December 21, 2007
OK the last Friday before Christmas lots of you will start the holidays today. So enjoy all the happy days and hope you get the present that you hoped for.
Today Jack gave us «JEDI» as early bird word and «FROSTY» as normal word of the day.
I don’t know if there will be any words next week but i guess we will find out soon.
Enjoy the weekend and hope to see you all back soon.
update: just did a check and Jack seem to be off till January 3e so hope to see you all back in the new year enjoy the holidays!
December 20, 2007
YEP again i wasn’t there for the Early bird word. Luckily it was in the comments. Man sleeping was so difficult last night so when i finally fell asleep i just didn’t wake up till way to late.
I guess that is the advantage if you work from home
But today the word of the day is rudolph
December 19, 2007
Today the Early bird word is «ROBE» and the normal word is «sleigh»
December 18, 2007
Sorry that i didn’t post the early bird word today. I went to drop of my car for maintenance and they supposed to shuttle me home but that didn’t happen so I didn’t get back in time.
But the normal word of the day is «mistletoe»
And thanks of course to the people that keep posting the words in the comment fields!
December 17, 2007
Monday again and lets start the day right with a bonus code from Rogers and this one is «CANADA» and then we also have the jack in you inbox code and that is «GRINCH»
The early bird word today is «FORCE» and our normal word of the day is «yuletime»
December 14, 2007
OK i am back from Banff but i guess my own bed is better then the one in the Banff Springs because this morning i could just not get up.
So let me just leave the early bird out today because it’s is way to late for that.
But the normal word of the day is «ENIGMA»
Have fun this weekend and i will be trying to do a better job next weekn
December 13, 2007
«STRIPED» and «PUZZLED» are the words for today.
I am in a rush to get out of banff so i didn’t check it myself.
December 12, 2007
Today the early bird word is «DICE» and the normal word is «PERPLEXED»
December 11, 2007
Good Morning from the Banff Springs i am lucky that my wife has meetings in those nice places and i just go with her to enjoy myself.
But lets not make you all jealous so lets do the early bird word it is «TABLES»
Our normal word for this Tuesday is «MYSTERY»
December 10, 2007
Good Day you all It’s Monday again and Calgary got some nice new fresh snow.
Today the early bird word is «LUCKY» probably because of the fresh snow.
And the normal freeloader word is «QUESTION».
To start the week good we also have two bonus codes.
Sentinel will give you 5000 points and Frostbitten gives another 500.
Today i will be leaving to Banff and the next couple of days i will be in the Banff Springs Hotel. I should have Internet there but if not then please check if people posted in the comment fields.
December 7, 2007
Today the early bird word is «MELT» and the normal word is «palindrome»
Go enjoy the weekend and i guess outside natural ice will be thick enough to skate on.
December, 06 2007
Good Morning all,
Here are the words for today:
The early bird word is «Brush»
And the normal word is «euphimism»
December 5, 2007
Lets do some words today.
The early bird word is «shovel»
And the normal word is «onomatopoeia»
and for all the Dutch People reading this have a fun Sinterklaas today.
December 4, 2007
Here in our part of Calgary it is still cold but still Jack gave us «defrost» as early bird word.
For the Normal Freeloader word of the day Jack gave us «metaphor»
December 3, 2009
I quickly give you guys the Early bird word and that is «SCRAPE»
Ok i am back. so lets go on with the normal word of the day «haiku»
and then some bonus codes:
and if you go to the events page click on the link to living well for another 100 points.
November 30, 2007
WOW November is almost gone to. This year has just flown by. December will be there tomorrow and it will start cold but Monday will be great in Calgary with +10.
Ok back to the task at hand. Today’s early bird word is «ROLL» and the normal word of the day is «URANUS«.
Enjoy the weekend and hope to see you back in December.
November, 29 2007
The planet that jack got today is «MARS» and that makes it the normal word of the day.
The early bird word is «SLIDE» and lets hope the roads are better then that.
November 28, 2007
Today the early bird word is «DROP» and the normal Jack Freeloader word is «JUPITER»
November 27, 2007
Sorry that I didn’t post the early bird word today. I was on the road getting my blood taken and this was the perfect day to do that. It was dead in the lab.
But let me give you all the normal word of the day and this time it is «mercury»
Then lets do some bonus codes. You guys are doing well i never got so many bonus codes in a row before.
Piano (this weeks jack in your inbox) (500 points)
EMPATHY (5000 points)
BLUETOOTH (500 points)
relief (500 points)
promotions (500 points)
Monday November 26, 2007
Lets start the week early this time.
Today’s jacks early bird word is «CLIMB» and the normal word is «SATURN»
Enjoy the cold this week and lets hope we get some nice snow to.
November 23, 2007
«touchdown» is the early bird word for this Friday.
And our normal word today is «lackadaisical»
Enjoy your weekend and specially Saturday when it will not be that cold.
November 22, 2007
«FLAG» is today’s early bird word. And of course thanks to all the people that leave comments you all are great !
Our normal jack word today is «ALOOF».
Enjoy your day and lets hope that Calgary warms up a bit today.
November 21, 2007
Seems like winter is finally there. It’s Cold with a bit of snow on this side of Calgary.
But lucky for us Jack still gives us words and today the early bird word is «SACK»
and our normal word of the day is «RELAXED».
Enjoy the snow and see you back tomorrow!
November 20, 2007
Lets do it quick today. The early bird word is «sideline» and the normal word is «mellow»
November 19, 2007
Looks like winter in Calgary has really started today.
So enjoy the cold and soon summer will be here again.
Today the early bird word is «PASS» and our normal freeloader word is «RESTED»
And then we have the jack in your inbox code for 500 points and that one is «SQUEEZE»
November 16, 2007
FRIDAY yeah weekend is almost there.
The early bird code is «TRUNK» and the normal word is «SPECIAL»
Also check the events page out because the Krave Entertainment link will give you 500 points!
Have a great weekend and see you back next week.
Fan 960
I could not stop with just two blogs could I.
So now there is a new one and this one is for the Fan 960 codes.
Check it out at
November 15, 2007
Today the early bird word is «LEAF» and that while we lost the leaves of our trees in Calgary a long time ago.
And «SUPER» is our freeloader word of the day.
If you want 500 extra points then type the bonus code «BLUE»
November 14, 2007
Isn’t it nice and sunny again in Calgary
Ok the early bird word is «BRANCH» and our normal word is «AWESOME»
November 13, 2007
Tuesday again and we are back to work. Today the early bird word is «ROOT» and the normal freeloader word is «WONDERFUL»
We also have a EZ finder bonus code for 5000 points and that one is «NIRVANA»
November 11, 2007
Good morning all! Hope you all had a good rememberence day yesterday. Some of you may have today (monday) off work, and some poor unfortunate souls have to go to work.
Well, there is no word of the day today, however the
Bonus code is «LIGHTS»
Enjoy! and see you all tomorrow.
November 9, 2007
Good Morning! Wow looks like Calgary got a dusting of snow last night. Its really beautiful out there though, perhaps we will have blue skies all day! Lets keep those fingers crossed. I am once again filling in for the regular guy, he is a bit tired from his trip and will be back next week.
Ok, enough rambling.. here is what you have been waiting for:
The Jack early bird word today is: «BUMBLEBEE»
and, the top secret classified word of the day is: «Poppy»
Those are spring/summer words if you ask me! Keeps us hoping.
Have a great long weekend everybody, be safe!
November 8, 2007
Hi all, I am back from a little road trip to Kelowna.
I see my replacement did well. Thanks for that i will think of you again next time.
Today the early bird word is «SOUNDWAVE» and our normal word is «BATTLE»
November 7, 2007
Good Morning! Hope you are all well on this wednesday morning, and enjoying the less than usual warmner climate in Calgary!
It has been fun filling in for the regular Jack blog guy, he is back tomorrow! Have fun all.
And now,
Today’s Early bird word of the day is: «MIRAGE»
Top secret classified Word of the day is: «BEACH» thanks to an annoymous tipper!
November 6, 2007
Good Morning Jack Freeloaders! Hope you all had a fantastic monday.
Here are the words for today: Early bird word of the day «RATCHET»
and the word of the day is «bunker» thanks to Sherri!
Have a good one y’all!
November 5, 2007
Hello I am filling in for the regular Jack-word of the day guy!
SO here goes:
the Early bird word of the day is :JAZZ
Word of the day: Hill
and finally the e-mail bonus word of the week is: Martian
I guess they have deviated from the fruit theme!
Have a happy Monday all!
November 2, 2007
I guess i am a bit late but i hope you still found the early bird word «NUTS» in the comments.
Our normal word for this sunny Friday is again a fruit and this time it is «grapefruit».
November 1, 2007
We made it to November, wow this year go’s quick again.
I guess that our Calgary Jack FM is running short of idea’s. Today early bird word is «JACK» and for the normal word they stay in the fruits. Today the fruit of the day is «strawberry».
One of our visitors wonders what you do with you collected points and how many you have. Check out the comments on this posts and give you opinion.
October 31, 2007
Here we are again.
Thanks again for helping us all out here with all the comments you leave us.
Today the Early Bird word is «SPARE» and remember to fill it in before 9AM!
and for the normal word we keep with the fruits today and this time it is «BANANA» and this one was thanks to Ismaril who thinks it is Monday today, keep think that and your week will last you a long time
October 30, 2007
Today the early bird word is «FLAT»
and the normal word is «ORANGE» i guess people are getting sick in Calgary and need the extra vitamins from the Oranges.
And to finishe this post the Jack in your Inbox bonus code this week is «PARTY»
October 29, 2007
It’s Monday again an that means back to work for most of us.
It is so funny how jack always seem to know what happends in my Calgary life. Today the
Early Bird word is «TIRE» and guess what i was looking for winter tires on Saterday.
And the normal word of the day is «Apple» and i just got myself a new Apple Notebook last week.
October 26, 2007
To tell us not to spend to much money this weekend Jack gave us «COIN» as early bird word.
And they seem to be in the Nintendo mode to with «BOWSER» as word of the day. And i have to say the Nintendo Wii is a lot of fun to play with
Enjoy the weekend and see you back soon.
October 25, 2007
What happened to Summer? Yesterday was such a nice and warm day and then at night we get a lot of snow? Maybe it was just the last birthday present of the day for the birthday people.
A well Calgary will be a mess this morning but i am sure that it will get better later in the day.
But for our Freeloaders todays early bird word is «thwomp» don’t know what it is but that doesn’t mean anything
Our normal word of the day is «penalty» some one said that it is a hockey theme today but Penalty sounds soccer to me
And some one was able to get the CMP clasic bonus code for 5000 points and it is «aveo»
October 24, 2007
Yeah it is someone’s birthday today and i think that is why Jack gave us «FLOWER» as Early Bird word.
The normal word is «GOAL» and maybe that has something to do with my need to set a new Running goal.
Enjoy the day and see you all back here tomorrow.
October 23, 2007
For you early birds the word today is «PIPE» and don’t forget it needs to put in before 9.
For the regular word they choose a bit more anger it is «FIGHT»
October 22, 2007
Today’s early bird word is «MUSHROOM» and our normal word is «CHOKE».
This weeks Jack in your inbox word is «HAMMER»
Enjoy your week and specially the beginning will be nice and warm.
Lite 96 Platinum Club
Just a quick note for the weekend really starts.
I just started a new blog for people that collect Lite 96 points you can find the site at
And just like here I can use a hand to get the codes. So if you also Collect the points for the Lite 96 Platinum Club check it out!
Enjoy the weekend!
October 19, 2007
Yeah it’s Friday. Let’s finish this week with two more words and then of we go to enjoy weekend.
The early bird word is «BURN» and the normal word of the day is «serendipity»
Enjoy the weekend!
October 18, 2007
Another Thursday and it seem to stat with some nice sunshine here in the outskirts of Calgary.
Today the Early Bird word is «WARMUP» and don’t forget to use this word you need to put it at the JACK FM site before 9 am.
The normal word for 500 freeloader points is «HONEY».
And you all rock again by keeping us all posted with the bonus codes so let me not longer let you wait and give you the Rockshop bonus word it is «PEDAL» and that will give you 5000 more points.
October 17, 2007
Early Bird word is «stretch» and the normal jack word is «bandwagon».
October 16, 2007
It’s Tuesday again see the week go’s quick.
Today the early bird word is «SITUP»
And the normal word is «UNCLEAR»
And there where some comments about the bonus code Rushhour some people say there needs to be a space between rush and hour i didn’t put the space and for me it worked but just in case it doesn’t work for you try it with a space in the middle
Monday October 15 2007
Hello everybody,
It already has bin busy with all the comments so let met tell you what was in them
OK the early bird word is «CRUNCH» and the normal freeloader word is «BERRIES».
And then we have the jack in your inbox bonus code and that one is «FONDUE» and then we have an extra bonus code for 5000 points from EZ and that one is «RUSHHOUR».
Thanks of course for all the comments.
Enjoy the day and don’t forget today you can go voting in Calgary!
October 12, 2007
Yeah it is Friday!
Today the early bird word is «floss» and remeber you need to fill it in before 9am!
And our normal word for this Friday is «revolution»
Hope to see you all back on Monday. Enjoy the weekend and lets hope the weather gets as nice as they say
50% discount on Westjet Tickets
Just got an email from Westjet.
Today they offer 50% discount on Canada and US travel before December 13
if you are planning to travel then please check it out by using this link to WestJet
October 11, 2007
OK for you people out here that like to get awake early in Calgary the Early bird word is «snooze»
and the normal word of the day is «chief»
Ok i am of to bowness park for a run. Enjoy your day and see you tomorrow.
October 10, 2007
Today the Early Bird word is «Alarm» and lucky me you guys are getting up early to get me the word
And our normal word is «figure».
So that is it for now. Enjoy another day in Calgary and see you all back tomorrow.
October 9, 2007
OK I am Back. I see you survived my holiday. Thanks for all the help from the visitors and of course my friend for keeping the site maintained.
Today early bird word is «pillow»
And the normal word of the day is «full»
And this weeks jack in your inbox word is «castle»
October 5, 2007
Friday’s word is «soul» and the early-bird word is «croissant».
October 4, 2007
Thursday’s word is «lantern» and the early-bird word is «toothbrush».
October 3, 2007
Wednesday’s word is «meet» and the early-bird word is «sleepy».
Remember to enter the early-bird word before 9 am.
From us Freeloaders who get to «sleep in», a (very strong) coffee toast to the Calgary early birds who are keeping us posted on the early-bird words this week!
October 1, 2007
Welcome back! Monday’s word is «either».
This week’s Jack in Your Inbox bonus code is «longshot».
You know that saying — «the early bird gets the word»? (*groan*) JACK is giving Calgary an incentive to wake up early. Each morning at 5:40 am, Matt & Eric will announce an Early Bird Word of the Day worth 1,500 points. The word must be entered by 9:00 am the same day. It is not a bonus code; use the link within ‘Word of the Day’.
Thanks to the good folks who shared all this in Comments. I will try to set my alarm for 5:40…but you can also check Comments to see if an early-bird Freeloader has caught the word.
September 28, 2007
Friday is «here» once again.
If you’ve got a minute, have a glance at yesterday’s Comments. Maybe one of you caught the reward on Matt & Eric’s show on Monday at 5:40 am? I sure didn’t…
It’s the closing weekend of the Calgary International Film Festival. I’d like to catch at least one film before it’s over. They are also sponsoring Movie in the Park at Olympic Plaza: Grease tonight and Madagascar Saturday night, 6:30 pm with free admission, popcorn, hot chocolate, and live entertainment. Should be a fun weekend!
September 27, 2007
Thursday’s word is «sweaty». You guys are a helpful bunch, so it’s no sweat at all to make Freeloading fun and easy for visitors to this site.
September 26, 2007
You guys have done it again. Wednesday’s JACK word was posted in yesterday’s Comments more than an «hour» ago. Some of you are real early birds…and that’s a great thing.
September 25, 2007
Thanks for the help, everyone. You’re all ahead of me…I was up past «midnight», which is Tuesday’s JACK word.
Lucky us! It’s raining bonus codes:
«join us» for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Calgary gets you 5,000 points
«breath» for Adventures in Scuba gets you 5,000 points
«bored» for this week’s Jack in Your Inbox bonus code
Use them soon before they become invalid.
September 24, 2007
Monday’s JACK Freeloader word is «necklace».
For 5,000 points, enter «stylish» as the bonus code for the Calgary Home and Interior Design Show. Thank you to the person who shared this in Friday’s Comments. Unfortunately the other bonus code is already invalid.
So we have now officially changed seasons. Take time to enjoy (and maybe photograph) the changing leaf colours because fall is a short season in Calgary.
Sorry for the later post today. First-day hiccups as the substitute poster…you can expect the posts at regular times starting tomorrow.
September 21, 2007
Friday again. and today the jack word is «tongue»
I will be leaving to Europe for a little holiday. But no worries a good friend will be maintaining this site so you freeloaders can still get the word every day.
Be nice to her and help each other out by posting the word in the comment fields then it should all be fine till i be back.
You all have a great weekend and i will be back soon.
September 20, 2007
Today the weather still looks kinda «yucky» and i guess that is why Jack gave us «yucky» as word of the day.
Enjoy your day and don’t let the cold get to you.
September 19, 2007
Today’s word is «light» and maybe we can use some today in the form of sunshine.
September 17, 2007
Welcome back. It is dark Monday in Calgary but we still make it fun don’t we.
Today’s word is «show» and jack in your inbox code for this week is «craziness»
September 14, 2007
Ok it’s Friday and what a Friday it is. Just got my new car so i will have fun
And Sunday is the Terry Fox Run and you know every dollar counts so please send us some for the Terry Fox Foundation (just click on the banner above)
And of course today the word is «scroll»
Enjoy the weekend and see you all on Monday
September 12, 2007
For the people out here that like sweets (i Like Kinder surprise eggs) the word for today is «CANDY»
And for the people that didn’t read the comments there is a music survey on the freeloaders site that can give you 2000 points.
September 11, 2007
Today the word is «itchy»
And here are two bonus codes for 5000 points each they are «KEEP LEARNING» and «REMAX»
So your day is set with a lot of extra points. Enjoy the nice weather in Calgary today.
september 10 2007
WOOHOO is this weeks Jack in your inbox word and i guess for most of us it is not because it is a WOOHOO back to work Monday.
And our Calgary Jack FM gave us «providence» ad word for this Monday.
Friday september 7 2007
It’s Friday again so the first school week is done.
Jack gave us «fill» as word of the day.
Enjoy the weekend!
September 6 2007
Just played a nice game of Squash at the university and wow what is it busy now i guess all your students are back in Calgary.
Ok back to business today the word is «GREEN»
September 5 2007
It is nice that you all keep posting the comments with the word but sometimes it go’s wrong. But here is the right word of the day it is «HOUSE»
September 4 2007
First of all sorry that i didn’t post anything on Friday but to be honest i FORGOT i was part of a wedding party and things didn’t go as i planned. But luckily some one posted the word in a comment.
But now i am back in town so lets go.
Today the word is «school» and the Jack in your inbox code is «study».
August 30, 2007
Still in Thunder Bay and the weather here is great i hope you guys in Calgary have the same kind of weather.
Thanks again for all the comments and as you maybe saw in the the 3 comments on yesterdays posts the word for today is «three».
See you all back tomorrow.
August 29, 2007
All the way from Thunder Bay here is the Jack word of the day it is «nectarine»
August 28, 2007
«blonde» is the word that jack gave us today.
OK i am of to the Calgary Airport now have fun in Calgary when i am gone and keep checking this page because the word will just be here every day.
August 27, 2007
Today’s jack word is «mysterious»
From tomorrow on i will be traveling for the rest of the week. I should be able to post the word but i can’t be 100% sure yet. So please post the word in the comments if you have the option so that we all can enjoy it.
August 24, 2007
Today someone posted a comment even before jack said the word on the radio. But no problem for me today the word is «FINALLY»
Go enjoy Friday and Saturday and lets hope the weather stays nice for Sunday.
August 23, 2007
WOW the comments really seem to work these days. In yesterdays post there are already 3 comments with the word of today.
Ok so the word is «TERRIBLE»
August 22 2007
Today’s word is «CHAMPION»
And did you see the new banner above here? if so just a dollar (or more) would help the Terry Fox Foundation and the Cancer research!
August 21, 2007
Today Calgary Jack FM gave us «XYLOPHONE» as word of the day!
August 20, 2007
Ok let’s start this week good.
Today the word is «SLEEP»
And Jack in your inbox code this week is «diary» and for 500 points we got some bonus codes called «Drive In» and «Drive-In»
So that makes that today you can collect 1600 poins
August 17 2007
The «countdown» to the weekend has started and i guess that’s why Calgary Jack gave us «countdown» as word.
August 16, 2007
Today the word of the day «contagious» just like freeloading.
August 14, 2007
WOW this comment thing really works today the word was up there realy early
But for the rest of us today our Calgary Jack gave us «citrus» at word. And it is Tuesday so that makes it worth 1000 Points!
August 13 2007
Thanks again for the comments. so today the word is CUT and the jack in your inbox code this week is BOAT.
August 9 2007
And let the weekend start and please with no rain.
Today the word is CARBS and this thanks to Larry who posted it in a comment.
Everybody out there feel free to post words of the day and bonus codes as a comment to a post. I am sometimes like today a bit to busy to get it posted early and this way you can help each other out. I will still post it in a real post so that it is easy to find.
Enjoy the weekend
EZ finder bonus code
OK the EZ finder bonus code for 500 points is GREEN
August 8 2007
«watch» is word for Wednesday. Just watch the rain falling today in Calgary and see you grass get greener.
August 7, 2007
No word yesterday but still a great day in Calgary.
This weeks jack in your inbox code for 100 points is MOON
And todays word is sunburn and i guess most of my friends got one yesterday when enjoying the party.
Friday August 3e 2007
Yes weekend is here and it will be a long one so i guess no new word on Monday but today the word is «airplanes» Isn’t there and air show coming up in Lethbridge one of these days?
August 1st 2007
August is here!
And to celebrate that our Calgary Jack gave us «chow» as word for this Wednesday.
July 31, 2007
The last day of July has arrived to Calgary Enjoy the cooler air that it brought.
This weeks jack in your inbox code is «haggis»
And today’s word of the day is «tent».
Then I got something else, Me and some friends are doing the Terry Fox Run this year and we would like to ask you all if you can give the Terry Fox Foundation a little cash (it is tax deductible) just click HERE and help them and the Cancer Research out. Every penny helps!
July 30, 2007
«surprise» is the word we are starting the week with. Would it be fun to give some one or even a couple of people a nice surprise this week? Think about it I for sure will do so.
July 27, 2007
Today Jack gave us walking as word. I guess a nice walk in the park is a nice way to spend some time outside.
July 26, 2007
We will start driving back to Calgary. But today’s word is wee
July 24, 2007
Sorry a bit late but to be honest i forgot. Specially with no Jack on the radio it is a bit difficult to keep up.
But still today the word is bonjour and it will give you 1000 Points today.
July 23, 2007
The Jack in your inbox code for this week is SKIN
and today’s word is raspberry
July 20 2007
It is Friday again so the weekend is starting soon and don’t forget the new Harry Potter book will be available tomorrow.
Today’s word is «overall»
Next week I will be in Kelowna i will keep posting the word for you all but it could be on different times of the day but i try to do it as early as possible.
Enjoy the weekend!
«talent» is todays jack freeloader word.
After Cowboys now jack is in to the Royal people today.
July 16 2007
Monday again and things are getting back to normal now the Calgary Stampede is done.
Today jack gives us a little «naptime» to rest from the busy things last week.
and this weeks jack in your inbox bonus code is «spray»
July 13 2007
Friday the 13e and that means almost weekend and it will be a HOT one here in Calgary. I don’t know if you will see me at the Stampede with this heat.
But ok today jack’s word is «boots» so if you go to the Stampede don’t forget you Cowboy hat and boots.
July 11 2007
To keep in to the Stampede spirit today jack gave us teepee as word of the day. So remember to go see the native section of the Calgary Stampede!
July 10 2007
Today the word is Donut and it is Tuesday so that means 1000 points for that.
And one of our readers yesterday put mortgages in the comments and that bonus word will give you 500 extra points.
July 9 2007
Pony is today’s word of the day. Maybe go to the stampede to see some pony’s and horses.
Also this weeks jack in your inbox word is midway it didn’t work when i tried so maybe keep it for tomorrow.
July 6th 2007
«blush» is Friday’s word. Enjoy Stampede and have lots of fun this weekend. See you all back on Monday
July 5th 2007
I am trying to make this place look a little bit better. I like this better it’s not done yet so don’t be surprised if it looks different tomorrow
I forgot to post the jack in your inbox word but maybe you saw it already in the comments yesterday but if you didn’t it is «cowboy»
And today’s jack word of the day is «rides» I guess that jack is already in Stampede spirit.
For me no Parade tomorrow but at least Saturday my first ever Stampede Breakfast!
july 4 2007
Guess i got the date wrong yesterday but yeah Monday a holiday makes it a bit confusing to me.
A well the people at Jack fm are also getting lazy today’s word is real short it is «at».
And now go back outside and enjoy the heat in Calgary.
July 2 2007
«collusion» is todays word and because it is Tuesday it gives us double points and that makes up for the lost point from yesterday when there was no word.
I hope you all had a great Long weekend and if you are lucky you have some more days of this week because the sun is here to stay.
June 29 2007
«baby» is today’s word and also the last word of June. Everybody have a great long weekend and a very good Canada Day!
Don’t know if there will be a word on Monday but we will find out won’t we
June 28 2007
OK here we go again. Today the word is «jalapeno»
June 27 2007
«goose» is today’s word i would have expect duck because of all the little ducks that are just born and now swimming in Calgary’s rivers and stream.
June 26 2007
Today is double points Tuesdays so fill in «sprightly» as word of the day and collect 1000 points for a changes of the new prices of our Calgary’s Jack FM
Also this weeks jack in your inbox code is «oyster»
June 25th 2007
«think» is the Jack word of this Monday.
Don’t forget to be back tomorrow for our double points word.
Enjoy Calgary today.
Friday June 22 2007
It’s friday again so the weekend is near.
I am in Edmonton right now but still that could not stop me from posting todays word.
It is «sipping»
Enjoy the weekend and i hope to see you all back here on Monday.
June 21 2007
Today’s word is «ink» so don’t use to much ink when you write that next letter.
I am of to Edmonton now i will try to post the word tomorrow but it could be a little bit later. If any one gets the word before i do please send a comment.
Tuesday june 19 2007
Today is Haagen daz Double point Tuesdays so make sure to get the 1000 point today
Today’s word is «four»
June 18 2007
Monday again and that means back to work for most of us but at least jack gave us 100 extra points with jack in your inbox, this weeks word is «stirred»
And today’s word for 500 points is «metropolis»
Make sure to get tomorrows word because the ice cream people are giving double points on Tuesdays.
Friday june 15 2007
«barbeque» is the word for this Friday. I guess Using the BBQ is not really an option this fathers day but i promise that there will some nice days to come this summer so that we at least can but some nice juicy steaks on the grill.
Have a nice weekend
June 14 2007
Today jack gave us «paging» as word. You wonder who still uses those all fasion pagers with text messaging on cell phones.
June 12 2007
Today is Double Points Tuesday so make sure you fill out the word of the day.
The word is «lame» and it will give you 1000 points.
Monday June 11 2007
The weekend is over again so back to work.
Although my weekend was nice specially the Beethoven in the Badlands concert in Drumheller.
But lets go back to business. This weeks jack in your inbox word is «shaken» and today’s word of the day is «third»
Friday June 8 2007
Weekend is waiting so come on and get the «beverages» out and enjoy the 500 more points.
I will be going to Drumheller this weekend so if you run in to me there say HI
See you all back on Monday
With the rain still coming down we decided to not run today so that makes this an extra early word of the day.
Today’s word from a wet wet Calgary is «sizzling»
Monday June 4e 2007
With the nice weather in Calgary playing Golf seems to be a favorite past time for lots of Calgarians. So this weeks bonus code is «golf» and it will bring you another 100 points.
And with all those high temperatures in Calgary people where less clothes and that made jack choose to use «t-shirt» as word of the day.
Enjoy the Sun and see you all back tomorrow.
June 1st 2007
The month of June is already here wow this year is flying by.
And also jack thinks active today with «biking» as word of the day.
Enjoy the weekend and the great weather. I will be heading out to Jasper but will be back on time to give you all the word on Monday.
May 31 2007
And we finished another month.
So June is coming and that means summer is even closer. Soon we can go take a nice raft down the river and live outside on the deck. Yeah summer is coming very soon.
OK back to business the word for today is «traveller».
May 30 2007
The sun is back so enjoy Calgary in the sun today.
Today’s word is «cloud»
This weeks bonus code for 100 points is «surf»
And for all those people that had a nice breakfast today’s word is «tasty»
May 28 2007
O Boy it is Monday again. A well it seems like the promised rain is not gone affect us to much in Calgary. So just sit this day out and then enjoy the rest of the week.
Jack gave us «boy» as word of the day.
Friday again and the weekend in Calgary should be great so go on and fill in the word of the day it is «anticipation»!
May 24 2007
WOW what happend did I sleep this long that it is winter again in Calgary.
Where did all the snow come from.
A well I guess you all want to know what the word is today. OK it is «booty»
And for the people that didn’t see the comments from the last two days yet. You can get 250 points for the code «cinnamon» and 100 extra points if you follow the link to the ice cream on jacks page (there follow the instructions).
May 23 2007
Ok here i am finally. Need to get some things done this morning so i am a bit late.
But jack gave us «Memory» as word of the day.
Also check the comments from yesterday there are some extra points in there.
May 22 2007
Thanks to all the people that left a comment about yesterdays posts.
Typing is difficult some days :)so the jack in your inbox code was «Ahoy»
and today’s word is «tired» I guess because of all the free time we had over the long weekend.
Enjoy this short week weekend is coming soon.
Victoria Day 2007
There doesn’t seem to be a word of the day today.
But we got a Jack in your inbox code «Hanoy»
and that one doesn’t seem to work (yet) i guess we have to wait to tomorrow.
In my part of Calgary it is snowing again so maybe this is one of those holiday’s to stay in bed.
Friday May 18 2007
So people it is Friday again
And now we will have a long weekend.
We are going the the Columbia Ice fields i hope you all will have fun to.
Jack’s word for today is «Chill».
See you all on Monday (if there is a word on Monday).
May 17 2007
Today Jack gave us «fluorescent» for the word of this day.
and don’t forget to enjoy the last nice day for this week in Calgary.
May 16 2007
Today is the day the first time this year that we can reach 25 degrees so don’t work to hard today but go out and enjoy this great Calgary weather.
And with the nice weather in Calgary go out and «slurp» a drink.
As you probably figured out by now «Slurp» is the word the radio people gave us.
May 14 2007
A little bit later then normal but i went for a jog in Bowness park this morning.
This weeks bonus code from jack in your inbox has everything to do with the new Shrek Movie so the 100 points are yours if you use the code «ogre»
And the word for this Monday has everything to do with raw fish it is «sushi».
It is Friday again and that means almost weekend hmmm let’s do something fun this weekend and don’t forget mothers day!
Jack helps us remind it with the word for today it is «mom»
Enjoy the weekend and see you all back here on Monday.
May 10 2007
Look above the banner I made a little link for you all so that you can listen to our own Calgary Jack FM online.
And for people like me that are still need to get breakfast think about a little «punch» because that is jacks freeloader word today.
Ma y 9 2007
«scarlet» is the word that they gave us for today.
Always handy those extra points.
Does any body know some more bonus code that would be nice to share?????
May 8 2007
Jack wants us to have a nice cup of coffee because today’s word is CoffeeBut if you want coffee please don’t go to the Second Cup on Stephen ave. (just read this Review to find out why)
May 7 2007
Today’s word is Cell go use it quick and then back to the nice weather outside and make sure you keep away from this weeks jack in your inbox bonus code «rain».
Friday May 4 2007
It’s Friday again so maybe start dialing your friends to plan the weekend and the weather is getting better in Calgary so maybe a BBQ on Sunday?
A well back to business. Jack word is «dialing»
All of you enjoy the weekend and see you all back next week!
May 3e 2007
«Sticky» is the word that Jack gave us today. Go collect your free points and look at those new prizes that Jack found for us here in Calgary.
May 1 2007
Today on May first we still need to work while lots of countries in the world have a day of.
Jack in your inbox bonus code this week is «warm» just like we expect for today in Calgary.
And the word of today is «make»
April 30, 2007
«sloth» is this word for Monday.
Enjoy this Monday because it is the last Monday in April of 2007.
Friday April 27 2007
Street is the word that Jack is looking for today. Our Street here in Tuscany still needs a summer cleaning but with the weather that Calgary is getting the next couple of days i guess we forget about that and focus on the garden.
Hope to see you all back on Monday. Have a good Calgary Weekend.
April 25 2007
Those people from Jack are so loud and that why i guess they choose «loud» as word of the day.
Lets hope that the weather in Calgary stays as it looks now nice and sunny the summer holidays are coming soon.
April 24 2007
Today Jack is getting lazy. The word is «the»
I would say just put it in quickly and go enjoy the weather in Calgary today.
April 23e 2007
A new week means a new word for this Monday. And today our Calgary Jack wants you to think of Dancing, today’s word is «ballroom»
Credit Counselling Bonus code
Let start this week of with some bonus codes.
First there is «future» the jack in your inbox code for 100 Freeloader points
And then there is the 500 points code from Credit Counseling Service of Alberta and that code is «manage money»
April 20th 2007
I guess we will start the weekend with a blanket of snow here in Calgary.
But you never know in Calgary maybe tomorrow everything looks different.
It’s Friday and that means this weeks last word from our Calgary radio friends and today it is «shrub».
With the winter back in Calgary the word that Jack gave us is «ICE» it would be nice if it was ice from ice cream in a nice and warm Calgary but i guess we have to wait a little bit longer for the spring finally arrives.
April 18 2007
With all those new constructions going on in Calgary the word of the day makes sence it is «building».
April 17, 2007
it is not flame (from Calgary Flames) but todays word of the day is «fire»
April 16 2007
WOW time go’s so fast it is already half way in April.
And then i forgot to give you the word of the day this morning.
So here it is the word for today is «rush»
Another Bonus Code
Want another 100 points? then use the code «fuzz» that i found in my email this morning
Friday April 13e 2007
Yes it is Friday the 13e so be careful
It will be a great weekend so enjoy Calgary without the snow blanket.
Today’s freeloader word is «CURRY»
April 12 2007
Today spring starts again in Calgary Let see how long it lasts this time.
But lets get back to the freeloader word of the day. It is «BATHE»
April 11 2007
«SLANT» is today’s word of the day.
Enjoy the last bits of snow in Calgary because spring is coming back soon……
Text4cars BONUS code
The 500 points bonus code from Text4cars is «car4u»
And sorry for my little typo earlier
Easter Monday 2007
No word of the day on Good Friday but there is one on Easter Monday.
And today’s word is «FORMAT»
I also got a new Jack in your inbox word for 100 points it is «STRANGER»
April 5e 2007
Yes Easter is just around the corner so Jack is also doing Easter i guess because this time the word is «bunny»
April 3e 2007
Jack in your inbox word is «public» and that is good for another 100 points.
And with all new prizes waiting for you to be taken here is the new word of the day «overall»
April 2e 2007
April fools is gone so now back to shoveling Snow
Jack gave us «choices» as word for today. So go get you freeloader points and win
Yes I know it is the 1st of April but still Jack sent us an email with the bonus code «hahaha» and that is worth 4000 points so go fill it in today because you never know if it still be working tomorrow.
march 30 2007
Yes it is Friday again so let me quick tell you the word. It is «kidding».
And sorry but winter will be back in Calgary this weekend so enjoy the nice weather this Friday. See you all back on Monday.
March 29e 2007
I am a bit latter today then normal but I had to bring a visit to Jack.FM to pick up my movie tickets for tonight
But still here is the word of the day it is….. «complete»
March 28e 2007
The Calgary snow is slowly disappearing again so lets hope that spring now really started.
Our Calgary Jack gave us another word I don’t understand but here it is «rutabaga»
March 27 2007
Today’s word is «mask» so go collect your 500 points.
And please you all drive careful today with all the snow (again) in Calgary.
Jack in your inbox
This weeks jack in your inbox code is «effective» and this will give you 100 point more to spend on fun stuff.
march 26 2007
cream is the first word for this week.
So Jack people out there have fun and keep on smiling. Hope to see you back here tomorrow!
Friday March 23 2007
It’s Friday again and that means almost weekend. All of you people visiting this blog enjoy your weekend en specially the nice weather here in sunny Calgary.
But before i end this post of course the word of the day and today’s word is «success»
march 22e 2007
double is the word that Jack FM gave us today.
Go collect you points and enjoy the weather in Sunny Calgary.
March 21, 2007
The snow is back in Calgary. I wonder how long it will be staying today. But people on the roads in Calgary be carefull.
Today our jack word of the day is «leopard»
March 20, 2007
Calgary friends today Jack gave us freeloaders the word «red» so go and collected you 500 freeloader point with this word of the day.
Bonus Codes
Ok here is another Jack in your inbox code «equinox» for 100 points
Some one left a comment with some codes but if you didn’t see it here they are.
consolidate for 500 point
fast also for 500 points
Thanks for that comment and if any one out there now some more bonus codes please let us know so that we can all have fun with them.
March 19 2007
Today jack gave us the word «grant» as word of the day.
March 16 2007
The nice people of Chateau Lake Louise gave me an Internet Connection so that i can post the Jack word of the day.
So here we go today’s word is «Shamrock» and this is also the last word of this week.
I will be back with a new word on Monday.
Enjoy the nice weather there in Calgary. I go enjoy the snow for now.
March 15 2007
To days Jack word of the day is «Leprechaun».
I will try to get you all the word tomorrow. But i am out of town so i can’t be 100% sure it will work. If not then i will definitely have the word on Monday again.
March 14, 2007
Today’s word of the day for you freeloaders out there is «Blarney».
Don’t have a clue what it means but i guess that it has something to do with St. Patrick’s day.
March 13 2007
The Snow is back so please drive safely on the roads today. Calgary has a lot of snow cleaning to do.
And because today is the 13e Jack gave us «Clover» as word of the day.
And then there still is the Jack in you inbox bonus code for 100 point and that is «vroom» this week
Monday March 12 2007
The weekend is just over and already the Jack people are thinking about beer again Ok Calgary people out there today’s word of the day is «Guinness».
Friday March 9 2007
It’s Friday again. We are getting ready for a great weekend in Calgary Temperatures in the double digits will help with that
Ok last word of the week is «prelude»
March 8e 2007
Ok Freeloaders our Calgary’s Jack fm gives us «potato» as the word of this Thursday.
March 7 2007
Hi people of Calgary. Today’s word of the day is «sexy»
Tuesday march 6th 2007
I got a new bonus code «Jack in your inbox» for 100 point it is «cares»
And of course the word of jack today is «sponge»
March 5e 2007
It’s Monday so everybody in Calgary Back to work. And Jack has some new prizes to choose from so start collecting the Freeloader points.
Today’s word is «tempting»
500 point
Ok i got another bonus code for 500 points
It is «tranquility»
March 2e
Ok Friday again here in Calgary. The weekend will be nice and warm so enjoy it.
For now Jack gave us «whoops» as word of the day!
want 500 more points ?
Hey boys and girls. Don’t know if you know this bonus code but they give you some extra jack points.
arctic spas is good for 500 points
If you know some that i didn’t find yet just leave a comment to this post and i will make sure that i post it again in a new post.
March 1
With the Home and Garden show coming up in Calgary, Jack choose to have «tree» as word of the day.
February 28th 2007
The last day of February still brings snow here in Calgary but that can’t stop us to collect those freeloader points from Jack.
Today’s word is «voice»
February 27th 2007
Ok freeloaders that are using the LRT today. The word is «waiting» like most people that use public transit in Calgary
Monday February 26 2007
It is Monday again and i think that our Calgary Jack wants us to go to the movies. Did you see Music and lyrics yet? if not this is the perfect option to go and get the freeloader word of today. It is «popcorn».
And the bonus code for this weeks jack in your inbox is «baby»
Friday February 23th 2007
Friday Again. Didn’t this week go so fast thanks to the Alberta Family day.
So the last freeloader word of the day for this week is «attack»
February 21 2007
Ok Calgary freeloaders. Wipe your nose today with the word of the day, it is «kleenex»
Bonus code
The jack in your inbox word for this week is «Chair» and that is good for 100 points.
February 20th 2007
Ok Calgary Freeloaders the word of the day is something you can go see in the Calgary Zoo. The word is «monkey»
Family day 2007
Ok jack has a word for us today. It is «parents».
Enjoy your family day in Calgary today.
Friday February 16th 2007
YES it is Friday again so the weekend is coming!!!!
And the last word for Calgary’s freeloaders this week is «blue»
I don’t know if there will be a word on Monday but to be sure come back and check it out on Monday.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the nice temperature.
Extra Bonus Code
I ran in to an extra bonus code that i would like to give you it is «chinese»
Valentines day 2007
Today is Valentines day so that means that our friends from Jack FM here in Calgary choose a easy word for us today. The word is «roses» So go get your girlfriends some flowers and have a happy Valentine.
February 13 2007
Today the day before valentines the jack word of the day is «hearts»
Februay 12 2007
Today is a nice Monday again. Everybody back to work. The roads in Calgary where not so nice but still everything looks so nice with a nice pack of snow.
But to get back to the point. Today’s freeloader word is «bright»
And an extra bonus word for 100 points is «arrow» just to let us guys know that Valentines is comes on Wednesday
February 9th 2007
Today is fruit day at Jack here in the Snow covered Calgary.
So the last word of the week is «bananas». To all of you have a nice weekend and enjoy the snow. Maybe go see Banf or another nice snowy peak.
February 8th 2007
«suckers» is the word that Jack gave us today. So Calgary Freeloaders go fill in this word of the day!
February 7 2007
Today with all the snow and ice here in Calgary you need to be careful on the highway so i guess that is why Jack picked «highway» as word of the day
February 6th 2007
Today we have a new jack word and this time the Calgary Jack Fm people gave us the word «million»
February 5th 2007
Ok it took a while but finally i was able to get to the Jack fm website in Calgary.
And the new freeloader word is «swimsuit» so go for the pool that you can win with jack and you will be ready to go
Jack in my Inbox again
Those Calgary Jack people send me another email with a bonus code for 100 point.
The code is «saving» so go get ready and save some more jack points.
February 2e 2007
Today Jack made a new and final word for this week. So that means after this one you can take a rest for two days
And today’s word is «pinto»
So to all you freeloaders have a nice weekend
February 1st 2007
Ok i am a bit late but that was not because of me. Blogger thought that the blog was spam so the blocked me till the manually checked it. So now they checked and of course saw that this isn’t spam i am back
So lets tell you jacks word of today.
«convenience» is the word that Jack gave us today. so go collect you 500 points
Yes today the word is «lovely» And that will bring you another 500 Freeloader points that you can use at jack fm to win some fabulous prices
January 29th 2007
WOW January is already almost over.
But lets get back to our Monday. Did you do your hair today? if not just use that word as word of the day in Jack FM freeloader. SO the word is «hair»!
Jack in your Inbox
This morning i found some Jack email again.
Today they had the bonus word «ginger» in it. and that will give you 100 points
January 25th 2007
Another freeloader day is here. Today the Jack fm people gave us the word «sombrero»
January 24th 2007
Today Jack looks at building tools in it’s word of the day. So lets go and collect those jack point by using the freeloader word of the day «flashlight»
January 23th 2007
Tuesday means another way to earn 500 more jack points.
Today’s freeloader word of the day is «calendar»
another jack in your inbox code
Yes here is another bonus code i got in my email. This time it is «royal» and this code will give you an extra 100 points.
January 22th 2007
It’s Monday again and that means another Jack freeloader word of the day for you to use in your quest for great prizes and other free stuff.
Today’s Jack FM word of the day is «manic»
January 18th 2007
Ok lets do some freeloading. Today’s word is «travel» and that will give you 500 jack points that you can use to win a lot of great prices.
Put some new freeloader points in your account with the new word of the day. Today it is «pocket» and that will give you 500 points.
January 16th 2007
«chesterfield» is the new word that can give you 500 new Jack fm freeloader points.
January 15th 2007
Ok Jack freeloaders here is another word of the day.
Today Monday January fifteen it is «jello» you can never have enough of that. And this freeloader word for Jack fm gives you 500 freeloader points.
Jack in your inbox
Jack is back with a bonus code for 100 freeloader points.
This weeks Jack in you inbox code is «design»
January 12 2007
«Muffin» is the word where you are looking for.
Go to jack and fill out this word of the day!
January 10th 2007
Today the cold is back here in Calgary and that of course was Jack’s changes to give us a word related to this cold weather.
So the freeloader word of the day is «Touque» and don’t forget to wear one other wise your ears can freeze of and then you can’t enjoy Jack fm any more.
January 9th 2007
Sorry that i am so late today but blogger was down so i could not enter this post
But the jack fm word of the day is «Credit» and if you live in Calgary become a freeloader because now you can win some great prices again. Things like a Pool or 50000 dollars.
Check it out at
Bonus word
Yes another Jack in your inbox mail was send out. And this time the bonus word for 100 freeloader points is «wood»
January 8th 2006
Ok it is Monday again and that means Jack is back.
Today’s Jack word of the day is «Horseshoe»
January 5th 2006
Ok freeloaders here is the Jack word of the day for today Friday January 5e.
The word is «diet» like lots of us are on right now.
January 4th 2006
Do you have any good resolution for the new year?
If so then one of them should be getting you jack word of the day here at this site everyday.
So today’s freeloader word is «resolution»
January 3e 2007
Sorry that i am so late today in posting the word of the day. But we where stuck in the Rockies for 2 days (road closed).
But the Jack word of the day is «hangover» So be quick and start collecting again.
Jack in your inbox
Happy new year to all you freeloaders out there.
I got another bonus code for you all out there. It is PROMISE and i got it in my inbox today.
For the normal words of the day you need to wait till January 3e.
Sample from seasons 39, 40, and 41
The Word of the Day is a recurring Sesame Street feature that debuted in season 38 and lasted through season 45. The segment highlights a particular word introduced before the show with What’s the Word on the Street? The standard format for every segment was established by season 39, in that Muppet characters (usually Elmo) would accompany celebrities in explaining or demonstrating the word.
Many of the early installments were filmed at the stations and sets the celebrities act on. Starting in season 39, the crew and puppeteers would spend a week in Los Angeles filming most of the segments,[1] with the remainder being filmed on the Sesame Street set in New York.
Season 38
Image | First Appearance | Word / Description | ||
Episode 4135 | Squid
Brian Williams reports on the word «squid.» Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4136 | Newspaper
Matt Lauer demonstrates how to use a newspaper. His favorite thing to do is make hats. |
Episode 4137 | Dog
Conan O’Brien introduces and dramatizes different varieties of dogs. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4138 | Lazy
Richard Belzer tries to explain the word «lazy,» but he’s too lazy to do it. |
Episode 4139 | Pumpernickel
Rachael Ray talks about the word «pumpernickel» and what it is. |
Episode 4140 | Ballet
Ellen DeGeneres talks about ballet and, donning a tutu, demonstrates the dance. |
Episode 4141 | Tricycle
Alec Baldwin explains what a tricycle is before riding one himself. |
Episode 4142 | Disappear
Chris Brown demonstrates the word «disappear.» |
Episode 4143 | Ticklish
Howie Mandel is tickled by the word «ticklish.» Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4144 | Frustrated
Kelly Ripa becomes frustrated trying to find a paper she wrote explaining the word’s meaning. |
Episode 4145 | Prepared
Chad Pennington demonstrates what it means to be prepared. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4146 | Family
Al Roker displays photos of his family. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4147 | Mystery
Mariska Hargitay explains what a mystery is. |
Episode 4148 | Mail
Christopher Meloni displays a piece of his mail. |
Episode 4149 | Predicament
Charles Gibson is in a predicament: where are his glasses? |
Episode 4150 | Windy
Gina demonstrates what it’s like when it gets windy. |
Episode 4151 | Apology
Ann Curry apologizes for not knowing how to explain what an apology is.
Episode 4152 | Gigantic
Ahmad Rashād loves the word «gigantic.» |
Episode 4153 | Rhyme
Ice-T loves words that rhyme. |
Episode 4154 | Amazing
Rachael Ray thinks a tap-dancing tomato is amazing. |
Episode 4155 | Expert
Diane Sawyer is an expert at blowing bubbles. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4156 | Practice
Jon Stewart needs practice at reading the word of the day. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4157 | Pretend
Meredith Vieira likes to pretend to be a train. |
Episode 4158 | Sigh
Sarah Jessica Parker loves to sigh. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4159 | Angry
Cuba Gooding, Jr. gets angry when the pesky word won’t stay in place for him to talk about it. |
Episode 4160 | Struggle
It’s a struggle for Tyra Banks to put on her sweater. |
Season 39
Image | First Appearance | Word / Description | ||
Episode 4161 | Octagon
Jack Black tries to look for an octagon, when Elmo shows him a STOP sign.
Episode 4162 | Pirouette
Grover demonstrates a pirouette, with the help of Lorena and Lorna Feijóo. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4164 | Compliment
Heidi Klum and Elmo (and Elmo’s shoe) give each other compliments to demonstrate the word. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4165 | Insect
Jenny McCarthy tells the viewer what an insect is, and pretends to be some, attracting a bee. Video: Firefly Fun and Buggy Buddies |
Episode 4167 | Toss
Jason Taylor and Elmo demonstrate the word «toss.» Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4168 | Persistent
David Beckham explains the word «persistent» while Elmo repeatedly asks to play soccer with him.
Episode 4169 | Unanimous
LL Cool J, Elmo and Abby Cadabby try to show «unanimous» by agreeing to go to somewhere, but Oscar intervenes and disagrees with them, making it not unanimous. They turn the tables on him by all agreeing to not go anywhere too, and then when Oscar changes his mind, they agree with him again. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4171 | Glockenspiel
Randy Jackson plays the glockenspiel with a dog. |
Episode 4172 | Half
Chandra Wilson and Murray Monster break things in half, including food, paper and a chair! |
Episode 4173 | Disguise
Jack Black wears various disguises to fool Elmo, but he sees through them each time, until he meets a chicken with Jack’s facial hair.
Episode 4174 | Curly
Neil Patrick Harris and Elmo show things that are curly. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4176 | Stuck
Patrick Warburton has a chicken stuck in his shirt. |
Episode 4180 | Mustache
Jonah Hill shows Elmo his mustache. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4182 | Distract
Megan Mullally tries to talk about the word «distract,» but is distracted by a pig on a pogo stick, a singing stalk of broccoli and a dancing chicken. |
Episode 4184 | Scrumptious
Jessica Alba thinks a pizza, fruit salad and even a talking cake are scrumptious. |
Episode 4186 | Fabulous
Kim Cattrall thinks a fairy with flapping wings that sparkle, a blues-singing shoe and a dancing robot are fabulous! Online: (YouTube) |
Season 40
Image | First Appearance | Word / Description | ||
Episode 4187 | Habitat
Cameron Diaz and some woodland animals describe a habitat.
Episode 4188 | Pair
Sarah Jessica Parker and Elmo explain what a pair is. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4189 | Pollinate
Nancy O’Dell has a flower friend to help explain what pollinate means, but the flower has no idea what it means. A bee buzzing by to do his job helps out. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4190 | Nature
Debra Messing identifies the various parts of nature.
Episode 4191 | Season
Adrian Grenier and Elmo use The Season-Bot 3000 to help explain the word «season.» Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4192 | Quest
Tiki Barber goes on a quest looking for a definition of quest, asking Oscar, Grover and Cookie Monster. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4193 | Hibernate
Meredith Vieira talks about the word «hibernate,» waking up some animals trying to do so.
Episode 4194 | Surprise
Maggie Gyllenhaal explains the word «surprise» and is surprised by Elmo, Zoe, Rosita, Grover, Telly and Abby.
Episode 4195 | Brilliant
Paul Rudd and Grover explain what brilliant means. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4196 | Machine
Greg Kinnear tries to explain the word «machine,» but cannot figure out how. A real-live machine arrives to aid him. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4197 | Crunchy
Adam Sandler tries to explain the word «crunchy,» but finds it hard while Cookie Monster munches on a crunchy cookie. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4198 | Garden
While Jennie Garth describes what a garden is made of, Abby Cadabby makes them appear. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4199 | Camouflage
Elisabeth Hasselbeck wants to explain what camouflage means, but she can’t find her frog assistant. She discovers he has been camouflaged the whole time.
Episode 4200 | Separate
Jake Gyllenhaal separates an octopus from his head. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4201 | Metamorphosis
Patricia Arquette and Abby explain what metamorphosis means. Abby visually demonstrates this by turning Patricia into a penguin.
Episode 4202 | Canteen
Abby Cadabby tries helping Cedric the Entertainer show what a canteen is by making one appear, but instead conjures up a hose, a fish tank and a bucket. Exhausted, she takes a drink from her own canteen. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4203 | Speedy
Brendan Fraser talks about the word «speedy» as he watches Grover run around fast, looking for a restroom. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4204 | Stumble
Ricky Gervais explains what a stumble is, with Grover providing an accidental visual demonstration. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4205 | Inspect
Jimmy Fallon and Elmo inspect each other and the viewer. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4206 | Bones
Matthew Fox explains to Elmo what bones are and displays a «funny bone.» Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4207 | Miniature
Abby Cadabby helps Kobe Bryant show what miniature means by making miniature copies of a book, painting, hot dog and even himself! Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4208 | Booth
Christina Applegate and Elmo introduce the word «booth» and name the different kinds of booths. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4209 | Concentrate
Hugh Jackman and Elmo explain how they concentrate.
Episode 4210 | Spectacular
Judah Friedlander describes the word «spectacular,» which happens to be on his hat. Telly comes by and thinks his hat is spectacular, earning him a chance to wear it. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4211 | Humongous
Debi Mazar looks for something humongous and a large dragon arrives to help. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4212 | Exquisite
Eva Longoria and Elmo showcase things they find exquisite. Online: (YouTube) |
Season 41
Image | First Appearance | Word / Description | ||
Episode 4213 | Challenge
Amy Poehler tries to show what a challenge is by attempting to lift a cow in the air and spin it on her finger. When she can’t do that, she tries the «Pat Your Head and Rub Your Tummy Challenge.» Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4214 | Journal
Wanda Sykes explains what a journal is. She shows Elmo her own journal, who starts to reveal her private entries himself. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4215 | Comfort
Jason Bateman tries to comfort someone to help explain the word’s meaning, but no passing animal needs his help. Elmo finds Jason sad and comforts him himself. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4216 | Cling
A group of animals cling to Jude Law. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4217 | Pasta
Kara DioGuardi and Chef Elmo show the various kinds of pasta. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4218 | Activate
Chris O’Donnell tries to activate a robot, but keeps hitting the wrong remote button, instead activating the music, alarms and sprinklers. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4219 | Investigate
Colin Farrell and Elmo don’t know what the word of the day is and investigate to find out. They are led to a big orange guy with lots of fur, who always knows the word.
Episode 4220 | Appetite
Reggie Bush explains what appetite means, when two monsters appear with a strong hunger for his food. Video: Dance Party! |
Episode 4221 | Binoculars
Julie Bowen and Elmo show what binoculars are. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4222 | Float
Abby Cadabby aids Natalie Morales in showing what float means by making a pumpkin appear (so it can float on water), then making them both float. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4223 | Allergic
Taye Diggs and Idina Menzel try to explain what allergic means, but their animal assistants cause them to break out. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4224 | Hexagon
Abby helps Ty Burrell show what a hexagon is, but conjures up a circle and triangle, before finally turning Ty into a hexagon. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4225 | Accessory
Abby helps Rebecca Romijn show what accessories are by using magic, but gives her more than she needs. «You can never have too many accessories,» Abby states.
Episode 4226 | Arachnid
Jim Parsons has been called upon to talk about the word «arachnid,» but has no idea what the word means. He gets chased by a spider trying to help. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4227 | Incognito
Terrence Howard shows Elmo what incognito means, with visual aids from some disguised animals. Terrence then disguises himself as a certain red monster. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4228 | Recipe
Alton Brown shows Abby what a recipe is and has her help him with one. She conjures up some music, balloons and friends; a recipe for fun!
Episode 4229 | Galoshes
Jennifer Garner and Abby show what galoshes are. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4231 | Identical
Sherri Shepherd and Abby show what identical means. |
Episode 4232 | Healthy
Ellen Pompeo and Elmo explain ways to get yourself healthy. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4233 | Reporter
Elmo becomes a reporter to help Samantha Harris explain the word, but there’s nothing to report on. So, Samantha cooks up a story for him. |
Episode 4234 | Gem
Elmo and Anna Faris try to talk about the word «gem,» but are constantly interrupted by a prince, presenting «the gorgeous Honey-Bunny Ms. Anna» with various jewels.
Episode 4235 | Celebration
LaDainian Tomlinson and Elmo explain what a celebration is. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4236 | Volunteer
Usher shows Elmo different ways to volunteer as they see some animals help Luis and Susan. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4237 | Dozen
Rachel Griffiths shows things in a dozen, including eggs, a tray of bagels and some singing penguins. |
Episode 4238 | Transportation
Zoe Saldana and Elmo pretend to be various types of transportation.
Season 42
Image | First Appearance | Word / Description | ||
Episode 4257 | Engineer
James Marsden and Elmo engineer a spaghetti-serving device. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4258 | Experiment
To demonstrate the word «experiment,» Elmo and Craig Ferguson see how many chickens is takes to lift Craig. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4259 | Liquid
George Lopez, Abby and Elmo provide visual aids of liquids. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4260 | Observe
Jerry O’Connell observes a pie Murray has baked and discovers he’s used pepper instead of sugar. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4261 | Transform
Johnny Galecki and Abby explain what transform means by having Abby transform their pumpkin into a coach. The pumpkin doesn’t transform, but Johnny is turned into a pumpkin. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4262 | Baile
Sofía Vergara and Elmo explain what baile means. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4263 | Fragile
Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Cookie Monster demonstrate the word «fragile» using Tyler’s nana’s cookie jar. Cookie over-eagerness causes Jesse to drop it. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4264 | Exchange
Naomi Watts, Liev Schreiber and Elmo exchange items and kisses. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4265 | Include
Mila Kunis and Elmo show the word «include» when some dancing sheep include them in their dance.
Episode 4266 | Empathy
Mark Ruffalo tells Murray some sad stories to help him understand the word «empathy.»
Episode 4267 | Embarrassed
Embarrassing things happen to Seth Rogen when he and Elmo try to explain the word. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4268 | Fascinating
Abby introduces Michelle Monaghan to some of her «fascinating» fairy-tale friends. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4269 | Sibling
Abby helps Jimmy Kimmel show what a sibling is, calling upon Hansel and Gretel, the Three Little Pigs, and poofing in Jimmy’s own siblings «Timmy» and «Kimmy».
Episode 4270 | Compare
Amar’e Stoudemire and Carmelo Anthony «compare» their basketball skills with Grover. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4271 | Ingredient
Amy Adams and Elmo explain the word «ingredient.»
Episode 4272 | Balance
Emma Stone tries to show the word balance by balancing things on her head, but is unsuccessful. Abby provides some magical help. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4273 | Amphibian
Conan O’Brien talks about the word «amphibian,» but hasn’t brought any visual aids. Abby magically conjures up a toad and newt, before turning Conan into a frog. She changes him back, but finds a few side effects. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4274 | Measure
Drew Brees measures how tall Elmo is by using various items, including a ruler, a potato, and a talking football.
Episode 4275 | Stubborn
Nicole Kidman and Oscar are going to explain the word «stubborn,» but Oscar refuses to help, thus providing an example for her. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4276 | Soggy
Murray Monster tries to provide John Krasinski with soggy items, but he brings a dry sock and sponge. Murray then brings in an elephant, who provides some water (all over John). Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4277 | Deciduous
Elmo asks Ken Jeong to ask a nearby tree if it’s deciduous. It drops its leaves in response. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4278 | Senses
Maria Menounos talks about the senses, while Oscar tries to get rid of her by giving her Grouchy things to use her senses with. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4279 | Prickly
Some «prickly» characters aid Joel McHale explain the word. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4280 | Conflict
Robin Williams wants the Two-Headed Monster to demonstrate conflict, but they (ironically) get along. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4281 | Magnify
Rico Rodriguez and Elmo demonstrate what «magnify» means. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4282 | Stupendous
Gustavo Dudamel conducts some «stupendous» animal musical acts to show Elmo what the word means. Online: (YouTube) |
Season 43
Image | First Appearance | Word / Description | ||
Episode 4301 | Nibble
Elmo brings Halle Berry some animals to nibble on her snacks. The bird and fish take large bites, while the ferocious tiger takes a tiny bite. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4302 | Champion
Abby Cadabby magically pulls Blake Griffin from his basketball game to talk about the word «champion.» He faces against a chicken to be the chicken-call champion.
Episode 4303 | Remember
Abby and Eric Stonestreet explain the word «remember» as Eric remembers a list — «A loaf of bread, container of milk and a stick of butter,» who turn out to be his friends. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4304 | Careful
Casey Affleck and Murray explain what «careful» means while building a block tower. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4305 | Patience
Zac Efron talks about the word «patience» while Elmo waits for him to finish so they can play basketball. They both end up waiting when the ball steps out for some air.
Episode 4306 | Grimace
Ed Helms shows what a grimace is, with a grimace expert judging them. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4307 | Career
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor explains to Abby what a «career» is, explaining that «princess» isn’t one. Abby decides to be a justice like her. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4308 | Tool
Jay Mohr learns about the different types of tools. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4309 | Proud
Abby introduces Timothy Olyphant to her fairy tale friends (Hansel and Gretel, Humpty Dumpty and the Big Bad Wolf) who illustrate what proud means.
Episode 4310 | Veterinarian
Wendy Williams and her dog explain what a veterinarian is with the help of some ailing animals. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4311 | Vote
Steve Carell, Abby and Elmo take a vote on what snack they should have — cheese or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When a third, pizza-party candidate enters the race, they all pick her. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4313 | Brainstorm
Maya Rudolph and Elmo brainstorm ways to explain the word. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4314 | Paleontologist
Amy Ryan and Elmo explain what a paleontologist does and meet a real life dinosaur.
Episode 4316 | Splatter
Abby will help Kristen Bell show splatter by using a splatter spell on Elmo, but unknowingly does it on Kristin’s clean blouse. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4317 | Amplify
Abby helps Dax Shepard show «amplify.»
Episode 4318 | Reinforce
Joseph Gordon-Levitt reinforces his watch so it remains undamaged when Murray brings the hammer down. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4319 | Innovation
Elmo comes up with some innovations to help Paula Patton explain the word. He first invents a «Word-O-Pad» that displays the word, then a Word-O-Bot, and finally makes himself into a robot that sings and dances. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4321 | Choreographer
Elmo introduces Melissa McCarthy to a penguin choreographer.
Episode 4322 | Attach
Matt Kemp and Abby show «attach» using a sticker book and sippy cup. Abby wants to magically attach some numbers to his jersey, but instead attaches some stickers, sippy cups and even herself.
Episode 4323 | Subtraction
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar shows Big Bird subtraction with four birds who are specially trained to subtract themselves when they hear the word.
Episode 4324 | Inflate
Don Cheadle and Elmo show things one can inflate, including Herbie — Elmo’s inflatable friend. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4325 | Sculpture
Elmo is busy making a visual aid for Jon Hamm’s explanation on what a sculpture is, so he finds various ones of different materials (and increasing weights). Just before Jon gets a hernia, Elmo finishes his sculpture — a likeness of himself, which thanks Jon for his compliment.
Episode 4326 | Vibrate
Kellan Lutz shows Cookie Monster things that vibrate, though he would rather go out for cookies. Kellan pulls out his cell phone, which Cookie devours; it soon vibrates from within him. Online: (YouTube) |
Season 44
Image | First Appearance | Word / Description | ||
Episode 4401 | Jealous[note 1]
Abby and Charlize Theron talk about the word «jealous,» a feeling Charlize claims to have never felt before. Soon, she becomes jealous of Abby’s wings. Abby magically gives her some, and now Elmo becomes jealous of Charlize’s wings! Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4402 | Respect
Henry Cavill and Elmo teach the Big Bad Wolf what respect means and ask him to give some to the Three Little Pigs.
Episode 4403 | Fragrance[note 1]
Elmo and Troy Polamalu look for something with a pleasant fragrance. They smell a stinky skunk, onion and sweatsock before Elmo catches the pleasant aroma of Troy’s conditioner. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4404 | Sturdy
John Cho has Abby conjure up things that are sturdy, including a ladder, chair and rope that binds John. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4405 | Relax
Lena Headey talks about the word «relax» with an energetic Murray.
Episode 4406 | Robot
Grover tries to get his robot to help Kunal Nayyar talk about the word «robot.» Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4407 | Texture
Abby helps demonstrate the word «texture» by magically changing Josh Gad into different textural outfits. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4408 | Author
Lauren Graham and Grover demonstrate what an «author» is by writing a short story about a dill pickle. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4409 | Furious
Jesse Williams and Elmo meet an easily furious fly named Felix. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4411 | Imposter
Hank Azaria demonstrates what an «impostor» is by impersonating Cookie Monster, Grover and even Elmo. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4412 | Courteous
Grover tries to show the word «courteous» with Cobie Smulders. Despite not knowing the word, Grover inadvertently demonstrates courtesy by politely asking Cobie to show what it means.
Episode 4414 | Strategy
Dwight Howard and Elmo talk about the word «strategy.» When a tiger takes Dwight’s basketball and starts gnawing on it, the two of them have to think of a strategy to get it back. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4415 | Translate
Benjamin Bratt demonstrates the word «translate» with Elmo, a French-speaking cheese, and a hungry tiger who communicates in roars. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4417 | Disappointed[note 1]
Elmo and Sarah Michelle Gellar talk about «disappointed.» Sarah tries to help further demonstrate the word, but an Anything Muppet worker brings an unfinished disappointed sign, and she gets a chicken instead of cheerleaders. Both predicaments leave Sarah feeling disappointed. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4418 | Adventure
Ginnifer Goodwin and Abby imagine several adventurous scenarios and encounter a real dinosaur who wants to play tag. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4419 | Unique
Bert shows one of his «unique» paperclips and a prized seltzer bottlecap. However, Usher doesn’t think they’re as unique as a sombrero wearing shrimp on a pogostick, or a cabbage driving a taxi cab. In the end, Usher and Bert demonstrate the word by showing off their one-of-a-kind dance moves. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4420 | Cheer
Billy Gardell explains what «cheer» means while Elmo and Abby, who are dressed as cheerleaders, demonstrate. Abby poofs Billy a cheerleading outfit of his own so they can all cheer for the word «cheer.» Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4421 | Confidence
Evan Lysacek and Elmo encourage a nervous Stinky the Stinkweed, ultimately giving him the confidence he needs to explain the word «confidence.»
Episode 4423 | Athlete
Albert Pujols and Grover talk about the word «athlete.» Grover tries to show how great an athlete he is, but fumbles in every sport. He doesn’t realize Albert himself is an athlete. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4424 | Plan
Rutina Wesley, Abby and Elmo come up with a «plan» to explain the word. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4425 | Imagination
Forest Whitaker shows «imagination» by pretending a stick is various things, while Count von Count counts the different things he does. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4426 | Absorb
Anna Kendrick demonstrates «absorb» with Elmo, Abby and Murray; using a sponge, paper towels and Murray’s furry fingers to absorb water. Online: (YouTube) |
Season 45
Image | First Appearance | Word / Description | ||
Episode 4501 | Strenuous
Elmo has Wendi McLendon-Covey demonstrate what «strenuous» means by running, lifting a boulder, and playing tug-of-war with a small but very strong chicken.
Episode 4502 | Repair
Kat Dennings and Abby «repair» the visual aid of the word when it falls over and breaks. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4503 | Skin
Lupita Nyong’o and Elmo talk about their skin.
Episode 4504 | Flexible
Zachary Quinto and Grover demonstrate the word «flexible» by having flexible frames of mind and bending some objects, including their own legs. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4505 | Enthusiastic
Elmo is «enthusiastic» about helping Mindy Kaling explain the word. Mindy is enthusiastic about dancing, but even more so about dancing with chickens. The chickens, however, prefer to jump.
Episode 4506 | Fiesta
Viola Davis gives Elmo some festive clues as to what the Spanish word «fiesta» means.
Episode 4507 | Diagram
Claire Danes and Cookie Monster show off a diagram of a car, then of a cookie, which Cookie Monster naturally devours. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4508 | Ridiculous
Grover puts Aziz Ansari in «ridiculous» situations and outfits to help explain the word. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4509 | Astounding
Ice Cube shows Elmo some «astounding» magic tricks; like making a penny disappear, pulling a baby dinosaur out of a hat, and turning himself into a literal ice cube. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4510 | Coach
Pau Gasol is talking about what a «coach» is and Abby tries riding him to the ball. Pau clears up the confusion and coaches her in basketball. Cinderella shows up in need of a coach…for basketball too. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4511 | Popular
Andy Cohen shows some «popular» things to Elmo, including a pizza slice (a popular food), a football (a popular sport) and the stars of the popular television shows including The Real Houseplants of Atlanta. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4512 | Empty
Murray helps Jonah Hill learn the word «empty» — by emptying a bowl of pretzels, a glass of water and a cage full of wild animals. Jonah catches on by emptying Murray’s crayon box, which was the only thing that calms the animals down. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4513 | Resist
Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Cookie Monster demonstrate the word «resist» using a cookie. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4514 | Awful
To help demonstrate today’s word, Murray gives Adam Scott some «awful» gifts. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4515 | Anxious
Zach Braff and Telly unknowingly demonstrate today’s word «anxious» by worrying over what it is. A delivery man brings them a jack-in-the-box, which displays the word. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4516 | Pattern
Elmo and Craig Robinson show a fruit and vegetable «pattern.» One is missing, so Craig substitutes as a broccoli. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4517 | Grouchy
Elmo and Murray find out what makes Bill Hader feel «grouchy.» Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4518 | Friend
Brittany Snow, Elmo and an array of animals talk about what a «friend» is. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4519 | Divide
Nia Long and Abby show what «divide» means by divvying a group of birds. When they get too rowdy, Abby divides them all into individual boxes. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4520 | Artist
Abby turns Terry Crews into different kinds of artists as The Count counts them.
Episode 4521 | Greeting
Seth Meyers says different kinds of greetings while The Count counts each of them. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4522 | Nimble
Murray writes a version of «Jack Be Nimble» with Zach Galifianakis. To make Zach become nimble, Murray sends a piranha after him. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4523 | Applause
Zachary Levi teaches Elmo the meaning of «applause» by showing some applause-worthy acts, including a tap-dancing tomato and a fire-breathing chicken. |
Episode 4524 | Technology
Christina Hendricks shows off different types of «technology.» When she can’t manage holding them all, Elmo provides her with another type of technology — a backpack. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4525 | Focus
Abby tries to keep Emmy Rossum focused while explaining the word «focus,» but Emmy struggles when an array of animals disrupt her. Online: (YouTube) |
Episode 4526 | Explore
Elmo and Emily Blunt act as jungle explorers to demonstrate the word «explore.» They come across a jewel-encrusted chest housing the Golden Cabbage of Destiny, who requests they leave him alone. Online: (YouTube) |
See also
- Coming Together: Word of the Day
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Kevin Clash performs Elmo for this segment, which was recorded during production for season 43 prior to his resignation. In other Word of the Day segments for season 44, Ryan Dillon plays Elmo.
- ↑ «On the Set of ‘Sesame Street’: Nice work if you can get it». Shaw, Jessica. Entertainment Weekly. September 21, 2012
Jack Black’s Octagon refers to a clip taken from a 2008 episode of Sesame Street[1] in which Elmo teams up with American singer and actor Jack Black[2] to define the word «octagon.» Black’s strange demeanor throughout the skit has led it to become common source material in YouTube Poop Music Videos as well as MAD video remixes.
Jack Black’s Word of the Day skit was first uploaded to Sesame Street’s official YouTube channel on July 18th, 2008 as a teaser for the 4161th episode of the children’s show which premiered on digital cable television channel PBS Kids Sprout on August 11th, 2008. As of February 2013, the YouTube video has been viewed more than 5.7 million times.
The first parody video using this source material was uploaded to YouTube on November 24th, 2008 by warmandcrispy.[3] Entitled «Jack Black defines orgasm,» this video has nearly 6000 views as of February 2013. Throughout 2009, additional YouTube Poop remixes were uploaded with the snowclone title «Jack Black Defines X», which has more than 170 search results on YouTube[8] as of February 2013.
These parody videos saw an increase in popularity after the well-known YTPMV creator MatrixMarioX[4] posted the video «Octagons have ⑨ Sides»[5] in January 2010. This music video also featured the song «Beloved Tomboyish Daughter» from the Touhou Project. As of February 2013, more than 800 videos related to the keywords «Jack Black Octagon» have been uploaded to YouTube.[6] The series also took off on Nico Nico Douga in late January 2010, after someone reuploaded MatrixMarioX’s video[9] and nearly 100 other remixes[7] have been uploaded as of February 2013.
Notable Examples
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External References
Not to be confused with «climb», a clime is a region known for its weather. In the dead of winter, we dream about heading to sunny climes, where we can hang out in shorts.
The key to remembering clime is that it’s so similar to «climate,» with which it shares the Greek root klima, «zone.» So a clime is a zone that has a characteristic climate. Folks in colder climes think nothing of the kind of snowfall that we down here in the south get all panicked about. But then again, when they come here to our warmer clime, they forget to put on sunscreen; people from one clime can learn a lot from a visit to a different clime.
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