Just speak the word only

«Just speak the word only, and my servant will be healed.» Matthew 8:8

The centurion begged Jesus, «One of my servants is home sick of the palsy, grievous tormented!

Jesus didn’t hesitate. «Come on, let’s go right now!» Jesus was more than ready, willing and able to accompany him back to the house, but the centurion said, «No, I am not worthy to have you under my roof, but just say the word, and I know my servant will be healed. I know this because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my soldiers. I only need to say, «Go,» and they go, or «Come,» and they come, and if I say to my servant do this or that, he does it. Matthew 8:9 

Just speak the word only and my servant will be healed.

When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to those who were following him, he said, «I tell you the truth, I haven’t seen faith like this in all of Israel. «Go home. Because you believed, it has happened!» And the servant was healed that same hour. Matthew 8:13  

And his servant was healed that same hour. Matthew 8:13

So I ask you, what boss calls the doctor for you, or seeks such help for one of his employees? This employer was no doubt in upper management. You’d think he’d be too business-minded to worry himself over one employee. At the very least, he might have his immediate supervisor give him a call, but most likely not even a manager would bother.  I’ve never had a boss call me to see how I was doing. If they did call, it was to ask when I was coming back to work. 

So when will you be coming back to work?

I have one of those mothers-in-law that smothers her son with as much coddling as she can squeeze in. She literally pats him on the back or gives him a little squeeze on his arm.  She often oversteps her bounds, usurping the role of both wife and overprotective mother. No one could possibly love or care for her son the way she can. In doing so, she is condescending, patronizing and elevates herself to a place of superiority in every micromanaging way possible. Recently, her son had knee surgery that required quite a bit of aftercare. She was right there, making sure I did every little thing to her exact specifications, such as, «be sure to wear gloves when you change the bandage, and you will change the bandage in the morning, won’t you (not a question) … I’ll be calling to make sure you do.» And with that, she gave me ‘the look.’ As she was leaving with all maternal pomp and circumstance, I reassured her not to worry … that I would take very good care of ‘her son’ to which she replied, «Oh, I know you will … I’ve been watching you!» As much as she would like me to think she was complementing me, she wasn’t; she was bestowing her approval, which I didn’t seek or need. I was particularly offended — more than other times when I felt watched and controlled by mother-may-I as if I worked for her rather than with her. 

As soon as she was out of sight, I ran to the Lord with my complaint, but instead of ministering to me after her outlandish offense, the Holy Spirit began to remind me of this story about the centurion and his servant. I had no idea where the Lord was going with this. It seemed He was always taking me the roundabout way to somewhere else … like a parent changing the subject, hoping maybe I’ll forget about my disgruntled irritation, and our little heart-to-heart will end with a laugh or two … eh, eh … and maybe — just maybe — after my tears are dried he’d hear me say, «Oh Lord, how did you do that trick? I feel so much better now!» But, no. He told me a parable with a personal message that was tailored just for me … a little mystery for me to figure out. And figure it out I did! It was like a gift … a great big present wrapped with pretty paper brimming over with oodles of swirling ribbon under a big fat bow  … and inside was a wonderful, unexpected surprise!  

This isn’t a story about a centurion, or a boss, or a manager. It’s a beautiful picture of God, Himself. He is the one with the trusted, faithful, willing and obedient servants. He is the one who cares about the one and the only, you! God is not a micro-manager! Those of us who work for Him have autonomy. We come and go, and our boss doesn’t get out the white glove or monitor our every move. He cares more about our welfare than our work. He’d rather see us use our gifts and calling in a creative, expressive way rather than follow a list of chores.  He doesn’t have a checkoff list for us to sign. He makes sure we have all that we need so that we lack nothing to get the job done well, and He meets those needs with carefulness, compassion and concern. Our approval will come later when one day we will hear Him say, «Well done, my good and faithful servant!» 

This is why He was so amazed by the centurion’s declaration of faith that he had to turn to those who were following Him saying, «I’ve never seen such faith in all of Israel!» The centurion saw a glimpse of the Father that no one in Israel ever saw before …


Needless to say, I wept at how carefully my heavenly Father orchestrated a story that ministered so expressly to me, and set me free from the bondage of an overbearing, controlling and oppressive spirit. The message and its meaning is this: I don’t work for her. I am not her servant. I am a staffer in the House of the Lord, and freely and gladly do whatever my Master asks me to do. When He says, «Go,» I go, and when He says, «Come,» I come. In like manner, the Lord demonstrates the same for us so that we may say, «Just say the word and I know you will do it.» We are created in His image and in His likeness. He is the true Caregiver … the Good Samaritan … the one who crosses over to the bleeding side of a helpless man otherwise left for dead, and He does it with love, dignity and a high regard for His people. He doesn’t overlook or dismiss us!

For he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. Luke 1:48

For the rest of the week I took care of ‘the patient’ the way the centurion cared of His servant, and I did it all as unto the Lord. No one could be better suited for the job than the one God calls, whether it be to do this or that, or to go here or there. He doesn’t always call the qualified, but He does qualify the called by placing Christ in you, the hope of glory! Therein is what Jesus meant when He said, «I have meat that ye know not of.» (John 4:32) The fulfillment of His work was to do the will of His Father.

King David got it too … «Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.» Psalm 84:10 

Many people say that more hours in the workplace would make all the difference, particularly in austere economic times. But a recent report suggests that we are more concerned with our independence, rather than the contents of our bank accounts. The research, a big stats-crunching study of 40 years’ worth of data from 63 countries and 420,000 individuals, examined the national levels of well-being by looking at psychological health, anxiety and burnout. Thy authors compared these measures with the calculations of wealth determined by *gross domestic product (GDP) and autonomy (the felling of being independent.) Across all measures, autonomy had a larger and more consistent effect on well-being than wealth. (More Money or More Freedom, Which Would You Choose?; Forbes; Sebastian Bailey 2013) 

Jesus said, «My yoke is easy, my burden is light, and my commandments are not grievous.»

Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed unto him as a few days because of his love for her. Genesis 29:20

Like King David, you and I can serve the Lord with gladness, and come before His presence with singing! Psalm 100:2 

We love Him and serve Him because He first loved and served us … with autonomy rather than micromanaging.  Yes, my friend, God has regarded your low estate and is concerned more about your liberty (autonomy) than placing you under a yoke of bondage (micro-management) 

*The Bureau of Economic Analysis measures nominal GDP quarterly, which is the best way to compare gross domestic product between countries.  

centurion_Jesus_heal_servant_300-webBy A. A. Allen

“And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, saying, Lord, my servant lays at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou should come under my roof; but SPEAK THE WORD ONLY, and my servant shall be healed.

For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me; and I say to this man, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my servant, Do this, and he does it. When Jesus heard it, he marveled, and said . . . I have not sound SO GREAT FAITH, NO, NOT IN Israel. . . And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and AS THOU HAST BELIEVED, SO BE IT DONE UNTO THEE. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.” (Matthew 8:13).

Few today have such great faith as that centurion!

If they have someone sick in their house, and Jesus should come and say to them, “I will come to your house and heal him,” they would say, “That is just exactly what I want you to do. This is a very special case, and that is what it will take!”

The centurion in this account had more faith than that. He said, “You don’t have t come to my house!”

It is amazing how many people insist that I must go to the hospitals, or to their homes, to pray for their sick loved ones. One man said, “I will furnish you an automobile! Here is a check for $1000.00, or I will pay all your expenses if you just come and pray for my wife! It won’t take over six hours!”

I replied, “I can’t go. If I had the time to go, I wouldn’t take your money! I don’t have time to go pray for your wife. But God has provided another way whereby your wife can be healed without my going to her!”

I wish that I had the time to go everywhere people want me to go. I don’t have time even to pray individually for all the people who come to my campaigns, to say nothing of going everywhere to pray for those who don’t have time to come to the meetings!

Although Jesus was willing to go to this man’s house, (for God’s Word records that He said, “I will go,” the centurion had so much faith that he said, “You don’t have to come to my house. All that you need to do to heal my servant is SPEAK THE WORD ONLY, and he is going to be healed instantly.”

The split second he said, “Speak the word only,” his servant was healed!

If all Jesus had to do in days gone by was to speak the word, and someone a long way off was healed instantly, ALL JESUS HAS TO DO TODAY IS SPEAK THE WORD! Do you believe that?

Would you believe me if I told you right now that you were going to hear the voice of God, and that God was going to speak the word to you and heal you?

Do you want to hear the voice of God? Do you want to hear Jesus say, “It is done?”

Jesus commended this centurion and said that He had not found such faith in all Israel. Alone among the thousands who clamored to Him for their healing, this man realized the meaning of Christ’s authority. By faith, he understood that, even as his authority as a centurion made it possible for him to give a command with full assurance that command would be obeyed, so Christ’s authority as the Son of God made it possible for Him to simply give a command, and sickness must flee!

Seeing such faith, Jesus knew that all was needed was to say, “Go thy way, thy servant is healed,” and having spoken, it should be so!

If I were to say to you, “Go your way, your sick loved one, your sick friend is healed,” would you turn around and go to that person, expecting to find him or her healed when you got there?

If you can believe, now, that Jesus has SPOKEN THE WORD, and that that is enough, you will be healed, or your loved one will be healed. The cancer will drop off. The tumor will vanish. Heart trouble, epilepsy, cataracts and goiters will go! You can be made completely whole!



A man lay beside the pool of Bethesda (John 5). He had lain there for thirty-eight long years, totally helpless. The story is recorded in the Bible that a certain season, an angel went down and troubled the waters, and the first one that was put into the water after the angel troubled it was made whole (God has always provided means for the healing of His people!)

Jesus one day went to this pool. There, the Bible declares, a multitude of people were waiting for the troubling of the water; the halt, the maimed, the crippled. Jesus saw this man lying there on his bed where he had lain for thirty-eight years. Jesus said to him, “Wilt thou be made whole?”

Jesus was ready to SPEAK THE WORD and make him whole! But do you remember what he said?

“I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool; but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me!”

Here was the man standing by his side who was able to make him whole with a word! And he failed to recognize God’s method of bringing him healing.

Thousands today don’t even recognize who Jesus is when He stands at their side, waiting to speak the word and set them free!

For thirty-eight years, the man had waited there beside the pool, trying to find a way to get in.

Some people; have their eyes on a preacher, on a prayer card, on an anointed handkerchief, a prayer line, or some specified color of card.

I am not rebuking you. I am not saying God isn’t using evangelists, or that it is wrong to use prayer cards. But it certainly is wrong for you to tie your faith so firmly into that prayer card that you cannot accept healing unless your card is called and you get into the healing line.

Don’t say, “Of course I wan to be made whole, but you see, my card is pink, and I am afraid they are going to call white cards this time!”

People come from great distances into our Miracle revival campaigns. We find them discouraged, saying, “I want so much to be healed. But I didn’t get here in time to get a prayer card. I’ll just have to wait until I get a prayer card. And then maybe my card won’t be called!” They are broken hearted, because they feel they just can’t be healed!

“Wilt thou be made whole?”

Some reply, “I have been prayed for so many times! Brother _______ or Sister _________ prayed for me, and still I only grow worse. I have been prayed for by every deliverance evangelist in the country! Mine is a hard case. There are so many things wrong with me. Just let me tell you …”

Jesus stands waiting to SPEAK THE WORD ONLY!

Believe Him! Rest on His word! “We which have believed do enter into rest.” (Hebrews 4:3).

Jesus was standing there by the pool, waiting and wanting to speak the word that would make that man whole.

Do you know what happened?

Jesus just spoke a few words. He said, “Rise, take up they bed and walk!”

Immediately, that man was made whole!

He picked up that bed upon which he had been lying for thirty-eight years, and began running with it.

Jesus didn’t even touch him. He didn’t pray a prayer. All He did was SPEAK THE WORD! The power of God went through that man and made him completely whole!

He didn’t have a prayer card! He didn’t go through a healing line. Nobody touched him. He wasn’t anointed with oil. No one placed him in the emergency section. No one dropped him into the pool!

Jesus just SPOKE HE WORD. And after thirty-eight long years of suffering, he was healed instantly!

You can be healed right now! All you have to do is invite Jesus to SPEAKTHE WORD!

Raise your hand right now and say, “Jesus, speak the word only!”

Believe that He does it.

Hear me! Jesus speaks the word, and YOU ARE MADE WHOLE!

So many people, like the man at the pool of Bethesda, begin to find excuses for not being healed, when all the time Jesus is standing by, desiring to speak the word that would heal them!

There came a nobleman to Jesus, whose son was sick with a raging fever. He besought Jesus that he would come down to his house and heal his son. Jesus merely said, “Go they way; they son liveth.” (See John 4:46-53).

And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way!

That man knew his son was dying with a raging fever. But he also knew that if Jesus spoke the word his son would be healed.

What happened?

When he believed the WORD THAT JESUS SPOKE, his son was healed. As the man was on the way home, one of his servants met him and said, “Thy son liveth!” He asked the servant when his son began to amend. When the servant told him, he knew that “it was the same hour” when Jesus had said unto him, “Thy son liveth!”


Some, bound by doubt and skepticism, may say, “But Brother Allen, you don’t really believe that Jesus is going to speak such words in this day, do you?”

If I didn’t believe that Jesus still speaks the word in this day, I would be wasting my time, preaching a powerless gospel!

But I am not wasting my time. Jesus does still speak the word today. You can find evidence in every issue of Miracle Magazine – the pictures and testimonies of many who have received remarkable healing! To say nothing of the thousands who give their testimonies under our great tent, and whose testimonies we never have space to publish!

Just as He spoke the word for the centurion’s servant, just as He spoke the word to the man who had lain beside the pool for thirty-eight years, just as He spoke the word for the nobleman’s son and made him whole, Jesus will speak the word right now that will make you whole.

Can you believe it?


“And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which he (the Lord) spake by Elijah.” (I Kings 17:16).

That little widow could have said, “Ah, that is just that old bald-headed preacher!” But she didn’t.

She realized that it was God speaking through a choice servant of His, that it was not just Elijah speaking, but God speaking to her through him. She had prayed to God to help her and her son in their distress.

God spoke to her through Elijah, to bring her deliverance. He said to her, “Make me a little cake first, then go back and make for thee and thy son.” It wasn’t Elijah speaking. That was God speaking through him.

She believed and obeyed, and God met her need!

God still speaks through men and women that will yield to his moving.

God has many ways of speaking to us. He can speak audibly. I know He can, because I have heard Him speak in such a way.

Then, God speaks in a still small voice. (I Kings 19:12). We hear it with something inside us, something like a radio receiving set on the inside receives the message directly from God.

We can read the Word of God, and that is God talking to us.

We read that He spoke audibly to some, and His voice sounded like thunder. All the way through the Bible, God has called to His people, and spoken to them with an audible voice.

“He called unto Moses and said unto him…” (Lev. 1:1, Ex. 3:4, 5 and 19:3).

“He spake unto Joshua, saying…” (Joshua1:1).

“The Lord called Aaron and Miriam…” (Numbers 12:5).

But in I Kings 17:15, God spoke through a man. “According to the Word of the Lord, which He spake by Elijah. . .”

It was Elijah’s lips, it was his voice, but it was God speaking through his voice, and “Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are . . .” (James 5:17).

God still speaks through His ministers today. If you have lost confidence in the ministry, you will not have confidence in God either! That is exactly why some of you are not able to get anything from God! If you believe me, every one of you can hear the voice of God, now. And God will do mighty things for you!

Ten men met Jesus. Every one of them was a leper. Jesus was the only one who could help them. But they dared not even come close enough for Him to touch them. He didn’t even pray one prayer for them. He didn’t say, “Come, and I will lay my hands on you.” He said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” (See Luke 17:11-19). As they went they were cleanse!

A little Syrophenician mother came to Jesus. Her daughter was grievously vexed with a devil. No doubt, she would have liked to bring her daughter to Jesus, but she could not. Nevertheless, she believed that if she could get close enough to talk to Jesus about her daughter, she would be delivered. Jesus didn’t say, “Have someone get an ambulance and bring her to me,” nor ‘”I’ll go there and heal her.” Jesus commended her for her faith, saying, “Be it unto thee as thou wilt!”

I can see that daughter running down the walk to meet her mother as she returns home, sound, free, delivered! What made her whole? The words that Jesus spoke!

God is still the same today. He is not dumb. He still speaks the words of health and healing!

I’ll tell you what makes Jesus speak the word of healing today. I pray; you pray; we agree, without doubting, and God in heaven forms the third angle of the triangle! When two of us agree as touching anything, Jesus speaks the word and says, “It is done!”

Jesus says, in the Bible, “Whatsoever ye bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 18:18). But it takes two of us in harmony and accord with real living, true faith, without a doubt to move God so He will say, “It is done!”

In a meeting in California about a year ago, I was preaching along this line.

There was one little woman out there who had an arm six inches shorter than the other. She looked up to heaven and said, “Jesus, speak the word only, and this short arm of mine will grow and both my arms will be the same length!” She believed as she prayed! Suddenly, the Spirit impressed her to bend over to touch the ground. As she obeyed God, that short arm was lengthened. She knew that Jesus had SPOKEN THE WORD!

This woman came running to give her testimony. She had no sooner finished when another woman ran to the platform. In her hand was an open safety pin, rusty, and sharp as a needle. She said, “While you were preaching, God gave me faith to believe for a miracle. More than a week ago, I swallowed this safety pin. I have been in pain all week. While you were preaching, I could feel it there in my stomach. I began to say to Jesus, “Speak the word only.” I felt it move up into my throat. I kept praying. It moved up and up. At last it was in my mouth!”

Her prayer to God had been, “SPEAK THE WORD ONLY!” God heard, and spoke!

He will speak the word today, for YOU!

He spoke the word for the centurion’s servant!

He spoke the word for the man at the pool of Bethesda!

He spoke the word for the Nobleman’s son, and for the Syrophenician woman’s daughter!

He spoke the word for the starving widow.

He spoke the word for the ten lepers.

He is speaking the word for men and women just like you today, every day!


All you have to do is say to Him, “SPEAK THE WORD ONLY!” His word, spoken in heaven, will loose your son or daughter, your husband or wife, your precious old white-haired mother, though they may be a thousand miles away from you.

Do you believe it? In His word there is life and healing.

“Surely He hath born our griefs, and carried our sorrows . . .” (Isaiah 53:4).

“Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.” (Matthew 8:17).

“He was wounded for our transgressions . . . And with His stripes we are healed!” (Isaiah 53:5).

That is God’s Word!

If Jesus says you are healed, who are the skeptics, modernists, infidels, and atheists, to say you are not healed?

If Jesus says you are healed, you make Him out a Liar when you say you are not!

I believe what Jesus said! Raise your hand toward heaven now, and tell Him you believe IT IS DONE! Health, healing, deliverance, or a miracle can be yours, right now!

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

только скажи

скажи только слово

только скажите

просто скажи слово

просто скажите

просто сказать слово

скажи лишь слово

скажите только слово

только свистни

Только дай мне знать

Скажи хоть слово

одно слово

только слово скажи

Just say the word and I’ll call it off.

Just say the word and I’ll twist his neck like this.

He said, «Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed» — Matthew 8:8.

В Библии говорится: «… скажи только слово, и выздоровеет слуга мой» (от Матфея 8:8).

Just say the word and they are yours…

If there’s anything you need, just say the word.

Just say the word, and I will tell you off.

Just say the word and I’ll take care of it.

Just say the word, and I’ll leave everything.

Just say the word and I’ll do it.

Just say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.

Just say the word, or don’t even say the word.

Just say the word, we can spend the money.

Только скажи, что можно тратить бюджетные средства

Just say the word and I’ll let you go right now.

Just say the word. I won’t take it personally.

Just say the word… I’ll come to you anywhere, anytime… whenever you want me.

Just say the word, and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.

Just say the word, and I will

Just say the word, Ma’am, and I will…

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 197. Точных совпадений: 197. Затраченное время: 126 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • Вопрос

Слова «just» и «only» кажутся довольно схожими по смыслу, но, когда читаешь английский текст, понимаешь, что используются они по-разному. Вопрос вот в чём: когда использовать «just«, а когда «only«? Или эти слова являются синонимами?

Edgar Prieto, Sweden

  • Ответ

Английское произношение:

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Hi Edgar. First, I ‘just’ want to say thanks for your question. Or perhaps I could say it like this — I ‘only’ want to say thanks for your question. Can you hear and understand there is a difference in meaning in those two sentences? The first means I want to thank you, and the ‘just’ that I slipped in there doesn’t really add any meaning. It does give my sentence a polite and informal tone though. The second sentence using ‘only’ means I want to thank you but I don’t want to say anything else after that.

Привет, Edgar. Для начала, я «просто (just)» хочу сказать спасибо за твой вопрос. Или, возможно, я могла бы сказать так – я «только (only)» хочу сказать спасибо за твой вопрос. Можешь ли ты услышать и понять смысловую разницу между этими двумя предложениями? В первом выражается моя благодарность тебе, а обронённое мною слово «просто (just)» в общем-то не добавляет никакого значения. Хотя оно придаёт моему предложению вежливый и неформальный тон. Использование во втором предложении слова «только (only)» означает, что я хочу тебя поблагодарить, но не хочу говорить ничего после.

Just’ and ‘only’ are adverbs that point to or emphasise one part of the clause. In the example you gave me, Edgar, the same meaning is implied in both sentences:

Just и only — наречия, которые указывают на одну часть фразы или подчёркивают её. В твоём примере, Edgar, в обоих предложениях выражается один и тот же смысл:

I came just to speak with you for a couple of minutes.

Я пришёл просто поговорить с тобой пару минут.

I came only to speak with you for a couple of minutes.

Я пришёл только поговорить с тобой пару минут.

But I’d like to point out that your sentences sound very formal and literary. On the one hand, ‘just’ and ‘only’ can ‘float around’ in a sentence and take more than one position. But on the other, the normal position in spoken English is between the subject and verb. They sound much better like this:

Но мне хотелось бы обратить внимание на то, что твои предложения звучат очень официально и по-книжному. С одной стороны, «just» и «only» могут свободно перемещаться по предложению и занимать в нём разные места. Но с другой стороны, обычное местоположение этих слов в разговорном английском – между подлежащим и сказуемым. Предложения звучат намного лучше так:

I just came to speak with you for a couple of minutes.

Я просто пришёл на пару минут поговорить с тобой.

I only came to speak with you for a couple of minutes.

Я только пришёл на пару минут поговорить с тобой.

In many cases you’ll come across in spoken English, ‘just’ is used as a softener. I’d better give you an example to explain what I mean by ‘softener’:

Во многих случаях в разговорном английском ты столкнёшься с использованием «just» в качестве смягчителя. Я лучше приведу пример, чтобы объяснить, что я имею в виду под «смягчителем»:

Can I just ask you a question? — what I’m saying here is ‘I want to ask you a question but I don’t want to inconvenience you and it’ll only take a short time’, whereas directly saying ‘Can I ask you a question?’ doesn’t have this tone.

«Могу ли я задать тебе вопрос?Can I just ask you a question?«, – здесь имеется в виду: «Я хочу спросить тебя, но не хочу доставлять неудобства, и это займет совсем немного времени», в то время как прямая фраза «Могу я задать тебе вопрос?Can I ask you a question?» не имеет такой интонации.

So, we often use ‘just’ to add a polite tone, the word doesn’t specifically carry much meaning in itself.

Так что, мы часто используем «just» для того, чтобы фраза звучала вежливо, само же слово не несёт в себе никакого конкретного смысла.

There are other situations when we use ‘just’ but we can’t use ‘only’ in its place, for example, if I say ‘he was just here’, I’m trying to tell you he was here a few minutes ago.

Есть ещё ситуации, когда мы используем «just», не имея возможности использовать на его месте «only», например, если я говорю: «Он только что был здесьHe was just here«, я пытаюсь сказать тебе, что он был здесь всего несколько минут назад.

So although I’ve told you about some differences, there are lots of times when they are synonymous. Basically, anytime you can use ‘only’, you can usually use ‘just’ to mean the same thing. But you’ve got to remember that the range of uses and meanings for ‘just’ are quite wide.

На самом деле, хотя я и рассказала о некоторых отличиях, во многих случаях эти слова синонимичны. В основном, всегда, когда ты употребляешь «only», ты обычно можешь использовать и «just» для выражения того же смысла. Но ты должен помнить, что область использования и количество значений слова «just» довольно велики.

Trudi Faulkner-Petrova

  • Примечание

Куда ставить «only (только)» в предложении

В русском языке естественно ставить слово «только» непосредственно перед словом, к которому оно относится. Однако в английском языке вопрос о том, куда ставить в предложении слово «only» — любимый предмет спора даже для признанных специалистов-филологов. Лишь некоторые из них считают, что «only» должно стоять непосредственно перед словом, к которому относится. Среди них специалист по английскому языку James Kilpatrick, который подчёркивает, что следующие 4 предложения имеют разное значение:

(1) Only John hit Peter in the nose.

(1) Только Джон ударил Питера по носу.

(2) John hit Peter only in the nose.

(2) Джон ударил Питера только по носу.

(3) John only hit Peter in the nose.

(3) Джон всего лишь ударил Питера по носу, (этот вариант предпочтителен для англоязычных людей).

(4) John hit only Peter in the nose.

(4) Джон ударил по носу одного только Джона.

Говорящие на русском языке согласятся с James Kilpatrick, но удивителен тот факт, что большинство говорящих на английском языке используют только вариант (3): для них он звучит естественно. Возьмём реальное предложение из журнала «Wall Street Journal»: «Current tests can detect only what type of virus people are infected with after they get sick — Современные тесты способны определять только тип вируса-заразителя в ходе болезни».

Смысл, который стремится передать это предложение, состоит в том, что тесты могут определить патогены только у уже больных людей (only after they get sick). Поэтому многим носителям английского языка может показаться, что «only» стоит не на месте — слишком далеко от придаточного предложения, к которому оно относится. И всё же этот вариант допущен редакторами журнала.

Большинство англоязычных людей переписали бы это предложение так: «Current tests can only detect what type of virus people are infected with after they get sick — Современные тесты способны только определять тип вируса-заразителя в ходе болезни». Для них этот вариант звучит наиболее естественно. И лишь немногие англичане, подобные James Kilpatrick, стремятся, чтобы «only» было прилеплено к слову или выражению, к которому оно относится. Обычно это приводит к перемещению «only» вправо: «I only want seltzer — Я только хочу сельтерскую» становится «I want only seltzer — Я хочу только сельтерскую».

Для русскоговорящих людей естественно звучит: «Current tests can detect what type of virus or bacteria people are infected with only after they get sick — Современные тесты способны определять тип вируса-заразителя только в ходе болезни» (русские как бы от природы следуют советам James Kilpatrick). Но для англоязычных людей этот вариант не хорош: у них складывается ожидание, что будет позитивное предложение о способностях теста — и вдруг, когда произнесено 80% предложения, ожидание не сбывается.

Так что более «умеренные» эксперты по английскому языку говорят: «Давайте не будем беспокоиться о месте only в предложении. Обычно на любом месте оно смотрится нормально.»

Вот несколько примеров, где местоположение «only» выглядит естественно для англичан, но неестественно для русских (и James Kilpatrick). Все они соответствуют варианту (3), где «only» стоит перед сказуемом или даже внутри его (например, … was only staying …):

One is only young once.

Молодость бывает в жизни только раз.

I only want to love once.

Хочу любить только раз в жизни.

They only seem to have 10$.

Кажется, у них всего 10$.

I knew he was only staying a day or two.

Я знал, что он погостит только один-два дня.

I’m only here for a very short time.

Я пробуду здесь лишь недолгое время.

It’s my favourite cup and I only give it to very special guests.

Это моя любимая чашка, и я даю её только самым почётным гостям.

I’ll only be a moment.

Это займёт у меня всего лишь чуть-чуть времени.

He had only visited the theatre once since she left.

С тех пор, как она уехала, он был в театре только один раз.

Mister Smith only works here in the evenings.

Мистер Смит работает здесь только по вечерам.


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The word «only» is used often in common speech and in writing. If it’s used incorrectly, however, the listener or reader may have a hard time figuring out what is really meant. Avoid this confusion by properly using the word «only».

  1. Image titled Use the Word Only Correctly Step 1


    Keep in mind that «only» is a modifier. This means that it helps explain what you are trying to say and acts as a descriptive word in your sentence. «Only» can have a strong presence in a sentence and can change the meaning of the sentence if it’s used in the wrong place.[1]
    To create a clear sentence, you should place «only» next to the noun, verb, or phrase you are trying to modify.

    • When the word «only» is placed incorrectly in a sentence, it becomes a «misplaced modifier». This means the modifier («only») is not placed beside the noun or other word it is meant to modify. This can create confusion for the listener or reader, because the sentence becomes awkward, even misleading.[2]
  2. Image titled Use the Word Only Correctly Step 2


    Be aware of the casual use of «only». You may notice that in everyday speech people tend to place «only» in the wrong place in a sentence, thus conveying nothing more than a general sense of what they are trying to say. As with certain other grammatical rules, it can feel awkward to use proper placement of a modifier in a casual conversation. Sometimes you won’t need to use «only» correctly for your listeners to understand what you mean.[3]

    • It’s important, however, to use the correct placement of «only» when writing a formal letter, a paper, or something for public consumption to ensure you do not confuse your reader.


  3. Image titled Use the Word Only Correctly Step 3


    Notice the common misplacement of «only» in everyday speech. When we are talking informally we might use «only» to indicate that someone did just one thing. For example: «She only ate strawberries for dinner».[4]

    • In this sentence the speaker probably means to say that she had strawberries for dinner and nothing else. The speaker is trying to modify «strawberries» when, in fact, «only» is placed before (and thus modifies) the verb «ate». This implies that the subject in the sentence, «she», does nothing with the strawberries but eat them for dinner. She doesn’t pick them. She doesn’t prepare them. She just eats them.
    • The correct placement of «only» in this sentence, based on the probable intended meaning, is: «She ate only strawberries for dinner». The modifier «only» is next to the noun it’s meant to modify and is now grammatically correct. At first, it can feel awkward to say this sentence out loud, because sentences like this are so often misspoken or miswritten. However, once you realize that the wrong sentence construction doesn’t mean what you want it to mean, the correctly constructed sentence will start to feel more comfortable.
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  1. Image titled Use the Word Only Correctly Step 4


    Create examples of the different ways to use «only» in a sentence. The best way to get a sense of the proper use of the word «only» is to make your own «practice» sentences and note what «only» is modifying in each case.[5]

    • For example, consider these six different placements of «only» in the same sentence:
    • «Only I like dancing at a party».
    • «I only like dancing at a party».
    • «I like only dancing at a party».
    • «I like dancing only at a party».
    • «I like dancing at only a party».
    • «I like dancing at a party only».
  2. Image titled Use the Word Only Correctly Step 5


    Use «only» before a subject to modify the subject. For example: «Only I like dancing at a party». In this sentence, «only» is modifying the subject «I». You are saying that you («I») are the only person who likes to dance at a party.[6]

    • You could view this sentence another way: «Only John danced at the party». In this construction no one but John danced at the party. If this is the intended meaning, that John was the only dancer at the party, you would place «only» at the beginning of the sentence so that it modifies «John».
  3. Image titled Use the Word Only Correctly Step 6


    Place «only» before the verb in a sentence to modify the verb. For example: «I only like dancing at a party». In this sentence, «only» is modifying the verb «like». This sentence is saying that «I» is doing nothing other than liking dancing at a party. «I» isn’t praising, criticizing or ignoring dancing at a party, s/he is simply liking it. Using «only» to modify a verb is less common than using it to modify a noun or pronoun.[7]

    • The third «practice» sentence above — «I like only dancing at a party» — means that the person likes dancing and no other activities (talking, eating, etc) at a party.
    • In the fourth sentence above, «only» could be seen as modifying «dancing» or «at a party». Because the distinction could be important, in speech you would have the option of orally stressing the word or words being modified.
    • In the fifth sentence above, «only» modifies «a party», meaning no other location or event. This is a clearer usage than the fourth sentence.
    • The final sentence above places «only» after «party». It more clearly expresses the same meaning as the previous sentence.
    • You could look at these placements in a different situation or setting. For example: «John only cooks meat for his family». This sentence works if John is a vegetarian and does not buy, prepare, or eat meat. But when he is with his family, who are diehard meat-eaters, he will cook meat for them. In this case, the modifier is correctly placed, as the sentence indicates that John will cook meat for his family but not do anything else with the meat.
  4. Image titled Use the Word Only Correctly Step 7


    Use «only» before a second verb in a sentence to modify the second verb. For example: «I like only dancing at a party». In this sentence, «only» is modifying «dancing». («Dancing» in this case is a verb form known as a gerund, which acts as a noun.) This means that «I» like only one thing at a party — dancing — not talking, singing, chatting, or drinking.

    • The use of «only» works better in a sentence that indicates the speaker does just one thing in a certain situation. For example: «I eat only vegetables». This sentence means that you consume vegetables but no meat or other food products. «I only eat vegetables,» on the other hand, means that you do nothing with vegetables except eat them.
      • While the above is academically true, so many people say, «I only eat…» when they mean, «I eat only…» — or similar phrases — it has become common and easily understood usage.
  5. Image titled Use the Word Only Correctly Step 8


    Place «only» before the ending phrase in a sentence to modify the phrase. For example: «I like dancing only at a party». In this example, «only» is modifying «at a party». This indicates that the speaker likes to dance when s/he is at a party and that s/he does not dance at any other time or place.[8]

    • You can look at this use of «only» another way: «John drinks scotch only with his dad». This sentence means that John drinks scotch with his dad and with no one else.
  6. Image titled Use the Word Only Correctly Step 9


    Adjust your use of «only» in your writing. Now that you have looked at the four different ways «only» can be used in a sentence, notice how you use «only» in your next essay, letter, or conversation.[9]

    • Remember to place «only» next to (usually before) the item you want to modify, so your meaning is not confusing or awkward for your reader or listener. Review the above examples to determine which placement of «only» best expresses your intended meaning.
  7. 7

    Try searching your document (if it is on a word processor) for the word «only». Check that you are using the word correctly in each sentence. Adjust the placement of «only» if it causes a sentence’s meaning to be unclear.

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  • Question

    Which is correct: «I only use this bank account for the debt collector», or «I use only this account for the debt collector»?


    The latter.

  • Question

    When do we use «only» at the end of sentence?


    When the «only» is meant to modify the noun or verb that immediately precedes it. For example, «I like dancing with you only» means the same as «I like dancing with only you.»

  • Question

    What is the correct phrase to use: «I am left with $5 only,» or «I am only left with $5»?

    Community Answer

    Either way is OK, but people will understand your point more easily if you say, «I am left with only $5.»

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Article SummaryX

To use the word “only” correctly, place it directly before or after the noun, subject, or verb to make the meaning clear. For example, if you’re trying to say that someone ate 4 strawberries, you can say, “She ate only 4 strawberries.” On the other hand, if you want to say that someone ate strawberries and nothing else, you would say «She only ate 4 strawberries.» Additionally, you can use “only” in front of a subject, like “Only I,” or “Only John” to show that they’re the sole person performing the action. To learn how to use “only” correctly in a sentence with multiple verbs, keep reading.

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