Japanese word for dangerous

image of man in distress

The meaning of やばい(yabai) or やべー(yabe) in Japanese can be translated into many words such as risky, awful, dangerous, terrible, and so on. It is slang and has several diverse uses in modern Japanese.

Yabe is short for Yabai

Yabeやべえ 、 やべっ、やべー) is a shortened form of the Japanese word やばいyabai). Often when speaking in slang in Japanese words with ai(あい)in them will become a long e (えー)sound. So if you want to sound less like you are speaking in slang you could say’やばい, but it is still slang.

The origins of the word やばい are not clear. Theories say it could be from one of the words in Japanse for Dangerous. Those words being 危ない (abunai) or あやうい  (Ayaui).

Dangerous or Risky Situations

man in suite walking a risky, dangerous rope

If you want to say that something looks dangerous our risky you could say,

That bridge looks suspicious

You should watch out for that guy

あぶない is actually a better word for dangerous. やばい often overlaps with this word though. There are a few other differences between やばい and あぶない though.

Inconvenient or Unwanted Results

flat tire

In Japanese, yabe, or yabai can be used very freely whenever you want to talk about some unfortunate event or something you are worried about. So, if you wake up late and have somewhere to be you could say,

Oh no! I am going to be late!

Or let’s say you get a flat tire,

I got a flat, uh-oh, what should I do?

Let’s say it won’t stop raining, you could say

What’s up with this rain

Here, yabai, or yabe can be translated any number of ways. Such as too much, worrisome, extreme, so on.

Yabe or Yabai also has Positive Meanings

thumbs up with smily face

When you want to talk about something that is positive with emotion, you can use yabe or yabai. Just like people used to say in English, ‘that’s bad man’, back in the day for something good. If you are eating some really good food you could say

Wow. This is so tasty!

Real-life Examples from Twitter


— 冷奴えいとく (@A_to_ku) October 11, 2020


— 正岡子規bot (@MasaokashikiBot) October 11, 2020

There are more ways to translate the meaning of やべー or yabe than what I can write here. If you want to learn more about words in Japanese that are hard to translate but used all the time check out some of my other posts. Or if you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below:

2,110 Pages, No Word Wasted – A Dictionary of Japanese Grammar, Reviewed


  • やばい – Weblio
  • やばい – 語源由来辞典
  • 面倒くさい
  • A Dictionary of Japanese Grammar

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)

1. sudden; abrupt; unexpected

  • じたい事態
  • きゅう
  • よう要する
  • ので
  • いっこく一刻
  • 待てない
  • かれ
  • 言った

He said that the matter was urgent, and that there was not a moment to lose.

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)

3. steep; sharp; precipitous

  • やね屋根
  • いく
  • かいだん階段
  • せま狭くて
  • きゅう
  • くらい
  • です

The staircase leading to the rooftop is narrow, steep, and dark.

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)

4. rapid; swift; fast

  • この
  • かわ
  • なが流れ
  • きゅう

The current of this river is rapid.


5. emergency; crisis; danger


6. urgency; hurrying; haste


7. (in gagaku or noh) end of a songSee also 序破急

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If it becomes dangerous, we will go down to the shelter.

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If things get dangerous, press the shield button to stop controlling the missile.

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If it took a little longer, it would be dangerous.

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I have given up

being a superhero’cause it was way too dangerous.

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The rotating roller is dangerous and may cause serious injury.

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Without proper response, it becomes serious and life becomes dangerous.

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That’s why I think leaving would be dangerous.

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Honestly, the current situation was very dangerous.

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They are mostly not difficult and not dangerous.

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Whether by land or water travelling was dangerous.

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This is also extremely dangerous for other drivers.

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We created a lot of chances and were very dangerous going forward.

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It would be interesting. I mean, if cigarettes were dangerous,

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According to Thomas Jefferson,»I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery».

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Results: 16188,
Time: 0.0274





In a previous post, I’ve discussed how Japanese has less curse words than languages like English. There are a few, however, which can pack quite a strong meaning, and in this post I’ll be talking about one such word – “yabai”.

“yabai” originally means “dangerous” (equivalent to Japanese “abunai”) or a bad situation.

  • 警察はやばい仕事です。
  • Police officer is a dangerous job.

This phrase can be also used as a expletive in a way similar to the English “shit” or “damn”.

  • やばい!課題を提出し忘れた!
  • Shoot! I forgot to turn in my homework!

There are several different variations in it’s pronunciation (when used in casual conversation), for example:

  • やばっ! (yaba!)
  • やべー! (yabee!)
  • やべっ!   (yabe!)

The small tsu (っ) that is in the first and third hiragana words above means to end the last sound quickly. This is difficult to convey in romaji so I’ve just left that part out.

Young people have taken this phrase and expanded it’s meaning to mean something extreme, similar to “very”.

  • 一個千円のクッキーなんてやばい高いよね?
  • A 1000-yen cookie is super expensive, don’t you think?     (Currently, 1000 yen is roughly $8.50)

[Note: in the above example “やばい高い” is one adjective followed by another which is technically incorrect grammar, however this is a slang expression and is actually said this way. You can say “やばく高い” which is correct but sounds less natural.]

You could replace “super” with “crazy” in the above phrase’s English translation and you might capture a bit more of the nuance of the word.

Here is another example using やばい as an adjective, this time with a verb:

  • その本、やばい売れてるよ!
  • That book is selling like mad!

In a similar way, you can use “yabai” to mean “amazing”, or “surprising” (similar to “sugoi”). For example, say you just found out that a great book you read is a true story and this surprised you.

  • この本、やばくない?!
  • This book is crazy!  (lit: “Isn’t this book crazy?”)

Since it’s a slang word, I would avoid this word unless you are with close friends to be safe.

One related word is “mazui” which literally means “unsavory” or “not tasty” (like food), but can also be used to describe a bad situation. However I’ve seen this phrase used mostly by adults/older people.

If you enjoyed the article, please check out my new book on Japanese particles: Yabai Quizzes for Japanese Learners.



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The Japanese word yabai (やばい) caused me a lot of confusion because of its many meanings and contradictory English translations. If you look up the word “yabai” in a dictionary to see what it means, you will probably get confused, too. However, after living in Japan for many years I have finally got the hang of it. So let me explain you all meanings and possible translations of the the Japanese word yabai (やばい) in English.

The Japanese word yabai (やばい) has 4 meanings. It can mean “amazing” or “omfg” when talking about someone or describing something awesome, “awful” or “oh no” when something bad happens, “crazy” or “funny” both in a good or a bad way, and last but not least “dangerous” which is its original meaning.

The different translations and seemingly contradictory meanings are exactly what makes the Japanese word “yabai” so difficult to understand for non-native speakers. If you are still confused you can find a detailed explanation of its meaning and how to use yabai in Japanese down below. We also look at the even slangier versionsyabe” and “yaba” that you can hear a lot in daily conversations before covering some common questions such as whether you should write yabai in hiragana or katakana.

The 4 Meanings & Common English Translations of Yabai (やばい)

Since yabai (やばい) has different meanings depending on when it is used and how it is said, there is not just one English translation that is suitable and correct, but dozens. Below you can find some of the most commonly used translations that I have encountered in dictionaries, anime, manga, and daily conversations with my friends in Japan.

  • amazing, cool, impressive, awesome, wow, OMFG
  • awful, terrible, crap, oh no, oh my god
  • crazy, insane, strange, weird, funny
  • dangerous, risky, suspicious

If you know some Japanese yabai (やばい) will immediately remind you of sugoi (すごい) which has the same contradictory meanings “amazing” and “terrible” in Japanese. Both are common words, but “yabai” is more slangy than “sugoi” and in contrast to “sugoi”, all four meanings of yabai (やばい) are as frequently used. So the correct English translation really depends on the situation and intonation.

1. Yabai Meaning “Amazing”, “Cool”, “Wow”, and OMFG

Yabai (やばい) is often used as an exclamation when you see something great or when you want to describe that something or someone is awesome. It can be translated as “amazing“, “cool“, “oh my god“, “omfg“, “wow“, “awesome“, etc. When “fangirling” over your favorite anime character or singer you can also say “yabai”.

Yabai! Mecha oishii!
Wow! This is so good!

Yabai! Kawaii!
Oh my god! It’s so cute!

Sasuke-kun kakkoo ii! Yabai!
Sasuke is so cool! OMFG!

Kono anime yabai!
This anime is amazing!

Kimi no tomodachi yabai ne!
Your friend is awesome!

In this situation yabai (やばい) is usually said with a lot of enthusiasm and/or amazement. It can be used to describe or praise really anything you find awesome including people, places, things, food, (anime) character, someone’s talent, abilities, skills, etc.

2. Yabai Meaning “Awful”, “Terrible”, “Oh no”, and OMG

However, yabai (やばい) can also be used as an exclamation when you panic or something bad happens and to express that something or someone is unpleasant. It this situation it can be translated as “awful“, “terrible“, “awful“, “oops“, “crap“, “oh no“, “oh my god“, and “oh my goodness“.

Yabai! Yabai! Yabai! Shukudai wasurechatta!
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! I forgot my homework!

Kotoshi kafunshou yabai!
My hay fever is terrible this year!

Yabai! Hashiranai to ma ni awanai!
Oh crap! If I don’t run I won’t make it in time!

Atsusa yabai ne!
It’s terribly hot, isn’t it!
(It’s too hot, isn’t it)

Ame wa yabai naa…
The rain is terrible…
(What’s up with this heavy rain…)

When yabai (やばい) is used to describe something bad it is usually said with outrage, indignation, shock, or disgust. It should be pretty clear from the situation and the intonation that the person is in trouble or uses the word to describe something or someone unpleasant.

3. Yabai Meaning “Crazy”, “Insane”, “Strange”, and “Funny”

Another very common way to use yabai (やばい) is when you want to talk about something “crazy”, “insane“, “weird“, “funny“, or “strange“. Similar to “crazy” in English it can be used in both a positive and a negative way – usually depending on how you say it. The slang word “sick” is another really fitting translation in this case.

Kono neko maji yabai (warai).
This cat is so funny *lol*! (positive)

Kono neko maji yabai…
This cat is so weird… (negative)

Yabai yatsu desu ne…
Yeah, he is a strange guy… (negative)

Katta! Yabai jan!
I won! Isn’t that crazy? (positive)

Tomodachi chotto yabai ne…
Your friend is a bit crazy, huh? (negative)

4. Yabai Meaning “Dangerous”, “Risky”, and “Suspicious”

The original meaning of the Japanese word yabai (やばい) is “dangerous“, “risky“, “suspicious“, etc. Since it is also sometimes used to alert or warn someone you can also think of it meaning “Look out” or “Watch out“. Some people say that the word originated from the phrase “Iya! Abunai” which means “No! It’s dangerous!

Suzume bachi yabai!
Hornets are dangerous

Yabai! Kuma da!
Watch out! A bear!

Kono monsutaa maji yabai yatsu da.
This monster is really dangerous.

Kouen ni yabai hito ga iru…
There is a suspicious person in the park…

When you look at the example sentences above you will notice that in some cases you could also translate yabai as “crazy” or “oh my god” instead of “dangerous“. The best and most fitting translation really depends on the situation.

How to Use Yabai in Japanese – Common Phrases

Now that we have discussed all of its meanings and translations, let’s take a look at how to use yabai (やばい) in Japanese. While the word is certainly more commonly used by the younger generation, it is not strange or rare to hear older people use it, too. Since it is a very informal or rather slang word it is usually not used in formal situations. However, you can use it when talking to your family or friends.

Yabai yo – Means “Amazing!!!”, “Crazy!!!” or “Oh my god!!!”

A variation of yabai you can often hear in anime and daily life is yabai yo (やばいよ). It actually means exactly the same as yabai, but the sentence ending particle yo (よ) adds emphasis and makes the expression sound stronger and more forceful. You can think of it as an or several exclamation marks.

Yabai yo!
That’s insane!
Oh my god!!!!

That’s crazy!
Oh no!

Yaba – “Sick”, “Dope” or “Damn” (Slang Version of Yabai)

Yaba (やば, やばっ) is the shortened version of yabai (やばい) that is commonly used in spoken Japanese and especially among man. It has the same meanings as yabai, “amazing”, “terrible”, “crazy”, “oh no”, etc, but the English slang words “sick“, “sic“, “dope“, and “damn” better convey its informality.

Yaba! Kanojo kawaii…
Damn! She looks hot…

Yabee – “Sick”, “Dope” or “Damn” (Slang Version of Yabai)

Yabee (やべー) and yabe (やべっ) are two other shortened versions of yabai (やばい) that are commonly used in daily conversations among men but sometimes also younger woman. They also mean “cool”, “awful”, “crazy”, “oh no”, etc, and are similar to the English slang words “sick“, “sic“, “dope“, and “damn“.

Kore oishii! Yabee!
This is so good! OMG!

E? Sora no kuruma? Maji? Yabe!
Ha? This is Sora’s car? Really? Sick!

Yabai Desu ne – “Amazing, isn’t it?” or “Terrible/Crazy, isn’t it?”

When you add desu ne (ですね) after yabai (やばい) you can make the expression sound softer and more feminine. It translates as “That’s amazing, isn’t it?“, “That’s crazy, isn’t it“, or “That’s terrible, huh?“. While the phrase sounds politer, don’t forget that it is still a very informal expression.

Kare kokuhaku shita. Yabai desu ne.
He confessed (to me). Isn’t that amazing?
(or: Isn’t that crazy?)

Yabakatta – “Was Amazing/Terrible/…” (Past Tense of Yabai)

Yabakatta (やばかった) is the past tense form of yabai (やばい). Whenever something good, bad, funny, weird, or critical happened in the past you can use this word or exclamation to express that “something was amazing/terrible/crazy/dangerous“. In slang it translates as “That was sick” or “That was dope!“.

Kinou yabakatta!
Yesterday was amazing!
(or: Yesterday was crazy/terrible!)

For even more example sentences please check out my list at the end of this blog post!

Is Yabai Considered Rude or a Bad Word?

Yabai (やばい) is a Japanese slang word that can be considered rude or bad when it is used in formal situations like, for example, in front of your boss, seniors, older people, or strangers. However, when talking to your friends or family it is a commonly used word that isn’t considered rude or bad.

Just think of yabai (やばい) as the Japanese counterpart of the English slang word “sick“, “sic“, or “dope“. They are notbad words” and your friends won’t consider you rude when you use any of those words in front of them. However, when you dare to use them in front of your boss or a policeman it will probably get you in a lot of trouble. The same goes for yabai in Japanese.

Is Yabai Written in Hiragana or Katakana?

The Japanese word “yabai” can be written in hiragana, katakana, or a mix of both. やばい is the hiragana only form while ヤバイ is the katakana only form that is similar to writing a word in all caps or italic. ヤバい is another popular form of writing “yabai” using katakana for “yaba” and hiragana for “i”.

やばい – yabai
written in Hiragana

ヤバイ – yabai
written in Katakana

ヤバい – yabai
written in Katakana & Hiragana

Is it Yabai or Yabe or Yaba? What’s the Difference?

Yabee (やべー), yabe (やべっ), and yaba (やば, やばっ) are all different versions of the Japanese word yabai (やばい). The difference is that yabee, yabe, and yaba are slangier versions most commonly used in spoken Japanese and that they sound more casual and rather masculine in comparison to yabai.

Women can use the different variations, too. However you should only use them when you want to sound tomboyish or rather masculine. Definitely don’t use them when you want to come across as “kawaii”. Sometimes you will hear young female students use them when they talk to their close female friends, but rarely when they talk to guys.

Examples of How to Use Yabai in a Sentence

Yabai! Saifu wasurechatta
Oh no! I forgot my wallet
やばい! さいふ わすれちゃった!
Chiaki-san hontou ni yabai desu
Chiaki is really amazing.
ちあき さん ほんとう に やばい です
Yabai desu ne!
It’s crazy/amazing/terrible, isn’t it?
Shuuden nogoshita! Yabee!
I missed the last train! Crap!
しゅうでん のがした やべー
Sono meiku yaba!
That make-up is sick!
Kono bando yabakunai?
Isn’t this band amazing?
Kinou no paatii yabakatta…
Yesterday’s party was amazing
Yesterday’s party was awful
Yesterday’s party was a mess
Yesterday’s party was crazy
きのう の パーティー やばかった …
Kyou kafunshou maji yabai
My hay fever is killing me today
きょう かふんしょう まじ やばい
Maji (de) yabai
It’s really crazy!
It’s really awful!
It’s so sic!
Kono osushiya-san yabai
This sushi restaurant is so good!
この おすしやさん やばい
Mecha kucha yabai!
It’s really awesome!
It’s really bad!
It’s really crazy!
Sono keikaku wa yabai zo!
That plan is crazy!
That plan is dangerous!
その けいかく は ヤバイ ぞ
Kyou no tenki yabai ne
Today’s weather is amazing!
Today’s weather is horrible!
Today’s weather is crazy!
きょう の てんき ヤバイ ね
It looks awesome…
It looks terrible…
It looks insane…
Yabee! Chikoku suru!
Oh noez! I’m going to be late!
Oh crap! I’m going to be late
やべー! ちこく する!
Nemusa yabai…
I’m so freaking tired…
Example Sentences -How to Use Yabai in Japanese

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Q: What is the word for danger in Japanese?

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The Japanese word for star is 星, pronounced as ‘hoshi’

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Tatami is already a Japanese word.

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Other translation options [v1]

危ない dangerous, critical, grave, limping, narrow, uncertain
危うい dangerous, critical, uncertain, close, unreliable
危なっかしい dangerous, limping, critical, grave, narrow, uncertain
やばい dangerous
物騒 dangerous
剣呑 insecure, risky, dangerous
険悪 dangerous, serious, stormy, perilous, risky, hazardous
際どい suggestive, close, dangerous, risky, delicate, hazardous
危険な dangerous, risky, perilous

Synonyms: dangerous

  • hazardous, treacherous, risky, unsafe, perilous, insecure, out-of-the-frying-pan-and-into-the-fire, grave, lethal
  • damaging, grievous, jeopardous, parlous, critical, serious, threatening, toxic, irresponsible
  • hairy, deadly, destructive, troublesome, full of risk, ominous, cruel, chancy, severe
  • poisonous, speculative, nasty, imminent, frightening, harmful, fraught with danger, formidable, venturesome
  • touchy, precarious, uncertain, unpleasant, rocky, mortal, delicate, life-threatening, explosive
  • menacing, impending, venturous, adventurous, unsteady, malignant, breakneck, involving risk, causing danger
  • ticklish, unstable, shaky, impregnable, endangered, unsound, unprotected, unshielded, alarming
  • on a collision course, unsheltered, vulnerable, exposed, portentous, thorny, fatal, safety, slippery
  • rickety, unhealthy, dicey, ugly, terrible, bad, armed, help, touch-and-go
  • hot
  • Examples: dangerous

    It is dangerous for children to play in the street.


    It is dangerous for children to go out alone at night.


    Children should keep away from the river. It’s dangerous .


    It is dangerous for us to be out after eight o’clock.


    I think it dangerous for children to swim in this lake.


    Two people riding on a bicycle at the same time is dangerous .


    Wounded bears are usually very dangerous .


    It’s dangerous for a beginner to swim here.


    A little learning is a dangerous thing.


    Quick judgements are dangerous .


    It’s dangerous for you to cross the street when the light is red.


    According to an expert, neither mountaineering nor skiing is dangerous .


    Flying kites can be dangerous .


    Skating on the pond is dangerous .


    It’s dangerous to play in the street!


    It’s dangerous to jump off a moving train.


    He is very a dangerous man.


    Radioactive matter is dangerous .


    Products with GMO are dangerous to human life.


    Tufts is the most dangerous university in the world.


    Sometimes, Grandma is more dangerous than the KGB.


    This river is dangerous to swim in July.


    She caught sight of the tautology that she was looking for in a crowd of other, equally useless and potentially dangerous , tautologies.


    Some separatists are, in my opinion, extremely dangerous individuals.


    Tom and Mary said they thought it would be dangerous for John to walk home alone at night.


    Space dust may not sound very dangerous , but when even a tiny object is moving many times faster than a bullet, it can cause injury.


    Tom sensed that things might be getting dangerous .


    I did that even though I knew it was dangerous .


    Tom told Mary that he thought John wasn’t dangerous .


    I don’t want to do anything that might be dangerous .


    I think it might be dangerous for Tom to do that by himself.


    I think that it’s dangerous for children to do that.


    Allowing robots to take their own decisions can be dangerous , because they can turn against their owner.


    This mission is highly secret and extremely dangerous .


    I told Tom and Mary it was dangerous for them to do that.


    Tom and Mary said that they didn’t think doing that would be dangerous .


    Don’t you know it’s dangerous to play with a ball by the roadside?


    It’s dangerous to drive faster than the speed limit.


    Mountains are dangerous when they are very snowy.


    Rock fishing without wearing a life jacket can be very dangerous .


    Doing that the way you’re suggesting would be dangerous .


    ISIS, one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world, has a magazine called Dabiq.


    I’ve heard that it’s dangerous to be walking alone on Park Street after dark.


    I think that it might be dangerous for Tom and I to go skin diving by ourselves.


    These days it is not a good idea to hitchhike. It can be dangerous .


    I think it might be dangerous for Mary to go skin diving by herself.


    Tom said that he thought that it would be dangerous for Mary to walk home alone at night.


    Tom said that he didn’t want to do that because it was dangerous .


    It’ll probably be dangerous for you to do that.


    It’s much more dangerous there than we thought.


    Mrs. Lynde says they’ve never had a female teacher in Avonlea before and she thinks it is a dangerous innovation.


    The forest is filled with dangerous creatures, including beasts, snakes, poisonous insects, and whatnot.


    Tom said he thought that doing that wouldn’t be dangerous .


    It’s probably going to be dangerous to do that.


    I think that it’s dangerous to go walking alone at night.


    The most dangerous headaches are caused by deficiently digested ideas.


    Tom and Mary did that even though they knew it was dangerous .


    I advise you, don’t mess with me, I know karate, kung fu, judo, taekwondo, jujutsu, and 28 other dangerous words!


    Some people feel that hitchhiking is dangerous .


    A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal.


    Mary said that she thought doing that wouldn’t be dangerous .


    I told Tom I thought it would be dangerous to do that.


    The authorities have decided to launch a hunt for dangerous drugs.


    Mary told us that she thought doing that would be dangerous .


    The U.S. National Weather Service is issuing warnings about dangerous heat and humidity through this weekend in two — thirds of the United States.


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