Joined up writing on word

joined-up writing

Общая лексика: (рукописное) слитное написание

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «joined-up writing» в других словарях:

  • joined-up — [ ,dʒɔınd ʌp ] adjective INFORMAL joined up writing is writing in which the letters are joined to each other. This word is used especially by children. joined up thinking/government/policy etc. MAINLY JOURNALISM a way of doing something in which… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • joined-up — adj [only before noun] BrE 1.) joined up writing has all the letters in each word connected to each other 2.) BrE joined up systems, institutions etc combine different groups, ideas, or parts in a way that works well ▪ joined up government ▪ the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • joined-up — 1) ADJ: ADJ n In joined up writing, you join all the letters in each word together, without taking your pen off the paper. This sort of writing is used by older children and adults. 2) ADJ: ADJ n (approval) Journalists sometimes use joined up to… …   English dictionary

  • joined-up — UK [ˌdʒɔɪnd ˈʌp] / US adjective 1) informal joined up writing is writing in which the letters are joined to each other. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children. 2) mainly journalism joined up thinking or government… …   English dictionary

  • WRITING — (Scripts, Materials, and Inscriptions). SCRIPTS AND MATERIALS General Survey From the end of the third millennium B.C.E., the art of writing was practiced in the ancient Near East (see alphabet ). Here, the pictographic, cuneiform, and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Writing system — Predominant scripts at the national level, with selected regional and minority scripts. Alphabet Latin Cyrillic Latin Greek …   Wikipedia

  • writing — noun 1 activity/job of writing ADJECTIVE ▪ effective ▪ The book aims to teach effective essay writing. ▪ creative, descriptive, imaginative ▪ clear …   Collocations dictionary

  • writing materials —    A wide variety of writing materials were used in Mesopotamia and surrounding regions over the course of ancient times. Among the earliest, and for a long time the most common, of these was the simple clay tablet. A slab of moist clay was an… …   Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary

  • joined-up — adj. Joined up is used with these nouns: ↑writing …   Collocations dictionary

  • cursive writing; handwriting —    Writing in which the letters are for the most part joined together …   Forensic science glossary

  • EasyScript Speed Writing — is a speedwriting method that could potentially be learned quickly by an average person without extensive training and to apply it in any field or occupation. EasyScript was developed by Lenny Levin who came to the United States from Russia in… …   Wikipedia

Blue underline

The quick easy replacement for cursive handwriting!

Join up writing is just what it sounds like.

You join printed letters within words

to increase your writing speed

and make words easy to read and write.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog sentence with dog and fox illustrated

Learn the simplest style of joined up writing right now!   

Hybrid-style handwriting improves readability and writing speed!

This makes it the most practical style of cursive handwriting

Print-style letters are joined up simply so you can write more easily, and your pen leaves the paper less often so you can write more quickly.

By joining letters this way you avoid 3 problems with traditional cursive:

  1. There is no need to change letter forms just so you can join them
  2. You don’t have write on a slant and struggle to keep the slant uniform
  3. Joins are simple, and easy to make, as there are only 3 different kinds

Joins are just links between letters

You use a familiar form of print writing you’ve used for years, and only join letters that link naturally and easily.

Forget what you learned in school!

It’s time to get practical! Joined up handwriting, that is neither cursive nor manuscript, is actually a hybrid form that’s a cross between print writing and typical cursive handwriting. This hybrid form is the most useful and efficient form of handwriting. What’s more, you can completely personalize it, and make it your own.

Remember why you’re joining letters! You’re linking letters within words so you can write more quickly while still writing easily, neatly, clearly and consistently.

So don’t go crazy! You’ll want to stick with familiar print letter forms and make as few changes to your letters and words as possible.

You’re are 3 steps away from improving your writing, but first … 

The following suggestions will ensure better results:

  • Don’t put joins where they’re not needed (don’t use them before the first, or after the last, letter in words)
  • Don’t change letter shapes unless you absolutely have to (so only e, f, r, s  and z, if necessary, to make them easier to join)
  • Save your loops for letters that already have curves in their printed form. For example:
  • The letter f with a top curve should probably have a loop on top (but neither l, t, b or d should get one)
  • Letters that have bottom curves like j, g, q and y should get loops, and g needs a front loop to distinguish it from q which needs a back loop (but p shouldn’t get a loop, and probably not even f or z)
  • Adding a loop to the letter k makes it more likely to be confused with the letters ‘le’
  • Consider the whole word you’re going to write, not just the individual letters. For example, the word ‘the’ is the most common word of all. It may be quicker to write if you pause to cross your t, before joining to h.

NOTE: There are 10 changes that can help you write more quickly and neatly.

When you’re done, click the button at the bottom of this page to learn the other 9!

Ready? Let’s get started …

1. Choose the letter styles you prefer

long blue underline

Think about the advice you just got, as you compare the hybrid (print/cursive) style (blue), and the typical cursive style (brown) below.

2 forms of The quick brown fox ... one in cursive, one in joined up writing

How many differences can you find???
Which letter forms do you prefer?

Right here and now you’re going to decide which letter forms you’ll use before you decide which letters you’ll join to and from and which letters you won’t join! Why not make your decisions as you link letters while writing the alphabet. Did you get some clarity?

Now write out the sentence above as you try out the letter forms you’ve chosen. Make your final decision on which letter forms you prefer based on two things. Choose the style you enjoy writing and enjoy looking at!

2. Learn the 3 simple joins and how and when to use them

long blue underline

Join as many letters as possible, but don’t worry about joining every letter.

Joins begin where the previous letter ends, and end where the next letter begins. You can sometimes get a more readable word by breaking it in a place where it’s hard to create a good join.

the word fox with a red arrow pointing to the bottom of the second stroke of the letter x

For example, the letter x is difficult to join from, since your end point in on the inside of the word.

The word lazy with a red arrow pointing to the start of the letter z

In addition, the letter z is difficult to join to, because it begins in an awkward place.

There are only 3 basic types of joins: underhand, overhand and across:

Underhand: a to t, c to h, b to u

red underline

underhand join illustrated

Overhand: a to d, e to a, i to g

blue underline

overhand join illustrated

Across: v to e, o to r, w to h

green underline

straight across join illustrated

Spacing is also important when thinking of joins   

In #7 of the Wordskillz™ post How to Change your Handwriting in 10 Steps or Less (if you haven’t read the post yet you’ll find it here), we looked at letter and word spacing. Keep the same guidelines you learned there in mind when joining letters. So half a letter ‘o’ between letters within words, and a full letter ‘o’ between words.

3. Practice your joined up writing in the very best way

long blue underline

There is less opportunity for any kind of handwriting these days. So a little practice with this fast, efficient handwriting style can sharpen your skills and prepare you for all occasions when nice, neat, quick handwriting is required.

Linking letters leads makes handwriting a more fluid rhythmic process. Now you’ve decided what letter styles you prefer, and what joins you’ll need to use, it’s time to practice your joined up writing!

1. Practice your joins on the examples below using the letter styles you prefer:

○ Underhand: a to t, c to h, b to u
○ Overhand: a to d, e to a, i to g
○ Across: v to e, o to r, w to h

2. Practice joining letters in a string, and in words and sentences, using what you’ve learned:

a. Write out the alphabet joining all the letters
b. Write 10 very common words: the, be, to, of, and, in, that, have, for, with
c. Write the following pangrams (sentences that contain all the letters of the alphabet):

  • The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
  • A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  • Pack my red box with five dozen quality jugs.

Why not stick with traditional cursive writing?

Think of the fonts you see most of the time on signs, online and in books and magazines. These common fonts are similar to the print writing we learned in school. Why? Because they are easy to recognize and read. Compare those fonts to cursive writing forms. It’s like you’re writing in another language!

Why are we asked to print when filling in forms? For the same reason most fonts we read are a printed style. Those letters are so uniform they can be read easily by machines.

In the same way, a joined up writing style with no slant, having letters that closely match print or manuscript forms, will be consistently neat and easy to read while at the same time being quick and easy to write.

Isn’t it time you switched to a hybrid style?

A handwriting style that is familiar to the eye can boost your ability to spell and read. When words look as familiar as the face of a friend, less thought is needed to read and spell them. Your brain can create a familiar and memorable image of a word, so you read, write and spell with less effort.

You can also more easily remember what you’ve written. In fact, this style of handwriting is one of the best memory aids you can use.

This hybrid style is also the perfect handwriting for everyday. Your signature and works of art may contain more elaborate and creative letters, but you’ll want to use this simple type of lettering most of the time.


You’ve known how to print letters since you were a small child. So you don’t need to change how you form letters. Just keep it simple, and let the printed form dominate. But also avoid lifting your pen from the paper as much as possible. The result?  You’ll write more words per minute and those words will be easy to read!

Any questions? Contact me here

Click the button below to learn 9 more ways to improve your handwriting

or to return to the 10-Steps page…

Table of Contents

  1. How do you write in joined up?
  2. How do you write really fast and neatly?
  3. Is it quicker to write joined up?
  4. What is the hardest word to write in cursive?
  5. When should kids do joined up writing?
  6. Why do schools teach joined up writing?
  7. How can I help my 7 year old to write?
  8. Can most 7 year olds read?
  9. How many words should a 7 year old know?
  10. How do you encourage writing in Year 1?
  11. How can I encourage my writing?
  12. How do you encourage reluctant writers to write?
  13. How can I improve my writing in school?
  14. What are the 7 strategies of writing?
  15. What are the 5 writing strategies?
  16. How can I improve my foundational language skills?
  17. What is skill reading?
  18. What reading skills should a 3rd grader have?
  19. What level of reading should a 3rd grader be at?
  20. How long should a 3rd grader read each day?
  21. What age is 3rd grade in USA?

Cursive (also known as script, among other names) is any style of penmanship in which some characters are written joined together in a flowing manner, generally for the purpose of making writing faster, in contrast to block letters.

How do you write really fast and neatly?

Below is a collection of tips and strategies, which can help you learn how to write faster by hand.

  1. Fix your handwriting technique.
  2. Maintain good posture.
  3. Hold the pen whichever way feels comfortable.
  4. Avoid gripping the pen too hard.
  5. Use a good writing implement.
  6. Improve your handwriting style.
  7. Use a shorthand writing system.

Is it quicker to write joined up?

One argument for the importance of joined-up writing is that it’s usually faster and more fluid for note-taking than printing letters. Essentially, the study found that students taking long-form notes on pen and paper tended to process the information on a deeper level.

What is the hardest word to write in cursive?


When should kids do joined up writing?

Children are not usually introduced to joined-up, or cursive, script until the age of eight. The National Curriculum Council, along with a gathering group of researchers, favours change. Its new proposals for English, being considered by ministers, say children should be joining letters by the age of six to seven.

Why do schools teach joined up writing?

Cursive can increase speed of writing and legibility; it can improve spelling and fine motor skills; it can avoid the irregular spacing often seen in the first few years of primary school; it can teach self-discipline and determination and increase self-confidence – but this is not always the case.

How can I help my 7 year old to write?

Keeping writing materials readily available and at child level will help them integrate writing into their pretend play.

  1. Play Word Games. Invest in a few word games that can build your child’s reading and writing skills while ha…
  2. Draw a Map.
  3. Create a Nature Journal.
  4. Make a Book Together.

Can most 7 year olds read?

It is not normal for a 7-year-old child to not be able to read at all. At 7, a child should be able to read basic children’s books, and even start reading chapter books for kids. It is normal for kids to still struggle with some words and for the reading to be somewhat choppy at this age.

How many words should a 7 year old know?

A seven-year-olds’ receptive vocabulary is much larger than their expressive vocabulary. They can understand anywhere between 20,000 to 30,000 words, but can probably only speak 3,000 to 4,000 of them.

How do you encourage writing in Year 1?

Here are some ideas that you can use to help improve their skills, and have fun at the same time.

  1. Play with magnet letters.
  2. Encourage your child to write their own books.
  3. Ask for help with the shopping list.
  4. Make an alphabet book.
  5. Write to far away friends and relatives.
  6. Ditch the pen and paper.

How can I encourage my writing?

Before getting started

  1. Provide a place.
  2. Provide the materials.
  3. Brainstorm.
  4. Encourage the child to draw and to discuss her drawings.
  5. Ask your child to tell you simple stories as you write them down.
  6. Encourage your child to write her name.
  7. Use games.
  8. Turn your child’s writing into books.

How do you encourage reluctant writers to write?

5 Ways to Help Reluctant Writers

  1. Give them engaging topics. I often find that giving them too many choices can make it even more difficult for them to write.
  2. Give them extra tools.
  3. Teach them the art of brainstorming.
  4. Go beyond pencil and paper.
  5. Form discussions.

How can I improve my writing in school?

The Pobble blog

  1. 6 ways to improve writing across your school.
  2. Support teaching staff and reduce workload.
  3. Provide an audience and purpose to write.
  4. Celebrate and raise the profile of writing.
  5. Provide effective feedback on a global scale.
  6. Empower pupils and enable independent learning.
  7. Moderate writing effectively.

What are the 7 strategies of writing?

To improve students’ reading comprehension, teachers should introduce the seven cognitive strategies of effective readers: activating, inferring, monitoring-clarifying, questioning, searching-selecting, summarizing, and visualizing-organizing.

What are the 5 writing strategies?

While many writers have traditionally created outlines before beginning writing, there are several other effective prewriting activities. We often call these prewriting strategies “brainstorming techniques.” Five useful strategies are listing, clustering, freewriting, looping, and asking the six journalists’ questions.

How can I improve my foundational language skills?

Have students read decodable words in isolation and in text. Teach regular and irregular high frequency words so that students can recognize them efficiently. Teach students to recognize common word parts. Introduce non- decodable words that are essential to the meaning of the text as whole words.

What is skill reading?

Reading skill is the ability to decode meaning from a text. The skills include phonics, word recognition, vocabulary, decoding and fluency. For one to be a proficient reader, one has to possess these vital skills.

What reading skills should a 3rd grader have?

To build reading skills, your 3rd grader: Reads multi-syllable and grade-appropriate, irregularly spelled words (ask your child’s teacher for a list of these words). Reads grade-level text with appropriate pace, accuracy, expression, and understanding. Self-corrects mistakes and re-reads when necessary.

What level of reading should a 3rd grader be at?

Match students with the right material at the right time.

Scholastic Guided Reading Level DRA Level
Third Grade J-K 16–18
L-M 20–24
N 28–30
O-P 34–38

How long should a 3rd grader read each day?

Reading together 20 minutes every day teaches most school readiness skills (e.g., vocabulary, counting, colors, social skills, etc.).

What age is 3rd grade in USA?

Year / Grade Placement

Age UK Years US/International Grades
7 – 8 Year 3 2nd Grade
8 – 9 Year 4 3rd Grade
9 – 10 Year 5 4th Grade
10 – 11 Year 6 5th Grade



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Присоединился к Writing Font для использования в Word 2K. обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K. then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K.) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K.
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K. that you may receive.

Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-04-08 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K.?
  •   2. Causes of Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K.?
  •   3. More info on Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K.

Meaning of Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K.?

Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K. is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K.?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K.» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on
Joined Up Writing Font for use in Word 2K.

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Can someone please recommend a freeware font ones here click here
Thanks David

There some free for use in Word to achieve the above. I have not found one in W98SE.
Font Lettering — Writing software

The font on your system, you can use it in either Wordpad or Notepad. Write away!If you don’t have the font you choose the one you want. Wordpad is best.From the format menu wantclick hereShould have something you like.

Установить имя шрифта списка в их шрифте в Word 2007

Я попытался установить его, перейдя к слову, но я все еще не могу его установить. У Dear Siri есть проблема, связанная с назначением имени шрифта списка в слове 2007. Нажмите стрелку раскрывающегося списка и выберите «Изменить». В открывшемся диалоговом окне вы можете выбрать новый шрифт для этого стиля. Выберите «Шрифт» в раскрывающемся списке и нажмите «OKRegards».

Привет, я получил окна 10 и присоединился к нему, просто присоединился;)

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Слово Вопрос: Написание научно в Word?

Or v squared? I want to be able to do this on computer for neatness and d sub-zero? If there is an easy way for example to write 4 over 2. Or space conservation, and was wondering how to make word in «science/math» mode if possible?

Заранее спасибо!
-Defc0n 6

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Изменение символьного шрифта из Word 2000 в Word 97

I have had a search of the forum and can’t find a solution to and it appears to be a consistent change on those different machines (i.e. I have created a document in this, so apologies if it is a known / obvious fix for the experts!

Wingdings — определенно установленный шрифт на машинах, которые я пробовал, Craig

  machine and checked document. Gone back to original Word 2000 that includes some «Windings» symbols. using the same printer drivers and are using Windows 98]

  Небольшая ошибка выше.

Замененные символы одинаковы, а изменения цвета — одинаковые).
[Мы все, кажется,

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Я хотел бы знать, как изменить размер шрифта на более крупные


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Написание с использованием MS Word

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Привет всем

У меня были некоторые вопросы о MS Word. Или просто держите, например,

Спасибо за слово в слове сделать разницу?

Вертикальное письмо в Word

Я работаю над таблицей, которая помещает текст в предопределенные ячейки.
Другим полезным является щелчок правой кнопкой мыши, а затем ячейка ячейки — ячейка и выберите «Направление текста». Как я могу вставлять текст, идущий вертикально, и вставлять различные текстовые разделы. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши в нормальном горизонтальном формате? Еще раз спасибо.

MS-Word / XP — Написание призраков ???

Пожалуйста, окошко и прочитайте, как активировать-деактивировать его.

  Dell System / XP OS / MS-Word



  no one knows for one»**** is there a patch or
известное решение этой проблемы? Помогите!!!! назад на своей системе Windows XP она получает Ghost

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MS Word XP has a «speech to text» function. At first I thought she might be hitting the crack In Word XP, type «speech» into the help background noise being interpreted as speech to be turned into the writing you are seeing. A.-the-a-
в течение года у них есть. Покупатели, которые действительно служат
вы можете a, A.

Я скачал
and installed MS service pack’s 1 & 2. When my sister has MS-Word open or running in
что собой представляет
но я был свидетелем этого для себя час назад.


восстановить над написанием слова doc ???

DOJ ,,,,, HARRIS … С уважением,



Насколько мне известно, такая особенность в XP.

Я не знаю, что это возможно только в Vista.

Письмо на французском языке в MS word

Многие, большое спасибо в этом, и крайний срок близок …

I am writing an article in French help. No way I can submit «dont» automatically becomes «don’t» however many type I rewrite it. English) automatically corrects it as if it were English, i.e. but my version of MS Word (U.S.

Пожалуйста, заранее.

Написание веб-страницы со словом 200

Они позволяют мне 15 я пишу это в
MS Word 2000 сохранит его как редактирование документа rtf. Я не эксперт, и я не совершенен, но я бы HTML и в моем возрасте не желал учиться. Я отправляю его отдельно Megs бесплатной сети

Кто-нибудь может
to do it reasonably well. I am 78 years of age and don’t know anything
о том, как получить страницу, которую я могу предложить. Это простой и дневник, к которому я добавляю фотографии. Мой сын и внуки установили меня с этой системой.

и исправьте его и наденьте на меня
личный сайт, предоставленный моим провайдером.

В основном я пишу ежедневные предложения для ввода моих методов. в
о 140 бедных душах.

Запись документа MS Word на диск — ошибка

Отсутствие вспышки света Затем замораживает и ничего не записывает файлы данных на компакт-диск. У вас есть что-то еще, когда вы пытаетесь записать файл на компакт-диск?
с помощью CD-привода 2.

Показывает расчетное время влево 5 seconds3. Государства, которые он пишет, происходят в течение минуты. 4.

запись макроса в ms word

Also, I want to write «THIS IS A DRAFT DOCUMENT» as the HEADER and FOOTER for the entire document. Value: ^m


  Найти значение: —- PAGE BREAK —
Замените описание. Я полагаю, вы можете использовать простую находку и замену. Я хочу, чтобы макрос вставлял разрывы страницы везде, где видно предложение PAGE BREAK.

Любая помощь будет оценена.


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написание химических веществ в Word


Highlight the «2+», then go to the top menu, select Format, then Font and tick «superscript».

Решено: восстановить над написанием слова doc ???

DOJ ,,,,,

запись макросов для слова 2007

В тексте, отформатированном, как показано ниже, найдите в слове 2007, но мои способности там останавливаются. Надеюсь, что так? эта помощь …

головка раскалывается. Тед: назовите меня в правильном направлении. И спасибо!


Я могу записать простой поиск и заменить макросы, которые я мог бы легко, например

Боб: Хорошо. Привет боб.

Я был бы признателен, если бы кто-то мог и раскрасить все, что говорит Боб красным. Тед: У меня есть Как ты?

Пожалуйста, кто-нибудь может помочь моему сыну удалить книгу, которую я писал словом

У меня Windows XP

Необходима помощь Word — Написание «во власть»

I know there’s a proper name for what i’m the right of the normal size number 2? How do i get a little two to makes some sense! to write numbers which also have a ‘to the power of’ number after it.


Now i’m no great mathematician of Word expert here but i need describing but i have no idea what it is.

Скажем, мне нужно написать 2 под мощь 2. Надеюсь что

When I was young, I was often curious when characters on American TV would occasionally mention cursive. I could never figure out what they meant, and it was mentioned rarely enough that I never really got enough context to figure it out. It also sounded quite strange as it sounded so much like the word curse (and a joke in a classic Simpsons episode is based on this resemblance).

Over time, I figured out that it was referring to writing in some way, and later still, I realised that it meant what I knew as joined-up writing. By that stage I’d probably given up thinking about joined-up writing. It’s funny how important it seemed to me as a child, how it felt like you could only be taken seriously as an adult if you never lifted your pen from the page once while writing. I used to get quite stressed as I found joined-up writing a little hard and was quite slow it (I didn’t think to blame being left-handed).

At some point I just forgot about it, probably some time in secondary school when teachers weren’t really paying too much attention to handwriting. Now I don’t use joined-up writing anymore, though I also generally don’t handwrite much anymore: usually reserving that for notes in my diary at work. When I do write, I use…. aha! What’s the opposite of cursive/joined-up writing?

That’s actually a good question, and one without a clear answer. For Americans, printing is often sufficient. Print script is also often used as a technical term to denote writing letters individually. That won’t do for me though, because in British English printing is usually taken to mean writing in capital letters. That’s probably because we associate writing letters separately and using capitals from the number of forms that state PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK CAPITALS.

But, there isn’t really another word we can use. Still, that’s not such a big loss, as it’s not something you ever really need to refer to. I mean, I’ve got this far without ever really thinking about it. For me, it’s just writing. I’m now so used to writing this way again that I often find it hard to read when people use joined-up writing. It just seems too deliberately different from what letters actually look like, trying too hard to make one’s meaning obscure. Some people still seem to equate this style of writing with maturity and sophistication, but I don’t really see the value of it.

Back to that odd word cursive finally: why does it sound so much like curse? Well, the two might share an etymology. Cursive is definitely from the Latin cursus (course), and curse might also be derived from that word, though no-one’s quite sure why. We do know why cursive comes from cursus though. Cursus, you might remember, comes from currere (to run), which is the origin of many modern English words associated with the concept of running like current, course, currency etc. And cursive shares this basic meaning, as it gets its name from the idea that the pen runs across the page (instead of hopping up and down, I suppose), or that the words run continuously into each other.

Which is a nice, poetic idea, but spare a thought for those of us whose words stumbled into each other like their shoelaces were tied together!

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