Just to take him at his word

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Just to take Him at His word

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These words from a hymn sung often in my lifetime have been going through my brain today. “‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His word, Just to rest upon His promise, just to know ‘Thus saith the Lord.’” And the chorus says, “Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, O for grace to trust Him more!” What a succinct statement of the Christian life!

The lyrics of the song were written by Lousia Stead (c.1850-1917). Born in England, she gave her life to the Lord at age 9 and desired to be a missionary. However, she was rejected for health reasons, so she married and gave birth to a daughter. Here husband later drowned around 1880 attempting to save someone at a beach picnic. For reasons now unknown, shortly afterwards she left with her daughter to do missionary work with the Methodists in South Africa, and wrote the song during this time in 1882. She served for 15 years and married again, this time to an American preacher, and then health forced her to sail to the United States and her husband pastored a church there. They returned to South Africe in 1901 for another 11 years of service before retiring, and she died in 1917.

“Just to take Him at His word” is all that we are required to do. “God said it, that settles it!” To a true believer, that really is how to live as a Christian. The only issue is the integrity of God’s Word. Did God really mean what He said? Then if He did, walk on that basis. The third verse says, “Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease, Just from Jesus simply taking, Life, and rest, and joy, and peace.”

It is no wonder my generation miss these grand old songs of the church. They are deeply imprinted in our memories, and their recollection help us get through the “trouble and trials” of life as we look “away [from all that will distract] to Jesus” (Amplified Bible), “the pioneer and the perfection of faith” (Hebrews 12:2 Moffatt).

“Fix your eyes on Jesus, after a glance at ‘the cloud of witnesses’ [chapter 11], for he is the goal” (Robertson’s Word Pictures). Hence the fourth verse of the song reads, “I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee — Precious Jesus, Saviour, Friend! And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end.” Thank you, Lousia!

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“Then Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels: shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their livestock. And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe in me, to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them.” – Numbers‬ ‭20:10-12‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Back in Exodus God told moses to strike a rock and he would provide water, this time he told him to speak to it. Growing up I thought that Moses was punished and was not allowed in the promised land because of his anger. He was angry so he hit the rock and that’s why he was punished. (I’m not sure if I was taught this or this was just a conclusion I came to on my own, but that was my understanding of the scenario.)

But when I came to this passage in my bible reading plan a phrase caught my eye – the phrase “you did not believe”. In verse 12 it says “and the Lord said to Moses and Aaron “because you did not believe in me to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I’ve given them.”” As I meditated on that for a moment I realized my perception had been wrong. God tells Moses and Aaron here why they aren’t allowed in the promised land, and it’s not bc of anger. What God is essentially saying to them is “Look, now you’re not gonna get to bring these people in this promised land and it’s because you didn’t believe me. You didn’t trust me. You didn’t take me at my word.”

This thought became a recurring one. A new thought I’m fixed on that keeps coming back, that God brings to my mind and I’m naturally meditating on. Every few weeks God brings a new thought to my attention and shows me in multiple different ways how that’s true from multiple different sources. (I think this is so cool!) Taking God at his word. This is what I keep coming to. Several weeks ago I was listening to Priscilla Shirer and I think she mentioned this as a side comment, but she told a story about a girl who was traveling with her and her husband, Jerry. She told of how the girl got lost in the airport because she assumed a text that Jerry had sent her had a typo in it, but it was not actually a typo, it was correct. When she finally found her way to the right place they asked what happened. She told them She had assumed the text meant something else. Priscilla tells that Jerry then made the comment “if you had only believed exactly what I had written.”

How often do we do that with God? We read something or hear something or feel his leading and we say “oh God I don’t think that’s actually what you mean.” But Just because something might sound a little crazy or off to us doesn’t mean that there’s been a typo. It doesn’t mean that there’s been miscommunication. In fact, often times when God is speaking to us it does sound crazy. Why? Because that’s when we see that it was Him who directed, and worked, and won, not ourselves. Not long ago I came to the story of Gideon in my bible reading and this is proven there. Gideon had 32,000 men ready to fight with him in the battle God had called him to. But then God said “the people with you are too many for me to give the midianites into their hand, lest Israel boast over me, saying, ‘my own hand has saved me.’” (Judges 7:2) so through a series of events God sent man after man home until only 300 remained. THREE HUNDRED. I don’t know about you, but if I were Gideon I think I’d be slightly terrified and basically going ballistic. But God had promised victory. And let me give you a little background here, up to this point God had been 100% faithful to his word. He was not about to change now. I think you know how this ends. God is faithful and they defeat midian with only 300 men, because of God.

God want’s us to take him at his word. When God brought this thought to mind he brought it with the hymn, “’tis so sweet to trust in Jesus”. I know this hymn well, but I hadn’t heard it recently or heard it mentioned anywhere, but the Lord graciously popped it in my brain to focus on for a while.

“‘tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word; just to rest upon his promise, and to know, “thus saith the Lord.”” Have you ever really stopped and pondered that before? That we can trust God wholeheartedly and just simply take him at his word. We can’t always do that with humans. Humans are fallible. Sometimes our information is incorrect, or we aren’t knowledgable in and of the situation, or there’s miscommunication, or a typo. But God is never like that. He is infallible and because of that we can trust and just take him at his word.

Not living out this truth is the sin that kept Moses and Aaron from the promised land. “Because you did not believe in me.” God told them one thing very specifically and They did another. They did not believe God. They did not take him at his word.

This might seem like an extreme punishment for a little act, but for one, disobedience is disobedience no matter how big or small. And for two, Moses and Aaron were the mediators between Israel and God. They had a high position, a public position and they represented God in a bigger way. “To whom much has been given much more will be required”

Oh, what about Aaron? Yeah, I asked that too. Aaron didn’t strike the rock so why is he punished? He’s punished with Moses because he heard God’s command and choose to let it slide. As brothers and sisters we are to encourage one another to follow God’s law, and when we do nothing that is a serious offense.

For Christmas my cousin gave me a lettering of one of my favorite phrases, “faithful you have been, faithful you will be.” It’s such a simple truth, but a profound one. Like God had been 100% faithful to his word in Gideon’s time, he has continued to be 100% faithful. Why should we take God at his word? Because we can! He has proven that his word is true and he stands by it fully.

“‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, 
just to take him at his word; 
just to rest upon his promise, 
and to know, “Thus saith the Lord.”

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him! 
How I’ve proved him o’er and o’er! 
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 
O for grace to trust him more! “

take him at his word — перевод на русский

I will take you at your word.

Поверю тебе на слово.

Do you think I’m foolish enough to take you at your word?

Думаешь, я так глуп, что поверю тебе на слово?

No, I prefer to take you at your word.

Нет, я поверю тебе на слово.

So if you tell me you weren’t drinking that day, I’ll take you at your word.

Так что, если ты мне скажешь, что ты в тот день не пил, то я поверю тебе на слово.

If it is true, then I’ll take you at your word and I’ll bring him in.

Если это правда, я поверю тебе на слово и посажу его.

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If you were Candor I would take you at your word.

Если бы вы были из Искренности‎, я бы поверил на слово‎.

Dawson assures me I can take you at your word if you say you’re ready to work.

Доусон говорит, что тебе можно поверить на слово, если ты говоришь, что готова работать.

I will take you at your word, but da Vinci will not.

Я верю вам на слово, но Да Винчи не остановится.

Why is that? Why should this panel take you at your word, Mrs. Florrick?

Почему эта комиссия должна поверить вам на слово, миссис Флоррик?

I’m a senior manager, a school governor and in this town, Daniel, people take me at my word.

Я главный врач больницы, глава школьной администрации, и в этом городе, Дэниэл, люди верят мне на слово!

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Well, Fidel took you at your word, going to the hotel and fingerprinting everyone who could have touched the spear gun.

Фидель, поймал вас на слове, съездил в отель и снял отпечатки всех, кто мог касаться подводного ружья.

Now, I took you at your word.

Я поймал вас на слове.

We have taken you at your word.

Мы поймали вас на слове.

You said you wanted to meet him and she took you at your word.

Ты сказал, что хочешь с ним познакомиться и она поймала тебя на слове.

Took you at your word.

Я поймал тебя на слове.

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поверить ему на слово

поймать его на слове

верить ему на слово

ловлю его на слове

ловлю Его на Его Слове

нем замолвим слово

However, according to Mironov, «is extremely rare these things shall be documented,» but because readers have to take him at his word.

Впрочем, по словам Миронова, «крайне редко подобные вещи оформляются документально», а потому читателям придётся поверить ему на слово.

For instance, if he’s dependable, truthful, genuine, and speaks from the heart, this is a guy who is worth pursuing, as people can take him at his word.

Например, если он надежный, правдивый, искренний и говорит от души, это тот парень, которого стоит преследовать, так как люди могут поверить ему на слово.

The world should take him at his word.

The West needs to take him at his word.

If Morse says he saw a child, you can take him at his word.

He writes, as he repeatedly says, for that one reader-the singular individual who has the courage to understand him-while at the same time describing in detail, and often with hilarious parody, the many readers who refuse to take him at his word.

Он не устает повторять, что пишет только для того единственного читателя, который имеет смелость понять его, и одновременно детально описывает, зачастую в шутливо-пародийном тоне, тех многочисленных читателей, которые отказываются верить ему на слово.

The West must take him at his word.

Usually it’s accompanied by protestations to the contrary from the interviewer, but I’m prepared to take him at his word.

За ним, как правило, следуют протесты со стороны интервьюера, но я готов поймать его на слове.

But let’s take him at his word and say, what does curiosity mean?

Но давайте поверим ему на слово и попробуем представить, а что такое любопытство?

On Monday, Trump said that the Saudi king denied any knowledge of the event, and Trump appears eager to take him at his word.

В понедельник Трамп заявил, что саудовский король отрицает, что знает об этом событии, и, судя по всему, Трамп хочет поверить ему на слово.

If the West wants to take him at his word, a precedent created by Russia itself might be a good place to start.

Если Запад хочет поймать его на слове, стоит начать с прецедента, который создала сама Россия 0 0

That’s funny, I seem to recall you telling me how he lied to you and betrayed you, and now I’m suddenly just supposed to take him at his word?

Забавно, кажется, я припоминаю, как ты рассказывала, что он лгал тебе, а затем предал, и сейчас я должен просто поверить ему на слово?

Much of the U.S. foreign policy establishment seems baffled by what Trump intends to do, but if we take him at his word, an already-visible pivot to Russia fits into a bigger picture.

Большинство сотрудников внешнеполитического ведомства США кажутся потрясенными тем, что собирается сделать Трамп, но если мы поверим ему на слово, то уже заметный поворот к России укладывается в более крупную картину.

I’d take him at his word.

People can usually take him at his word; he is honest and forthright in most of his dealings.

Люди, как правило, верят ему на слово; он является честным и откровенным в большинстве своих отношений.

You only have to take him at his word.

Most people take him at his word.

He says I’ll take him at his word.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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take someone at his word

ловить кого-либо на слове

Иллюстрированный сборник идиом. — М.: «Росмэн».

Смотреть что такое «take someone at his word» в других словарях:

  • take someone at his — ● word …   Useful english dictionary

  • take (someone) at (their) word — to decide to believe exactly what someone tells you, even if it does not seem likely to be true. When he said he d give me a job, I took him at his word and turned up the next day at his office …   New idioms dictionary

  • take someone at their word — phrase to do something as a result of what someone has said, even though they may not have meant exactly what they said He said he didn’t mind what we did, and we took him at his word. Thesaurus: to believe or accept that something is true or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take someone at their word — to do something as a result of what someone has said, even though they may not have meant exactly what they said He said he didn t mind what we did, and we took him at his word …   English dictionary

  • take at one’s word — {v. phr.} To believe everything (someone) says; to act on what is said. * /If you say you don t want this coat, I ll take you at your word and throw it away./ * /When the king said he wished to be rid of his advisor, a friend took him at his word …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take at one’s word — {v. phr.} To believe everything (someone) says; to act on what is said. * /If you say you don t want this coat, I ll take you at your word and throw it away./ * /When the king said he wished to be rid of his advisor, a friend took him at his word …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take at one’s word — v. phr. To believe everything (someone) says; to act on what is said. If you say you don t want this coat, I ll take you at your word and throw it away. When the king said he wished to be rid of his advisor, a friend took him at his word and… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • take someone’s word for it — take (someone s) word for it to believe someone. If she says she s sick, you have to take her word for it. I took him at his word when he said he could translate Russian …   New idioms dictionary

  • word — [wʉrd] n. [ME < OE, akin to Ger wort < IE * werdh (extension of base * wer , to speak, say) > Gr eirein, to speak, L verbum, word] 1. a) a speech sound, or series of them, serving to communicate meaning and consisting of at least one… …   English World dictionary

  • take a man at his word — take what someone says seriously, treat someone s remarks seriously …   English contemporary dictionary

  • word — ► NOUN 1) a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used to form sentences with others. 2) a remark or statement. 3) (a word) even the smallest amount of something spoken or written: don t believe a word. 4) (words) angry talk.… …   English terms dictionary

take (one) at (one’s) word

To accept what one says without further verification or investigation. Why some people take that pundit at his word is beyond me. He clearly has an ulterior motive. You’re right to be wary, but, in this case, I think we can take John at his word. He’s just trying to help.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

take one at one’s word

to believe what someone says and act accordingly. She told me to go jump in the lake, and I took her at her word. You shouldn’t take her at her word. She frequently says things she doesn’t really mean.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

take someone at his or her word

Also, take someone’s word for. Accept what someone says on trust, as in Since he said he’d agree to any of my ideas, I’ll take him at his word, or She said she wanted to help out and I took her word for it. This idiom appeared in Miles Coverdale’s translation of the Bible: «He said … he is my brother. And the men took him shortly at his word» (I Kings 22:33). It is still so used. [1535]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

take someone at their word

interpret a person’s words literally or exactly, especially by believing them or doing as they suggest.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

take somebody at their ˈword

believe exactly what somebody says or promises: She said I could go and stay with her in Paris whenever I wanted, so I took her at her word.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

take at (someone’s) word

To be convinced of another’s sincerity and act in accord with his or her statement: We took them at their word that the job would be done on time.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

take (someone) at his/her word, to

To believe someone, to regard someone as trustworthy. This locution dates from the sixteenth century, appearing in such sources as Miles Coverdale’s translation of the Bible (1535) and several of Shakespeare’s plays (e.g., “I take thee at thy word,” Romeo and Juliet, 2.2). It also is part of an amusing proverb quoted in David Ferguson’s Scottish Proverbs (1595) and numerous later collections: “Take a man by his word, and a cow by her horne.”

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • take at word
  • take one at word
  • take somebody at their word
  • take (someone) at his/her word, to
  • take someone at his or her word
  • take someone at their word
  • take at face value
  • take at face value, to
  • take somebody/something at face value
  • take (someone or something) at face value

Предложения с «take him at his word»

Are we just supposed to take him at his word?

Мы просто должны положится на его слово ?

All your critics in here take him at his word.

Все ваши критики здесь верят ему на слово .

There is no stranger feeling than making up a word and then seeing it take on a mind of its own.

Странное чувство, когда выдуманное тобой слово вдруг начинает жить своей, отдельной от тебя жизнью.

Because as you can see from the cave paintings, all civilizations, all of humanity have relied upon artists to tell the human story, and if the human story is finally told by men, take my word for it, it will be about men.

Вы обязаны делать это, потому что, как вы заметили, начиная со времён пещерной живописи, во всех цивилизациях, человечество доверяло художникам рассказывать историю человека, и если в итоге эта история рассказана мужчиной, то, поверьте мне на слово , она будет о мужчинах.

I’m supposed to just take your word for the fact that this case involves national security?

Я должен просто поверить тебе на слово в том, что это дело касается национальной безопасности?

I’m supposed to just take your word for the fact that this case involves national security?

Я должен просто поверить тебе на слово в том, что это дело касается национальной безопасности?

I’m supposed to just take your word for the fact that this case involves national security?

Я должен просто поверить тебе на слово в том, что это дело касается национальной безопасности?

Movable type freed the written word from the drudgery of hand-scribing and allowed it to take flight in printed texts.

Наборный шрифт освободил написанное слово от рутины рукописания и позволил ему развернуть крылья печатных текстов.

We got word a hit squad was being sent to take out the head of Mars Resistance.

Нам сообщили, что ударная группа была послана устранить руководство Сопротивления.

They wanted to take notes, but they were afraid of missing a single word.

Они должны были бы делать записи, но боялись пропустить хоть слово .

Well, I’m not usually one to take the word of a Dane.

Ну, я обычно не воспринимаю слов Датчанина.

Much as I’d like to take your word for it, I have no interest in taking your word for it.

Хотел бы я поверить тебе на слово , но я в этом совсем не заинтересован.

I’d like to take your word for it, but I have zero intention of taking your word for it.

Я бы поверил твоим словам , но не имею ни малейшего желания им верить.

Reading this play, as I take word by word… everything she says happens.

Читая пьесу, слово за словом , мы видим, как сбывается все, о чем она говорит.

Well, I’m not usually one to take the word of a Dane.

Ну, я обычно не воспринимаю слов Датчанина.

It goes without saying that by this point no competent Western leader should take the wily Vladimir Putin at his word.

Совершенно очевидно, что пока ни один мудрый западный лидер не должен воспринимать слова коварного Владимира Путина всерьез.

The media tend to take accusers at their word, without regard for their credibility or the facts.

Средства массовой информации имеют тенденцию доверять обвинителям на слово относительно достоверности информации или фактов.

And we’re supposed to just take your word for this?

И мы должны просто поверить вам на слово ?

You don’t have to take our word for it.

Вам не нужно верить нам на слово .

If I don’t take my own word seriously, what sort of Lord of Winterfell would that be?

Если я не принимаю свои слова всерьёз, какой из меня лорд Винтерфелла?

It would be rude not to take the word of a head of state like Mr. Putin.

Было бы невежливо не верить на слово такому главе государства как Путин.

Don’t take our word for it, try it yourself!

Не верьте нам на слово , попробуйте и проверьте сами!

And you don’t have to take my word for it.

И вам вовсе не надо верить мне на слово .

And what, you think a jury’s going to take your word for it?

И что, ты думаешь что жюри поверит тебе на слово ?

We’ll have to take your word for, isn’t it?

Ну хоть в чем — то мы можем поверить тебе на слово , не так ли?

I know ollie better than anyone, and if he said no hospitals then i guess we have to take his word for it.

Я знаю Олли, как никто, и раз он сказал, никаких больниц видимо придется поверить ему на слово .

Don’t just take my word for it, look at how the three currencies have performed against the dollar over the past year.

Те, кто не верит мне на слово , могут посмотреть на график курсов этих валют к доллару за последний год (см. оригинал статьи, — прим. перев.).

Look, just take my word for it, and give her a little bit of space.

Так что поверь мне на слово , и просто дай ей немного побыть одной.

In this video, take an in-depth look at Word 2013: from starting it up, to saving your file.

В этом видео представлено подробное описание работы в Word 2013 — от запуска до сохранения файла.

Well you must not take the word worm too literally.

Ну, нельзя понимать слово worm совсем уж буквально.

Take me by the hand, and say ‘Harry of England I am thine.’ which word thou shalt no sooner bless mine ear withal, but I will tell thee aloud.

Возьми меня за руки и скажи. Гарри Английский, я твоя. И не успеешь ты меня осчастливить этими словами , как я воскликну.

See, the cipher in his notebook is unlocked by a single word, but it will still take months to translate his writing.

Смотри — ка, код его записной книжки расшифровывается одним словом , но понадобятся месяцы, чтобы разобрать его записи.

This is the thought of almost everybody on the ground, as they stand waiting for some one to say the word-some bad, bold borderer daring enough to take the initiative.

Вот чего хочет толпа, и не хватает только, чтобы какой — нибудь дерзкий негодяй взял на себя инициативу.

That won’t take long … In a word, you understand what this whole business consists of, and won’t be lavish of any superfluous jokes.

Это недолго… Словом , вы понимаете, в чем заключается все это дело, и не будете расточать лишних шуток.

‘He talked feverishly; but in the middle of a word, perhaps, an invisible hand would take him by the throat, and he would look at me dumbly with an expression of doubt and anguish.

Он говорил лихорадочно; но иногда невидимая рука словно схватывала его за горло, и он смотрел на меня безмолвно, с тревогой и недоверием.

One word more, Elizabeth, he said. You’ll take my surname now-hey?

Еще одно слово , Элизабет, — сказал он. — Ты примешь мою фамилию… примешь, а?

I thought you’d know better than to take your mother’s word on his character, which I know only by hearsay.

Я думал ты достаточно умен, чтобы не верить всему, что говорила о нем твоя мать. Я знаю о нем лишь с чужих слов.

Upon my word were I at Mackinaw, I should take this to be the inside of an Indian wigwam.

Ей — богу, будь это в Макино, я поклялся бы, что мы попали в индейский вигвам.

I have only to take my article on the last comer and copy it word for word.

Следовательно, я должен взять свою статью о последнем из наших гостей и переписать ее слово в слово .

Take my word for it, my evolutionary Bowler, don’t you believe people when they tell you that people sought for a sign, and believed in miracles because they were ignorant.

Вы уж мне поверьте , разлюбезный мой эволюционист Баулер, — вовсе не от невежества люди искали знамений и веровали в чудеса.

You say also, that is necessary there should be a little mystery in the business: well, take my word for it, that shall not be wanting.

Вы также говорили, что ему не хватало таинственности. Так вот, теперь — то ее уж будет хватать с избытком.

You’d seduce Sweet Willie far quicker, take my word for it.

Душку Уилли — и того ты скорее соблазнишь, можешь мне поверить .

Look, Corker, you know me better than to take a simpleton’s word over mine.

Коркер, ты же меня хорошо знаешь, почему веришь дуракам?

It’s a trifle meant to pass a dull day, but I’ll take it along with the word of a friend.

Это мелочь, которую нужно пережить, как пасмурный день, но я связываю ее со словом друг.

‘Turn . . . turn around’, said the red-faced drunk. ‘Ta . . . take on a passenger.’ For some reason the word ‘passenger’ struck the man as funny and he began to giggle.

Пав… пав… паварачивай, — сказал красный пьяный, — выса… высаживай пассажира… — Слово пассажир вдруг показалось красному смешным, и он хихикнул.

I’ve never heard a word of criticism, and if I did I should take great care that it was never uttered again.’

Я не слышал ни одного осуждающего слова , а если бы услышал, приложил бы все старания, чтобы его ни разу больше не произнесли.

Yeah, see, I always take a fugitive’s word over handcuffs.

Да — да, я тоже верю беглецам больше, чем наручникам.

And if they should so manage to escape, the planet seals the ship so they can’t take off again and spread the word of what they found.”

А если им удается ускользнуть, корабль опечатывается, чтобы они не смогли воспользоваться им вновь и разнести по вселенной информацию об этой планете.

If someone utters that word during a hearing, take umbrage

Если кто — то произнесёт это слово во время слушания, возмутитесь.

I’ll take your word for it, she said, kicking her shoes off.

Верю вам на слово , — сказала Джастина и сбросила туфли.

And we don’t have a VCR anymore so you’ll have to take my word for it.

И видика у нас больше нет, так что придется мне поверить .

I’m waiting for word on an assignment that will take me far away from the capital.

Я ожидаю, что мне поручат одно дело вдалеке от столицы.

This is acting on first impulses; you must take days to consider such a matter, ere your word can be regarded as valid.

Это называется действовать по первому побуждению; вам нужно время, чтобы все обдумать, — только тогда ваше решение можно будет считать основательным.

Can you take the word of a man named after an inflammation of the foreskin?

Но как можно полагаться на слова человека названного в честь воспаления крайней плоти?

On my word, said Albert, you astonish me by the extent of your knowledge. Take a cigar.

Вы меня поражаете своей осведомленностью, — сказал Альбер. — Но возьмите же сигару!

She hung greedily on every word he uttered, and yet seemed to take in nothing that he said.

Жадно вслушивалась в каждое слово его и, кажется, ничего не понимала из того, что он ей говорил.

He did not take the driver’s outstretched hand; he put a coin into it and went into the station, without a word.

Он не пожал протянутую руку, а, сунув в нее какую — то монету, молча зашагал к зданию вокзала.

Take the Dodger’s word for it. He understands the catechism of his trade.

Поверь Плуту на слово , он знает азбуку своего ремесла.

But, hark’ee, a word in your ear; I would advise you, before you proceed too far, to take care who is to be your paymaster.

Но вот что шепну вам на ушко: прежде чем приступить к операции, не худо бы подумать, кто будет вашим казначеем.

Carla said, You’re not modest… All the same, I’m inclined to take you at your word.

От скромности вы не умрете, — заметила Карла. — И все же я склоняюсь к тому, чтобы поверить вам.

The translated text will appear here


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