Join the sentences using the word in brackets mind the tenses

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На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 3c.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the past perfect or the past perfect continuous.
Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски прошедшем совершенным или прошедшем совершенно-продолженным временем.


1) Leonard was exhausted because he (work) in his lab all night.

2) Patty (already/leave) the party when Jim arrived.

3) She wanted to come with us but she (not/finish) her project.

4) They (live) in London for ten years before they moved to Paris.

1) Leonard was exhausted because he had been working in his lab all night. – Леонард был истощен, потому что он работал всю ночь в своей лаборатории.

2) Patty had already left the party when Jim arrived. – Пэтти уже покинул вечеринку, когда прибыл Джим.

3) She wanted to come with us but she had not finished her project. – Она хотела пойти с нами, но она не завершила свой проект.

4) They had been living in London for ten years before they moved to Paris. – Они прожили в Лондоне в течение десяти лет, до того как переехали в Париж.

Exercise 2. Underline the correct item.
Упражнение 2. Выберите правильный вариант.


1) How long had you been waiting / were you waiting before the bus arrived?

2) Pam went / had gone out with her friends after she had finished her homework.

3) We couldn’t leave the lab until we cleaned / had cleaned the culture plates first.

4) I lost my keys as I was walking / had been walking home.

1) How long had you been waiting before the bus arrived? – Как долго ты ждал до того момента, как пришел автобус?

2) Pam went out with her friends after she had finished her homework. – Пэм пошла на прогулку со своими друзьями, после того как она закончила свое домашнее задание.

3) We couldn’t leave the lab until we had cleaned the culture plates first. – МЫ не могли покинуть лабораторию, пока мы сначала не очистили культуральные планшеты.

4) I lost my keys as I was walking home. – Я потерял свои ключи, когда шел домой.

Exercise 3. Join the sentences using the words in brackets. Mind the tenses.
Упражнение 3. Соедините два предложения, используя слова из скобок.


1) Ann was making a salad. She cut her finger. (as)
2) Liz fed the baby. Then John arrived. (already when)
3) We bought the tickets. Then we went to the theatre. (before)
4) I was working in the garden. Betty called me. (when)

1) As Ann was making a salad, she cut her finger. – Когда Анна делала салат, она порезала палец.
2) Liz had already fed the baby when John arrived. – Лиз уже накормила ребенка, когда прибыл Джон.
3) We bought the tickets before we went to the theatre. – Мы купили билеты, до того как пошли в театр.
4) I was working in the garden when Betty called. – Я работал в саду, когда позвонила Бетти.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences about yourself.
Упражнение 4. Завершите предложения о себе.


1) Yesterday, while I ___ .
2) Last Friday, after I ___ .
3) I didn’t go to the party as I ___ .
4) I was playing volleyball when I ___ .
5) I didn’t go to bed until I ___ .

1) Yesterday, while I was doing my homework, the lights went out. – Вчера, пока я делал свою домашнюю работу, погас свет.
2) Last Friday, after I had finished school, I went to the gym. – В прошлую среду я пошел в спортзал, после того как закончил школу.
3) I didn’t go to the party as I had a headache. – Я не ходил на вечеринку, потому что у меня болела голова.
4) I was playing volleyball when I sprained my ankle. – Я играл в волейбол, когда я растянул лодыжку.
5) I didn’t go to bed until I knew that Sam had got home safely. – Я не пошла спать, пока я не узнала, что Сэм безопасно добрался до дома.

Exercise 5. Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Упражнение 5. Прочесть текст и выбрать правильный ответ. .


Sir Alexander Fleming was born in Scotland in 1881. He 1)__ three different schools before he 2)__ to London to study at Regent Street Polytechnic. He 3)__ at a shipping office for four years when, in 1901, he left his job and went to St. Mary’s Hospital, where he 4)__ medicine. During World War I, Dr. Fleming 5)__ as a doctor in the Royal Army. There he saw many soldiers dying from infections. Fleming fell that there had to be something that could kill bacteria without causing harm to the human body. For many years he 6)__ for an effective antiseptic, but it 7)__ until 1928 that he discovered penicillin. Fleming continued his work until his death in 1955. By the time of his death, Alexander Fleming 8)__ many important awards, including the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

A. was attending
В. had attended
С. had been attending

А. moved
В. had moved
С. was moving

А. worked
В. had been working
С. had worked

А. had studied
В. was studying
С. studied

А. had served
В. served
С. was serving

А. searched
В. had been searching
С. was searching

А. wasn’t
В. hadn’t been
С. wasn’t being

А. was winning
В. had been winning
С. had won

Sir Alexander Fleming was born in Scotland in 1881. He had attended three different schools before he moved to London to study at Regent Street Polytechnic. He had been working at a shipping office for four years when, in 1901, he left his job and went to St. Mary’s Hospital, where he studied medicine. During World War I, Dr. Fleming served as a doctor in the Royal Army. There he saw many soldiers dying from infections. Fleming fell that there had to be something that could kill bacteria without causing harm to the human body. For many years he searched for an effective antiseptic, but it wasn’t until 1928 that he discovered penicillin. Fleming continued his work until his death in 1955. By the time of his death, Alexander Fleming had won many important awards, including the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Сэр Александр Флеминг. Он посещал три различные школы, пока не переехал в Лондон учиться в Вестминстерском университете (дословно: политехнический университет на Риджент Стрит). Он проработал в транспортной конторе в течение четырех лет, пока в 1901 году он не ушел с работы и не отправился в госпиталь Святой Марии, где он изучал медицину. Во время Первой мировой войны доктор Флеминг служил врачом в Королевской Армии. Там он увидел много солдат, умиравших от инфекций. Флеминг чувствовал, что должно быть что-то, что могло бивать бактерии, не нанося ущерб человеческому телу. В течение многих лет он искал эффективный антисептик, но только в 1928 году он открыл пенициллин. Флеминг продолжал свою работу до своей смерти в 1955 году. Ко времени своей смерти Александр Флеминг завоевал много важных наград, включая Нобелевскую премию по медицине.

26 просмотров



Join the sentences using the words in brackets. Mind the tenses.


1 Ann was making a salad. She cut her finger. (as) 2 Liz fed the baby. Then John arrived. (already … when) 3 We bought the tickets. Then we went to the theatre. (before) 4 I was working in the garden. Betty called me. (when)


Присоединитесь к предложениям, используя слова в скобках. Следите за временами. 1 Энн делала салат. Она порезала палец. (поскольку) 2 Лиз накормила ребенка. Тогда Джон прибыл. (уже…, когда), 3 Мы купили билеты. Тогда мы пошли в театр. (прежде) 4 я работал в саду. Бетти назвала меня. (когда)


Английский язык

13 Апр, 18


26 просмотров

ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ ВОТ ЗАДАНИЕ: Join the sentences using the words in brackets. Mind the tenses. ВОТ ТЕКСТ: 1 Ann was making a salad. She cut her finger. (as) 2 Liz fed the baby. Then John arrived. (already …..

Join the sentences using the words in brackets. Mind the tenses.
1 Ann was making a salad. She cut her finger. (as) 2 Liz fed the baby. Then John arrived. (already … when) 3 We bought the tickets. Then we went to the theatre. (before) 4 I was working in the garden. Betty called me. (when)
Присоединитесь к предложениям, используя слова в скобках. Следите за временами. 1 Энн делала салат. Она порезала палец. (поскольку) 2 Лиз накормила ребенка. Тогда Джон прибыл. (уже…, когда), 3 Мы купили билеты. Тогда мы пошли в театр. (прежде) 4 я работал в саду. Бетти назвала меня. (когда)

Автор: Гость

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