Joomla export to excel

Export users to Excel or CSV file Basic 3.2.2

This export users tool allows you to download users in Excel/CSV format in a few clicks.

✔ Exports user data into Excel or CSV file
✔ Filters users by different criteria
✔ One-click export feature saves a lot of time

You can export thousands of users in a few seconds.
Each exported user will be saved in Excel/CSV file with the information you need, so before export, you can specify which data (e.g. email, name, position) you need.
So, if you don’t want to export some data (e.g. ZIP code or Address) — no problem, just specify it in the settings.

Our tool allows you to export users for any purposes:

  • Mass mailing;
  • Your business partner;
  • Migration of users to any other system (like CRM or newer Joomla) and much more.

The main features of «User Export» tool:

  • Control over User Fields’ order — Drag and drop columns and enable/disable columns in the file by clicking at column title.
  • Exports standard Joomla User Fields, Contacts and User-Profile fields. Also Joomla 3.7+ Fields is supported. («Contacts» and «User Profile» support are available in separate editions.)
  • Export user groups — Each group will be separated by a comma.
  • Export Profile — it’s a saved export with selected preferences, filters, fields’ order, etc. and you can use it later for downloading users in a single click. Check more in «Export Profile» section below.
  • Advanced Filtering — filter users by Group(s), Registration Date, any field value, date range, etc.
  • Profile Sharing — For example, you need to allow your manager to download a list of «Students» without allowing him to log on to Joomla Admin Panel. With this tool, you can create a special Profile and then grant access to a particular user and/or group of users. For more details please check the FAQ below.
  • Export by Schedule — It allows you to save Export Profile and set it to be exported at the time you need, on a regular basis.
  • Grant/limit access to Export component — With this tool you can allow specific user group(s) to access Export Users extension in Joomla administration panel.
  • Download Personal Data — Since GDPR law was released, websites must enable users to download their data. This feature works in combination with the Profile feature. For more details please check FAQ section below.
  • Support of old Joomla versions: 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.X

Migration from old to new Joomla:

In combination with our Import Users extension, it can be used to migrate users from one Joomla to another. To migrate users you also need import extension — check out the «Other Extension» tab on this page.
Please note: Joomla 1.5 can’t be migrated to Joomla 3.x at once. First you’ll have to migrate from 1.5 to Joomla 2.x.

«Export Profile» feature:

Export Profile — it’s a saved template with selected preferences, filters, columns, etc. that can be used many times later.

For example, you need to export 3 excel files with different data for different purposes, like for:
— for a business partner;
— for mass mailing;
— for backup.

You need to specify export settings once for each file.
«User export» will remember it and create 3 export buttons for you.
By clicking on them, a new file will be downloaded immediately.

Contact Us or Report a bug:

Please do not use Reviews section for asking questions or reporting a bug.
For this purpose please contact us via form on our website:


  • How can I export users’ plain text passwords from the Joomla?

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to export plain passwords because Joomla stores passwords in an encrypted way using special cryptographic algorithms, so even Joomla doesn’t know them. But encrypted passwords can be used to move users from one Joomla to another. Please note: Joomla 1.5 and 3.x use different cryptographic algorithms, so they are incompatible.

  • How can I download/export users on front-end?

    Please follow the following steps:

    1. You need to create Profile. A profile — it’s a saved template with selected export settings. You can use it to download users later by clicking on the Profile name in the «Download Profiles» tab.

    2. Afterwards please go to «Website Profile(s) Share» and select the User Groups and/or Users that should be able to download the Profile. And click «Save» button.

    3. Go to Menus. Create a new menu and select its type using «Menu Item Type» field. Popup with menu types will appear, click on «Export Users …» and then on «Download Profiles». Then «Save» menu. Go to frontend, login under the user that should have access to it and download users.

  • How to use «Download Personal Data» feature?

    Please follow the next steps:

    1. You need to create Profile. A profile — it’s a saved template with selected export settings.

    2. Go to Menus. Create a new menu and select its type using the «Menu Item Type» field. Popup with menu types will appear, click on «Export Users …» and then on «Download Personal Data». Then «Save» menu. Go to frontend, login under any user and download the file.

  • I have found a bug, how can it be fixed?

    Simply contact us and let us know how to reproduce the bug, send us screenshots or a video if possible (you can use software like Jing); We will do our best to help you within a single business day!

  • Auto update doesn’t work. How can I get the latest version of extension?

    Unfortunately, Auto updater is not available for this extension. To get the latest version of export you need:

    1. Go to our website:
    2. Login and go to «My Products» menu, then click at the needed product and you’ll see Download button.
  • I need additional features in this extension.

    If you need some additional features, there are 2 ways:

    • Send us email about the new feature, and we will try to implement it in the next version. As we receiving a lot of suggestions some of them can be rejected.
    • We can create a special release for you, in a short time, with all the improvements you need, for separate payment. Please contact us to know more about it.


Login to Download —  Registration is Free in BlackJoomla but you should have points for download — FAQ

If after login, appears Warning (The security token did not match…) please refresh page and login again


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0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.

  • 10 Ответов
  • 1478 Просмотров

Регистрация на сайте нужна, чтобы собрать данные о пользователях и присвоить каждому свой номер.
Также нужна возможность экспорта списка пользователей с их данными в xls-файл.
Хватит ли функционала стандартной регистрации? Или нужен сторонний компонент? А быть может хватит обычной формы обратной связи?

Кто как решает данную задачу?

так у каждого пользователя и так уникальный ID.
а экспорт можно дефотным phpMyAdmin’ом делать, так что вообще не нужно ничего дополнительного ставить.

так у каждого пользователя и так уникальный ID.
а экспорт можно дефотным phpMyAdmin’ом делать, так что вообще не нужно ничего дополнительного ставить.

Сайт будет пользоваться обычным юзером. И должно быть удобство в экспорте данных. Обынчый id врятли подойдет, так как скорее всего будет нужен несколько-значный номер, возможно с буквами.

Тогда любой компонент обратной связи, с возможностью выгрузки результатов
А для кодов — id в md5 и срез последниз 8 символов, например

Тогда любой компонент обратной связи, с возможностью выгрузки результатов

Будет еще регистрация с личным кабинетом. Но для админа должна быть возможность экспорта всех пользователей с их данными в xls-файл.

А для кодов — id в md5 и срез последниз 8 символов, например

Хорошая идея. Спасибо.

так у каждого пользователя и так уникальный ID.
а экспорт можно дефотным phpMyAdmin’ом делать, так что вообще не нужно ничего дополнительного ставить.

А можно сделать так, чтобы пользователю присваивался дополнительный айдишник, серийный номер, ключ и тому подобное? Или же в момент регистрации пользователю предлагалось выбрать какую-то опцию или сразу несколько?

Через доп. Поля в профиле, кажется вполне так реализуется

Через доп. Поля в профиле, кажется вполне так реализуется

Настроил доп. поля в менеджере пользователей, на странице регистрации они появились, но нажать на них нельзя, появляется перечеркнутый кружок…

Там скорее всего появляется возможность чекбокса. Но как сделать так, что-бы при нажатии на чекбокс, пользователю присваивался дополнительный айдишник?

« Последнее редактирование: 31.01.2018, 19:31:20 от Igoritaly »


Но как сделать так, чтобы при нажатии на чекбокс, пользователю присваивался дополнительный айдишник?

Если по-простому, то делаете доп поле, куда писать id будете
В шаблоне его делает type=»hidden» и disabled
А в value вставляете значение, например, substr(0, 8, md5(time()));

Но это не безопасный способ! Подходит, только как кастыль.
По-хорошему нужно писать плагин, для обработки события onUserBeforeSave

This superb export users extension allows with no efforts to export/download users from your Joomla and preinstalled «Contacts» component.
All Joomla users can be exported into Excel (xlsx) or CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file formats.
Exported users in file can be used for any purposes: to import into another systems, for mass emailing, sharing with your business partners, etc.

Our Joomla user Export allows to export any user data stored in Joomla and Contacts component:

  • Joomla: Id, Name, Username, Password, Email, Params, Block, Send Email, Register Date, Last Visit Date, Activation, Last Reset Time, Reset Count, User Groups.
  • Joomla User Fields: any custom field created with Joomla User Fields .
  • Contacts: Full Name, Image, Position, Email, Address, City/Suburb, State/Province, Postal/ZIP Code, Country, Telephone, Mobile, Fax, Website, Description, Registered date.

See what our clients have achieved using our export:

«Excellent user export solution!
I use it during last 3 months and everything works just perfect.
Export is very friendly, works fast and most important for me — all user information can be exported in Excel file instead of csv (I don’t know this format)
Thank you!»

Business Analyst,


«Our agency analyze shoppers data to have better understanding of client’s behavior and their shopping preferences.
Some our clients has Joomla based shops, so it was very important to have advanced export solution.
We tried a few extensions but only this one allowed us to export all needed shoppers’ data from Joomla and import it into our system to analyze.
Extension is very powerful and at the same time it is very easy to use.»


Czech Republic

«It is amazing tool!
Our agency was hired to develop user export component with some specific requirements. First our team wanted to develop it from scratch but we stumbled upon this export from UkrSolution team. After short meeting we decided to use this one instead of developing a completely new one.
After a few consultations with support, we customized export to meet client’s needs.
Thanks a lot!!! We saved up to 70% of development time. «

The main features of «Export Joomla Users + Contacts» extension:

  • Order / sort columns the way you need, before export
  • Export users who belong to a specific group(s).
  • Select what to export (e.g. Name, Email and Last Visit Date). By default all data is exported.
  • You can exclude (filter) some users, e.g. export all users registered last week and users whose name is «Tom».
  • Allow users on your web-site (on front-end) to use export extension with predefined settings
  • Choose exported file type you prefer: Excel or CSV.
  • If you would like to use CSV format you can specify separator (“;” — default separator)
  • Save all these settings into «Profile» and download file in one click next time.
  • Grant / limit access to «Export Users» component for certain Joomla User Groups
  • NEW*: Download Personal Data — each user can download his personal data in CSV/Excel format. You can specify fields, fields’ order, etc. that user will see in downloaded file. Check more details in FAQ section.
  • Export up to 100 000 users per file with Business and Premium versions.

Buying our export extension, you will also get:

  • Free updates for 3 months, notifications of new features, fixes & updates.
  • 3 months support via Email, Skype or TeamViewer.
  • What is «Contacts» component ?

    By default Joomla has preinstalled extension called «Contacts». You can find it in your Joomla, Go to:
    Admin Panel->Components->Contacts menu.

    It allows to store more data about users like Address, City, Country, Website, etc.

    «Contacts» component allows to create a few contacts and link them to user, so you can store any amount of addresses for each user.

    Our export supports this component and can export all data from it.

  • How can I export users’ plain text passwords from the Joomla?

    Unfortunately it is not possible to export plain passwords. Joomla store passwords in encrypted way using special cryptographic algorithms, so even Joomla doesn’t know them.
    But encrypted passwords can be used to move users from one Joomla to another.
    Notice: Joomla 1.5 and 3.x use different cryptographic algorithms, so they are incompatible.

  • What is the difference between Excel and CSV file formats?

    CSV — Comma Separated Value is a very simple and lite file format.

    As you know MS Excel supports a lot of features like text colors, cell styles, inserting charts and images, etc… CSV format is a very simple and can contain only text data. For example if you create Excel sheet and write «yellow» text, CSV format will save only text but information about color will be lost.

  • How can I download/export users on front-end?

    Please follow next steps:

    1. You need to create Profile. A profile — it’s saved template with selected export settings.
    You can use it to download users later by clicking on Profile name in «Download Profiles» tab.

    2. Afterwards please go to «Website Profile(s) Share» and select User Groups and/or Users that should be able to download the Profile. And click «Save» button.

    3. Go to Menus. Create new menu and select its type using «Menu Item Type» field. Popup with menu types will appear, click on «Export Users …» and then on «Download Profiles». Then «Save» menu. Go to frontend, login under user that should have access to it and download users.

  • How to use «Download Personal Data» feature?

    Please follow next steps:

    1. You need to create Profile. A profile — it’s saved template with selected export settings.

    2. Go to Menus. Create a new menu and select its type using «Menu Item Type» field. Popup with menu types will appear, click on «Export Users …» and then on «Download Personal Data». Then «Save» menu. Go to frontend, login under any user and download file.

  • I have found a bug, how can it be fixed?

    You need to send email to us and provide us with details:

    1. How to reproduce bug
    2. Screenshots of bug
    3. Best way to describe the problem is to create video (you can use software like Jing)

    If you subscribed to support, you can count on fast update (1-2 work days)

  • Auto update doesn’t work. How can I get the latest version of extension ?

    Unfortunately Auto updater is not available for this extension.
    To get the latest version of import you need:
    1. Go to our website:
    2. Login and go to «My Products» menu.
    3. Here you will find all your extensions and can download them.

  • I need additional features in this extension

    If you need some additional fetures, there are 2 ways:

    1. Send us email about new feature, and we will try to implement it in next version. As we receiving a lot of suggestions some of them can be rejected.
    2. We can create special release for you, in a short time, with all improvements you need for separate payment. Please contact us to know more about it.
  • How can I contact you?

    Contact form on our web-site:

This export users tool allows you to download users in Excel/CSV format in a few clicks.

You can export thousands of users in a few seconds.
Each exported user will be saved in Excel/CSV file with the information you need, so before export, you can specify which data (e.g. email, name, position) you need.
So, if you don’t want to export some data (e.g. ZIP code or Address) — no problem, just specify it in the settings.

Our tool allows you to export users for any purposes:

  • Mass mailing;
  • Your business partner;
  • Migration of users to any other system (like CRM or newer Joomla) and much more.

The main features of «User Export» tool:

  • Control over User Fields’ order — Drag and drop columns and enable/disable columns in the file by clicking at column title.

  • Exports standard Joomla User Fields, Contacts and User-Profile fields. Also Joomla 3.7+ Fields is supported. («Contacts» and «User Profile» support are available in separate editions.)

  • Export user groups — Each group will be separated by a comma.
  • Export Profile — it’s a saved export with selected preferences, filters, fields’ order, etc. and you can use it later for downloading users in a single click. Check more in «Export Profile» section below.
  • Advanced Filtering — filter users by Group(s), Registration Date, any field value, date range, etc.
  • Profile Sharing — For example, you need to allow your manager to download a list of «Students» without allowing him to log on to Joomla Admin Panel. With this tool you can create a special Profile and then grant access to a particular user and/or group of users. For more details please check FAQ below.
  • Export by Schedule — It allows you to save Export Profile and set it to be exported at the time you need, on a regular basis.
  • Grant/limit access to Export component — With this tool you can allow specific user group(s) to access Export Users extension in Joomla administration panel.
  • NEW: Download Personal Data. Since GDPR law was released, websites must give users possibility to download their data. This feature works in combination with Profile feature. For more details please check FAQ section below.
  • Support of old Joomla versions: 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.X

Migration from old to new Joomla:

In combination with our Import Users extension, it can be used to migrate users from one Joomla to another. To migrate users you also need import extension — check out «Other Extension» tab on this page.
Please note: Joomla 1.5 can’t be migrated to Joomla 3.x at once. First you’ll have to migrate from 1.5 to Joomla 2.x.

«Export Profile» feature:

Export Profile — it’s saved template with selected preferences, filters, columns, etc. that can be used many times later.

For example, you need to export 3 excel files with different data for different purposes, like for:
— business partner;
— mass mailing;
— backup.

How does the Import Export Joomla Easy Profile Users Plugin (Extension) work?

The Import Export Joomla Easy Profile users Plugin takes CSV file as input. You
must create an Excel or CSV file and upload it. This is to match each field of the Excel / CSV file
to the field of particular user fields, otherwise, Admin needs to input manually. For example, the
username field gets mapped to the user name. For the plugin to work correctly, you must map the
headers of all the columns correctly, and you must ensure that all the fields you enter are in the
correct format.
You can create the Excel or CSV from scratch or you can export the users’ files to get the format of
the Excel or CSV. You can use a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice,
LibreOffice, or Google Spreadsheets, for creating and modifying the Excel or CSV file. Save this
file in UTF-8 encoding with the extension «.CSV. After entering all details about users in a
spreadsheet, you can bulk import users to Joomla. With this plugin, you can also bulk export and
download user details as a CSV file.

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