Italian word for you are beautiful

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If you want to pay a compliment to the lucky lady in your life, a romantic phrase that never fails is Come sei bella! or Ma come sei bella!

The phrase is made up of the following components:

Ma (but) + come (how) sei (are) + bella (feminine form of bello meaning ‘beautiful’)!

The ma at the beginning is not mandatory but it does add extra emphasis.

The literal translation is But how beautiful you are but in English you will most likely hear the phrases You’re so beautiful, You look beautiful or Look how beautiful you are.

Depending on the region, you may hear (Ma) quanto sei bella instead. Quanto means how much in Italian.

Carla, ma quanto sei bella stasera?!

Carla, you look so beautiful tonight!

smiling woman with red dress sitting at the bar

A simpler way to pay a compliment to a woman is to say: (tu) sei bella (you are beautiful).

In Italian, there is the option of dropping the personal pronoun if the subject of the sentence is already clear from the context. For this reason, you’ll often hear the abbreviated Sei bella! rather than Tu sei bella! in conversation.

In order to say that a woman is very beautiful, you have two options: you can either place the adverb molto (very) in front of bella or you can add on the suffix -issima to bella to create the superlative.

Tu sei molto bella!

You are very beautiful!

Sei bellissima!

You are very beautiful!

woman with evening dress in front of street lights

Some related phrases you might want to try out include:

  • Tu sei così bella! = You are so beautiful!
  • Che bella che sei! = Look how beautiful you are!
  • Tu sei la donna più bella del mondo! = You are the most beautiful woman in the world!

The masculine form of bella, which is bello, translates as handsome when used to describe the physical appearance of a man.

Tu sei bello!

You are handsome!

Come sei bella di Massimo Di Cataldo

Songwriter and musician Massimo Di Cataldo wrote this song in 1999. It was one of the most broadcasted singles on the radio.

Come sei bella
Come sei bella
Come sei bella
Come sei bella

Ogni giorno che passa mi piaci di più
Soprattutto mi piace pensare che tu
Come me non ti senti mai schiava del tempo
E sai essere unica in ogni momento
E perché nei tuoi occhi rivedo me stesso
E mi sento già libero da ogni complesso
Perché a te non importa di avere difetti
Ma ti piaci lo stesso anche per questo sei bella

Come sei bella
Vedi come sei
Come sei bella

Nella luce sottile del sole al mattino
Rovistando con ordine nel tuo casino
Quando fissi il tuo viso riflesso allo specchio
E ti passi col dito sulle labbra il rossetto
Mi piace guardarti che non te ne accorgi
E spostare lo sguardo se poi tu mi guardi
Per non farti cadere nella timidezza
Quello strano timore di non essere bella
Nel sorriso rubato alla notte vedi come sei
Mentre muovi le mani distratte

vedi come sei bella

Come sei bella

Perché segui l’istinto più della ragione
Perché sai perdonare ogni mia distrazione
Perché sei naturale anche se stai tra la gente
Non ti lasci confondere dalle apparenze
Anche quando la vita ti rende insicura
Anche quando nel cuore c’è un po’ di paura
Anche quando ti perdi nella tua incertezza
Nella dolce amarezza vedi come sei bella

Come sei bella
Come sei bella
Come sei bella

Forse non te lo aspettavi ma sai

Così bella io non ti ho vista mai
Fa che sarai quella che sei

Come sei bella
Come sei bella
Come sei bella
Come sei bella
Come sei bella
Come sei bella
Come sei bella
Come sei bella

How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are

Each day that goes by I like you more
Above all I like to think that you

Like me you never feel like a slave of time
And you know how to be unique at every moment
And because in your eyes I see myself
And I already
feel free from every complex
Because you don’t care about having flaws

But you like yourself anyway and you are beautiful for this reason too

How beautiful you are
See how you are
How beautiful you are

In the thin morning sunshine

Rummaging through your chaos with order
When you stare at your face reflected in the mirror
And you rub the lipstick on your lips with your finger
I like to look at you without you being aware
And move my eyes away if you then look at me
To not let you fall victim to shyness

That strange worry of not being beautiful
In the smile stolen from the night you see how you are
While you move your distracted hands
You see how beautiful you are

How beautiful you are

Because you follow instinct more than reason
Because you know how to forgive each of my distractions
Because you are natural even when you are among people
You don’t let yourself be confused by appearances
Even when life makes you insecure

Even when there is a bit of fear in the heart
Even when you lose yourself in your uncertainty
In the sweet bitterness you see how beautiful you are

How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are

Maybe you didn’t expect it but you know
I’ve never seen you so beautiful
It makes you what you are

How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are

How to say beautiful in Italian? A teacher of Italian as a second language shows how to say ‘bello’ the right way, any time you need it!

One of the first Italian word people learn is ‘bello’ = beautiful.

It is a very useful word in any language but it is a particularly useful one to know in Italian since it is widely used in very many different contexts.

The fact that Italy is also called ‘Il Bel Paese’ (The beautiful country) says it all!

Bello means beautiful in Italian however, you find this word declined differently depending on the sentence.

Also, it is used in many idioms and colloquial expressions that may leave you confused.

This is my quick guide to say beautiful in Italian!

Top tip! If you want to learn a few Italian phrases and words for your travel, you can find over 100 of them in this article with the most useful Italian phrases for tourists.

How to say beautiful in Italian: bello, bella, belli, belle

The Italian word for beautiful is bello.

However, Italian uses different forms of the word ‘bello= beautiful’ depending on the gender and quantity of the thing you are talking about (yes, in Italian everything is either masculine or feminine, even objects!).

To use the word beautiful the right way, this is what you need to know.

Singular Plural
Masculine Bello, bel, bell’ Belli, Begli, Bei
Feminine Bella, bell’ Belle, bell’

Bello  – masculine, singular, you say ‘bello’ about a man/male or also a place or anything the Italian language identifies as masculine.

For instance:

  • Questo quadro e’ bello: this painting is beautiful
  • Quel ragazzo e’ bello: that guy is handsome
  • Che bello! How beautiful!

If you want to say that any of these things is very beautiful you simply add ‘molto’: molto bello! Very beautiful!

Bello can be used after the noun it refers to, which is the norm with most Italian adjectives, or you can use it in front.

When used in front, it sometimes changed its form, for example:

  • Un bel paesaggio – a beautiful landscape
  • Un bell’albergo – a beautiful hotel
  • Che bel ragazzo: what a handsome boy
  • Un bel piatto di pasta: a beautiful plate of pasta
  • Un bel giro in gondola: a beautiful gondola tour

You use bel for singular, masculine nouns starting with consonant

You use bell’ with singular, masculine names starting with vowel.

In front of words starting with sp, st, sg and sc, you keep bello: un bello spettacolo – a beautiful show.

Bellabella is feminine of bello and it is used before or after singular, feminine nouns.

Some examples are:

  • Una bella ragazza – a beautiful girl
  • Che bella signora – what a beautiful lady
  • Una bella citta’ – a beautiful city
  • Come sei bella! or Quanto sei bella! you are so beautiful!
  • Una bella vacanza – a beautiful holiday
  • La Toscana e’ molto bella – Tuscany is very beautiful
  • Che bella vista – what a beautiful view
  • La vita e’ bella – life is beautiful

Like bello, bella can get shortened in front of certain words for instance instead of saying una bella isola you say una bell’isola: Capri e’ una bell’isola con mare azzurrissimo – Capri is a beautiful island with very blue sea.

The plural of bella is belle: La Sicilia e la Sardegna sono delle belle isole – Sicily and Sardinia are beautiful islands.

Need to know: Ciao bella!

Literally, ciao bella means ‘Hello beautiful’ and you may have heard in in movies with guys shouting ‘ciao bella’ to attractive girls passing by.

However, there is much more to the expression that this use (also, do not do it, it’s rude!).

Ciao bella is nowadays very popular between friends, especially girlfriends.

When you meet up or on the phone, it is very normal to say ciao bella as a term of endearment, like saying ‘hi darling / my dear’

Belli – belli is masculine plural and you use it in expressions such as I quadri di Caravaggio sono belli e famosi.

Like bello, in its full form belli usually comes after the noun.

If it precedes it, it may change form for instance in front of vowel a good example can be

  • Che begli occhi marroni che hai – what beautiful brown eyes you have
  • Che bei bambini! What beautiful children!
  • Venezia ha dei begli alberghi – Venice has beautiful hotels

Piu’ bello, bellissimo: very beautiful stunning

Piu’ means plus in Italian so when you add it to bello you get ‘more beautiful’.

This is used when comparing to things and to say that one is more beautiful than the other.

If you want to say that something is very beautiful, you use bellissimo – or bellissima (she) bellissime (female plural), bellissimi (masculine plural)

The full expression would me

  • Questo albergo e’ piu’ bello di quesllo di ieri – this hotels is more beautiful than the one yesterday
  • Bellissimo! Very beautiful!
  • Bellissima! Very beautiful (female)
  • Una bellissima ragazza: a very beautiful girls
  • Sei bellissima: you are very beautiful (to a girl)
  • Hai dei figli bellissimi you have very beautiful kids
  • Gli uomini italiani sono bellissimi: Italian men are very handsome
  • Hai degli occhi bellissimi: You have very beautiful eyes
  • Sei la donna piu’ bella del mondo: you are the most beautiful woman in the world

More examples on the way, you may want to pin this for easy access!

chalk board with written 'how to say beautiful in Italian' and camomile flowers on the side

Other ways to say beautiful in Italian

Carino/a – pretty, pleasant in appearance or manner. This can be used for people or a place

  • Un ragazzo carino: a nice boy
  • Un paese carino con un bel museo – a nice village with a beautiful museum
  • I proprietari sono molto carini: the owners (hosts) are very nice
  • Una ragazza carina e gentile: a nice and kind girl

Attraente – attractive

  • Un ragazzo attraente – an attractive guy
  • Una ragazza attraente – an attractive girl

Di bell’aspetto – of good appearance, beautiful, good looking (slightly old fashioned)

Un signore di bell’aspetto e sempre bel vestito: a good looking man always well dressed

Affascinante – fascinating, alluring, both a person or a place.

Venezia e’ affascinante, piena di segreti – Venice is fascinating, full of secrets

Un uomo affascinante e misterioso – a fascinating and mysterious gentleman

Una donna affascinante e colta – a fascinating, educated woman

Delizioso – delightful

This is usually used for something pretty, dainty or cute, such a child or a someone exceptionally pleasant.

Una persona deliziosa (a lovely person): a person with a lot of attention and nice thoughts for others.

Incantevole – enchanting

Una serata incantevole – an enchanting evening

Un paesaggio incantevole, da cartolina – a delightful landscape, picture perfect

Da cartolina is also a good one to know, you get two in one with this last example!

Stupendo – stunning

Roma e’ stupenda – Rome is stunning

Un viaggio stupendo – a wonderful trip

Magnifico – magnificent

Just like in English, this is slightly lesser used than other expressions on this page but still correct and poignant when used correctly.

Un pasto magnifico – a magnificent meal

Lorenzo il Magnifico (name) – Lorenzo the Magnificent/Great

Splendido -splendid, wonderful

Un posto splendido – a wonderful place

Straordinario – extraordinary

Venezia e’ straordinaria – Venice is extraordinary

Un servizio straordinario – exceptional service (for instance in a hotel)

Favoloso – fabulous

Un posto favoloso – a fabulous place

Una colazione favolosa – a fabulous breakfast

Spettacolare / Uno spettacolo (informal) – spectacular, lit. ‘a show’

La Costiera Amalfitana e’ spettacolare – The Amalfi Coast is spectacular / very beautiful

Questa cena e’ uno spettacolo – this dinner is wonderful

Songs to learn the use of beautiful in Italian you can find on Youtube

  • Bella – by Jovanotti
  • O bella ciao – partisan song, listen to the version by Giorgio Gaber
  • Amore Bello – by Claudio Baglioni
  • Sei bellissima – Loredana Berte’

I know learning Italian is not easy, I hope these examples helped you figure out how to say beautiful in Italia!

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