These Word Blending Boxes, developed by Jolly Author Sue Lloyd, are an invaluable resource for parents and teachers alike to help children practise blending with the letter sounds that they have learned. All you need to get started are 8 boxes (of any kind), coloured card, and labels (99.1mm x 67.7mm) or paper and glue.
Getting Started
To get started creating your word boxes, you need to download the introduction, and the words for the word boxes (all of which are contained within one document).
1) – Click here to download the introduction to the Word Blending Boxes
2) – Click here to download the words for the Word Blending Boxes
You then need to select the correct label file to download. You can choose to either download labels (3a or 3b) or “DIY” labels (3c or 3d) which you can stick on yourself. You also have a choice between pre-assigned colours, or blackline labels so that you can pick your own colours.
For printing adhesive labels (99.1mm x 67.7mm):
3a) Colour Labels
3b) Black and White Labels
For printing “DIY” labels which can be printed on A4 paper, cut out and stuck on with glue or double-sided tape:
3c) Colour DIY Labels
3d) Black and White DIY Labels
Preparing materials
Each of the 8 boxes contain one group of letter sounds (group 8 contains the alternative vowel sounds).
The words are organised by colour, with each colour matching one letter sound from within the box. The group (and therefore box) that the words belong in are also indicated in the headings.
For example, Box 1 contains the following letter sounds:
/s/ – yellow
/a/ – blue
/t/ – pink
/i/ – white
/p/ – green
/n/ – peach
The words are therefore easily identifiable within the box, giving you practise blending words for each letter sound using only those letter sounds which have already been taught. There are no words for the letter sounds /s/ and /a/ as they do not make any phonically regular words. The first words start with /t/ in pink, giving the words “at” and “sat”, as these are the only words which can be made with the letters /s/, /a/ and /t/. As more letter sounds are learned, more words can be made.
Once you have downloaded the files:
- Print the labels and attach them to the 8 boxes (label size 99.1mm x 67.7mm. If labels are not available, then they can be printed on A4 paper and stuck on)
- Print words on the thin card, using the appropriate colours. There are also black and white versions of the box labels available if you want to assign your own colours
- Laminate if necessary
- Cut up the words and put them into the relevant boxes
You can now practise word blending easily, with a decodable word bank at your finger tips!
10000+ results for ‘jolly phonics wordbox’
Digital time — word match
Match up
by Maireador20
Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics Group 2 Word scramble
by Evalahart
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
Jolly Phonics
Tricky words 1-23 match
Matching pairs
by Mscablake
Tricky Words Jolly Phonics
Green Tricky Words
Random wheel
by Samaraflanaganc
Jolly Phonics
Long vowels ‘ie’ word + picture match
Find the match
by Evalahart
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
1st Grade
Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics
Random wheel
by Sarahfoley07
o_e Magic e Whack-a-mole
by Snuteacher
Jolly Grammar
Read and Match — oa, ai, ay, ie, ee
by Maireador20
2nd class
Jolly Phonics
Jolly Grammar /ture/ Spelling List Find the Match
Find the match
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Phonics — Initial sounds
Random wheel
by Aoifeahern
Jolly Grammar — The /er/ sound: ‘er,’ ‘ir,’ or ‘ur’? Find the Match
Find the match
by Nolone
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar the /oa/ sound ‘oa,’ ‘ow’ or ‘o_e’ Anagram
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar — The /k/ sound: ‘k,’ or ‘ck’? Airplane
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘ou’ saying the /u/ sound Wordsearch
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘air’ saying the /air/ sound Find the match
Find the match
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar soft ‘g’ making the /j/ sound Missing Word
Missing word
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘ph’ making the /f/ sound Matching Pairs
Matching pairs
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar Silent k Spelling List Gameshow Quiz
Gameshow quiz
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar Silent k Spelling List Match Up
Match up
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar Silent ‘w’ Spelling List Crossword
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar /ture/ Spelling List Anagram
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘ie’ saying the /ee/ sound Maze Chase
Maze chase
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar Silent K Spelling List Anagram
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar Silent K Spelling List Hangman
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘o’ saying the /u/ sound Spelling List Wordsearch
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar The /ee/ sound: ‘ee’ or ‘ea’? Maze Chase
Maze chase
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar the /oa/ sound ‘oa,’ ‘ow’ or ‘o_e’ Matching Pairs
Matching pairs
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar — The /k/ sound: ‘k,’ or ‘ck’? Wordsearch
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar: /wa/ saying the ‘wo’ sound Anagram
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar soft ‘g’ saying the /j/ sound Match Up
Match up
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar Silent b Spelling List Wordsearch
by Snuteacher
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘air’ saying the /air/ sound Wordsearch
by Snuteacher
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar The /ue/ sound: ‘ue,’ ‘ew,’ or ‘u_e’? Anagram
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar — The /k/ sound: ‘k,’ or ‘ck’? True or false
True or false
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘si’ saying the /sh/ and /zh/ sounds Spelling List Wordsearch
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘are’ saying the /air/ sound Spelling List Matching Pairs
Matching pairs
by Snuteacher
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘air’ saying the /air/ sound Matching Pairs
Matching pairs
by Snuteacher
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar Silent K Spelling List Wordsearch
by Snuteacher
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar: The /or/ sound: ‘or’ ‘al,’ ‘au,’ or ‘aw’? Matching Pairs
Matching pairs
by Snuteacher
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Tricky words 10-20
Matching pairs
by Evalahart
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
English- Tricky words
Jolly Phonics
Jolly Grammar ‘air’ saying the /air/ sound Hangman
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘ch’ saying the /ck/ sound True or False
True or false
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar The /ue/ sound: ‘ue,’ ‘ew,’ or ‘u_e’? Wordsearch
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar soft ‘g’ saying the /j/ sound Wordsearch
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar Alphabetical Order Unjumble
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘si’ says the /sh/ and /zh/ sounds Spelling List Airplane
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar The /ue/ sound: ‘ue,’ ‘ew,’ or ‘u_e’? Find the match
Find the match
by Snuteacher
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar /le/ Matching Pairs
Matching pairs
by Snuteacher
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar: The /ou/ sound: ‘ou’ or ‘ow’? Matching pairs
Matching pairs
by Snuteacher
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Long vowel ‘ai’ words
by Evalahart
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
1st Grade
Jolly Phonics
Jolly Grammar: The /or/ sound: ‘or’ ‘al,’ ‘au,’ or ‘aw’? Anagram
by Nolone
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar — The /er/ sound: ‘er,’ ‘ir,’ or ‘ur’? Wordsearch
by Nolone
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar — The /er/ sound: ‘er,’ ‘ir,’ or ‘ur’? Matching Pairs
Matching pairs
by Nolone
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar the /oa/ sound ‘oa,’ ‘ow’ or ‘o_e’ Hangman
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar The /ee/ sound: ‘ee’ or ‘ea’? Wordsearch
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar The /ee/ sound: ‘ee’ or ‘ea’? Airplane
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar ‘ou’ saying the /u/ sound Word Magnets
Word magnets
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar Silent ‘w’ Spelling List Wordsearch
by Nolone
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar The /ee/ sound: ‘ee’ or ‘ea’? Matching Pairs
Matching pairs
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
Jolly Grammar The /ie/ sound: ‘ie,’ ‘igh,’ ‘y’ or ‘i_e’ Gameshow Quiz
Gameshow quiz
by Nolone
Primary School / Elementary
2nd Grade
Jolly Grammar
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Список слов для чтения по Jolly Phonics (Groups 1-6)
Тут вы найдете список слов и карточки для практики чтения. Эти слова предназначены для закрепления 6-ой группы английских звуков по Jolly Phonics.
Один из вариантов перевода, который дается к словам ниже, представлен только для вашего ознакомления. Ребенку совершенно не обязательно знать перевод слова, чтобы уметь правильно его прочитать.
Аудиозапись: Adobe Flash Player (версия 9 или выше) требуется для воспроизведения этой аудиозаписи. Скачать последнюю версию здесь. К тому же, в Вашем браузере должен быть включен JavaScript.
yap — тявканье
yell — визжать
Аудиозапись: Adobe Flash Player (версия 9 или выше) требуется для воспроизведения этой аудиозаписи. Скачать последнюю версию здесь. К тому же, в Вашем браузере должен быть включен JavaScript.
fox — лиса
box — коробка
six — шесть
mix — смешивать
fix — чинить
foxtrot — фокстрот
lax — вялый
xenon — ксенон
fax — факс
Texas — Техас
flex — перегиб
ox — бык
Аудиозапись: Adobe Flash Player (версия 9 или выше) требуется для воспроизведения этой аудиозаписи. Скачать последнюю версию здесь. К тому же, в Вашем браузере должен быть включен JavaScript.
chips — щепки
bench — скамья
bunch — связка
chest — грудная клетка
inch — дюйм
rich — богатый
chick — цыпленок
cheek — щека
chin — подбородок
chicken — курица
chock — клин
check — проверка
Аудиозапись: Adobe Flash Player (версия 9 или выше) требуется для воспроизведения этой аудиозаписи. Скачать последнюю версию здесь. К тому же, в Вашем браузере должен быть включен JavaScript.
shell — раковина
shelf — полка
shaft — рукоятка
sham — притворщик
ship — судно
shift — сдвиг
fish — рыба
mash — месить
hush — тишина
shock — шок
sheep — овца
shut — закрывать
sheet — простыня
shrank — высох
shred — клочок
shrimp — креветка
shrug — пожимать
Аудиозапись: Adobe Flash Player (версия 9 или выше) требуется для воспроизведения этой аудиозаписи. Скачать последнюю версию здесь. К тому же, в Вашем браузере должен быть включен JavaScript.
three — три
thick — толстый
thin — худой
thumb — большой палец
moth — моль
teeth — зубы
thank — благодарность
cloth — ткань
Аудиозапись: Adobe Flash Player (версия 9 или выше) требуется для воспроизведения этой аудиозаписи. Скачать последнюю версию здесь. К тому же, в Вашем браузере должен быть включен JavaScript.
Ниже pdf файл с карточками на эти слова, которые вы можете посмотреть и распечатать. Распечатывать лучше на плотной бумаге и затем заламинировать, тогда они прослужат дольше.
Кликните, чтобы открыть слова в новом окне в формате pdf.
Слова на предыдущие группы звуков:
- группы 1 и 2
- группы 1,2,3
- группы 1,2,3,4
- группы 1-5
Также смотрите worksheets по jolly phonics. Мои детки их делали с удовольствием. Было видно их гордость и радость от того, что они уже умеют писать и читать на английском языке.
Вы также можете посмотреть мои буклеты «Ready to Read!». Они идут шестыми в списке моих платных материалов.
Если вы считаете материал интересным, поделитесь им с друзьями в социальных сетях.
Смотрите также:
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd, 2005. — 28 p. — 192 kb/s. A collection of songs set to popular tunes for each of the 42 letter sounds in Jolly Phonics. These songs are sung by children on the audio CD. This work is suitable for use at home, one-to-one teaching or small groups. It includes spoken guide to all 42 letter sounds and fun letter sound games and activities.
- №1
- 37,79 МБ
- добавлен 16.10.2021 18:15
- описание отредактировано 17.10.2021 07:08
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Выходные данные неизвестны. Actions to teach Grammar concepts such as verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs and preposition (1 page)
- №2
- 228,45 КБ
- добавлен 24.03.2021 13:26
- описание отредактировано 07.04.2021 13:32
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Lloyd Sue, Wernham Sara. — Jolly Learning, 2010. — 35 стр.
The fifth in a series of 7 fun-filled activity books for children, each covering one group of letter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches children to read and write using synthetic phonics in a fun and engaging way. Each of these 36 page activity books for children aged 3+, including 2 pages of stickers provide a range of fun…
- №3
- 23,28 МБ
- добавлен 29.06.2015 19:41
- описание отредактировано 29.06.2015 20:41
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Lloyd Sue, Wernham Sara. — Jolly Learning Ltd, 2010. — 36 стр. The sixth in a series of 7 fun-filled activity books for children, each covering one group of letter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches children to read and write using synthetic phonics in a fun and engaging way. Each of these 36 page activity books for children aged 3+, including 2 pages of stickers provide a range of…
- №4
- 22,50 МБ
- добавлен 29.06.2015 22:36
- описание отредактировано 29.06.2015 23:03
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Lloyd Sue, Wernham Sara. — Jolly Learning Ltd, 2010. — 36 стр. The seventh in a series of 7 fun-filled activity books for children, each covering one group of letter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches children to read and write using synthetic phonics in a fun and engaging way. Each of these 36 page activity books for children aged 3+, including 2 pages of stickers provide a range…
- №5
- 21,25 МБ
- добавлен 30.06.2015 12:58
- описание отредактировано 30.06.2015 14:49
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
A supporting booklet for level 1 and 2 learners of Jolly Phonics. 133 pages of Revision for all groups and exercises for digraphs and alternatives.
- №7
- 5,85 МБ
- добавлен 12.03.2021 15:01
- описание отредактировано 12.03.2021 17:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly learning Ltd Teachers — Parents guide The fourth in a series of 7 workbooks, each covering one group of letter sounds. These 24-page workbooks are a fun way for children to put their skills into practice. The first books have simple letter recognition, while later books introduce joined-up (cursive) writing and the alternative spellings of the vowels. Strategies for…
- №8
- 1,75 МБ
- добавлен 06.09.2013 20:58
- описание отредактировано 08.09.2013 13:24
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
(Colour In Precursive Letters)
The Jolly Phonics Pupil Books cover all the five skills for reading and writing. Children are able to work through each book and complete a wide variety of engaging activities, which develop key literacy skills. The teacher is able to support and guide the children through the books with the Jolly Phonics Teacher’s Book.
Jolly Phonics Pupil…
- №9
- 31,18 МБ
- добавлен 20.06.2015 15:03
- описание отредактировано 20.06.2015 15:20
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
50 pages.
(Colour In Precursive Letters)
The Jolly Phonics Pupil Books cover all the five skills for reading and writing. Children are able to work through each book and complete a wide variety of engaging activities, which develop key literacy skills. The teacher is able to support and guide the children through the books with the Jolly Phonics Teacher’s Book. These books…
- №10
- 23,03 МБ
- добавлен 29.06.2015 17:29
- описание отредактировано 29.06.2015 19:35
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning, 2012. — 50 p.
(Colour In Precursive Letters)
The Jolly Phonics Pupil Books cover all the five skills for reading and writing. Children are able to work through each book and complete a wide variety of engaging activities, which develop key literacy skills. The teacher is able to support and guide the children through the books with the Jolly Phonics Teacher’s…
- №11
- 25,38 МБ
- добавлен 29.06.2015 17:38
- описание отредактировано 29.06.2015 19:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №12
- 1,59 МБ
- добавлен 29.08.2021 10:53
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 07:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №13
- 2,67 МБ
- добавлен 30.08.2021 21:02
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 22:44
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №14
- 2,39 МБ
- добавлен 30.08.2021 20:59
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 22:44
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №15
- 1,69 МБ
- добавлен 29.08.2021 10:52
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 07:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №16
- 3,14 МБ
- добавлен 29.08.2021 10:39
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 07:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №17
- 2,61 МБ
- добавлен 30.08.2021 21:00
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 22:44
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №18
- 2,82 МБ
- добавлен 29.08.2021 10:43
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 07:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №19
- 1,80 МБ
- добавлен 29.08.2021 10:51
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 07:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №20
- 2,77 МБ
- добавлен 30.08.2021 20:59
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 22:44
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №21
- 2,87 МБ
- добавлен 29.08.2021 10:38
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 07:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №22
- 3,13 МБ
- добавлен 29.08.2021 10:42
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 07:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’
- №23
- 3,27 МБ
- добавлен 30.08.2021 20:58
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 22:44
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №24
- 1,61 МБ
- добавлен 29.08.2021 10:53
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 07:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №25
- 3,03 МБ
- добавлен 30.08.2021 21:01
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 22:44
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №26
- 2,77 МБ
- добавлен 29.08.2021 10:42
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 07:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2003. — 14 p. — (Inky Mouse and Friends). In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’.
- №27
- 3,01 МБ
- добавлен 29.08.2021 10:40
- описание отредактировано 30.08.2021 07:39
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
This CD is intended to stimulate teachers’ creativity by offering you the resources you need to create your own classroom materials. The resources on the CD include: Colour and black and white images from Jolly Phonics’ bank of pictures which you can use to make flashcards, worksheets, etc. a word bank and dictation sentences for use in compiling new material for literacy…
- №28
- 39,79 МБ
- добавлен 02.06.2017 11:05
- описание отредактировано 02.06.2017 15:35
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Ideal for whole class teaching of Jolly Phonics through a whiteboard! The software enables teachers to deliver lessons in a fun and engaging way to children, using a wide variety of activities. With all the resources a teacher requires at the touch of a button, the programme is fun and easy to use. Key Features Of The Software • Suitable for use on Promethean, Smart and all…
- №30
- 200,00 МБ
- добавлен 19.10.2018 00:28
- описание отредактировано 21.10.2018 03:27
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Ideal for whole class teaching of Jolly Phonics through a whiteboard! The software enables teachers to deliver lessons in a fun and engaging way to children, using a wide variety of activities. With all the resources a teacher requires at the touch of a button, the programme is fun and easy to use. Key Features Of The Software • Suitable for use on Promethean, Smart and all other…
- №31
- 150,05 МБ
- добавлен 19.10.2018 00:34
- описание отредактировано 21.10.2018 03:27
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Ideal for whole class teaching of Jolly Phonics through a whiteboard! The software enables teachers to deliver lessons in a fun and engaging way to children, using a wide variety of activities. With all the resources a teacher requires at the touch of a button, the programme is fun and easy to use. Key Features Of The Software • Suitable for use on Promethean, Smart and all…
- №32
- 37,20 МБ
- добавлен 18.10.2018 23:59
- описание отредактировано 21.10.2018 03:27
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Ideal for whole class teaching of Jolly Phonics through a whiteboard! The software enables teachers to deliver lessons in a fun and engaging way to children, using a wide variety of activities. With all the resources a teacher requires at the touch of a button, the programme is fun and easy to use. Key Features Of The Software • Suitable for use on Promethean, Smart and all…
- №33
- 49,48 МБ
- добавлен 19.10.2018 00:01
- описание отредактировано 21.10.2018 03:27
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Lloyd Sue, Wernham Sara. — Jolly Learning Ltd, 2010.
Файл содержит перечень слов для чтения, которые вводятся последовательно в процессе обучения с каждым новым звуком. В словах исключительно ранее изученные звуки.
- №34
- 173,41 КБ
- добавлен 01.07.2015 14:16
- описание отредактировано 01.07.2015 15:20
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Lloyd Sue, Wernham Sara. — Jolly Learning Ltd, 2010.
Раздел содержит 3 файла: инструкцию, лист с разбивкой звуков по цветам в соответствии с группой звука (8 групп) и слова.
- №35
- 10,14 МБ
- добавлен 30.06.2015 21:42
- описание отредактировано 30.06.2015 21:46
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning. — 16 стр.
Данное руководство содержит рекомендации для родителей и преподавателей.
Оно разъясняет принципы, лежащие в основе системы Jolly Phonics. Цель руководства – показать, каким образом происходит обучение по схеме Jolly Phonics, а также предоставить более широкие возможности для помощи детям. Так же в руководстве предложены материалы для занятий.
- №37
- 1,72 МБ
- добавлен 29.06.2015 23:27
- описание отредактировано 30.06.2015 00:08
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Lloyd Sue, Wernham Sara. — Jolly Learning Ltd, 2010. — 36 p. The seventh in a series of 7 fun-filled activity books for children, each covering one group of letter sounds. Jolly Phonics teaches children to read and write using synthetic phonics in a fun and engaging way. Each of these 36 page activity books for children aged 3+, including 2 pages of stickers provide a range of…
- №38
- 75,08 МБ
- добавлен 21.06.2020 00:24
- описание отредактировано 21.06.2020 01:44
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning LTD, 2019. — 15 p. — (Jolly Phonics Readers). Orange Level Readers have very carefully controlled vocabulary and designed for children who learn to read and write with Jolly Phonics. This book covers the first set of sounds.
- №39
- 936,33 КБ
- добавлен 12.01.2021 18:00
- описание отредактировано 13.01.2021 11:07
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning LTD, 2019. — 16 p. — (Jolly Phonics Readers). Orange Level Readers have very carefully controlled vocabulary and designed for children who learn to read and write with Jolly Phonics. This book covers the first, the second, the third sets of sounds.
- №40
- 1,19 МБ
- добавлен 03.04.2021 17:41
- описание отредактировано 04.04.2021 04:32
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Cartoonito. — ful meta data unknown. Based on Jolly Phonics, Cartoonito activity sheets are a perfect resource to help support children while they are learning to read and write. Each sheet provides activities for letter sound learning, letter formation, blending and segmenting. Split into 7 groups, the worksheets contain all 42 letter sounds taught in Jolly Phonics….
- №41
- 20,04 МБ
- добавлен 20.06.2020 21:20
- описание отредактировано 21.06.2020 03:01
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning LTD, 2019. — 16 p. — (Jolly Phonics Readers). Orange Level Readers have very carefully controlled vocabulary and designed for children who learn to read and write with Jolly Phonics. This book covers the first and the second sets of sounds.
- №42
- 3,21 МБ
- добавлен 03.02.2021 22:08
- описание отредактировано 04.04.2021 04:32
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning LTD, 2019. — 16 p. — (Jolly Phonics Readers). Orange Level Readers have very carefully controlled vocabulary and designed for children who learn to read and write with Jolly Phonics. This book covers the first, the second, the third sets of sounds.
- №43
- 2,94 МБ
- добавлен 25.02.2021 01:15
- описание отредактировано 04.04.2021 04:36
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning LTD, 2019. — 16 p. — (Jolly Phonics Readers). Orange Level Readers have very carefully controlled vocabulary and designed for children who learn to read and write with Jolly Phonics. This book covers the first,the second, the third sets of sounds.
- №44
- 3,00 МБ
- добавлен 25.02.2021 01:13
- описание отредактировано 04.04.2021 04:36
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning LTD, 2019. — 16 p. — (Jolly Phonics Readers). Orange Level Readers have very carefully controlled vocabulary and designed for children who learn to read and write with Jolly Phonics. This book covers the first and the second sets of sounds.
- №45
- 2,47 МБ
- добавлен 02.02.2021 01:53
- описание отредактировано 04.04.2021 04:32
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning. — 12 p. Jolly Phonics is for children aged 3 to 6. This guide provides background advice for parents and teachers. It explains the principles behind Jolly Phonics so that your understanding of the teaching, and your ability to help a child, is much greater.
- №46
- 796,05 КБ
- добавлен 21.09.2019 03:42
- описание отредактировано 21.09.2019 05:29
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning LTD, 2019. — 16 p. — (Jolly Phonics Readers). Orange Level Readers have very carefully controlled vocabulary and designed for children who learn to read and write with Jolly Phonics. This book covers the first and the second sets of sounds.
- №47
- 3,26 МБ
- добавлен 03.02.2021 20:54
- описание отредактировано 04.04.2021 04:32
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2001. — 8 p. All these books for children have regular words that can be read by sounding out and blending. Perfect first reading books for children learning with synthetic phonics, supporting their school work and getting them interested in reading. Each book has pages with a single word and a picture of the word next to it, under a flap. The children read the word…
- №48
- 5,59 МБ
- добавлен 27.06.2018 11:52
- описание отредактировано 01.07.2018 02:17
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2001. — 8 p. All these books for children have regular words that can be read by sounding out and blending. Perfect first reading books for children learning with synthetic phonics, supporting their school work and getting them interested in reading. Each book has pages with a single word and a picture of the word next to it, under a flap. The children read the word…
- №49
- 5,16 МБ
- добавлен 30.06.2018 20:02
- описание отредактировано 01.07.2018 02:20
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2001. — 8 p. All these books for children have regular words that can be read by sounding out and blending. Perfect first reading books for children learning with synthetic phonics, supporting their school work and getting them interested in reading. Each book has pages with a single word and a picture of the word next to it, under a flap. The children read the word…
- №50
- 6,89 МБ
- добавлен 30.06.2018 15:46
- описание отредактировано 01.07.2018 02:18
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Сборник упражнений для практики произнесения и написания звуков и звукосочетаний, иллюстрированный. Часть официальной британской учебной школьной программы для детей 6 лет (1 класс)
- №51
- 8,17 МБ
- добавлен 25.03.2020 16:34
- описание отредактировано 25.03.2020 18:07
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning LTD, 2019. — 15 p. — (Jolly Phonics Readers). Orange Level Readers have very carefully controlled vocabulary and designed for children who learn to read and write with Jolly Phonics. This book covers the first set of sounds.
- №52
- 1,19 МБ
- добавлен 12.01.2021 18:04
- описание отредактировано 13.01.2021 11:07
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Как правильно произносить звуки, которые обозначают буквы английского алфавита? Как произносятся дифтонги? Что подразумевали авторы Jolly Phonics под долгой и короткой «оо»? Теперь у вас есть возможность прослушать, как британский диктор произносит звуки из курса Jolly Phonics. Все звуки разделены на 7 групп (по 6 звуков в каждой). На каждой звуковой дорожке диктор несколько раз…
- №53
- 7,51 МБ
- добавлен 05.10.2016 08:03
- описание отредактировано 05.10.2016 19:29
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Sara Wernham, Sue Lloyd. — Jolly Phonics, 2000. — 218 p. The Grammar Handbook 1 is for use the year after The Phonics Handbook. Practical advice and ideas for teaching grammar. Introduces rudiments of grammar. Structured grammar lessons. Spelling and punctuation lessons. Revision and extension of The Phonics Handbook. Photocopiable activities. Fun actions for the grammar points….
- №54
- 12,72 МБ
- добавлен 24.12.2017 20:20
- описание отредактировано 25.12.2017 07:30
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Sara Wernham, Sue Lloyd. — Jolly Phonics, 2000. — 218 p. The Grammar 2 Handbook is for use the year after The Grammar Handbook 1. Consolidates the teaching from The Grammar Handbook 1. Continues to introduce new grammar elements. Structured grammar lessons. Spelling and punctuation lessons. Develops dictionary and thesaurus skills. Improves vocabulary and comprehension….
- №55
- 23,12 МБ
- добавлен 24.12.2017 20:21
- описание отредактировано 25.12.2017 07:30
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2019. — 12 p. The first of seven sets of early decodable readers providing a gradual and structured start for children who are just starting to learn to read. These general fiction readers cover the 42 letter sounds across 7 sets, with each covering one particular set. The last set of readers also features a small number of tricky words. Children can be…
- №56
- 10,04 МБ
- добавлен 06.05.2020 19:40
- описание отредактировано 10.05.2020 08:05
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Lloyd Sue, Wernham Sara, 2010 Publisher: Jolly Learning Ltd A collection of songs set to popular tunes for each of the 42 letter sounds. These songs are sung by children (in British English). Песенки из курса Jolly phonics по порядку, на видео есть картинка с движением и песенка.
- №57
- 23,64 МБ
- добавлен 05.06.2017 11:04
- описание отредактировано 08.06.2017 15:01
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning, 1993. — 14 p. The first book in a series of 7. Each of these 14-page board book deals with one group of letter sounds. A fun action is given for every letter sound. Cut-out letters on each page show children’s fingers the correct formation for every letter. Also included at the end of each book are a number of activities that children can complete to reinforce…
- №58
- 14,50 МБ
- добавлен 05.11.2017 19:13
- описание отредактировано 20.11.2017 09:51
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning, 1994. — 14 p. The second book in a series of 7. Each of these 14-page board book deals with one group of letter sounds. A fun action is given for every letter sound. Cut-out letters on each page show children’s fingers the correct formation for every letter. Also included at the end of each book are a number of activities that children can complete to reinforce…
- №59
- 13,54 МБ
- добавлен 17.11.2017 15:24
- описание отредактировано 18.11.2017 03:51
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning, 1994. — 14 p. The third book in a series of 7. Each of these 14-page board book deals with one group of letter sounds. A fun action is given for every letter sound. Cut-out letters on each page show children’s fingers the correct formation for every letter. Also included at the end of each book are a number of activities that children can complete to reinforce…
- №60
- 15,33 МБ
- добавлен 17.11.2017 15:28
- описание отредактировано 18.11.2017 03:53
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning, 1994. — 14 p. The fourth book in a series of 7. Each of these 14-page board book deals with one group of letter sounds. A fun action is given for every letter sound. Cut-out letters on each page show children’s fingers the correct formation for every letter. Also included at the end of each book are a number of activities that children can complete to reinforce…
- №61
- 13,82 МБ
- добавлен 17.11.2017 15:35
- описание отредактировано 18.11.2017 03:54
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning, 1994. — 14 p. The fifth book in a series of 7. Each of these 14-page board book deals with one group of letter sounds. A fun action is given for every letter sound. Cut-out letters on each page show children’s fingers the correct formation for every letter. Also included at the end of each book are a number of activities that children can complete to reinforce…
- №62
- 12,38 МБ
- добавлен 17.11.2017 15:43
- описание отредактировано 18.11.2017 04:20
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning, 1994. — 14 p. The fifth book in a series of 7. Each of these 14-page board book deals with one group of letter sounds. A fun action is given for every letter sound. Cut-out letters on each page show children’s fingers the correct formation for every letter. Also included at the end of each book are a number of activities that children can complete to reinforce…
- №63
- 13,29 МБ
- добавлен 20.11.2017 09:27
- описание отредактировано 20.11.2017 09:48
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 1993. — 12 p. The seventh book in a series of 7. Each of these 14-page board book deals with one group of letter sounds. A fun action is given for every letter sound. Cut-out letters on each page show children’s fingers the correct formation for every letter. Also included at the end of each book are a number of activities that children can complete to reinforce…
- №64
- 14,29 МБ
- дата добавления неизвестна
- описание отредактировано 20.11.2017 09:50
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2000. — 26 p. A handy reference book for teachers that provides words for use in class. Under a range of different headings, words are provided to suit the teaching of the day. For instance there are words using the letters of just the first group of six letters (s, a, t, i, p, n). Other headings have words with consonant blends, specific digraphs, tricky words, etc.
- №65
- 18,00 МБ
- добавлен 09.11.2018 15:39
- описание отредактировано 10.11.2018 04:54
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd, 1995. — 28 p. — ISBN: 1-870946-51-0. The first in a series of 7 workbooks, each covering one group of letter sounds. These 24-page workbooks are a fun way for children to put their skills into practice. The first books have simple letter recognition, while later books introduce joined-up (cursive) writing and the alternative spellings of the vowels….
- №66
- 2,06 МБ
- добавлен 17.10.2012 23:42
- описание отредактировано 13.11.2017 09:41
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd, 1995. — 28 p. — ISBN: 1-870946-52-9. The second in a series of 7 workbooks, each covering one group of letter sounds. These 24-page workbooks are a fun way for children to put their skills into practice. The first books have simple letter recognition, while later books introduce joined-up (cursive) writing and the alternative spellings of the vowels….
- №67
- 2,14 МБ
- добавлен 17.10.2012 23:43
- описание отредактировано 13.11.2017 09:42
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd, 1995. — 28 p. — ISBN: 1-870946-53-7. The third in a series of 7 workbooks, each covering one group of letter sounds. These 24-page workbooks are a fun way for children to put their skills into practice. The first books have simple letter recognition, while later books introduce joined-up (cursive) writing and the alternative spellings of the vowels….
- №68
- 2,11 МБ
- добавлен 17.10.2012 23:45
- описание отредактировано 13.11.2017 09:42
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd, 1995. — 28 p. — ISBN: 1-870946-54-5. The fourth in a series of 7 workbooks, each covering one group of letter sounds. These 24-page workbooks are a fun way for children to put their skills into practice. The first books have simple letter recognition, while later books introduce joined-up (cursive) writing and the alternative spellings of the vowels….
- №69
- 2,13 МБ
- добавлен 17.10.2012 23:46
- описание отредактировано 13.11.2017 09:43
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd, 1995. — 28 p. — ISBN: 1-870946-55-3. The fifth in a series of 7 workbooks, each covering one group of letter sounds. These 24-page workbooks are a fun way for children to put their skills into practice. The first books have simple letter recognition, while later books introduce joined-up (cursive) writing and the alternative spellings of the vowels….
- №70
- 2,13 МБ
- добавлен 17.10.2012 23:47
- описание отредактировано 13.11.2017 09:44
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd, 1995. — 28 p. — ISBN: 1-870946-56-1. The sixth in a series of 7 workbooks, each covering one group of letter sounds. These 24-page workbooks are a fun way for children to put their skills into practice. The first books have simple letter recognition, while later books introduce joined-up (cursive) writing and the alternative spellings of the vowels….
- №71
- 2,07 МБ
- добавлен 17.10.2012 23:49
- описание отредактировано 13.11.2017 09:45
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd, 1995. — 28 p. — ISBN: 1-870946-57-X. The seventh in a series of 7 workbooks, each covering one group of letter sounds. These 24-page workbooks are a fun way for children to put their skills into practice. The first books have simple letter recognition, while later books introduce joined-up (cursive) writing and the alternative spellings of the vowels….
- №72
- 2,15 МБ
- добавлен 17.10.2012 23:50
- описание отредактировано 13.11.2017 09:46
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Grammar, extra materials (Выходные данные неизвестны) These reading comprehension sheets are perfect for developing your child’s critical thinking, story development and writing skills. A selection of questions relate to an accompanying picture.
- №73
- 3,28 МБ
- добавлен 24.03.2021 13:18
- описание отредактировано 07.04.2021 13:32
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning, 2011. Designed to follow on from the Jolly Phonics Pupil Books 1, 2 and 3, the Grammar 1 Pupil Book builds on the skills taught in Jolly Phonics, and introduces grammar and spelling rules to improve writing and reading comprehension. Children are able to work through the Grammar 1 Pupil book and complete a wide variety of engaging activities, which develop grammar,…
- №74
- 24,19 МБ
- добавлен 31.03.2020 03:56
- описание отредактировано 01.04.2020 09:05
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Ponics Activity book. The first steps in learning to read and write. Have fun learning to read and write at home. The Jolly Phonics books 1 to 7 guide children through the early stage of reading and writing, building confidence and important educational skills along the way. Clear, straightforward instructions lead the way to fun, engaging activities…
- №75
- 6,66 МБ
- добавлен 06.09.2013 22:59
- описание отредактировано 08.09.2013 13:24
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Ponics Activity book. The first steps in learning to read and write. Have fun learning to read and write at home. The Jolly Phonics books 1 to 7 guide children through the early stage of reading and writing, building confidence and important educational skills along the way. Clear, straightforward instructions lead the way to fun, engaging activities…
- №76
- 6,83 МБ
- добавлен 09.09.2013 13:54
- описание отредактировано 09.09.2013 14:52
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Ponics Activity book. The first steps in learning to read and write. Have fun learning to read and write at home. The Jolly Phonics books 1 to 7 guide children through the early stage of reading and writing, building confidence and important educational skills along the way. Clear, straightforward instructions lead the way to fun, engaging activities…
- №77
- 8,79 МБ
- добавлен 10.09.2013 01:08
- описание отредактировано 10.09.2013 01:13
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Learning Ltd ISB 9781844141562 Jolly Ponics Activity book. The first steps in learning to read and write. Have fun learning to read and write at home. The Jolly Phonics books 1 to 7 guide children through the early stage of reading and writing, building confidence and important educational skills along the way. Clear, straightforward instructions lead the way to fun,…
- №78
- 7,15 МБ
- добавлен 17.09.2013 01:41
- описание отредактировано 19.09.2013 13:14
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2002. — 8 p. — (Red Level Readers. Level 1). Level 1 features words that are spelled regularly and can be sounded out with the 42 letter sounds first taught in Jolly Phonics.
- №79
- 2,05 МБ
- добавлен 02.06.2019 23:50
- описание отредактировано 10.09.2019 03:55
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2002. — 8 p. — (Red Level Readers. Level 1). Level 1 features words that are spelled regularly and can be sounded out with the 42 letter sounds first taught in Jolly Phonics.
- №80
- 1,94 МБ
- добавлен 02.06.2019 23:47
- описание отредактировано 10.09.2019 03:54
- Раздел: Обучение чтению на английском как родном → Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics, 2002. — 8 p. — (Red Level Readers. Level 1). Level 1 features words that are spelled regularly and can be sounded out with the 42 letter sounds first taught in Jolly Phonics.
- №81
- 1,99 МБ
- добавлен 02.06.2019 23:45
- описание отредактировано 10.09.2019 03:54
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