Join the letters in order write the word

Write the wordJoin the letters in order перевод - Write the wordJoin the letters in order русский как сказать

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Write the word
Join the letters in order


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Напишите словоПрисоединяйтесь к буквы в порядке

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Написать слово
Присоединяйтесь буквы в порядке

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Напишите слово
присоединиться к письмам с целью

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • suppose on the same line as Bursar or th
  • Diana sagittas habet
  • nachdem ich zehn Jahre als Emigrantin in
  • Они общаются по английски
  • invented the microscope
  • я буду переводить переводчиком.заранее и
  • they are embarrassed to admit luck was i
  • Labora
  • fissura cerebelli
  • Umbra terrae interdum lunam obscūrat. Lu
  • how are you? I haven’t written to you fo
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  • herba
  • Children up to the age of fourteen, so u
  • Recede a me
  • Children up to the age of fourteen, so u
  • Я рисую школу
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  • Last summer the decided to visit William
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for Schools

Martin Moore




ed Kingdo


OxfordGrammar for Schools helps students develop a At the end of the book there are five pages of extra
detailed understandingof grammarform and use in information for the information gap activities,a
context, and inspires them to have fun with English word list with spaces for studentsto write their own
through songs and games.The grammar is introduced translations, anda list of key verbs for them to learn.
or revisedthrough easy-to-read tables andillustrated
presentations with clear examples. The exercises Students can use the OxfordGrammar for Schools series
buildfrom simple concept-check activities up to more inclass with their coursebook to support and reinforce
communicative and productive skills-based activities. their grammar study.TheTeacher’s Book includes all
Ineach unitthere are several speaking activities where the answers and audio scripts.There are also tests for
students work with each other to use English with every Student’s Book unit,and four review tests which
improvedaccuracy and confidence.The extended can be usedat the end of a school term.
writing activities also encourage students to use
language in realistic situations. Student’s DVD-ROM

Each unit begins with a’Can do’statement, which says The Student’s DVD-ROM includes scored interactive
what students will be able to achieve on completion activities as well as all the Student’s Book pages in
of the unit.At the end of each unit is a self-evaluation digital form and all the listening exercises and songs.
table. Students should be encouraged to rate their The Student’s DVD-ROM enables students to use the
progress in each exercise, which helps them to take Student’s Book outside class, and can also be used on
responsibility for their own learning and also increases an interactive whiteboard in class.

Key to the symbols

O0.0 (0.0 = track number) Listening activity
Speaking activity
A Game

/ Extendedwriting activity
Pronunciation activity
© Song
Introductory exercise
I Moderately challenging exercise
Most challenging exercise

A difficulty rating is given to each exercise.The scale of difficulty is relative to each unit,
so there are exercises with one, two, and three stars in every unit.

Introduction 3


1 Letters The alphabet 6
2 Numbers 11
Numbers 0-10
3 Articles Numbers 11-20 15
Numbers 21-100
Mini-revision Units 1-3 Vowels 18
4 Plurals Consonants 19

Regular plurals -s, -es, -¡es, -ves
Irregular plurals

5 Subject pronouns Personal subject pronouns 24
Mini-revision Units 4-5 28
Revision 1 Units 1-5 Introduction to English Grammar
6 Be: present simple Be: present simple affirmative
Be: present simple negative 40
Be: present simple questions 42

7 Have got Havegot: affirmative and negative 46
Have got: questions andshort answers 51

Revision 2 Units 6-7 Verbs and tenses Possessive adjectives 55
8 Possessive adjectives; possessive’s Possessive ‘s
9 This, that,these, those This, that, these, those 60
Mini-revision Units 8-9 Personal object pronouns
10 Pronouns Possessive pronouns 68

11 Countable and uncountable nouns; Countable and uncountable nouns 74

some and any Some and any

Mini-revision Units 10-11 Present simple: affirmative
Revision 3 Units 8-11 Nouns Present simple: negative
12 Present simple Present simple: questions

13 Present continuous Present continuous:affirmative
Present continuous: negative
Mini-revision Units 12-13 Present continuous:questions and short answers

4 Contents

14 Present simple and present continuous Present simple or present continuous contrast 75

15 The imperative and let’s The imperative form: affirmative 79
The imperative form: negative
Let’s for suggestions

Mini-revision Units 14-15 82

Revisio 4 Units 12-15 Tenses 83
16 There’s, there are
There’s, there are,there isn’t,there aren’t 85
Isthere …?,Are there …? and short answers

17 Would like Would like + noun 90
Would like +to + base form

18 Like + -ing; -ing form as a noun Like, love, hate + -ing form 94
-ing form as a noun

Revision 5 Units 16-18 Verbs and verb patterns 97
19 Can Can for ability
Can for permission 104
Can for requests 105

Revision 6 Unit 19 Modal verbs Yes/no questions 109
20 Yes/no questions Short answers
21 Question words: who, what, where, Who and what
Where and how

22 Conjunctions: and, but, or And, but, or

Revision 7 Units 20-22 Questions and sentences 116
23 Adjectives Adjectives with nouns
Adjectives with be ÿ

Revisio 8 Unit 23 Adjectives Prepositions of place in,on, under, behind 122
24 Prepositions of place Prepositions of time in,on, at 125
25 Prepositions of time 128
Revision 9 Units 24-25 Prepositions
Revision 10 All units

Extra information (for information gap activities) 132
Word list 137
Verb list 143

Contents 5


Ican say and write the alphabet.

G guitar
H house
I insect

E elephant Llamp
6 Letters

:= 3WUUUumbrella




BS X X-rc Xx

Q queen JtY yachtYy



*1 0 1.1 Listen, point and repeat the letters and


*2 Write the capital letters and small letters.

*3 Say a letter.Your partner points to the


O ___ ____ABC¡E,FG»IJK ,,obcd e f g h
Ol.2 Listen to the song.Then sing!
_____*5 Writethe lettersinthecorrectorder.
ÿ bdac_f f LMN °PQRSTUVWXVi

j k m n o pq r s t u v wxyz

A wxvy

1 ighj 5 dgfe

2 ustr 6 oqnp

3 knml 7 Ikji

* 6 Join the letters in order.Write the word.

__The word is

a- ÿ .H

> J

8 Letters

*7 Say two letters from the alphabet. (110 O 1.5 Listen.Which letter don’t you hear?
Your partner says the next two letters.
ÿG U 0
ÿM z r
*8 01.3 Complete the words with the missing ÿ
letters.Then listen and check your answers.
aadbefinesu >Play in groups.Write letters on the card.
One person says letters.The first person
ÿ nose
mto hearalltheir lettersisthe winner.
_1 ta le *12 Match the word in capital letters with the word
in small letters.Circle the correct word.
__2 ora ge
ÿ LAMP lump (lamp) damp
3 so a
1 CAKE lake take cake
4 c _ ke 2 NOSE lose nose note
_5 win ow 3 FISH fish fist dish
_6 r ler 4 MOUSE house mouse noise
_7 I— mp 5 WATCH match water watch
6 KEY key hey keg
8 umbr 1 1a 7 JACKET packet racket jacket
8 RULER ruler rider ruder
9 f _ sh 9 WINDOW wisdom widow window
_10 mou e 10 ZEBRA cobra zebra tiger

*9 01.4 Circle the letter uou hear.
#9 01.4 Circle the letter you hear.

1 F/L/S
2 A/E/I
3 D/G/T
4 I/U/Y
5 B/D/P
6 U/V/W
7 C/K/Q
8 S/X/Z
9 E/ I/O
10 G/H/J
11 B/P/V
12 M/N/W

113 Look at the pictures and write the words in * 14 Write the words in small letters,

capital letters in the crossword. ÿ DOG Aoa



_6 X-RAY


8 BUS _

1.6 Listen.Write the ni ©

O *16 Think of a name. Spell itfor your partner

( fl-f-L-f-N ) Helen.

10 Letters


Ican say and write numbers up to 100.

Numbers 0-10 *1 O2.1 Listen and point.Then listen and repeat.’

*2 Write the numbers. _one
ÿ six t_

eight _ zero _
five _

_ _ O*3 O2.2 Write the words, then listen and check.
ÿ 7¿even 6

nj t ÿ¡4 O2.3 Listenand write the phone numbers,

L IT ÿ

3 8 *5 Work in pairs. Listen and write your
partner’s phone number.Then check.

three eight (hy ph, number iA

49 I0(o 35 18 272. J

four nine f OK. Your number is
{ 0(* 35 18 111.
5 10

Unit 2 11

Numbers 11-20 Work in pairs.Say three numbers
forwards or backwards.Your partner
11 says the next number.

eleven 16 tAirteenÿÿTenÿeleven,twelve ÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿ
12 (ÿ.ur ..three.

13 seventeen £10 O2.6 Listen to the people’s ages. Match the d

thirteen 18 names with the pictures.


14 19


15 20

fifteen twenty

O __6 O2.4 Listenand point.Then listenand repeat.
7 Write the numbers.
O sixteen _2& fifteen _

thirteen _ twelve —_
eighteen __ fourteen
eleven _
twenty —_nineteen


*8 O 2.5 Listen andwrite the numbers.

_ÿ Anna 3 4 Emily —
_1 Ben _5 Fred
2 Carla — _6 Gemma
_3 Dave
_4 Emily

12 Numbers

Numbers 21-100 26 Í1202.8 Look at the tickets for a football match.ÿ
Listen and match the two halves.
21 twenty-six
twenty-one 27
22 twenty-seven
twenty-two 28
23 twenty-eight
twenty-three 29

24 twenty-nine

twenty-four 30


40 80 _1 RowB _ _4 RowE

forty eighty 2 Row C

50 90 * 13 O2.9 Write the words for the numbers.

fifty ninety Then listen and check.
56 fifty-fix_
60 100

70 a hundred


a hundred and o

*11 O2.7 Listen and point, then listen and repeat. Work in pairs. Say a number between
ÜÜr 20 and 29. Your partner adds 11.Keep
going to a hundred.

ÿ Twenty-foorÿ ÿThirty-five.

ÿForty-six. ~J rpiffy-y

Í1502.10 Listen and choose the correct price for each object.


£40/0/ÿ Dress 60 IWork in pairs.Say a page number

Hat £ 11/(12)/ 20 (1-100). Findthe first word on that page.
rage <oH
1 Shirt £12/16/17

Shoes £35/ 39/ 45

2 Skirt £19 /SO/ 91

Top £9/11 / 12
3 Trainers £23/ 35/43

Socks £6/7/8
4 Jacket £57/ 67/ 75

Jeans £24/ 25/ 42

S1602.11 Look at the picture again and

© ilculatethe total. Say your answers.
Then listen and check.

ÿ Vicky buys the dress andthe hat.

_£50 +£12 = £42

1 Vicky buys the skirt andthe top.

rs and the shirt.

3 Vicky buys the top and the jeans.

i Sam buys the socks and the shoes.

5 Vicky buys thejacket and the hat.

14 Numbers

3 Articles
Ican identify vowels and consonants. Ican use a and an.

) types of letters.They are vowels and

We use an before a vowel. *2 Write the words in the correct column.
an elephant an insect
cake insect fish elephant
11 O3.1 Listento the letters andwrite them in sofa guitar apple table pencil
orange bus
ÿ the correct column.

Unit 3 15

3 ©3.2 Choose a or an. Listen and check. *5 f Write the objects in each bag. Use a
You can use each word more than o

5 a /an orang-utan
7 a / an giraffe

3 a /an ostrich B a /an elephant

apple book burger elephant
giraffe insect orange pen pencil
ruler umbrella

Andy’s bag Ronny’s bag

I Work in pairs. Look at the pictures on
pages 6 and 7 and sag a letter.Your
partner says the object with a or an.

f A pencil.) 56 O3.3 Look at the pictures in exercise 5 and/*
listen. Is it Andy’s bag or Ronny’s bag? C

16 Articles

f*7 Write a list of things in your bag. *9 Work in groups. Look at the pictures in
mUHr exercise 8 and make a list.Take turns to
ÿ Use a or an. add food to the list.
In my bog; a book,
( I’d like a tomato.)

(i’dlikeatomato and an apple.

I’d like a tomato and an apple
and a banana.

*8 O3.4 A or an? Tick V or/.Listen and check. Work in groups. One person draws an
animal. Everyone else has one minute
O# Ji é to guess what it is!

Itsa cow.

banana pineapple


Yes. One pointfor horse
and one pointfor ‘a!


ÿa apple |2 carrot 0 tomato 0
1 an
2a egg ÿ onion ÿ pineappleÿ
3 an
4a burger Q cake O egg Q
5 an
onion O banana ÿ apple ÿ

orange O tomato Q carrot Q

apple ÿ egg ÿ burger ÿ

Unit 3 17

lAiiaiHOTidMiV Units 1-3 2 Look at the pictures and the letters.
Reading and writing Write the words.

1 Write the next two letters.
ÿ a b c el t

2 q r s —
3 h i j __

eazrb 2 ktaejc

5 e f g -__-
6 k I m
7 d e f __

8 o p q —


3 ORI.! Listen and circle the number you hear.


…va 7c.

ÿ H!fn V0 TK194 TKi84

4 ORI.2 Listen and complete the table Speaking

©.with names and numbers.Age 5 ORI.3 Look at the form and listen to the A
Name dialogue.Then answer the questions about ÿ

ÿ Alex 12 yourself.

1 Name Paul
Age 12
2 Town Bristol
Phone number 07840 697532



Ican recognize and use regular and irregular plurals.

IMe got six
noses and ten

Regular -s plurals ©*1 O4.1 Write the words inthe correct columi
Listen and check.

We add-s to a noun to form the plural of many nouns. books ba§ computers guitar jacket
pens pencils phone rulers television

Singular Plural

a piano pianos *2 Write the plurals.

But some nouns ending in o are different. ÿ dog
apotato potatoes 1 guitar
2 bag
3 phone
4 carrot
5 photo
6 umbrella
7 queen
8 snake
9 tomato
10 jacket

Unit 4 19

Regular -es plurals

one watch four watches one bus one box three boxes

Nouns ending in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x

We add-es to form the pluralof these nouns.

a bus buses

a watch watches

a box boxes


The pluralforms of nouns ending in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x have a
So do plural forms ending in -ses, -ges, -ces, -zes.

watch wat ches house hou-ses

*3 Write the plurals for the pictui *4 Tick/ the correct ending for each plural.

ÿ watch Oÿ pen -S0 -esD
Watches bus -SD -esD

2 page -sD -esQ

3 apple -sD -esQ

4 class -sD -esD

5 van -sD -esD

6 box -sD -esQ

7 horse -sD -esD

8 cake -sD -esD

9 sandwich -sD -esQ

10 tomato -sD -esQ

20 Plurals

55 0O4.2 Listen to the examples and write the *6 Choose the correct pluralform.

plurals from exercise 4 in the correct column.
ÿ >!ÿ Then listen and check.

No extra syllable Extra syllable
pens buses

Regular -ies and -ves plurals ÿ puppys /(ffuppiesÿ 4 shelfs / shelves
1 lorrys / lorries
For nouns ending msonant + -y, we delete m<§)
-» babies
y and add (Í

a baby -» baby 5 keys/keyes

ending in vowel 2 boys/boies o
a boy boys
6 strawberrys/

3 babys /babies 7 knifes / knives

For nouns ending in -f or -fe,we delete -f/fe *7 Write the plurals.

and add -ves. ÿ family families
a shelf-* shelf+ -ves -»shelves _
a knife -» knife + -ves -*knives 1 day

_2 story
_3 thief
_4 monkey

5 body _
6 party
7 toy _
8 life _

9 city _-
10 key

Unit 4 21

Irregular plurals 5 O4.3 Look at the pictures on the left and write
Some nouns have irregular plurals. the correct words. Listen and check.
ÿ two teeth
child children
_1 three
a sheep sheep _2 four —

3 five

_5 seven
_6 eight_

7 nine

©*9 O4.4 Look at the nouns below,then count
them in the picture. Listen and check.

bag box child glass fish man
nose strawberry woman

a foot feet

a person people a tooth teeth ÿ one
1 two
a fish fish a goose geese 2 three
22 Plurals 3 four
4 five
5 six
6 seven
7 eight
8 nine
9 fifteen

0 Memory test. Study the picture in

the objects that are the s¡
to page 135.

*11 Correct the mistake in each question. 1404.5 Listen to someone talk about their
ÿ sixfcarY men/ houses
1 one:woman / geese / page © classroom.Write the number you hear for each
2 three: feet / sofas / bus picture.
3 two: tooth / sheep / people sBq32
i one: mice / fish / dress ÿ (&)«( 1/
5 four: children / boys / horse
6 three: women / glass / fish . Si7

*12 Write the plural forms of the nouns in the ]hh[ÿ

Ocorrect box. d
baby beach coke child dress foot f Write about your class. Use the words
fox house key lorry sofa woman
/ from e:
-s -es e twentyse

-ies Irregular

*13 Work in pairs. Practise saying the
pluralforms of the words from
this unit.


Unit 4 23

5 Subject pronouns
Ican use personal subject pronouns.
We’re Australian.

Singular It’s French.
24 Subject pronouns
We use he for a boy or a man.
Dad= he
We use she for a girl or a woman.
Mum =she
We use it for a thing or an animal.
amouse = it
a table =it
We use they for groups of people, animals,
and things.
Mum andDad=they
two boys =they
two girls =they

1 O5.1 Write the pronouns, then listen and check.

1 Í you he she it it they they

82 O5.2 Are the names male or female? 3 Write he or she for the names.

®Try to guess,then listen and check. _ÿ Tom Ae
Anna Ben Bill Jack Jill Kim Lucy
1 Amy
Mandy Mike Amy Tom Tony
_2 Kim _

3 Jack

Female Male _4 Ben _

5 Anna

6 Mike _
7 Jill
8 Lucy _
9 Bill _

_10 Mandy _

11 Tony

Unit 5 25

* 4 Choose the correct pronoun. k Work in pairs.Your partner says a
pronoun. Point to a person, people
or thing in the classroom, and say a
sentence with the pronoun.

*7 O5.3 Look at the table and read tl check.

sentences. Write the name(s). Listen

Name Age Nationality
Charlie 12 British
Emily 14 American
Heidi 12 American
Ben 14 British

ÿ They are 14. Emilv and Bei

1 Heis British.

2 We are 12.

3 She is 14.

ÿ he / she / it 4 he / she / it / they 4 They are American.
1 he / she / it / they 5 he / she / it / they
5 He is 14.
2 he /she /it /they 6 he /she /it /they
3 he /she /it /they 7 he / she / it / they 6 We are British.

©ÿ* 5 Write the correct pronounfor the bold words.
Beth and Ben are British.
They are British.
_1 Bill is American.
is American.
_2 Anna is Scottish.
is Scottish.
_3 The tiger is Indian.
is Indian.
_4 Tom and Iare Irish.
are Irish.
_5 You and Alice are Australian.
are Australian.
6 The guitar is Spanish.
-is Spanish.
7 The shoes are Italian.
-are Italian.
_8 Jill and Isabelare English.
are English.

26 Subject pronouns

irainiHíswnMaw Units 4-5

Reading and writing Listening

1 Look at the pictures and write it,he, she or they. 4 O R2.1 Listen and look a’ the pictures.

Write A or B.

Picture A 3 Picture

_1 Picture _ _4 Picture

2 Picture _5 Picture

5 O R2.2 Listen and

2 Look at the first letter of each word. Is it a vowel
consonant? Write V

ÿ desk _C_ 6 bus
7 insect
V_ 8 yacht
ÿ egg 9 orange
10 dog Ann and Sue Big Ben
_1 umbrella 11 nose
_2 eye 12 apple Manchester,
_3 foot is old
_4 house
_5 animal British
is 14

3 Choose the correct word. Speaking

«©ÿin /two foot 6 What’s in your bag? Tell your partner.

1 a/an/ two children (Threebooks, a pencil,two pens, ‘»J
2 a/an/ two apple
3 a/an/ two dress
4 a/an/ two men
5 a/an/ two onion

Units 1-5
Reading and writing

1 Look at the numbers and the letters. 3 Tick the correct pronoun.
Write the words.
ÿ three boys heQ sheQ they0
11 eleven 1 a woman heQ sheÿ theyÿ
2 an umbrella heD it ÿ
ÿ JL JL veneel 3 two men sheD theyQ
4 a boy heÿ sheQ it ÿ
101 / S tevnyes — 5 three children sheQ theyD
heQ sheD
82 tgihe _ heD

4 Look at the picture.Write the objects in the
correct column.

153 tinfefe _

174 JmC— vetlew —

. 50 yhittr _
. 5H fyfti-rfuo

7 I I nntyei-nnei —

2 Look at the code.Write the next letter in the
alphabet to make a word.

ÿ odm

1 nt r a an
2 sgdx
3 ehud — table

28 Units 1-5

5 Write the correct plural forms. 7 O R3.2 Listen andwrite the animals for each A

ÿ a watch _3 a baby number.
two watches two
1 a bike _4 a box seven
three eight
_three fifteen
_5 a tooth twenty-four
2 a child two seventy-five


Listening sheep

o,6 ©R3.1 Listenand tick /the box. Speaking

8 ©R3.3 Read and listen.Then ai

questions about your family.

Mum’s name Jill _
Age 58
Dad’s name Jafon
Age HI

1 aD cD Mum’s name
2 aD Age
Dad’s name

3 aD bD cD

Revision 1 29

Be: present simple

Ican recognize and use the present simple forms of the verb be.

Be: present simple affirmative

Singular Full form Short form
Plural lam
you are you’re
he is she’s
she is it’s
it is
we are we’re
you are you’re
they are they’re

There are full forms and short forms of the present

simple of the verb be.

Iam sixteen. I’msixteen.

Sheis tall. She’s tall.

They areAmerican. They’re American.

We normally use short forms in conversation and
full forms informal writing.

1 O6.1 Write the correct full form of be. * 3 Tick y the correct sentences.
Listen and check.
ÿ You am Russian.
O 1 We_ You are Russian.

o _2 It 1 We are Australian.
We is Australian.
4 Harry andToby _
_5 You 2 Iam thirteen years old.
_6 He ¡thirteen years old.
_ _7 Jack andI 3 Edare ten.
_8 The car thirteen. Ed is ten.

_ two years old. 4 They’re Korean.
_ _9 Mandy They Korean.
5 Jess andIam British.
10 The children _ _ eight years old. Jess andIare British.

*2 Write the full forms. 6 Itan elephant.
It’san elephant.
ÿ she’s she if
1 you’re 7 You’re eleven.
2 they’re You’s eleven.

30 Be: present simple

[ 4 O6.2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the < pronout

short form of fee. Listen and check.




Unit 6 31

Be: present simple negative *7 O6.4 Listen and choose the correct picture. LM

Write the letter.

Full form Short form

Singular lam not I’m not
you are not you aren’t

he is not he isn’t
she is not she isn’t
it is not it isn’t

we are not we aren’t

you are not you aren’t

they are not they aren’t

Note that the short form for Iis different from the
other short forms.
I’m notangry.
He isn’tAmerican. You aren’t old.

* 5 Write the full forms of the negative of be.
_ÿ She ir not
_1 It happy. tall.
_2 Jane andTheo beautiful.
_3 We

_6 My car _ __funny.
7 You
8 My feet _

6 O6.3 Change the sentences to the negative.

Use short forms. Listen and check.

Sue’s beautiful.

oO Sue isn’tbeautiful.

k Work in pairs.Tell your partner
something that is not true, using the
verb be.Your partner corrects you.

t fix. You re twelve

shortÿ~ÿ) (ÿSilly’stall. he isn’ttall. She’s

32 Be: present simple

Be: present simple questions *10 Write questions.
ÿ Alice / beautiful
To form questions with the verb be, we change If Alice beactifcl?
the order of the words. We put the verb before the
subject. 3 Bella / a teacher
Areyou happy? IsLucyBritish? Are they thirteen?
4 the burger / good
Singular Am 1 … ?
Plural 6 the children / happy
Are you …?
Is he …? *11 Write short
Isshe …? exercise 10.
ÿ Yes, she i?.
Is it…?
_1 No,
…Are we ? _2 Yes,
_3 No,
Are you …?
Are they …? 4 No.

When we reply to a question,we often use a _5 Yes,
short answer. _6 Yes,
Areyou Sam? Yes, Iam.
«i 1) 06.6 Look, read and listen.Then sing
Short answers
O along.
Yes, 1 am. No, I’m not. It’s my birthday today.
No, you aren’t. It’s my birthday today.
Singular Yes, you are. No. he isn’t. Am Ihappy?
No, she isn’t. Yes, I’m happy.
Yes. he is. No, it isn’t. Iam twelve years old.
Yes, she is. No, we aren’t. Iam twelve years old.
Yes, it is. No, you aren’t. Am Ihappy?
No, they aren’t. Yes, I’m happy.
Yes, we are. All my friends are here.
All my friends are here.
Plural Yes, you are. Are they happy?
Yes, they’re happy.
Yes, they are. It’s a beautiful day.
And I’m twelve years old.
9 O6.5 Write the words in the correct order to And I’m happy.
Yes, I’m happy.
© makequestions. Listen and check.
you / French / are
Are you French?

2 are /angry /they

i Peter / is / eighteen
5 Scottish / are / you

Unit 6 33

i13 Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions using adjectives and short answers.
angry beautiful big happy old tall blue green red white


| Memory test. Close your book and tell
your partner about the picture.

Write about you and a friend.

I’m Carrie. lAy friend is Rielen.
_0 We’re British.I’m twelve.

I’m nottaW. I’m happy. Melen if
eleven. She isn’tbig. SAe’jfunny.

i Think of a famous person.Your partner
asks questions to find out who it is.
Answer the questions.

Is he/she American/British/Russian …?

Is he/she a singer/an actor/a footballer?

…Is he/she tall/old/funny/beautiful ?

{ÿUhea finger? ÿ

34 Be: present simple

Have got

Ican recognize and use the present simple forms of have got.

Have got: affirmative and negative

No, Ihaven’t. I’ve got

an umbrella. ,

We use have got to talk about possession.
I’vegotaredpen. They haven’tgota computer.


have got I’ve got have not got haven’t got
you’ve got you have not got
you have got he’s got he has not got you haven’t got
she’s got
he has got it’s got have not got he hasn’t got
she has got you have i she hasn’t got
it has got you’ve got they have not got it hasn’t got
they’ve got
have got haven’t got

you have got you haven’t got
they have got
they haven’t got

* 1 Circle the correct form. *2 O7.1 Complete the affirmative sentences

ÿ She have got/jiasgqj)a blue pencil. ©with ‘s got or ‘ve got.Then listen and check.
_ÿ She’? go an old phone.
1 I have got / has got a big book.

2 We have got / has got two cats. 2 We_ _ a blue bag.
3 He have got / has got a blue car. 3 He_
4 You have got / has got a bike. _ two dogs.
5 My phone have got / has got a camera. _4 They_ _ a big television.
6 Sue and Tom have got / has got a nice teacher. _ a new ball.
7 The children have got / has got computers. 5 You _ an old car.
_ four legs.
6 It_

Unit 7 35

* 3 O7.2 Complete the negative sentences with havenotor has not. Listen and check.
O1 We _ 5 I-got a good phone.
You have notgot a guitar.

_ got a television. _ got a dog.
_ _ _2 He
got a bike. got an umbrellg.

_3 They_ __ got a piano. 8 Kate and Jamie. _ got a computer.
got a red pen.
4 Cathy

4 O7.3 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with has got, have got,

©hasn’tgot and haven’tgot. Listen and check.

Tom and Max Milly and Louise

ÿ George has got short red hgir. short dark hair.
green eyes.
short hair.
_1 Isgbel brown eyes. _ _6 Tom andMax
_2 Tom and Max _ _7 Milly and Louise
blue eyes. _8 Isabel

_3 Carla _ dark hair.
4 Milly and Louise blue eyes.

|Work in pairs. Say one affirmative f Write a description of a person or people
and one negative sentence about a
£/ in your class.One thing isn’t true.
person in the pictures in exercise 4.Your
e * Ivy has got long, fair hair and bice
partner guesses the person or people.
Show your description from exercise 6
long / short fair /dark /red hair to your partner.Your partner says the
blue / brown/ green eyes
Ivy Mayn’t got long hair. She’s got short hairj
They’ve got long,fair hair.
They haven’t got bcoWo eyes. QSD

( ‘

36 Have got

Have got: questions and short answers

To form questions with have got, we put the subject When we answer a question,we often use a
between have and got. short answer.
Haveyou got apencil? Has she got a sister? Haveyougot apencil? Yes, Ihave.
HasJill got a sister? No, she hasn’t.
Short answers No, 1 haven’t.
…Have Igot ?
…Have you got ? Yes, 1 have. No,you haven’t.
…Has hegot…?
Yes, you have. No, he hasn’t.
Has she got ? No,she hasn’t.
Yes, he has. No, it hasn’t.
Has it got …? Yes, she has.
Yes, it has. No,we haven’t.
…Have we got ? Yes, we have.
…Have you got ? No,you haven’t.
…Have they got ? Yes, you have.
No,they haven’t.
Yes, they have.

O7.4 Write the words in the correct order to Í10 O7.5 Look at the pictures and listen to
© she / got / has Has she aof a blue car?
make questions. Listen and check. O— ithe questions from exercise 9.Write short

_1 have / got / they brown eyes?

2 you / have / got _ a big bedroom?
_3 he /has /got
_4 got / we / have dark hair?

_5 has /got /Claire a new teacher?

_6 got /I/have a green pen?

a nice cake?
_ _7 Sally /got /has
blue eyes?

*9 Write questions.

ÿ Pat / a bike

has Pat got a bike?

1 Tony / a phone

3 Pat and Anna / computers Yes, he has

5 Tony and Jill / bikes
6 Tony / a computer

|Work in groups.Write your group’s J14 ©7.6 Listen to the dialogue.Tick / the objects
names in the table.Then ask
®that Ryan has got and cross X the objects he
questions and complete the table hasn’t got.

with ticks ÿ o

Names 0
Mike /
Rosy X //
Oscar X /X


/*12 f Usethe information in the table in M
e 11.Write s«
c—* Mike has got a phone. he hadn’t n
c_» got a bike. Rosy and Oscar hove
.* got phones.They haven t got T-shirts

*13 Find the mistake in each sentence.
Write correct sentences.
ÿ Pete have got red hair.
Pete ha! got red hail-.
1 Have got you a phone?

2 Julia andIgot blue eyes.

3 Has the children got a new teacher?

4 Suzy haven’t got long hair.

5 They got a computer?

6 We’s got two cars.

38 Have got

*15 O7.7 Listen to the dialogue and complete / Write sentences about one of the people
in the picture in exercise 16.Then write
the sentences. sentences about yourself.

O book dress hat jeans phone ‘ Carla has got ¿ark hair. She’s got a

__shoes T shirts re¿ shirt,
Mum Have you got everything for the holiday?

Daisy Yes! I’ve got T-shirts, < and

_Mum Good. Have you got a 3 ?
Daisy Oh …No, Ihaven’t.
_Mum And have you got a 4
__Daisy No. Ihaven’t got a 5 ?

___ _Mum It’s hot in Spain.You needa 6
Daisy I’ve got my 7
_Mum But have you got a 8

Daisy Yes, Ihave.I’ve got Oliver Twist.

*16 4ÜTF} Work in pairs.Choose a person in the
* mmr picture, but don’t tell your partner.

Your partner asks questions and
guesses the person.

has she got dark hair?


Unit 7 39

ÍÜJiWW Units 6-7

Reading and writing 3 Complete the questions.

1 Tick the correct word to complete the sentences. ÿ Are you British?

ÿ He— funny. ÿ am 7 is Q are _1 _ you got a brother?

_1 You — tall. Qam ÿ is Dare 2 Katie angry?

2 They nice. ÿ ‘m not ÿ isn’t ÿ aren’t 3 _ we got the camera?
_3 are young. ÿ I
ÿ She Q They _4 Tim got a computer?
_5 the car old?
4 1— angry. Qam ÿ is Dare _6 they got a dog?
.5 _ isn’t big. ÿ I ÿ It ÿ They
4 Look at the picture. Complete the text with
2 Look at the pictures and complete the words from the box.
sentences with the correct form of have got.

haven’t got hasn’t got is

isn’t have got « aren’t
_ _Tom ‘I 12 years old. He’s got dark hair and
_brown eyes. He
_ _Anna ‘tall.

2 13 years old.She 3 dark hair.

She’s got blue eyes.
_Tom andAnna
4 British.They’re American.
_ _They
5 burgers but they 6 chips.

1 She 3 guitar
a phone.

a pen
a computer

40 Units 6-7

5 Match the questions and short answers. 7 OR4.2 Listen and complete the table.

1 Have you got a pen? ¿_ Andy Katy Paul Sally

_2 Are you French? Name Age Nationality Brothers Sisters

_3 Has she got a brother? 15 British 1 1

_4 Havethey got a car? 18 Australian 0 1

_5 Is he American? 17 American 0 2

6 Are they British? _ 12 Canadian 1 0
a Yes, they have.
b No, she hasn’t. Speaking
c Yes, he is.
8 O R4.3 Listen and answer the questions.
Yes, they
f Yes, ÿAreyoo ÿl}r¡t¡{h?

Listening (.No, I’m not.)

6 OR4.1 Listen
correct number for each picture.

Revision 2 41

Possessive adjectives; possessive ‘s

Ican use possessive adjectives and possessive ‘s.

Possessive adjectives No, if ifn t my ph
If this your phone? Itsniv sister’:

His means that a boy or man has got something. Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives
his sister (He has got a sister.) I my
you your
Her means that a girl or woman has got something. he his
her sister (She has got a sister.) she her
it its
Possessive adjectives do not change we our
with a plural noun.
your pencil your pencils
their teacher their teachers

you your

Opossessive __ÿ YouareRonny. they their
-__-_2 IamKate_ _3 They areHenryandLibby
*1 Complete the sentences with * 2 O 8.1 Listen and write the correct possessive
©adjÿe_ctive_. phones
bag is green.
___2 computer
1 He isTom bike is old.
—4 She isMolly _3 books
book is big. _4 pen
_5 watches
car is red.
6 _ .house
hair is short. 7 -bikes
8 trousers
5 We areTed andIris house is nice.
6 It is a giraffe legs are long.

7 You are Jamie andJill cats are

42 Possessive adjectives; possessive ‘s

* 3 Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. _5 Amy has got jeans.
jeans are blue.
_ÿ James andAlice have got a cat.
Their cat ¡ssmall. _6 Billy has got a camera.
camera is expensive.
_1 Edward and Ihave got bikes.
bikes are red. _7 Daveand Dora have got a house.
house is big.
_2 Frank has got two dogs.
dogs are old. _8 Fred andIhave got an English teacher.
3 Ihave got a computer. teacher is good.

-computer is new. _9 You have got a mobile phone.
4 Kim and Martin have got a car. mobile phone is new.

* 4 Look at the picture and complete the sentences with his, her or their.

___ _ÿ ñií trainers are white.

_1 shirt is blue.
_2 car is red.
_3 hair is dark.
_4 trainers are green.
_5 house is white.
_6 shirt is orange.
_7 dogs are brown.

8 trousers are blue.

_9 trousers are white.
__10 .hair is long.

k Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions about their possessions. Use the words below.

bag eyes pen shirt shoes

ÿWJÿat ÿcolour isyour bag?J /»y bog if

/ Write sentences about you and your partner.
bag eyes pen shirt shoes b|oclc

e « fler shoes are bli/e.

Our shirts are white.

Unit 8 43

Possessive ‘s I Write the singular possessive form.

We use an apostrophe (‘) to express possession. ÿ The car belongs to the teacher.
Beth’s dog The dog belongs to Beth. the teacher’s car
the children’s bikes The bikes belongto the children.
the girls’room The room belongs to the girls. 1 The computer belongs to the boy.
the _ computer
For a singular noun or name,we add ‘s.
the teacher’s bag _2 TheT-shirt belongs to the girl.
Beth’s dog the T-shirt
Jack and Tom’s brother 3 The books belong to the

For an irregular plural,we add’s. the _ books
the children’s bikes
_4 Thejacket belongs to my muí
For a regular plural, we add ‘. my jacket
the girls’room 5 The ball belongs to the dog.
the teachers’cars
_6 The phone belongs to my dad.
*7 O8.2 Look at the pictures and w my phone

k Ben’s. Listen and check. *9 Complete the sentences with the regular and
irregular plural possessive form.

ÿ The teachers have got a computer.

It is the teachers’ computer.

1 The boys have got a dog.

It is the _ dog.

_2 The girls have got a house.
It is the house.

_3 The children have got homework.
It is the homework.

_4 The cats have got water.
It is the water.

_5 The men have got cars.
Vi They are the cars.

_6 The women have got bags.
They are the bags.

*10 Complete the phrases with ‘s or

ÿ Ben’? guitar 0+ the tbeoayc_herVp_hobnaeg
watch 1 the
__! computer
2 the girls_ school
I _ dog
_3 Tom shirt
_i phone _4 the teachers room
_i shoes _5 the dog nose
_6 the children books
_7 Kim hair
_8 my parents car
_9 the girl bike
_10 thewomens shoes

44 Possessive adjectives; possessive ‘s

i11 Match 1-8 with a-h.

3 the women’s cars _ 5 the monkey’s tree _ _7 my sister’s room
4 the woman’s cars 6 the monkeys’tree _8 my sisters’ room
1 the boy’s shoes

_ _ _2 the boys’shoes

51208.3 Look at the family trees. Listen and write the correct names.

O Alex Anna Ben Jill Kim Mary and Pat Sem Sue and Leo Tony

Heidi’s family


Unit 8 45

*13 Look at the pictures and readthe Look at exercise 12 and draw your
* sentences. Write the correct letter. family tree. Answer your partner’s
questions about it.
What is your ¿a¿’s

What are your brothers’ names’.

Look at your partner’s family tree and
write about it.

Her dad’s name is Mike, her
name is Jenny, her sister’s na

1 Who is Jack? _

His parents’house is old.
Hissister’s dress is white.

_His brother’s phone is red.

2 Who is Kim?
Her parents’ house is new.
Her brother’s phone is black.

_Her sister’s phone is blue.

3 Who is Carla?
Her mum’s hair is dark.
Her brother’s hair is fair.

_Her sister’s hair is dark.

4 Who is Alex?
His mum’s hair is red.
His brother’s hair is red.
His sister’s hair is dark.

46 Possessive adjectives; possessive ‘s

This, that, these, those

Ican recognize and use this, that, these and those.

(Ye?, ond that is my cokeijÿS Near Not near
Singular these |that

We use this andthese to talk about things near

This is my brother. (He is near you.)

These books are very old. (The books are near.)

We use that and those to talk about things not

near to us.

That is my brother. (He isn’t near you.)

Those apples arenice. (The apples aren’t near.)

* 1 O9.1 Complete the sentences with This or That. Listen and check.


*Ihl£_ is my kite. _2 -is my computer. A is my 6 -is my football.


_1 is my kite. _ _3 is my computer. 5 is my _7 is my football

*2 Look at the picture and the sentences.Write the letter.

ÿ These are Mum’s bags. shoefÿÿydhatare theserj ÿThese are my
1 Those are my bags.
2 These are Mum’s shoes. (ÿJUaf DVDsÿare those?ÿ ¡Thoseare hum’s
3 Those are my shoes.
4 These are my DVDs.
5 Those are Mum’s DVDs.
6 These are my books.
7 Those are Mum’s books.

) Work in pairs. Point to an object in the
picture and make questions with this,
these, that, those. Your partner ai
with a sentence from e:

*4 Choose the correct words. ¡5 O9.2 Look at the sentences. Listen and write
ÿ IsÿhiT)these a pencil?
the number next to each sentence, then listen
1 This / These are my shoes. and repeat.
2 That /Those book is old.
3 This /These pens are red. O _What’s this?
4 Is that /those a hippo? _b What are these?
5 That / Those shoes are beautiful. _c This is a camera.
6 This / These is a nice house. _d These are cameras.
7 That /Those is Jack. _e This is my shoe.
8 Are this / these your photos? _f These are my shoes.

48 This, that, these, those _g Is this her pen? ÿ

h Are these her pens?

Complete the captions for each picture, using 7 O9.3 Listen to the conversation andwrite the
this, that, these, those and a plural or singular
words on the correct shelf.

apples bread burgers cake chicken
mango oranges potatoes

>. This apple orange!
is nice.
* 8 Work in groups. Each person puts two
redand green. objects on a table. One person chooses
an object and says who it belongs to. Is

it correct?

ÿA/o. That belongs to Katy.

ÿ Yes. That belongs to Tor

Unit 9 49


1 Order the letters and write the words.
1 Fireworks burst above the stadium. (rusbt)
2 The
are like two metal plates. (ycmlsab)
3 When the school concert finishes, we
our instruments. (up capk)
4 The lights
on the stage when the band is playing. (enhis)
5 The people in the
play lots of instruments. (rastorhce)
6 Jim went to a pop concert. It was a
after passing his exams. (artet)
7 After each
the audience clapped. (e piec)​



Светило науки — 267 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

Burst,cymbals,up pack,shine orchestra,ratte,piece

Put the letters in the correct order and write the word.
Поставьте буквы в правильном порядке и запишите слово. Слова пишите с маленькой буквы.
6. ddrgonuenur *
1 балл
7. wisonng *
1 балл
8. oodwfier *
1 балл
9. erduhtn *
1 балл
10. aalvacnhe *
1 балл
дам сколько угодно баллов срочно​

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petrol station


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кратко сообщение на тему «Природные ресурсы Московской области».

4 года назад

Предмет: Русский язык,
автор: Аноним

Выпишите предложение, в которм не обходимо поставить запятую/запятые. (Знаки препинания внутри предложений нерасставлены.) Напишите, на каком основании Вы сделали свой выбор. 1) Для нового выпуска школьной газеты мы берём интервью у учителей и старшеклассников. 2) Таня помогает редактировать заметку о победителях конкурса. 3) Этот выпуск газеты дорогие ребята посвящается юбилею нашей школы. 4) Помоги-ка выбрать цвет и размер шрифта для первой полосы газеты.

4 года назад

Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: vera2345

Помогите пожалуйста по английскому языку! ​

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: лиана127

запишите в виде бесконечной десятичной периодической дроби : 2;3,1;7/12

6 лет назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: Кирилл228901122

из самолёта выгрузили часть груза и увезли на 3 машинах, по 6т на каждой.после этого в самолёте осталось ещё 62 т груза.сколько тонн груза доставмл самолёт краткое условие

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