Jumbled sentences word order

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scrambled sentence maker

Enter up to ten sentences to be scrambled and presented on one web page. Jumbled sentences are a great way to review
word order and grammar structures. They also work well as a warm-up activity; mix up some questions and have your learners unscramble
ask each other the questions.

In this lesson, we shall learn about jumbled sentences. We express our thoughts by speaking or writing words. The group of words must be structured in a particular order because only the group of orderly arranged words make complete sense and convey a clear meaning.

A sentence is an ordered collection of words which are arranged in a particular order to convey a complete sense and a clear meaning,


  • A sentence always begins with a capital letter.
  • The words used in a sentence must be in a definite order.
  • Punctuation marks, e.i. full stop(.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!) must be used at the end of a sentence.

Word order of sentences

Word order means to the way words are structured in a sentence. The standard word order in English is:

Word order of statements

Subject + Verb + Object

Example sentence

Ali plays the piano.

Ali = Subject
plays = Verb
the piano = Object

Word order of yes/no questions

Verb + Subject + Object

Example sentence

Is Ali a teacher?

Is = Verb
Ali = Subject
a teacher = Object

Note for wh- questions Wh- word ( what/why) precedes verb as ;

Why are you crying?

Word order for requests/orders/advices (imperative sentences)

Verb + Object

Example sentence

Shut the door.

To determine the proper sequence of words, you need to understand what the subject, verb and object(s) are.

Subject: typically a noun or pronoun—the person, place or thing
Verb: the action or state of being
Object: the word or group of words influenced by the verb

The sequence of words is important when communicating in English because it can influence the meaning of what you are trying to say. The sentence, “The cat crossed the road” and “The road crossed the cat” take on two different meanings because the subject and object are inverted. The same would be true if the verb was used out of order, for example: “Crossed the road the cat.”

Here is one more example for you to try. Choose the correct word order for the group of words below:

A. Dropped the girl the ball.
B. The girl dropped the ball.
C. The ball dropped the girl.

If you chose option B, you would be correct. If not, consider listening to English conversations to help build your skills and pick up on these patterns. Do this often and you’ll be a word-order expert in no time!

A. Rearrange these groups of words to make meaningful sentences:

1. don’t/carefully/you/Why/listen (Interrogative)

Why don’t you listen carefully?

2. leave/dishes/I/table/the/don’t/on/dirty (Statement)

I don’t leave dirty dishes on the table.

3. and/in/quietly/Come/sit (Imperative)

Come and sit in quietly.

4. often/to/movies/go/We/see (Statement)

We often go to see movies.

5. you/sweets/Did/buy/me/for (Interrogative)

Did you buy sweets for me?

6. fixing/electrician/wiring/The/faulty/is (Statement)

The electrician is fixing faulty wiring.

7. home/sunset/before/Come (Imperative)

Ans. Come home before sunset.

8. want/do/What/you (Interrogative)

What do you want?

9. off/Please/switch/fan/the (Imperative)

Please switch off the fan.

10. fire/stopped/in/day/one/the/palace/the/burning (Statement)

One day the fire in the palace stopped burning.

11. the/messenger/to/king/ordered/some/embers/bring/his/back ( Statement)
The king ordered some messenger to bring back his embers.

12. the/have/to/children/gone/school ( Statement)
The children have gone to school.

B. Unscramble the sentences and write the words in the correct order.

1. did/ black/ you/ the /raincoat/ the /one/ or/ blue/ get

Did you get the blue raincoat or the black one?

2. have/ machines /that /do/ / many factories/ a lot of/ the/ work

Many factories have machines that do a lot of the work.

3. he/ the /race /a /to /challenged/ athlete

He challenged the athlete to a race.

4. patient/ the/ spent /two/ elderly /hospital in/ weeks

The elderly patient spent two weeks in the hospital.

5. sea/ has/ many /millions/ the/ deep blue/of/ animals/ in/ it

The deep blue sea has many millions of animals in it.

6. chaotic/ was / scene/ it/ ticket/ at/ the/ desk / a

It was a chaotic scene at the ticket desk.

7. enjoyable / pastime/ fishing / is / an/ for some/ people

Fishing is an enjoyable pastime for some people.

8. dangerous/ as/ the/ water/ it became/ rose/ rapidly

It became dangerous as the water rose rapidly.

9. in/ two/ hospital/ the /spent /elderly patient/ weeks

The elderly patient spent two weeks in the hospital.

10. confused / between /proverbs/ get/ and idioms

I get confused between proverbs and idioms.

11. with / of/ man/ counterfeit/ lots / the him / money/ had

The man had lots of counterfeit money with him.

12. secret/ stash / of/ sweets / hidden/ the boy / had/ a/in/ his/ bedroom

The boy had a secret stash of sweets hidden in his bedroom.

C. Rearrange the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences and punctuate them.

1. makes/spider/web/The/a
The spide makes a web.

2. I/new/a/toothbrush/need/to/buy
I need to buy a new toothbrush.

3. I/guitar/the/well/very/play
I play the guitar very well.

4. school/goes/to/he/everyday
He goes to school everyday.

5. spots/black/it/on/has/A/ladybird
A ladybird has black spots on it.

6. basketball/school/have/I/practice/after
I have basketball practice after school

7. friends/me/play/My/like/to/with
My friends like to play with me.

8. the/I/going/Saturday/am/zoo/to/on
I am going to the zoo on Saturday.

9. always/is/late/to/school/Christopher
Christopher is always late to school.

10. mulberry/was/the/bush/crawling/Adams/around
Adam was crawling around the mulberry bush

D. Rearrange the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences and punctuate them.

1. morning / 5 a.m/ at/ get up/ I/ the/ i

I get up at 5 a.m in the morning.

2. the/ person/ God/ truthful/ helps

God helps the truthful person.

3. milk/ instead/ take/ I/ curd/ of

I take curd instead of milk.

4. finish/ well/ homework/ my/ in time/ I

I finish my homework well in time.

5. mother/ cook/ My/ great/ is/ a

My mother is a great cook.

6. quite / big/ canteen/ has/ school/ My
My school has suite a big canteen.

7. jokers/ funny/ The/ are
The jokers are funny.

8. enjoy / sleep/ I/ always/ a sound
I always enjoy a sound sleep

9. eat/ Jyoti / to / loves / ice cream
Jyoti loved to eat icecream

10. love/ Everyone/country/ must/ their
Everyone must love their country.

Jumbled Sentences: Jumbled sentences or Para Jumbles as we can say, is the technique for placing the Jumbled sentences into an appropriate succession so the importance of the sentences when consolidated is exhaustive and minimal.

Jumbled sentences are some baffling sentences or words that must be assembled in an appropriate succession to bode well out of an entry or sentence.

To realize how to begin and end a sentence, what word goes before or withdraws, and how to join two words or sentences, have information on the principles that are gone ahead for you beneath. Give them a speedy read.

To see how to endeavour inquiries on Jumbled Sentences, read the principles referenced beneath. They will assist you with scoring better and further develop your verbal abilities as well.

How to Arrange Jumbled Sentences?

There are a few guidelines that one can apply to tackle such inquiries and reach an unmistakable reply.

  • Track down the Opening Sentence
  • Track down the Closing Sentence
  • Discover the connection between sentences
  • Utilization of Signpost Words
  • Thing – Pronoun Relationship
  • Tracking down the focal topic of the sentence

Rules for Jumbled Sentences

Rule 1: Attempt to discover the point clarified in the section or in the sentence. This should be possible by searching for words that are rehashed oftentimes in the sentence.

Rule 2: On the off chance that a particular word is rehashed in more than one sentence, the sentences can be put individually in the section.

Rule 3: Assuming a sentence begins with a ‘name’ of an individual, that sentence will definitely be the first sentence in the section.

Rule 4: Assuming a sentence begins with pronouns other than ‘You’ and ‘I’, most certainly that sentence won’t be the first sentence of the passage

Rule 5: The sentences beginning with the words ‘That’, ‘These’, ‘Consequently’ and ‘Those’, then, at that point, additionally those sentences won’t come first in the passage.

Rule 6: In the event that an article is available at the beginning of a sentence. Then, at that point, the odds of that sentence being the first in the section is more

Rule 7: In the event that every one of the articles is available as the beginning expressions of various sentences then they are organized as follows

  • The sentence beginning with ‘A’ starts things out
  • The sentences beginning with ‘An’ and ‘The’ will follow the sentence beginning with ‘A’.

Rule 8: In case there are 3-sentences beginning with ‘However’, ‘So’ and ‘Presently’ individually. Then, at that point, those 3-sentences will be organized in the accompanying request

  • A sentence beginning with ‘However’
  • A sentence beginning with ‘So’
  • A sentence beginning with ‘Now’

Rule 9: On the off chance that the given arrangement of sentences comprises of the basic, compound and complex sentences they are organized in an accompanying way

  • Basic sentence: A sentence comprising of just a single proviso, with a solitary subject and action word. For example, Meena was studying hard.
  • Compound sentence: a sentence that comprises of 2-free provisos associated with each other with a combination. For example, Meena was studying hard, still, she failed the exam
  • Complex sentence: a sentence that comprises of a free proviso and at least one ward statement associated with it. For example, Meena realised she would fail the exam, still, she studied hard.

Rule 10: Assuming a sentence begins with the words Hence, Finally or Therefore that sentence comes toward the end in the passage.

Jumbled Sentences Examples

Rearrange the following jumbled statements.

important/games / studies / are as / as Games are as important as studies.
praised / she / be / to / likes. She likes to be praised.
even/if/better/decide/come/you/along/is/it/to It is even better if you decide to come along.
do not/please/the roads/litter Please do not litter the roads.
natural/to/scared/be/of/flood/it/is It is natural to be scared of flood
dinner/what/is/for/today? What is for dinner today?
Twice/day/brush/teeth/a/your Brush your teeth twice a day
a/narrating/will/story/be/I/tomorrow I will be narrating a story tomorrow
doctor/keeps/apple/away/an/a/day/the An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Jumbled Sentences Rules

Tips for Solving Jumbled Sentences

Tackling such Jumbled sentences is, even more, science rather than craftsmanship. It isn’t fundamental that one must be an eager peruser to resolve such inquiries. We should simply to peruse every one of the given sentences and attempt to comprehend the general idea driving it.

When we get it, the remainder of the assignment turns out to be very more normal.

Despite the fact that there are no set principles for the confusing sentence to tackle such issues, but increasingly more practice can get flawless in moving toward this kind of Jumbled sentences issues. Nonetheless, there are some prepared reckoner tips and deceives, which can assist with resolving such inquiries even without being a decent peruser or having a decent jargon.

  • Detecting the progress words or the connecting word, for example, but, however, hence, therefore, likewise, similarly, also, etc.
  • Distinguishing the pronoun precursors (relative pronoun, decisive pronoun, individual pronoun). Subsequent to distinguishing these pronouns, one needs to examine every one of the choices and attempt to set an association between every one of the sentences intelligibly and consistently.
  • Distinguish the Theme of the passage. When you have the subject or the principal component of the section sorted out, translating and addressing the entry turns into the least demanding errand. Search for the fundamental word(s) that is connected to each sentence and you’ll get the current theme.
  • Connecting words must be found toward the end and start of the sentences that associate with one another. Connecting words can be articles, modifiers, relational words, conjunctions or any word that might tell somewhat more with regards to the subject or the primary expression of the following expression.

FAQ’s on Jumbled Sentences

Question 1.
What is a jumbled sentence?

Jumbled sentences are some confounded sentences or words that must be assembled in a legitimate arrangement to bode well out of a section or sentence.

Question 2.
How to rearrange jumbled sentences?


  • Track down the Opening Sentence
  • Track down the Closing Sentence
  • Discover the connection between sentences
  • Utilization of Signpost Words
  • Thing – Pronoun Relationship
  • Tracking down the focal topic of the sentence

Question 3.
What are jumbled words? Give examples.

The letters of a word are misplaced, then the word becomes a jumbled word. Examples are:

  • nhew- When
  • Hewre- Where
  • gmea- Game
  • ortsp- Sport
  • oodg- Good
  • gge- Egg

Jumbled sentences with answers, Definition, Examples, and Exercises! English can be a tricky language to learn, especially when it comes to the grammar. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! In this post, we’ll walk you through how to make sense of jumbled sentences and provide some exercises for you to practice. So don’t delay any longer, let’s get started!

What are Jumbled Sentences?

A jumbled sentence is a sentence that has been mixed up and the words are in the wrong order.

Why do we need Jumbled Sentences?

The ability to re-arrange jumbled letters helps children to improve their coordination and fine motor skills which in turn helps them to become able writers too later on! With so many benefits, it’s easy to see why practicing jumbled sentences should correct order themselves.

Jumbled sentences help children to understand how to use language like grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary correctly by understanding the basic rules of sentence construction and structure. Practicing jumbled sentences can also help children develop their reading comprehension skills as they grasp what is being read by putting it into the correct order.

Jumbled sentences also help children learn how to spell words successfully through practicing their letter sounds, applying simple phonics rules and for literate adults, where the word comes from.

Activity: Sentences on My Desk

Jumbled: The pencils were sharpened some blue pens are black the box of crayons on my desk there is a and a pencil case.

Answer: On my desk, there is a box of crayons and a pencil case. The pencils are sharpened. Some pens are blue and others are black.


1. also / the best baker / my mom /

My mom is also the best baker.

2. catching / turtles / watching / I’d rather do / than anything else

I’d rather watch-catching turtles than anything else.

How to Solve jumbled sentences?

The first step to solving jumbled sentences is to separate the sentence into its different parts. The first part should include all of the words that are together and can be read where they are without rearranging them, these are called ‘keywords’. Keywords will always stay together in one group throughout this activity. Then you separate each keyword phrase by drawing a line or writing ‘intervening text’ or ‘space’ between every few keywords until you have covered all of the words that are together and form a keyword phrase.

Then you’ll find each group of keywords that have been separated from each other, then read them aloud to see if they make sense. Once it is clear that the jumbled sentence reads like real (correct) English or another language you’ve chosen on your worksheet, continue with step 3 which will be to write the first word of your first keyword phrase in the first line under where it should go. Then on the second row, write the keyword phrase as it looks after reorganizing its order. So now you’ve written (or typed out) how your jumbled sentence/paragraph would read once it’s complete!

Jumbled Sentences Exercises

Exercise 1

1) in the morning / i always take / a shower

2) time, the less of it you/ have left / the more you waste

3) their opinion on it / is to ask someone else / a good idea for / solving this problem

4) is seeing my friends / my favorite thing / about going to school

5) stay home instead of/ going out tonight! / of course i’d rather

Answers 1

1) In the morning I always take a shower.

2) The more you waste time, the less of it you have left.

3) A good idea for solving this problem is to ask someone else their opinion on it.

4) My favorite thing about going to school is seeing my friends.

5) Of course I’d rather stay home instead of going out tonight!

Exercise 2

6) do you think / be a good idea? / getting a pet would

7) you look / wrong / like something’s

8) every day he / wants to eat for his / next meal / thinks about what he

9) if she would / then everything would / be perfect / talk to me again

10) i wish that / canceled / school could be

Answers 2

6) Do you think getting a pet would be a good idea?

7) You look like something’s wrong.

8) Every day he thinks about what he wants to eat for his next meal.

9) If she would talk to me again then everything would be perfect.

10) I wish that school could be canceled.

Exercise 3

11) i’d say my favorite part / everything starts to turn / out well at last / in this book is when

12) his best / over every day / friend comes

13) in about an / dinner will be ready / for us all to enjoy / together / hour or so

14) when he finally / very dark outside already / got home from work it was

15) she’s been / but has not told / anyone yet / feeling sick lately

Answers 3

11) I’d say my favorite part in this book is when everything starts to turn out well at last.

12) His best friend comes over every day.

13) In about an hour or so, dinner will be ready for us all to enjoy together.

14) When he finally got home from work it was very dark outside already.

15) She’s been feeling sick lately but has not told anyone yet.

Exercise 4

16) excitedly she / and gave him / a big hug / ran up to him

17) i hope that / come back home / very soon she’ll

18) she made dinner / night / for the family last

19) the other day / my mom to buy some / new clothes for myself / i went shopping with

20) if only he would have / happened then i wouldn’t / feelings / told me sooner what / be having these

Answers 4

16) Excitedly she ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

17) I hope that very soon she’ll come back home.

18) She made dinner for the family last night.

19) The other day I went shopping with my mom to buy some new clothes for myself.

20) If only he would have told me sooner what happened then I wouldn’t be having these feelings.

Exercise 5

21) my friends are / tonight / going to a movie

22) he first learned / piano / how to play the

23) it’s been two / moved away / years now since she

24) she asked me / birthday this year / what i wanted for my

25) maybe i’ll / home today / just stay at

Answers 5

21) My friends are going to a movie tonight.

22) He first learned how to play the piano.

23) It’s been two years now since she moved away.

24) She asked me what I wanted for my birthday this year.

25) Maybe I’ll just stay at home today.

Exercise 6

26) my bedroom / blue color / is decorated in mostly

27) ever since she / dreamed about being / able to go to paris / was young, she always

28) ali is / friend / my best

29) they play / day / hockey every

30) we are / this sunday / planning a trip

Answers 6

26) My bedroom is decorated in mostly blue color.

27) Ever since she was young, she always dreamed about being able to go to Paris.

28) Ali is my best friend.

29) They play hockey every day.

30) We are planning a trip this Sunday.

Exercise 7

31) i will play / getting dark / outside until it starts

32) did you hear / happened? / what

33) i’m going / tonight / to go out

34) in / is my / birthday / a few days

35) this is the / has been able / to beat me at / bowling! / first time that he

Answers 7

31) I will play outside until it starts getting dark.

32) Did you hear what happened?

33) I’m going to go out tonight.

34) In a few days is my birthday.

35) This is the first time that he has been able to beat me at bowling!

Exercise 8

36) every morning /, he stops for a quick / breakfast at a local diner / during his commute

37) this is the / town for finding / new books / best place in

38) you don’t need / tomorrow / to leave so early

39) i wish that i / day today doing / nothing but relaxing / in bed/ could stay home all

40) there are / on tv tonight / a bunch of movies

Answers 8

36) Every morning during his commute, he stops for a quick breakfast at a local diner.

37) This is the best place in town for finding new books.

38) You don’t need to leave so early tomorrow.

39) I wish that I could stay home all day today doing nothing but relaxing in bed.

40) There are a bunch of movies on TV tonight.

Exercise 9

41) your future / bright! / looks very

42) maybe next / snow enough outside / for me to go skiing / time it will actually

43) my books are / up around here / always stacked

44) i’ve been / moment since /the beginning of / the year/ waiting for this

45) the other / hours upon hours / reading any book / day she spent

Answers 9

41) Your future looks very bright!

42) Maybe next time it will actually snow enough outside for me to go skiing.

43) My books are always stacked up around here.

44) I’ve been waiting for this moment since the beginning of the year.

45) The other day she spent hours upon hours reading any book.

Exercise 10

46) after sleeping / last night i feel / so tired right now / for so long

47) he’s been / games all day / playing video

48) i need / phone / to find my

49) there is / tall mountain in / front of us / a very big and

50) everything is / worry about it / any longer! / okay now! let’s not

Answers 10

46) After sleeping for so long last night I feel so tired right now.

47) He’s been playing video games all day.

48) I need to find my phone.

49) There is a very big and tall mountain in front of us.

50) Everything is okay now! Let’s not worry about it any longer!

Jumbled Sentence Questions

As the name suggests, jumbled sentences comprised of mixed words and sentences which are in jumbled order. The task here is to arrange the sentences into order which should fit the context and make the sentence grammatically correct.

Rearranging the sentences gives an idea how to logically arrange the sentences in order to form a meaningful text. These questions are often asked in the competitive examinations to test the English language and communication skills. On this page we’ll learn to solve Jumbled Sentence Questions  – 

Relative Pronoun Questions

Rules For Jumbled Sentence Questions – 

To answer these sentences correctly these sentences, a few thumb rules are important to keep in mind:

  • Read the sentences thoroughly and find out the theme of the paragraph so that you can identify the initial sentence.
  • Try to identify the beginning words in the sentence, such as articles, pronouns, or any other keywords which will help you to put them in the right order.
  • Do not place sentences in an order where the action changes and the sentence carrying the main theme is placed at last
  • If the sentence is starting with a pronoun such as ‘you’ or ‘I’ then it will never be the first sentence. Moreover, concluding words such as thus. Therefore, these, etc. gives us a hint to put these sentences in last

Rule 1: 

Try to find out the topic explained in the paragraph or in the sentence. This can be done by looking for words that are repeated frequently in the sentence.

Rule 2:

If a specific word is repeated in more than one sentence then the sentences can be placed one by one in the paragraph.

Rule 3:

If a sentence starts with a ‘name’ of person, then that sentence will surely be the 1st sentence in the paragraph.

Rule 4:

If a sentence starts with pronouns other than ‘You’ and ‘I’, then definitely that sentence will not be the 1st sentence of the paragraph

Rule 5:

The sentences starting with the words ‘That’, ‘These’, ‘Thus’ and ‘Those’, then also those sentences will not come 1st in the paragraph.

Here we have some practice questions for Jumbled Sentence – 

  • Rules of Jumbled Sentences.
  • Tips and Tricks to solve Jumbled Sentences.
  • How to solve Jumbled Sentences Quickly.

Question 1

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.

A. Till date it has no cure.
B. Ebola outbreak is the most deadly virus in human history.
C. Research is still at large to find the cure.
D. It has taken numerous lives in Africa.

What is the correct order of the sentences?

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Question 2

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. I Got an expensive watch
B. Who is very loving
C. By my grandfather
D. On my 22nd birthday

What is the correct order of the sentences?

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Question 3

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. The president is the head of the legislature.
B. Two houses Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
C. India has the largest democracy in the world.
D. It has a parliament which comprises of,

What is the correct order of the sentences?

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Question 4

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. While China and the US would see slower growth in coming years,
B. Earnings on Wall Street have risen to peak and the US economy might slip into recession.
C. India is expected to grow at a higher rate according to the IMF.
D. Further, concerns over global economic growth are rising.

What is the correct order of the sentences?

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Question 5

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Put into a cylindrical mould, and fired in a kiln.
B. The core of a pencil is made of graphite, clay, and water.
C. Today, pencils are mass-produced by machines that cut down the wood, insert the lead, and stamp or print a design.
D. During the 17th century, the graphite and clay were grounded down by hand,

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Question 6

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Which makes the US military the most powerful military in the world
B. He is the sole commander in chief of the military
C. The president of United States is the most powerful man on earth.
D. And has the access to nuclear arsenal of the country.

What is the correct order of the sentences?

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Question 7

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Having its headquarters located in Italy.
B. Lamborghini is the fastest sports car in the world.
C. Founded by Ferruccio Lamborghini in the year 1963.
D. It is an Italian brand.

What is the correct order of the sentences?

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Question 8

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. The boundary must be marked along its entire length
B. Cricket is a bat and ball game played on a field.
C. The field is usually circular or oval in shape.
D. Between two teams consisting eleven players each.

What is the correct order of the sentences?

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Question 9

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. However, they have replaced the human workforce in many industries creating a jobless scenario.
B. Computers have gained popularity as they ease the human workload.
C. Development of new technologies have created new opportunities for youngsters.
D. In the near future the human race has to decide whether the computers are a threat or a saviour.

What is the correct order of the sentences?

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Question 10

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Online market has taken the major share than the traditional shops.
B. People have reduced their offline shopping these days and have gone online
C. Because of the reduced and comparable prices
D. Due to which the

What is the correct order of the sentences?

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Question 11

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. World is facing the ultimate climate change effects due to which
B. Pollution is rising to its peak which in turn is leading to the
C. Deaths of animals.
D. The marine life and life on land are being affected.

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Question 12

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Indian railways is the largest railways network in the world
B. It was setup by the East India Company
C. Before the Indian independence
D. Which has the highest footfall every year.

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Question 13

Time: 00:00:00

. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. It’s bankruptcy led to the permanent closure of its services
B. Due to which they are doing protests till date.
C. All its employees lost their jobs in a day
D. Jet Airways was the largest air fleet in the Indian airspace

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Question 14

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Self-defence has to be learned by every individual
B. Life threatening events are rising on a daily basis so
C. It is an art or a skill to be acquired by all age groups.
D. Especially girls as it helps them in any bad situations.

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Question 15

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. It has many health benefits
B. Can cause serious health issues
C. Caffeine is highly addictive.
D. But if not taken in moderation

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Question 16

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Start-up culture is gaining popularity
B. Youngsters with innovative ideas are setting up new companies
C. With the support of the government.
D. Aspiring to be great entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

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Question 17

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. She was afraid that his deafness made it unsafe for him to go in the market
B. Amit at very young age became a writer and
C. His mother loved him a lot so
D. desired to sell his papers in the market
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Question 18

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. As he had faced this kind of issue in his past
B. The customers also complained about the food quality
C. Ratnam has a famous food joint at the end of the city
D. Due to the absence of the chef his dishes were tasting bad

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Question 19

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. It has become an important part of our lives
B. Enhanced the workflow but has shown significant decline in human IQ
C. Mobiles are capturing market at an exponential rate and
D. Some surveys show that it has

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Question 20

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Diet has a major role in body building
B. People are now becoming more aware of the food they eat
C. Mostly all youngsters are going to gym and have good diet plan.
D. And try to consume good diet as
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Question 21

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Young aspiring students can now learn through online videos
B. Many foreign universities have created online courses
C. As online classes have become easily accessible
D. With affordable fee structure’s

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Question 22

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Where it has more than 1 billion users
B. Its market value has crossed the billion mark
C. Facebook is the most successful social media platform
D. Making it the 3rd most valuable company in the world

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Question 23

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Photos and videos can be edited
B. Learning adobe Photoshop is easy where
C. For creative graphic designers
D. Adobe released its famous adobe Photoshop

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Question 24

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Medicines have evolved due to technology
B. Early medicines were limited
C. Modern medicines can cure major diseases as
D. And couldn’t cure major illnesses.

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Question 25

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Are the role models of the students
B. Students who are honest to their academics
C. Teachers who guide on the right path
D. Learn from their teachers and respect them.

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Question 26

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Cryptocurrency has gained popularity in the world
B. Major organisations are opting their payments in cryptocurrency
C. Which is a non-traceable currency.
D. But are facing the ban sanctions imposed by the governments.

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Question 27

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. ISRO is the most successful space organisation
B. The mission to mars was a tough project
C. After NASA
D. Which was carried out by ISRO and its genius scientist’s team.

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Question 28

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Electric vehicles will be more reliable than petrol or diesel cars.
B. Elon musk is the owner of Tesla
C. For which he guaranteed that
D. Who created the first electric car

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Question 29

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Major developing countries are adopting
B. Hence they are abundant in nature and consistent
C. Renewable sources of energy like solar and wind.
D. So it becomes cheap and do not exploit the non-renewable sources

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Question 30

Time: 00:00:00

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
A. Dubai is the best tourist destination for
B. It is the richest country and has got
C. All the tourist’s worldwide
D. It’s first drone taxi services available to the general public.

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