksheetObject.Rows.Count).End(xlUp)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
A Worksheet object representing the worksheet containing the column whose last non empty cell you want to find.
The Worksheet.Range property returns a Range object representing a cell or cell range.
The letter of the column whose last non empty cell you want to find.
The concatenation operator joins two strings and creates a new string.
A Worksheet object representing the worksheet containing the column whose last non empty cell you want to find.
The Worksheet.Rows property returns a Range object representing all rows in the applicable worksheet (containing the column whose last non empty cell you want to find).
The Range.Count property returns the number of objects in a collection (the number of rows in the worksheet containing the column whose last non empty cell you want to find).
The Range.End property returns a Range object representing the cell at the end of the region containing the source range. In other words: The Range.End property is the rough equivalent of using the “Ctrl + Arrow Key” or “End, Arrow Key” keyboard shortcuts.
The Range.End property accepts one parameter: Direction. Direction:
- Specifies the direction in which to move.
- Can take the any of the built-in constants/values from the XlDirection enumeration.
To find the last non empty cell in a column, set the Direction parameter to xlUp. xlUp:
- Results in moving up, to the top of the data region.
- Is the rough equivalent of the “Ctrl + Up Arrow” or “End, Up Arrow” keyboard shortcuts.
Macro Example to Find Last Non Empty Cell in Column
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts one argument (MyColumn): The letter of the column (in the worksheet where the UDF is used) whose last non empty cell you want to find.
- Finds the last non empty cell in the applicable column.
- Returns a string containing the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the last non empty cell in the applicable column.
Function FindLastNonEmptyCellColumn(MyColumn As String) As String 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 1 argument: MyColumn '(2) Finds the last non empty cell in the column whose letter is passed as argument (MyColumn) in the worksheet where the UDF is used '(3) Returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the last non empty cell found in the column whose letter is passed as argument (MyColumn) in the worksheet where the UDF is used With Application.Caller.Parent FindLastNonEmptyCellColumn = .Range(MyColumn & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) End With End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find Last Non Empty Cell in Column
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Column A (cells A6 to A30) contains data.
- Cell C7 contains the letter of the column whose last non empty cell is sought (A).
- Cell D7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the last non empty cell in column A (MyColumn). This is cell A30
- Cell E7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell D7 (=FindLastNonEmptyCellColumn(C7)). The letter of the column whose last non empty cell is sought is stored in cell C7 (C7).
#16. Excel VBA Find Empty (or Blank) Cells
VBA Code to Find Empty (or Blank) Cells
To find all empty (or blank) cells in a cell range, use the following structure/template in the applicable procedure:
Dim BlankCellsObjectVariable As Range On Error Resume Next Set BlankCellsObjectVariable = RangeObjectWithBlankCells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks) On Error GoTo 0 If Not BlankCellsObjectVariable Is Nothing Then StatementsIfBlankCells End If
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
Line #1: Dim BlankCellsObjectVariable As Range
The Dim statement:
- Declares variables.
- Allocates storage space.
The name of the variable declared with the Dim statement.
BlankCellsObjectVariable holds/represents the empty (or blank) cells found.
As Range
The data type of the variable declared with the Dim statement.
BlankCellsObjectVariable is declared as of the Range object data type. The Range object represents a cell or cell range.
Line #2: On Error Resume Next
The On Error Resume Next statement specifies that, when a run-time error occurs, control passes to the statement immediately following that statement where the error occurred. Therefore, procedure execution continues.
Line #3 returns an error (Run time error ‘1004′: No cells were found) if the cell range where you search for empty (or blank) cells doesn’t contain any empty (or blank) cells.
Line #3: Set BlankCellsObjectVariable = RangeObjectWithBlankCells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
The Set statement assigns an object reference to an object variable.
Object variable holding/representing the empty (or blank) cells found.
The assignment operator assigns an object reference (returned by the Range.SpecialCells method) to an object variable (BlankCellsObjectVariable).
A Range object representing the cell range you search in for empty (or blank) cells.
The Range.SpecialCells method returns a Range object representing all cells matching a specified:
- Type; and
- Value.
The Type parameter of the Range.SpecialCells method:
- Specifies the cells to include in the Range object returned by the Range.SpecialCells method.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlCellType enumeration.
To find all empty (or blank) cells in a cell range, set the Type parameter to xlCellTypeBlanks. xlCellTypeBlanks results in the Range.SpecialCells method including blank/empty cells in the Range object it returns.
Line #4: On Error GoTo 0
The On Error GoTo 0 statement disables error handling (originally enabled by line #2).
Line #5 and #7: If Not BlankCellsObjectVariable Is Nothing Then | End If
If… Then | End If
The If… Then… Else statement:
- Conditionally executes a set of statements (line #6);
- Depending on an expression’s value (Not BlankCellsObjectVariable Is Nothing).
Not BlankCellsObjectVariable Is Nothing
The condition of an If… Then… Else statement is an expression evaluating to True or False. If the expression returns True, the applicable set of statements (line #6) is executed.
In this expression:
- Not BlankCellsObjectVariable:
- The Not operator performs a logical negation on an expression.
- BlankCellsObjectVariable is the object variable holding/representing the empty (or blank) cells found.
- BlankCellsObjectVariable holds/represents Nothing if no empty (or blank) cells are found. Therefore:
- If the Range.SpecialCells method finds no empty (or blank) cells:
- BlankCellsObjectVariable is Nothing.
- Not BlankCellsObjectVariable is not Nothing.
- If the Range.SpecialCells method finds empty (or blank) cells:
- BlankCellsObjectVariable is not Nothing.
- Not BlankCellsObjectVariable is Nothing.
- If the Range.SpecialCells method finds no empty (or blank) cells:
- Is: The Is operator is an object reference comparison operator.
- Nothing: Nothing allows you to disassociate a variable from the data it previously represented. BlankCellsObjectVariable holds/represents Nothing if no empty (or blank) cells are found.
Line #6: StatementsIfBlankCells
Statements conditionally executed by the If… Then… Else statement if the applicable condition (Not BlankCellsObjectVariable Is Nothing) returns True (the Range.SpecialCells method finds empty or blank cells).
Macro Example to Find Empty (or Blank) Cells
The following macro example does the following:
- Find all empty (or blank) cells in the cell range containing cells A6 to H30 in the “Find Blank Cells” worksheet in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
- Set the interior/fill color of all found empty (or blank) cells to light green.
Sub FindBlankCells() 'Source: 'For further information: 'This procedure: '(1) Finds all blank cells in cells A6 to H30 of the "Find Blank Cells" worksheet in this workbook '(2) Sets the found cells' interior/fill color to light green 'Declare object variable to hold/represent blank cells Dim MyBlankCells As Range 'Enable error-handling On Error Resume Next 'Identify blank cells in searched cell range Set MyBlankCells = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Find Blank Cells").Range("A6:H30").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks) 'Disable error-handling On Error GoTo 0 'Test whether blank cells were found in searched cell range If Not MyBlankCells Is Nothing Then 'Set interior/fill color of blank cells found to light green MyBlankCells.Interior.Color = RGB(63, 189, 133) End If End Sub
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find Empty (or Blank) Cells
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:
- Columns A through H (cells A6 to H30) contain:
- Data; and
- A few empty cells (with light green interior/fill).
- A text box (Find all blank cells) executes the macro example when clicked.
After the macro is executed, Excel sets the interior/fill color of all empty (or blank) cells to light green.
#17. Excel VBA Find First Empty (or Blank) Cell in Cell Range
VBA Code to Find First Empty (or Blank) Cell in Cell Range
To find the first empty (or blank) cell in a cell range, use the following structure/template in the applicable procedure:
For Each iCell In CellRangeObject If IsEmpty(iCell) Then StatementsForFirstEmptyCell Exit For End If Next iCell
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
Lines #1 and #6: For Each iCell In CellRangeObject | Next iCell
For Each … In … | Next …
The For Each… Next statement repeats a series of statements for each element (iCell, an individual cell) in a collection (CellRangeObject).
Object variable (of the Range data type) used to iterate/loop through each element of the collection (CellRangeObject).
A Range object representing the cell range you search in.
The series of statements repeated by the For Each… Next statement are repeated for each individual element (iCell) in CellRangeObject.
Lines #2 and #5: If IsEmpty(iCell) Then | End If
If… Then | End If
The If… Then Else statement:
- Conditionally executes a set of statements (lines #3 and #4);
- Depending on an expression’s value (IsEmpty(iCell)).
The condition of an If… Then… Else statement is an expression evaluating to True or False. If the expression returns True, the applicable set of statements (lines #3 and #4) are executed.
In this expression:
- As a general rule, the IsEmpty function returns a Boolean value (True or False) indicating whether a variable is initialized. You can (also) use the IsEmpty function to test whether a cell is empty (or blank).
- iCell is an object variable representing the individual cell the For Each… Next statement is currently working with (iterating through).
- IsEmpty(iCell) returns True or False as follows:
- True if the cell (currently) represented by iCell is empty (or blank).
- False if the cell (currently) represented by iCell isn’t empty. A cell isn’t considered to be empty if, for example, it contains a worksheet formula returning a zero-length string (“”).
Line #3: StatementsForFirstEmptyCell
Statements conditionally executed by the If… Then… Else statement if the applicable condition (IsEmpty(iCell)) returns True (the cell currently represented by iCell is empty or blank).
Line #4: Exit For
The Exit For statement:
- Exits a For Each… Next loop.
- Transfers control to the statement following the Next statement (line #6).
Macro Example to Find First Empty (or Blank) Cell in Cell Range
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts one argument (MyRange): The cell range whose first empty cell you search for.
- Loops through each individual cell in the cell range (MyRange) and tests whether the applicable cell is empty (or blank).
- Returns the following:
- If MyRange contains empty cells, the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first empty cell in the cell range (MyRange).
- If MyRange doesn’t contain empty cells, the string “No empty cells found in cell range”.
Function FindNextEmptyCellRange(MyRange As Range) As String 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 1 argument: MyRange '(2) Loops through each individual cell in the cell range (MyRange) and tests whether the applicable cell is empty '(3) Returns the following (as applicable): 'If there are empty cells in MyRange: The address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first empty cell 'If there are no empty cells in MyRange: The string "No empty cells found in cell range" 'Declare object variable to iterate/loop through all cells in the cell range (MyRange) Dim iCell As Range 'Loop through each cell in the cell range (MyRange) For Each iCell In MyRange 'If the current cell is empty: '(1) Return the current cell's address (as an A1-style relative reference) '(2) Exit the For Each... Next loop If IsEmpty(iCell) Then FindNextEmptyCellRange = iCell.Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) Exit For End If Next iCell 'If no empty cells are found in the cell range (MyRange), return the string "No empty cells found in cell range" If FindNextEmptyCellRange = "" Then FindNextEmptyCellRange = "No empty cells found in cell range" End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find First Empty (or Blank) Cell in Cell Range
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Columns A through H (cells A6 to H30) contain:
- Data; and
- A few empty cells (with light green interior/fill).
- Cell J7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first empty cell in the cell range (MyRange). This is cell B7.
- Cell K7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell J7 (=FindNextEmptyCellRange(A6:H30)). The cell range where the search is carried out contains cells A6 to H30 (A6:H30).
#18. Excel VBA Find First Empty (or Blank) Cell in Column
VBA Code to Find First Empty (or Blank) Cell in Column
To find the first empty (or blank) cell in a column, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:
ColumnRangeObject.Find(What:="", After:=ColumnRangeObject.Cells(ColumnRangeObject.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
A Range object representing the column whose first empty (or blank) cell you search for.
The Range.Find method:
- Finds specific information (the first empty or blank cell) in a cell range (ColumnRangeObject).
- Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.
The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.
To find the first empty (or blank) cell in a column, set the What parameter to a zero-length string (“”).
The After parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the cell after which the search begins.
To find the first empty (or blank) cell in a column, set the After parameter to “ColumnRangeObject.Cells(ColumnRangeObject.Cells.Count)”. For these purposes:
- “ColumnRangeObject” is a Range object representing the column whose first empty (or blank) cell you search for.
- The Range.Cells property (Cells) returns a Range object representing all cells in the column whose first empty (or blank) cell you search for.
- The Range.Item property returns a Range object representing the last cell in the column whose first empty (or blank) cell you search for. For these purposes, the RowIndex parameter of the Range.Item property is set to the value returned by the Range.Count property (Count).
- The Range.Count property (Count) returns the number of cells in the Range object returned by the Range.Cells property (ColumnRangeObject.Cells).
The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the type of data to search in.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.
To find the first empty (or blank) cell in a column, set the LookIn parameter to xlFormulas. xlFormulas refers to formulas.
The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
- The entire/whole searched cell contents.
- Any part of the searched cell contents.
- The LookAt parameter can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlLookAt enumeration.
To find the first empty (or blank) cell in a column, set the LookAt parameter to xlWhole. xlWhole matches the data you are searching for against the entire/whole searched cell contents.
The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the order in which the applicable cell range (ColumnRangeObject) is searched:
- By rows.
- By columns.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.
To find the first empty (or blank) cell in a column, set the SearchOrder parameter to xlByRows. xlByRows searches by rows.
The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:
- Specifies the search direction:
- Search for the previous match.
- Search for the next match.
- Can take any of the built-in constants/values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.
To find the first empty (or blank) cell in a column, set the SearchDirection parameter to xlNext. xlNext searches for the next match.
Macro Example to Find First Empty (or Blank) Cell in Column
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts one argument (MyColumn): The letter of the column (in the worksheet where the UDF is used) whose first empty (or blank) cell you search for.
- Finds the first empty (or blank) cell in the applicable column.
- Returns a string containing the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first empty (or blank) cell in the applicable column.
Function FindFirstEmptyCellColumn(MyColumn As String) As String 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 1 argument: MyColumn '(2) Finds the first empty (blank) cell in the column whose letter is passed as argument (MyColumn) in the worksheet where the UDF is used '(3) Returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first empty (blank) cell in the column whose letter is passed as argument (MyColumn) in the worksheet where the UDF is used With Application.Caller.Parent.Columns(MyColumn) FindFirstEmptyCellColumn = .Find(What:="", After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) End With End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find First Empty (or Blank) Cell in Column
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Column I (cells I1 to I25) contains:
- Data; and
- A few empty cells (with light green interior/fill).
- Cell A7 contains the letter of the column whose first empty (or blank) cell is sought (I).
- Cell B7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the address (as an A1-style relative reference) of the first empty (or blank) cell in column I (MyColumn). This is cell I10.
- Cell C7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell B7 (=FindFirstEmptyCellColumn(A7)). The letter of the column whose first empty (or blank) cell is sought is stored in cell A7 (A7).
#19. Excel VBA Find Next Empty (or Blank) Cell in Column
VBA Code to Find Next Empty (or Blank) Cell in Column
To find the next empty (or blank) cell in a column, use the following structure/template in the applicable procedure:
If IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell) Then RangeObjectSourceCell.ActionForNextEmptyCell ElseIf IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell.Offset(1, 0)) Then RangeObjectSourceCell.Offset(1, 0).ActionForNextEmptyCell Else RangeObjectSourceCell.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).ActionForNextEmptyCell End If
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
Lines #1, #3, #5 and #7: If IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell) Then | ElseIf IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell.Offset(1, 0)) Then | Else | End If
If… Then | ElseIf… Then | Else | End If
The If… Then… Else statement:
- Conditionally executes a set of statements (lines #2, #4 or #6);
- Depending on an expression’s value (IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell) or IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell.Offset(1, 0))).
The condition of an If… Then… Else statement is an expression evaluating to True or False. If the expression returns True, the applicable set of statements (line #2) is executed.
In this expression:
- As a general rule, the IsEmpty function returns a Boolean value (True or False) indicating whether a variable is initialized. You can (also) use the IsEmpty function to test whether a cell is empty (or blank).
- RangeObjectSourceCell is a Range object representing the cell where the search (for the next empty or blank cell in the column) begins.
- IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell) returns True or False as follows:
- True if the cell represented by RangeObjectSourceCell is empty (or blank).
- False if the cell represented by RangeObjectSourceCell isn’t empty. A cell isn’t considered to be empty if, for example, it contains a worksheet formula returning a zero-length string (“”).
IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell.Offset(1, 0))
The condition of an If… Then… Else statement is an expression evaluating to True or False. If the expression returns True, the applicable set of statements (line #4) is executed.
In this expression:
- As a general rule, the IsEmpty function returns a Boolean value (True or False) indicating whether a variable is initialized. You can (also) use the IsEmpty function to test whether a cell is empty (or blank).
- RangeObjectSourceCell is a Range object representing the cell where the search (for the next empty or blank cell in the column) begins.
- The Range.Offset property (Offset(1, 0)) returns a Range object representing a cell range at an offset from the source cell range. In this expression:
- The source cell range is the cell where the search (for the next empty or blank cell in the column) begins (RangeObjectSourceCell).
- The offset from the source cell range is as follows:
- 1 row downwards, as specified by the RowOffset parameter of the Range.Offset property (1).
- No column offsetting, as specified by the ColumnOffset parameter of the Range.Offset property (0).
- IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell.Offset(1, 0)) returns True or False as follows:
- True if the cell represented by the Range object returned by the Range.Offset property is empty.
- False if the cell represented by the Range object returned by the Range.Offset property isn’t empty. A cell isn’t considered to be empty if, for example, it contains a worksheet formula returning a zero-length string (“”).
Line #2: RangeObjectSourceCell.ActionForNextEmptyCell
Statement conditionally executed by the If… Then… Else statement if the applicable condition (IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell)) returns True.
A Range object representing the cell where the search (for the next empty or blank cell in the column) begins.
VBA construct (usually a property or method) working with the applicable cell (represented by RangeObjectSourceCell).
Line #4: RangeObjectSourceCell.Offset(1, 0).ActionForNextEmptyCell
Statement conditionally executed by the If… Then… Else statement if the applicable condition (IsEmpty(RangeObjectSourceCell.Offset(1, 0))) returns True.
A Range object representing the cell where the search (for the next empty or blank cell in the column) begins.
Offset(1, 0)
The Range.Offset property (Offset(1, 0)) returns a Range object representing a cell range at an offset from the source cell range. For these purposes:
- The source cell range is the cell where the search (for the next empty or blank cell in the column) begins (RangeObjectSourceCell).
- The offset from the source cell range is as follows:
- 1 row downwards, as specified by the RowOffset parameter of the Range.Offset property (1).
- No column offsetting, as specified by the ColumnOffset parameter of the Range.Offset property (0).
VBA construct (usually a property or method) working with the applicable cell (returned by the Range.Offset property).
Line #6: RangeObjectSourceCell.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).ActionForNextEmptyCell
Statement conditionally executed by the If… Then… Else statement if no previous condition (in lines #1 or #3) returns True.
A Range object representing the cell where the search (for the next empty or blank cell in the column) begins.
The Range.End property returns a Range object representing the cell at the end of the region containing the source range. In other words: The Range.End property is the rough equivalent of using the “Ctrl + Arrow Key” or “End, Arrow Key” keyboard shortcuts.
The Range.End property accepts one parameter: Direction. Direction:
- Specifies the direction in which to move.
- Can take the any of the built-in constants/values from the XlDirection enumeration.
To find the next empty (or blank) cell in a column, set the Direction parameter to xlDown. xlDown:
- Results in moving down, to the bottom of the data region.
- Is the rough equivalent of the “Ctrl + Down Arrow” or “End, Down Arrow” keyboard shortcuts.
Offset(1, 0)
The Range.Offset property (Offset(1, 0)) returns a Range object representing a cell range at an offset from the source cell range. For these purposes:
- The source cell range is the cell represented by the Range object returned by the Range.End property (End(xlDown)).
- The offset from the source cell range is as follows:
- 1 row downwards, as specified by the RowOffset parameter of the Range.Offset property (1).
- No column offsetting, as specified by the ColumnOffset parameter of the Range.Offset property (0).
VBA construct (usually a property or method) working with the applicable cell (returned by the Range.Offset property).
Macro Example to Find Next Empty (or Blank) Cell in Column
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts one argument (MySourceCell): The cell where the search (for the next empty or blank cell in the column) begins.
- Finds the next empty (or blank) cell in the applicable column after MySourceCell.
- Returns a string containing the address (as an R1C1-style absolute reference) of the next empty (or blank) cell in the applicable column.
Function FindNextEmptyCellColumn(MySourceCell As Range) As String 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 1 argument: MySourceCell '(2) Finds the next empty/blank cell in the applicable column and after the cell passed as argument (MySourceCell) '(3) Returns the address (as an R1C1-style absolute reference) of the next empty/blank cell in the applicable column and after the cell passed as argument (MySourceCell) With MySourceCell(1) 'If first cell in cell range passed as argument (MySourceCell) is empty, obtain/return that cell's address If IsEmpty(MySourceCell(1)) Then FindNextEmptyCellColumn = .Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1) 'If cell below first cell in cell range passed as argument (MySourceCell) is empty, obtain/return that cell's address ElseIf IsEmpty(.Offset(1, 0)) Then FindNextEmptyCellColumn = .Offset(1, 0).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1) 'Otherwise: '(1) Find the next empty/blank cell in the applicable column and after the first cell in cell range passed as argument (MySourceCell) '(2) Obtain/return the applicable cell's address Else FindNextEmptyCellColumn = .End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1) End If End With End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find Next Empty (or Blank) Cell in Column
The following image illustrates the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example. In this example:
- Column A (cells A6 to A30) contains:
- Data; and
- A few empty cells.
- Cell C7 contains the worksheet formula that works with the macro (User-Defined Function) example. This worksheet formula returns the address (as an R1C1-style absolute reference) of the next empty (or blank) cell in column A after cell A13 (MySourceCell). This cell R21C1 (or A21 as an A1-style relative reference).
- Cell D7 displays the worksheet formula used in cell C7 (=FindNextEmptyCellColumn(A13)). The cell where the search (for the next empty or blank cell in the column) begins is A13 (A13).
#20. Excel VBA Find Value in Array
VBA Code to Find Value in Array
To find a numeric value in a one-dimensional array, use the following structure/template in the applicable procedure:
Dim PositionOfValueInArray As Variant Dim LoopCounter As Long PositionOfValueInArray = OutputIfValueNotInArray For LoopCounter = LBound(SearchedArray) To UBound(SearchedArray) If SearchedArray(LoopCounter) = SearchedValue Then PositionOfValueInArray = LoopCounter Exit For End If Next LoopCounter
The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.
Lines #1 and #2: Dim PositionOfValueInArray As Variant | Dim LoopCounter As Long
The Dim statement:
- Declares variables.
- Allocates storage space.
PositionOfValueInArray | LoopCounter
The names of the variables declared with the Dim statement.
- PositionOfValueInArray holds/represents:
- The position of the searched numeric value in the array, if the searched numeric value is found in the array.
- The default/fallback output/data, if the searched numeric value isn’t found in the array.
- LoopCounter represents the loop counter used in the For… Next loop in lines #4 to #9.
As Variant | As Long
The data type of the variables declared with the Dim statement.
- PositionOfValueInArray is of the Variant data type. The Variant data type can (generally) contain any type of data, except for fixed-length Strings.
- LoopCounter is of the Long data type. The Long data type can contain integers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
Line #3: PositionOfValueInArray = OutputIfValueNotInArray
Variable holding/representing:
- The position of the searched numeric value in the array, if the searched numeric value is found in the array.
- The default/fallback output/data, if the searched numeric value isn’t found in the array.
The assignment operator assigns the result returned by an expression (OutputIfValueNotInArray) to a variable (PositionOfValueInArray).
Expression specifying the default/fallback output/data to be assigned to the PositionOfValueInArray variable if the searched numeric value isn’t found in the array.
Lines #4 and #9: For LoopCounter = LBound(SearchedArray) To UBound(SearchedArray) | Next LoopCounter
For… = … To … | Next…
The For… Next statement repeats a series of statements a specific number of times.
Variable holding/representing the loop counter.
LBound(…) | UBound(…)
The LBound/UBound functions return the lower/upper bound of an array’s dimension. The LBound/UBound functions accept two arguments:
- ArrayName: The name of the array whose lower/upper bound you want to obtain.
- Dimension:
- An optional argument.
- The dimension (of the applicable array) whose lower/upper bound you want to obtain.
If you omit specifying the Dimension argument, the LBound/UBound functions return the lower/upper bound of the array’s first dimension.
The initial/final values of LoopCounter are set to the following:
- Initial value (Start) of LoopCounter: The output returned by the LBound function (LBound(SearchedArray)).
- Final value (End) of LoopCounter: The output returned by the UBound function (UBound(SearchedArray)).
The array you search in.
SearchedArray is passed as the ArrayName argument of the LBound/UBound functions.
Lines #5 and #8: If SearchedArray(LoopCounter) = SearchedValue Then | End If
If… Then… End If
The If… Then… Else statement:
- Conditionally executes a set of statements (lines #6 and #7);
- Depending on an expression’s value (SearchedArray(LoopCounter) = SearchedValue).
SearchedArray(LoopCounter) = SearchedValue
The condition of an If… Then… Else statement is an expression evaluating to True or False.
- If the expression returns True, a set of statements (lines #6 and #7) is executed.
- If the expression returns False:
- No statements are executed.
- Execution continues with the statement following End If (line #8).
In this expression:
- SearchedArray: The array you search in.
- LoopCounter: Variable holding/representing the loop counter.
- SearchedArray(LoopCounter): Array element whose index number is LoopCounter.
- =: The equal to comparison operator returns True or False as follows:
- True if both expressions (SearchedArray(LoopCounter) and SearchedValue) are equal.
- False if the expressions (SearchedArray(LoopCounter) and SearchedValue) are not equal.
- SearchedValue: Numeric value you search for in the array (SearchedArray).
Line #6: PositionOfValueInArray = LoopCounter
Variable holding/representing:
- The position of the searched numeric value in the array, if the searched numeric value is found in the array.
- The default/fallback output/data, if the searched numeric value isn’t found in the array.
The assignment operator assigns the result returned by an expression (LoopCounter) to a variable (PositionOfValueInArray).
Variable holding/representing the loop counter.
Line #7: Exit For
The Exit For statement:
- Exits a For… Next loop.
- Transfers control to the statement following the Next statement (line #8).
Macro Example to Find Value in Array
The following macro (User-Defined Function) example does the following:
- Accepts two arguments:
- MyArray: The array you search in.
- MyValue: The numeric value you search for.
- Loops through each element in MyArray and tests whether the applicable element is equal to MyValue.
- Returns the following:
- If MyValue is not found in MyArray, the string “Value not found in array”.
- If MyValue is found in MyArray, the position/index number of MyValue in MyArray.
Function FindValueInArray(MyArray As Variant, MyValue As Variant) As Variant 'Source: 'For further information: 'This UDF: '(1) Accepts 2 arguments: MyArray and MyValue '(2) Loops through each element in the array (MyArray) and tests whether the applicable element is equal to the searched value (MyValue) '(3) Returns the following (as applicable): 'If MyValue is not found in MyArray: The string "Value not found in array" 'If MyValue is found in MyArray: The position (index number) of MyValue in MyArray 'Declare variable to represent loop counter Dim iCounter As Long 'Specify default/fallback value/string to be returned ("Value not found in array") if MyValue is not found in MyArray FindValueInArray = "Value not found in array" 'Loop through each element in the array (MyArray) For iCounter = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray) 'Test if the current array element is equal to MyValue If MyArray(iCounter) = MyValue Then 'If the current array element is equal to MyValue: '(1) Return the position (index number) of the current array element '(2) Exit the For... Next loop FindValueInArray = iCounter Exit For End If Next iCounter End Function
Effects of Executing Macro Example to Find Value in Array
To illustrate the effects of using the macro (User-Defined Function) example, I use the following macro. The following macro does the following:
- Declare an array (MySearchedArray).
- Fill the array with values (0, 10, 20, …, 90).
- Call the FindValueInArray macro (User-Defined Function) example to find the number “50” in the array.
- Display a message box with the value/string returned by the FindValueInArray macro (User-Defined Function) example.
Sub FindValueInArrayCaller() 'Source: 'For further information: 'This procedure: '(1) Declares an array and fills it with values (0, 10, 20, ..., 90) '(2) Calls the FindValueInArray UDF to find the number "50" in the array '(3) Displays a message box with the value/string returned by the FindValueInArray UDF 'Declare a zero-based array with 10 elements of the Long data type Dim MySearchedArray(0 To 9) As Long 'Assign values to array elements MySearchedArray(0) = 0 MySearchedArray(1) = 10 MySearchedArray(2) = 20 MySearchedArray(3) = 30 MySearchedArray(4) = 40 MySearchedArray(5) = 50 MySearchedArray(6) = 60 MySearchedArray(7) = 70 MySearchedArray(8) = 80 MySearchedArray(9) = 90 'Do the following: '(1) Call the FindValueInArray UDF and search for the number "50" in MySearchedArray '(2) Display a message box with the value/string returned by the FindValueInArray UDF MsgBox FindValueInArray(MySearchedArray, 50) End Sub
The following GIF illustrates the effects of using the macro above to call the macro (User-Defined Function) example.
As expected, this results in Excel displaying a message box with the number 5. This is the position of the searched numeric value (50) in the array.
Learn More About Excel VBA Find
Workbook Example Used in this Excel VBA Find Tutorial
This VBA Find Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook containing the data and macros I use in the examples above. You can get free access to this example workbook by clicking the button below.
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