Journey through the word

Rob has been part of the ministry at Calvary Chapel Mission Viejo since 1999. Rob is passionate to teach the Word of God and help people grow in their walk with Jesus Christ. As Senior Pastor, Rob is the main teaching pastor and is responsible for vision and direction of the church. Rob grew up in Riverside, CA, where he met his wife Karen. He graduated from Talbot Theological Seminary in La Mirad 

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

путешествие по миру

путешествие в мир

путешествии по миру

путешествия по миру

She thanked the man for many years of joint work and interesting journey through the world of fashion throughout his career.

Она поблагодарила мужчину за долгие годы совместной работы, а также за интересное путешествие по миру моды в течении всей карьеры.

The players have a great journey through the world, filled with lots of evil creatures who will destroy the animal.

Игрокам предстоит большое путешествие по миру, наполненному массой злых существ, которых предстоит уничтожить зверьку.

Our journey through the world of art comes to an end.

An exciting journey through the world of communication began.

A symbolic fee of 4 euros allows to spend three to four hours in an exciting journey through the world of science.

Символическая плата в 4 евро позволяет провести три-четыре часа в увлекательном путешествии по миру науки.

A wonderfully poetic companion for a journey through the world of emotions… It inspired me and made me happy.

Чудесный поэтический спутник в путешествии по миру чувств и эмоций… он вдохновляет меня и делает счастливой»

Milano Unica is a full-on journey through the world of textiles and apparel of the very highest quality.

Milano Unica — это полномасштабное путешествие по миру текстиля и одежды самого высокого качества.

The Football Park is set provide fans with an unforgettable journey through the world of football.

As in the previous game, you have to go on a dangerous journey through the world of sworn enemies of the inklings — «elmoran».

Как и в прошлой игре, вам предстоит отправиться в опасное путешествие по миру заклятых врагов инклингов — «осьморян».

With this approach, getting to know the world is combined with acquiring diverse information about it, and the learning process becomes an exciting journey through the world of knowledge.

Такой подход позволяет объединить знакомство с миром с приобретением разнообразных сведений о нём и превратить процесс обучения в увлекательное путешествие по миру знаний.

We invite you on an exciting journey through the world of 3D technology — truly the pinnacle of the development of modern science and technology.

Мы приглашаем вас в увлекательное путешествие по миру 3D технологий — поистине вершине развития современной науки и техники.

Shadow Fight 2 (MOD money) — is a journey through the world of shadows, in which you are waited by incredible adventures and epic disassemblies.

Shadow Fight 2 — это путешествие по миру теней, в котором вас ждут невероятные приключения и эпические разборки.

A drawn girl starts an incredible journey through the world of artist’s fantasy, gets into difficult situations and overcomes various obstacles, trying to find the lost value — the part of herself.

Героиня начинает свое невероятное путешествие в мир фантазий художника, попадая в сложные ситуации и преодолевая различные препятствия, пытаясь обрести утраченную ценность — часть себя.

Start your fascinating journey through the world of Iberia man, werewolf or Pixies.

Начните увлекательное путешествие в мир Iberia человек, оборотень или Pixies.

«Dance Revolution» is a spectacular musical that invites viewers to a fascinating journey through the world of music from 1940-1950 to the present day.

«Dance Revolution» — это эффектный мюзикл, который приглашает зрителей в увлекательное путешествие по миру музыки с 1940-1950 годов по сегодняшний день.

In this stunning book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of…

В этой книге Малкольм Гладуэлл берет нас в интеллектуальное путешествие по миру.

The house is unveiled through a series of distinctive rooms conceived as a total physical and interactive immersion — a «journey through the world of Louis Vuitton».

Бренд представлен посредством целой серии характерных комнат, являющих собой всеобщее физическое и интерактивное погружение, — так называемое «путешествие по миру Louis Vuitton».

The Charitable Foundation of Social Development of Kharkiv Region invites schoolchildren from rural areas for an entertaining journey through the world of science.

Благотворительный фонд социального развития Харьковской области приглашает школьников из сельской местности в увлекательное путешествие по миру науки.

Please join us on a journey through the world of Victorinox.

Arise: A Simple Story — a mixture of platformer and adventure puzzle game in which you have to go on a long journey through the world of the afterlife, go through a bunch of tests, and find answers to all the questions of the main character…

Arise: A Simple Story — это смесь платформера и приключенческой игры-головоломки, в которой вам придется отправиться в длинное путешествие по миру загробной жизни, пройти кучу испытаний, и найти ответы на все вопросы главного героя…

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 49. Точных совпадений: 49. Затраченное время: 127 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Выпусков: 52

Join me in this daily devotional as I take a journey through the Bible and share my reading, observations, applications, and prayer. Support this podcast:

Join me in this daily devotional as I take a journey through the Bible and share my reading, observations, applications, and prayer. Support this podcast:

    • 20 ИЮН. 2020 Г.

    Deuteronomy 31-34: The Word is Your Life

    Deuteronomy 31-34: The Word is Your Life

    The final chapters of Deuteronomy give an ominous indication of what will begin to happen in Israel. There is a call to consistently reinforce God’s word every seven years so that all the generations of Israel would know and serve the Lord. God reminds the people of Israel that his word is life to them. Pray that God would strengthen and nourish you with his word, that you may know, love, and follow God all the days of your life.

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    • 18 ИЮН. 2020 Г.

    Deuteronomy 28-30: Choose Life

    Deuteronomy 28-30: Choose Life

    Deuteronomy 28-30 rehashes the blessings and curses seen in Leviticus 26. They also present us with an interesting idea: Moses challenges Israel, saying that the commands are not too hard to follow, because the word is in their mouths and in their hearts. Then Israel is presented with a choice: blessing & life, or curse & death. Pray that God would remind you that his word is in you, and that he would strengthen you through the Holy Spirit to obey his commands and choose life.

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    • 17 ИЮН. 2020 Г.

    Deuteronomy 23-27: A People Holy to the Lord

    Deuteronomy 23-27: A People Holy to the Lord

    In Deuteronomy 23-27, numerous commands are given and a call is presented to Israel once again to obedience. God promises to make Israel his treasured possession and to set them above all other nations in honor and fame. We are reminded that God’s blessing accompanies obedience to his commands. Pray that you would see the beauty and wisdom in God’s commands and that he would equip you with strength in the Holy Spirit to walk in his ways.

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    • 15 ИЮН. 2020 Г.

    Deuteronomy 19-22: The Lord is With You

    Deuteronomy 19-22: The Lord is With You

    Deuteronomy 19-22 features numerous unrelated commands which are given for Israel, but in the midst of the commands is another unique call: to not have fear. The passages teach us to remember that God is ultimately the victor, that what he says will come to pass, and his plans shall not fail. Pray that you would walk confidently in the will of God.

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    • 14 ИЮН. 2020 Г.

    Deuteronomy 14-18: Set Apart From All the Rest

    Deuteronomy 14-18: Set Apart From All the Rest

    Chapters 14-18 in Deuteronomy remind us of God’s intention to set Israel apart as a holy people. They were to be lights in the world, reflecting the intended relationship between God and his creation. They shouldn’t look like the other nations surrounding them. That call remains for Christians today. Pray that God would continue to refine you so that you may shine his light in the world.

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    • 12 ИЮН. 2020 Г.

    Deuteronomy 10-13: What Does the Lord Require?

    Deuteronomy 10-13: What Does the Lord Require?

    Deuteronomy 10-13 presented a pointed question: What does the Lord require of you? The answer is that our call is to walk in his ways in obedience, in light of his goodness and love for us. We see that ultimately our lives are boiled down to a simple choice: to live our lives in obedience to God, or to go our own way. Pray that God would reveal the intentions and thoughts of your heart, and that you would confess yourself before him so that you may be cleansed and walk humbly before him.

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Топ подкастов в категории «Религия и мистика»

Journey Through the Word is a thoughtful and easy way to take you deeper into studying God’s Word. We’ve broken it into 12 practical monthly topics to keep you focused and moving in your study throughout the year. At the beginning of each month through the end of the year, we’ll email your study schedule, providing you with a daily scripture or passage to dig into and encouragement to inspire you along the way. By the time you reach the end of the year, you will be amazed! God’s Word will transform you from the inside out—enjoy!

This study includes:

We will send you monthly emails containing bonus content to help you along your journey.

Each day you will have a scripture that you can meditate on while going through your daily routine.

You will see encouraging videos from Joyce that follow along with the topic for the month.

With every scripture you will also get a tip on how to apply God’s Word to your life for that day.

Dig deeper with great articles to help you discover more about the topic for the month.

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James E. Davison is Director of Continuing Education and Lecturer in Greek language and exegesis at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Prior to coming to the Seminary in 2001, Jim was Senior Associate Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Upper St. Clair for seventeen years. Previously, he was Associate Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Sterling College, KS, from 1976 to 1984.

Jim is a graduate of Westminster College (B.A.), where he participated in the Junior Year Abroad program, studying at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria. After graduation from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (M.Div.), he lived and worked in the Netherlands for seven years, while studying at the Free University of Amsterdam (Doctorandus, a Dutch degree). He completed his studies in historical theology at the University of Iowa (Ph.D.).

Jim is the author of the national congregational program, The Year of the Bible, published by the PC(USA). He has also published a number of other works: The Bible Book of the Month; Living Water: A Guide to Baptism for Presbyterians; This Book We Call the Bible: a Study Guide for Adults; and Journey through the Word: Exploring Biblical Themes (co-authored with Sara Covin Juengst). For a number of years, Jim chaired the Worship and Theology Committee of Pittsburgh Presbytery, as well as the Theological Advisory Committee of Christian Associates, the ecumenical organization for Southwest Pennsylvania.

Jim is married to Dr. Reeny D. Davison, Executive Director of ASSET, Inc., a non-profit company that specializes in professional development for schools in Allegheny County and around the State. Jim and Reeny have led six groups on study-tours to various sites in Europe. They have three grown sons, Tim, Andrew and Scott. Andrew and his wife, Jeni, have two children, Aidan and Jenevieve, who are, of course, the two cutest grandchildren in existence. Jim enjoys jogging, tennis, and, of course, travel. In 2006, with his oldest son, Tim, he traveled to Tanzania in Africa, where they hiked to the summit (19,340 feet) of Mt. Kilimanjaro. In June 2009, he went backpacking with Scott in King’s Canyon, California.

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