How do you say understand in Sicilian?
What comprende means?
comprende. –he/she understands. you understand.
What is Ho Capito?
This is one of the first Italian phrases most of us learn and it will come in endlessly useful. … From that same verb capire we also get the phrase ho capito meaning “I get it” – and obviously today’s phrase non ho capito means the opposite. Literally non ho capito translates as “I haven’t understood”.
See also what is a witch docter
What does butana mean in Italian?
vulgar. prostitute whore. Synonym. prostituta. (Translation of puttana from the GLOBAL Italian–English Dictionary © 2018 K Dictionaries Ltd)
What does beddu mean in Italian?
1) “Beddu” is simply the Sicilian word for “bello.”
What is Goodnight Italian?
If you want to say “good night” in Italian you would say “buona notte.” Slightly earlier in the day during the evening hours you might choose to say “buona sera” (good evening). By the way both expressions work for not only hellos but goodbyes too. Greeting someone earlier in the day?
Is comprende Italian?
From the Spanish comprender (“to understand”) and Italian comprendere. The word in fact means “I understand”.
Is comprende French?
Comprendre is an irregular French “re” verb that is conjugated in the same way that all French verbs ending in prendre are conjugated. … Study the chart and soon you’ll be able to say that nous comprenons (you understand) how to conjugate this verb regardless of its tense or mood.
What language is Comprende?
What does “comprende” mean in Spanish?
What does Di Molto means?
Definition of di molto
: very extremely —used in musical directions.
What’s the meaning of non capisco?
Completely completely understand
Completely completely understand. No no capisco totalmente. No no I understand completely.
What is a putana?
In Hinduism Pūtanā (lit. “putrefaction”) is a rakshasi (demoness) who was killed by the infant-god Krishna. … Putana is interpreted as an infantile disease or bird symbolizing danger to an infant or desire respectively and even as a symbolic bad mother.
What is a goomba in Italian?
Definition of goombah
1 informal : a close friend or associate —used especially among Italian-American men. 2 informal + disparaging : a member of a secret chiefly Italian-American crime organization : mafioso broadly : gangster.
See also what does native country mean
What is the meaning of Patrona?
pa·tro·na Feminine – Noun – Singular Plural: patronas. Translate “patrona” to English: woman in charge employer headwoman.
How do you say cheers in Sicilian?
Saluti – Cheers
So cheers in Sicilian is Saluti.
How do you say Mom in Sicilian?
How do you say dad in Sicilian?
I hear most commonly among Sicilians for ‘daddy/dad’ is papà.
The Italian words for Yes is Sì and the Italian word for No is No! Find out how to pronounce them in this free Italian lesson.
What’s your name in Italian?
Come ti chiami? what is your name? Come si chiama? What’s your name?
What is Bellissimo?
New Word Suggestion. [Italian} meaning: Very Beautiful.
What does Diablo mean?
Spanish for “devil.”
What is Yo comprendo?
yo comprendo. –I understand. See the entry foryo comprendo. yo comprendo. -I understand.
What is Comprehendo?
to comprehend something by the mind understand perceive grasp comprehend. to include or comprehend in words comprise in discourse express describe recount narrate.
What tense is compris?
Daily Verb Lesson: French for understand is comprendre
Simple Tenses comprendre Present Participle: comprenant | ||
Present Présent understand | comprends | comprenons |
Past Imperfect Imparfait understood | comprenais | comprenions |
Simple Past Passé Simple understood | compris | comprîmes |
Is prendre irregular?
Forms of Prendre
This is because prendre is an irregular verb in its conjugation. This verb is irregular because the je tu il/elle/on forms all keep the ‘d’ from the infinitive prendre but the nous vous and ils/elles forms drop the ‘d ’ and the ils/elles form even adds an extra ‘n’!
WHAT IS A in France?
pl n. 1 the text of a part of an actor etc. 2 the text or lyrics of a song as opposed to the music. 3 angry speech (esp. in the phrase have words with someone)
What does kapish mean?
(ŭn′dər-stăn′dĭng) 1. a. The ability by which one understands intelligence: concepts that are beyond the understanding of a child.
What is the synonym of the word understand?
comprehend apprehend grasp see take in perceive discern make out puzzle out recognize keep up with master get to know follow fathom get to the bottom of penetrate divine interpret unravel decipher see the light about envisage.
What does Mia Bella?
“Mia” is the Italian word for “my.” “Bella” is the Italian word for “beautiful.” When placed next to each other these words change the overall meaning of the combination to “my beauty” or “my beautiful girl or woman.” The phrase is often used as a term of endearment toward loved ones or children.
What is Volare Via?
volare via (cappello fogli) to blow away ⧫ fly away or off (figurative) (tempo) to fly.
What does Stunad in Italian mean?
New Word Suggestion. [Italian slang] a stupid person.
See also what is the energy for this process
What is the meaning of Mio Caro?
mio caro. my dear my darling. oh dear. “Oh mio caro ” “il meno che puoi fare ”
How do you pronounce non capisco?
What language is non capisco?
How to say “I don’t understand” in Italian (Non capisco)
Learn Italian While You Sleep ? Most Important Italian Phrases and Words ? English/Italian (8 Hours)
200 Words Every Italian Beginner Must-Know
Understand spoken Italian – Listening Immersion Tips
If you have just explained something to someone, and want confirmation that they have absorbed everything you’ve said, you might ask the question Do you understand? in English. The Italian equivalent is Hai capito?
Learn with our video
The phrase Do you understand? can translate in three ways in Italian depending on who you’re talking to:
- Hai capito? > Informal. When talking to someone you know well.
- Ha capito? > Formal and respectful.
- Avete capito? > Plural. Used when talking to groups of people.
In English, we use the present tense to form this question, but Italians tend to use the present perfect tense (passato prossimo). The literal translation would be Have you understood?
Comunque, è per questo motivo che non devi andare lì di notte. Hai capito?
Anyway, that’s why you mustn’t go there at night. Do you understand?
In informal situations, Hai capito? is often abbreviated to just Capito?, much in the way English speakers say Understood? You hear? or Got it?
In some cases, you can form the question in the present tense: Capisci?
- Capisci? > Informal. When talking to someone you know well.
- Capisce? > Formal and respectful.
- Capite? > Plural. Used when talking to groups of people.
There are instances where Italians prefer hai capito to capisci and vice versa. For example, the former is often used when giving commands, or when you are upset with someone:
Non devi toccare niente nella stanza del nonno, hai capito?
You must not touch anything in grandpa’s room, do you understand?
Se non la smetti di fare i capricci, non ti porto al parco. Capito!?
If you don’t stop acting up, I won’t take you to the park, understood?!
However, following a longer explanation, both capisci and hai capito can work.
Non devi toccare niente nella stanza del nonno, altrimenti lui si arrabbia con me e con te. Hai capito?
You mustn’t touch anything in grandpa’s room, otherwise he’ll get mad at you and me. Do you understand?
Se tocchi qualcosa nella stanza del nonno, lui si arrabbierà con me e con te. Capisci?
If you touch anything in grandpa’s room, he’ll get mad at me and you. Do you understand?
Hai capito is also used to conclude an explanation, which is why it makes sense with commands because you don’t really want to leave the discussion open. Capisci, on the other hand, may be used in the middle of a conversation. Let’s see two other examples.
Comunque ora sai tutto. Non è stata colpa tua. Hai capito?
Anyway, now you know everything. It wasn’t your fault. Do you understand?
Non sappiamo cos’è successo, quindi non possiamo sapere di chi è la colpa. Capisci?
We don’t know what happened, so we can’t know whose fault it is? Do you understand?
Responding to Hai capito? / Capisci?
The correct response to these two questions are as follows:
Hai capito?
Ho capito. = I understand.
(lit: I have understood.)
Can be abbreviated to just capito in informal Italian.
Non ho capito. = I don’t understand.
(lit: I haven’t understood.)
Capisco. = I understand.
Non capisco. = I don’t understand.
This article is also available in video format on our YouTube channel. The audio version can be found on Podbean, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast and Spotify.
Learning Italian for beginners is sometimes easier than it seems. Since so many English words come from Latin or French, there are a huge number of similarities with Italian words. This can be a huge advantage when it comes to learning a language. Learning a language like Chinese or Russian might be more difficult. Learn about how Latin infiltrated European languages.
Have you decided to learn Italian? That’s a great idea! Why not delve into Italian’s historical past.
The best way to practise, improve your comprehension, and learn more is to head straight to Italy and immerse yourself in the language.
However, before you get on the plane, you should probably get to grips with some of the essentials.
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By basic Italian vocabulary, we mean the very basics that will help you get by from the moment you arrive in the country.
You just need a few short a simple words that will help you communicate right from the start with Italians.
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Here are our essential Italian expressions:
Yes: si
No: no
Hello: buongiorno
Goodbye: arrivederci
Hi: ciao
Please: per favore
Thank you very much: grazie mille
How are you?: come stai?
Sorry to bother you (and excuse me): scusi il disturbo (scusi)
Nice to meet you: piacere
Help: aiuto
Good evening/good night: buonasera/buonanotte
See you tomorrow!: a domani
See you in a bit!: ci vediamo dopo
See you soon: a presto
How much is it?: Quanto costa?
Good luck: in bocca al lupo
Today: oggi
Monday: lunedì
Tuesday: martedì
Wednesday: mercoledì
Thursday: guivedì
Friday: venerdì
Saturday: sabato
Sunday: domenica
January: gennaio
February: febbraio
March: marzo
April: aprile
May: maggio
June: giugno
July: luglio
August: agosto
September: settembre
October: ottobre
November: novembre
December: dicembre
And finally, don’t forget the numbers:
0: zero
1: uno
2: due
3: tre
4: quattro
5: cinque
6: sei
7: sette
8: otto
9: nove
10: diece
20: venti
30: trenta
40: quaranta
50: cinquanta
60: sessanta
70: settanta
80: ottenta
90: novanta
100: cento
1000: mille
Just like in English, there are a few irregularities but you need to start somewhere.
Find and start taking Italian classes Edinburgh.
Here are a few examples of what we’ll call “intermediate Italian vocabulary” for starting conversations in Italian.
Introducing Yourself:
My name is…: mi chiamo…
I’m British: sono britannico
Welcome: benvenuto(a)
I’m … years old: ho … anni
Do you speak English?: parla inglese?
I don’t speak Italian: non parlo italiano
I speak a bit of Italian: parlo un po’ d’italiano
Sometimes, you’ll struggle to understand Italians.
Just like the British, Italians can speak very quickly in their own language.
Here are a few expressions to help you in situations like this:
What? Come?
I don’t understand: non capisco
I didn’t hear that: non ho sentito
Could you speak more loudly, please?: si può parlare un po’ più forte, per favore?
Could you speak more slowly, please?: si può ripetere lentamente, per favore?
Could you spell that, please?: si può incantesimo, per favore?
Could you write that, please?: si può scrivere, per favore?
All these expressions will be useful whether you’re visiting Italy or have decided to live there.
Once you’re there, you’ll need to get around:
Right: a destra
Left: a sinistra
Straight on: dritto
Next to…: accanto a…
Where is … ?: dov’è …?
If you don’t feel like walking, here are some essential expressions when it comes to transport:
Car: auto
Bicycle: bicicletta
Bus: autobus
Train (station): treno (stazione)
Aeroplane (airport): aeroplano (aeroporto)
A ticket for …: un biglietto per…
Where is this train going?: dove va questo treno?
Street: via
Everyone needs to eat. Here are some handy terms you’ll need if you don’t want to starve.
Breakfast: colazione
Lunch: pranzo
Dinner: cena
Eat: mangiare
Drink: bere
Fish: pesce
Chicken: pollo
Ham (pork) : prosciutto (carne di maiale)
Beef: carni bovine
Cheese: formaggio
Bread: pane
Fruit: frutta
Pasta: pasta
Egg: uova
Rice: rizzo
Salt/pepper: sale/peperone
Water (fizzy): acqua (frizzante)
Wine: vino
Beer: birra
Juice: succo
Tea/coffee: tè/caffè
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With these words and expressions, you should be able to start a conversation with a native speaker, get food, and find your way around town.
Advanced Vocabulary
Let’s go up another level.
You’ve learnt enough in your Italian lessons to speak Italian, start living in Rome, Florence, Milan, or wherever you like in Italy.
Now you need to find a place to live:
Free room: camere libre
One person/two people: une persona/due persone
Visit: visitare
Bathroom: bagno
Television: televisione
Living room: salone
Room: pezzo
Flat: appartamento
House: casa
Hotel: albergo
Once you’ve settled in, you’ll need a few daily essentials:
Soap: sapone
Shampoo: shampoo
Toothpaste: dentifricio
Razor: rasoio
Deodorant: déodorante
Toothbrush: spazzolino da denti
Toilet paper: carta igienica
Tampon: assorbenti interni
Perfume: profumo
When it comes to buildings, these are a few useful words to know:
Bank: la banka
Clothes shop: negozio di abbigliamento
Market/supermarket: il mèrcato/supermercato
Shopping centre: il centro commerciale
Post office: l’ufficio postale
Petrol station: la stazione di benzina
Restaurant: il ristorante
Nightclub: la discoteca
Hospital: l’ospedale
Police station: la polizia
Bakery: il panificio
Cinema: il cinema
Talk About Family In Italian
Living to the stereotypes, Italian people are often very close to their family, and asking about relatives is a common chit-chat subject when meeting someone in the street or when catching up.
Many beginning Italian learners ask, “How do I talk of my family in Italian?” If you’re asking the same question, you’ve come to the right place!
Family plays a big role in Italian culture, so you should certainly learn the words and phrases for explaining yours.
As you continue to learn the Italian language and culture, you’ll start to understand the significance of la famiglia. And soon you’ll be asked to explain your family to others.
Study the helpful Italian phrases and words below, so you’ll be able to carry a conversation about your family in Italian!
- il marito (husband)
- la moglie (wife)
- il fidanzato (fiancé)
- la fidanzata (fiancée)
- il cognato (brother-in-law)
- la cognata (sister-in-law)
- il suocero (father-in-law)
- la suocera (mother-in-law)
Did you know that in Italian, «i parenti» means relatives, and not parents? This false cognate is often abused by Italian newcomers. The correct word for parents is: «i genitori». And a more informal way to introduce your parents is «i miei».
A common inquiry when learning about someone’s family is who’s the oldest and who’s the youngest.
Below are some useful Italian expressions to correctly answer this question:
- maggiore or più grande (the oldest)
- minore or più piccolo (the youngest)
- di mezzo (the middle)
If you ever need to describe your marital status, you can use the following terms:
- sposato/a (married)
- nubile (single)
- dicorziato/a (divorced)
- separato/a (separated)
- vedovo/a (widowed)
When having a talk about your people, there are some essential grammar tips you must keep in mind.
When referring to a unique member of the family, don’t use the definite article. For instance, «tua sorella» is correct, and «la tua sorella» is incorrect. If there is more than one member, you should use the definite article as you would usually. For example, «le tue sorelle».
This rule, however, becomes void if the single family member you are pointing out is modified in some way ( with an adjective, prefix, suffix, or if the possessive is «loro»). In these circumstances, use the definite article.
Here are some examples:
- il mio caro cugino (cugino is modified by the adjective caro)
- la mia bisnonna (nonna is modified with the prefix –bis)
- il mio fratellino (fratello is modified with the suffix -ino)
- la loro sorella (sorella is used with the possessive loro)
In addition, when employing expressions such as mamma and papà, if you use the article (i.e. la mia mamma / il mio papa) it has a more tender meaning. If you use it without the article (mia mamma / mio papà) it simply expresses the connection as your mother or father.
Check for Italian conversation classes London.
Tips and Tricks for Making Yourself Understood in Italian
With all the words and phrases in these lists, you should be able to get by with a few simple Italian conversations.
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Of course, you’ll also need to study online or with a private tutor. This will help with improving your understanding of the language and concepts like Italian verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc. That said, there are plenty of ways to make yourself understood in a foreign language without speaking a word of the language of the country you’re in.
Tips and Tricks for Making Yourself Understood in Italian
The first thing you can do is gesture as you speak. You can mime what you’re trying to say. Researchers have proven how important physical gestures are when it comes to communicating. They reckon that 60% of communication is non-verbal. Don’t forget that Italians are famous for expressing themselves non-verbally. Gesture as much as you can.
The Internet: A Useful Tool for Those who Don’t Speak the Language
Thanks to the Internet, it’s never been easier to find an image of what you’re trying to say. Consider getting a mobile data package. You can also use on-line tools to help you translate words and expressions. Google Translator is the most popular. Your phone could be your saviour if you’re completely lost.
Try Speaking a Language You Both Know
Have you ever ended up completely out of words in a language you can’t speak very well? Don’t panic. In cases like these, you can always look for common ground.
Maybe you both speak French? Italy does share a border with France, after all. Maybe Spanish? If all hope’s lost, you can always try reverting back to English, not that it’ll help you learn Italian. You can always ask if they speak a language other than Italian.
Here are a few sites that are useful for when you can’t remember how to say something:
Collins: an English-Italian dictionary
Wikitravel: this page has guides on how to pronounce Italian words
Above all, don’t forget to learn about Italian history and culture and meet Italians. It’s one of the best ways to learn Italian for free.
Learning idiomatic expressions are also a great way to learn more about the language and broaden your understanding of Italian culture.
If you love sayings and proverbs, here’s a short list of some of our favourite ones:
Chi due lepri caccia, una perde e l’altra lascia: You must not run after two hares at the same time.
Criticare è più facile che fare: It’s easier to criticise than to do.
Aiutati che il ciel t’aiuta: Help yourself and God will help you.
Chi monta più alto che non deve cade più basso che non crede: The climb is harder than the descent.
A nulla serve piangere sul latte versato: Don’t cry over spilt milk.
Chi contro a dio gitta pietra, in capo gli ritorna: If you throw a stone in the sky, it will fall on your head.
Fortunato in amore non giochi a carte: Lucky at cards, unlucky in love.
Quando si parla del lupo se ne vede subito la coda: Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
You’ll notice that a few of them are very similar.
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Being Polite in Italian
When you want to be polite in Italian, you need to use a different pronoun for the person you’re talking to. We call this dare del Lei.
The personal pronoun “Lei” can be used in both the masculine and feminine to talk to a single person and conjugates with the 3rd person singular of the verb. Whether it’s the personal pronoun, the direct (La, L’) or indirect (Le) objects, it’s always written with a capital letter!
Titles are also very important in Italy. In Italy, degrees are valued. In fact, you can be dubbed “avocatto” or “dottore/dottoressa” once you complete a degree. This is due to some differences between the Italian university system in the past.
Just like in English, manners in writing can be very important. You can also see expressions like “gentilissimo” for starting a letter in the same way you would use “dear” in an English letter.
There are plenty of ways to be polite in Italian:
Piacere: Please
Grazie: Thank you
Scusi?: Pardon?
Mi scusi: Excuse me
Mi dispiace: I’m sorry
A presto: see you soon
Arrivederci: goodbye
Buongiorno: hello
Bene grazie: I’m fine, thank you.
Come sta ?/come stai ?: How are you? (formal/friendly)
Prego: you’re welcome
Grazie: Thank you
Scusi: pardon
Per favore: Please
Professional Italian Vocabulary
In terms of development and gross domestic product, Italy is one of the highest ranked countries in Europe and the world. It’s Human Development Indicator (HDI) puts it 27th out of 190 countries.
With one of the most significant markets in the world, Italy is particularly famous for luxury products and Italy remains one of the UK’s top trading partners. Whether it’s to impress business partners, clients, or look for new contracts, being able to speak Italian can do wonders for your career.
However, when it comes to doing business in Italian, there are a few things you should know:
Discussions are often very animated
Italians are likely to make physical contact
Quality is as important as quantity (especially when it comes to wines)
Italians hate arrogant and condescending behaviour
Italians can sometimes be lax when it comes to timekeeping (though you should still be on time)
There’s a certain balance in Italian business between modern management techniques and older notions of camaraderie and respect.
Whether you’re in tourism, catering, or offering luxury products, you’ll have to work on your Italian writing and speaking in order to communicate during meetings and seamlessly integrate yourself into Italian businesses.
Given that the world is becoming increasingly globalized, it never hurts to have an additional foreign language, too. Why not choose the world famous Italian.
Here’s a short list of some important Italian vocabulary for anyone working in Italy:
il lavoro: work
il lavoretto: job
in subappalto: subcontracting/outsourcing
il contratto di lavoro: work contract
il contratto a tempo determinato/indeterminato: fixed-term/permanent contract
la forza lavoro: the workforce
l’assunzione: hiring
il periodo di prova: trial period
la disoccupazione: unemployment
rimanere disoccupati: become unemployed
lavorare in proprio: self-employment
delocalizzare una fabbrica: relocate a factory
salire nella gerarchia aziendale: climb the ladder
il datore di lavoro: employer
il principale: the boss
la manodopera: manpower
il dipendente/l’impiegato: employee
l’operaio: worker
lo stagionale: seasonal employee
la pensione: retirement
il sindacato: union
risolvere una vertenza: resolve a conflict
scioperare: go on strike
fabbrica: factory
sopprimere posti di lavoro: cut jobs
Quanto costa?: How much is it?
E a buon mercato: That’s cheap
E troppo caro!: That’s too expensive
Si puo abbassare il prezzo?: Could you lower the price?
Vorrei comprare…che, di questo!: I would like to buy that!
Adoro/Odio: I love/hate
Soldi: Money
Sto solo guardando: I’m just looking
Dove si trova la banca?: Where is the bank?
Music: How Italian Travelled the World
While most music now seems to be exported from the US, it was the Italian language that defined most of the terms.
In fact, long before Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, and Ray Charles, it was in Italy during the Renaissance and Baroque periods when music was developed.
Bear in mind that music was so important here at the time that almost every musical term in the world originates from Italian.
Even without ever having studied Italian, if you’ve studied music, you’ll know a lot of Italian words:
A cappella: In the style of the chapel. Singing without instrumental accompaniment.
Adagio: slowly
Allegro: fast, quickly and bright
Altissimo: very high
Andante: at a walking pace
Concerto: concert
Crescendo: growing
Decrescendo: decreasing
Forte: loud
Mezzo forte: moderately loud
Opera: work
Pianissimo: very quiet
Piano: quiet
Poco a poco: little by little
Un poco forte: a little loud
Un poco piano: a little quiet
Presto: quick
Tempo: time
In addition to expressions like the dolce vita, there’s always been a certain romanticism attached to Italy and Italian culture.
Italian Linking Words
These are used whether you’re speaking Itlaian with several people or just to your private tutor.
Words like “and” and “so” and “then”.
These words are hugely important when it comes to joining ideas together, expressing opposition, and just making your speech more coherent. These words can make the different between an intermediate speaker and an advanced speaker of Italian. Of course, you can’t just throw these words in anywhere. You need to correctly use them in the right places and for the right reasons.
However, you can’t use them at all if you don’t know what they are. Here’s a short list of some of Italian linking words that are useful in a huge variety of situations:
Da sempre: Ever since
Dapprima: First
Poi: Then
Invece: Instead
Un tempo: Once
Oggigiorno, ai nostri giorni: Nowadays
Ormai: Henceforth
In futuro: In the future
Sempre più, sempre meno: increasingly, decreasingly
Spesso, talvolta: Often, sometimes
Nella maggior parte dei casi, per lo più: In most cases, mostly
Pero, tuttavia: But, however
Invece: Instead
Mentre: While
Quindi, dunque: Therefore
Difatti, in effetti: In fact
Inoltre: Furthermore
Percio: So
Cioè: That is to say
Nonchè: As well as
Per quanto riguarda: Regarding
Purtroppo: Unfortunately
Per fortuna: Fortunately
Come si dice, come si vede: As they say, as you can see
Va notato che: It should be noted that
Dal punto di vista: From the point of view
Di solito: Usually
Si è soliti pensare che: It’s usual to think that
In linea di massima: In principle
In primo luogo: Firstly
In secondo luogo: Secondly
In terzo luogo: Thirdly
Secondo me, a parer mio, da parte mia: In my opinion
Va notato che: It should be noted that
BONUS: A Few Italian Slang Words
Since the first words that everyone wants to learn are the naughty ones, we’ll give you a few examples.
However, even though slang words vary from region to region and are generally not seen a good light by the general public, they can be handy when it comes to making friends on the street in Italy.
From a “madonna” (a general term that also includes blasphemes) in Northern Italy to the local slang in Modena, you can find slang all over Italy. As I said, the first words anyone seems to want to learn in a language are the curses and insults.
Without further ado, here they are:
Minchia means “cock”. However, it’s more commonly used like “fuck” is in English.
Che cavolo… “What the heck…”. This is more often used when speaking to children as it’s less offensive.
Che palle: That sucks. Like a strong version of “What a load of bollocks”
Me ne frego: I don’t care
Figlio di buona donna: Son of a good woman. However, it’s actually used to insult someone’s mother.
Rompiscatole: A person who’s a pain in the neck. A nuisance, bother, etc.
Scopare: Sweep. However, this is used to mean “sleep with someone”
If you want to hear more slang, the best way to learn is to hang out with Italian’s in the street. Everyday language is a great way for expats to integrate themselves into Italian culture.
Here are a few other useful expressions:
That’s great: Favoloso or Stupendo
I love it: Mi piace da morire, mi fa impazzire, impazzisco per
I don’t believe it: Me dai!, Davvero?, Me va là!
[Slang] What do you want?: Ma che cazzo vuoi? (BEWARE: “cazzo” is considered very vulgar)
I don’t care: Non me ne frega niente
If only: Magari
Bye: Arrivederci
Pardon: Scusa
Please: Prego
I don’t understand: Non capisco
A nuisance: Rompiscatole
Why Learn Italian Anyway?
This language is only spoken in a handful of countries with only about 60 millions native speakers.
Where civilisation started
Study Itlaian art history in the land that inspired Michelangelo. Read La Divina Commedia in the words of Dante. Walk the streets where Archimedes ran naked shouting Eureka!
A fresh UNESCO report states that over 60% of the world’s art treasures are to be found in Italy. The Italian language is key to investigate and research in the fields of art history, literature, archaeology and philosophy.
Why did Mozart write so many of his treasures in Italian rather than in German? Have you ever questioned what Luciano Pavarotti is singing when he belts out a phrase in a powerful high C?
Knowing Italian allows you to better appreciate and enjoy classical music. Performers and opera singers consider it a key professional skill.
For the Passion Of Food
In many European nations, much of the advertising is in English. It’s used to carry the notion of modern and fashionable in much the same way we use the French language to promote perfumes as classy and the German language to show tech as reliable.
An incapacity to understand English in these countries suggests an inability to understand your immediate surroundings and the same goes for us English speakers in the omnipresent Italian restaurants.
This is not a serious issue — you know what you’re going to get if you order a spaghetti bolognese. But did you understand that the arrabiata of the spaghetti arrabbiata literally means angry, and that the primavera of your pasta primavera means spring?
And when you eat farfalle (the ribbon shaped pasta), you’re eating butterflies. Pretty much every stop to an Italian restaurant can become a language course. In no time at all you’ll be requesting for one panino, instead of one panini (like asking for one sandwiches), and two cappuccini rather of two cappuccinos.
Some useful tips for eating out in Italy:
If you intend to experience the real Italian cuisine, try not to go to the so-called “touristy” establishments, because those are the worst. You’ll find them usually very near to the main tourist attractions and you’ll see a lot of international people eating there.
Food is very significant for the Italian people and there are lots of great places that you can go to. How to find the best places? Just look about—very often they’re small private restaurants with only a couple of things on the menu and only Italian people attending them.
In those places, you’ll surely use some Italian, since almost no travellers go there and the staff won’t be used to talking in English.
Before we get to the useful phrases you will need, here’s a language quirk that’s very important to understand. Il bar in Italian doesn’t refer to a bar, like a place where you can go for a drink with your best friend. Il bar is the counter where Italians down their coffee and where you can go for a quick espresso or for breakfast.
Learn how to order the best pasta while in Italy, using these Italian phrases:
- Posso prenotare un tavolo per due? — Can I book a table for two?
If you want to go to a fancy restaurant and try high-quality Italian cuisine, it’s always best to reserve a table. Italians constantly go out for dinner, so if you don’t book a table you might not be able to eat where you want.
Another phrase to try out is
- Siamo in due, possiamo prenotare? (We are two, can we book?).
- Possiamo ordinare? — Can we order?
When you’ve made your decision and are ready to order, just call your server and ask him or her,
- Possiamo ordinare?
- Siamo pronti e vorremmo ordinare. (We are ready and we would like to order.) is another expression you can use.
- Voglio ordinare una bottiglia di vino rosso, quale mi suggerisce? — I want to order a bottle of red wine, which one would you suggest?
Wine is a requirement in Italy. If you’re not familiar with the Italian wines, don’t be afraid and ask for advice using the phrase above.
- C’è una specialità locale? — Is there a speciality of the area?
Every area in Italy has different specialities and it’s always a good idea to ask the servers if there is any.
- Vorrei ordinare un dolce. — I would like to order a dessert.
Don’t skip the dolci. A tiramisù is nevermore a bad choice!
- Possiamo avere il conto, per favore? — Can we please have the bill?
When you’re ready to pay, simply ask your server for the bill. Just don’t be surprised when you notice the coperto (cover fee) on it. It’s an added fee per-person and it’s usually somewhere around two or three Euros.
Become Fluent In Italian With A Tutor
Despite Brexit, the Italian community in London and the rest of the UK remains strong. About 600,000 Italian immigrants, live and work in Great Britain, mostly in London.
If you aren’t lucky enough to have Italian friends that would be willing to teach you their mother tongue, you will definitely be able to find someone ready to tutor you.
OfCourseItalian aims to provide fun and relaxed Italian Classes or Italian language courses in London. Their classes are taught in cosy venues by native tutors. They encourage their students to speak Italian as much as possible to ensure they are comfortable with everyday scenarios.
Their qualified tutors share a same vision of a communicative teaching style.
They are passionate about what they do and they know how to plan an effective and engaging class. OfCourseItalian ensures that tutors hold an Italian university degree and a teaching qualification. This enables them to teach Italian to non-native speakers.
OfCourseItalian develops students’ authentic linguistic and communicative skills. All classes are taught in Italian. Students are encouraged to speak the language from the first lesson and their lessons are engaging and dynamic to expose students to the spoken language
OfCourseItalian is also pretty flexible as students can choose the time and the place for thier Italian classes. Tutors tailor student’s class to their needs and pace of learning and plan lesson to help students progress at the next level and reach fluency.
Hiring a private tutor can help you cover the bases of the Italian language:
- Italian classes London
- Italian lessons Glasgow
- Italian lessons Birmingham
- Learn Italian online