Jobs and professions word search ответы artist banker

Упражнение 1. Прочитай названия профессий и обведи
две профессии, которые тебе больше всего нравятся.

  • a doctor  — врач                                    
    a nurse  —
  • a driver  — водитель                             a
    worker  —
  • a builder  — строитель                         a
  • an economist  — экономист                an
    engineer  —
  •  a housewife  —
    домохозяйка          a
    businessman  —
    деловой человек
  •  a military man  —

Упражнение 2. Match the two lists to make sentences describing certain

  1. A hairdresser
  2. A vet
  3. A carpenter
  4. A cook
  5. A pilot
  6. A stewardess
  7. A militiaman
  8. A racing driver
  9. A nurse
  10. A nursery school teacher
  11. A waiter
  12. A clown
  13. A farmer
  14. A postman
  15. A banker
  16. A builder
  1. a) teaches small children
  2. b) flies airplanes.
  3. c) looks after air passengers.
  4. d) serves people food.
  5. e) makes things of wood.
  6. f) cuts people’s hair.
  7. g) drives fast cars.
  8. h) looks after sick people.
  9. i) regulates traffic.
  10. j) works on a farm.
  11. k) cures sick animals.
  12. l) makes people laugh.
  13. m) makes food.
  14. n) builds houses.
  15. o) counts money
  16. p) brings letters.

Упражнение 3.  Listen to the names and say what these people were.

Beethoven –  a composer.

  1. Shakespeare –
  2. Einstein –
  3. Kennedy, Lincoln,
    Washington –
  4. Elvis Presley, John Lennon,
    Vysotsky –
  5. Sherlock Holmes,
    Captain Losev –
  6. Frantsysk Skaryna –
  7. Admiral Nelson,
    Admiral Ushakov –
  8. Valery Chkalov, Yuri
    Gagarin –
  9. Leo Yashin –

сложные упражнения на профессии (для 6 – 9 классов).

Упражнение 4. a) Look at the list. Do you know all the words? Give the

a reporter

a fisherman

a carpenter

a businessman

a shop-assistant

a police officer

a pilot

a driver

a housewife

a postman

a programmer

a student

a vet

a chef

a traveller

a scientist

a designer

a musician

a librarian

a nurse

a secretary

a farmer

a dentist

an engineer

which of these are not actually professions (4)?

Underline the jobs you think are exciting.

the jobs you would never like to do.

brackets around the well-paid jobs.

out the jobs you think are boring.

the jobs you think you’ll be good at.

Which jobs from the list match these definitions?

  1. — a person who does
  2. — someone who works in the
    country with animals or plants.
  3. — a person who cooks in a
  4. — a person who makes things from
  5. — a person who helps a doctor
    in a hospital.
  6. — someone who does office
    work, such as typing letters, answering phone calls, etc.

Упражнение 5. Complete the sentences with the names of professions or

person who writes for newspapers is a journalist.

  1. A doctor who treats teeth is
  2. A person who paints pictures
    is …
  3. A person who types papers is …
  4. A person who takes part in
    public life is …
  5. A scientist who studies the
    structure of materials is …
  6. A scientist who studies the
    structure of organisms is …
  7. A person who writes books is
  8. A person who knows a lot about
    his job is …

Упражнение 6.  Look through the list of circus jobs. Translate them
and say which of them you like best and why
: Acrobat, clown, magician, tamer,
ringmaster, horse-rider, fire-eater, manager, musician, weight lifter, jumper,

Упражнение 7. Write the names of five jobs that people do:

  • inside the building,
  • in the open air,
  • with their hands,
  • with the help of a computer,
  • using a pen.

Упражнение 8. Write the names of professions that are connected with the

mark — teacher






















 Упражнение 9. Build the names
of jobs and professions from the given English words.
Translation may
help you to do it.

  1. build ( строитель)
  2. music ( музыкант)
  3. employ
    (наниматель,служащий) a) ____________b) ____________
  4. history (историк)
  5. biology (биолог) ____________
  6. invent ( изобретатель)
  7. account (бухгалтер)

 Упражнение 10. Choose from the
box gender-neutral names for the given professions.

carrier, congressional representative, salesperson (2), bar person, police
officer (2), flight attendant, chairperson, firefighter, business executive (2)

  1. Chairman
  2. Businessman
  3. Businesswoman
  4. Mailman
  5. Stewardess
  6. Policewoman _____________________
  7. Policeman
  8. Salesman
  9. Saleswoman
  10. Barman
  11. Fireman
  12. Congressman

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений
A7–A14 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 –
False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни
положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not
The Best Job in the World

Have you ever heard of the Great Barrier Reef? It is the worlds largest coral reef system along the eastern coast of Australia.
In February 2009 an extraordinary position was advertised by the Australian
Tourism Office. The advertisement ran that the Great Barrier Reef needed a
caretaker for half a year. It was for a special person who would look after the

The job offered a large salary, free accommodation in a luxury
villa, and transportation there and around the islands. All expenses would be
paid: the winner wouldn’t need to spend any extra money on anything.

The job’s duties were pretty simple. You could only dream of
such requirements. First, the person had to speak English and swim well.
Second, on the island his responsibility included writing a weekly Internet
blog. That’s right, weekly, not even daily! The job description also required
the successful applicant to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef,
swim, make friends with the locals and generally enjoy the tropical climate and
lifestyle. A real dream!

Within the first 2 days of the contest, the tourism office
received more than seven thousand online applications. All told, 34,000 people
of all different nationalities applied. Each made and presented a 60-second
video resume. They had to be creative and they were. In the end 16 people were
chosen, who flew to Australia for the final selection. The candidates were
interviewed and the winner was Ben Southall from the UK.

Ben greatly enjoyed the dream job he had got. He realised that
people knew very little about the Earth and its treasures. Living in big
cities, they forgot how important the flora and fauna of this world were. Every
time Ben went outdoors, he could discover something new. «Every time I
dived or went underwater, I forgot about all the troubles above water and
concentrated on living in the moment. It was a good way to clean the mind and
build respect for the natural world,» Ben said.

Ben’s life on the island was not just fun. It was very busy,
busier than most people imagined, and certainly busier than Ben himself had
imagined. He worked seven days a week and up to 19 hours a day. The Best Job
included travelling to over 60 islands of the Reef almost every day. It was not
just looking after the Reef, Ben had a lot of meetings, press conferences and
interviews. He was getting a lot of attention all the time and he couldn’t get
away from it.
That was probably the hardest part of the job.

Moreover, any adventure has a certain degree of risk. Swimming
and diving on the Great Barrier Reef was not different. Ben had to deal with
whales, sharks and other huge sea creatures. Surprisingly, the most dangerous
thing was a small jellyfish about the size of a little finger. It’s considered
to be extremely poisonous and Ben was stung by it. He had to spend a couple of
days in hospital but luckily recovered after a course of antibiotics.

Ben often says that the project has taught him a few valuable
lessons. Working with the Internet is one of those jobs you can do 24 hours a
day. Ben realised it was hard to separate life and work, but this he had to do.
He also said: «I’ve learned that we get one life on earth so we have to
use it. There’ll always be other countries to visit, other people to meet and other
adventures to meet. This is what I wish to do. I’m planning to go to Asia in a
few years time».

The Australian Tourism Office employs a new caretaker twice a
year.   T     F    N/S

There was no Internet on the islands of the Great Barrier Reef.

People from different countries applied for the job.

Ben Southall was a good swimmer.

While working as a caretaker Ben Southall had lots of free time.

To do his job Ben Southall had to communicate with journalists.

Ben Southhall was taken to hospital after a shark attack.

Ben Southall is going to make a film about his work on the



1 – f,
2 – k, 3 – e, 4 – m, 5 – b, 6 – c, 7 – i, 8 – g, 9 – h, 10 – a, 11 – d, 12 –l,
13 – j, 14 – p, 15 – o, 16 – n.


  1. poet / playwright /
  2. Scientist
  3. Presidents
  4. Singers
  5. Detectives
  6. Printer
  7. Sailors
  8. test pilots
  9. goalkeeper



























a businessman, a housewife, a student, a traveller.

D) a) a
scientist, b) a farmer, c) a chef, d) a carpenter, e) a nurse, f) a secretary



1 a dentist,
2 a painter, 3 a typist, 4  a politician, 5 a chemist, 6 a biologist, 7 a
writer, 8 a professional


клоун, фокусник, дрессировщик, инспектор манежа, наездник, огнеглотатель,
менеджер, музыкант, штангист, прыгун, танцор
























  1. builder 2. musician 3. a)
    employer; b) employee 4. historian 5. biologist 6. inventor 7. accountant


Ответы:1.  chairperson
2. business executive3. business executive 4. mail carrier 5. flight attendant
6. police officer 7. police officer 8. salesperson 9. salesperson 10. bar
personII.  firefighter 12. congressional representative

Learn the vocabulary. Choose one of the professions from the list and describe it. Use the phrases from your university manual and from the suggested list. Leave your answers in the comment box.

president, vice-president, executive officer (CEO);
director, deputy director, managing director, financial director, marketing director;
general manager, assistant manager, manager;
personnel manager, production manager, marketing manager, sales manager, accounts manager;
supervisor, inspector;

office clerk, receptionist, secretary, typist, stenographer;

banker, bank officer, accountant, bookkeeper, economist, teller, cashier, auditor;

doctor, physician, family doctor, general practitioner;
eye specialist, throat specialist, heart specialist;
cardiologist, surgeon, pediatrician, psychiatrist, dentist, dietician, pharmacist, veterinarian;
nurse, paramedic;

chef, head cook, cook;
maitre d’, headwaiter, waiter, waitress, bartender, barman;

Sales and stores
sales representative, sales manager;
salesperson, salesman, saleswoman, salesgirl, salesclerk, cashier;
seller, buyer, wholesale buyer, wholesaler, retailer, distributor, advertising agent;

Art and creative work
musician, composer, singer, dancer;
artist, painter;
film director, producer, actor, actress, cameraman;
writer, author, playwright, dramatist, scenarist;
reporter, journalist, photographer;
architect, designer, interior designer, web-designer;

School and college
principal, dean, professor, teacher, student, pupil;

engineer, technician, mechanic;
builder, construction worker, repairer;
welder, bricklayer, mason, carpenter, plumber, painter;

scientist, scholar, researcher, explorer;
mathematician, physicist, chemist, biologist, astronomer;
historian, archeologist, economist, philosopher, psychologist;

Law and order
judge, lawyer, attorney, legal adviser;
police officer, policeman, traffic officer, detective;
guard, bodyguard;

expert, specialist, consultant, adviser;
pilot, flight attendant, stewardess;
computer programmer, computer operator;
driver, taxi driver, bus driver, truck driver;
firefighter, librarian, farmer, tailor, model, politician, priest, travel agent;
hairdresser, hairstylist, barber, beautician, cosmetologist;
cleaning lady, cleaning woman, janitor;

Describing a job
a job in electronics, a teaching job, a position as secretary;
an interesting job, a boring job, a good job, a difficult job, a challenging job;
a well-paid job, a highly paid job, a low-paid job, a badly paid job;
a full-time job, a part-time job, a permanent job, a temporary job.

Related terms
to hire, to fire, to quit one’s job;
unemployed, jobless; to look for a job; to apply for a job;
letter of application for a job, resume, CV, interview;
contract, work agreement;
employer, employee, staff member; to be on staff;
temporary worker, season worker;
to work full-time, to work part-time, to have a part-time job, to work overtime;
pay, wages, salary, income;
to be paid by the hour, to be paid by the month;
monthly pay, weekly pay, hourly pay, yearly pay, annual pay;
gross pay, net pay, take-home pay, bonus, overtime pay;
taxes, expenses, deductions;
fringe benefits, sick leave, medical insurance;
She gets ten dollars an hour. She is paid ten dollars an hour. Her hourly pay is ten dollars.
He gets two thousand dollars a month. His monthly pay is two thousand dollars.
They get twenty-three thousand dollars a year. Their annual pay is twenty-three thousand dollars.
His salary is thirty-four thousand dollars a year.

Related phrases
What do you do? What business are you in?
I am a teacher. I am a car dealer. I am a freelance writer.
I am a sales representative. I sell computers.
I work as a psychologist. I work as a stockbroker.
I work at a bank. I work at a small travel agency.
I work at a hotel. I work at a transportation company.
I work for a newspaper. I work for a film company.
I am in real estate. I am in advertising.
I have a small business of my own.
I am a homemaker. I work at home.
I am unemployed at the moment. I am looking for a job right now.
I am looking for a job in marketing. I am looking for a job as a driver.
I am seeking a position as librarian. I am seeking a position as office clerk.
He is looking for a place as a housekeeper. She is looking for a place as a cook.
I’d like to apply for a job. I’d like to apply for the position of shop assistant.
He was offered the position of salesclerk. She has a position as cashier.

( from: )

1) архитектор a) architect b) driver c) writer d) artist 2) няня a) journalist b) writer c) babysitter d) librarian 3) повар a) chef b) musician c) driver d) judge 4) зубной врач a) dentist b) designer c) chef d) manager 5) редактор газеты, журнала a) writer b) flight attendant c) journalist d) editor 6) дизайнер a) designer b) pilot c) hairdresser d) writer 7) пилот a) pilot b) journalist c) artist d) librarian 8) стюардесса a) babysitter b) dentist c) manager d) flight attendant 9) судья a) writer b) judge c) flight attendant d) nurse 10) библиотекарь a) librarian b) flight attendant c) lawyer d) babysitter 11) управляющий a) pilot b) journalist c) architect d) manager 12) механик a) pilot b) musician c) engineer d) mechanic 13) медсестра a) hairdresser b) driver c) nurse d) chef 14) художник a) pilot b) shop assistant c) artist d) lawyer 15) журналист a) journalist b) chef c) mechanic d) editor 16) продавец a) shop assistant b) flight attendant c) mechanic d) nurse 17) водитель a) babysitter b) designer c) driver d) shop assistant 18) писатель a) architect b) dentist c) writer d) pilot 19) инженер a) designer b) librarian c) engineer d) artist 20) адвокат, юрист a) pilot b) flight attendant c) lawyer d) hairdresser 21) парикмахер a) journalist b) pilot c) hairdresser d) flight attendant 22) музыкант a) musician b) mechanic c) shop assistant d) writer

Таблица лидеров

Эта таблица лидеров в настоящее время является частной. Нажмите Поделиться, чтобы сделать ее общедоступной.
Эта таблица лидеров была отключена владельцем ресурса.
Эта таблица лидеров отключена, так как у вас и у владельца ресурса разные значения параметров.

Викторина «Игровое шоу» — это открытый шаблон. Он не создает баллы для таблицы лидеров.

Требуется вход в систему


Требуется вход в систему


Переключить шаблон


Дополнительные форматы будут отображаться при выполнении занятия.

Разноуровневые упражнения по теме ПРОФЕССИИ

Проходите тему Профессии? Готовитесь к уроку по теме Профессии? Значит, Вам пригодятся следующие упражнения, благодаря которым Вы не только запомните названия профессий на английском, но и научитесь делать описания своей (будущей) профессии на английском.

Прежде чем приступать к выполнению упражнений, ознакомьтесь со списком профессий с переводом. Упражнения на отработку профессий идут в порядке возрастания сложности. В конце вы найдете ответы для самопроверки.

Exercises on professions. Упражнения для детей и начинающих изучать английский язык.

Упражнение 1. Прочитай названия профессий и обведи две профессии, которые тебе больше всего нравятся.

  • a doctor — врач
  • a nurse — медсестра
  • a driver — водитель
  • a worker — рабочий
  • a builder — строитель
  • a seller продавец
  • an economist — экономист
  • an engineer — инженер
  • a housewife — домохозяйка
  • a businessman — деловой человек
  • a military man — военнослужащий

Упражнение 2. Match the two lists to make sentences describing certain jobs

  1. A hairdresser
  2. A vet
  3. A carpenter
  4. A cook
  5. A pilot
  6. A stewardess
  7. A militiaman
  8. A racing driver
  9. A nurse
  10. A nursery school teacher
  11. A waiter
  12. A clown
  13. A farmer
  14. A postman
  15. A banker
  16. A builder
  1. a) teaches small children
  2. b) flies airplanes.
  3. c) looks after air passengers.
  4. d) serves people food.
  5. e) makes things of wood.
  6. f) cuts people’s hair.
  7. g) drives fast cars.
  8. h) looks after sick people.
  9. i) regulates traffic.
  10. j) works on a farm.
  11. k) cures sick animals.
  12. l) makes people laugh.
  13. m) makes food.
  14. n) builds houses.
  15. o) counts money
  16. p) brings letters.

Упражнение 3. Listen to the names and say what these people were.

  1. Shakespeare –
  2. Einstein –
  3. Kennedy, Lincoln, Washington –
  4. Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Vysotsky –
  5. Sherlock Holmes, Captain Losev –
  6. Frantsysk Skaryna –
  7. Admiral Nelson, Admiral Ushakov –
  8. Valery Chkalov, Yuri Gagarin –
  9. Leo Yashin –

Более сложные упражнения на профессии (для 6 – 9 классов).

Упражнение 4 . a) Look at the list. Do you know all the words? Give the definitions.

Комплект лексических упражнений по теме «Профессии»

Данный комплект упражнений можно использовать при введении и первичной активизации лексического материала по теме «Профессии». Предложены 5 заданий на соотнесение профессии и её описания, английского и русского слова, на завершение предложения.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Комплект лексических упражнений по теме «Профессии»»

Описание дидактического материала

Название и характеристика дидактического материала

Данный комплект упражнений можно использовать при введении и первичной активизации лексического материала по теме «Профессии». Предложены 5 заданий на соотнесение профессии и её описания, английского и русского слова, на завершение предложения. Уровень сложности заданий нарастает к последнему. Материал может быть использован при обучении английскому языку в 6, 7, 8, 9 классах. Функционален при реализации дифференцирующего обучения.

Требования к УМК

Материал носит универсальный характер и не зависит от особенностей УМК

Цель использования дидактического материала

введение и первичная активизация лексического материала по теме «Профессии»

Реализация образовательных задач учебного процесса

стимулирование учащихся к чтению

Реализация развивающих задач учебного процесса

Обеспечивает тренировку операций логического мышления, способствует формированию языковой догадки

Реализация обучающих задач учебного процесса

Совершенствуется навык чтения с пониманием основного содержания, чтения с извлечением выборочной информации

Необходимое техническое обеспечение

1) Match the words and their translations:

Librarian зубной врач

Lawyer адвокат, юрист

Computer programmer инженер

2) Match the professions and their definitions:

1) an architect a) works with the computer
2) a teacher b) designs buildings
3) a dentist c) plays football
4) a vet d) teaches children at school
5) a doctor e) looks after peoples teeth
6) a photographer f) looks after sick people
7) a secretary g) plays a musical instrument
8) a lawyer h) takes photos
i) looks after sick animals
j) doеs projects
k) knows laws
l) works with papers

3) Try to choose an appropriate profession:

Possibilities: doctor, driver, artist, stewardess, director, singer

1. She speaks foreign languages. She works very long hours, but she doesn’t work every day. She likes people and travel, and she travels а lot in her work.. She is а .

2. She doesn’t work in an office. She is not а teacher. She works very lоng hours, and she often works at night – it’s а hard job. She likes people and she helps them. She loves her job. She is а .

3. Не gets up at half past seven every day, has breakfast at eight o’clock, and starts work at half past nine. Не works in an office. Не has two secretaries and two telephones. Не does not work оn Sundays. Не likes people. Не is а .

4. Не usually gets up at eleven o’clock, and has breakfast at 12. Не works at home. Sometimes he mау work outside. Не works in the afternoons, but not every day. Sometimes he works long hours, sometimes he does not work at аll. Не loves his job. Не is an .

5. She lives in а big city. She gets up late and has а late breakfast. She works late in the еvеning. She goes to and from work bу taxi. People like to listеn to her аnd sometimes they send her flowers. She is а .

6. Не gets up at five o’clock in the mоrning. Не has breakfast and lunch in motorway restaurants. Не works sitting dоwn аnd travels а lot in his work. Не likes his job. Не is а .

4) Name the profession:

1) I work outside and I love flowers. I’m a …….. .
2) I look after sick people in a hospital, but I’m not a doctor. I’m a ……… .
3) I work in a small restaurant. I prepare food for out quests. I’m a ……. .
4) I love animals. Some people call me an animal doctor. I’m a ……… .
5) I’m an artist and my job is taking photographs. I’m a ……. .
6) I’m interested in fashion. I make clothes for women. I’m a …….. .

5) Match the professions and their definitions (unknown words are given before the exercise)

plans new buildings – планирует новые здания

one of the fine arts – одно из искусств

wooden objects – изделия из дерева

cooks food – готовит еду

treat the teeth – лечит зубы

roads, bridges – дороги, мосты

advise people a – даёт советы относительно законаbout laws

repairs shoes – чинит туфли

a ship or plane – корабль или самолёт

garments — мужская одежда

changes writing from one language into another – меняет письменную речь с одного языка на другой

weave cloth — шьёт одежду

interpreter – устный переводчик

Task: choose the suitable words.

1. A person whose job is to keep and examine the money accounts of business or people is called …

2. A person who plans new buildings and sees that they are built properly is called … .

3. A person who practices or works in one of the fine arts is called … .

4. A person who is skilled at making and repairing wooden objects is called … .

5. A scientist who specializes in chemistry is called … .

6. A person who prepares and cooks food is called … .

7. A person professionally trained to treat the teeth is called … .

8. A person who works at a dock is called … .

9. A person who drives a car is called … .

10. A person who plans and understands the making of machines, roads, bridges is called … .

11. A person who owns or plans the work on a farm is called … .

12. A person who changes speech from one language into another is called … .

13. A person whose profession journalism is called … .

14. A person whose business is to advise people about laws and to represent them in court is called … .

15. A worker in a mine is called … .

16. A person who performs on a musical instrument, or who writes music is called … .

17. A person qualified to practise both medicine and surgery is called … .

18. A person who studies physics is called … .

19. A person who flies an aircraft is called … .

20. A member of a navy, or sailor on a ship, who is not an officer is called … .

21. A person who makes or repairs shoes is called … .

22. A worker in iron or other metals is called … .

23. A man who serves passengers on a ship or plane is called … .

24. A person who makes garments (одежда) for men is called … .

25. A person who changes writing from one language into another is called … .

26. A person whose job is to weave cloth is called … .

a) dentist, b) shoemaker, c) artist, d) tailor, e) accountant, f) driver, g) seaman, h) architect, I)

physician, j) chemist, k) smith, l) docker, m) translator, n) farmer, o) carpenter, p) lawyer, g)

steward, r) weaver, s) journalist, t) cook, u) physicist, v) interpreter, w) pilot, x) miner, y)

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