It often rain in this part of the word

Ребята, кому не трудно, помогите пжалста….

Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1) It (often / rain) in this part of the world.
1-is often raining   2-often rains

2). Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs.
1-rains    2-is raining

3) Granny is in the kitchen. She (make) a plum-cake.
1-is making   2-makes

4)My wife (often / make) plum-cakes. 
1-is often making   2-often makes

5)Can you phone a bit later, please? Jane (have a bath).
1-is having a bath   2-has a bath

6) Run downstairs. Your sister (wait) for you.
1 -is waiting   2 -waits

7)  I don’t know Spanish, but I (learn) it now.
1-am learning   2-learn

8)  John (still/work) in the garden.
1-is still working  2-still works


Dad (usually/work) on Saturdays.
1-is usually working  2-usually works


Usually I (have coffee) in the morning, but now I (drink) tea.
1-am having coffee, drink    2-have coffee,  am drinking

  • 0

Раскройте скобки и выберите правильный вариант.

1. It often (rain) in this part of the world.

a) is often raining b) often rains

2. Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs.

a) rains b) is raining

3. Granny is in the kitchen. She (make) a plum-cake.

a) is making b) makes

4. My wife often (make) plum-cakes.

a) is often making b) often makes

5. Can you phone a bit later, please? Jane (have a bath).

a) is having a bath b) has a bath

6. Run downstairs. Your sister (wait) for you.

a) is waiting b) waits

7. I don’t know Spanish, but I (learn) it now.

a) am learning b) learn

8. John (still/work) in the garden.

a) is still working b) still works

9. Dad usually (work) on Saturdays.

a) is usually working b) usually works

10. Usually I (have coffee) in the morning, but now I (drink) tea.

a) am having coffee/drink b) have coffee/am drinking

11. We sometimes (go) to the cinema.

a) are sometimes going b) sometimes go

12. What she (do)? – She is a secretary at our college.

a) is she doing b) does she do

13. Why you (sit) at my desk? Could you take your place, please?

a) Why you are sitting? b) Why are you sitting?

14. We’ve got tickets, and tomorrow evening we (go) to the cinema.

a) go b) are going

15. … you (do) anything tomorrow afternoon? – I (play) tennis with my friend.

a) Are you doing/am playing b) Do you do/play

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1 b
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 a
6 a
7 a
8 a
9 b
10 b
11 b
12 a
13 a
14 b
15 a

  • Комментариев (0)

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Put the verbs into Present Simple or Present Continuos
1. Bad news (travel) fast.
2. It (often/rain) in this part of the world.
3. I can not go out in the street. It (rain) heavily.
4. I don’t know Spanish but I (learn) it know.
5. We sometimes (go) to the cinema.

1 ответ:



1. Bad news travel fast.

2. It often rains in this part of the world.

3. I can not go out in the street. It is raining heavily.

4. I don’t know Spanish but I am learning it now.

5. We sometimes go to the cinema.

Читайте также


1. was playing 
2. was senting 
3. was recovering 
4. was reading 
5. was watching 

Do you very busy or free the whole week? 
Do you have any sports or music?
Do you enjoy watching films or reading books?

You are go swimming pool, isn’t you?
You go jogging, don’t you?
You don’t play chess, do you?

Who is your best friend? 
Who is your favourite actor? 
Who is your favourite artist?

Do you go at the cinema every weekends? 
Do you do your homework at the evenings?
Do you sleep in the morning?

What is your hobby?
Where do you enjoy to be at your free time? 
What is your favourite place?

1) made a trip 
2) During our holidays 
3) To play on the beach
4) Swim in the sea
5) To find a room 
6) write in your diary
7) had terrible weather
8) to make sandcastles

<em>1. Usually boys place chairs to a lesson of English language. 2. At you the interesting cultural program. 3. We can invite group of pupils (students) of 11 persons to a lesson of drama art. 4. You will remain after mathematics? 5. Boys from our school have agreed will meet at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.</em>

Замените глагол (в скобках) правильной формой, подходящей при подстановке в данное предложение.
Образец 1. I… to Italy twice. (be) — I have been to Italy twice.
Образец 2. Nancy… this book yet. (not read) — Nancy hasn’t read this book yet.

Peter this week.(not see)

Сообщить об ошибке
Введите пропущенные слова или словосочетания в поля для ввода текста.
Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses
Question 3
Выберите верный вариант перевода предложения.

Я никогда не был в Англии.

I was never in England.
I have never been to England.
I am never in England.
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Выберите все правильные ответы.
Present Simple and Present Progressive Tenses
Question 4
Выберите верный вариант.
What time … your father finish work in the evening?

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Present tenses with a future meaning
Question 5
Отметьте предложения, в котором настоящие времена (Present Progressive или Present Simple) имеют значение будущего времени.

Ann isn’t free on Saturday. She is working.
I’m going away tomorrow morning. My train is at 8.40.
She is reading a magazine.
I don’t like cooking.
I’m growing a beard now.
Sam’s plane arrives at midnight.
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Выберите все правильные ответы.
Present Simple and Prеsеnt Progressive Tenses
Question 6
Отметьте неверно оформленные грамматически предложения.

What are you do now?
We sometimes going to the theatre.
I hate big cities.
How much does it cost to send a letter to Paris?
Tom is in his room. He plays the piano.
It often rains in this part of the world.
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Prеsent Simple Tеnsе
Question 7
Заполните пустoе полe в предложении, используя один из глаголов (do, does, don’t, doesn’t).

Can you help me? I
know the way to the market.

Сообщить об ошибке
Введите пропущенные слова или словосочетания в поля для ввода текста.
Adjectives: degrees of comparison
Question 8
Употребите прилагательное в скобках в сравнительной или превосходной степени в зависимости от смысла предложения.

Where is it (beautiful)
more beautiful,
, in the mountains or near the sea?

Сообщить об ошибке
Введите пропущенные слова или словосочетания в поля для ввода текста.
Articles ‘a an’ , ‘the’
Question 9
Вставьте нужный артикль ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ или тире (-) при его отсутствии.
My parents live in

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Введите пропущенные слова или словосочетания в поля для ввода текста.
Prеsеnt Simplе, Present Progressive, Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses
Question 10
Выберите верный вариант.

My wife … home yet.

hasn’t come
didn’t come
doesn’t come
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Выберите все правильные ответы.

Лексико- грамматический тест.

I. Fill in:  A. some.     B. any.       C. no.

  1. There are … schools in this street.

  2. Are there … pictures in your book?

  3. There are … flowers in winter.

  4. I can see …children  in the park.

  5. We haven’t got … milk.

II. Fill in: A. much.      B. many.

  1. Please, don’t put … pepper on the meat.

  2. There were … plates on the table.

  3. I never eat … bread with soup.

  4. There are … new pictures in this room.

  5. Why do you eat so … ice cream?

III. Fill in with prepositions:

  1. … summer I lived in the country.

  2. But … September I came back to Moscow.

  3. I went to school … the 1st of September.

  4. I didn’t go to school … Sunday, but … Monday I was in the classroom … 8.30 … the morning.

IV. Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  1. It (often/rain) in this part of the world.

                       A is often raining

                       B often rains

  2. Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs.

                        A rains

                        B is raining

  3. Granny is in the kitchen. She (make) a plum-cake.

                        A is making

                        B makes

  4. Can you phone a bit later, please? Jane (have a bath).

                        A  is having

                        B  has a bath

  5. Usually I (have coffee) in the morning, but now I (drink) tea.

                      A am having                                        A drink

                       B have coffee                                      B am drinking

What’s It Like Being Queen?

Private Secretary- личный секретарь

Paperwork- канцелярская работа

Ambassador- посол

Bishop- епископ

   Being Queen is a really busy job. Elizabeth II gets up early and begins the day by looking through the newspapers. Then she reads letters from the public (she gets more than 1,000 each week), and tries to answer them all. The queen has daily meetings with her Private Secretary who helps her to go through her paperwork, and lots of meetings with ambassadors, new judges, and bishops.

   In the afternoon Elizabeth II often goes out on public meetings— she gets thousands of invitations each year. She opens new hospitals, bridges and factories.

   Being Queen is not a 9 to 5 job, and Elizabeth II has to work from early in the morning until late at night. And people watch her all the time.

   Of course, she has some free time, and some private life, but less than most people.

   In her free time Elizabeth II enjoys horse racing, fishing, and walking in the countryside. She also enjoys photography and likes taking photos on her travels.

   It is remarkable that there is one Queen in the UK, but she has two birthdays. The Queen celebrates her actual birthday on April 21st , which she spends with her friends and family. She also celebrates her official birthday in June.

Reading test.

I. Choose the most appropriate variant of the sentence that corresponds to the main idea of the text.

The text is about

a) the Queen’s daily meetings.

b) the Queen’s hobbies.

c) the Queen’s daily routine (режим, порядок)

II. Choose the correct answers.

1. How does the Queen begin her day?

    A  She reads the newspapers.

    B   She watches TV.

    C   She listens to music.

2. Who does she have daily meetings with?

    A with a judge

    B with a Private Secretary

    C with a Vice-President

3. How many letters does the Queen get?

   A more than 1,000 each month

   B more than 1,000 each month

   C less than 1,000 each week

4. How much time does the Queen work every day?

   A from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.

   B  from early in the morning until late at night

   C  from 10 a.m. till 7 p.m.

5. What does the Queen do in her free time?

   A She enjoys horse racing, fishing, and walking in the countryside.

   B She enjoys tennis, cricket, and playing golf.

   C She enjoys painting, drawing, and singing songs.

III. Agree (+) or disagree (-) with the following statements.

a) The Queen gets less than 1,000 letters each week.

b) The Queen has her daily meetings with her bishop only.

c) Private Secretary helps the Queen to look through her paperwork.

d) The Queen has lots of meetings with her Private Secretary.

e) In the afternoon the Queen goes out on public meetings.

f) The Queen gets hundreds of invitations each year.

g) Elizabeth II has to work from early in the morning until late at night.

h) People don’t watch the Queen all the time.

i) The Queen has a lot of free time.

j) In her free time the Queen enjoys football.

k) The Queen also enjoys photography.

l) The Queen has one birthday.

Test on listening.

 I. Choose the most appropriate variant of the sentence that corresponds to the main idea of the text.

The text is about

a) the famous English writer.

b) the writer’s servant.

c) Swift who taught his lazy servant a good lesson.

II. Choose the correct answers.

1. How did Swift and his servant travel one day?

   A on horseback

   B by foot

   C by train

2. What was the weather like?

   A It was snowing.

   B It was raining.

   C The weather was fine.

3. What did Swift ask his servant to do before going to bed?

   A to bring some water to drink

   B to sing his favourite song

   C to clean his boots

4. Why didn’t the servant obey (послушался) his master?

   A Because the servant was very  tired.

   B Because the servant forgot his master’s words.

   C Because the servant was lazy.

5. Why did the servant look displeased?

   A Because he had not eaten his breakfast yet.

   B Because he didn’t want to travel.

   C Because his master shouted at him.

III. Complete the sentences.

a) Swift, the famous ___________ writer , was traveling one day.

b) It was raining and the roads were __________.

c) But the servant was ______ and didn’t do what his master had said.

d) What is the ______ of cleaning the boots now?

e) The servant looked very displeased and said that he had not eaten his ______ yet.

f) “What is the use of ________ now?” said Swift.

IV. Agree (+) or disagree (-) with the following statements.

a) Swift, the famous American writer, was traveling one day.

b) Swift was traveling with his servant.

c) In the afternoon they came to a hotel.

d) Swift asked his servant to iron his shirt.

e)The servant didn’t want to clean Swift’s boots.

f) Swift saw his dirty boots and began to shout at his servant.

g) The servant was displeased that he had not eaten his breakfast.

h) Swift taught his lazy servant a good lesson.


   Swift, the famous English writer, was traveling on horseback with his servant. The weather was bad. It was raining and the roads were muddy.

   It was getting dark and the two men decided to stop in a hotel. Before going to bed Swift asked his servant to clean his boots, as they were very dirty.

   But the servant was very lazy and did not do what his master had said.

   When Swift saw his dirty boots the next morning, he asked the servant why he had not cleaned them. The servant answered that he had not done it because they would soon become dirty again.

   “The weather is bad, the roads are muddy. What is the use of cleaning the boots now?” said the servant.

   Swift didn’t say anything. He told his servant to get ready to start at once. The servant looked very displeased because he had not eaten his breakfast yet.

   “We’ll go without any breakfast,” said Swift. “What is the use of eating now? You will soon be hungry again,” he added.

Answer sheet.










































































I. c.

II. 1. A; 2. B; 3. C; 4. B; 5. A.

III. a)-; b) -; c) +; d) -; e) +; f) +; g) +; h) -; i) -; j) -; k) +; l) -.


I. c.

II. 1. A; 2. B; 3. C; 4. C; 5. A.

III. a) English; b)  muddy; c) lazy; d) use; e) breakfast; f) eating.


I. 1. A; 2. B; 3. C; 4. A; 5. B.

II. 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. A.

III. 1. in; 2. in; 3. on; 4. on, on, at, in.

IV. 1. B; 2. B; 3. A; 4. A; 5. B, B.

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  • It my word against yours
  • It like they have a different word for everything
  • It jobs in all over the word
  • It isn t spell the word
  • It isn t raining choose the right word